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A typical day in Brazil!
You would not believe the things that happen on a daily basis. They actually had the document drafted by a woman "pastor" from a protestant lutheran denomination that is totally feminist, pro-abortion and in favor of the homosexual-lobby. The Brazilian branch of the whore is totally in bed with Marxist political parties. It was all their fault, that "Partido dos Trabalhadores" (PT), the Workers/Labors Party ruined the country. Liberation Theology gestated PT…
John Paul II Taught That Man Is The Truth
I can't believe people were so blind to his… wicked anti-christ teachings…
Great Proof Texts For Sedevacantism Show That Francis Is Not The Pope
Thank you for enlightenment to Catholics.
Lulu Carvalho
This is ridiculous. But this is what happens when California gives itself over to abortion, sodomy and "LGBT rights"…
Jack Reilly
"Israeli gov’t to share names, personal info of anyone who refuses COVID vaccine"
This is horrific...
"Congresswoman" puts "transgender" flag outside Marjorie Greene's office - 26 second video
So-called "Transgenderism" is not biologically compatible with human beings, or with any creature for that matter. The lies that people are born "homosexual" or "transgender" must be confronted with the truth. As the evil cabal never lets up, neither should those who are of good will and know the truth.
Dear Brother,
I am a member of the Roman Catholic Church in India. I have started watching your videos recently. But I need clarification regarding some areas which are mentioned below. How do I know whether a priest is valid or not?... Any of the books published available in India? Hoping to hear from you soon. Thank you
Bobby George
Hello. We're glad you are looking at the material. 'Priests' ordained in the New Rite of Ordination (promulgated by Antipope Paul VI in 1968) are not validly ordained. You can read about that here: The New Rite of Ordination is Invalid.
John Paul II Taught That Man Is The Truth
Dear Brothers:
Thank you so very much for your series on John Paul 2. MHFM was the first (and perhaps only) organization to identify John Paul II as the Antichrist, and probably still is -- even though you have proven this fact beyond any shadow of a doubt. With trembling, I can recall being in the Vatican II Sect where neither I nor anyone I knew of could figure out what John Paul II was actually saying. But unfortunately, so many didn't care what they saw him saying and doing. They weren't really troubled by it. They either just shrugged it off and ignored it. Or, they implied that he was an "intellectual" of some sort - as almost all false traditionalists would do, including the SSPX (no doubt because these proud heretics imagined themselves to be "intellectuals" as well). They would even write and publish commentaries on JP2's writings - without ever reaching the correct conclusions!! And the conclusions are horrifying.
But the worse thing of all was when people tried to defend the Antichrist and, by all sorts of mental gymnastics, would explain his words as if they were consistent with Catholic teaching. All I can say is: Thank God for MHFM!
Lee Ann
John Paul II Taught That Man Is The Truth
Brothers, these are fantastic videos…
Anthony Olenski
After consideration
After much consideration on Christianity and faith, I've concluded, greatly thanks to your youtube channel, that traditional catholicism holds the truth regarding our Lord… I live in Mexico, Veracruz…
Not many Catholics left over here in Scandinavia now. There's no Mass… no Catholic schools or monasteries. Pray for the conversion of Scandinavia. Saint Ansgar, pray for us.
Rush Limbaugh Did Not Go To Heaven
Thank you MHFM. You said what few would dare say, even though it’s sadly true. I’m saddened that Rush did not consider your material and convert. As far as the divorces... all four of Rush’s 'wives' are still alive…
Julian Szymoniak
"Former Detroit TV Anchor Dies One Day After Taking COVID Vaccine" - 29 second video
I saw a short video of a teen girl who got the "vaccine" and was… in bed with her whole body shaking and going into convulsions. Her breathing was spastic and frightened and her eyes rolled back in her head. She looked demonically possessed.
"Former Detroit TV Anchor Dies One Day After Taking COVID Vaccine" - 29 second video
Nick K
Hello, my name is Leticia. I recently came across your YouTube channel and I am stunned at the information you give in them…
Rush Limbaugh Did Not Go To Heaven
Great video…
Vincent VanWyk
Rush Limbaugh Did Not Go To Heaven
… Thank you for speaking truth.
Francis, Vaccine
"No jab, no job - Vatican issues decree over vaccine"
Francis sounds more like the CEO of a company than a “religious” leader… The V2 sect is an an earthly hive of coverups and propaganda.
Julian Szymoniak
"No jab, no job - Vatican issues decree over vaccine"
How disgraceful! But it's not surprising since he's in "communion" with such detestable degenerates and apostates…
Jack Reilly
They don’t care
"No jab, no job - Vatican issues decree over vaccine"
Antipope Francis and his apostate hierarchy do not care about the salvation of souls. Their main concern is respect for man. They do not have the true Catholic faith. They are under the control of Satan and therefore fall for the Covid hoax because Satan himself is the mastermind of the covid hoax.
"Millions in Texas left powerless and without water after winter storms" - video
Dear MHFM,
I just saw the video concerning the unfortunate Texas storm victims.
If the government spent a fraction of the money it is spending on the Corona virus hoax, Americans wouldn't be going without water or power in Texas or anywhere else.
The resources being wasted to propagate this scam boggles the mind.
Mary Ann Benedetto
"Millions in Texas left powerless and without water after winter storms" - video
As one of those Texans, my family has been without water, since Monday. We have been blessed with electricity though and a fireplace, where we used two by fours for firewood. Thank you Jesus and Mary. May thy will, not ours, be done!
Ravi Zacharias
My name is Patrick Creeden and I was wondering if [you] could do a video on the current sex scandal unfolding under Ravi Zacharias and [the] coverup. Thank you.
America’s Fall To Communism (2021) – Documentary
I really enjoy your videos and have been watching this channel for over 2 years now…
Austin Erickson
MHFM: These are good, short prayers:
Jesus, I love you, save souls.
Jesus and Mary, I love you, save souls.
Special privileges now being granted to "LGBTQ" businesses in cities across America - video
MHFM: This is disgusting and outrageous. It's not about 'equal rights' for those perverts. It's about 'special rights'.
Meanwhile, in many places, people are being thrown into jail for trying to work, attempting to keep their business open, or refusing to wear masks. Pretty soon, people will be unable to travel, attend classes or even attend their workplaces unless they have a certificate of vaccination. As well as their masks, of course... This is justice, from a world sunk deep into wickedness.
To Speak
Antipope Francis to speak at pro-"LGBT" LA "Religious Education" Conference - video
… Although some wake up, the others having rejected so much remain obstinately on the road to damnation…
Unam Sanctam SK
Deeds and Words
Antipope Francis to speak at pro-"LGBT" LA "Religious Education" Conference - video
MHFM: Heresy is manifested by deeds, as well as by words.
Antipope Francis to speak at pro-"LGBT" LA "Religious Education" Conference - video
... John Paul II lulled the youth into a false sense of security and people mistook Benedict as a conservative. But Francis is even more blatant with heresy than his predecessors. And only a naive person would not notice this...
Julian Szymoniak
Will deny
"Archdiocese" will deny "sacraments" to those coming to "mass" after capacity is reached - video
MHFM: They will deny 'sacraments' to those who don't follow the communist Covid hoax rules, but they won't deny 'sacraments' to those who support abortion or deny Catholic teaching in other ways. That tells you quite a bit about the Vatican II Sect (a.k.a. the Whore of Babylon).
Satanist group commissions 40 foot "Abortion Saves Lives" billboard in Texas
Their billboard lies - as the father of lies - because it's a witless contradiction. It translates to: "Child killing saves lives!"…
America’s Fall To Communism (2021) – Documentary
Dear Brothers,
Thank you for the excellent new video, America's Fall to Communism. This video is a profound summation of why America has fallen into the hands of communists. The sins of so many people have reaped a devastating and tragic reward. Hopefully many more will turn to the true God and find the true faith as a result of this horrifying chastisement.
God bless,
Mr & Mrs White
St. Peter, False Traditionalists
MHFM: False teacher Taylor Marshall once again pushes the erroneous position that St. Paul rebuked St. Peter. False traditionalists do this in a futile attempt to justify their false position on Vatican II and the Vatican II antipopes. We refute that claim about St. Peter here:
Marshall of course also recognizes the notorious heretic Francis as a Catholic, which is directly contrary to Catholic teaching.
Great Proof Texts For Sedevacantism Show Francis Is Not The Pope
Dear MHFM,
Here in Croatia where I live, we have had the strongest earthquake in 140 years striking our capital Zagreb on Sunday morning, on top of the insane quarantine measures over the “coronavirus” hoax (imagine that!). Earthquakes are a very rare occurrence around here and this one unfortunately caused one young life to be extinguished, many people had to move from their damaged homes and many of the old buildings (mostly in the city centre), especially the churches, were heavily damaged. Even the top of one of the towers on our biggest cathedral broke off and came crashing down. Let me just remind you that Croatia is currently presiding over the EU (the end times Beast).
As for your latest apocalypse video, I really needed to write and share the following.
I have been daily reading your materials, commentaries and watching your videos, documentaries and all the content that you provide for the remnant faithful since about 2005, somewhere around the time when the Antichrist-Antipope JP2 died. It would be a huge understatement to say that you opened my eyes to the salvific Truths of our holy Catholic religion. The latest video for me is some sort of a great summary of your years long hard work, research, insight, many other inspired videos and an overall love for our Holy Church. I know that people today need information fast and on demand (ours is a very wicked generation) but I implore all those, who by the grace of Our Most Holy Lord, have stumbled upon your website, your material, to give themselves time and really immerse themselves into what you are presenting, especially if they are new to this information or the Catholic religion in general. Collect your thoughts, pray for discernment, read and listen to these truths and concepts and give yourselves time for these truths to really sink in. In due time you will acknowledge the fact that you have been lead to this information only by the sheer Mercy and Love of Our dear Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Mother. Time is short and as our governments (just like Judas) are moving quickly to deliver us to our enemies for crucifixion (John 13:27), so we have to be diligent, patient and aware of the snares that they lay before us. People will not be able to endure what is coming and they will not see and thus know what is happening without prayer, abundant graces from God, Catholic discernment and steadfastness in the Truth which at this time is here being freely and abundantly presented and explained to them. Use this opportunity well for we have entered the darkest of times when the Truth will not be tolerated, more so it will be mercilessly persecuted and utterly eradicated.
May God bless you and keep you.
V. from Croatia
... I am from northern Italy... I am a medical doctor...
This "coronavirus-epidemy" is clearly a hoax and a fabricated crisis. I worked 2 years in gerontology in 2009-2010 and in several other hospital units between 2011 and 2014 and I would like to explain how this whole thing works. Most "coronavirus-casualties" are very old and debilitated patients who typically have many chronic illnesses (chronic heart failure, diabetes, immunodeficiency, chronic renal failure, etc.). These patients typically die of sudden complications like pneumonia, respiratory distress or systemic multi-organ failure. Now, if you test those patients for this "coronavirus" you will find a certain number of positives. However the positivity you are detecting in some of these patients does not prove any causal relationship between this alleged "coronavirus", the illness of these patients and their cause of death. Indeed they would die anyway of these same respiratory and emodynamic complications. So there is overwhelming evidence that this is a 100% fabricated "epidemy" used in order to justify a totalitarian police-state. People need to wake up and to become aware of this evil plot.
In reference to this staged "epidemy" I can say that the media and the health officials are clearly being directed in a militarized manner by a rogue covert black-agency. I have never seen something like this: they turned the country into a full-blown totalitarian police state in 1 week.
Andrea Catalano
This image made me think of what MHFM says about the abomination of desolation and the false altar of the Novus Ordo. The Notre Dame fire, which started at the top, caused the ceiling to collapse on top of the false altar.
Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,
What is this... Charles... talking about? Did he even read the article?... I find his claim that he is able to discern true Catholic doctrine because he was "indoctrinated in the faith before the second Vatican Council" and "trained by priests and nuns" for 6 years - whatever that means - to be extremely arrogant...
But why I find this interesting is because he has the same attitude as every BOD ['baptism of desire'] and invincible ignorance supporter I have encountered: everything was perfectly fine in the Catholic Church before Vatican II - that is, there were no modernists or heretics - and then all of a sudden out of nowhere all of these heresies came into being in 1962, and virtually all of these Catholics, who were orthodox beforehand, suddenly apostatized. What complete nonsense.
In Mary, Curtis
Bro. Peter Dimond
Yes, the failure to recognize that the apostasy was well in place in the years before Vatican II is a major reason many cannot see the full truth, especially on the key doctrines of salvation and Baptism. A belief in those truths is essential to a possession of actual, strong supernatural faith. Such a faith is necessary to please God and see things as they are. Certainly the false election of the Freemason Antipope John XXIII, and the revolutionary robber council (Vatican II), was the formal inauguration of a Counter Church. However, the position that it’s safe to follow what was generally taught and believed in the 1940s or 1950s under Pius XII – a position of many BOD sedevacantists – is naïve and totally wrong.
Their position isn’t even logical. For example, many of them admit that the bishops at Vatican II were modernist revolutionaries. We even heard one obstinate BOD heretic (who is a sedevacantist) say that, in his view, most or all of the Vatican II bishops lost their offices before 1965. Well, if they lost their offices before 1965, they of course became heretics at some point before 1965. In most cases it would have been numerous years before Vatican II.
Even though an individual can become a heretic in a flash for rejecting Catholic teaching, to reach a point where most or all of the bishops were modernist revolutionaries at Vatican II (men who were willing to even praise false religions) would require a number of generations. In fact, the most logical assessment is that it would take about 100 years (which is a few generations) to reach a point where bishops universally accepted false ecumenism, etc. It would take that much time because the heresies that undermined and weakened belief in the necessity of Catholicism would first need to be adopted by a certain number of teachers (e.g. bishops or priests). They would then need to circulate the heresy (or heresies) in seminaries, theological manuals, catechisms, etc. This would be a gradual process. The new false teaching (or teachings) would then have to be adopted by more bishops, parish priests, and laypeople. That would take time. The laypeople and priests who accepted and embraced the heresy would then need to pass them on to the children, who, after they grew up, would circulate the heresy to more people.
That’s how the process would have to play out. It would therefore have required a number of generations for the apostasy in evidence at Vatican II to have become almost universal. That means the apostasy really started to get rolling in a serious way around the mid-19th century. Regrettably, Pius IX’s weak and fallible statements on salvation were a huge reason for that. At that time, and largely as a result of his statements, people started to teach that non-Catholics can be saved by ‘ignorance,’ and it was gradually adopted by more and more priests.
By the time the 1930s and 1940s came around almost all the priests were holding serious heresies on salvation and were total modernists and heretics. Most of them believed, for instance, that Jews who reject Christ can be saved (e.g. Fr. Denis Fahey). (By the way, someone who believes that Jews who reject Christ can be saved has no faith. That person cannot please God even if he offers or attends the traditional Mass every day of his life). In fact, it’s interesting that numerous sedevacantists (who deny Catholic dogma on salvation) admit that the liturgical revolution began before Vatican II. Numerous sedevacantist priests don’t even use the liturgical rites that were in place under Pius XII before Vatican II (e.g. the Holy Week changes). That represents a serious contradiction in their position on the allegedly binding nature of other non-infallible, pre-Vatican II acts, by the way. They consider the pre-Vatican II liturgical changes to be an example of the growing modernist revolution. As a result, they reject them. Well, if they can recognize that the liturgical rebellion was active in the decades before Vatican II, why can’t they see that the theological rebellion was also in place at that time?
To a degree they recognize that a significant theological problem existed under Pius XII, Pius XI, and even earlier popes. However, they fail to identify the most important manifestations of that problem. For instance, sedevacantist Bishop Donald Sanborn (with Cekada agreeing) stated that it was “the negligence of those three pontificates [Benedict XV, Pius XI, and Pius XII]” that caused Vatican II. Such an admission confirms our central point on this matter: i.e. that heresies on salvation and Baptism were abounding in seminaries, theological manuals, etc. well before Vatican II. However, the aforementioned BOD heretics are sadly blind to that aspect of the problem. They believe (and even impose) the very modernist heresies on salvation that were taught in fallible sources during that period. They don't recognize the necessity of strictly adhering to dogmatic definitions on salvation, rather than what was circulated in 'approved' theological manuals, etc. during the period of growing modernism before Vatican II. They operate as if the teaching on salvation dominant in that period is a perfect reflection of what the Church always taught when, in fact, it was the most insidious form of the rising modernism and the real cause of Vatican II.
By following the false and heretical teaching on Baptism and salvation that was circulated by ‘approved’ priests and bishops in those years before Vatican II, they are actually following the modernist revolution. Therefore, if you encounter sedevacantists who really push the teaching on salvation or Baptism in the theological manuals, catechisms, etc. put out in the decades before Vatican II (rather than the dogmatic definitions), know that those people are still misinformed or deceived, even though they recognize the problems with the post-Vatican II sect. They don't have a true view of the faith and what has transpired. If they simply accepted the proclamations of the dogmatic definitions on salvation and Baptism, they would receive the grace to see the situation as it is. But so many are left in the dark for resisting the truth of Catholic dogma (i.e. faithlessness) and bad will.
Moreover, if people don’t understand that Pius XII was not a strong pope, but a terrible one who allowed modernism to flourish, they won’t have the correct view of the Church in our time. Some of the aforementioned facts are why Popes Pius XI and Pius XII are certainly the first two of the seven kings prophesied in the Apocalypse. Their actions in a number of ways (not just their failure to promptly consecrate Russia) enabled the new pagan Europe (the prophesied end-times Beast) to eventually rise. There are numerous interesting new points we hope to cover on that matter as time permits. They fit in precisely with (and further confirm) what’s covered in our videos on the Apocalypse.
The Latin Text of the Oldest Surviving Papal Decree Rejects “Baptism of Desire” (video)
The Revealing Heresies in Msgr. Van Noort’s Pre-Vatican II Dogmatic Theology Manual (article)
The Best Argument Against “Baptism of Desire” (video)
Outside the Catholic Church There is Absolutely No Salvation (book)
Rafael Centeio
One of the parallels that MHFM points out between the Great Western Schism and the period after the death of Pius XII is that in both cases there is an antipope who took the name of John XXIII, who reigned from Rome and summoned a false council in the third year of his anti-pontificate. The parallel is striking. Perhaps you already noticed, but there are at least four other parallels between the two periods that in my opinion cannot be of coincidence:
Great Western Schism - «Were Urban now to succeed in creating an Italian majority in the Sacred College, the return of the Holy See to its dependence in France would be greatly deferred, if not indeed altogether prevented. [The King of France,] Charles V… secretly encouraged the Cardinals, promising them armed assistance… Confident in his powerful support, the thirteen Cardinals assembled at Anagni, on the 9th August 1378… declaring Urban's election to have been invalid…» (Ludwig von Pastor, The History of the Popes, Vol. I, Book I, p. 126-127)
1958 Conclave - «On the fourth ballot, according to FBI sources, Siri again obtained the necessary votes and was elected supreme pontiff. But the French cardinals annulled the results, claiming that the election would cause widespread riots and the assassination of several prominent bishops behind the Iron Curtain [Communist Soviet Union].» (Paul L. Williams, The Vatican Exposed, Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 2003, pp. 90-92. quoted in: The Cardinal Siri Election in Brief )
Great Western Schism - «Great confusion was occasioned by a misunderstanding which occurred after the election. The crowd forcibly broke into the Conclave…» (The History of the Popes, Vol. I, Book I, p. 118)
1958 Conclave - «The scene around the Vatican was one of incredible confusion(…) The crowd waited in agony of suspense.» (The Houston Post, October 27, 1958, Section 1, pages 1 & 7.; quoted in: The Cardinal Siri Election in Brief )
Great Western Schism - «… the Cardinals, dreading to inform them [the crowd] of the election of Prignano [Urban VI]… persuaded the aged Cardinal Tibaldeschi to put on the Papal Insignia and allow the populace to greet him.» (The History of the Popes, Vol. I, Book I, p. 118-119)
1958 Conclave - «Clouds of smoke were caught in search lights trained on the Sistine Chapel chimney. ‘Bianco! Bianco!’ roared many in the crowd. ‘White, white.’ (…) Chigi... told newsmen later he would arrange to have the cardinals informed of Sunday’s smoke confusion in the hope that something can be done to remedy the situation Monday.» (The Houston Post, October 27, 1958, Section 1, pages 1 & 7)
Great Western Shism - «On the 20th September they informed the astonished world that the true Pope had been chosen in the person of Robert of Geneva, now Clement VII.» (The History of the Popes, p. 127)
1958 Conclave - «… but something strange had occurred inside the Sistine Chapel which prevented the newly elected Pope from appearing, and which left the crowd – and the waiting world – confused and bewildered. It was only two days later that Angelo Roncalli [John XXIII] was elected.» (MHFM — The Cardinal Siri Election in Brief )
I am almost sure that there are other parallels that could be identified, but the point is that, in my opinion, God allowed things to happen in such a way that the Great Western Schism would stand in history as a prefigurement of the Final Schism on the final days. And as the fulfillment is always greater than the prefiguration, while the latter was the Western Schism, the former is an almost universal one.
Also, these parallels, if really intended by God, further show that the false resistance groups like the SSPX are deluded and dead wrong in considering the Vatican II line of antipopes as the legitimate popes, by reason of their failure to understand the situation in which we are living that stems from their bad will. To be consistent, one must recognize that as in the Western Schism there was a line of antipopes, in the Final Schism there must be one also — and a worse one. Their false resistance will never bring good fruit because it is not founded in truth.
Rafael Centeio
Billboard, Outreach
I really appreciate the new DVDs. If you buy them in bulk it is so easy to evangelize. You can just set them on people's doorstep and pretty soon many more people have been exposed to the information. It is important for people to hand out those DVDs.
Sincerely, William
… thank you for sending me a copy of the new DVD. I'm sure it will accomplish much good and I hope to purchase more copies to give away in the future. The amount of effort your monastery puts out to spread the True Faith puts all of the other 'traditionalist' groups out there to shame. What you have managed to accomplish in the way of evangelizing is more than these others have done COMBINED! That's a fact, and it says a lot when you consider the size of groups such as the SSPX and the amount of funds they receive from their supporters. And yet your monastery, though small in comparison, has been consistent in running ads, erecting billboards, distributing large amounts of material practically for free, creating videos on YouTube, etc. It shows that your priorities are definitely in the right place while the false traditionalists seem to really care less about their fellow man, just as long as they have chapels, vestments, etc. Of course, that's not a bad thing in itself, but when we live in times of such spiritual desolation of countless millions from the traditional Catholic faith, our main priority should be trying to truly convert people to it. All else is secondary. God bless you, Brothers.
Thanks for the interest. Some people were very excited about the billboard we recently put up last summer in California (picture and description). Well, we were able to purchase that billboard for more than an entire month for only $3,500. That’s a tremendous deal when one considers that it’s on one of the most congested spots of one of the busiest highways in the country (the 405), where an estimated 723,000 people see the billboard each week. That deal (or one that’s essentially equivalent) might be available to us in the future as well. There are unsold remnant billboard spots available all over the country that can be purchased. It was the first time we ever ran a billboard. However, almost all of our outreach has been in other areas. Over the last around nine years we have run numerous national TV ads, national radio ads, internet ads, and direct mailings. Many people have found the true faith as a result of these and similar efforts. (In fact, many of the people reading this probably found our material as a result of one of those things.) We have also offered our material for extremely low prices so that people can easily give out free copies to others. For example, there are approximately 380,000 copies of the Padre Pio book in circulation. We only have about 20,000 copies left. We will need to do another large run of those books soon. We only have 5,000 copies left of the book on UFOs. That’s another book we will need to reprint.
We also want to thank those few true Catholics who have zeal to distribute our information and contribute in the most critical mission to help save souls. We continue (on a daily basis) to reach people with internet ads. In fact, millions have come to our website from our internet ads alone. We would like to run more national TV and radio ads, as well as billboards. Unfortunately, due to the amount of funding we receive (if something doesn't change this year), we will have to focus our advertising outreach only to certain areas. Therefore, the number of those who will find out about the crucial information we make available will be limited. Many people who have discovered our material are happy and satisfied that they have seen the truth. They like the information, but unfortunately they lack the zeal and the true charity to evangelize their family members, friends, people they run into, etc. Many of them don't distribute free DVDs (the 9 in 1 DVD is recommended for distribution to random individuals), give out the website or help us financially so that we could give others the opportunity to come to the knowledge of the truth. In other words, they use the information themselves but don't really do much or anything to help the cause. They are hearers of the word, not doers of the word (James 1:22). That's a primary reason that very few are saved (Matthew 7:13): i.e. they don’t really care about other people, but mainly about themselves. (Also, as we've mentioned numerous times in the past, if people are supporting any of the other groups which unfortunately embrace false positions or teach heresies - which is basically all of them - they will lose their souls.) So, we don't ask people who are struggling or in debt to help us, but people who have the financial ability and stability to do so. But if something doesn’t change dramatically in the very near future, we may be shutting down one of our 24 hour answering services. That's the answering service we have been using for our national TV and radio ads. If that happens, all possible future national TV and radio ads will end. And if that happens, we will most likely not be running any more billboards either.
Bro. Michael Dimond
Related: The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) to receive 40 million dollars for their heretical seminary project
Subject: 'Catholic' Answers I just wanted to share this picture with you... You could spread Judaism and Protestantism and Orthodoxy all day long on their site but if you promote truth, you get banned and they never defend their position... Catholic Answers is garbage! Amanda
MHFM: Thanks for the information. That’s very interesting. You can really see their hatred of the truth. As you rightly point out, they allow evil and heresies ‘all day long,’ but act quickly to suppress actual Catholic information about the current crisis. In fact, while they quickly oust true Catholics, their radio hosts have repeatedly praised Protestants. They present Protestants as if they are true Christians. They are demonic. ‘Catholic’ Answers and those who support them are in darkness. They remain totally and contently oblivious to the complete apostasy of their leaders, the Vatican II antipopes. When we consider the heretical positions, blindness and bad will of ‘Catholic' Answers, the description of Ephesians 2:1-2 comes to mind:
And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience.In context, Ephesians 2:1-2 describes the state of people prior to baptism - when they are ‘dead’, unregenerated non-Christians. However, it applies quite well to ‘Catholic’ Answers. They are so spiritually ‘dead’ that they haven’t even figured out there is a crisis. They will talk for hundreds of hours about Catholic things and the current state of the Church, without telling even five minutes of truth about the actual beliefs and actions of the Vatican II antipopes. Can you imagine that? How could anyone who claims to care about the Catholic faith do such a thing? They have no problem living in a fairy-tale world where their leaders don’t reject the necessity for non-Catholics to convert, don’t esteem pagan religions, don’t go to synagogues, don’t participate in false worship – don’t render EVERYTHING ‘CATHOLIC’ ANSWERS PROMOTES ABOUT CATHOLICISM MEANINGLESS. They are dead. For them, the documented and abominable apostasy of the antipopes simply doesn’t exist, and their outrageous and scandalous activity simply doesn’t occur. Unfortunately CA’s listeners are, in general, just as dead as their heretical representatives. They apparently don’t care at all about the fact that what’s really going on with the Vatican II antipopes is never addressed by CA – or, if it is, that it is quickly and dishonestly explained away as bearing a Catholic meaning. The gaping hole in CA's message doesn't bother them, or move them to seek out real Catholic answers for the devastation that is obvious in every diocese. Like the heretical representatives of CA, the listeners haven’t yet discovered that Vatican II was a blatant rupture with Catholic teaching, despite its obviously rotten fruits which send a fetid odor all over the formerly Christian world. They neglect to search out the abundant proof that the texts of Vatican II are heretical - a fact further confirmed by the meaning those texts have been given in the post-Vatican II sect. It is simply appalling how some so-called ‘conservative’ Catholics imbibe the blatantly false message of 'Catholic’ Answers - that the man in Rome is Catholic, that the ‘bishops’ are Catholic, and that Vatican II is completely consistent with Tradition - without the slightest disturbance. In the future we will have more to say about CA’s heretical representatives, false arguments and false positions. What Francis Really Believes (2nd edition) Vatican II’s Protestant Heresy
Another Great Show, I sat up to 4am listening to the show with some people that are in the fake church and they were speechless...Im glad I recorded the show on audio tape.... Good Job
Marshall WI
I cannot remember when I have heard anyone in our Church that is so informed and prolific in the support of our beliefs. Br. Dimond is a gift from the Holy Spirit. Thank you for all you do.
Dear Brother Diamond:
Your apparence on the Art Bell Coast to Coast program and your answers to the call in participants was the greatest. This is why I had order your book.
Jim Vondras
Florissant, MO
I heard Brother Michael on Coast to Coast. Thank you so much. You were a
wonderful example of what St. Paul meant when he said "To every man an
answer,". I enjoyed every minute of it and I prayed for you through the
whole show.
May God Bless you and your work as he uses you to spread the Word.
Dear Brother:
What you are saying somehow rings true to me. I am a Catholic from birth, and am extremely knowledgeable regarding history and religion, and find your message quite interesting. I am very active in the Catholic community in Los Angeles, but live in horror as to what the local dioceses has done to the youths of our schools and churches… God bless you and keep you and give you strength to continue to spread your truth.
Francine V. Limon
Murrieta, California
Dear Brother Diamond: Last evening I listened to your discussion on Coast To Coast, with Art Bell. I was so impressed with your directness and courage, that I am compelled to send you this word of support. I agree totally with your position, and I intend to support you and your community as best as I can.
Brian Bastinelli
Your time on art bell was refreshing and stimulating.
Hello Brother Michael Dimond,
I heard you today on Coast to coast and was startled by your commentary. I went to your website and your video on various events such as the flood, was most clear and resonated with me…
Thank you.
Steve DeJoseph
I enjoyed Brother Dimond’s time on Coast to Coast.
Bobbie Luymes
Peers, AB
Dear Catholic Brothers and Sisters, I was very happy to have heard Br. Dimond last night on a late night talk show. I admired his ability to remain calm and forthright after the many questions and rudeness that he received from many callers.
Dear Brother Diamond,
I just finished listening to you on Coast-to-Coast AM and was very excited to hear you doing such a fantastic job of Catholic Apologetics to the callers in. I am proud to be Catholic when someone like you handled the callers’ objections and misconceptions of our Catholic faith very gracefully…
~Peter Vü
Dear Brother Dimond, I would like to thank you for all the information on your web site. Being a Vatican II baby, I haven't had much of an education in the true Catholic faith, so at the age of 49 I'm trying to learn it now. Your site is invaluable to me and I'm sure many, many others like myself. I particularly like the section you have with some of your videos and audio downloads. What a great idea! I'm downloading them now and will listen to them on my MP3 player…
Scott Labash
Brother Michael and Brother Peter,
I just finished reading the updates on the email exchange portion of your website. It brought something to mind. The story in Daniel chapter 3, about Sidrach, Misach, and Abdenago. There is quite a parallel with what is going on today. When you read the story you will notice that King Nabuchodonosor never told the people to stop worshiping their gods or God; he only ordered them, at the sound of the bell, to acknowledge and adore the false god. The same is happening today, the novus ordo church isn't telling anyone to give up the worship of their god, (so they think) but they must accept all the false gods/religions as well. How slick is the devil, as he tells everyone, have your God, but accept everyone else's too. And as the people follow, they deny the One True God, when they accept the false gods/religions. Sidrach, Misach and Abdenago knew that if they were to obey the order, they would have denied God and apostatized from the faith. If only people today had the faith to see it.
Paul Smith
Yes, that’s a very good point. People don’t realize that what the Vatican II antipopes and heresies have done is – without even bringing the “gods” of the heathens into the temple itself – they have caused the people (who imbibe the new religion) to fall into an effective worship of the gods of the heathens by an acceptance of their false religions (and therefore the false gods they worship). So, for those who imbibe the new religion, it’s as if they have brought the idols of the heathens into the temple to be worshipped alongside the true God – without even literally having done so. If people really saw things the way they are and the way that God sees them, they would realize that this what the Vatican II antipopes have done: they have put the worship of false gods alongside the worship of the true God. That was their mission from Satan. We see this, for instance, in these quotes: (more…)
Dear Brother Michael Dimond,
God bless you for your labors for the True Faith, for our Lord and Holy Mother and the salvation of souls. May THEIR reign come!! Daily there are signs there will be almost no souls left faithful, without the Lord's mercy none would remain. Thank you for last week's heresy of the week on Bro. Roger again stating the Truth. Also, I read your book on Padre Pio daily, it is the best summation of his life, thank you!! May you be blessed in a special way this feast of the Most Holy Name of Mary, and every day,
In Her Immaculate Heart,
Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,
I live in the southern Utah/Las Vegas area… I've been looking for the true church for a while now wanting to be baptised. When I initially looked into the Catholic church I found the obvious and most blatant heresies of ecumenism and inter-religous prayer to be appalling. Until I read some articles by traditional Catholics and found your website, I hadn't been aware that many Catholics haven't accepted Vatican II. Thank you for your time and effort.
Max G.
Dear Brothers
The piece about Mother Teresa reminds me of martyrs who were asked to offer just a pinch of incense to the gods and their lives would be spared and they could worship as they pleased. They died rather than acknowledge a pagan religion. That's what Catholicism is about; it's about dying for the faith if necessary to preserve good example and save souls.
- Moulder
Pensacola FL
Yes, that’s exactly right. False ecumenism is so evil not only because it rejects the true God, but also because it mocks and renders meaningless the countless sufferings of Catholics not to become pagans or Muslims or Lutherans or Anglicans, etc. etc. The Vatican II sect covers them all – praises paganism, Islam, heretical and schismatic sects, mocking all the saints and martyrs – and is thus the mother of all the (spiritual) fornications.
Apocalypse 17:5- "And on her forehead a name was written: A mystery; Babylon the great, the mother of the fornications, and the abominations of the earth."
Dear Bro. Michael,
This book on Padre Pio was the greatest book about his life that I have ever read. I enjoyed it so much.
Thank you.
Mary Ciaccio
King of Prussia, PA
Dear Brothers Michael & Peter,
Just happened to turn on the computer last night and found that you were doing a radio show. I listened to the whole show. Great Job!!!!
Rose Beckerich
Dear Brothers Dimond:
I was able to tape Most of it...(Computer wouldn't start up at first). You Definitly did an excellent job of presenting in a clear way just what we are up against. Am making copies for my friends. I, too, am very interested in what you have to say about this Divine Mercy thing. Will be looking forward to your posting on that. Thank you so much for everything you do,
May God Bless you abundantly,
Hello Bro.Michael,
I did listen to your program,had a problem with the buffering,but,you have already explained the problem. I enjoy being able to listen to the audios, is it possible to place your radio program in that category of tapes to listen to,the radio program would be able to be listened to for a week until the next radio program for those who aren't able to listen the day of the program. God Bless You.You are doing amazing work.
Greetings to The Most holy Family Monastery:
Your radio show was much like the web site: terse, blunt, to the point and accurate. Excellent delineation of The Great Apostasy, The Second Vatican Council-its many lies and a good discussion about Fatima and The third Secret; of course we are looking forward to more in the future. It is a fact that we are drowning in lost souls looking for their Church once more... Many are so confused and have hearts of steel on account of it-some are embittered. They are all around me and at times it is overwhelming. But I love to pray for the increase of the virtue of hope...In Christ, Jesus
Michael Howard Pierce---
Dear Brothers,
Thank you for the excellent radio program!!!
You brought up many interesting points. I am not a scholar and rely on my memory of the Latin Church and now deceased relatives to clearly see Rome is as you say, heretical. Hopefully you will be archiving this program on your web site as I can think of a few people who need to listen.
Robert Bowlby
Copy of program?
Dear Brother Peter and Brother Michael.
Is your radio show from today going to be archived at your website, so that those who can't listen to it live can still hear it? Will you be recording it to cassettes or CD's to make available to people?
Will Tuesday's show be archived? I would like to hear it but will be away from the computer that evening.
We will have a copy of the program, which we will probably make available.
Aug. 22 Radio Program: An Overview of Present situation (First Show) (click here to listen, about 2 hrs.)
*This show contains a very important overview of the present situation of the Catholic Church and the reasons why the post-Vatican II Church is not the Catholic Church. It discusses the facts, the evidence and the arguments which prove that the post-Vatican II Church is not the Catholic Church. This is a show people should listen to. It covers the heresies of Vatican II, the apostasy of John Paul II, Benedict XVI, Paul VI, that there have been antipopes, that our present situation has been predicted, and more.(July, 2006) MHFM: Following Bro. Michael Dimonds interview on Coast to Coast Am on July 10, 2006, we were inundated with telephone calls on our 800-line. We have 4 lines available for our 800-number, and at least 3 out of 4 (and very often 4 out of 4) lines were lit up and ringing almost continuously for about 24 hours. (This didnt afford us the opportunity to sleep for over 24 hours, but it was truly a blessing because many souls have heard the truth of the Catholic Faith and have acted upon embracing it.) We had lists of numbers of people we had to call back, and it took us some days to get back to them all. We have received a great number of orders from those who heard the show. We have spoken to so many non-Catholics and Protestants who, having heard the message of the traditional Catholic Faith (the one Church of Jesus Christ) a message which is so simple and, since it is true, so powerful have ordered our special and are now investigating the Catholic Faith or are on the brink of conversion. We have sent out numerous summaries of the Catholic Catechism. We have spoken to so many fallen away Catholics who have now decided to come back to the practice of the traditional Faith and a daily prayer life. We have spoken to so many people who attend the New Mass and knew that something was wrong, but couldnt put their fingers on it, who are now committed to the traditional Catholic Faith. It truly has been a flood of good fruits, for which we thank God. We pray that all will receive His grace to remain faithful to (and/or embrace) the one Faith that Jesus Christ revealed (the traditional, unchangeable Catholic Faith).
We also received a large number of e-mails in a 48-hour period. Here are just some of the positive responses that came in via e-mail:
Dear Brother Diamond,
First, thank you for speaking to the world about the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic family is relistening to a tope we made of Coast A.M. of your interview. I hope you are invited back!!!!...
Janet Anderton
Dear Brother Dimond,
Please put my on your e mail newsletter. I have listened to a tape of the radio program you were on, that a friend gave me and everything you said sounds logical!... All of those people who called into the radio program were so evil. They were so mad at you because you spoke the truth and they don't want to hear it. You could hear the evil in their voices!
May God bless you and help you spread the truth about our Catholic Faith-the TRUE Faith!
Sincerely, Kathryn Rubio Solon, OH
Dear Br. Dimond:
THANK YOU SO MUCH for coming on C2C and taking all that Garbage from Noory and Company, not to mention some of the callers. They have a Delete button, but they their Jr. High level mentality...chose not to use it. I was disgusted with Noory's assaine antics and told him so!! The Next night he even Crowed about how those J.C. calls were the highlight of the J.C. seemed to be on "THEIR side." Odd, how Noory's hometown, St. Louis, just Happened to have a 90 mph wind, out of no where, blow in and take about 47 Thousand of them off the grid...shortly after the program.
Thanks again for coming on. Hopefully, you will be interviewed by Art Bell, himself, next time.
Prayers to you all, Liz
Dear Brother:
My name is J.F. and I have just listened to you speak on Coast to Coast AM. Your words were shocking and yet, resonated in some way which I can not explain. Perhaps it is because I consider myself to be a Christian, yet what you had to said brought me into a state of questioning as to my own understanding of what being a Christian means.
I am requesting from you more information regarding the 'true' Catholic church. I will of course take the time to read the articles on your website...however, it does not seem a particularly 'systematic' exposition. Please understand, I was raised in the baptist church and matters regarding such things as the Papacy, etc. are new to me.
I thank you for any help you may provide.
If you could recommend any references for me as a beginner wanting to learn about Traditional Catholicism and the history of Catholic Church (particularily it's origins), I would be quite greatful. I truly appreciate your time. Brother Dimond's radio appearance last night was truly a blessing for me. I formerly never considered exploring the Roman Catholic Church because I couldn't reconcile strong Christian beliefs with the liberalism seen in so many facets of the modern church. The idea of Traditional Catholicism has opened up a whole new world to me, one that seems to get closer to the roots of Christianity than any other option Ive come across.
Thank you, A.C.
Our dog woke me this morning at around 3:00 a.m. and in going downstairs to let her out, I found our radio still on in our study and heard someone from your organization on a talk show aired on WLS, AM 890.This was very unusual, and Im sure there was some involvement from the Holy Spirit to lead me to hear the program. I tried to call in, but a number was never given, and there was no answer to my several calls to the station. I only came in on the last 45 minutes of the show, but it appears that someone from your organization was making and defending the statement that EVERYONE on earth who was not a CATHOLIC (is this limited to Roman Catholic?) would go to Hell when they died. I was compelled to contact you.
I have some questions
Brother Diamond, I heard your radio show. It was great! It made me feel alive with truth. You were outstanding. I thank the Lord you were able to get the message of truth to some many so quick. Bless you. Keep up the good work.
I heard Brother Michael on Coast to Coast AM last week and was amazed. I didn't know an Order like you existed anywhere
My question is how can I be confirmed and become one with the true Catholic Church? May God continue to Bless your labors, J. K., Hanford, CA
This is a copy of a letter I sent G Noory about last nights show. I appreciate what you did and how you kept your head. I am a traditional Catholic and really enjoyed what you had to say. I have some of your tapes and DVD's and really am happy to know we have some people who can speak for us. Unbelievable that you tolerated that moron JC. I don't waste any time on people like that anymore, but you did great. God Bless you Michael,
Anita Salsedo Fresno, Ca.
Dearest Michael Dimond,
I am a Traditional Catholic and a former Baptist minister and I am extremely impressed with how much you know. It is because of you and your publications that I am able to say that today I am Traditional. I tuned in to the Coast to Coast program with George Noory last night and I am disgusted with the amount of apostasy in this country. However, never have I seen anyone get out that much information that quickly to so many as you did. I've read your book, seen your DVD's, and have been reading your web site for a couple of months now and I fully agree and am glad to see that someone out there has the guts to tell the truth in its entirety especially concerning the dogma of "no salvation outside the Catholic Church" which unfortunately so many refuse to uphold. May God bless you. You and your brothers are my personal heroes.
Sincerely, Dr. Perry Prescott
Dear Brother Diamond,
I just wanted to tell you that you did a great job last night on Coast to Coast! I actually stayed up late to listen to it. I couldn't believe how much you were able to cover in an hour. You kept your cool throughout the entire interview, especially with that crazy caller at the end. It's amazing that almost every single caller was upset about the 'no salvation' issue. Why is it SO hard for people to understand this? It seems pretty cut and dry to me. I think that whoever listened to you last night was touched in one way or another by your words, how could they not? It was obvious that you were filled with the Holy Ghost. Please know that you are in our prayers.Thanks again for doing such a great job and getting the message out there to the whole world!
Rosie Nendick
Dear Brothers,
We wish to congratulate you on the FANTASTIC job you did on the Coast to Coast Radio Program with George Noory. Words cannot express our pride and excitement as you handled yourself with confidence and the certainty that comes from knowing, believing and sharing the true Faith of Jesus Christ. We did our best to capture this encounter on audio cassette but our tape malfunctioned and we missed taping a couple of callers and your responses. Even so, playing what we did get on cassette for our children the next day made a deep impression on them (teens and pre-teens) who said simply, that you were "amazing". Our children often become weary in this world so full of sin, at times even more so than we adults. Your appearance on this popular program (which we never listen to otherwise) was like a breath of fresh air for them. We know that you will be invited back to the program, we just hope it will be soon!
Anyway, your continued, constancy in the face of this and other horrible barrages as you stand in defense of the truth while giving hope, sharing knowledge and giving encouragement... what can I say but that we continue to pray to the Lord for you, that He uphold you, grant you many blessings now and in the life to come and that many more people hear your message, the message of the Church and heed it.
We thank God for blessing us with your interview on Coast last night! The TRUTH was spoken over the airways to millions - unbelievable in this age when the media is controlled. Our Triune God indeed is in control. You did very well, covering so many important points. You remained calm and answered wonderfully the callers. You were in our prayers.
Bro. Dimond;
Very good talk, I enjoyed it immensely and admire your courage and fortitude. Too bad that some of the callers weren't screened properly (but I think this was done on purpose, God only knows for sure). I hope you're on again.
Good going last night Brother Dimond way to fight! God bless you and family
Marcus OFarrell
Bro. Michael Dimond,
Hi, just finished listening to your appearance on the Coast to Coast radio show a couple of minutes ago, and I just wanted to drop a note commending you for a great job. I'm not a sedevacantist, but I was very impressed with how you handled yourself on the program... especially with that irrational person at the very end. I'm sure many, many people will find out about the traditional Catholic faith because of this program. Thank you.
Dear Brothers,
I got a audio tape of Bro. Michaels interview with George Noory--- I thought it was outstanding the way Brother kept the interest of all the listeners along with directing the message at non-Catholics as well - It was also clear that he won the debates with the people that called in- I could listen to that tape over & over again..God bless
Steve- Marshall WI
Dear Brother Dimond,
Thank you for appearing on the Coast to Coast Radio program, it was very informative.
Marsha Larson Glendale, AZ
Listened to Coast to Coast the other night when Bro. Diamond was on. I have returned to the Traditional Catholic faith from the Novus Ordo; so it was wonderful to hear a real Catholic speaking the truth over the air waves. I know people HATE to hear the fact that there really is only one Church founded by Jesus himself and membership in the Church is necessary for salvation. I guess it boils down to the fact that God's ways are not our ways. And I agree, being a Traditional Catholic is probably the most difficult and yet spititual rewarding religion there is.
God bless you,
Joe V Superior, WI
Dear Br. Michael
I wanted to congratulate you for your explicit and uncompromising profession of Faith the other night on the radio.
Vince Cortese
I heard Brother Michael Dimond on the Coast-to-Coast radio show the other night. What he said confirmed my gut feelings .
Thank you, Mike
Brother Michael,
God led me to put on the radio last night at o'clock and to my surprise you were on the air.
I was so impressed by your coolness in the face of some vicious characters that they put against you.
Brother Dimond,
I just listened to your show on Coast to Coast, and I couldn't agree with you more! As a cradle Catholic, I've noticed some things about the Mass, and have begun to do some research into the Vatican that disturb me greatly. For the past few years, I've had this feeling that my religion both, has been, and is currently, being compromised by human direction instead of God's. And you summed up this "feeling" perfectly on the show tonight!!! And for that, I commend you
Sincerely in Christ, Mark
Dear Brother,
I think that you did an excellent job on Coast to Coast am Monday night
Andrew J. Filberg Sr.
Greeting Brother Diamond, I listened to you early this morning on coast to coast. You handled yourself with great aplomb, integrity and conviction. The truths you outlined were the exact ones I grew up with and which I also beleive most fervently. As a loyal son of Holy Mother Church, I too am lost for words to understand the fantastic and incredible changes that have taken place in my lifetime to our holy church. I am a firm beleiver that Christ will never abandon His church and He will be with us till the end of time. I miss our Latin, Roman roots, all that that means, our services, our truths and in many cases our beliefs. I also beleive that Christ is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and I will never, never forsake Holy Mother Church. I will continue to pray and believe and I hope the same for you. Thomas
Good Afternoon Brother Michael,
I need to thank you so much for your radio appearance last night on Coast to Coast. I pray that many that heard you woke up. It is so refreshing when you can finally listen to the radio and hear correct teaching.
Thank you and May God Bless You, Brother Peter and all at your monastery.
Debbie Kolesar
Brother Michael:
Congratulations on a job well done. Tried to get through to support you but the lines were busy. My friend June listened as well.
God Bless Marie
Dear Bro. Dimond,
Loved your answers on Coast to Coast last night. If only every true Catholic would answer the way you did. At last millions of souls will now know where the true Church is and how to save their souls. And thank you for pointing to the real Catholic Church and exposing the fake church. I was very proud of you.
God love you, Judith Provost
Thank you for being on the show!
George! Great radio buddy!
Linda charlotte nc
Dear Brother Dimond - I stayed up until 2 am listening to your appearance on Coast to Coast and I thank God that you were able to get on this huge program and tell people the truth, though how you were treated certainly demonstrated that we living under the reign of Antichrist and that people think they are following the will of God by attacking the truth, which was amply demonstrated by how these ignorant protestants were reacting to what you were saying
Mrs. Moira Gralund
Dear Sir or Madame,
I heard Br. Dimond on the Coast to Coast radio show and was truly fascinated with the topic. I didn't catch the whole show though and I was wondering if The Most Holy Family Monastery recognizes Pope Pius XII as the legitimate pope. I too have felt an emptiness at Mass in the Novus Ordo church and have not been in quite some time (preferring to have a direct rapport with God and Jesus Christ through private prayer and Rosary meditation)
Very best regards, Chip Beyer
Dear Brother Dimond,
It was so interesting to hear you on Coastam last night. I was drifting in and out of sleep last night so I didn't hear 100%, but the last caller seemed possessed! Actually, he may have gotten a taste of his own, sounded like a Baptist or something. I've been reading your website today...Wow!...
Thank You Brother Dimond, Robert
I listened with great interest to your presentation on coast to coast. Thank God there are Catholics that can articulate our faith to others as well as you did. It re-affirmed and renewed my faith as a Catholic.
Michael Kantor
I wanted to say I enjoyed your presentation on Coast to Coast. I wish you had been able to discuss more of what you believe and why you believe it as opposed to having to defend yourself. I am not happy with the tone of some of interview. Not because of anything that you said but because the host allowed it to become a circus atmosphere. Will you be on any other shows. I would love to hear you get a fair interviewer. I have also been viewing your online DVDs and will be listening to some audio and reading some articles tomorrow. I'm looking forward to that. Well take care and God bless.
Dear Brother Michael,
I wish I had gotten to talk to you on Coast to Coast. You were very good! I wish some one with your attitude, or at least somebody more agreeable had called. You are right, and I concur. I try at least. Don't listen to those like JC. What a whacko, and most obviously uneducated and unenlightened.
Anyway, I have been going through a crisis of faith lately. I haven't been to Mass since Easter! It is just incredibly disheartening--the weak homilies and penances given. How can a priest make fun of the 'Our Father' or tell you in confession that you're being too hard on yourself!!---There is a St. John the Divine Catholic Church near us. They are pre-Vatican II. Would it be wrong to go?
Lynn Coronado
Dear Brothers,
Thank You!! If I was not already a sede, I would be after that program!!!
Bro. Dimond,
I totally agree with everything you had to say last night too bad very few were listening. Obviously Noory and his ilk believe you are far right fanatic. How you were able to tolerate the 1 ˝ hours of call ins was amazing. I found it interesting that Noory suggested that his engineer was at risk of going to Hell without considering himself( as he thought he was a true Catholic?-apparently he was not listening). I do not normally listen to George Noory as his program is routinely anti-Catholic but I am certainly glad I listened last night
God Bless, Ben
Dear Most Holy Family Monastery;
I listened to Bro. Michael Dimond last nite on George Noory's Coast to Coast radio program and wanted to thank him for presenting that valuable information .
Regards, Donna
To the Holy Brothers,
I thought that I was Catholic until I heard Bro. Dimond on the radio the other night. I, like many others I'm sure, was linked to your web-site by Coast to Coast AM. Let me just say that Bro. Dimond and your web-site have shown me that I am far from being what I should. What are the top books and sources that you recommend for someone to truly learn what it is to be Catholic?... I really need to examine my conscience after hearing the show and reviewing your web-site. Please advise me of anything that you can help me with.
Yours in Christ, Joe Veirs
Dear Bro. Mike,
I heard you on George Noory earlier this week and am writing to see if you would e-mail me a copy of the form to order your DVDs and books. The information you presented on talk radio was fascinating and has me second-guessing my lack of a Catholic spiritual life
Scarlett Miller Chico, CA
Your interview was very interesting. Thank you for taking the time to talk to the Coast listeners. You make the world a better place to live in with the work you are continuing to do. A fellow traveler on this world,
Nita Lindal
Hello Brother Michael,
After listening to you on the Coast to Coast radio show evening before last [or, rather, early yesterday morning?!!] I realized what you were saying was the truth--so, most of yesterday morning/afternoon/evening, up until a few minutes ago [it's around 5 am. Wednesday morning, here in New Jersey] I have read and read and read as much as I've been able to, of what you have posted on your website, and I would just like to say to you--THANK YOU!!!...
Very Sincerely Yours, Christine Chiomento
Dear Brother Michael,
I enjoyed your interview Monday evening with George Noorey.
To whom it may concern,
I listened to Coast to Coast AM last evening and heard Brother Michael Diamond and found it all very compelling
Sincerely, C. Courteau
You did a great job, I am just listening to it now. I wish I could have called in but didn't know you would be on
Hello - I listened to coast to coast last night and found it very interesting and I also went to your web site and read some of the articles, which were also very interesting.
Yours truly, Len McKenzie
Brother Michael - I thank you anyway, for a very thought-provoking several hours!!!
-Jonathan Chew
Hello Brother Dimond:
My husband and I heard you on Coast to Coast a couple of days ago and loved everything that you said. We spent the entire day and evening yesterday watching the dvds on your website and reading the information there. Everything you've said makes perfect sense to us and we both feel that you have come to us at a time in our lives when we were at a crossroads spiritually
I listened to the radio, here in the phoenix area KFYI I think that is 911AM. I heard Brother Michael DImond. Very Good!! So, this broadcast was at about 11pm? Called, Coast-to-Coast only Art Bell was not the HOst for Monday eve, July 10. Art said he is going to be a Catholic, I hope he means a real Catholic. People don't like that Dogma "Truth" that there is only One True Faith. It just boils their blood!! Well, it must be said, a real Must, and Thank God you did such a marvelous Job
Nancy Vogel
I thought brother Diamond did a great job on Coast to Coast the other day. The reaction from the audience was shocking to say the least in the way they attacked Brother Diamond. It was kin to atheists attacking religion in general out of fear of being wrong. I hope to hear him on again and I hope George does not break his own rules again as he did with JC allowing him to call in a second time in a single show and yell and insult the guest over and over.
Your presentation was organized, eloquent and fluid- Bravo!
Tony Licursi
I really enjoyed bro. Michael Diamond's appearance on the radio. I was quite impressed how Bro. Diamond was able to defend the truth so well with such charity, even in the face of such rediculous callers as that wacko at the end. Anyways, I thank you for taking the time to read my questions.
Clark McNabb
Hi, my name is mark and I've listened to the program coast2coast for years waiting for what i heard July 10. I need to speak to someone i am not Catholic and was not raised in a religious family but he's always been there and i need to save me and my family
Brother Dimond: Thank you for being on the program Coast to Coast am. You are steadfast in your defense of the true catholic church.
I just listened to the Coast to Coast broadcast. You couldn't have been more eloquent and disciplined in your responses. You were absolutely dead on, and many people listening were shocked by such honesty. Outstanding I have to say that the way that you were able to simply and clearly, yet powerfully defend Christ and the Deposit of Faith, whole and inviolate, was so well done, that it should definitely be noted with an underscore that you are living up to your name, Michael. You are a man, charged with this knowledge and have the duty to perform the ultimate charity in this life, which is to tell the truth of the Church, even unto death, and the way that you were able to articulate without a moments' hesitation from caller after caller has given me the impression that God was right there blessing you with the ability to be as wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove Let me say, by the way, that I was completely blown away by the videos that you sell. I ordered every book, tape, VHS and DVD that you offer and was absolutely astounded by the material. I owe you a great deal for the clarity that I have received on matters of the faith, in an age that is so unbelievably full of deceit.
Dear Br. Dimond:
THANK YOU SO MUCH for coming on C2C and taking all that Garbage from Noory and Company, not to mention some of the callers. They have a Delete button, but they their Jr. High level mentality...chose not to use it. I was disgusted with Noory's assaine antics and told himso!! The Next night he even Crowed about how those J.C. calls were the highlight of the J.C. seemed to be on "THEIR side." Odd, how Noory's hometown, St. Louis, just Happened to have a 90 mph wind, out of no where, blow in and take about 47 Thousand of them off the grid...shortly after the program.
Dear Brothers Dimond,
Thank you for holding up the banner of the Churches teaching on eens on Coast to Coast.
RE: dvd Journey into Hell: I want to tell you how much I use the dvd. It really is a good reminder and something to think about. Having read St. Alphonsus book Preperation for Death several times, the dvd brings into focus the pictures St. Alphonsus was drawing in words. It would be wonderful to have more dvd's like this one on other topics to use during the day while I work and sew to help keep my mind on things of importance and prayer. It never gets old, anyway for me it does not. Thank you for making this dvd.
Mary Ann Davis
Thanks, we feel that that DVD is one of our most important, if not the most important one we have.
(July, 2006) MHFM: Following Bro. Michael Dimonds interview on Coast to Coast Am on July 10, 2006, we were inundated with telephone calls on our 800-line. We have 4 lines available for our 800-number, and at least 3 out of 4 (and very often 4 out of 4) lines were lit up and ringing almost continuously for about 24 hours. (This didnt afford us the opportunity to sleep for over 24 hours, but it was truly a blessing because many souls have heard the truth of the Catholic Faith and have acted upon embracing it.) We had lists of numbers of people we had to call back, and it took us some days to get back to them all. We have received a great number of orders from those who heard the show. We have spoken to so many non-Catholics and Protestants who, having heard the message of the traditional Catholic Faith (the one Church of Jesus Christ) a message which is so simple and, since it is true, so powerful have ordered our special and are now investigating the Catholic Faith or are on the brink of conversion. We have sent out numerous summaries of the Catholic Catechism. We have spoken to so many fallen away Catholics who have now decided to come back to the practice of the traditional Faith and a daily prayer life. We have spoken to so many people who attend the New Mass and knew that something was wrong, but couldnt put their fingers on it, who are now committed to the traditional Catholic Faith. It truly has been a flood of good fruits, for which we thank God. We pray that all will receive His grace to remain faithful to (and/or embrace) the one Faith that Jesus Christ revealed (the traditional, unchangeable Catholic Faith).
We also received a large number of e-mails in a 48-hour period. Here are just some of the positive responses that came in via e-mail:
Dear Brother Diamond,
First, thank you for speaking to the world about the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic family is relistening to a tope we made of Coast A.M. of your interview. I hope you are invited back!!!!...
Janet Anderton
Dear Brother Dimond,
Please put my on your e mail newsletter. I have listened to a tape of the radio program you were on, that a friend gave me and everything you said sounds logical!... All of those people who called into the radio program were so evil. They were so mad at you because you spoke the truth and they don't want to hear it. You could hear the evil in their voices!
May God bless you and help you spread the truth about our Catholic Faith-the TRUE Faith!
Kathryn Rubio
Solon, OH
Dear Br. Dimond:
THANK YOU SO MUCH for coming on C2C and taking all that Garbage from Noory and Company, not to mention some of the callers. They have a Delete button, but they their Jr. High level mentality...chose not to use it. I was disgusted with Noory's assaine antics and told him so!! The Next night he even Crowed about how those J.C. calls were the highlight of the J.C. seemed to be on "THEIR side." Odd, how Noory's hometown, St. Louis, just Happened to have a 90 mph wind, out of no where, blow in and take about 47 Thousand of them off the grid...shortly after the program.
Thanks again for coming on. Hopefully, you will be interviewed by Art Bell, himself, next time.
Prayers to you all,
Dear Brother:
My name is J.F. and I have just listened to you speak on Coast to Coast AM. Your words were shocking and yet, resonated in some way which I can not explain. Perhaps it is because I consider myself to be a Christian, yet what you had to said brought me into a state of questioning as to my own understanding of what being a Christian means.
I am requesting from you more information regarding the 'true' Catholic church. I will of course take the time to read the articles on your website...however, it does not seem a particularly 'systematic' exposition. Please understand, I was raised in the baptist church and matters regarding such things as the Papacy, etc. are new to me.
I thank you for any help you may provide.
If you could recommend any references for me as a beginner wanting to learn about Traditional Catholicism and the history of Catholic Church (particularily it's origins), I would be quite greatful. I truly appreciate your time. Brother Dimond's radio appearance last night was truly a blessing for me. I formerly never considered exploring the Roman Catholic Church because I couldn't reconcile strong Christian beliefs with the liberalism seen in so many facets of the modern church. The idea of Traditional Catholicism has opened up a whole new world to me, one that seems to get closer to the roots of Christianity than any other option Ive come across.
Thank you,
Our dog woke me this morning at around 3:00 a.m. and in going downstairs to let her out, I found our radio still on in our study and heard someone from your organization on a talk show aired on WLS, AM 890.This was very unusual, and Im sure there was some involvement from the Holy Spirit to lead me to hear the program. I tried to call in, but a number was never given, and there was no answer to my several calls to the station. I only came in on the last 45 minutes of the show, but it appears that someone from your organization was making and defending the statement that EVERYONE on earth who was not a CATHOLIC (is this limited to Roman Catholic?) would go to Hell when they died. I was compelled to contact you.
I have some questions
Brother Diamond, I heard your radio show. It was great! It made me feel alive with truth. You were outstanding. I thank the Lord you were able to get the message of truth to some many so quick. Bless you. Keep up the good work.
I heard Brother Michael on Coast to Coast AM last week and was amazed. I didn't know an Order like you existed anywhere
My question is how can I be confirmed and become one with the true Catholic Church? May God continue to Bless your labors, J. K., Hanford, CA
This is a copy of a letter I sent G Noory about last nights show. I appreciate what you did and how you kept your head. I am a traditional Catholic and really enjoyed what you had to say. I have some of your tapes and DVD's and really am happy to know we have some people who can speak for us. Unbelievable that you tolerated that moron JC. I don't waste any time on people like that anymore, but you did great. God Bless you Michael,
Anita Salsedo
Fresno, Ca.
Dearest Michael Dimond,
I am a Traditional Catholic and a former Baptist minister and I am extremely impressed with how much you know. It is because of you and your publications that I am able to say that today I am Traditional. I tuned in to the Coast to Coast program with George Noory last night and I am disgusted with the amount of apostasy in this country. However, never have I seen anyone get out that much information that quickly to so many as you did. I've read your book, seen your DVD's, and have been reading your web site for a couple of months now and I fully agree and am glad to see that someone out there has the guts to tell the truth in its entirety especially concerning the dogma of "no salvation outside the Catholic Church" which unfortunately so many refuse to uphold. May God bless you. You and your brothers are my personal heroes.
Dr. Perry Prescott
Dear Brother Diamond,
I just wanted to tell you that you did a great job last night on Coast to Coast! I actually stayed up late to listen to it. I couldn't believe how much you were able to cover in an hour. You kept your cool throughout the entire interview, especially with that crazy caller at the end. It's amazing that almost every single caller was upset about the 'no salvation' issue. Why is it SO hard for people to understand this? It seems pretty cut and dry to me. I think that whoever listened to you last night was touched in one way or another by your words, how could they not? It was obvious that you were filled with the Holy Ghost. Please know that you are in our prayers.Thanks again for doing such a great job and getting the message out there to
the whole world!
Rosie Nendick
Dear Brothers,
We wish to congratulate you on the FANTASTIC job you did on the Coast to Coast Radio Program with George Noory. Words cannot express our pride and excitement as you handled yourself with confidence and the certainty that comes from knowing, believing and sharing the true Faith of Jesus Christ. We did our best to capture this encounter on audio cassette but our tape malfunctioned and we missed taping a couple of callers and your responses. Even so, playing what we did get on cassette for our children the next day made a deep impression on them (teens and pre-teens) who said simply, that you were "amazing". Our children often become weary in this world so full of sin, at times even more so than we adults. Your appearance on this popular program (which we never listen to otherwise) was like a breath of fresh air for them. We know that you will be invited back to the program, we just hope it will be soon!
Anyway, your continued, constancy in the face of this and other horrible barrages as you stand in defense of the truth while giving hope, sharing knowledge and giving encouragement... what can I say but that we continue to pray to the Lord for you, that He uphold you, grant you many blessings now and in the life to come and that many more people hear your message, the message of the Church and heed it.
We thank God for blessing us with your interview on Coast last night! The TRUTH was spoken over the airways to millions - unbelievable in this age when the media is controlled. Our Triune God indeed is in control. You did very well, covering so many important points. You remained calm and answered wonderfully the callers. You were in our prayers.
Bro. Dimond;
Very good talk, I enjoyed it immensely and admire your courage and fortitude. Too bad that some of the callers weren't screened properly (but I think this was done on purpose, God only knows for sure). I hope you're on again.
Good going last night Brother Dimond
way to fight! God bless you and family
Marcus OFarrell
Bro. Michael Dimond,
Hi, just finished listening to your appearance on the Coast to Coast radio show a couple of minutes ago, and I just wanted to drop a note commending you for a great job. I'm not a sedevacantist, but I was very impressed with how you handled yourself on the program... especially with that irrational person at the very end. I'm sure many, many people will find out about the traditional Catholic faith because of this program. Thank you.
Dear Brothers,
I got a audio tape of Bro. Michaels interview with George Noory--- I thought it was outstanding the way Brother kept the interest of all the listeners along with directing the message at non-Catholics as well - It was also clear that he won the debates with the people that called in- I could listen to that tape over & over again..God bless
Steve- Marshall WI
Dear Brother Dimond,
Thank you for appearing on the Coast to Coast Radio program, it was very informative.
Marsha Larson
Glendale, AZ
Listened to Coast to Coast the other night when Bro. Diamond was on. I have returned to the Traditional Catholic faith from the Novus Ordo; so it was wonderful to hear a real Catholic speaking the truth over the air waves. I know people HATE to hear the fact that there really is only one Church founded by Jesus himself and membership in the Church is necessary for salvation. I guess it boils down to the fact that God's ways are not our ways. And I agree, being a Traditional Catholic is probably the most difficult and yet spititual rewarding religion there is.
God bless you,
Joe V
Superior, WI
Dear Br. Michael
I wanted to congratulate you for your explicit and uncompromising profession of Faith the other night on the radio.
Vince Cortese
I heard Brother Michael Dimond on the Coast-to-Coast radio show the other night. What he said confirmed my gut feelings
Thank you,
Brother Michael,
God led me to put on the radio last night at o'clock and to my surprise you were on the air.
I was so impressed by your coolness in the face of some vicious characters that they put against you.
Brother Dimond,
I just listened to your show on Coast to Coast, and I couldn't agree with you more! As a cradle Catholic, I've noticed some things about the Mass, and have begun to do some research into the Vatican that disturb me greatly. For the past few years, I've had this feeling that my religion both, has been, and is currently, being compromised by human direction instead of God's. And you summed up this "feeling" perfectly on the show tonight!!! And for that, I commend you
Sincerely in Christ,
Dear Brother,
I think that you did an excellent job on Coast to Coast am Monday night
Andrew J. Filberg Sr.
Greeting Brother Diamond, I listened to you early this morning on coast to coast. You handled yourself with great aplomb, integrity and conviction. The truths you outlined were the exact ones I grew up with and which I also beleive most fervently. As a loyal son of Holy Mother Church, I too am lost for words to understand the fantastic and incredible changes that have taken place in my lifetime to our holy church. I am a firm beleiver that Christ will never abandon His church and He will be with us till the end of time. I miss our Latin, Roman roots, all that that means, our services, our truths and in many cases our beliefs. I also beleive that Christ is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and I will never, never forsake Holy Mother Church. I will continue to pray and believe and I hope the same for you. Thomas
Good Afternoon Brother Michael,
I need to thank you so much for your radio appearance last night on Coast to Coast. I pray that many that heard you woke up. It is so refreshing when you can finally listen to the radio and hear
correct teaching.
Thank you and May God Bless You, Brother Peter and all at your monastery.
Debbie Kolesar
Brother Michael:
Congratulations on a job well done. Tried to get through to support you but the lines were busy. My friend June listened as well.
God Bless
Dear Bro. Dimond,
Loved your answers on Coast to Coast last night. If only every true Catholic would answer the way you did. At last millions of souls will now know where the true Church is and how to save their souls. And thank you for pointing to the real Catholic Church and exposing the fake church. I was very proud of you.
God love you,
Judith Provost
Thank you for being on the show!
George! Great radio buddy!
Linda charlotte nc
Dear Brother Dimond - I stayed up until 2 am listening to your appearance on Coast to Coast and I thank God that you were able to get on this huge program and tell people the truth, though how you were treated certainly demonstrated that we living under the reign of Antichrist and that people think they are following the will of God by attacking the truth, which was amply demonstrated by how these ignorant protestants were reacting to what you were saying
Mrs. Moira Gralund
Dear Sir or Madame,
I heard Br. Dimond on the Coast to Coast radio show and was truly fascinated with the topic. I didn't catch the whole show though and I was wondering if The Most Holy Family Monastery recognizes Pope Pius XII as the legitimate pope. I too have felt an emptiness at Mass in the Novus Ordo church and have not been in quite some time (preferring to have a direct rapport with God and Jesus Christ through private prayer and Rosary meditation)
Very best regards,
Chip Beyer
Dear Brother Dimond,
It was so interesting to hear you on Coastam last night. I was drifting in and out of sleep last night so I didn't hear 100%, but the last caller seemed possessed! Actually, he may have gotten a taste of his own, sounded like a Baptist or something. I've been reading your website today...Wow!...
Thank You Brother Dimond,
I listened with great interest to your presentation on coast to coast. Thank God there are Catholics that can articulate our faith to others as well as you did. It re-affirmed and renewed my faith as a Catholic.
Michael Kantor
I wanted to say I enjoyed your presentation on Coast to Coast. I wish you had been able to discuss more of what you believe and why you believe it as opposed to having to defend yourself. I am not happy with the tone of some of interview. Not because of anything that you said but because the host allowed it to become a circus atmosphere. Will you be on any other shows. I would love to hear you get a fair interviewer. I have also been viewing your online DVDs and will be listening to some audio and reading some articles tomorrow. I'm looking forward to that. Well take care and God bless.
Dear Brother Michael,
I wish I had gotten to talk to you on Coast to Coast. You were very good! I wish some one with your attitude, or at least somebody more agreeable had called. You are right, and I concur. I try at least. Don't listen to those like JC. What a whacko, and most obviously uneducated and unenlightened.
Anyway, I have been going through a crisis of faith lately. I haven't been to Mass since Easter! It is just incredibly disheartening--the weak homilies and penances given. How can a priest make fun of the 'Our Father' or tell you in confession that you're being too hard on yourself!!---There is a St. John the Divine Catholic Church near us. They are pre-Vatican II. Would it be wrong to go?
Lynn Coronado
Dear Brothers,
Thank You!! If I was not already a sede, I would be after that program!!!
Bro. Dimond,
I totally agree with everything you had to say last night too bad very few were listening. Obviously Noory and his ilk believe you are far right fanatic. How you were able to tolerate the 1 ˝ hours of call ins was amazing. I found it interesting that Noory suggested that his engineer was at risk of going to Hell without considering himself( as he thought he was a true Catholic?-apparently he was not listening). I do not normally listen to George Noory as his program is routinely anti-Catholic but I am certainly glad I listened last night
God Bless,
Dear Most Holy Family Monastery;
I listened to Bro. Michael Dimond last nite on George Noory's Coast to Coast radio program and wanted to thank him for presenting that valuable information
To the Holy Brothers,
I thought that I was Catholic until I heard Bro. Dimond on the radio the other night. I, like many others I'm sure, was linked to your web-site by Coast to Coast AM. Let me just say that Bro. Dimond and your web-site have shown me that I am far from being what I should. What are the top books and sources that you recommend for someone to truly learn what it is to be Catholic?... I really need to examine my conscience after hearing the show and reviewing your web-site. Please advise me of anything that you can help me with.
Yours in Christ,
Joe Veirs
Dear Bro. Mike,
I heard you on George Noory earlier this week and am writing to see if you would e-mail me a copy of the form to order your DVDs and books. The information you presented on talk radio was fascinating and has me second-guessing my lack of a Catholic spiritual life
Scarlett Miller
Chico, CA
Your interview was very interesting. Thank you for taking the time to talk to the Coast listeners. You make the world a better place to live in with the work you are continuing to do. A fellow traveler on this world,
Nita Lindal
Hello Brother Michael,
After listening to you on the Coast to Coast radio show evening before last [or, rather, early yesterday morning?!!] I realized what you were saying was the truth--so, most of yesterday morning/afternoon/evening, up until a few minutes ago [it's around 5 am. Wednesday morning, here in New Jersey] I have read and read and read as much as I've been able to, of what you have posted on your website, and I would just like to say to you--THANK YOU!!!...
Very Sincerely Yours,
Christine Chiomento
Dear Brother Michael,
I enjoyed your interview Monday evening with George Noorey.
To whom it may concern,
I listened to Coast to Coast AM last evening and heard Brother Michael Diamond and found it all very compelling
C. Courteau
You did a great job, I am just listening to it now. I wish I could have called in but didn't know you would be on
Hello - I listened to coast to coast last night and found it very interesting and I also went to your web site and read some of the articles, which were also very interesting.
Yours truly,
Len McKenzie
Brother Michael - I thank you anyway, for a very thought-provoking several hours!!!
-Jonathan Chew
Hello Brother Dimond:
My husband and I heard you on Coast to Coast a couple of days ago and loved everything that you said. We spent the entire day and evening yesterday watching the dvds on your website and reading the information there. Everything you've said makes perfect sense to us and we both feel that you have come to us at a time in our lives when we were at a crossroads spiritually
I listened to the radio, here in the phoenix area KFYI I think that is 911AM. I heard Brother Michael DImond. Very Good!! So, this broadcast was at about 11pm? Called, Coast-to-Coast only Art Bell was not the HOst for Monday eve, July 10. Art said he is going to be a Catholic, I hope he means a real Catholic. People don't like that Dogma "Truth" that there is only One True Faith. It just boils their blood!! Well, it must be said, a real Must, and Thank God you did such a marvelous Job
Nancy Vogel
I thought brother Diamond did a great job on Coast to Coast the other day. The reaction from the audience was shocking to say the least in the way they attacked Brother Diamond. It was kin to atheists attacking religion in general out of fear of being wrong. I hope to hear him on again and I hope George does not break his own rules again as he did with JC allowing him to call in a second time in a single show and yell and insult the guest over and over.
Your presentation was organized, eloquent and fluid- Bravo!
Tony Licursi
I really enjoyed bro. Michael Diamond's appearance on the radio. I was quite impressed how Bro. Diamond was able to defend the truth so well with such charity, even in the face of such rediculous callers as that wacko at the end. Anyways, I thank you for taking the time to read my questions.
Clark McNabb
Hi, my name is mark and I've listened to the program coast2coast for years waiting for what i heard July 10. I need to speak to someone i am not Catholic and was not raised in a religious family but he's always been there and i need to save me and my family
Brother Dimond: Thank you for being on the program Coast to Coast am. You are steadfast in your defense of the true catholic church.
I just listened to the Coast to Coast broadcast. You couldn't have been more eloquent and disciplined in your responses. You were absolutely dead on, and many people listening were shocked by such honesty. Outstanding
I have to say that the way that you were able to simply and clearly, yet powerfully defend Christ and the Deposit of Faith, whole and inviolate, was so well done, that it should definitely be noted with an underscore that you are living up to your name, Michael. You are a man, charged with this knowledge and have the duty to perform the ultimate charity in this life, which is to tell the truth of the Church, even unto death, and the way that you were able to articulate without a moments' hesitation from caller after caller has given me the impression that God was right there blessing you with the ability to be as wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove
Let me say, by the way, that I was completely blown away by the videos that you sell. I ordered every book, tape, VHS and DVD that you offer and was absolutely astounded by the material. I owe you a great deal for the clarity that I have received on matters of the faith, in an age that is so unbelievably full of deceit.
Dear Br. Dimond:
THANK YOU SO MUCH for coming on C2C and taking all that Garbage from Noory and Company, not to mention some of the callers. They have a Delete button, but they their Jr. High level mentality...chose not to use it. I was disgusted with Noory's assaine antics and told himso!! The Next night he even Crowed about how those J.C. calls were the highlight of the J.C. seemed to be on "THEIR side." Odd, how Noory's hometown, St. Louis, just Happened to have a 90 mph wind, out of no where, blow in and take about 47 Thousand of them off the grid...shortly after the program.
Dear Brothers Dimond,
Thank you for holding up the banner of the Churches teaching on eens on Coast to Coast.
It is a pity that the Salvation issue so divides the Traditionalist movement, especially, if not exclusively, in the USA. The Church has never complicated matters for It's children. There really should be no problem, notwithstanding what certain " Patristic Fathers " may or may not have said on this issue.
We have the Sacrament of Baptism whose matter is water and whose form is : I baptise you in the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. This really should be the end of the controversy.
I am perplexed why the bulk of Traditional priests seek to find their way around the Sacrament of Baptism. One of the reasons coud be that they are closet ecumaniacs.
Keep the Faith!
Stephen Francis
Yes, we fully agree. It’s so simple: unless a man is born again of water and the Holy Ghost he cannot enter into the kingdom of God (John 3:5). If people cogitate on exactly what these salvation heretics are arguing for (in arguing that people don’t need baptism and that members of false religions can be united to the Church) and what they accomplish in arguing for it – namely, nothing except to confirm people outside the Church and discourage people from converting and being baptized – and consider the fruits of their heresy, which are simply awful (rampant religious indifferentism), one can clearly see that the furor created by those tenaciously arguing for “baptism of desire” and salvation for non-Catholics is evil. (more…)
Dear Brother Dimond
I have just read your article on John Daly and I find it an excellent guide concerning his erroneous position. I too have noticed his exaggerated self importance and conceitedness in his writings, and the contradictions of his position which can only confuse those who read his writings on issues in sedevacantism. As someone who comes from the same Daly historical clan in Ireland as John Daly, I wish to say that I wholly endorse your position as accurate in this matter, as you puncture his waffle and inflated ego which leads him to his blindness on theological matters. I have read your carefully documented and researched book Outside the Catholic Church There is absolutely No Salvation, and your arguments have been honestly put forward and carefully supported from Holy scripture and Magisterial Statements. The case you have made is compelling and I am awaiting a serious refutation of your arguments against Baptism of Desire and Blood. You are right to point out that John Daly is contradictory and weak in his posturings and attacks against you, which boils down to nothing more than personal enmity and a lax treatment and understanding of Holy scripture and Magisterial documents.
I am disgusted that all charity is forgotten when it comes to attacking your work and position on the crisis in the Church, and you have shown how hypocritical such people are.
God Bless you in your ministry and please continue to speak the truth of our Catholic Faith, as so few do so nowadays because of a human respect so that instead injury and offences are heaped on Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Yours sincerely
Dr Gerard Daly
Dear Brothers,
Thanks for the John Lane bio. As soon as I joined the forum I began discussing BOD and presented many of the arguments against it, along with a friend of mine named Eduardo. Mr. Lane said we would be banned unless we could show the so called "Tuas Libentur" to be false (which he was totally distorting and misuing). When material was posted from your book that clearly refuted it, he called us "scruffs" (whatever that means) and absolutely forbade any discussion of BOD, with no coherent response on the issue of "Tuas Libentur." I was furthered troubled by his posts that clearly extolled Gruner and other false traditionalists. This just goes to show that the chief sin in regard to these issues is really bad will, as Fr. Feeney said. The level of outright and constant dishonesty among so-called "traditionalists" is literally staggering.
Sincerely, Jay Dyer
Excellent point. You are exactly right. We’ve said the same thing ourselves many times. Almost everyone today is, unfortunately, a liar. Many traditionalists are also liars, in one way or another. For example, when you prove to that person that Pius IX only said that the teaching of theologians is binding when it is “universal and constant” on a matter, and that baptism of desire doesn't qualify because it was rejected by doctors of the Church, he simply lies when he continues to use it as an argument in favor of baptism of desire. That’s how simple it is.