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This section of our website (which is updated daily) contains some less formal – and short – e-mail exchanges that we’ve had which we feel may be of value to our readers. We will include those portions of the exchanges we deem relevant and valuable. We often add bolding and underlining which are not necessarily that of the other party. This section also frequently includes, not only e-exchanges we have, but also our notes, updates and comments. Section containing some important recent posts.
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Hello Brothers Dimond,
With the world moving further and further away from Jesus Christ and the Catholic faith, I find it very difficult to make friends or associate with certain kinds of people. Almost everyone out there leads an immoral or unethical life. Everywhere I turn and almost everyone I converse with at work and other places speaks of women, sex, etc. I don't imagine myself being friends with such people because I adhere to my Catholic faith and try to refrain from unethical/immoral conduct. Other than my parents, I hardly have anyone to call a friend or even to associate with. I'm pretty much a loner. My only sibling lives in another state with his wife and son. I sometimes browse through chat rooms and online postings about people looking for friends and what I find is almost always displeasing. Sometimes I think it's just best to give up looking and just deal with being a loner. I pray the Rosary everyday and try to hang in there but it's frustrating not having anyone to share thoughts with except my parents and a few close friends of theirs whom I see only once in awhile. Do you have any advice? I think it might be best for me to just carry this cross and avoid immoral people. That way I won't gamble with my salvation. I look forward to someday being saved and enjoying eternal happiness.
You’re not alone in feeling that you’re alone (no pun intended). We’ve heard from many Catholics who have expressed similar sentiments. One should use that opportunity to build his or her relationship with God, pray extra rosaries, do spiritual reading, etc. It is actually in time by himself or herself that one finds the situation most conducive to spiritual advancement. And if one has a strong prayer life, etc., it’s important to have a healthy recreation period each day. Board games and sports are things we recommend. (Chat rooms, in my opinion, are a waste of time, unless it’s a traditional Catholic one – and even then it still may be a waste of time.) (more…)
Hello Brothers:
Schmidgerg is scheduled to attend SSPX chapel in Ridgefield , Ct this coming Sunday. After Mass we are to have a conference. If what I have read… [about the SSPX going into full communion with apostate Rome] is accurate, what question would you ask him at the conference???? Perhaps it would be beneficial for you to come and confront him personally. I would like some feedback... I already have plenty which I will write in a letter to him and hand him but a succinct question to expose his position and his malevolent intentions(if this is the case) in a public forum...
Any ideas?
Connecticut is pretty far from here; plus, I don’t think that we would actually be welcome guests (to put it euphemistically) at the SSPX’s retreat house. There are so many questions that one could ask Schmidberger. If you are able to ask just one, perhaps you should ask him why he even claims to be Catholic when he rejects the solemn “Canonizations” of the man he deemed to be Pope? That is to say, the SSPX rejects John Paul II’s “solemn Canonization” of Josemaria Escriva. It was rejected publicly from both the Australian and American SSPX seminaries, by Fr. Peter Scott and Bishop Williamson respectively. So then, Fr. Schmidberger, the people of the SSPX are also free to reject the Canonization of St. Therese of the Child Jesus by Pope Pius XI, are they not? (more…)
I have been reading the articles on your site & have watched the video of the heresy of JP2. I have to say, I was awake most of last night after that video…
Blessings to you,
We’re glad you watched the video. Yes, the facts in that tape are such that if a person of good will watches carefully through the entire video he will be convinced that John Paul II was not the Pope. And knowing the truth on this matter should not render a person diffident or discouraged, but happy to be enlightened of the truth on the matter. Knowing what’s really happening is comforting and liberating (despite, of course, the sadness and desolation that sometimes accompanies a deep consideration of the current state of spiritual affairs). This knowledge should make one feel zealous to go forward and share the truth with others, and fight for the true Catholic Faith in this time of almost universal apostasy. A person’s reaction after seeing the truth that John Paul II was not the Pope (as well as Paul VI, Benedict XVI, etc.) should not be: “Oh, no, John Paul II was not the Pope!” Rather, it should be: “Thank God this non-Catholic heretic was not the Pope! And thank God Vatican II was not a Council of the Catholic Church!”
I have been so adamantly against Natural Family Planning. Why did the Blessed Mother say this?
Since I have seen this all I thought to be true is so very confusing....
"The encyclical of Pope Paul VI on birth control is true and must be followed by mankind. There shall be no rationalization of sin.” - Our Lady of the Roses [Bayside], October 2, 1976
Can you please help me understand this?
Many blessings,
Michelle A.
Michelle, the Bayside Messages are false, and not from God, but from the devil. We will soon be posting a more complete exposé which proves this.
Our readers may find it interesting to know that Francisco had a vision of a demon on top of a rock – one separate from the July 13, 1917 vision. Here is Lucy’s account:
“One day we were looking for a place called the Pedreira, and as the sheep passed by, we climbed from one rock to another, trying to make our voice echo from the bottom of these great ravines. Francisco, as usual, retired to the hollow of a rock. After a long pause, we heard him crying, calling on Our Lady and invoking her.
“We were very disturbed, thinking something had happened to him. We began to look for him, saying: ‘Where are you?’ ‘Here! Here!’ But it still took us a little while to reach where he was. We found him, finally, trembling with fear, still on his knees, very much shaken and incapable of getting up. ‘What’s the matter with you? What happened?’ In a voice half suffocated with fear, he told us: ‘One of those great big beasts from hell was just here, breathing fire.’” (quoted in The Whole Truth About Fatima, Vol. 2, pp. 41-42)
Do you have any comments on this wacky “sedevacantist” group in Puerto Rico that just got excommunicated? This group accepts John Paul II as a true Pope but not Benedict XVI, and it goes to the New Mass.
During the “reign” of Antipope John Paul II, there were many false apparitions in various parts of the world. One of the common characteristics of these false messages was not only that John Paul II was supposedly great and “Mary’s Pope,” but also that the one after him would be the Antipope. These false messages prophesied that John Paul II would be the last true Pope. This group in Puerto Rico is simply holding on to - and applying – these false messages from the devil. That is why this group thinks that John Paul II was great and a valid Pope, but rejects Benedict XVI as an Antipope – something completely illogical and totally ridiculous, since John Paul II held the same heresies as Benedict XVI. These false apparitions also told people that the New Mass is valid, while deploring the many abuses there. (The devil knew that that was just the kind of thing that would trip up certain conservatives.) That is why this phony group still goes to the New Mass, but opposes the abuses. The devil was able to keep countless people going to the New Mass with similar messages in the false Bayside apparitions. To put it simply: this group in Puerto Rico is used by the devil to discredit the sedevacantist movement. God has abandoned these people to spiritual blindness because they receive not the love of the truth (the traditional teachings of the Church) and follow apparitions instead (2 Thess. 2). During the reign of Antipope John Paul II, this group would have been one of the biggest defenders of Antipope John Paul II and vigorously opposed to true sedevacantist arguments. To include them with sedevacantists is a travesty of justice. But these are the deceptions that God allows people to follow because they don’t love the truth.
Are female trousers wrong? Are females permitted to wear pants?
Our position is that females should not wear pants. In our opinion, the only exceptions for this would be women who are, for instance, working by themselves and doing some unusual form of work that a dress makes extremely cumbersome. Or, for example, another young woman asked us if she could play a recreational game of volleyball with her friends wearing a pair of long, baggy pants that basically look like a dress and are very modest. She explained that she really couldn’t play the game wearing a dress. We don’t see a problem with wearing such a pair of pants for the game. And in areas where there is massive poverty and the children truly cannot afford a dress, obviously exceptions would be permitted. But we do believe that women who wear pants and obstinately refuse to wear dresses simply because they don’t want to are putting their souls in jeopardy. Padre Pio certainly thought so; he wouldn’t even hear the Confessions of women who didn’t wear long dresses, and he allegedly refused absolution to a woman who didn’t wear, but sold, female pants. But many women, especially young women today, don’t know that Traditional Catholic women don’t wear pants. It is our duty to inform them charitably.
As noted in some of our recent e-exchanges, some of our readers were interested in comments on Msgr. Fenton’s 1958 book The Catholic Church and Salvation. One baptism of desire defender who wrote to us called it a “masterful” treatment of the dogma. Well, we just got our hands on a copy of this book. I’ve only had a chance to read a few pages so far, but here is what Fenton (in truth, a pernicious heretic who corrupted and denied the dogma) says in the introduction to his book:
Br. Peter,
In his latest newsletter Fr Fullerton of the SSPX quotes Pope Pius XII from Mystici Corporis in which he allows for invincible ignorance, a good disposition of the soul, etc, as to the possibility of salvation outside the Church. Can PPXII's teaching here be reconciled with those popes who have said (so I thought) that salvation outside the Church is not possible?
TR Quinlan
Thank you for your question. I also read the newsletter. First of all, I must mention again that the SSPX – as usual! – misquotes the Council of Trent. Fr. Fullerton quotes the Council of Trent as saying that one cannot be justified “except through” water baptism or the desire for it. This is a lie. This is from the horrible mistranslation found in Denzinger. Being dishonest heretics, the SSPX, the CMRI and many other groups consistently misquote it as well and don’t care to correct it. Well, they won’t get away with this obstinate misrepresentation of a Council before the Judgment Seat of God. (more…)
Were you on Jack Blood yesterday (Dec. 1)? If so, will you be posting a transcript on your site?... If you did appear on his show I am glad, there is not much exposure to real Catholicism on these secular NWO shows (Alex Jones, Blood, etc.) and a lot of the time downright anti-Catholicism. I am looking forward to hearing what happened.
Yes, both of us were on Jack Blood’s show about the real John Paul II. We don’t have a transcript. It went pretty well; we were able to make some of the main points briefly, but there are so many commercial breaks that it is very difficult to get into any depth. You can only just cover the basics quickly. We were glad to be able to do it, and hopefully it made the information available to people who haven’t heard it.
Dear brothers
I have a question about baptism. I understand it is dogma that their is no remission of sins outside the catholic church and so no sacrament performed outside the church can remove sin. I also know that it has been dogmaticly defined that heretic baptisms are valid. So with this knowledge I would assume that a protestant baptism would leave the mark upon a person's soul but not remove sin. But Pope Leo the great dogmaticly stated that not one of the charateristics of baptism could be seperated from the other two. Which is why baptism of desire is not possible. So this means you either get all or nothing out of baptism. The sacrament is either complete or not recieved. This being said how can a baptism outside the Catholic Church be valid? Because a protestant could not get the indelible mark with out the removal of sin and Holy Ghost entering them also. But sin can not be removed outside the catholic church. Can you please explain this dogmatic paradox to me?
Thank you for your question, which is a good one. It involves a subtle, but important point. Pope Leo the Great’s dogmatic teaching that the Spirit of Sanctification, the Blood of Redemption and the Water of Baptism are inseparable is on the topic of sanctification, not Baptism. The three are inseparable in sanctification. Notice that “sanctification by the Spirit” and purification from sin is what he is talking about. (more…)
Good morning,
Turned on EWTN this morning. I find myself occasionally viewing the Novus Ordo service during this my decision process, i.e., what to do (relative to my Catholic Faith). I heard the "main celebrant" Fr. Francis state:
'...the Church never said other Christians will not receive salvation...those that say this are liars or misinformed...the Catholic Church is like a five course meal, if you want the whole meal, come to the Church..'
The day's homily is available online (I think next day). Perhaps you can use this statement, after you verify, as your "Heresy of the Week". This "doctrine" has gone, realtime, to untold numbers. If not included as a "Heresy" installment - send the poor fellow a copy of your "No Salvation" book.
Pray for me,
Gary Muehlbauer
Thank you for your e-mail. That’s quite a heresy. I wonder if any of the EWTN supporters who heard or watched the sermon ever deeply considered its implications: what it means about their presence at church, their entire effort to attend “Mass,” etc. I wonder if it hit any of them that this means that being a Catholic, praying the Rosary, going to Confession, etc. is pointless. (more…)
>Dear Brother Peter
I am writing to thank you for the special offer items which I have received. I have started to watch the DVDs, and I am impressed by the high standard of scholarship and powerful arguments that you make. I am glad that you profess the Catholic Faith without compromise. I am studying the arguments in favour of sedevacantism, and you and Brother Michael Dimond have made the strongest case.
Please add my name to your mailing list…. I wish you every success.
Best wishes
Dear Brothers Peter and Michael.
I realize that you are very busy so I don't expect an answer to my e-mail right away but I would hope that you would respond to it at your convenience.
This is my situation, after 25 years or so I believe it was around 1985 I left the catholic church to find the truth. As I traveled through various Protestant denominations I found out that none of them had the truth, so in 2003 I returned to what I thought was the Catholic Church, only to be disappointed that I couldn't distinguish it from the Protestant churches I had attended over the years. I tried to validate everything that I saw happening during the service but my conscience would not rest that something was definitely wrong here. So I began searching for a traditional church on line and eventually found a CMRI church near my home about 40 miles away. It is the only church in my area that says the Traditional Latin Mass.
However, I have read many of your articles and I am not sure what I should do about attending this church because you indicated that most of the priests believe that you can be saved outside the Catholic Church…
When I came to the CMRI church, the priest that was there at the time had me say the Profession Of Faith from the Council Of Trent. I went to confession also.
I feel so lost because if I can't go to this church then there aren't any churches available for me to go to.
I am planning to send for the book "Outside the Catholic Church Their is no Salvation" as well as some of your videos. Someone from the church I attend gave me your Crying in the Wilderness magazines ( all 4 of them).
I believe in the articles you mentioned that we can attend the Mass but not support the church in anyway. Is this correct? Or can I support it if the priest upholds to the outside the church there is no salvation?
I am not sure if I could spiritually survive not attending Mass at least on a weekly basis but it would be pointless to attend a Mass that wasn't valid either.
Well, this is my dilemma! I just want to make sure that I have peace with God and a place in heaven.
Sue, unfortunately all of the CMRI priests believe that members of false religions can be united to the Church and saved without actual possession of the Catholic Faith. So, you cannot financially support any of them under pain of mortal sin. They also defend the sinful birth control practice of Natural Family Planning. But if the priest is not notorious and imposing about these issues at the particular chapel you attend, then we are of the opinion that you could continue to go and receive the sacraments as long as you don’t support them in any way. For more on this issue consult the section of our website Where To Receive Sacraments. We’re very glad to hear about your return to the true Catholic Faith, and your having been able to recognize the phoniness and Protestantism of the Vatican II sect. Keep praying the Rosary and holding the Faith without compromise and things will work out for you.
Another website which linked to our article concerning: Benedict XVI rejects the “ecumenism of the return” – and Chris Ferrara omits to mention it, has issued a retraction of sorts stating that Chris Ferrara may not have deliberately omitted this astounding heresy from his article. To avoid any confusion, we want to make it very clear that WE ISSUE NO RETRACTION WHATSOEVER, since no retraction is necessary.
Dear brothers Dimond,
Hi, my name is vivian and i'm writing in to ask your advice on a certain issue that is bothering me. I am actually a protestant christian who is not yet baptized. Just recently i've been doing some research on the catholic church and is seeking to convert to what i now know as the post vatican 2 church. After knowing about it, i decided to find out more about the traditional catholic movement and came upon your website. The articles in it are really helpful although i haven't read all of them yet and i really admire your dedication in spreading the truth. I really wanted to be a traditional catholic and i wanted to ask is it possible for me to practise the catholic faith since i'm not baptized yet? and where can i get validly baptized?
Thanks in advance for helping me!!...
my address is… in Malaysia
That's great to hear. Attached is a summary of the Catholic Catechism. I would read it and become familiar with its contents. Before you would be baptized, you would have to be convinced of all the Catholic dogmas, including Outside the Church There is No Salvation - which includes rejecting Protestantism. (more…)
Your latest argument against Mr Ferrara (Heresy of the week) finally convinced me that there has been no pope on Saint Peter's See ever since the death of Pius XII. I have long remained reluctant to admit it entirely, not because I am a member of SPPX (for lack of other nearby possibilities of finding Catholic Masses and Sacraments), but only because the prospect looked too terrifying to be taken seriously… Well, I guess it has to be faced : 2 and 2 are 4 and "Let your 'yes' be a 'yes', your 'no' be a 'no' : everything else comes from the devil". Besides, such situations already happened in the past, which I KNEW, but refused to ADMIT !... Funny how the human mind works sometimes...
Thank you ever so much for your spiritual help, and God may bless you !
François Thouvenin
Strasbourg (France)
Dearest Brothers Dimond,
B R A V O ! ! ! Just finished reading your response to Robert Sungenis on your website and I stood up and cheered. The clarion call of truth is so evident when seen in direct contradiction to the abominable heresies of the devil. And thank you for the background on this man. Very telling. I certainly hope that many, many people are finding you on the internet. Ah, I can only say God bless you with his choicest graces for this glorious work you are doing!
Sincerely in Christ the King,
Margaret Moore
Dear brother Peter,
Please keep on your mailing list for news with regard to novus ordo scandals.
thanking you in J.m.j.
May God bless you for pulling me out of heresy.
Allan Simoes Goa, India.
Thanks for the interest.
Dear Brother Dimond,
I hope you recall that we had an online conversation a few months ago about the topic "outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation." I… maintained that those who are invincibly ignorant of the Catholic religion have some hopes of acquiring salvation through the mercy of God; well, after reading your book online as well as various other documents, I have come to this conclusion: unless one dies a baptized Catholic in the state of grace, he shall suffer eternal damnation, no exceptions whatsoever, and to believe in this argument of "invincible ignorance" is to reject the Catholic Faith totally.
Thank you for enlightening me on this matter; please pray for me that my faith may grow.
God bless you and Mary keep you.
Adam Twardowski
That’s great to hear; yes, we will.
Bro Dimond,
Just a few weeks ago I received your package with the videos, tons of reading material, and your book "Outside the Catholic Church There is Absolutely No Salvation". I want to thank you for all of your hard work in not only defending the faith, but in also teaching the faith to those (like myself) who have been led astray these past 40 years. However, I have an interesting observation that I was thinking of while working my way through your book. You spend alot of time talking about the necessity of Baptism for salvation and also refuting the false theory of "Baptism of Desire". Well, a scripture that always troubled me came to mind. In The Acts of the Apostles chapter 8, we read about Philip and his encounter with the Ethiopian eunuch. Specifically, after the Spirit told Philip to go to the man, and after Philip had preached Jesus to him, the eunuch said something which had always been astounding to verse 36 the eunuch says, "See, here is water: what doth hinder me from being baptized?" The FIRST THING he asks for is to be baptized!!!!! That always confused me since Baptism today is seen more as a sign than a necessity, but after reviewing your research into what the Catholic Church has always said about the necessity of Baptism, it now makes perfect sense. Obviously, in Philip's preaching to the man, he undoubtedly told him of the necessity of Baptism; and of Our Lord's own words on the matter. If he hadn't, the eunuch never would have said those words. Also, in verse 37 (the very next verse), Philip confirms the Church's teaching (and also shoots down the heretical "Sola Fide" error) with the words, "If thou believest with all thy heart, thou mayest." In other words, faith in Jesus Christ was obviously necessary for this man's salvation, but ALSO the sacrament. Thankfully for the eunuch, he wasn't told "Your desire is enough", or "Just believe, you'll be fine". No, on the contrary, the minute the eunuch professed faith in Jesus Christ, he commanded the chariot they were riding in to stop and IMMEDIATELY baptized him (verse 38). Sounds like Philip thought Baptism was very important.
Anyway, I just wanted to encourage you in your work and to tell you how much it is appreciated.
Yours in Christ,
Rich Bonomo
Many people argue that the teachings of Vatican II don’t contradict Catholic dogma in any way. They strenuously assert that the Vatican II religion is in perfect continuity with the unchanging Catholic religion. Some people call these individuals (who defend everything in Vatican II and the post-conciliar apostasy) neo-Catholics; we call them neo-apostates, since they attempt to explain away everything from kissing the Koran to allowing idol-worshippers to take over and pray to false gods at Assisi. But one of the most interesting and clear ways of proving that the Vatican II sect is not the Catholic Church is simply by looking at what its members believe at the local level. The amount of stories from individuals who have actually been discouraged from becoming Catholic by members of the Novus Ordo Church, including Bishops, Vatican officials and RCIA teachers, seem almost endless; but if you ever want to be stirred to a holy indignation against the Vatican II apostasy, or if you ever want proof of what an abominable outrage the Vatican II sect is, or if you ever want to be convinced that it is a matter of heaven or hell to completely reject this false, non-Catholic sect falsely posing as the Catholic Church, then just call some Novus Ordo churches and ask them: “Do you accept the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation? Is Islam a false religion? Is Judaism a false religion?”
Dear Brothers Dimond,
I was recently reading Fahey's MYSTICAL BODY OF CHRIST AND THE REORGANIZATION OF SOCIETY and came across a statement about Jews of good will being saved. Were you aware of this error in his writing? It took me completely by surprise! As always, we enjoy your thorough research, and have been greatly helped in our understanding of the Faith by your writings.
Bruce Blommel Family
Yes, we were aware of this. His heretical teaching that even Jews who reject Our Lord can be in the state of grace is covered in section 34 of our book Outside the Catholic Church There is Absolutely No Salvation.
Fr. Denis Fahey, The Kingship of Christ and the Conversion of the Jewish Nation (1953), p. 52: “The Jews, as a nation, are objectively aiming at giving society a direction which is in complete opposition to the order God wants. It is possible that a member of the Jewish Nation, who rejects Our Lord, may have the supernatural life which God wishes to see in every soul, and so be good with the goodness God wants, but objectively, the direction he is seeking to give to the world is opposed to God and to that life, and therefore is not good. If a Jew who rejects our Lord is good in the way God demands, it is in spite of the movement in which he and his nation are engaged.”(more…)
…As for my belief in baptism of desire, I choose not to believe anything. I merely accept without questioning the undiffering, unchanging position of the Saints, Doctors, and Popes of the Catholic Church, namely that if a person formally and explicitly desires to be a Catholic and perform all duties necessary to be one, for the love of Jesus Christ and the Holy Catholic Faith, this desire to be a Catholic and attain the singular adopted sonship that only the Catholic Church can grant can allow salvation to one that death meets before the opportunity for Baptism can be had. This is the position of the Church from the beginning and through her entire history by every Pope, Doctor, and Saint without exception, along with the entire Catholic laity throughout history, and I would not presume to hold otherwise.
I very much hope that these statements will help you abandon your position about the absolute and unconditional necessity for Water Baptism for salvation….
In Christ and Mary,
Grant, this is simply nonsense. It sounds like you’ve been reading the lying books of the SSPX on baptism of desire, which assert the same falsehood. (more…)
Thank you for your response. I had already gone (to Father Lovett's Mass) before hearing from you, but pretty much figured out he DOES have some wacky ideas. I questioned him for nearly two hours. Just a heads up for anyone interested in going to his Mass. Here is a summary -
1) He claims Christ has revealed that there is only to be a "general confession" and not auricular, although he "allows" auricular should the penitent desire to go.
2) The "faithful" should give themselves their own penance as they see fit.
3) The Mass is now to be brought into the home and NOT a church or chapel.
4) When questioning him on how the best way to rear our children to help them decide a religious vocation (what I was getting at was where would they go for religious training) his answer was that "he trains priests" and as far as women go, women will be able to "do the Mass in their homes as it was meant to be." I was outraged and asked him to clarify and he was VERY vague about it, but gave the example that if the Mass was to be held in the home and the woman is a widow, then she should have the means to perform the Mass herself. He even suggested that St. Therese of the Little Flower was often quite distraught because she, too, wanted to be able to perform the Mass and could not.
5) My husband asked him repeatedly the name of his "organization" as he claims they ARE the TRUE Catholic Church Remnant, he just referred us "to the book" (This is my Beloved Son, hear Him)
6) He believes the Chair of St. Peter is empty by MORTAL man, but claims Christ, Himself is now Pope until Peter II takes the chair.
7) He believes that after John XXIII a "Pope Clement XV" took the chair and died in the 80's.
That's about it. We left, never to return. He said I was a "mixed up girl". ;)
Thanks for the information. We will share this with our readers. One of the master-strokes of the devil in these days has been to move shady and scandalous figures into the traditionalist clergy to attempt to disgrace the true Faith – so that people of weak Faith will get disenchanted and either run back to the Novus Ordo apostasy or give up altogether. One can think of many of similar heretics whom the devil is using.
I admire your zeal in presenting the heresies of the latter Popes on your Web page
However, this dedication would be put to a better cause if you'd take into consideration that the whole Papal Primacy (as defined by the Vatican Council I) is a heresy (actually one of the greatest heresies of the Roman Catholic Church)….May the Lord have mercy on all of us,
An "Eastern Schismatic", Alexandru
Alexandru, let me ask you a question: is a Christian, according to you, bound to believe in the declarations of the Council of Nicaea, so that if he would refuse he would cease to be a Christian?
If so, why is he bound to believe in its declarations? If you say that it is because "the Church accepted it," please tell me what specific criteria determines that “the Church accepted it,” and by what criteria do you say that the Church did not accept the many other Councils that were held with Bishops in the first millennium?
Bro. Peter Dimond
The Eastern Schismatic never responded, simply because the Eastern Schismatics have no response.
If the Popes don’t possess supreme authority in the Church – which is something clearly instituted by Christ in St. Peter (see Mt. 16:18-20; John 21:15-17; Luke 22:31-32) – but the Bishop of Rome is simply a Bishop who is “first among equals” with all the other Bishops in the Church (as the schismatics say), then there is no way to differentiate between the true Councils and the many robbers’ synods of the early Church. This is because there were many false and heretical Councils in the early Church which were approved by a similar number of Bishops as were present at, for instance, the First Council of Constantinople. The notoriously false Council of Ephesus II, which most Eastern Schismatics would reject, had about as many Bishops as the First Council of Constantinople (which the “Orthodox” schismatics would demand that people accept). What is the difference between the two? If the Papal confirmation is not the essential characteristic, then how can one say that the Church absolutely accepted Constantinople I and absolutely rejected Ephesus II? The answer is that the schismatic cannot say so definitively; but the Catholic can. The Catholic knows that the difference between the two is the Papal confirmation, but the Eastern Schismatics cannot logically say that a Christian must absolutely believe in Constantinople I, but not in Ephesus II, since they were both approved by Bishops.
It is true to say that the Eastern Schismatics, such as Alexandru, cannot logically and consistently assert that THE EARLY GENERAL COUNCILS ARE DOGMAS THAT MUST BE ACCEPTED (even though they would try to claim otherwise); for if a “Christian” decides that he will follow Ephesus II instead – and the bishops who approved it – there is nothing the Eastern Schismatic could say to refute him, since it is just one Bishop against another without any Bishop possessing supreme authority in the Church. This simply shows us that, besides rejecting what Christ clearly instituted in St. Peter, Eastern “Orthodoxy” is completely illogical and self-refuting.
Dear Brother Dimond,
… I want to state that John XXIII and Paul VI, as well as their successors (we will leave the topic of their canonical legitimacy aside for a moment) never considered the Second Vatican Council to be “dogmatic” in nature; John XXIII made very clear in his opening address, which was written by then-Cardinal Montini, that the council was to be “pastoral” in nature, and that it was to avoid making any dogmatic definitions or definitive condemnations. The council would not be aided by the grace of infallibility, and so it would not be binding upon individual consciences. Therefore, a person can reject the Second Vatican Council and at the same time adhere to the authority of John XXIII and his successors without being a “schismatic.” Therefore, I must disagree with your reasoning which states that those “Novus Ordo Catholics” who reject the Second Vatican Council are “schismatics” as they refuse the authority of those whom they consider to be Popes (if I understand your reasoning correctly). ..
Sincerely in Christ,
Adam Twardowski
[Before I comment on your letter, I want to make it clear for those who may be new to these issues that we are not defending the Second Vatican Council. Vatican II was a totally heretical, wicked, false, invalid Council which endorsed false religions such as Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism and taught many other heresies against the Catholic Faith. What we are discussing and pointing out here, however, is that one cannot reject that false Council (as every Catholic should) while he accepts as a true Pope the man who imposed it, Paul VI. Either one accepts Paul VI and Vatican II or rejects them both. So here we are discussing the ways by which “traditionalists” attempt to be able to reject Vatican II and its heresies while accepting the complete apostate Antipope Paul VI as a Pope.] Regarding your first point, that John XXIII’s statement at the opening speech of Vatican II proves that it is not infallible, this is simply not true. John XXIII did not say in his opening speech at the Council that Vatican II was to be a pastoral council. Here is what John XXIII actually said:
John XXIII, Opening Speech at Vatican II, Oct. 11, 1962: “The substance of the ancient deposit of faith is one thing, and the way in which it is presented is another. And it is the latter that must be taken into great consideration with patience if necessary, everything being measured in the forms and proportions OF A MAGISTERIUM WHICH IS PREDOMINANTLY PASTORAL IN CHARACTER.”(more…)
What is your opinion of those who say that John Paul II is not a heretic, even after you show them his heresies?
I believe that those who have seen all the evidence against John Paul II – for instance, the Assisi abominations; his teaching that we shouldn’t convert Schismatics; his Joint Declaration with the Lutherans on Justification; his desire to promote Islam and Islamic culture; his acceptance of all religions as more or less good; his teaching that all men are saved; his teaching that the Holy Ghost is responsible for non-Christian religions; his teaching that there are Saints and Martyrs in non-Catholic religions; his teaching that non-Catholics can receive Holy Communion; etc., all of which are covered in our video Why Antipope John Paul II Cannot Be the Pope – and still say that he is a Catholic and not a heretic, are committing a sin about as bad as worshipping Satan.
I’ve heard people say that Padre Pio told John Paul II that one day he would be Pope.
We had heard the same thing, but the answer to your question is No. Padre Pio never told John Paul II that he would be Pope. In an article in Inside the Vatican, John Paul II was asked about this and admitted that Padre Pio never told him this. But the myth was spread all around nevertheless. But Padre Pio did throw John Paul II out of the Confessional during his visit to San Giovanni Rotondo in 1947.
Antonio Pandiscia is the official biographer of Padre Pio and he was the only man allowed to interview him more than once. He said: “The current Pope [sic] went to San Giovanni Rotondo for the first time in 1947 shortly after his ordination. A witness, who has since passed away, told me that Padre Pio was brusque with the young Polish priest on that occasion. I think he could not accept the fact that the young Wojtyla (John Paul II) had worked in the theatre before becoming a priest.” (Inside the Vatican, August/September, 1996, p. 12.)
Hello Brother Dimond.
Would you happen to know when the new rite of Holy Orders was introduced by Paul Vl?
I found out that the priest who baptized me was ordained in May, 1967 and am curious to know which rite was used for his ordination.
It was introduced June 18, 1968.