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Kanye, John Paul II
Kanye West has JP Morgan Chase bank account closed after he is accused of being "anti-semitic"
I'm not sure if anyone else caught it, but Kanye's "white lives matter" t-shirt had an image of John Paul II on the front! Disconcerting to say the least!
Trent Horn & Michael Lofton Debunked On Francis & Proselytism
Trent Horn & Michael Lofton Debunked On Francis & Proselytism
So thankful you pointed this out!...
Janet Skordi
What sacrilege and lies. Actually, she DID "forget where [she] came from": God and her mother's womb. And where she's heading... Gehenna...
Trent Horn & Michael Lofton Debunked On Francis & Proselytism
… absolutely CLEAR & Concise. May God permit many souls to view these truths.
Kanye West has JP Morgan Chase bank account closed after he is accused of being "anti-semitic"
Kanye West no longer working with Johnny Depp lawyer, dumped by CAA. Also JP Morgan, Balenciaga, and the usual [powerless] suspects are putting pressure on Adidas…
Trent Horn & Michael Lofton Debunked On Francis & Proselytism
Thank you for sharing explaining and exposing incorrect teachings and falsehoods of liars…
Trent Horn & Michael Lofton Debunked On Francis & Proselytism
Trent Horn & Michael Lofton Debunked On Francis & Proselytism
Fantastic presentation.
Jose Daniel Pena
Trent Horn & Michael Lofton Debunked On Francis & Proselytism
Horn and Lofton are snake heretics.
Keith Fuson
Trent Horn & Michael Lofton Debunked On Francis & Proselytism
After years of watching MHFM videos, I thought there weren't more people so grudgingly making videos trying to "refute" the irrefutable. But guess what? They still try to do that. Aside from the spiritual bad things they do to themselves, they just want visualizations, they just want to appear more important to the crowd who follow them as disciples, and they're not necessarily concerned with the truth, they're not wanting to be rejected for believing and professing the truth faith. In the end, on the Last Day, the multitudes who follow these false preachers will be shocked to see them condemned to eternal Hell fire if they do not convert before they die. Thanks, MHFM, from Brazil. Pray for us here. Brazil is about to be taken over by the socialist left. October 30th is the 2nd round of elections. God have mercy on us.
Alysson Gabriel
St. Basil, Letter 42, 4th century: “So we hear from Ezekiel teaching as it were in the name of the Lord, when he says, if the righteous turns away and commits iniquity, I will not remember the righteousness which he committed before; in his sin he shall die, and so too about the sinner; if he turns away from his wickedness, and do that which is right, he shall live. Where were all the labors of God's servant Moses, when the gainsaying of one moment shut him out from entering into the promised land? What became of the companionship of Gehazi with Elisha, when he brought leprosy on himself by his covetousness? What availed all Solomon's vast wisdom, and his previous regard for God, when afterwards from his mad love of women he fell into idolatry?... Learn then, brother, that it is not he who begins well who is perfect. It is he who ends well who is approved in God's sight.”
Amen powerful video. Truly appreciate the work done…
… this website… has helped me tremendously over the years…
Stanley A
The gall and absolute ignorance of her to pose before a crucifix and portrait of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Cut through the lies
Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church
Great new video and important to cut through the lies being told by many who are just in panic mode from the debate with Cassman. They fear losing their audience since the truth is so clear to those of good will seeking it. Great work and may God continue to bless the Most Holy Family Monastery for promoting the true Catholic faith.
Mary Jo Marceau-Hawthorne
Eyes Opened Wide
Hello, I love your newly discovered website where I have learned so much about the Catholic faith. I feel so very blessed to have been born into the Catholic faith. My eyes have been opened wide and so much has been put into perspective. I have watched many of your videos and still more to go and learn something with every video. I have a couple of questions that I am very confident you can answer. I believe I heard in your video that Medjugorje was false apparition? What about St. Faustina…? Should the luminous mysteries be mediated on or just the three that our Blessed Mother gave us at Fatima? Did I also hear correctly (I don’t remember which video it was) that as a Catholic we should not pray for non-Catholics? Please do not stop putting out videos as I have learned more from your videos than I have my whole life. Thank you!
K Car
Hello. We’re glad to hear about the interest. This file answers those questions: False Apparitions (Divine Mercy, Bayside, Medjugorje). Also, Faustina is not a saint since she was 'canonized' by Antipope John Paul II. This is also an important spiritual video: How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself). We also recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently. Catholics must not pray for deceased non-Catholics (since there is no salvation outside the Church). But Catholics can of course pray for living non-Catholics.
"Mother Teresa was exorcised" - 45 second video
You know, the V2 structure is very reluctant to make exorcisms. Not surprising when they prefer to not even acknowledge the existence of demons and their actions. Her diabolical behavior must have been quite egregious for even the V2 "clergy" to go on with it. I wonder if we can learn more about what was taking place…
Fascinating, Shroud
The Shroud Of Turin Is The Authentic Burial Cloth Of Jesus Christ - video
Fascinating clip. Even as some still dispute the Shroud of Turin's authenticity, others are moved to use modern techniques to reveal more of its secrets.
Mary and the Bible
The Biblical Basis for Praying to Mary and for Catholic Teaching on Mary
Wonderful teaching! Thank you.
Andy T
Fallen Angels
Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman
Dear Brothers,
Hoping that his listeners will be as indifferent to true Catholicism as he is, around the 2-hour mark Cassman attempts to warn people against embracing the sedevacantist position, and to that end he says: "Now, don't join in to a Masonic revolutionary war of treachery against the Church..." How ironic that he should say this! He is hoping that his listeners will be too ignorant to recognize that the Vatican 2 Sect (beginning with the Freemason John 23rd) was precisely that Masonic takeover of the buildings and operations belonging to the Catholic Church - it's what they had plotted and planned to do for centuries. Why does he think the first item on their V2 agenda was "ecumenism" - the promotion of the Masonic lie that people do not need Christ and the true faith because all paths lead to God? Why does he think Masonry publicly applauds and thanks the antipopes - from John 23rd up to and including Francis? Why does he think the V2 sect promotes every manner of filth?
Then Cassman tries another tactic to discourage his listeners from embracing the true sedevacantist position. He says: "We will not join our brothers in heaven by imitating the fallen angels..." Another irony! Satan was the first heretic - the first to reject truth revealed by God, and the Whore of Babylon is his pride and joy. If anyone has ever wondered why God would allow the Counterfeit Church to install itself at Rome (and thus throughout the world) as a punishment, they should watch Cassman and Horn and wonder no more. Stiff-necked heretics are not delighted (as are true Catholics) to hear the truths of God taught by the true popes; they have always despised and resented the papacy. And they try to get others to do likewise, just as these mouthpieces of the Whore of Babylon are doing in these last days.
Lee Ann
New Video Posted
Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church
Was asleep
Hello Brothers
I have just become a traditional Catholic and have a few questions… I don’t accept Vatican 2 and I believe the V2 popes are antipopes. Thank you for all of the work that you do It opened my eyes I was asleep and fooled.
I live in Quito, Ecuador… I fully believe in the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, founded by Our Lord, Jesus Christ, and in all of her dogmas and decrees. I fully believe in the holy faith as presented faithfully in your website… Thank you for your support and carry on with the good fight for Christ's truth…
Church in Germany
Hello… these are greetings from Germany, which are filled with best wishes & blessings from God! I am a man from Germany & I watched your channel for years... I agree with the "things" you transmit… I want to ask, if you can tell me a church-group which is located here in Germany..?
I was raised catholic but the true-Church is no longer visible in our land..! Do you know, if there is in Germany a place, where the real Church is still around..?
Thank you
The Church is still visible, even though it has been reduced to a remnant. There are options for confession, but few for receiving Communion. Once you are convinced on all the issues, we can help you with them. We also recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.
"Gay" Milwaukee "priest" hosts "LGBTQ Mass"
Yes it is disgusting. The Mass is meant to give glory to God but at the fake new mass, these people are celebrating themselves and their sinful, homosexual lives. Man is in the place of God and evil is called good at the antichrist church. The guy said in the interview that he came out because he couldn't stand up and pretend to be something he wasn't. How ironic since he pretends to be a priest every day when he actually isn't because the new rite of ordination is invalid. Also look at the evil parishioners who said they actually "love" it… The wicked people get the desolation that they deserve.
Catholic Evangelizer
Documentary: Protestantism’s Big Justification Lie
Mind-blowing. More power to your good work…
Anton Meemana
"Gay" Milwaukee "priest" hosts "LGBTQ Mass"
As if the Novus Ordo pseudo-mass wasn't repulsive enough. The V-2 sect under Francis simply had to add an extra exclamation mark to it in its astonishing apostasy. And people still have the nerve to defend that such leadership is authentic? This is vomit-inducing. There is only One True Catholic Faith, common to all of its believers. And these people don't have it. They are way off track. Being weak and omissive when it comes to denouncing homosexuality is already deplorable. But endorsing it, praising it and celebrating it with an lgbt mass is beyond shocking.
Devastating Takedown
Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church
Devastating takedown of Trent Horn, who has sadly become a Vatican II apologist and accommodationist. These Novus Ordos are whistling in the graveyard however, as Bro. Dimond's debate victory has roused a sleeping giant among Catholics unable previously to articulate their discomfort with Bergoglio's heresies and the circus he's [created]... (Pachamama etc.). I am confident the ranks of the sedevacantists will swell while those of Team Francis will continue to thin.
G.R. Ryecroft
Opened my eyes
You really have opened my eyes to astounding hypocrisies. The Vatican II apologists will bend over backwards to defend Protestants and their inclusion into Christ’s Body as well as their ability to be saved outside the Catholic Church. Yet as a Catholic if you disagree with their novel, heretical interpretations of dogma they call you a schismatic or heretic, etc…and act like you’re treading in extremely dangerous waters.
Vinny V
Vatican II Heresies
Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church
A truly edifying lecture… thank you for your hard work and scholarship. It is excellent to see your clips from Popes, Saints, and Doctors of the Church that refute Vatican Council 2 heresies.
Maculus Carpeneli
Very Informative
Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church
Very informative.
Thoska Brah
"Mother Teresa was exorcised" - 45 second video
Yes so many people in the Vatican 2 sect are venerating Theresa of Calcutta who was possessed by demons because of her idolatry and promotion of false religions. Many other apostates will sadly get possessed through the acceptance of these heresies and their devotion to this evil woman.
Catholic Evangelizer
Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church
This was great…
Jeremy Reynosa
Mother Teresa Was Exorcised
"Mother Teresa was exorcised" - 45 second video
It didn't work.
Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church
Slam dunk. Thank you for this well made video and info.
Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church
Truth remains truth no matter how it is being twisted. Your answer to Trent Horn is honestly a fact with so many examples…
Onuorah Onyekachi
Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church
Thanks for your… work and determination, so eloquently and charitably refuting these people who are either dupes or liars thinking they can square a circle. What fellowship has light with darkness, or truth with falsehood?
Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church
Excellent Explanation and Evidence. Tyvm
Come to the true faith
Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church
Thank you for making this video. When I first began to learn about Catholicism, I was ignorant of the true catholic faith, and I got sucked into the lies spouted by Trent Horn and others… Such horrible heresy flows from them all. And it is by your videos that I have come to the true faith of Christ. We must pray for their conversion to the true catholic faith.
Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church
Thanks be to God for truth!
Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church
Great video!
Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church
Great video, and really valuable…
Catholic Kiwi
Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church
This is a great video. Thanks to MHFM, I think we know how important the mark of unity of the Church is and how precious Satis Cognitum is in our days…
Been Watching
Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church
I have been watching your work for years and am grateful and want to thank you…
Charles Hortley
No Doubt
Congratulations… for demolishing the opposition in the recent online debate… your arguments were logical, correct, and irrefutable… I'm always impressed with the depth of your research… I believe our Lord made it clear how easy it would be to find the truth in the midst of confusion with the simple rules He had given to simple men like me. What are his fruits? Does he gather or scatter? Does he go and teach all nations the truth which Christ taught us? There is absolutely no doubt left that this is in fact the prophesied counter-church of the end-times. I'm often left frustrated by 'indult Catholics' who fail to see this simple point and twist themselves into logical knots misapplying writings from hundreds of years ago to the modern crisis, failing to see the forest for the trees, and soothing their own cognitive dissonance. I often ask myself, what will the counter-church and its anti-pope have to do to lose your support? How clearly and publicly do they have to worship the devil for you to recognize that your support and legitimization of their anti-church makes you complicit? How kindly do you think this will reflect on you at your last judgement that you failed to be decisive, to act, that you did not heed the warnings of the Lord, and that you knowingly supported what was foretold two thousand years ago?...
I want to also briefly thank you for some of the amazing content you've published over the years. "Death and the journey into Hell" is particularly life-changing. I've watched and re-watched that video and find it a source of immense strength and comfort, and God will... reward you for the souls that found their way to Him and avoided eternal damnation because of your work.
A brother in Christ,
Joseph Szijarto
Only true religion
Dear Brothers: My name is Rogelio. I'm Cuban but I live in Mexico.
I was baptized as a baby but never practiced any religion. At 27 years of age, I converted to protestantism. After struggling a lot with questions about the primacy of Saint Peter, the visibility of the Church, the real presence of Christ, now... I came to realize that the Catholic faith is the only true religion instituted by the Lord Jesus Christ himself.
Also, I believe that the See of Peter is vacant and that outside the Church there is absolutely no salvation. I really want to convert… I hope you can help me with this. I follow your recommendations of praying the 15 decades of the Rosary every day.
God bless you,
“An Enormous Sin” To Deny Outside The Catholic Church There Is No Salvation
Authentic Traditional Catholicism
Greetings, MHFM.
First of all, I feel compelled to thank you, Bros. Peter and Michael Dimond, and the Most Holy Family Monastery, for your unwavering crusade for true Christianity and authentic and traditional Catholicism… I went through your sources… a conditional baptism…
Thank you for your time. God bless.
Pax Domini.
Glad it happened
Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman
I’m glad that this debate happened, the viewership is enormous. It went so bad for them that they had to discuss it in their “Churches” and even called for it to be taken down. It doesn’t matter who faces Bro. Peter to debate this subject, they will be crushed by the facts. Imagine one of those heretics spending... more than the total time for the debate... to... attempt to dissuade people who have been convinced by the sedevacantist position from taking the right step (i.e converting to sedevacantism)… They have led hundreds of their viewers astray and are ashamed that this has been so exposed in the debate. God arranged this debate to happen probably as a last call for many…
Surely not
Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman
I stand with Br. Dimond. Mr. Cassman is either not living in this world or has both eyes shut. Bergoglio surely is not the Pope... Well done Br. Dimond for teaching us the truth...
Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman
Dear Brothers,
Thank you for the video showing the recent debate with Jeff Cassman. It was quite shocking to see how Cassman tried to avoid answering so many simple questions straight on, and kept diverting the issues. Bro. Peter dealt with his dirty tactics very well. He kept Cassman on topic and pressed him to answer questions proving he was full of contradictions, e.g about Lefebvre's view of the apostasy, etc… Hopefully a large number of people will embrace the true faith after seeing it. Well done!
God Bless,
Chris White
New Debate Posted
Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman
Been Watching
Hello! I have been watching your videos for quite some time and am convinced of V2 being the end times counter church… How can one convert to the traditional Catholic faith...?
If it were not for the MHFM I'd still be attending the fake… church. Every evening I thank God for the MHFM for guiding me in the right direction…
Again, thank you.
Rick Svehla
When we switched
… When we switched to praying the 15 decade rosary everyday, we quickly converted to true Catholicism. We have both been V2sect “Catholics” our whole lives, 34 & 35 years - rejecting it entirely in autumn 2021…
God bless you,
Antoinette and Kristian
Did The Bible Predict 70 Years Without A Pope?
Fascinating analysis!...
Nation has tanked quickly
The GOP has accepted gay "marriage" - 39 second video
This nation has really tanked quickly: the wicked " fruits " of Vatican 2.
Veram Fidem
Traditional Catholic
Hello my name is Jordi, I came across your channel not too long ago due to the debate I watched w/ Br. Peter Dimond… & ever since then I have this urge to wanting to live a true traditional Catholic lifestyle. I want to seek salvation as well for others, please help me thank you.
Happy to see
Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman
I was so happy to see this debate on a mainstream channel… You exposed the ridiculousness of his positions. Great job…!
Chris Davet
The GOP has accepted gay "marriage" - 39 second video
MHFM: This is horrifying.
Hey Most Holy Family Monastery!
I am convinced that it's the great apostasy and that the chair of Peter is vacant and has been since John 23. I live near edmonton alberta…
Important Topic
Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman
Excellent debate on an important topic…
Hello. I appreciate all of your informative videos, they have been a blessing to me. I understand your message on vatican II and post vatican II being heretical…
Glad to Find
Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman
Finally some [people] I can get behind, glad to find your channel and site.
Looking into
Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman
I watched the entire debate…it was very informative…
Suzanne Love
Looking into
Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman
Incredible debate… (although it was more of a complete takedown of the heretic as well as V2). I have seen many comments… saying they will be looking into sedevacantism because of how well Brother Peter performed! God Bless MHFM!
Julian J
Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman
Historical Debate! Praises and thanks to God for the successful debate….
Jose Rex Atinan
Away From
Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman
Thanks brothers. Your teachings kept me away from the Novus Ordo…
J Thomson
Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman
Amazing debate…
Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman
… Very refreshing to hear the true Catholic faith.
Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman
Incredible debate...
Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman
Jose Daniel Cabrera Pena
Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman
You have performed a scholarly, most convincing rebuttal to this challenger. You could see him fumbling as the debate went on when he was confronted with the truth.
J. Domen
Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman
Bro. Peter did a great job winning the debate. Sedevacantism was shown to be the true position.
Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman
Awesome debate. Cassman's entire argument collapsed. His contradictory position was exposed. Bro. Dimond knocked it out the ball park! Thank you God. Thank you MHFM.
Michael S.
Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman
Dear Brothers,
I do believe an explosion may have gone off in the novus ordo world. What a wonderful and informative debate, and it was good to actually watch the participants debating. I believe any good willed person could see that Bro. Peter won the debate. But equally important, it was also very clear to see to whom the true Catholic faith really matters, and who it was that had real charity for his neighbor. At times, when Cassman was asked a simple question - and saw that a truthful answer would support Brother Peter's position - he would not answer directly, perhaps hoping that his viewers might not notice. But I think they did notice… I thank you for this important debate…
Lee Ann
Trains, Quitting
Possible railroad strike could be a death blow to America's economy? - video
I'm a huge train geek and one my close friends used to work for BNSF railway, they let trains just sit around for months, no one wants to work, people quitting en masse, etc.
“Pastor” Steven Anderson Exposed – Documentary
Excellent video.
David Soto
Interested in Becoming Catholic
Hello I’m interested in becoming catholic I was baptized as orthodox I’m from Georgia the country my family wasn’t religious so naturally I didn’t know faith but these past few years I became interested through internet…
Mary: Mother Of God & Ark Of The New Covenant – Absolute Proof!
Thanks…!!! You hit the nail on the head…
Chuck Langworthy
End Times
“Bishop” Stowe And Francis Officially Endorse “LGBT” Activity!
End times.
Not a Bishop
“Bishop” Stowe And Francis Officially Endorse “LGBT” Activity!
That is no bishop.
Jay Ess
Applauding Heresy
“Bishop” Stowe And Francis Officially Endorse “LGBT” Activity!
I don't know how to describe the anger I feel, this goes directly against Christ's teachings… Why are people applauding this heresy!!
Europe Abandoned
Muslim Refugee Acquitted In French Rape Case Due To "Different Cultural Norms"
The flooding with muhammadan refugees is God's punishment for europe since they… embraced evils like… contraception/abortion (and also because they discarded the true faith).
The Situation
“Bishop” Stowe And Francis Officially Endorse “LGBT” Activity!
At least they are not members of the true Catholic faith. It’s sad they scandalize those that aren’t informed of the situation. The anti-church may wear and occupy sacred and holy structures and vestments but the true faith lives on and thrives amongst those that have been blessed by God to join the Body of Christ.
Joshua Miller
Mother Angelica, EENS
The Deception of Mother Angelica & EWTN
Great video Brothers. I cannot believe this woman claimed to be Catholic and claimed what she did in that clip that it was a “heresy” to teach and believe outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation…
Oregon H
New Video Posted
The Dark Meaning of John Paul I’s “Beatification”
Liberals, Delusional
Wow. Liberals are so out of touch with reality. Delusional.
Francis, Death Penalty
Yet, this creature says/does nothing to eradicate infanticide via abortion. Truly wicked.
Bergoglio & a Novus Ordo Priest
God bless you MHFM
Long ago I argued with a Novus ordo priest about Bergoglio proclaiming no faith in God is needed for salvation, invocation of Pachamamas, proclaiming… Lutherans have the true faith of Christ, 100% annulments granted and a long etc. His reply: "you look for the hair in the soup", as if I am talking of irrelevant minute things, while the man they take as pope is openly invoking circles of spirits and the 4 winds... the memory of it is still haunting me 3 years later... When I showed him proof of 100% annulments being granted in many dioceses, he said: "sure at least some nullity must exist"... instead of "some validity must exist", also felt incredibly ridiculous and humiliating as an answer...
… still feeling the same disgust as the first day…
Thank you
Jose Daniel Cabrera Peña
The Dark Meaning of John Paul I’s “Beatification”
… Amazing video…
Kyle S
The Dark Meaning of John Paul I’s “Beatification”
Outstanding work. Wow!!!
The Dark Meaning of John Paul I’s “Beatification”
Great video. Thanks for your hard work… Every single video you guys put out is substantial as well as extraordinarily helpful.
Apocalypse Now In The Vatican – Portuguese
MHFM: Our video Apocalypse Now In The Vatican has been published in Portuguese:
Other Languages – Francis’ Apostasy
MHFM: Our video Francis Participates In Prayer To Evil Spirits has been published in French, Spanish, Italian and Indonesian. This is a link to the French version:
François participe à la prière aux mauvais esprits
We have also recently published new videos in other languages as well.
Archaeologists, St. Peter
Archaeologists In Galilee Unearth Ancient Discovery Linked To Apostle Peter
This is fantastic, what a great find!
Doctrine, Counter Church
Francis names 20 “cardinals” including McElroy who gives “Communion” to abortion supporters
At the end of the clip, the reporter in Rome states that antipope Francis's actions have led to more diversity and inclusion and the future of the counter church will be less "doctrinaire". So here it is on national television that Catholic dogma will be ignored and instead the focus of the Vatican 2 sect will be to embrace LGBT and pro-abortion individuals and consequently their demonic ideologies. This is what the Whore of Babylon looks like.
Francis names 20 “cardinals” including McElroy who gives “Communion” to abortion supporters
That McElroy guy is one sick demented wretch. The Vatican II sect is continuing full speed ahead to its destruction...
Kieran S.
Sharyl Attkisson Shares Shocking Story Of FBI Targeting Her Family - 42 second must-see video
It’s pretty scary the power these demons hold. To try and ruin someone’s life it’s unbelievable the lengths they will go.
The Trinity
Never before did I understand the concept of trinity to this extent!!! Thank you!
Effects of Grace
Conversation With Assembly Of God “Minister” On Sola Scriptura, Justification
Thank you… for this video and for holding fast to the Truth. How to break it to someone that they’ve been deceived by people they thought loved them. You hit it right on the head… license to wallow in venial or even mortal sin. All is grace and they lack the sacraments to obtain them.
I have felt the regenerative effects of grace after making a general confession to a valid priest for the first time in 15 yrs. The devil has lost his grip and now perfection seems obtainable through vigilance on my part, but mostly by the Mantle of Our Blessed Mother and consecration to her Immaculate Heart. Jason (I believe that’s his name) laughed at the notion of perfection and I felt a sadness in my heart that he has abandoned himself to the Enemy and he has no idea what grace was able to accomplish in our Catholic Saints. For all this talk about grace, protestants really have no idea what it can accomplish in them.
For the conversion of sinners and in reparation for the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
Kristian P.
General Confession
Hi, I have spent the last seven weeks praying all fifteen decades of the Rosary each day and familiarizing myself with the issues… I am now about ready to make a general confession…
Dear Brothers…
Thank you for all the God's work that you do in spite of the world. Our Lord and Our Lady bless and protect you and all there.
Joe Druecker
John 3:5 Defined As A Dogma At Trent, Theologian Admits
Thank you Brothers. Appreciate your detailed presentations.
Cory Mattson
John 3:5 Defined As A Dogma At Trent, Theologian Admits
Thank you for fighting for the Truth in the face of false traditionalists…
John Moore
Great Apostasy
Dear Brothers,
On occasion, there are political commentators who are worth listening to when they are presenting a true history of things. Those of us who have the true faith… can see clear parallels between the political world and the course of the current apostasy whose seeds were planted in the protestant and "orthodox" revolts. We know from La Salette that the Great Apostasy started around 150 years ago [evolution, etc.], kicked into high gear around the beginning of the 20th century [official rise of Zionism, etc.] and reached its fulfillment with the Counterfeit Church and the enslavement of the nations, as prophesied in Scripture and at Fatima. It is no surprise then that when these speakers do on occasion give accurate political commentaries, they will necessarily support the position (albeit unwitting) that the world is coming to an end. If only they would open their eyes and realize this…
Lee Ann
Dear MHFM,
I was rereading through a few pages of a book on purgatory and I came to a chapter which tells the story of a Franciscan Nun living in Foligno, Italy, called Sr. Teresa Gesta. On November 4, 1859, she died suddenly of a stroke of apoplexy and 12 days later her soul appeared to Sr. Anna Felicia in the sacristy of the Convent. I quote from the book:
"Then the room was filled with a thick smoke, and the spirit of Sister Teresa appeared, moving towards the door and gliding along by the wall. Having reached the door, she cried aloud, 'Behold a proof of the mercy of God.' Saying these words, she struck the upper panel of the door and there left the print of her right hand, burnt in the wood as with a red-hot iron. She, then, disappeared."
The Sisters of the community came to see what was happening after hearing Sr. Felicia calling for help and when they had gathered around her they were astonished to find a strong odor of burnt wood.
This story reminded me of the time I was staying with an old friend for a couple days at his apartment in the Bronx, NY. I had come all the way down from Buffalo, NY to Newark Airport, NJ as I had a flight booked to travel back to Ireland for a while. It was during the time of the volcano eruption in Iceland when the huge thick cloud of ash covered Europe causing flight disruptions for months. My flight kept getting cancelled so I decided to go stay with my friend until I was able to get rescheduled. Some months earlier I came across Bro. Michael on YouTube and from there I started getting more familiar with MHFM's material before I became totally convinced that John Paul II and Benedict XVI etc. were Antipopes and that the post-Vatican II "Church" was actually the Counter Church; although, I still had a lot to learn. It was around this time the new documentary came out, The Third Secret of Fatima, The Imposter Sister Lucia and The End of the World. I remember watching this documentary in my apartment in Buffalo stunned and then thinking of my relatives back in Ireland saying to myself something like: 'this will definitely convince them about what's happening. They will have to believe now.' I could hardly wait to get the DVDs to them (I had already recommended your channel and information). So I ordered a bunch and packed them in my suitcase to take with me on my trip.
I landed at my friend's basement level studio apartment and after a while, if I remember correctly, I began telling him and the girl who was with him all about the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima, the vision of Hell and of all the new information I had recently come across on what happened to the Church since Vatican II. They listened to me and so we decided to watch the new DVD on Fatima. After a while we paused it and my friend and the girl went over to the kitchen area as we were all discussing what was happening in the documentary. Suddenly they started smelling a strong, pleasant and sweet scent like flowers in the air. They were saying things like, "what's that smell?", "where's that coming from?", "do you smell that?", "it smells like flowers!", "flowers!". I said I couldn't smell anything of the sort. I started walking around to see if I could smell what they were smelling and I could not. Well they were adamant that they smelled a beautiful scent in the air. They began opening drawers, doors, cabinets, searching for where the smell was coming from and couldn't find the source. This went on for about five, maybe ten minutes and then the smell went away. We were all amazed and couldn't figure out what just happened. We sat back down and began playing the DVD again. My friend eventually fell asleep but the girl watched all the way to the end and so did I. I don't know what ever became of the girl for she moved back to Ireland not long after and never returned. My old friend is still the same today and has never converted. But what's interesting is that, a couple years ago, he fell through a roof in a construction site from a height of about thirty feet and got up and walked away with only a few cuts and bruises. My cousin fell from a balcony in Spain from a height of only about fifteen feet and he was killed outright.
Well, I just wanted to share this story with you as it has always stayed with me and I do believe it's connected in some way to the work of Most Holy Family Monastery.
Kieran Stainsby
"Pfizer CEO, Who Claimed Vax Was '100% Effective In Preventing Covid,' Reveals He's Sick With Covid"
And it’s so obvious that there is no pandemic. Even with so many people ditching their masks there hasn’t been any increase in “cases.” Such people are of such incomprehensible bad will.
… the Apocalypse is telling us of the false Vatican II Church.
Janette Davis
One of the best videos I have ever seen.
Eagle Scout
St. Robert Bellarmine: Among Heretics No One Can Be Good
A striking comparison by St. Robert Bellarmine, as he gives us a further insight into the Scriptures and an understanding of His ways. Thank you for publishing this, MHFM.
“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists
All the top magicians know they're possessed. They have willingly sold their souls.
L Cakes
St. Robert Bellarmine: Among Heretics No One Can Be Good
Dear Brothers,
St. Robert Bellarmine's statement is a stark reminder that every heretic is an enemy of God. Every heretic from Lucifer onward will have thought he knew better than God. Little wonder Our Lady is the Hammer of Heretics. Would anyone have had a better reason (from a worldly perspective) to want God to alter His plans so that her Son to be born would not have to suffer so? Yet, Our Lady would request no such thing. And any enemy of God must certainly be an enemy of Our Lady. It is true that she is called the Refuge of Sinners - but She is not a refuge for obstinate sinners who do not seek the will of God and have no inclination to repent. St. Robert Bellarmine's quote is very thought provoking. Thank you for posting it.
Lee Ann
New Video Posted
Francis Participates In Prayer To Evil Spirits
After viewing
Good evening,
… After viewing your videos, I understand the differences between vatican II mass changes, prophecy fulfillment, etc…
Steven A.
Europe’s Drought
Europe faces worst drought in 500 years - video
End Times and God's punishment for the sins of men...