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I was reading your web site, and read that you recommended the St. Louis De Montfort on the Rosary from Tan Books. However, you stated that you dont recommend many of the Tan books. Do you have a list of the books that should not be read from Tan?
They have much beneficial material; however, some of their books promote the heresy that souls can be saved without the Catholic Faith. This heretical idea was a big problem before Vatican II, as our material proves. As far as we know, Tan also sells a few books which promote the sinful birth control practice of NFP. But these are small in number, so it shouldn’t be a problem for strong Catholics who are convinced of the true positions.
Dear Brother Michael,
Please be so kind as to tell me where I might find a 'true' Catholic church in London, England. Currently I go to Westminster Cathedral, the seat of Cardinal Cormac Murphy O'Connor. Is he a heretic? Your site is very interesting. Many thanks,
RT Mulchrone
Thanks for the e-mail. “Cardinal” Cormac Murphy O’Connor is a heretic. He is a leader in the post-Vatican II sect. He publicly endorses the heresies of Vatican II, such as false ecumenism, etc. He also accepts the New Mass. He is a validly ordained priest (having been ordained in 1956), but cannot be considered a valid bishop (having been ordained in 1977, after Paul VI’s new rite was instituted), nor a Catholic one. We don’t have the specific locations of Masses in England, but we have given you the e-mail address of someone who does know where the traditional Mass is offered in England. Using those guidelines, people have to apply them to their specific options. These guidelines include, of course, the fact that no one can go to the New Mass – but only a traditional Rite. No one can financially support any priest or “bishop” professing communion with Antipope Benedict XVI and the Vatican II sect. And one should not even attend the traditional rite of a priest or bishop who is notorious or imposing about his heretical position. But if there is a valid priest celebrating a traditional rite who is not notorious or imposing about his heretical position then we believe you may go (you don’t have to), without supporting him.
Dear Brother Diamond,
First, thank you for speaking to the world about the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic family is relistening to a tape we made of Coast A.M. of your interview. I hope you are invited back!!!!
I would like to know what you think of someone attending Fordham Univ. in N.Y. My 22 year old son may be transferring there as a Sophomore. I e-mailed him the link to the "Jesuit" pagan "sculpture" in Canada from your site. Maybe he should read Fr. Malachi Martin's book "The Jesuits". What do you think? He does come to the traditional Mass at times, but not regularly, and does not receive the Sacraments! Please pray for him. His name is Jonah. Thanks,
Janet Anderton
Thank you for your question. First, he shouldn’t bother reading Malachi Martin’s books. Malachi Martin mixed truth with error and misled many. He said that Buddhists could be saved without the Catholic Faith and that John Paul II never uttered a heresy. Second, our feelings about young men and women attending colleges and universities is this: normally speaking (there may be rare exceptions, of course) since the campuses of these colleges and universities are cesspools of iniquity – and living in the dorms surrounded by the pagans and non-Catholics who make mortal sin a way of life at such colleges and universities would be an almost-constant occasion of sin (with others constantly goading one to partake in such party-type activity) – it would be a tragic spiritual mistake for most young men and women to subject themselves to such a situation by living in the dorms at these colleges and universities. Almost 100% of them would fail in such an environment and fall into mortal sin, no matter how much they protest that they wouldn’t. To preserve a person’s soul from such snares (and preserving the soul is the most important thing to be considered – Mt. 16:26), to attend such a college or university a person should either live at home and commute (that way he would be away from the mortally sinful party-lifestyle) or rent an apartment and live by himself so that he doesn’t have to live and constantly be around non-Catholics who are frequently committing mortal sins and/or encouraging him to do so (e.g. by inviting him to parties, etc.). “Catholic” Fordham University, since it’s Catholic in name only, would be considered just like any secular/pagan university. Hence, we believe one could attend provided that one doesn’t take religion classes or live amidst the sinful surroundings, but can be separate in some way by commuting or having one’s own place away from the others.
Dear Brother Michael,
After hearing you on Coast to Coast a few nights ago, I have been compelled to re-think some things. I have been struggling with my Catholic faith for most of my life. 1) Which version of the Bible do you consider the one to study and follow?
The Douay-Rheims bible is a good Catholic bible to have. The Douay-Rheims with the Haydock Catholic Commentary is even better (it’s a big, red 3-volume set). However, it’s not enough to just study the bible. One must know the basic Catholic dogmas, and especially those which pertain to the current crisis. As the bible teaches, there are many passages in Sacred Scripture which are hard to understand, and which people twist to their own damnation. (more…)
Hello. I live in a little tiny town within the Diocese of Phoenix. Several months ago, priests from the Order of St. Peter began coming and saying the Traditional Latin Mass at our little church that the former priest in the area closed. What can you tell me about the Order of St. Peter? Thank you.
Roberta Westcott Clarkdale, AZ
Thanks for the e-mail. A Catholic cannot attend their Masses because their "bishops" are ordained in the invalid new rite of episcopal consecration. Thus, their "priests" are invalidly ordained. The FSSP also accepts the post-Vatican II apostasy, false ecumenism, the New Mass (even though they don't celebrate it themselves, they think people can go) and salvation outside the Church. Please watch our video on the New Mass online; the FSSP is mentioned in it.
From 2005
Brother Peter/Brother Micheal,
I recently convinced someone to stop attending the Novus Ordo Mass, and to attend the traditional Latin Mass. I sent him to a diocese church(St. Stephen the First Martyr) in Sacramento which is listed in the traditional mass booklet. I found out that recently the FSSP has taken over the Mass. They are a fairly new group so they do not have a lot of information about themselves on their website. Can you tell me if their Mass would be acceptable or not so I can let that person know?
Unfortunately the FSSP (Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter) is not acceptable for reception of Sacraments because the "Bishops" that ordain their men were made Bishops in Paul VI's invalid new rite of Episcopal Consecration. So no one should attend their "Masses" because they cannot even be considered valid. They are also compromisers with the Vatican II sect. They accept Vatican II, false ecumenism and John Paul II.
Brother Diamond...just wanted to ask you a question...What do you think about Divine Mercy? I listened to you on the talk show the night that you were on...what an impression you left on me..some people don't like to hear what you said...but you told it like it is...
I would appreciate a response as to what you think about Divine Mercy...E mail me back when you have time and thanks for your help...The real GOD BLESS!
Bobby Parkinson
Thanks for your question. We have received this question many times. We have a detailed answer to this question which we will be posting this week. Read full article here:
Dear Bro. Dimond,
What is your take on this television network? Is there concern for my soul? I watch it but lately I sense no peace with viewing programs. I do not know what it is. Something is not there anymore. I am also interested in obtaing your offer made on Coast to Coast am.
Please advise. Thank you.
Terri, we have an article on EWTN on our website. In short, they accept the New Mass and the post-Vatican II religious indifferentism. Thus, while they certainly have a few good programs, they are very much part of the post-Vatican II apostasy. They accept salvation outside the Church, etc. They are not truly Catholic, but very heretical. You can obtain the $8.00 DVD special [Update: New Specials Here] by sending us a check or calling with a credit card, and we hope you do since it contains very important information.
Hello Brother Dimond:
My husband and I heard you on Coast to Coast a couple of days ago and loved everything that you said. We spent the entire day and evening yesterday watching the dvds on your website and reading the information there. Everything you've said makes perfect sense to us and we both feel that you have come to us at a time in our lives when we were at a crossroads spiritually.
So here is our main question: We have been married for five years and have a six year old daughter together. My husband was born and raised a Catholic in the pre-Vatican II Church, and I converted to Catholicism from the Methodist Church after Vatican II. We were both married previously in the Catholic Church and then divorced. We married each other in a civil ceremony without obtaining annulments. At the time, we did not think about the religious ramifications of what we were doing. However, after listening to you (especially the dvd on Hell), we are now thinking quite a bit about it. So the question is, what do we do now? We obviously do not want to go to Hell. Is an annulment still an option? If so, what do we do in the meantime while we are waiting for the process to complete?…You and your fellow Brothers are in our prayers as you continue this wonderful work. We look forward to your response.
Thank you for your e-mail. It's great to hear about your interest, and God is definitely giving you graces to act upon this information. We would encourage you to pray the Rosary each day if you are not doing so now. Now to your important question. If your husband was born and raised a Catholic and was previously married by a priest to another person baptized as a Catholic, then he was validly married to that person. Thus, he wouldn't be free to marry again if that person is still alive (unless that person whom he married was already married, but we'll assume that's not the case). (more…)
Brother Dimond,
I just listened to your show on Coast to Coast, and I couldn't agree with you more! As a cradle Catholic, I've noticed some things about the Mass, and have begun to do some research into the Vatican that disturb me greatly. For the past few years, I've had this feeling that my religion both, has been, and is currently, being compromised by human direction instead of God's. And you summed up this "feeling" perfectly on the show tonight!!! And for that, I commend you.
The only question I have for you is..................what is your advice for continuing to practice our faith correctly? I'm most concerned with the Mass. Is our Mass still valid? I'm not old enough to remember Mass prior to Vatican II, but I've seen changes in it just in my lifetime that I don't agree with. If it isn't valid, what am I supposed to do?
Sincerely in Christ,
Thanks for the e-mail. The Third Commandment (Keep holy the Sabbath) is God’s law. Attending Mass on Sunday and Holy Days is the Church’s law, which is only obligatory if the Church provides you with a true Mass and a truly Catholic priest within a reasonable distance. There is no obligation to attend a false Mass; in fact, there is a positive obligation under pain of mortal sin to not attend the New Mass, since one cannot approach a doubtful or invalid sacrament. (more…)
Dear Brothers in Christ,
Can anyone tell me for a certainy, whether or not Padre Pio of Pietrelcino ever said the Novus Ordo Mass? Also, what date in 1968 was the Novus Ordo universally required of priests?...Padre Pio having died in September '68.Thank you for your reply,
Thank you for your question. Padre Pio died on September 23, 1968. The New Mass wasn’t promulgated until April 3, 1969. Padre Pio didn’t celebrate the New Mass. (more…)
Dear Most Family Monastery,
I enjoy your articles on the Catholic faith. I was born and raised in the v-2 catholic church. One year ago my husband and I were blessed with suddenly understanding the truth of the true Catholic Church. We attend Latin Mass in our area that has nothing to do with the V2 church. However by the comments you have in your articles I sense some problem you must see with the CMRI order. Which is the traditional order that we have available to us in our area. Can you inform me if there is a problem that I am not aware of. The CMRI order have been so life giving and keep to the traditions of the Catholic Church. I feel I am confused. Please respond.
With you in prayer.
Nan Kopina
We know it can be somewhat overwhelming for people who are first discovering traditional Catholicism to then hear that the priests who introduced them to such truth – the traditional Mass, the rejection of Vatican II, etc. – are themselves denying aspects of the Faith. It’s an unfortunate situation, but it’s true. It’s part of the spiritual test that God has allowed this world to go through. People must have a strong faith anchored to Him, the Church itself and her authoritative teachings, or else they will be swept away in desolation and confusion upon discovering that so many of those they thought were traditional are, in fact, heretical. (more…)
Since it has only been about three (3) weeks since I found your Web Site I hadn't realized the utter catastrophy the Church is actually going through now. I can't find an Orthodox Church listed any where in this part of Alaska and so I haven't attended 'Mass' for the last two Sundays. This is my question though: There is a priest from Poland who sometimes comes to our Parish to say 'Mass' and when he is saying the words of consecration he uses the wording, "for many" , not, "for all". Am I allowed to attend his Novus Ordo Mass since he uses this wording? I am starving for for Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Most Blessed Sacrament, and I find myself quite often praying that I am doing the right thing by NOT going to the Novus Ordo Mass. Your reasoning is impeccable and I believe Dogmas are irrefutable, all of which leads me to believe me that Pope Pius XII was the last valid Pope. But I can't really free myself from the feeling that I may be offending God.
Thanks for the e-mail. No, you definitely cannot go since the removal of “many” from the consecration is not the only problem. The removal of “mysterium fidei” (the mystery of faith) also causes a doubt about the validity. (more…)
Dear Brothers Dimond,
Your work compels me to say that You are truly worthy of Your respective names. Seen as a whole it is strikingly obvious that this work of yours bases itself on the unfailing Faith of Peter troughout the centuries and on the uncompromising zeal for God and His holy Truth of St. Michael the Archangel. For the past two years Your writings have for me been a daily spiritual refreshment in this Hour of darkness that we are in. I want to be as brief as possible so I have one question for You. It has to do with the much mentioned Sess.6, Chap. 4 of the Council of Trent that the dogma deniers use in favor of the so called ''baptism of desire'' which You refute in Your book. In it You also give an answer why the Council mentions desire for baptism along with water being necessary for Justification. Can it be that with the mention of desire in that canon the Council also solemnly condemned the practise of forced baptism wich unfortunately did occur (although rarely). Maybe the question is off the mark or I have missed something that you have already written on but what does the Church say of such people who have recieved the Sacrament but against their will/desire. Is it considered valid. It would seem they are not justified although they recived the water of baptism. Thank You in advance and may Our Lord bless You.
Vedran from Croatia
Thanks for the e-mail. You are correct: a forced baptism would be invalid. Desire is a necessary disposition for one above the age of reason to have in receiving baptism.
Catechism of the Council of Trent, On Baptism - Dispositions for Baptism, Tan Books, p. 180: "INTENTION - ... In the first place they must desire and intend to receive it…"
Dear most holy family monastery
Thanks for being there. pls kindly answer these questions that keep bothering me as a sedevacantist traditional catholic:
1.since catholics cannot commune with members of v2 or other heretics, what iam i to do at the burrial of my parents when they die before converting to the true faith but persisted in v2 church? how iam i supposed to pay my respect to them as a responsible catholic child especially if the responsibility of their decent burrial falls on me?
2.i dont know what to do if a younger relation of mine staying with me should enjoy my financial sponsorship in school if he chooses to be a heretic even after taking considerable time to explain the true faith to him.should i send him away or continue to assist him finacially because of our blood relation?
Thanks for your questions. 1) If one’s parents die as rejecters of the Faith, then one cannot arrange a Catholic burial for them. One should arrange for them to have a simple burial, but without any ceremonies. 2) If one’s relative obstinately rejects the traditional Faith or any dogma, then one should not financially support his schooling. If he’s over 18 then one should send him out of the home to be on his own.
Dear Brother Dimond,
I don't know if you know about Mutter Vogel. I just recently learned that he, or she (can't tell from the name) was someone who apparently in the early twentieth century received a revelation from Our Lord and He told her that we should not criticize priests no matter what they do or say. Some traditionalists are using this to defend JP2 and B16. They say we should not criticize them. I know of at least two traditionalists who refer to it. One of them uses it to defend JP2 and B16 and the other uses it to defend a certain heretical priest. My argument against it is that how does one expect to do their duty to defend the Catholic faith if one does not criticize those who attack it? Especially JP2 and B16!
Yes, we’ve read the alleged “revelation” about never criticizing a priest in the blue Pieta prayer booklet. It’s utterly false. Our Lord or Our Lady would never say such a thing; in fact, it’s exactly what the devil wants people to believe, and the perfect false doctrine to keep the unquestioning masses following the non-Catholic Novus Ordo “priests,” and mired in the darkness of the post-Vatican II apostasy. The whole Tradition of the Church teaches that Catholics can, and sometimes must, rebuke or criticize priests. This is true today more than ever before. The Pieta prayer booklet has some good things in it, but some definitely false things, such as this “revelation” to Mutter Vogel. The booklet also asserts that John XXIII prayed the 15-decade Rosary each day, which we don’t believe for a second. It also contains the St. Bridget prayers, and lists many promises which it asserts are attached to the recitation of those prayers. While these prayers contain nothing wrong in them, according to what we’ve read the promises have never been approved or confirmed. Unfortunately, many people we know have diverted from the full Rosary to pray these rather lengthy St. Bridget prayers instead. People should be aware that the extraordinary promises which the Pieta booklet says are given for the recitation of the St. Bridget prayers have never been approved or confirmed by the Church.
Dear Brothers,
Since an annulment granted by the Vatican II religion is invalid, where does one go to seek a valid annulment? Thank you for your attention and God bless you.
Thanks for your question. It’s important for people to remember that there is no such thing as “an annulment” of a consummated marriage, but only a declaration of nullity that a certain union never was a marriage to begin with if there is clear-cut evidence proving that a particular union was not validly contracted.
Canon 1014, 1917 Code of Canon Law: “Marriage enjoys the favor of law; therefore in doubt the validity of marriage is to be upheld until the contrary is proven, with due regard for the prescription of Canon 1127.”Since there is no Catholic who can issue such a judgment at this time, one could only apply the principles to an obviously invalid marriage. In other words, if two people go through the motions and apparently contract a marriage it must be considered valid and binding unless it’s a clear and obvious case that it wasn’t a valid marriage (such as that one of the parties was already validly married to someone else).
Dear Dimond Brothers: Some time ago I asked for some information about FSSP priest. But we all get busy and things can be overlooked. Anyway I want to know if one can go to the FSSP Masses? I know they mix Novus Order host with true Host from valid Mass. Is it best to stay clear of these priest? I live about a three hour drive from a traditional Mass site and am 75 years of age. Don't care to travel so far by myself.
Thanks for your time. Really enjoy your web site and hope to make a gift to you soon.John
Thanks for the e-mail. No, a Catholic shouldn’t attend the Fraternity of St. Peter because their "priests" were ordained by "bishops" who were consecrated in the invalid New Rite of Episcopal Consecration. Thus, their “priests” definitely should be avoided.
I would like to thank you for all that you have done for me and my family through your videos and web site I try to read it every day. I have one question for you. I drive a lot for my job and sometimes I lesson to the radio but I also like to say the rosary, and while driving I cannot seem to stay focused on it. My mind starts to wander and I will start thinking of where I am going or other things when I realize what I am doing I go back to focusing on the rosary. My question is should I not be praying the rosary while driving, like I said I spend a lot of time in my car and I don't want to waste it. Thank you
Thank you for your e-mail. We believe that one can and should pray the Rosary while one drives, even if the recollection during prayer is not perfect. The prayer can still be powerful and efficacious; and, as you say, you spend a lot of time in your car and don’t want to waste it.
(more…)Hello. I recently started reading about the controversies regarding novus ordo, and it led me to articles about Cardinal Siri, etc, and I don't know who to believe, since the sedevacantists don't always agree totally with one another. I do feel that you are probably correct, but then one faces the problem of which one of the various groups has the Charisma belonging to the one true Church. I hope that I phrased that correctly. One can only pray for guidance, but in the meantime, one must do what one can. In any case, I read, on your website, that one can receive the sacraments from an eastern rite Priest, so long as (paraphrased) that Priest doesn't go out of his way to make points as to novus ordo, Pope (?) Benedict, etc. Have the eastern rite ordinations/consecrations changed, ie been bastardized, or is it reasonable to believe that all eastern rite Priests and Bishops are indeed Priests and Bishops unless it should be shown to be otherwise?.
Thank you.
Chris Knepper
No, the Eastern Rites haven’t changed their liturgies or their rites of ordination. If the priests were ordained in the Eastern Rites, then they are validly ordained. (more…)
Dear Brother Dimond,
God Bless You on during this Easter season!
I know that John Paul II was the worst pope in history, and an enemy of the Roman Catholic Church. But, I have friends and relatives that believe that he was the best pope of all time. Of course, they also refuse to believe that the Novus Ordo is a counterfeit church.
Now, they call me and tell me how excited they are that JPII is going to be a cannonized saint!! How can I convince them that he can never be a saint? I've tried to show them your videos, but they refuse to watch them. Besides praying for them, is there anything else I can do to convince them on how terrible a heretic JPII was?
Thank you so much for all your help. Again, God Bless You!!!
Thank you for your question. First of all, John Paul II wasn’t a Pope. He was a non-Catholic Antipope; he shouldn’t be referred to as “Pope.” (more…)
Good day Sir,
I am Okwu Christopher-Mary an unworthy slave of our Lady who has just been delivered from the novus-ordo religion. Please I beg that you kindly add me to your e-mail list so as to keep my faith aglo always. Thank you very much, and may Our Lady protect you in a special way in Her virginal mantle as you assist Her in the crushing of the proud head of the ancient serpent. NB: Pls I need you candid advice on something. What am I to do if I get a job in an oil company and I'm requested to work in the oil field on a sunday.
Yours in Jesus and Mary,
Okwu, ChristopherMary
Thank you for your e-mail. If keeping or holding a job requires one to work on Sunday, then it is permitted to do so. If one can, one should request to have Sundays off; but if that isn’t possible – and working on Sunday is a necessity to keep the job – then it is permissible.
[To MHFM] Doesn't this blow away the entire SSPX/Catholic Family News-Remnant position?
From Vatican I's Dogmatic Constitution of the Church of Christ:"If anyone should say that the Roman Pontiff has merely the function of inspection or direction but not full and supreme power of jurisdiction over the whole Church, not only in matters pertaining to faith and morals, but also in matters pertaining to the discipline and government of the Church throughout the entire world, or that he has only the principal share, but not the full plenitude of this supreme power; or that this power of his is not ordinary and immediate over all Churches and over each individual Church, over all shepherds and all the faithful, and over each individual one of these: let him be anathema" (Vatican Council I, Dogmatic Constitution of the Church of Christ, #3).
The quote you bring forward from Vatican I directly blows away Benedict XVI, who has rejected the dogma you quote by questioning whether the Bishop of Rome even possesses supreme jurisdiction in the Church!
“Cardinal” Ratzinger, Principles of Catholic Theology (1982), pp. 216-217: “Patriarch Athenagoras [the non-Catholic, schismatic Patriarch] spoke even more strongly when he greeted the Pope [Paul VI] in Phanar: ‘Against all expectation, the bishop of Rome is among us, the first among us in honor, ‘he who presides in love’. It is clear that, in saying this, the Patriarch [the non-Catholic, schismatic Patriarch] did not abandon the claims of the Eastern Churches or acknowledge the primacy of the west. Rather, he stated plainly what the East understood as the order, the rank and title, of the equal bishops in the Church – and it would be worth our while to consider whether this archaic confession, which has nothing to do with the ‘primacy of jurisdiction’ but confesses a primacy of ‘honor’ and agape, might not be recognized as a formula that adequately reflects the position that Rome occupies in the Church – ‘holy courage’ requires that prudence be combined with ‘audacity’: ‘The kingdom of God suffers violence.’”(more…)
A traditional bishop Oravec have sent me following article to convince me of rightness of doctrine of "baptism" of desire.
It is his condition, that I must accept this teaching in order to be allowed to receive Sacraments from him. And I urgently need some catholic bishop or priest, who don't recognize as valid novus ordo priesthood and "church", because my wife will go to novus ordo "mass" with my childern, if she has no other possibility. Should I inhibit her from bringing my childern to novus ordo "mass"??? Is following explanation right? Could I accept this exception of "baptism" of desire??? Why God could not save someone, who has catholic faith and desire for baptism, but died before he could receive this water baptism??? As st. Thomas Aquinas alone confirmed, that God could do this (save soul without water baptism), because His Power is not fixed only to the sacraments???Josef
One of us conversed with Bishop Oravec in the past, and the issue of salvation was specifically discussed. He believes that souls can be saved in other religions. That is a fact. He is not a Catholic, but a complete heretic. He couldn’t see how the damnation of all non-Catholics was compatible with the mercy of God. He is a false shepherd who has no Faith; and since he is an imposing heretic who is binding his false teaching on you, you should absolutely not receive the sacraments from him at all. (more…)
I had a few questions....I re-read in the book "Absolutely No Salvation outside the Catholic Church" the pages prior to until after Fr. Feeney. Please don't take this as judging Fr. Feeney at all...but I was you know why he just didn't go to Rome, even though of course under canon law he didn't have to. He didn't have anything to fear because he was completely protected by the dogma's set down by the Church. So I was curious why he didn't just go. I ask this question with complete respect.
Also, if there were heretical things written with a valid bishops imprimatur, how do you know what books are good and which are bad? Only prior to 1876? Did Pope St. Pius X not know that heretical things were being printed during his time? I am sure he couldn't have possibly seen every book that was written at the time. Did I just answer my own question?
I read all of this about 6 months ago, but for some reason this time I actually understood what I was reading.
I know you are extremely busy with your important work. So you do not have to respond to such questions if you do not have the time!
May God Reward you for your work!
God Bless you!
Teri Thurman
I believe he didn’t go because when the authorities in Rome handling the matter refused to give him the reason for the summons, as required by canon law, they demonstrated that they weren’t trustworthy and operating in good faith. And the reason that the authorities in Rome handling the case didn’t give him a reason is because they were too embarrassed to say: you are being summoned to Rome because you are preaching Outside the Church There is No Salvation and that only baptized Catholics can be saved! (more…)
Dear Brother Dimond,
My nephew is planning to get married this September. Despite all my effort to convince him otherwise, he is planning to get married in the Novus-Ordo church. I tried to convince him that it is not the true Roman Catholic religion, but a counterfeit church. I showed him and my brother how sacriligious the Novus-Ordo is, but to no avail. My question is this: Am I allowed to attend the service, but not to participate; or am I not allowed to attend it at all? Also, what about the reception and dinner afterwards? Please respond as soon as you can. You have been a tremendous help to me and others who desire the true Catholic faith. Thank you and God bless You!
Wayne C. Lang
Thanks for your question. We did address this question in more detail in Question 62 of the Questions and Answers section, so we refer the readers there. The short answer to your question is absolutely not. A Catholic cannot attend the wedding or the wedding reception of a heretic. The reason is that to attend such a wedding service or the reception is to honor and celebrate the marriage of a heretic. It is to honor and celebrate a person or people getting married in the state of mortal sin, and in a fashion which displeases God and places them on the road to hell. This issue involves the divine law: (more…)
If I'm not mistaken the only days of absolute fast during Lent are Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday, and the Ember Days. The other days are not obligatory, correct?
No, every day in Lent (except for Sundays) is a fast day. See the Calendar on our mainpage for more details.
Hello Brother Dimond,
I would like to know what you have to say about all the anti-sedevacantists who use the argument that there cannot be a Church without a visible head (the Pope).
Quite simply, the Church has been without a visible head hundreds of times. The Church is without a visible head every time the Pope dies. This situation has lasted for years. By the way, here is an interesting quote from the Lay Investiture crisis (1075-1122). During this crisis, the evil King of Germany, Henry IV, instituted an Antipope (who was supported by many German Bishops). Henry also appointed his own Bishops who were also subject to the Antipope. The result was two Bishops in most dioceses and massive confusion.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 8, 1910, “Investitures,” p. 86: “There was now much confusion on all sides…. Many dioceses had two occupants. Both parties called their rivals perjurers and traitors…”The point is that, while we are dealing with an unprecedented apostasy, the Church has seen confusing times before, including those in which the true hierarchy was not easily ascertainable.
Dear Brothers Michael and Peter,
I recently read a letter written by the late Bishop Moises Carmona-Rivera (who was consecrated by Bishop Thuc in 1981). This letter is a defense of his episcopal consecration and leaves many questions open about his validity. In the letter, he states, "....some said, without any foundation, that our consecrations were invalid because we were consecrated in the new rite..." After this very ambiguous statement, he does not go on to say that he and Zamora were, in fact, consecrated in the old rite. What does this mean? Does this mean that he was consecrated in the new rite and he feels that it is valid, meaning that those of us who hold it to be invalid are judging so with "no foundation"? Or, does he mean that these accusations were made with no foundation because, in fact, they were consecrated in the old rite?
I am sorry for the tone of this question, but this is a major dilemma for my family. If there is question about the validity of Carmona-Rivera due to the rite used in the ceremony, then my family is without a valid Mass anywhere nearby.
I would like to thank you for your help with this, as I know that you are very thorough with your research and will only report facts. I am not interested in getting someone's "opinion" when the souls of my family and myself are at stake. God bless you!
Joseph Blagg
No, in context Carmona is simply saying that some people, without any foundation at all, have claimed that he was consecrated in the new rite. He goes on to say that others, more seriously, have claimed other things. The implication is that any claim that he was ordained in the new rite is almost a joke. Carmona was validly consecrated in the traditional rite. Thus, the priest ordained through his line would be valid. But we cannot vouch for such a priest’s doctrinal views, and there is a very strong chance that the priest denies the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation or supports NFP or something else. Thus, you almost certainly couldn’t support him financially, though perhaps you could receive the sacraments from him if he is not notorious or imposing about his false views. Also, we’ve been informed that certain CMRI priests have communicated to people that they don’t want those who don’t accept baptism of desire at their chapels. Since those CMRI priests are imposing their false views, one should not receive the sacraments from them at all. We don’t know if this is a universal development with CMRI priests, so one should check with the CMRI priest in their area about this. (They don’t want people who believe in that “awful” teaching that all must be baptized to be saved, as Our Lord said, but they have no problem with the idea that Jews who reject Christ can be saved. What abominable heretics.)
Dear Brothers,
Do you have a copy of Mancipia of January 2006. On page 4, No Pope? No Hope!.Are you inserested in replying. (Very Flimsy)
Thank you
Yes, thank you, it’s covered in the Heresy of the Week.
Dear Brother Dimond: I am writing this to express my admiration for your excellent defense of the Catholic doctrine in your weekly item "Heresy of the Week" of 2/4/06. God bless you, Jos ValkeringMHFM: Glad you liked it… the SBC really walked into that one with “No Pope? No Hope!”
Dear Monastery,
I troubled you a few days ago with my questions.
I think I’ve found almost all I wanted on your site, which I’ve looked up through more thoroughly now.
So this is to thank you very much indeed because I doubt I would’ve understood what and how I should do and act when a liturgy is said by a heretical priest. And they are perhaps all of them up to Archbishop Huzar as they call Benedict XVI ‘pope’ during the service (one, I recall, had privately praised JPII for having visited an Islamic temple – not big deal, he’d said; another one had spoken in his homily two weeks ago how moved he’d been on the day of JPII’s burial – “such a great man” ). In addition, the main celebrant in my parish told me a few days ago that ‘orthodox’ ‘mysteries’ (sacraments) ‘are’ ‘valid’ – something I opposed and disagreed with. My reasoning is how they can be valid, if schismatics are beyond the Church whereby are not Christians. They are null, void and nothing.
O.k., thank you very much for your site and your hard work. It did help me to clear out clouds in front of the light of my Catholic faith. Although this is just a beginning for me.
God bless.
Yurij Vovkohon.
Thanks for the interest. The only thing I would mention is that it’s important to understand that heretics and schismatics can have a valid Mass and Eucharist, if they observe proper matter and form and have a valid priesthood. “Orthodox” schismatics do have a valid Mass, since they have a valid priesthood and employ valid matter and form in their liturgy. But being outside the Church, they do not profit from the reception of sacraments, but sin when receiving them; and since they are notorious heretics, no Catholic can receive sacraments from them.
Pope Leo XIII, Apostolicae Curae, Sept. 13, 1896: “When anyone has rightly and seriously made use of the due form and the matter requisite for effecting or conferring the sacrament he is considered by that very fact to do what the Church does. On this principle rests the doctrine that a sacrament is truly conferred by the ministry of one who is a heretic or unbaptized, provided the Catholic rite be employed. On the other hand, if the rite be changed, with the manifest intention of introducing another rite not approved by the Church, and of rejecting what the Church does, and what by the institution of Christ belongs to the nature of the sacrament, then it is clear that not only is the necessary intention wanting to the sacrament, but that the intention is adverse to and destructive of the sacrament.”Pope Pius IX, (+1862):“… whoever eats of the Lamb and is not a member of the Church, has profaned.” (Amantissimus # 3)