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This section of our website (which is updated daily) contains some less formal – and short – e-mail exchanges that we’ve had which we feel may be of value to our readers. We will include those portions of the exchanges we deem relevant and valuable. We often add bolding and underlining which are not necessarily that of the other party. This section also frequently includes, not only e-exchanges we have, but also our notes, updates and comments. Section containing some important recent posts.
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well i was reading a book by a scoffer, and he says that one reason that jesus wasn't alive was that there was no record of him in the area. he claims that the levites and secret society's took the story of horus and changed the names and dates to jesus. he claiims that writers like philo were there and never wrote of jesus. there is a few others too, but that one is good for now. and how could jesus be born of original sin if his mother wasn't. if she wasn't born with immaculate conception, she must have some original sin in her. i would like to know how to counter this mans arguement. thank you. jason
Jesus didn't have any sin. And you shouldn't read books that attack Our Lord. That is a very bad occasion of sin. These books are written by Satan, and those who entertain such demonic attacks on the true God allow Satan into their souls to destroy their faith. That is why those who read nonsense like The Davinci Code or some other Satanic garbage, unless it is with the very unusual task of an expert reading it solely to expose it, offend Our Lord gravely and show they don't really believe in Him.
To Mr. Sungenis
I noticed in the December 2004 question about "Baptism of Desire" (number 38), that you used a mistranslation of that referenced portion of the Council of Trent.
The true translation is "without", not "except through". Hence, the true quote from the Council of Trent in no way supports "baptism of desire". Are you aware of this?
BridgetSungenis: Bridget, whether the "true" translation is "without" or "except through" really makes little difference, since the words are interchangeable in English. To suggest that Trent's reference to baptism of desire is negated simply because the word has a slight ambiguity is simply not correct.
Mr. Sungenis’ statement here is nonsense. One example is sufficient to explode it.
A Sacrament cannot take place without matter or form.
This is a true statement which means that both matter and form are necessary for a sacrament. If we substitute “except through” for “without” we see that the meaning is changed and the statement is rendered false.
A Sacrament cannot take place except through matter or form.
This is a false statement which indicates that either matter or form is sufficient for a sacrament. It means something different from the statement above. Thus, “except through” does not always mean the same thing as “without.”
I continue with Mr. Sungenis’ response:
Sungenis: Let's look at both possibilities:
First using "except through"
"...and this translation after the promulgation of the Gospel cannot be erected [sic] except through the laver of regeneration, or a desire for it, as it is written..."
Now with "without":
"...and this translation after the promulgation of the Gospel cannot be erected [sic] without the laver of regeneration, or a desire for it, as it is written..."
The latter usage would clearly indicate that one cannot be baptized without water or the desire for water, and thus the condition of using water is fulfilled both in the usage of "without" and "except through."
Lastly, I would suggest that whoever is trying to teach you that there is no such thing as a baptism of desire cease and desist. This is a dogmatic teaching of the Church, and it is infallible. Any attempt to alter it will simply bring terrible consequences.
Sungenis’ comment here doesn’t make sense. He has confused the entire subject of Sess. 6, Chap. 4, which is what cannot be missing in Justification, and confused it with what is necessary for baptism. Baptism of desire has never been taught by the Catholic Church.
Those who deny baptism of desire will not suffer terrible consequences. No, Mr. Sungenis, your denial of the defined dogma that the Sacrament of Baptism is necessary for salvation has brought down on your head terrible consequences.
Pope Paul III, The Council of Trent, canons on the Sacrament of Baptism, canon 5, ex cathedra: “If anyone says that baptism [the sacrament] is optional, that is, not necessary for salvation (cf. Jn. 3:5): let him be anathema.”
Your consistent and deliberate misquoting of the Council of Trent has brought down on your head mortal sin.
Pope Pius IX, Singulari Quadam: “For, in truth, when released from these corporeal chains, ‘we shall see God as He is’ (1 John 3:2), we shall understand perfectly by how close and beautiful a bond divine mercy and justice are united; but, as long as we are on earth, weighed down by this mortal mass which blunts the soul, let us hold most firmly that, in accordance with Catholic teaching, there is ‘one God, one faith, one baptism’ [Eph. 4:5]; it is unlawful to proceed further in inquiry.”
Pope Paul III, Council of Trent, Sess. 6, Chap. 4: “In these words there is suggested a description of the justification of the impious, how there is a transition from that state in which a person is born as a child of the first Adam to the state of grace and of adoption as sons of God through the second Adam, Jesus Christ our savior; indeed, this transition, once the gospel has been promulgated, CANNOT TAKE PLACE WITHOUT the laver of regeneration or a desire for it, AS IT IS WRITTEN: Unless a man is born again of water and the Holy Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God (John 3:5).”
God made sure that the words “as it is written” were included in that very sentence to ensure that the Council was not teaching baptism of desire by its wording in that passage. The passage thus teaches – as it is written – unless a man is born again of water and the Holy Ghost he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. And if what baptism of desire proponents say were correct, we would actually have the Council teaching us in the first part of the sentence that John 3:5 is not to be taken as it is written (desire sometimes suffices), while simultaneously contradicting itself in the second part of the sentence by telling us to take John 3:5 as it is written (sicut scriptum est)! But this is absurd, of course. Those who obstinately insist that this passage teaches baptism of desire are simply wrong and are contradicting the very words given in the passage about John 3:5. The inclusion of “AS IT IS WRITTEN, unless a man is born again of water and the Holy Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God (John 3:5)” shows the perfect harmony of that passage in Trent with all of the other passages in Trent and other Councils which affirm the absolute necessity of water baptism with no exceptions.
Dear Bro.Michael Dimond, O.S.B. and Bro.Peter Dimond, O.S.B.,
I am from Sabah Borneo, Malaysia…
I never know about the Novus Ordo until only recently which is about 2 weeks to be exact. I don't know if our Mass is valid or not. Tell me what to do. And how about the new decade of rosary, the Luminous Mystery. Is it legal or is it considered under Novus Ordo?
Thank you for your time.
We're very glad to hear that you found the website. The New Mass is not valid, because it has a changed form of Consecration. A Catholic must not attend it under any circumstances. The article near the top of the website explains why the New Mass cannot be valid. Also, no Catholic should pray the Luminous Mysteries because they were added by Antipope John Paul II, who is not a valid Pope. If you have more questions, let us know.
1. Who are the faithful Catholics left in the world, since all the CMRI bishops are heretical with all their followers, the SSPX believes that Satan can be the head of the Church, and all the other independent priests believe in baptism of Desire?
2. Please estimate for me how many faithful Catholics are left in the world, since all of these people are heretics?
3. Do you believe that Pride is enough to put a soul into hell!
1. The faithful Catholics left in the world are those who maintain the true Faith. 2. I don't know the number of those. 3. If pride is grave then it will lead to mortal sins which will put a person in hell. And “pride is the beginning of all sin” (Ecclus. 10:15). Pride causes man not to pray as much, not to fear sin, not to listen to what they should or to whom they should, not learn what they need to know. Pride causes people to dismiss truth or people speaking the truth by finding fault with petty things. We’ve dealt with many people who, though they don’t have haughty personalities, admit that they commit mortal sins and yet they are still critical of others’ spiritual lives. Frankly, if they commit any mortal sin then they shouldn’t be criticizing anybody. But they cannot see their decrepit state because they are filled with pride: “…knowest not, that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.” (Apoc. 3:17) They don’t fear to offend God by their mortal sins because they are filled with pride.
Dear Brs. Peter and Michael,
I know that you spend many hours researching doctrinal matters. I have a matter that I would like you to consider researching. It deals with the issue of Baptism of desire. As you know, the subject of baptism of desire, and blood, has become somewhat of a hot topic as of recent years. This is a matter that has divided traditional Catholics.
You take the position that since the Church teaches INFALLIBLY that a person must be baptized WITH WATER, that baptims of blood and desire are heresy. Others, on the other hand, claim that baptism of desire and blood are teachings of the Church from the earliest years. In my opinion, both sides make a strong case for their belief. You base yours on the infallible statements; others claim that Trent taught their belief: they also point to numerous Catechisms that teach baptism of desire and blood, claiming that the difference is between the objective and subjective (Canon Hess, for example).
I have found something that I think clears up the matter. At least in my mind, the "contradiction" between the teachings of various saints is cleared up. Since you dedicate so much of your time to study, I am requesting that you look into this matter.
In reading the writings of St. Alphonsus Ligouri and St. Catherine of Siena, and others, I have found a distinction between the "general order" and the "particular order". The general order is that which applies "generally" (similar to the objective); while the "particular order" applies in individular cases (similar to the subjective). As you know, if one does not distinguish between the objective and subjective there will be many apparent "contradictions". I think the same applies to the lack of distinction between the general order and the particular order.
The laws of the Church apply to the "general order", while the "particular" order applies to individual cases (circumstances). …Likewise, the Church speaks in the general order when it defines a dogma, but does not necessarily rule out a "particular" exception. In other places in "the Diologue" God speaks in greater detail of the general order and a particluar order. I think this may be the answer to the issue of baptism of desire and blood. In the general order, everyone must be baptised with water; however, in the particular order, there can be exceptions.
I am requesting that you look into this subject to see what you can find in Church teaching, as this may clear up the apparent "contradiction" between what some Popes and saints have taught. I would be interested in hearing what you find.
Thank you very much for all of your hard work and studies for the Church. I have most of your videos and tapes and do appreciate your fervent efforts.
If you do have time dedicate to this subject, I ask that you keep me informed as I too will be studying the topic. If I find any more information I will pass it along to you.
Thanks for the interest. But the proposition (if applied to dogmatic truths) is actually heretical. The idea that a dogma can have a reality that contradicts the truth declared infallibly is directly contrary to truth. It would, therefore, render the truth false.
Pope St. Pius X, Lamentabile, The Errors of the Modernists, July 3, 1907, #22:“The dogmas which the Church professes as revealed are not truths fallen from heaven, but they are a kind of interpretation of religious facts, which the human mind by a laborious effort prepared for itself.”- Condemned
There are no exceptions to a dogma – unlike ecclesiastical or canon law – because a dogma is an unchangeable truth. If the proposition you described were viable, then one would have to admit that a Catholic can believe that certain Jews who reject Christ can be saved, because, in the general order, they must accept Him; but in the particular order some can reject Him in good faith. But that is totally heretical.
Also, along the same lines, one could believe that Jesus Christ is God incarnate in the general order; but, in the particular order, He may appear to some as the Dalai Lama or as other men. If the proposition described above is viable, then so is this. But this is obviously heretical.
I was reading through your articles and noticed under the brief one dealing with whether the Catholic remnant needs governing Bishops or not, and it says there are currently no fully Catholic Bishops, if I understood correctly.
Does this mean the hierarchy has died?
The hierarchy can be defined in two ways: the jurisdictional hierarchy and the ecclesiastical hierarchy. Only those who have ordinary jurisdiction (i.e., jurisdiction which is attached to an office) constitute the jurisdictional hierarchy. All valid Catholic priests, on the other hand, constitute the ecclesiastical hierarchy. It is possible that as long as the ecclesiastical hierarchy remains the hierarchy exists.
However, the non-sedevacantists who raise this objection cannot point to one real Catholic Bishop with ordinary jurisdiction. Who are they going to point to? "Bishop" Bruskewitz, who thinks that not converting schismatics is not heretical? "Cardinal" Mahony? "Cardinal" Keeler?
The fact is that if there must be one Bishop with Ordinary Jurisdiction somewhere (which is something that has not been proven), then he is somewhere. But it does not change the fact that John Paul II and his apostate Bishops are not Catholic and therefore not part of the hierarchy. Against a fact there is no argument; and against this fact there is no argument.
St. Robert Bellarmine, Cardinal and Doctor of the Church: “This principle is most certain. The non-Christian cannot in any way be Pope, as Cajetan himself admits. The reason for this is that he cannot be head of what he is not a member; now he who is not a Christian is not a member of the Church, and a manifest heretic is not a Christian, as is clearly taught by St. Cyprian, St. Athanasius, St. Augustine, St. Jerome and others; therefore the manifest heretic cannot be Pope.” (De Romano Pontifice, II, 30)
Of course, there are countless arguments and discussions and citations that both sides in the "Three Baptisms" (or, more accurately, the debate about the possibility of salvation for those who desire Baptism, either normally or to the extreme of being martyred for the Catholic Faith and their desire for Baptism) debate present, but I would like to get your specific comments on just this particular passage from the Roman Martyrology. I have read all your citations on the subject, but want to know what your comments are just on this particular passage. The copy I have is the 1749 edition. This particular passage is in every edition of the Martyrology back to the edition of Gregory XIII:
"At Verulam in England, in the time of Diocletian, St. Alban, martyr, who gave himself up in order to save a cleric whom he had harbored. After being scourged and subjected to bitter torments, he was sentenced to capital punishment. With him also suffered one of the soldiers who led him to execution, for he was converted to Christ on the way and merited to be baptized in his own blood. St. Bede the Venerable has left an account of the noble combat of St. Alban and his companion..."
Both St. Bede and Fr. Alban Butler both give the same account and claim the Heavenly Reward for the unbaptized soldier, through his desire to be a Catholic and his martyrdom specifically for the Catholic Faith. I grant that you might say that neither St. Bede or Fr. Alban Butler is authoritative in a doctrinal sense. However, the Roman Martyrology is a compilation of diverse martyrologies that were remembered by virtually every monastic community for hundreds of years and were authoritatively prepared and promulgated as a complete text in 1584, by Pope Gregory XIII…
God Bless you,
Grant Landis
First, I want to say that all of these issues are dealt with in-depth in the book Outside the Catholic Church There is Absolutely No Salvation. There are separate sections on these issues. Also, I’m glad you brought up the case of St. Alban, since this is a prime example of how the errors of baptism of desire and blood have been spread. The many historical accounts in the Roman Martyrology are not necessarily infallible and binding upon Catholics. That is why they have been revised several times, and it is why clear errors have been found in them.
Donald Attwater, ACatholic Dictionary, p. 310: “An historical statement in the ‘Martyrology’ as such has no authority… A number of entries in the Roman Martyrology are found to be unsatisfactory when so tested.”
St. Alban was the protomartyr of England (303 A.D.) The account of his martyrdom is particularly interesting and instructive on this topic. On the way to his martyrdom, one of the guards who led him to execution was converted to Christ. The Roman Martyrology (a fallible document), as well as Butler’s Lives of the Saints, says that the guard was “baptized in his own blood.” St. Bede the Venerable, a Church historian, says that the guard’s martyrdom occurred without “the purification of Baptism.” But watch this: in recounting the story of the martyrdoms of St. Alban and his guard, St. Bede and Butler’s lives of the Saints reveal a very important point.
St. Bede: “As he reached the summit, holy Alban asked God to give him (Alban) water, and at once a perennial spring bubbled up at his feet…” Butler: “The sudden conversion of the headsmen occasioned a delay in the execution. In the meantime the holy confessor (Alban), with the crowd, went up the hill… There Alban falling on his knees, at his prayer a fountain sprung up, with water whereof he refreshed his thirst… Together with St. Alban, the soldier, who had refused to imbrue (stain) his hands in his blood, and had declared himself a Christian, was also beheaded, being baptized in his own blood.”
The reader may be confused at this point, and rightly so, so let me explain. We have two (fallible) accounts of the martyrdom of St. Alban and his guard, from St. Bede and Bulter’s Lives of the Saints. They both record that just before the martyrdom of St. Alban and his guard, St. Alban prayed for “water” which he miraculously received! St. Bede then goes on to say that the guard died unbaptized! Butler’s says that the water was merely to “refresh” Alban’s thirst! With all due respect to St. Bede and the good things in Butler’s, how obvious does it have to be? A Saint, who had a few minutes to live and who had a convert wanting to enter the Church of Christ, would not call for miraculous water in order to “refresh his thirst”! He obviously called for the miraculous water to baptize the converted guard, and God provided it for the sincere convert, since “unless a man is born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.” This is a prime example of how the errors of baptism of blood and desire have been perpetuated – by passing down the fallible conclusions of fallible men, for instance, by passing down the ridiculous conclusion that the guard died unbaptized when these very accounts admit of the presence of miraculously received water! And this example of St. Alban and his guard, which actually shows the absolute necessity of the Sacrament of Baptism, is frequently and falsely used against the necessity of the Sacrament of Baptism.
It is also interesting to consider how much “faith” obstinate baptism of desire advocates have in the fallible accounts and conclusions of historians – such as the obviously ridiculous conclusion of Fr. Butler that the guard died unbaptized when he admits that St. Alban received miraculous water! – while they dismiss the infallible defined dogmatic statements. The fact of the matter is that they don’t really have faith in these accounts, but emphasize them because they like what they say: that people don’t need baptism.
Pope Eugene IV, The Council of Florence, “Exultate Deo,” Nov. 22, 1439, ex cathedra: “Holy baptism, which is the gateway to the spiritual life, holds the first place among all the sacraments; through it we are made members of Christ and of the body of the Church. And since death entered the universe through the first man, ‘unless we are born again of water and the Spirit, we cannot,’ as the Truth says, ‘enter into the kingdom of heaven’ [John 3:5]. The matter of this sacrament is real and natural water.”
This means that Our Lord Jesus Christ’s declaration that no man can be saved without being born again of water and the Holy Ghost is a literal dogma of the Catholic Faith.
Pope Paul III, The Council of Trent, Can. 2 on the Sacrament of Baptism, Sess. 7, 1547, ex cathedra: “If anyone shall say that real and natural water is not necessary for baptism, and on that account those words of Our Lord Jesus Christ: ‘Unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Spirit’ [John 3:5], are distorted into some sort of metaphor: let him be anathema.”
Pope Paul III, The Council of Trent, Can. 5 on the Sacrament of Baptism, Sess. 7, 1547, ex cathedra: “If anyone says that baptism [the sacrament] is optional, that is, not necessary for salvation (cf. Jn. 3:5): let him be anathema.”
I’m just wondering, do you believe that baptism of desire applies only to people who desire baptism and believe in Christ, or do you believe that people who don’t even desire baptism or believe in Christ (such as certain Jews, Buddhists, Muslims) could be united to the Church and saved?
Dear Brothers Dimond,
Enjoyed reading your article on "The Great Apostasy, Not the Great Facade." Would you put me on the mailing list?
My questions:
What is your opinion of Sr. Lucy? Does she attend the New Mass? Does anyone have access to her true opinions? Do you have an article on her? (and)
What is your opinion on Geocentrism? Do you have an article on the controversy? (Is there anyway you can add a Search feature to your site?)
God bless you.
1. In short, this “Sister Lucia” is not the real one. She has repeatedly stated that she agrees that the Third Secret has been revealed, and that she is in line with the Vatican’s present position on Fatima. The attempts by Gruner, etc. to state that this is not what “Sister Lucia” really believes simply don’t square with reality. They fly in the face of many interviews with this “Sister Lucia,” but most devastatingly the televised 2000 “beatification” of Jacinta and Francisco. There, this “Sister Lucia” showed anyone who was watching that she fully endorses the Vatican’s present position on Fatima. She is an impostor; and the real Sister Lucia is most surely dead. (This “Sister Lucia” definitely doesn’t look like a woman who is 98 years old, either!)
The reason she is silenced much of the time is because if she weren’t she would be quickly detected as a fraud; it is not because she would tell the Nicholas Gruner line on Fatima. The fact that this “Sister Lucia” accepts the false Vatican II religion and the New Mass also shows her to be a fraud.
2. We don’t have a fully formed opinion on Geocentrism and we haven’t written anything on the subject. We are open to facts in this regard.
Thank you for your response. I found it both informative and disturbing. You advised that financial support of the Byzantine Church should be withheld. Would that be true of all the Eastern Catholic Churches? (Ukrainians, Melkites, Maronites, etc.) Should that happen these churches would all collapse and 'fade away'. Most important of all, do you consider The Divine liturgy of ST. John Chrysostom valid? The only changes made in the Eastern Catholic churches following Vatican II is that we have returned to our ancient traditions, purging any Latinizations.
Thank you.
Jack Bryant
Orlando, Florida
Yes, financial support must be withheld from any priest who adheres to heresy. And all of the Eastern Rite priests who accept Benedict XVI cannot be supported because they are adhering to a heretical position which accepts the Vatican II sect. A Catholic cannot support a heretic or one who endorses or promotes heresy.
Pope Innocent III, Fourth Lateran Council, 1215: "Moreover, we determine to subject to excommunication believers who receive, defend, or support heretics."
One cannot ever compromise the Faith by supporting those who don’t hold it simply because they have a valid Mass. The Divine liturgy of St. John Chrysostom is a valid Mass, but the Eastern “Orthodox” Schismatics have a valid Mass, too. It doesn’t matter if their entire church shuts down, a Catholic cannot support a priest who adheres to heresy because THE FAITH COMES BEFORE THE MASS. If one can support the Eastern Rite priests or the SSPX or the CMRI or another heretical group of priests, then all of these issues are completely meaningless. That is why those who are aware of this information and continue to donate to heretical groups, such as the Byzantine priests or the SSPX or the SSPV or the CMRI, etc. are committing grave sin and putting themselves on the road to damnation. Actions speak louder than words. One can say that he doesn’t agree that Benedict XVI is the Pope, or that he doesn’t accept Vatican II, but when one donates to a priest who holds those position his actions prove that he supports both of those things.
The only reason that a Catholic could attend the Masses of some of the heretical Eastern Rite priests, heretical SSPX priests and heretical CMRI priests, etc. is because there is no other option for most today in a necessity, and, if they are not supporting them as they shouldn’t be, they are not supporting their heretical beliefs in any way. But if the priest becomes notorious or imposing about his heresy (such as the SSPV has and certain SSPX and Eastern Rite priests have), then not only can one not support him, but one must not attend his Mass even to receive the sacraments from him. There is also no obligation to attend any church where the priest holds to heresy, so that if one doesn’t want to go just to receive the sacraments he doesn’t have to.
In re-reading your work on Baptism of desire I went to the law dictionary to look up the word "or".
Using Bouvier's Law Dictionary and Concise Encyclopedia, Third Revision 1914, we see:
"As a particle, 'or' is often construed 'and', and 'and' construed 'or', to further the intent of the parties.... So, 'break or enter' in a statute defining burglary, means 'break and enter'. (emphasis mine)
It goes on to talk about when "or" is used to indicate an alternative choice that its use is often bad because it causes uncertainty:
"Where an indictment is in the alternative, as forged or caused to be forged, it is bad for uncertainty."
Clearly the Council of Trent was using the word 'or' in its most precise, legal sense in order to further its intent in defining justification when it says that justification cannot take place "...without the laver of regeneration or the desire for it". The Council of Trent is teaching us that to be justified we must be Baptized and desire Baptism - the Council of Trent is not offering us an alternative choice as you have pointed out so well!
Again thank you for your excellent research and presentation.
Best regards,
~Phil Pinheiro~
That is a very interesting point. And what is perhaps most significant in this regard is the infallible declaration that Trent makes that John 3:5 is to be understood “as it is written” which comes in the very same sentence.
Pope Paul III, Council of Trent, Sess. 6, Chap. 4: “In these words there is suggested a description of the justification of the impious, how there is a transition from that state in which a person is born as a child of the first Adam to the state of grace and of adoption as sons of God through the second Adam, Jesus Christ our savior; indeed, this transition, once the gospel has been promulgated, CANNOT TAKE PLACE WITHOUT the laver of regeneration or a desire for it, AS IT IS WRITTEN: Unless a man is born again of water and the Holy Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God (John 3:5).”
There is no way that baptism of desire can be true if John 3:5 is to be taken as it is written, because John 3:5 says that every man must be born again of water and the Spirit to be saved, which is what the theory of baptism of desire denies. The theory of baptism of desire and an interpretation of John 3:5 as it is written are mutually exclusive (they cannot both be true at the same time) – and every baptism of desire proponent will admit this. That is why all of them must – and do – opt for a non-literal interpretation of John 3:5. For instance:
Fr. Francois Laisney (Believer in Baptism of Desire), Is Feeneyism Catholic, p. 33: “Fr. Feeney’s greatest argument was that Our Lord’s words, ‘Unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God’ (John 3:5) mean the absolute necessity of baptism of water with no exception whatsoever… The great question is, then, how did the Church explain these words of Our Lord?”
Fr. Laisney, a fierce baptism of desire advocate, is admitting here that John 3:5 cannot be understood as it is written if baptism of desire is true. He therefore holds that the true understanding of John 3:5 is that it does not apply literally to all men; that is, John 3:5 is not to be taken as it is written. But how does the Catholic Church understand these words? What does the passage in Trent that we just discussed say? It says infallibly, “AS IT IS WRITTEN, UNLESS A MAN IS BORN AGAIN OF WATER AND THE HOLY GHOST, HE CANNOT ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD.”
The passage thus teaches – as it is written – unless a man is born again of water and the Holy Ghost he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. If what baptism of desire proponents say were correct, we would actually have the Council teaching us in the first part of the sentence that John 3:5 is not to be taken as it is written (desire sometimes suffices without being born again of water), while simultaneously contradicting itself in the second part of the sentence by telling us to take John 3:5 as it is written (sicut scriptum est)! But this is absurd, of course. The passage does not say that justification can take place by water or desire; it says justification cannot take place without water or desire, AS IT IS WRITTEN, unless a man is born again of water… Those who obstinately insist that this passage teaches baptism of desire are simply wrong and are contradicting the very words given in the passage about John 3:5. The inclusion of “AS IT IS WRITTEN,unless a man is born again of water and the Holy Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God (John 3:5)” shows the true meaning and the perfect harmony of that passage in Trent with all of the other passages in Trent and other Councils which all affirm the absolute necessity of water baptism with no exceptions.
Pope Paul III, The Council of Trent, canons on the Sacrament of Baptism, canon 5: “If anyone says that baptism [the sacrament] is optional, that is, not necessary for salvation (cf. Jn. 3:5): let him be anathema.”
Pope Paul III, The Council of Trent, On Original Sin, Session V: “By one man sin entered into the world, and by sin death... so that in them there may be washed away by regeneration, what they have contracted by generation, ‘For unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God [John 3:5].”
Pope Paul III, The Council of Trent, canons on the Sacrament of Baptism, Session 7, canon 2: “If anyone shall say that real and natural water is not necessary for baptism, and on that account those words of Our Lord Jesus Christ: ‘Unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Spirit’ [John 3:5], are distorted into some sort of metaphor: let him be anathema.”
Pope Eugene IV, The Council of Florence, “Exultate Deo,” Nov. 22, 1439: “Holy baptism, which is the gateway to the spiritual life, holds the first place among all the sacraments; through it we are made members of Christ and of the body of the Church. And since death entered the universe through the first man, ‘unless we are born again of water and the Spirit, we cannot,’ as the Truth says, ‘enter into the kingdom of heaven’ [John 3:5]. The matter of this sacrament is real and natural water.”
I was reading you article entitled: A Warning about certain Heretical Traditional Priests and Chapels
You include a Bishop (?) Dolan and a Bishop (?) Sanborn. These guys are not valid Bishops since they were never valid Priests.
You are referring to the accusation that Bishop Lienart, who ordained Archbishop Lefebvre and consecrated him with two other Bishops, was a Freemason and therefore did not validly confer Orders upon Lefebvre – which subsequently caused all the priests ordained by Lefebvre to be invalid.
While some may be sincerely confused about this issue, it is not a tenable position. This is because when a minister uses the correct matter and form - that is, the traditional rite of ordination - he is presumed to have intended to do what the Church does. Lienart used the traditional rite of ordination in ordaining and consecrating Lefebvre.
Pope Leo XIII, Apostolicae Curae, Sept. 13, 1896: “When anyone has rightly and seriously made use of the due form and the matter requisite for effecting or conferring the sacrament he is considered by that very fact to do what the Church does. On this principle rests the doctrine that a sacrament is truly conferred by the ministry of one who is a heretic or unbaptized, provided the Catholic rite be employed. On the other hand, if the rite be changed, with the manifest intention of introducing another rite not approved by the Church, and of rejecting what the Church does, and what by the institution of Christ belongs to the nature of the sacrament, then it is clear that not only is the necessary intention wanting to the sacrament, but that the intention is adverse to and destructive of the sacrament.”
Suspicion that Lienart was a Freemason is not sufficient to question his intention, since he used the traditional rite in ordaining Lefebvre. During the French Revolution the Bishop Talleyrand was a Freemason. He ordained many priests. There is no evidence that the Church re-ordained any of those men; on the contrary, they were accepted as valid. Further, it was discovered after his death that Pope Leo XIII's Secretary of State, Cardinal Rampolla, was a high-ranking Freemason. Surely Rampolla ordained priests, but there is no evidence that any of the men he ordained were conditionally re-ordained. If one can doubt the validity of the Lefebvre-line orders then one can go back in history and question almost anyone's orders.
Good afternoon,
I just went to your Web site today and noticed a new article warning about heretical priests. I noticed that Fr. Ringrose was on the list when I read the article.
This was a surprise to me, because I have been to St. Athanasius (in Vienna, Virginia) since 2002 and not once have heard him even mention anything about "Feeneyism" in any of his sermons; however, I have seen pamphlets in near the front door which come from SSPX magazines which actually promote "baptism of desire". And the bookstore also sells SSPX material.
I never saw anything notorious in this regard, but I have heard on only two occasions where he talks about the heresies of Vatican II, yet does not go forward with the correct conclusion (i.e. the last four claiming to be popes from John XXIII onward are actually antipopes). As with "Feeneyism", I did not see this heresy imposed on anyone from the times I've been there. However, I have stopped going to Mass at that chapel for some time while I'm still trying to sort this all out. I have not talked to him about either issue, and planned to do so once I got my information together to present to him. I want to make sure my information is 100% correct before doing anything like this…Thanks for the information. Take care, and have a blessed afternoon.
e were informed by a lady who attended that church that Fr. Ringrose gave a series of talks on baptism of desire, basically denouncing Feeneyism and anyone who holds it. The fact that you saw pamphlets on baptism of desire corroborates that he has a major desire to promote it, and that he is clearly against those who don't accept it. We don't believe anyone should attend his church since he has publicly denounced “Feeneyism” from the pulpit, but one could certainly call him up and ask him his position on the matter.
I've been looking around on the internet and stumbled onto your site but I am not sure what you believe in. It seems that you don't agree with the novus ordo church, SSPV or the SSPX. Also, you don't seem to believe in Baptism by desire which is contained in the Baltimore Catechism and was taught to every Catholic for generations.
Q. 650. What is Baptism of desire?
A. Baptism of desire is an ardent wish to receive Baptism, and to do all that God has ordained for our salvation.
Q. 651. What is Baptism of blood?
A. Baptism of blood is the shedding of one's blood for the faith of Christ.
Q. 652. What is the baptism of blood most commonly called?
A. The baptism of blood is most commonly called martyrdom, and those who receive it are called martyrs. It is the death one patiently suffers from the enemies of our religion, rather than give up Catholic faith or virtue. We must not seek martyrdom, though we must endure it when it comes.
Q. 653. Is Baptism of desire or of blood sufficient to produce the effects of Baptism of water?
A. Baptism of desire or of blood is sufficient to produce the effects of the Baptism of water, if it is impossible to receive the Baptism of water.
Q. 654. How do we know that the baptism of desire or of blood will save us when it is impossible to receive the baptism of water?
A. We know that baptism of desire or of blood will save us when it is impossible to receive the baptism of water, from Holy Scripture, which teaches that love of God and perfect contrition can secure the remission of sins ; and also that Our Lord promises salvation to those who lay down their life for His sake or for His teaching.
You have correctly ascertained that we don’t agree with the Conciliar Church (the Vatican II/Novus Ordo sect). The Conciliar Church is not the Catholic Church, but a non-Catholic sect which rejects the Catholic Faith and Jesus Christ by endorsing heretical sects, schismatic sects, as well as idolatrous and pagan religions. Regarding what we believe on the salvation issue, you are also correct that we don’t believe with the SSPX, SSPV and CMRI that it is not necessary to have the Catholic Faith for salvation. We don’t believe, as they do, that certain Buddhists, Jews, Muslims or Hindus can be united to the Catholic Church. We believe, profess and preach that all who die as non-Catholics will not be saved, as the Holy Roman Church believes, professes and preaches. (more…)
Brother, what exactly is the modernist definition of baptism of desire? Do the modernists believe that one can be saved merely by having a desire to be baptized but no intention of actually being baptized with water? If so, that's absurd.
Or, do they define baptism of desire as one who not only desires to be baptized with water but intends to, but dies before he gets the chance to do so. For example, let's say that a catechumen who is studying the Catholic faith in order to be baptized, when on his way to church to be baptized with water is killed by a car. Can he be saved? Or is this what the modernists teach?
The modernists believe that baptism of desire saves people who belong to false religions and have never heard of Christ and don't desire baptism. It is a sick joke that they actually call this abominable view "baptism of desire," since those Doctors of the Church who did believe in baptism of desire (i.e., for catechumens) would condemn their perverse heresy. So, in short, baptism of desire today = salvation for non-Catholics without the Catholic Faith. It is an abominable heresy. The whole history of the error of baptism of desire (and there is no such thing, even for catechumens) is discussed in depth in our book, Outside the Catholic Church There is Absolutely No Salvation, especially section 14.
Dear Brothers Dimond, Last afternoon I viewed a video produced by you…It left me stunned and deeply moved. This morning I accessed your website for the first time and I am overwhelmed!!!
I am a Roman Catholic born in 1947 in a Buddhist country - SRI LANKA. Christian population was 5% of the entire population - Roman Catholics further reduced in number. I have lived in AUSTRALIA since 1972. As a youngster at St Peter's College Colombo we were taught Catholic Doctrine and some Apologetics by RC priests. Back then around the late fifties and early sixties we were clearly taught the teaching of BAPTISM OF DESIRE.
We were NEVER taught "Outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation"...or to be honest, I can't recall being taught this. In the year 2000, while praying in the presence of The Blessed Sacrament in a Novus Ordo church, an inner/exterior/everywhere' voice quietly said to me "I am not here!!!" Not long after I felt privileged when I discovered the SSPX realising the previous 30 years of Daily Masses in the NEW Church were wasted! Now, your revelations on the SSPX give me new matter to ponder on and pray about.
I deeply appreciate the monumental GOD-FILLED work you have done. Please pray for my soul as indeed I shall pray for you. May the Blessed and Most Holy Trinity Bless, guard and guide you with loving intercession from OUR Blessed Mother of GOD, MARY MOST HOLY
Yours sincerely
Peter de Niese
Dear Brothers:
First, congratulations on an excellent website, and May God bless your crusade against heresy! I have two questions.
1) Since, as you point out, the assassination attempt on Wojtyla has elevated his status in the eyes of the world, and enabled him to pose as "Mary's Pope" and preach heresy more effectively, is there any evidence that the assassination attempt was "staged.", and that there was no real threat to the life of Wojtyla?
2) I agree with you that the real Sister Lucy is dead (or imprisoned). She would never have supported the the Vatican's interpretation of the third secret. I have a question regarding her: Did she ever express doubts about the validity of the papacies of Paul VI and John XXIII, considering the fact that she spoke of "diabolic disorientation", and said that "in 1960 it [the meaning of the third secret] will be clearer."
No, there is no evidence that it was staged. We believe that it was the fulfillment of Apocalypse 13:4, where one head of the beast – each head is an Emperor over the seven-hilled city (Apoc. 17:9) – is wounded. It is interesting that the man who shot JP2, Ali Agca, publicly claimed to be Jesus Christ in Court after the event. This is interesting because if the entire assassination attempt was orchestrated by Satan on May 13, 1981 to build up JP2 (which it was), it makes sense that the man whom Satan used to pull it off, Ali Agca, was possessed with John Paul II’s Antichrist doctrine that every man is Jesus Christ. Regarding your question about Sister Lucia, it’s not clear when they moved the phony one in, but it was probably some time around 1960. But there is no statement from the real one ever questioning the validity of John XXIII.
Dear Bro. Dimond:
It basically boils down to, if we're not with Peter, where are we? I don't mean we have to acclaim him and assume he'll be a good guy just because he is Peter. But there is only one barque… Is it a barque of multiple little popes? Maybe that is why I'm having such a problem with sedevecantism. It seems so much like protestantism. Is it really a barque with no captain at all? For 40 years? Then we better quit the infighting if the situation is that bad and JUST PRAY. Because the ordinary masses don't get to elect the successor of Peter… This is the best conclusion that I can come to: that the Church remains, but that the captains have been treasonous creeps for 40 years. But God hasn't given us any others. So we will have to huddle together as best we can and worship as faithfully as we can, in dark corners perhaps; there may be parts of the ship where, at this point, the faithful ones won't see a true priest for long periods.
[While this woman was harping on her understanding of fidelity to the Chair of Peter, I sensed from what she was saying that she rejected Vatican II and many of the official teachings of her “Popes”. So, to illustrate her inconsistency, I asked her the following question]:
Do you accept: Vatican II; that non-Catholics can receive Communion; and that Muslims and Catholics worship the same God? -Bro. Peter DimondMF:
Dear Bro Dimond: I don't accept the DOCUMENTS of Vatican II as being anything but a nice try by the devil to force an unholy course on the Church. For those who took the option and ran with it, it seems to me that God is allowing Vatican II to still do His Will by revealing hearts. But since nothing was doctrinal, the documents are meaningless, even though it has all had a devastating effect. I believe Vatican II was a true Council that went sour because it was hijacked by rebels. But God can and still will use it for good. Battle lines were drawn. Nuns who ripped off their habits and turned their convents into ashrams took one side and others are trying to stay firm on the other. It reminds me so much of what protestants do with the Bible misinterpret it and then bash everyone else over the head. But that doesn't mean the Bible isn't the Word of God. Those who seek His Truth with sincerity will have it. But the documents of Vatican II are not any that we have to concern ourselves with in the least, since they weren't doctrinal. Just a lot of work the enemies did to try to get a firmer foothold. It worked, but it won't hold. Non-Catholics receive Communion? No way! And why would they want to if everything is only about the Holy Spirit and me personally, and not the objective physical presence of Jesus? What freaks who would do that. Muslims worship a demonic being. Not a Triune God? How much trouble did Jesus go to to try to teach us that reality? So whoever they worship is not the same God. I've read the Koran. It is vile, nasty filth. And I've read about Mohammad. An exorcist might be able to confirm that he was probably possessed. I mean that in all seriousness. MFMHFM: Your response was similar to what I expected. You cannot have it both ways. If you accept these Antipopes as true Popes you must accept their authoritative teaching. Otherwise, you reject Papal Infallibility. Vatican II was solemnly and infallibly promulgated by Paul VI if he was a true Pope. If Paul VI was a true Pope, it is a true ecumenical council to whose teaching you are bound. This has been proven in the following article and by the quotes below. Paul VI solemnly declared that Vatican II was to be "religiously observed" by all the faithful. (more…)
Dear Dimond Brothers,
Currently I'm reading the The Devil's Final Battle and as I read along I am reminded of how you label "Father" Paul Kramer and others as "false traditionalists." I must say that you are quite right. On pages 68 - 69, Paul Kramer addresses the dogma, Outside the Catholic Church There Is No Salvation. It reads, "In fact, Kasper's statement scorns the thrice-defined infallible dogma that "outside the Church there is no salvation." (extra ecclesia nulla salus) The actual wording of these three solemn, infallible (and therefore impossible to change) definitions that are binding on all Catholics (of whatever rank, including Cardinals and Popes) to believe, under pain of being automatically excommunicated (expelling themselves from the Catholic Church) are as follows"............
Here we can see that Paul Kramer admits that if a Pope dissents from the dogma, Outside the Catholic Church There Is No Salvation, he is excommunicated from the Catholic Church. And Paul Kramer is well aware that JPll dissented from this dogma and yet he still accepted JPll as a true Pope. The same is true concerning Benedict XVl. Paul Kramer admits in his book that Cardinal Ratzinger (who is the same person as Benedict XVl) also dissents from this dogma and yet Paul Kramer still accepts him as a true Pope. It seems to me that Paul Kramer, Nicholas Gruner, and all their collaboraters cannot bear the thought that a false pope could be reigning from Rome. They are deceiving themselves and their readers about the true state of the papacy.
Alain P.
Yes, you are exactly right.
Dear Rev. Brothers
At last the kettle calls the pot black?!. By the way, last month Sister Mary Cabrini (Superior) and Sister Mary Michael of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart visited this part of India for a day. The have given us a factsheet on dogma [ compiled by themselves] that says that: " Baptism of Desire is a doctrine of Faith. It has been dogmatized (D. 388, D. 796). We must believe in Baptism of Desire in order to be a member of the Church founded by Christ."
They also urged us to stay away from ALL Traditionalist priests and priestly societies as all of these are operating illicitly - " criminal and sacrilegious " (Pius XII). The only priest acceptable would be one ordained during the reign of Pius XII who from the very outset rejected Vatican II and the New Mass.
Yes, I've spoken with one of those "Sisters." Unfortunately, they are heretics who deny the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation. What they say on baptism of desire is completely false and is refuted in our book. They also don't know what they are talking about regarding Jurisdiction.
They are hypocritical, for while they spew their false views regarding Jurisdiction, they are themselves independent and irregular according to normal status. But I guess the "rules" don't apply when it comes to them, of course.
I have just read your article "The Heretical CMRI" and I have to take issue with some of the points that you make in that article. I currently live in Newhall/Santa Clarita, CA and I attend mass at the Queen of Angels Chapel that you mention in your article. My son just went through RCIA classes at the church with Father Dominic and I take great offense at your suggestion in the article that Father Dominic would say that "Jews can be saved" and then defend a lay person who stated such. During the classes that my son went to I sat in and spoke at great length with Father Dominic about theology. He was very adamant that those "outside the faith" CANNOT be saved. I can then only surmised that the person that reported this to you either was a disgruntled Catholic or was a spy who made up such a lie to bear false witness against a very good priest in Father Dominic.
I think in any event that you owe not only Father Dominic an apology, but also the entire congregation of Queen of Angels as well. I see that you list yourself as a "Brother" in your byline. I find that very difficult to believe given what was said in your article.
Julia Miller
Newhall CA
Julia, it is simply a fact that the CMRI believes that Jews can be saved. Their priests may not state that publicly a lot, but that is what they believe. (That is why two priests and a nun I spoke with all told me such.) The CMRI believes that those who are “invincibly ignorant” of Christ can be saved. This means that people who are in false, non-Catholic religions “through no fault of their own” can be saved, according to them. This is heresy. The CMRI holds that Outside the Church There is No Salvation only applies to those “knowingly” outside the Church (which is not what the Church defined), so that, according to them, certain Jews or Buddhists or Muslims can be united to the Church even though they don’t believe in Jesus Christ and the Trinity or even desire water baptism. This is a heresy which denies the defined dogma that the Catholic Faith is necessary for salvation. Here is a quotation directly from their publication, written by the heretic Bishop McKenna. (more…)
Dear Brothers:
I'm enjoying your recent anaylsis comparing our present situation with the time of the Maccabees; and your comparison of JPII with the wicked Alcimus.
It's interesting to also note that, according to the Book of Maccabees, Alcimus is stricken with "palsy"---which is exactly what JP II has: "uncontrollable tremors" and "difficulty speaking" See Ist Mac., c. 9, 54. [55] Continued blessings upon your work of exposing the forces of Antichrist.
Yours sincerely,
Christopher A.
That is a very interesting point.
And also what are the Infallible" statements concerning NFP.
Catholic dogma teaches us that the primary purpose of marriage (and the conjugal act) is the procreation and education of children.
Pope Pius XI, Casti Connubii (# 17), Dec. 31, 1930: “The primary end of marriage is the procreation and the education of children.” Pope Pius XI, Casti Connubii (# 54), Dec. 31, 1930: “Since, therefore, the conjugal act is destined primarily by nature for the begetting of children, those who in exercising it deliberately frustrate its natural powers and purpose sin against nature and commit a deed which is shameful and intrinsically vicious.”Besides this primary purpose, there are also secondary purposes for marriage, such as mutual aid, the quieting of concupiscence and the cultivating of mutual love. But these secondary purposes must always remain subordinate to the primary purpose of marriage (the procreation and education of children). This is the key point to remember in the discussion on NFP.
Pope Pius XI, Casti Connubii (# 59), Dec. 31, 1930: “For in matrimony as well as in the use of the matrimonial right there are also secondary ends, such as mutual aid, the cultivating of mutual love, and the quieting of concupiscence which husband and wife are not forbidden to consider SO LONG AS THEY ARE SUBORDINATED TO THE PRIMARY END and so long as the intrinsic nature of the act is preserved.”Therefore, even though NFP does not directly interfere with the marriage act itself, as its defenders love to stress, it makes no difference. NFP is condemned because it subordinates the primary end (or purpose) of marriage and the marriage act (the procreation and education of children) to the secondary ends. (more…)
While at Assisi I refered a Novus Ordo theology professor to the Bull Cantate Domino, because of the statement within that all jews, pagans, heretics will depart into hell unless [etc.]..... He stated that the Pope, when making this statement did not know yet of the new world so he felt that the Church had been sent out and arrived around the entire world already. Do you feel that perhaps the discovery of the new world is what changed peoples minds about who is damned?
Thanks for your question. A failure to understand – or rather to believe – that dogmatic statements are unchangeable truths revealed by Christ seems to be a consistently problem today. It must be understood that the deposit of Faith ended with the death of the last Apostle.
Pope St. Pius X, Lamentabile, The Errors of the Modernists #21: “Revelation, constituting the object of Catholic faith, was not completed with the apostles.” - CondemnedThis means that when a Pope defines a dogma from the Chair of Peter he does not make the dogma true, but rather he proclaims what is already true, what has already been revealed by Christ and delivered to the Apostles. So, when Pope Eugene IV defined that all who die as pagans, Jews, etc. are lost (in the 15th century) this was true from the death of the last apostle and can never change because it was delivered by Christ. No new information could change the truth of this statement. Thus, the discovery of the New World by Columbus changes nothing. If anyone could be saved without the Catholic Faith due to ignorance, then Jesus Christ would not have allowed Pope Eugene IV to define this as a dogma, but He did. This is also why, as proven in section 25 of our book on this topic, St. Francis Xavier and St. Isaac Jogues – who lived after Columbus – were totally convinced that all ignorant pagans without exception were lost unless they were brought into the Catholic Church. The people who have a problem with this simply don’t believe in Papal Infallibility; they don't believe that God watches over these Papal definitions. This would include the CMRI, SSPX, SSPV, etc.
Dear Brother Dimond:
Please put us on your e-mail list. We love your website, and have been reading and rereading your magazines for years. I have some questions for you:
- Garabandal- What is your opinion? Apparantly, Padre Pio claimed that these were authentic apparitions of Mary, but I'm not so sure about that.
- Holy days of obligation-These were changed by Paul VI if my memory is correct. If that is the case, since these changes were illegitimate, what are the real Holy Days of Obligation?? And why are they different for different countries? (I thought that they would be the same in a universal Church).
- Is it allright to make donations to nonCatholic organizations specializing in corporal works of mercy (ie Food for the Poor, Covenant House)?
I would very much like to have answers to these questions.
Thanks for the support. To answer your questions:
1. A certain person claims that Padre Pio endorsed the Garabandal apparitions. But the accounts of this aren't clear and, frankly, we don't believe the man's story. Even if it were true that Padre Pio endorsed Garabandal, the fact that Padre Pio thought they were true wouldn't prove it to be so, of course.
We believe that Garabandal is definitely a false apparition. We believe this for a number of reasons.
First, according to a friend of ours who has studied it (we have not yet been able to), the message states: "the Pope will reconvene the Council and it will be a great event in the Church.” This means that Garabandal apparently refers to Vatican II as something that will be a "great event" in the Church and Paul VI as a "Pope" - both of which are totally false and, if stated in the message, prove without any doubt that Garabandal was a false apparition of the devil.
Second, all of the "seers" at Garabandal are in the Novus Ordo sect (a bad fruit) and none of them pursued religious vocations. (Most of those who have visions such as this, like the real Sister Lucy of Fatima, pursue religious life). The original apparition occurred when they were stealing apples – not usually an activity that would be rewarded with a visit from the Mother of God, I would say. The "seers" also walked backwards, something that is suggestive of Satanic influence.
We believe that the purpose of the false apparitions of Garabandal was to focus people on the physical chastisement – a great warning, miracle, and ball of redemption – and direct people away from Satan's real attack, which concerns our Faith, not physical chastisements. So, while people are waiting for what they think will be the "real" chastisement (what they expect to be a physical one) and remain in the false sect, the true chastisement (a spiritual one, the Vatican II sect) is already upon them and has (already) almost reached its consummation.
2. The Traditional Holy Days of Obligation are : Circumcision (Jan. 1); Ascension Thursday; Assumption BVM (August 15); All Saints' Day (November 1); Immaculate Conception (Dec. 8); Christmas (Dec. 25).
3. One should not make a donation to a non-Catholic organization that specializes in corporal works of mercy. One could donate clothes and possessions that one doesn't need, but not donations. This is because, among other things, you don't know what the non-Catholic organization will do with the donation.
I recently read an article…which quoted Popes and other clergy speaking about NFP prior to PIUS XII. I would like to know how you refute these quotations, and whether they are just to be ignored anyway since they are not ex-cathedra pronouncements. -Mark
Mark, we are familiar with the quotations. They are not infallible statements; and they are not even Papal statements. They are a few somewhat ambiguous responses from members of the Holy Office before Vatican II and they reflect the growing Modernism that was capturing large parts of the clergy from the time of the late 1800's to Vatican II – as exemplified by the rampant denial of the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation found in many theology texts and manuals from the period. So, to reiterate, they are not infallible or binding, and, if they do in fact endorse birth control by means of NFP (as they seem to), they contradict the Magisterial teaching of Pius XI that the primary purpose of marriage and the marriage act is the procreation of children – and that the other purposes or ends of marriage must always be subordinated to the procreation of children. NFP violates this by subordinating the procreation of children to other ends by deliberately trying to avoid it.
To begin with I agree with you about what you said concerning the Father Wathen heresy. I also agree with you on one baptism and no salvation outside the Church. However, here is where I take issue with you. I resented Father Jenkins calling you the brothers Grimm, and I also do not like Father Wathen belittling your order and you personally. These are cheap shots, from people who have no other defense. I therefore also did not like you calling Father Wathen "mister". You have too much going for you to take this tack. You did not use it on Father Jenkins, nor should you use it on Father Wathen. If Father Wathen was a 'mister'. one could not attend his masses.
You, yourself said to go to their Mass but do not give them any money, and you are correct. The name calling will only make some to say , "forget about both of them, if that is what traditionals are all about". God bless you.
Art, there is no obligation to refer to heretics, even those validly ordained, as "Father." The Councils of the Church did not hesitate to refer to Arius, Nestorius, and the other heretics simply as Arius, Nestorius, etc. even though they were priests and Bishops.
II Council of Constantinople, 553, Can. 11: "If anyone does not anathematize Arius, Eunomius, Macedonius, Apollinarius, Nestorius, Eutyches..."I refer to Fr. Wathen sometimes as "Mr." Wathen in the article because he attacked our status as religious, so it was necessary to emphasize that he has no status as a Catholic and therefore no actual right to the title of "Father," even though he is a validly ordained priest. But that really shouldn't bother you if you can see that Fr. Wathen is a heretic – which he is. We don’t know if one should go to his Mass at all, considering the manner in which he is broadcasting his heresy. It would be a debatable proposition if one could go there at all, but no one could ever give him any donations.
Would you kindly refer me to where the papacy has prior to Vatican Council II declared solemnly that heretics cannot possibly please God in their prayers, praises and worship? I know that this declaration has been solemnly made but I can't put my finger on it. Your help would be greatly appreciated.
Sincerely yours in Jesus, Mary & Joseph,
In Sess. 5, the Council of Trent's Decree on Original Sin, it is declared:
"... our Catholic Faith, without which it is impossible to please God' [Heb. 11:6]".No heretic or non-Catholic can please God so that he becomes justified before him and that God is truly pleased with him. But God does hear the prayers of heretics to turn to the truth if they are sincere in their prayers; for instance, if the heretic sincerely prayed for the true Faith, God would answer and give the heretic the graces to be led to Catholic truth.
To Whom It May Concern:
I would like to point out that the Catholic Church has always taught that those who, through no fault of their own, were never aware that salvation can only be achieved through the Catholic Church or who were never aware that the Catholic Church even exists (a fact common in many primitive tribes in, for example, Africa) can still attain salvation if they honestly seek the Truth their whole lives and try to live a good, moral life. However, this salvation comes not from the fruit of their own religion, but through the grace of the Catholic Church.
Surely God will never condemn a person who has never even heard of Jesus Christ.
A. T.
No, the Catholic Church has never taught that. The dogma Outside the Catholic Church There is No Salvation has been solemnly defined at least seven times by Popes speaking from the Chair of St. Peter. Each time the Church has infallibly defined that all who die without the Catholic Faith are lost without exception. Never once were any exceptions mentioned about “invincible ignorance.” It is just the opposite: all exceptions were always excluded. (more…)
Do you know if Mel Gibson is a sedevacantist? Next, have you seen the website… The guy says that "The Passion" contradicts scripture at every turn.....I haven't read everything yet, but what he mentions about the contradictions is very interesting......
Holly Z
To your first question, I believe Mel would claim to be a Sedevacantist, although he is not very outspoken about this. In his interview with ABC he gave the line about how the traditional Mass has “never been abrogated.” This is an argument that non-sedevacantists who accept Paul VI as the Pope make. Regarding the charge that The Passion contradicts scripture, no, I don’t believe The Passion contradicts scripture, except for one glaring change that I noticed that Mel Gibson made to the words of Our Lord. This change was made by Mel to appease the Christ-denying Jews. In the part of the movie where Jesus stands before Pilate (the part that corresponds to John 18:36 ff.), Mel Gibson has Jim Caviezal say:
“My Kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants should certainly strive that I should not be delivered into the hand of this people.”But Jesus actually said, as recorded in John 18:36:
“My Kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants should certainly strive that I should not be delivered into the hand of THE JEWS.”Notice the change that Mel made. He changed the words of Our Lord Jesus Christ and His meaning – simply not to offend the Jews. If he had quoted the actual words of Our Lord the scene would have been more powerful and, most importantly, more accurate. This change was striking for me when I saw the movie.
Dear Brothers,
Regarding the for all, for many, debate. I have heard many people defend the "for all" by saying that a certain mass, which has always been said in another language, uses the words "for all". (It may be the Aramaic Mass). I'm sure you are familiar with the argument. What is the answer to this?
Some have claimed – most notably Michael Malone, now deceased – that the Traditional Maronite Rite used "all" in its Consecration; but this is not true. After issue #1 of our magazine came out Michael Malone wrote us a letter attempting to refute our article on the New Mass by bringing forward this “proof” that the Maronite Rite used all in the Consecration. But Malone was completely wrong; for it was only a modern mistranslation of the Aramaic word in the Maronite Rite which used "all." The word all is not found in the Traditional Maronite formula of Consecration. The original Aramaic word is "sagueeia." Sagueeia has been mistranslated in certain English Maronite Liturgies as “all.” It means many, not all. But Michael Malone, who was a heretic who was desperate to defend the New Mass and Vatican II, spread this untruth and deceived a great many. No traditional liturgy ever approved by the Church has used “all” in the Consecration, nor could it, as our recent article on the New Mass showed. This is because a Sacrament must signify the grace it effects and vice versa. “All” does not signify the grace proper to the Eucharist – the unity of the Mystical Body of Christ – because not all are members of the Mystical Body.