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Just wanted to encourage and remind you that I'm sure your sharing of proper and accurate Catholic teachings/Dogma do not always fall on deaf ears...
I couldn't help myself... I cut and pasted your response to 'Fr. Ray Ryland' to the editor of 'This Rock' magazine...
In Christ,
Lida Lewis
Just have to share this one with you. My sister is finally edging towards seeing the light. She related to me that she had just attended a Novus Ordo "1st Holy Communion" mass in which the priest celebrating produced a McDonald's Happy Meal and passed it out to the children. His comments were that the mass and eucharist was like a "happy meal" only "not as tasty"! Well, there you have it. The N.O. priesthood is nothing more than a protestant ministry in which these guys view the mass (not as a sacrifice) but as a "meal" that is "not quite as tasty" as one at McDonalds! What a sick message to send to children!!! How painful it is to think of the corruption of these children.... yet, we must not view this as anything more than protestant celebration. They are not Catholic at all,,,, I hope she will begin to see the light now.... I have passed along to her your dvd on the N.O. mass... thanks for that dvd!
Always something new at the Novus Ordo… thanks for the information.
Congratulations on your latest Heresy of the Week article on the SSPX, and your comments on the interview with "Bishop" Tissier de Malleray. I admire the courage with which you speak the truth and point out the contradictions and absurdity of the SSPX position of recognizing Benedict XVI as Pope while not being in communion with him. I used to be involved with the SSPX (I was founder assistant editor of their Magazine in the UK entitled Mater Dei) but left it a few years ago, inter alia, because of its inconsistency on so many issues (e.g. the New Mass is "valid" but "evil", the 1962 Mass is OK if we say it, but nobody should attend the same Mass if it is an Indult Mass and so on). The SSPX plays fast and loose with Canon law and theology to suit its position at any given time. I was disgusted with the obsequiousness and fawning of SSPXers towards their priests to the point of idolatry, where "obedience" to the priest included intrusion into many aspects of people's private lives. I considered the SSPX to be more and more a cult. I entirely agree with you therefore in ridiculing the toadying of the interviewer. I also think that the SSPX is becoming its own church by granting annulments and having other "canonical commissions" which take more and more powers reserved to Rome upon itself. The SSPX is absolutely unscrupulous in its selective or distortion of sources to support its position, as you have shown so well in your book Outside the Catholic Church There Is Absolutely No Salvation. By speaking the truth, without fear or concern for flattery and human respect, you have my admiration as so few so-called Traditional Catholic websites speak the truth clearly as you do. God Bless you and your ministry, and you have convinced me of the truth of the sedevacantist position.
Best wishes
Mel Gibson says, in this article that his wife is in danger of hell, she is a member of the Church of England and he believed that outside the church there is no salvation. Maybe you guys have got across to him! He said it to a Australian new source. Great work!
Pray for me a sinner.
Mike Knowles
First of all, he calls his non-Catholic wife a saint, something one could never say about a non-Catholic. It’s very common that those who deny the dogma sometimes affirm it, as even Msgr. Fenton says (below). The unfortunate fact is that Mel Gibson clearly denied the dogma in his interview with Diane Sawyer: (more…)
Dear Brothers Peter and Michael,
I have just read the article on the Consecration of Russia. WOW. I am literally stunned by the information therein. DO YOU HAVE REPRINTS? I have forwarded the article to everyone who's Catholic on my computer address book, but would like about 10 for handing out.
Thank you.
Jean Pollock
We don't have any printed copies of that article at this time. It will be included in a book we will have available in a few months. [Update: Book now available here] But in the meantime people will have to get it from the website. Related: The Whole Truth about the Consecration and Conversion of Russia and the impostor Sr. Lucy
Dear Dimond Brothers
I read your article about the EWTN book. I would like to add that Mother Angelica had great admiration for Antipope John XXIII. I heard her say on one of her episodes of EWTN live that "the Holy Ghost inspired him (John XXIII) to open up the Council (Vatican II).
Yes, what was mentioned in the article about Mother Angelica was just the tip of the iceberg as far as her apostasy goes. That’s why those who are just a little bit familiar with it can see what an outrageous lie is being pushed in this new book on EWTN, that she was “counter-modernist.” Mother Angelica was a major false prophet for the devil, whose network has been very important in neutralizing “conservative” members of the Novus Ordo to accept the Vatican II religion, which rejects Jesus Christ. It’s interesting to note that Mother Angelica claimed visions along the way of establishing her network; no doubt these were more of the false signs and wonders spoken of in Scripture to deceive those who receive not the love of the truth. Related: EWTN Exposed: EWTN and the Charismatic Movement
Dear Brothers, this is another excellent article. I agree with you. I tossed my free book in the garbage.
God bless you.
I have been reading extensively on the Chaos of the Church. I have been reading every anti-Sede article I have come accross from the Fatima Crusader, CFN, Mr. Sungenis, etc. I have not seen a good argument. Then I read your responses and you BLOW THEM AWAY!!! I guess the truth does that to the untruth…
-Jaime Soria
Dear Brothers Dimond,
I am sending to you an e-mail for the first time and I am happy to send it to you,in order to express my heartfelt thank to you for revealing the Truth of Holy Catholic Faith to ignorant people like me.
I am a Unversity student from UK who began to concentarate serously on Catholic Faith very recently. Although born as a Catholic I did not practise it whole heartedly since I was 10,only practised it outwardly to appease my parents.I was an ardent supporter of Marxism and then I was intriguied by Liberalism.Believe me I am telling you the truth I was the greatest "fan" you could have ever found for JP II.I was quite able to get along with his liberalistic and marxist convictions and I was used to by heart the homilies and speeches which he made. In our home there is still a framed photograph of JP II which hangs in our living room.I had his photograph in my study room at University Hall until YESTERDAY.
But when I went through your materials regarding Vatican II sect and its antipopes I could not deny those strong arguments and I completely in agreement with the sedevacantist position which deny the autority of Vatican II and its antipopes.You can imagine how hard was it for me to reject JP II who is an ardent pupil and defender of him and finally I did it.I REMOVED his potrait from my room.I know for sure that my parents still have him in the living room and I will reveal them the whole truth when I return home.
Dear Brothers I have basically two questions.I sincerely believe that you will send me your clarification at your earliest convinience.
1)As you sited in your article regarding Bishop Williamson,you quoted St.Alphonus Ligouri in which he(St.Alphonus) says that all canonizations made by pope are infallible and he is guided and helped in a special way by the Holy Ghost in the process of canonization.I accept it whole heartedly.But something coming from the "Traditionalist camp" disturbs me.They questions the canonization of St. Therese,the little flower o Jesus.They say that she explicitly believed that ALL can be saved without coming to Catholic Faith.That disturbs me very much.Please clarify me.
2)I was born in 1982 and you know that I must have been baptised by a novus ordo preist who are in complete union with Vatican II doctrine.So I am wondering whether my baptism is valid, this is a question which torments me night and day.Please clarify me.
I am looking forward a quick reply from me.Clarfy me !!!!!!!
I need your help.
Yours in Christ,
Milan, that’s great to hear. Concerning your questions: 1) We have never seen any quotes from St. Therese stating that all men are saved, which is a horrible heresy. 2) The Church teaches that even heretics can validly baptize. So, even a Novus Ordo priest can validly baptize if he adheres to proper matter and form. If you have some reasonable doubt about your baptism, however, you could get a friend to perform a conditional baptism. The conditional form of baptism is given on our website.
Dear Brothers Dimond,
I must say that was a breathtaking article. I will have to read it again there is so much to absorb. To think people living in this country knew little or next to nothing about what was going on under Stalin and Lenin. Reading history sources like Barnes Review, I have learned a great deal about those times and places, but I did not piece it together the way you have. It makes some of the things I read stand out in my mind and appear in a very different light. I wish now I had not given away those magazines, and could go back and reread some of the things I want to remember.
That there was an imposter Sister Lucy was not hard to imagine with all the contradicting stories, (and I did imagine it for some time) but the way you put it all together it would be almost impossible not to see the idea of imposter as anything but a rational and logical means to their end.
Dear Brothers Dimond,
Wow! What a bombshell! Just finished reading your explosive new article concerning Fatima and the consecration of Russia, and I must say it leaves one a bit breathless. It really seems to be the missing piece in the puzzle. I am a genuine Roman Catholic, sedevacantist, etc. and of course, knew something was amiss concerning this whole subject. Your thorough "sleuthing" seems to have solved the quandary. I, too, am planning to reread -- there is so just so much to digest. Once again, I thank you with all my heart for your fabulous and incomparably important work. God bless you!
Sincerely in Christ,
Margaret Moore
Dear Brother Dimond
Congratulations on an excellent article! Having studied this period of history, I am impressed by how your perspective explains a lot of how history developed during this time…Best wishes
Excellent article.
Keith M.
[Subject: Great article on the Fatima consecration]
I finished the article on the Fatima consecration. I made a copy for Father [x] and another copy for people to read after mass.
The information you present puts the novus ordo and false traditionalists in perspective. The pictures of both the real and fake Sister Lucy are very convincing.
I wonder if Mr. Gruner will close up shop now? :o)
Dear Brothers, I read your article on Fatima with great interest. Very well done. I had given up on the explanations of N.Gruner long ago. What I'd like to know is how should we devotedly observe Fatima today?
Thank you and God bless you in your excellent work.
The imperfect peace must be about over considering the Middle East and all the activity going on there and the rising tide of Islam over the whole world. And the New Order Church is collapsing upon itself as more and more the truth of what it is becomes clearer for all to see. Yet so few seem to see, or even want to see.
God Bless and keep up the good work.
Mary Ann Davis
Dear Brother Peter,
Last night I discovered your newest article "The Whole Truth about the Consecration and Conversion of Russia and the impostor Sr. Lucy." I began to read, with fascination, facts that I certainly had not heard before. I do recall a telephone conversation with Brother Michael several years ago which touched on the premature death of Sister Lucia. How these revelations would turn the world upside down!
I hope to finish reading the piece today. Thank you for this great piece of research that you have produced.
Judith Andrews
Thanks, we’re glad you liked it. The best way to observe Fatima today is to have a true devotion to the Holy Rosary (pray 15 decades each day if you can), and make St. Louis De Montfort’s consecration to the Blessed Virgin as described in his book, True Devotion to Mary. If you have not read the book Our Lady of Fatima by William Thomas Walsh, you really should. It’s one of the best books out there, and the best on the pure message of Fatima, in our view.
Is the article, The Whole Truth about the Consecration and Conversion of Russia, available in printed form to be ordered? RoyMHFM: Not right now. But it will be available in a book we hope to publish this summer.
I have been receiving CFN for years now and have progressively been getting sicker and sicker of the blasphemies levied against the Church. The only reason I maintained subscription was to keep up with the latest outrages. I now see I was wrong because I don't need them to fill me in with their convoluted blasphemous accusations against what they consider the Bride of Christ. Yes, I'm tired of them trashing the good name of all that is Catholic. According to that paper, the Church is so blemished with heresy and errors that it is a joke to call it Catholic. Yet, it's OK to throw perpetual rocks at this Church they call Catholic and at it's "pope"... Just don't say he's not pope!!! That's right... stone him, flog him, beat him senseless for destroying millions of souls and the faith of almost the entire Catholic world, disobey him, slander him, set up Churches and orders apart from him, mock him, resist him to his face BUT please please please don't say he's anything less than the "holy father" the "head" of Christ's Bride and Church, the Pope of the world! Chris Ferrara's latest pablem was so sickening that I refuse to renew any further subscriptions. Yes, funny how Mr. Ferrara NEVER mentions to his readers that there are sound reasons for sedevacantism based on INFALLIBLE teachings of Popes! Funny how he NEVER mentions anything about Paul IV's Bull which directs the laity specifically to reject anyone in office as warlock who would "deviate" from the faith! That Bull states that even if the laity are wrong about their conclusion, they are free to reach such a conclusion with impunity IF they (the laity) perceive the cleric to be a heretic. So, according to real Catholic teaching even if the sedevacantists are wrong (and they aren't) and Ratzinger is the pope they still by virtue of that Bull have every RIGHT to hold he is NOT pope and withdraw because Ratzinger has been shown without doubt to have "deviated" from the faith,,,,PERIOD. Enough of this garbage about us being schismatic, it is Mr. Ferrara who is schismatic and I hope you punch him back soon on this latest pile of puke!
Well said… It’s the same thing with “Tradition in Action”; their continuous rants on how their “Pope” contradicts this Tradition and denies that teaching and mocks this dogma (all the while still asserting that he’s not even a heretic!) have grown tiresome – no, they have grown into blasphemies against the Church and the Papacy. Really, someone should tell them and Catholic Family News: just be quiet until you’re ready to denounce him for the non-Catholic heretic he is. Regarding Ferrara, his arguments have already been totally refuted; there is no sense in pounding on a corpse. (I mean, his “Pope” believes in the Joint Declaration with the Lutherans on Justification and Ferrara thinks he’s a Catholic; what more does one have to say?) Ferrara doesn’t address our arguments anyway; he sticks with fighting with his chosen opposition, Fr. Cekada, because Fr. Cekada does a pathetic job of producing heresies from Vatican II and Antipope Benedict XVI. (The reason for this is that most of the heresies of Antipope Benedict XVI have something to do with the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation, which Cekada also rejects).
Dear Bro. Michael Dimond,
Greetings and Christ's blessings for this year. I am a Catholic doctor(endocrinologist/diabetologist) from Goa; currently working in the Middle East.
Its been some months since I have been strongly influenced by Traditional Catholicism.I was agnostic several years back and so I am familiar with comparative religion as well. I am not a scholar, but the wealth of writings about(against the Novus ordo) has made me come to the same belief that the validity of the Novus Ordo is at least doubtable...if it is not invalid... Unfortunately neither in India nor here do we have any Traditionalist groups.
I begin the New Year with some joy of having reached at the truth. Of course, I have suddenly become an orphan with no real Church or Mass to go to!! I have stopped going for the Mass altogether. I feel sadder for the rest of the Catholics who really do not know or do not want to know...the Church as we know it is just heading for destruction..
I have read many arguments against sedevacantism and it is really sad that those who write such excellent articles against the heresies of the post-conciliar church cannot reason when it comes to a matter as simple as this… I believe in things that many Traditionalists unfortunately don't: 1)Opposition to the evil practice of NFP. I consider it a serious heresy and sinful and part of Satan's deception.
2)I strongly believe in the absolute interpretation of the "Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus"(EENS) dogma...the way Fr.Feeney believed. I believe this is the fundamental dogma of the Catholic Church and any undermining of it or to say that " God is not bound by the Sacraments" a concession for the 'invincibley ignorant'.. ..would amount to at the worst denying the Incarnation and at the least denying the need for the Incarnation/Death and Resurrection to be known by humanity at all..the so called 'unknown Christ'..!! I believe that if God is not bound by the sacraments; then God had no reason to incarnate…
Greetings once again and God bless.
Dr Neil de Jesus Rangel. MD Medicine,.DM
Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain.
It’s great to hear that you have the true Catholic Faith. We will say a prayer for you.
I have been reading the articles on your site & have watched the video of the heresy of JP2. I have to say, I was awake most of last night after that video…
Blessings to you,
We’re glad you watched the video. Yes, the facts in that tape are such that if a person of good will watches carefully through the entire video he will be convinced that John Paul II was not the Pope. And knowing the truth on this matter should not render a person diffident or discouraged, but happy to be enlightened of the truth on the matter. Knowing what’s really happening is comforting and liberating (despite, of course, the sadness and desolation that sometimes accompanies a deep consideration of the current state of spiritual affairs). This knowledge should make one feel zealous to go forward and share the truth with others, and fight for the true Catholic Faith in this time of almost universal apostasy. A person’s reaction after seeing the truth that John Paul II was not the Pope (as well as Paul VI, Benedict XVI, etc.) should not be: “Oh, no, John Paul II was not the Pope!” Rather, it should be: “Thank God this non-Catholic heretic was not the Pope! And thank God Vatican II was not a Council of the Catholic Church!”
Your latest argument against Mr Ferrara (Heresy of the week) finally convinced me that there has been no pope on Saint Peter's See ever since the death of Pius XII. I have long remained reluctant to admit it entirely, not because I am a member of SPPX (for lack of other nearby possibilities of finding Catholic Masses and Sacraments), but only because the prospect looked too terrifying to be taken seriously… Well, I guess it has to be faced : 2 and 2 are 4 and "Let your 'yes' be a 'yes', your 'no' be a 'no' : everything else comes from the devil". Besides, such situations already happened in the past, which I KNEW, but refused to ADMIT !... Funny how the human mind works sometimes...
Thank you ever so much for your spiritual help, and God may bless you !
François Thouvenin
Strasbourg (France)
Dearest Brothers Dimond,
B R A V O ! ! ! Just finished reading your response to Robert Sungenis on your website and I stood up and cheered. The clarion call of truth is so evident when seen in direct contradiction to the abominable heresies of the devil. And thank you for the background on this man. Very telling. I certainly hope that many, many people are finding you on the internet. Ah, I can only say God bless you with his choicest graces for this glorious work you are doing!
Sincerely in Christ the King,
Margaret Moore
Dear Brother Dimond,
I hope you recall that we had an online conversation a few months ago about the topic "outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation." I… maintained that those who are invincibly ignorant of the Catholic religion have some hopes of acquiring salvation through the mercy of God; well, after reading your book online as well as various other documents, I have come to this conclusion: unless one dies a baptized Catholic in the state of grace, he shall suffer eternal damnation, no exceptions whatsoever, and to believe in this argument of "invincible ignorance" is to reject the Catholic Faith totally.
Thank you for enlightening me on this matter; please pray for me that my faith may grow.
God bless you and Mary keep you.
Adam Twardowski
That’s great to hear; yes, we will.
Bro Dimond,
Just a few weeks ago I received your package with the videos, tons of reading material, and your book "Outside the Catholic Church There is Absolutely No Salvation". I want to thank you for all of your hard work in not only defending the faith, but in also teaching the faith to those (like myself) who have been led astray these past 40 years. However, I have an interesting observation that I was thinking of while working my way through your book. You spend alot of time talking about the necessity of Baptism for salvation and also refuting the false theory of "Baptism of Desire". Well, a scripture that always troubled me came to mind. In The Acts of the Apostles chapter 8, we read about Philip and his encounter with the Ethiopian eunuch. Specifically, after the Spirit told Philip to go to the man, and after Philip had preached Jesus to him, the eunuch said something which had always been astounding to verse 36 the eunuch says, "See, here is water: what doth hinder me from being baptized?" The FIRST THING he asks for is to be baptized!!!!! That always confused me since Baptism today is seen more as a sign than a necessity, but after reviewing your research into what the Catholic Church has always said about the necessity of Baptism, it now makes perfect sense. Obviously, in Philip's preaching to the man, he undoubtedly told him of the necessity of Baptism; and of Our Lord's own words on the matter. If he hadn't, the eunuch never would have said those words. Also, in verse 37 (the very next verse), Philip confirms the Church's teaching (and also shoots down the heretical "Sola Fide" error) with the words, "If thou believest with all thy heart, thou mayest." In other words, faith in Jesus Christ was obviously necessary for this man's salvation, but ALSO the sacrament. Thankfully for the eunuch, he wasn't told "Your desire is enough", or "Just believe, you'll be fine". No, on the contrary, the minute the eunuch professed faith in Jesus Christ, he commanded the chariot they were riding in to stop and IMMEDIATELY baptized him (verse 38). Sounds like Philip thought Baptism was very important.
Anyway, I just wanted to encourage you in your work and to tell you how much it is appreciated.
Yours in Christ,
Rich Bonomo
In re-reading your work on Baptism of desire I went to the law dictionary to look up the word "or".
Using Bouvier's Law Dictionary and Concise Encyclopedia, Third Revision 1914, we see:
"As a particle, 'or' is often construed 'and', and 'and' construed 'or', to further the intent of the parties.... So, 'break or enter' in a statute defining burglary, means 'break and enter'. (emphasis mine)
It goes on to talk about when "or" is used to indicate an alternative choice that its use is often bad because it causes uncertainty:
"Where an indictment is in the alternative, as forged or caused to be forged, it is bad for uncertainty."
Clearly the Council of Trent was using the word 'or' in its most precise, legal sense in order to further its intent in defining justification when it says that justification cannot take place "...without the laver of regeneration or the desire for it". The Council of Trent is teaching us that to be justified we must be Baptized and desire Baptism - the Council of Trent is not offering us an alternative choice as you have pointed out so well!
Again thank you for your excellent research and presentation.
Best regards,
~Phil Pinheiro~
That is a very interesting point. And what is perhaps most significant in this regard is the infallible declaration that Trent makes that John 3:5 is to be understood “as it is written” which comes in the very same sentence.
Pope Paul III, Council of Trent, Sess. 6, Chap. 4: “In these words there is suggested a description of the justification of the impious, how there is a transition from that state in which a person is born as a child of the first Adam to the state of grace and of adoption as sons of God through the second Adam, Jesus Christ our savior; indeed, this transition, once the gospel has been promulgated, CANNOT TAKE PLACE WITHOUT the laver of regeneration or a desire for it, AS IT IS WRITTEN: Unless a man is born again of water and the Holy Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God (John 3:5).”
There is no way that baptism of desire can be true if John 3:5 is to be taken as it is written, because John 3:5 says that every man must be born again of water and the Spirit to be saved, which is what the theory of baptism of desire denies. The theory of baptism of desire and an interpretation of John 3:5 as it is written are mutually exclusive (they cannot both be true at the same time) – and every baptism of desire proponent will admit this. That is why all of them must – and do – opt for a non-literal interpretation of John 3:5. For instance:
Fr. Francois Laisney (Believer in Baptism of Desire), Is Feeneyism Catholic, p. 33: “Fr. Feeney’s greatest argument was that Our Lord’s words, ‘Unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God’ (John 3:5) mean the absolute necessity of baptism of water with no exception whatsoever… The great question is, then, how did the Church explain these words of Our Lord?”
Fr. Laisney, a fierce baptism of desire advocate, is admitting here that John 3:5 cannot be understood as it is written if baptism of desire is true. He therefore holds that the true understanding of John 3:5 is that it does not apply literally to all men; that is, John 3:5 is not to be taken as it is written. But how does the Catholic Church understand these words? What does the passage in Trent that we just discussed say? It says infallibly, “AS IT IS WRITTEN, UNLESS A MAN IS BORN AGAIN OF WATER AND THE HOLY GHOST, HE CANNOT ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD.”
The passage thus teaches – as it is written – unless a man is born again of water and the Holy Ghost he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. If what baptism of desire proponents say were correct, we would actually have the Council teaching us in the first part of the sentence that John 3:5 is not to be taken as it is written (desire sometimes suffices without being born again of water), while simultaneously contradicting itself in the second part of the sentence by telling us to take John 3:5 as it is written (sicut scriptum est)! But this is absurd, of course. The passage does not say that justification can take place by water or desire; it says justification cannot take place without water or desire, AS IT IS WRITTEN, unless a man is born again of water… Those who obstinately insist that this passage teaches baptism of desire are simply wrong and are contradicting the very words given in the passage about John 3:5. The inclusion of “AS IT IS WRITTEN,unless a man is born again of water and the Holy Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God (John 3:5)” shows the true meaning and the perfect harmony of that passage in Trent with all of the other passages in Trent and other Councils which all affirm the absolute necessity of water baptism with no exceptions.
Pope Paul III, The Council of Trent, canons on the Sacrament of Baptism, canon 5: “If anyone says that baptism [the sacrament] is optional, that is, not necessary for salvation (cf. Jn. 3:5): let him be anathema.”
Pope Paul III, The Council of Trent, On Original Sin, Session V: “By one man sin entered into the world, and by sin death... so that in them there may be washed away by regeneration, what they have contracted by generation, ‘For unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God [John 3:5].”
Pope Paul III, The Council of Trent, canons on the Sacrament of Baptism, Session 7, canon 2: “If anyone shall say that real and natural water is not necessary for baptism, and on that account those words of Our Lord Jesus Christ: ‘Unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Spirit’ [John 3:5], are distorted into some sort of metaphor: let him be anathema.”
Pope Eugene IV, The Council of Florence, “Exultate Deo,” Nov. 22, 1439: “Holy baptism, which is the gateway to the spiritual life, holds the first place among all the sacraments; through it we are made members of Christ and of the body of the Church. And since death entered the universe through the first man, ‘unless we are born again of water and the Spirit, we cannot,’ as the Truth says, ‘enter into the kingdom of heaven’ [John 3:5]. The matter of this sacrament is real and natural water.”
Dear Brothers Dimond, Last afternoon I viewed a video produced by you…It left me stunned and deeply moved. This morning I accessed your website for the first time and I am overwhelmed!!!
I am a Roman Catholic born in 1947 in a Buddhist country - SRI LANKA. Christian population was 5% of the entire population - Roman Catholics further reduced in number. I have lived in AUSTRALIA since 1972. As a youngster at St Peter's College Colombo we were taught Catholic Doctrine and some Apologetics by RC priests. Back then around the late fifties and early sixties we were clearly taught the teaching of BAPTISM OF DESIRE.
We were NEVER taught "Outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation"...or to be honest, I can't recall being taught this. In the year 2000, while praying in the presence of The Blessed Sacrament in a Novus Ordo church, an inner/exterior/everywhere' voice quietly said to me "I am not here!!!" Not long after I felt privileged when I discovered the SSPX realising the previous 30 years of Daily Masses in the NEW Church were wasted! Now, your revelations on the SSPX give me new matter to ponder on and pray about.
I deeply appreciate the monumental GOD-FILLED work you have done. Please pray for my soul as indeed I shall pray for you. May the Blessed and Most Holy Trinity Bless, guard and guide you with loving intercession from OUR Blessed Mother of GOD, MARY MOST HOLY
Yours sincerely
Peter de Niese
Dear Dimond Brothers,
Currently I'm reading the The Devil's Final Battle and as I read along I am reminded of how you label "Father" Paul Kramer and others as "false traditionalists." I must say that you are quite right. On pages 68 - 69, Paul Kramer addresses the dogma, Outside the Catholic Church There Is No Salvation. It reads, "In fact, Kasper's statement scorns the thrice-defined infallible dogma that "outside the Church there is no salvation." (extra ecclesia nulla salus) The actual wording of these three solemn, infallible (and therefore impossible to change) definitions that are binding on all Catholics (of whatever rank, including Cardinals and Popes) to believe, under pain of being automatically excommunicated (expelling themselves from the Catholic Church) are as follows"............
Here we can see that Paul Kramer admits that if a Pope dissents from the dogma, Outside the Catholic Church There Is No Salvation, he is excommunicated from the Catholic Church. And Paul Kramer is well aware that JPll dissented from this dogma and yet he still accepted JPll as a true Pope. The same is true concerning Benedict XVl. Paul Kramer admits in his book that Cardinal Ratzinger (who is the same person as Benedict XVl) also dissents from this dogma and yet Paul Kramer still accepts him as a true Pope. It seems to me that Paul Kramer, Nicholas Gruner, and all their collaboraters cannot bear the thought that a false pope could be reigning from Rome. They are deceiving themselves and their readers about the true state of the papacy.
Alain P.
Yes, you are exactly right.
Dear Brothers:
I'm enjoying your recent anaylsis comparing our present situation with the time of the Maccabees; and your comparison of JPII with the wicked Alcimus.
It's interesting to also note that, according to the Book of Maccabees, Alcimus is stricken with "palsy"---which is exactly what JP II has: "uncontrollable tremors" and "difficulty speaking" See Ist Mac., c. 9, 54. [55] Continued blessings upon your work of exposing the forces of Antichrist.
Yours sincerely,
Christopher A.
That is a very interesting point.
What an excellent article on Michael Davies! I once went to breakfast with him when I was connected to a Catholic publishing company, and I found him to have quite a casual attitude about problems in the Church, which really aren't problems in the Church at all -- they are a counter-Church. Anyway, God bless you!
Brothers, Thank you for the wonderful investigation on Michael Davies. My first instinct at the passing of Michael Davies was to think of the help he has given to the traditional movement. But alas although I have to fight it every day, my novus ordo programming has not entirely been erased. After reading your article there is no doubt that Mr. Davies misled countless traditionalists from the true faith. I thank God that He has provided you with the wisdom to see through the deceits of so many wolves in sheeps clothing. I continually pray for the strength and wisdom to defend the True Faith…Keep up the good work with your website and may God continually bless your apostolate.
God Bless, Robert
Good coverage of the teachings of M. Davies. Except that I would add his notion of situational infallibility to the popes' published teachings on the faith and morals to the list. St. John sums it up perfectly: "If we say that we have fellowship with Him and walk in darkness, we lie and do not the truth." (First Epistle of St. John, 1,6). Vatican Council I infallibly laid down the first condition of salvation which is to maintain the rule of the true apostolic faith. These people in the publishing business need to start learning the
faith. What incredible ignorance!---------------
Brother Michael and Brother Peter,
I read the Heresy of the Week about Michael Davies. It is really too bad he died faithless considering the work he did. But it really has to be said that he did all this research on the liturgy and Vatican II's novel idea of religious liberty, for ABSOLUTELY
NOTHING! He still held the new mass as valid and all the Vatican II hierarchy as valid as well! He would lead you to the door of sedevacantism, then block it saying that we can't go there!
Well, did you read his last "Letter from London" in the September 30th Remnant? It appears he was obsessed with Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" movie! He writes,
"The third in the series left me totally devastated. I could not stand up for at least five to ten minutes, a catharsis in the true Aristotelian manner. Seeing these constitutes, in my opinion, a literary and almost RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE (emphasis mine) which I
trust that no reader will miss the experience of undergoing."
Think about this! Here is a guy with terminal cancer, staring eternity in the face, and he's getting euphoric from a FANTASY movie! We're not talking about "The Passion of the Christ" movie. We're talking about a movie with wizards, dwarfs, elves, and hobbits!
It's no wonder that this guy died suddenly of a massive heart attack! I guess his life was fulfilled after seeing such a "brilliant masterpiece". If only St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Robert Bellarmine could have been so fortunate as to live on earth at the
present time!
And you know, it hit me that way too. After watching the movie it took me a while to get up from my seat as well. But at the time, I thought it was because I ate too much popcorn and drank too much soda...that was a LONG movie.
Michael Davies was also of the opinion that parents of children over 10 have an ABSOLUTE DUTY (emphasis mine) to ensure that they read these literary masterpieces!
Now there's the real key to great knowledge: reading Lord of the Rings and the Chronicles of Narnia. I always wondered how I got so smart. Thanks, Michael!
I must agree with your comment here. I don’t know much at all about the Lord of the Rings movie, but Davies’ insistence that all children over 10 have an absolute duty to view it strikes one as ridiculous.
I think you're right on target about Malachi Martin. He had a lot of people fooled. With regards to Fr. Wickens...his chapel has not been turned over to the SSPX. Apparently the SSPX could not provide a full time priest which was Fr. Wickens request. There is a search for a full time traditional priest for the Chapel.
With regards to Sr. Lucia....have you ever considered the possibility that she may be on "drugs" that would account for her personality change. I too caught a glimpse of the canonization service, and watched Sr. Lucia being escorted to receive "communion" from JPII and immediately after she turned and waved with a big smile on her face. She seemed to be rather confused.
If you've ever read any books about Opus Dei, it's a well known fact that they rely heavily upon "drugs" to soothe their subjects, especially the ones who begin to have qualms of conscience. Who knows...they may have JPII "medicated" too! Antipsychotic drugs have the side effects that resemble the "symptoms" of Parkinson's Disease. Remember when JPII first started showing signs of the "disease", it was denied that he had Parkinson's. Maybe it wasn't Parkinson's at the time, but since the side effects are irreversible, why not just say it is Parkinson's. T.T.
No, this “Sister” Lucia is not on drugs. We saw the “beatification” ceremony as well, and “Sister” Lucia was so enthusiastic about meeting John Paul II that she grabbed John Paul II’s hand and kissed it immediately after receiving the Novus Ordo cookie. Supposing that John Paul II were a Pope and the Novus Ordo Mass valid (neither of which is true), the real Sister Lucia would never do this; she wouldn’t interrupt her concentration immediately after receiving Our Lord to grab the hand of the Pope. She would wait until after Mass to pay her respects. But the fake “Lucia” was so intent on showing everyone her devotion to Antipope John Paul II that she couldn’t even wait until the end of the Novus Ordo and the consummation of the cookie to kiss his hand.
I recently heard that JPII gave communion to Tony Blair. Have you heard about it? Another example why Canon 844 is an evil canon!
Yes, we heard about. He’s quite an apostate, that’s for sure.