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This section of our website (which is updated daily) contains some less formal – and short – e-mail exchanges that we’ve had which we feel may be of value to our readers. We will include those portions of the exchanges we deem relevant and valuable. We often add bolding and underlining which are not necessarily that of the other party. This section also frequently includes, not only e-exchanges we have, but also our notes, updates and comments. Section containing some important recent posts.
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I just listened to the Coast to Coast broadcast. You couldn't have been more eloquent and disciplined in your responses. You were absolutely dead on, and many people listening were shocked by such honesty. Outstanding… I have to say that the way that you were able to simply and clearly, yet powerfully defend Christ and the Deposit of Faith, whole and inviolate, was so well done, that it should definitely be noted with an underscore that you are living up to your name, Michael. You are a man, charged with this knowledge and have the duty to perform the ultimate charity in this life, which is to tell the truth of the Church, even unto death, and the way that you were able to articulate without a moments' hesitation from caller after caller has given me the impression that God was right there blessing you with the ability to be as wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove… Let me say, by the way, that I was completely blown away by the videos that you sell. I ordered every book, tape, VHS and DVD that you offer and was absolutely astounded by the material. I owe you a great deal for the clarity that I have received on matters of the faith, in an age that is so unbelievably full of deceit.
Dear Bro. Michael:
After reading much about Traditional Latin Mass from "Traditionalist" websites, most of us youths were gearing ourselves to obtain an indult mass for our local parish too. We had not cared much about the Pope as to what he does or say as long as he go on giving indult to the Latin Mass. We were thinking of encouraging others to do the same too. Enter your website and its all shattered ! Yes, you're right. Our intentions were wrong. Being a Catholic takes more than restoring the Holy Mass. Why should we be just a subset of a polygamous leader whose harem is filled with infidel concubines? These V2 maniacs will try to propagate and accomodate every garbage in this world until one day all the indultians will find themselves just "one out of many" and that the Roman Rite is not the official Rite of the Church anymore or that the Holy See is just another interfaith Fatima of today. By the way they go on suporting these heretics as "popes", someday they'll end up saying the creed as:"I believe in Catholicism, Protestanism, Buddhism, & Judaism; the holy prophet Mohammed ... the communion of all worshippers ..." (Checkout Subjecting to the right successor of St. Peter comes first… Thanks for your enlightening articles. May God be with you,
- Dennis Gabil Momin
Meghalaya, India
Dear Bros Dimonds,
I went through RCIA and was confirmed into the Catholic Church Easter of 2001 by a Novus Ordo priest. Did I receive any of the graces associated with this sacrament?
The short answer to your question is no. Since the new confirmation cannot be considered valid (see below), you did not receive the graces associated with this sacrament. The New Order of Confirmation was promulgated on Aug. 15, 1971. The form and the matter of the sacrament have been changed. The traditional form for the sacrament of confirmation is:
“I sign you with the Sign of the Cross, and I confirm you with the Chrism of salvation. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”The new form in the New Rite for the sacrament of confirmation:
“N., receive the seal of the Gift of the Holy Spirit.”As one can see the traditional form of Confirmation has been fundamentally changed. The new form actually uses a form that is used in the Eastern Rite. Why would Paul VI replace the traditional form in the Roman Rite with the form of the Eastern Rite? We will see the significance of this change when we look at the matter of Confirmation, which has also been changed. (more…)
Dear Brothers,
I was baptized during the period of time when many of Paul VI's changes were taking place and I'm concerned about the validity of my baptism. I know the Episcopal rite of consecration was changed on June 18, 1968 and put into effect (I believe) on April 1, 1969, but when was the rite of baptism changed?David
The New Order of Baptism was promulgated by Paul VI on May 15, 1969. The essential form remains valid (unless the Novus Ordo “priest” decided to change it on his own); and, since anyone can validly baptize, those baptized with it would be considered validly baptized. But the removal of things around the essential form by Paul VI – while not destroying validity – serves to further confirm his revolutionary agenda. The questions “do you renounce Satan?” and “Do you believe…?” are now directed toward the “parents and godparents”; they are no longer directed toward the candidate for baptism. In the new rite, the candidate for baptism is not even asked if he believes. Also, a newly baptized child no longer receives a white garment – it is only mentioned symbolically. The candidate for baptism is no longer required to make a baptismal vow. In addition, all the exorcisms of the devil are omitted in the Paul VI’s new rite of Baptism! Why would one remove the exorcism prayers? Although Satan is mentioned in the texts, he is not banished. Conclusion: As long as the person baptizing in the Novus Ordo Church pours water (hitting the forehead) and uses the essential form – “I baptize thee, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost” – with the intention to do what the Church does, then the baptism is valid, despite these other problems in the surrounding rite. But these changes to the rite of Baptism, although not essential to validity, serve to reveal the true character and intentions of the men who have implemented the Vatican II revolution. Moreover, in some cases doubt has arisen about whether the water actually strikes the forehead when it is poured in the Novus Ordo rite. If there is any doubt about whether the water sufficiently made contact with the forehead, a conditional baptism should be performed when a person is convinced on all the issues and ready.
….what if my wife does not want to attend the traditional church you recommend and she wants to stay at the novus ordo?
thank you,
David D
You simply must tell your wife that she cannot go to the Novus Ordo (the New Mass). A major problem today – and we hear all the time from people who ask questions very similar to yours (concerning a spouse who opposes them in their pursuit of salvation and truth) – is that so many make the devastating mistake of marrying a man or a woman who doesn’t care about the Faith. People don’t think too much about that when they get married, but it often turns out to be a life-long mistake.
I'm Jocel de Souza and I came across your organisation by means of the DVDs prepared by you. Especially the ones prepared by Bro. Michael Dimond. And upon watching them, I've been left confused, troubled,amazed, etc. I've also had a large number of doubts that I wish to clarify. The most amazing DVD I've watched yet was Creation and Miracles: Past And Present. I'm Catholic for sure but some of the videos by you I've watched contradicts what I've thought about myself for all of my life. I can promise you if you have my doubts clarified and you indeed posess the truth I'll do whatever it takes to help you carry out your good work. Because I've searched for the truth my entire life and for some reason I feel that I could find it with you. So please keep in touch with me.
I live in Goa - India. And I'm 17 years of age. I hope you do not consider me too young to be involved in all of this.
Jocel de Souza
You are certainly not too young to be interested in these matters. In fact, it’s true with many that if they don’t get interested and do what God wants when they are young they don’t ever get around to doing it. We must all seize the opportunity now. As far as having doubts clarified, the teachings of the Church we quote and upon which we base our positions speak for themselves. The traditional dogmatic teachings of the Church admit of no doubt.
Dear Bros. Dimond,
Please help. I am by no means a theologian. I am just a regular working stiff catholic who is trying to do the right thing. You have some compelling evidence on your website that is really confusing me. In my heart I believe that what you are proclaiming is true, however, my mind still tells me that false prophets will try to bring you away from the church. By not attending mass, am I not being pulled away from the church? Even though the mass is not "valid", isnt the church the place where we worship God. Isnt it better to attend and worship God, than not attend at all? I live in a rural area in a very small parish. Attending a traditional mass is out of the question here as there are no traditional masses within 100 miles of me. Please show me some evidence that saying the Rosary at home instead of attending mass is acceptable by the church.
Thank you ,
The evidence that you cannot attend the New Mass and must stay home (if there isn’t an acceptable traditional option) is contained in the dogmatic teaching on the form of consecration from the Council of Florence, Pope St. Pius V, etc. It is also contained in the teaching that “all” in the consecration cannot suffice for validity, and that it is a grave sin to approach doubtful sacraments. It is also contained in the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church that one cannot partake in non-Catholic worship, and the New Mass is a non-Catholic service which was invented by heretics and with the help of Protestant ministers. It was intended to Protestantize Catholic worship, and includes condemned practices such as altar girls. To a sincere person who considers this evidence, it becomes clear that one cannot attend the New Mass under pain of mortal sin. You are not worshipping God truly by going to the New Mass, and you are not receiving Jesus Christ in Holy Communion.
Your conspiracy theory concerning Sister Lucia of Fatima was fascinating reading, and important to you, since your whole doctrine about the Church (or non-Church as the case may be) hinges on your theory that she was murdered or made to disappear or whatever you may have believed to have happened to her. Of course, if you're wrong, your doctrine is invalid. But, as you know more about these things than I, I will leave the last word on the subject to you.
You have seriously misstated things here. Our “doctrine” doesn’t hinge upon Sr. Lucy of Fatima or any other individual.
Galatians 1:8-9 “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach a gospel to you besides that which we have preached to you, let him be anathema. As we said before, so now I say again: If anyone preach to you a gospel, besides that which you have received, let him be anathema.”The fact that the Vatican II sect is not the Catholic Church is a provable fact from many dogmatic teachings and the undeniable heresies and false doctrines which the Vatican II sect teaches. It’s insulting to the importance and the authority of these dogmas, as well as the significance of the heresies of the Vatican II sect, to describe things the way you have. One could argue that for Fatima to make sense to those who hold our positions it would make sense that there was a false Sr. Lucy, I would agree. But that would also be true of all who reject the Vatican’s version of the Third Secret, and hold that John Paul II didn’t sufficiently consecrate Russia – which includes about 100% of traditionally-minded professing Catholics. They would all have to agree with us that the post-Vatican II Sr. Lucy was a fraud, if Fatima is to make sense to their position (a position which rejects the post-Vatican II Sr. Lucy’s testimony that the Third Secret was revealed and that Russia was consecrated successfully by John Paul II, etc.) Further, it’s not a mere conspiracy theory that there was a fake Sr. Lucy. There is photographic evidence and undeniable evidence from the false Lucy’s testimony on matters pertaining to Fatima. This testimony proves she couldn’t have been the real one.
I enjoyed your visit with George on C2C the other night. I agree with a lot of what you said. Is your Order part of the Roman Catholic Church or what is know as the Old Catholic Church which was once the See of Utrich?
No, of course we’re not part of the “Old Catholic” sect. The “Old Catholics” reject Papal Infallibility and the dogmatic decrees of Vatican I. They are unfortunately heretics and schismatics. We are Catholics and therefore accept the Papacy, Papal Infallibility, Vatican I, and all the true popes and dogmatic teachings of true popes throughout history. (more…)
Dear Bro. Michael,
This book on Padre Pio was the greatest book about his life that I have ever read. I enjoyed it so much.
Thank you.
Mary Ciaccio
King of Prussia, PA
Brother Dimond: Thank you for being on the program Coast to Coast am. You are steadfast in your defense of the true catholic church. I am currently attending a Triditine Mass at a church in Orlando whose priest is ordained by a "Thuc Line Bishop". Do you consider the 'Thuc line' ordinations valid? Am I attending a legitimate Mass? Prayerfully awaiting your reply. Jack Bryant, Orlando, Florida.
Yes, the Thuc line is valid. The priests ordained in the traditional rite of ordination by Thuc bishops must be considered validly ordained. There are no legitimate grounds upon which to question the validity. However, since almost all of even the traditionalist priests hold some views not consistent with Catholic teaching – such as that non-Catholics can be saved, etc. – you almost certainly cannot support the priest, though you could receive the sacraments from him without supporting him, provided he is not imposing or notorious about his heresy. ------------- Fall 2004
Your points are well taken. Thanks for your helpful independent views. Re my question about the validity of Abp Thuc consecrations: What is your informed view? Is Bishop [x] validly consecrated since he is in succession from Abp Thuc? Thanks for your refreshing insights! -Paul M.
Dear Brother's Dimond's
I listened to your radio program on Coast-to-Coast and I was very impressed with everything you said: UNTIL you lost your dignity when speaking on the phone with a man called JC, when you called him a MORON. Is this Catholic behaviour? Is this what we should expect of a holy monk? I am very disappointed in you. Uncommitted and ignorant people listening to that would think Catholics are rude, which we are not.
God bless you all
Alan Vincent
Calling someone a moron is to call someone a fool. That’s a sin. Our Lord said call no man fool (Mt. 5:22).
A number of people complained about calling the heretic JC a moron (fool). All who complained about this are very mistaken. That particular heretic, who called in on a national radio program to level false accusations and scandalize millions, absolutely deserved to be called a moron – especially after accusing someone else of being a moron. Those who demonstrate a profound level of bad will or hypocrisy can certainly – and sometimes should – be denounced as fools. Both St. Peter Damian and St. Alphonsus call those who commit sins of impurity “fools.”
St. Alphonsus on the damnation of the impure: "Continue, O fool, says St. Peter Damian (speaking to the unchaste), continue to gratify the flesh; for the day will come in which thy impurities will become as pitch in thy entrails, to increase and aggravate the torments of the flame which will burn thee in hell: 'The day will come, yea rather the night, when thy lust shall be turned into pitch, to feed in thy bowels the everlasting fire." (Preparation for Death, abridged version, p. 117)(more…)
I was reading your web site, and read that you recommended the St. Louis De Montfort on the Rosary from Tan Books. However, you stated that you dont recommend many of the Tan books. Do you have a list of the books that should not be read from Tan?
They have much beneficial material; however, some of their books promote the heresy that souls can be saved without the Catholic Faith. This heretical idea was a big problem before Vatican II, as our material proves. As far as we know, Tan also sells a few books which promote the sinful birth control practice of NFP. But these are small in number, so it shouldn’t be a problem for strong Catholics who are convinced of the true positions.
Dear Brother Michael,
Please be so kind as to tell me where I might find a 'true' Catholic church in London, England. Currently I go to Westminster Cathedral, the seat of Cardinal Cormac Murphy O'Connor. Is he a heretic? Your site is very interesting. Many thanks,
RT Mulchrone
Thanks for the e-mail. “Cardinal” Cormac Murphy O’Connor is a heretic. He is a leader in the post-Vatican II sect. He publicly endorses the heresies of Vatican II, such as false ecumenism, etc. He also accepts the New Mass. He is a validly ordained priest (having been ordained in 1956), but cannot be considered a valid bishop (having been ordained in 1977, after Paul VI’s new rite was instituted), nor a Catholic one. We don’t have the specific locations of Masses in England, but we have given you the e-mail address of someone who does know where the traditional Mass is offered in England. Using those guidelines, people have to apply them to their specific options. These guidelines include, of course, the fact that no one can go to the New Mass – but only a traditional Rite. No one can financially support any priest or “bishop” professing communion with Antipope Benedict XVI and the Vatican II sect. And one should not even attend the traditional rite of a priest or bishop who is notorious or imposing about his heretical position. But if there is a valid priest celebrating a traditional rite who is not notorious or imposing about his heretical position then we believe you may go (you don’t have to), without supporting him.
Dear Brother Diamond,
First, thank you for speaking to the world about the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic family is relistening to a tape we made of Coast A.M. of your interview. I hope you are invited back!!!!
I would like to know what you think of someone attending Fordham Univ. in N.Y. My 22 year old son may be transferring there as a Sophomore. I e-mailed him the link to the "Jesuit" pagan "sculpture" in Canada from your site. Maybe he should read Fr. Malachi Martin's book "The Jesuits". What do you think? He does come to the traditional Mass at times, but not regularly, and does not receive the Sacraments! Please pray for him. His name is Jonah. Thanks,
Janet Anderton
Thank you for your question. First, he shouldn’t bother reading Malachi Martin’s books. Malachi Martin mixed truth with error and misled many. He said that Buddhists could be saved without the Catholic Faith and that John Paul II never uttered a heresy. Second, our feelings about young men and women attending colleges and universities is this: normally speaking (there may be rare exceptions, of course) since the campuses of these colleges and universities are cesspools of iniquity – and living in the dorms surrounded by the pagans and non-Catholics who make mortal sin a way of life at such colleges and universities would be an almost-constant occasion of sin (with others constantly goading one to partake in such party-type activity) – it would be a tragic spiritual mistake for most young men and women to subject themselves to such a situation by living in the dorms at these colleges and universities. Almost 100% of them would fail in such an environment and fall into mortal sin, no matter how much they protest that they wouldn’t. To preserve a person’s soul from such snares (and preserving the soul is the most important thing to be considered – Mt. 16:26), to attend such a college or university a person should either live at home and commute (that way he would be away from the mortally sinful party-lifestyle) or rent an apartment and live by himself so that he doesn’t have to live and constantly be around non-Catholics who are frequently committing mortal sins and/or encouraging him to do so (e.g. by inviting him to parties, etc.). “Catholic” Fordham University, since it’s Catholic in name only, would be considered just like any secular/pagan university. Hence, we believe one could attend provided that one doesn’t take religion classes or live amidst the sinful surroundings, but can be separate in some way by commuting or having one’s own place away from the others.
Hi, my name is mark and I've listened to the program coast2coast for years waiting for what i heard July 10. I need to speak to someone… i am not Catholic and was not raised in a religious family but he's always been there and i need to save me and my family
Mark, that's great to hear. Attached is a summary of the Catholic Catechism. Also, near the bottom of our website there is a profession of Faith for converts from the Council of Trent. You should read it and begin to familiarize yourself with it. We would also recommend that you watch all the videos on our website. Someone will be calling you with more information, and to answer your other questions.
Dear Brothers Dimond, Last afternoon I viewed a video produced by you…It left me stunned and deeply moved. This morning I accessed your website for the first time and I am overwhelmed!!!
I am a Roman Catholic born in 1947 in a Buddhist country - SRI LANKA. Christian population was 5% of the entire population - Roman Catholics further reduced in number. I have lived in AUSTRALIA since 1972. As a youngster at St Peter's College Colombo we were taught Catholic Doctrine and some Apologetics by RC priests. Back then around the late fifties and early sixties we were clearly taught the teaching of BAPTISM OF DESIRE.
We were NEVER taught "Outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation"...or to be honest, I can't recall being taught this. In the year 2000, while praying in the presence of The Blessed Sacrament in a Novus Ordo church, an inner/exterior/everywhere' voice quietly said to me "I am not here!!!" Not long after I felt privileged when I discovered the SSPX realising the previous 30 years of Daily Masses in the NEW Church were wasted! Now, your revelations on the SSPX give me new matter to ponder on and pray about.
I deeply appreciate the monumental GOD-FILLED work you have done. Please pray for my soul as indeed I shall pray for you. May the Blessed and Most Holy Trinity Bless, guard and guide you with loving intercession from OUR Blessed Mother of GOD, MARY MOST HOLY
Yours sincerely
Peter de Niese
Private revelation is always to be taken with a grain of salt. The teaching of the Church is our guide. But stories of private revelations that are perfectly consistent with the teaching of the Church can be interesting. This story is very interesting because it is perfectly in line with the teaching of the Catholic Church which shows that the New Mass cannot be valid since it has drastically altered the words of consecration.
Dear Brothers Michael & Peter,
Just happened to turn on the computer last night and found that you were doing a radio show. I listened to the whole show. Great Job!!!!
Rose Beckerich
Dear Brothers Dimond:
I was able to tape Most of it...(Computer wouldn't start up at first). You Definitly did an excellent job of presenting in a clear way just what we are up against. Am making copies for my friends. I, too, am very interested in what you have to say about this Divine Mercy thing. Will be looking forward to your posting on that. Thank you so much for everything you do,
May God Bless you abundantly,
Hello Bro.Michael,
I did listen to your program,had a problem with the buffering,but,you have already explained the problem. I enjoy being able to listen to the audios, is it possible to place your radio program in that category of tapes to listen to,the radio program would be able to be listened to for a week until the next radio program for those who aren't able to listen the day of the program. God Bless You.You are doing amazing work.
Greetings to The Most holy Family Monastery:
Your radio show was much like the web site: terse, blunt, to the point and accurate. Excellent delineation of The Great Apostasy, The Second Vatican Council-its many lies and a good discussion about Fatima and The third Secret; of course we are looking forward to more in the future. It is a fact that we are drowning in lost souls looking for their Church once more... Many are so confused and have hearts of steel on account of it-some are embittered. They are all around me and at times it is overwhelming. But I love to pray for the increase of the virtue of hope...In Christ, Jesus
Michael Howard Pierce---
Dear Brothers,
Thank you for the excellent radio program!!!
You brought up many interesting points. I am not a scholar and rely on my memory of the Latin Church and now deceased relatives to clearly see Rome is as you say, heretical. Hopefully you will be archiving this program on your web site as I can think of a few people who need to listen.
Robert Bowlby
Copy of program?
Dear Brother Peter and Brother Michael.
Is your radio show from today going to be archived at your website, so that those who can't listen to it live can still hear it? Will you be recording it to cassettes or CD's to make available to people?
Will Tuesday's show be archived? I would like to hear it but will be away from the computer that evening.
We will have a copy of the program, which we will probably make available.
Aug. 22 Radio Program: An Overview of Present situation (First Show) (click here to listen, about 2 hrs.)
*This show contains a very important overview of the present situation of the Catholic Church and the reasons why the post-Vatican II Church is not the Catholic Church. It discusses the facts, the evidence and the arguments which prove that the post-Vatican II Church is not the Catholic Church. This is a show people should listen to. It covers the heresies of Vatican II, the apostasy of John Paul II, Benedict XVI, Paul VI, that there have been antipopes, that our present situation has been predicted, and more.
In 1858, the Mother of God appeared 18 times to St. Bernadette Soubirous in Lourdes, France. The miraculous spring which resulted from those apparitions is famous all over the world.
On the day when St. Bernadette expected to receive the 14th visit from Our Lady, a crowd of thousands had gathered to watch as Our Lady appeared to St. Bernadette. (The crowd of thousands couldn’t see Our Lady, but they had gathered because at past apparitions they had sensed the reality of the supernatural and had seen the appearance of the miraculous spring at Lourdes after the 9th apparition.)
On this particular morning, however, Our Lady didn’t appear to St. Bernadette. Bernadette was disappointed, but later in the day she felt impelled to travel back to the grotto where Our Lady usually appeared to her. Bernadette was only accompanied by a few people when she went back to the grotto (unlike in the morning), and she saw Our Lady again. Later on Bernadette explained to her cousin Jeanne-Marie why Our Lady didn’t appear to her in the morning. Jeanne-Marie relates their conversation:
Jeanne-Marie: “‘I have heard that you did not see the Lady this morning. It’s possible that you will not see her tomorrow either.’ She answered me: ‘But I did see her during the day.’ I asked her: ‘Why did you not see her this morning?’ She replied that the Lady had told her: ‘You did not see me this morning because there were some people there who wished to see what you look like in my presence, and they are unworthy of it: they spent the night at the grotto and they dishonored it.’” (Abbe Francois Trochu, St. Bernadette Soubirous, Tan Books, pp. 134-135)
Dear Brother Michael,
After hearing you on Coast to Coast a few nights ago, I have been compelled to re-think some things. I have been struggling with my Catholic faith for most of my life. 1) Which version of the Bible do you consider the one to study and follow?
The Douay-Rheims bible is a good Catholic bible to have. The Douay-Rheims with the Haydock Catholic Commentary is even better (it’s a big, red 3-volume set). However, it’s not enough to just study the bible. One must know the basic Catholic dogmas, and especially those which pertain to the current crisis. As the bible teaches, there are many passages in Sacred Scripture which are hard to understand, and which people twist to their own damnation. (more…)
Hello. I live in a little tiny town within the Diocese of Phoenix. Several months ago, priests from the Order of St. Peter began coming and saying the Traditional Latin Mass at our little church that the former priest in the area closed. What can you tell me about the Order of St. Peter? Thank you.
Roberta Westcott Clarkdale, AZ
Thanks for the e-mail. A Catholic cannot attend their Masses because their "bishops" are ordained in the invalid new rite of episcopal consecration. Thus, their "priests" are invalidly ordained. The FSSP also accepts the post-Vatican II apostasy, false ecumenism, the New Mass (even though they don't celebrate it themselves, they think people can go) and salvation outside the Church. Please watch our video on the New Mass online; the FSSP is mentioned in it.
From 2005
Brother Peter/Brother Micheal,
I recently convinced someone to stop attending the Novus Ordo Mass, and to attend the traditional Latin Mass. I sent him to a diocese church(St. Stephen the First Martyr) in Sacramento which is listed in the traditional mass booklet. I found out that recently the FSSP has taken over the Mass. They are a fairly new group so they do not have a lot of information about themselves on their website. Can you tell me if their Mass would be acceptable or not so I can let that person know?
Unfortunately the FSSP (Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter) is not acceptable for reception of Sacraments because the "Bishops" that ordain their men were made Bishops in Paul VI's invalid new rite of Episcopal Consecration. So no one should attend their "Masses" because they cannot even be considered valid. They are also compromisers with the Vatican II sect. They accept Vatican II, false ecumenism and John Paul II.
Brother Diamond...just wanted to ask you a question...What do you think about Divine Mercy? I listened to you on the talk show the night that you were on...what an impression you left on me..some people don't like to hear what you said...but you told it like it is...
I would appreciate a response as to what you think about Divine Mercy...E mail me back when you have time and thanks for your help...The real GOD BLESS!
Bobby Parkinson
Thanks for your question. We have received this question many times. We have a detailed answer to this question which we will be posting this week. Read full article here:
Thank you so much for your reply! Yesterday I felt like I was clinging to my last thread of hope, and today I feel as if a door has been opened wide for me to step through. I plan to spend time every day studying your web site… And I will take your advice and pray the Rosary daily.
I am so thankful that I happened to hear Brother Michael Dimond on Coast to Coast A.M. I normally turn the radio on at night because it helps me sleep, but the night of Brother Dimond's interview I didn't sleep a wink. As I said in my first email, I have felt drawn to the Catholic Church for most of my life, but never made the step towards conversion. One reason for this reluctance was the erosion of the tradition of the Church in Rome, which was evident even to someone with very little knowledge of the Catholic Doctrine. I was amazed to hear that some of the things that made it impossible for me to believe in the Catholic Church (what I thought was the Catholic Church, rather) are the very same things that make this Vatican II church a fraud. Perhaps I'm flattering myself, or making excuses for my procrastination, but I'd like to think that Jesus was keeping me safe from the false church in Rome by keeping doubt alive in my mind. I prayed to have my doubts removed, but they persisted. Listening to Brother Dimond, I knew in my heart that he was speaking the truth. I no longer doubt the true Church, but I still have doubts about myself. With prayer and time I believe I can overcome this, and ask God to accept me into his Church.
I apologize for rambling on like this. I'm just filled with excitement about this new turn of events, and so thankful that you've helped me find my way to the right path. Now I will set my mind towards following that path and honoring God and all that is His.
Thank you so much!
Dear Bro. Dimond,
What is your take on this television network? Is there concern for my soul? I watch it but lately I sense no peace with viewing programs. I do not know what it is. Something is not there anymore. I am also interested in obtaing your offer made on Coast to Coast am.
Please advise. Thank you.
Terri, we have an article on EWTN on our website. In short, they accept the New Mass and the post-Vatican II religious indifferentism. Thus, while they certainly have a few good programs, they are very much part of the post-Vatican II apostasy. They accept salvation outside the Church, etc. They are not truly Catholic, but very heretical. You can obtain the $8.00 DVD special [Update: New Specials Here] by sending us a check or calling with a credit card, and we hope you do since it contains very important information.
Hello Brother Dimond:
My husband and I heard you on Coast to Coast a couple of days ago and loved everything that you said. We spent the entire day and evening yesterday watching the dvds on your website and reading the information there. Everything you've said makes perfect sense to us and we both feel that you have come to us at a time in our lives when we were at a crossroads spiritually.
So here is our main question: We have been married for five years and have a six year old daughter together. My husband was born and raised a Catholic in the pre-Vatican II Church, and I converted to Catholicism from the Methodist Church after Vatican II. We were both married previously in the Catholic Church and then divorced. We married each other in a civil ceremony without obtaining annulments. At the time, we did not think about the religious ramifications of what we were doing. However, after listening to you (especially the dvd on Hell), we are now thinking quite a bit about it. So the question is, what do we do now? We obviously do not want to go to Hell. Is an annulment still an option? If so, what do we do in the meantime while we are waiting for the process to complete?…You and your fellow Brothers are in our prayers as you continue this wonderful work. We look forward to your response.
Thank you for your e-mail. It's great to hear about your interest, and God is definitely giving you graces to act upon this information. We would encourage you to pray the Rosary each day if you are not doing so now. Now to your important question. If your husband was born and raised a Catholic and was previously married by a priest to another person baptized as a Catholic, then he was validly married to that person. Thus, he wouldn't be free to marry again if that person is still alive (unless that person whom he married was already married, but we'll assume that's not the case). (more…)
Brother Dimond,
I just listened to your show on Coast to Coast, and I couldn't agree with you more! As a cradle Catholic, I've noticed some things about the Mass, and have begun to do some research into the Vatican that disturb me greatly. For the past few years, I've had this feeling that my religion both, has been, and is currently, being compromised by human direction instead of God's. And you summed up this "feeling" perfectly on the show tonight!!! And for that, I commend you.
The only question I have for you is..................what is your advice for continuing to practice our faith correctly? I'm most concerned with the Mass. Is our Mass still valid? I'm not old enough to remember Mass prior to Vatican II, but I've seen changes in it just in my lifetime that I don't agree with. If it isn't valid, what am I supposed to do?
Sincerely in Christ,
Thanks for the e-mail. The Third Commandment (Keep holy the Sabbath) is God’s law. Attending Mass on Sunday and Holy Days is the Church’s law, which is only obligatory if the Church provides you with a true Mass and a truly Catholic priest within a reasonable distance. There is no obligation to attend a false Mass; in fact, there is a positive obligation under pain of mortal sin to not attend the New Mass, since one cannot approach a doubtful or invalid sacrament. (more…)
Dear Brother Micheal Diamond,
Let me first identify myself as a Southern Baptist pastor. My wife and I were traveling back home as we returned from our vacation. We were scanning the radio dial and my wife found the "Dr. Laura Show" and she listened until the show ended and the "Coast to Coast" show was introduced. The topic of discussion was presented and we decided to listen. I want to commend your ability to articulate your view and even though you maybe got a little agitated with the person called "JC" you were very forthright and sought to give biblical answers and not quoting other men as the source of your authority. (Just a note it is better as the Proverbs states not to answer a fool - this JC person's ranting and raving were not worthy of a comment.) From your answers and from your web site it is clear that your movement is a reformation attempt within the Roman Catholic Church. Even though we will disagree with the interpretation of scripture on many points I do wholeheartedly agree that it is clear from scripture that the divisions within the Body of Christ do not reflect the clear theme of unity that Jesus' teaching and prayer in John 14-17 point.
As you would imagine I do agree with some of your "heresy" evaluations and feel that it is not only the contemporary expressions of the Roman Catholic Church that is missing the mark but much, much earlier that the wisdom of man began to supersede that wisdom of God in the Catholic Church. (Just to be completely honest here I feel that this is also true in every Christian denomination at some point, Southern Baptists are not an exception on this either. I do personally believe as one woman stated on the air that heaven will not be made up of Catholic or Baptist or ... but of all of the redeemed throughout the ages. Again, we will disagree what it takes to be considered "redeemed" but your very bold proclamation of the narrow road was absolutely correct.) I know based upon your conversations last night that you could not call me a brother in the Lord. But I wanted to thank you for your pointing the listening audience to make sure that what they believe is not a man made religion with a man made God, but to go the Bible and submit to its authority for the only infallible source of spiritual truth.
Most sincerely,
M. Keith Williams
Santa Maria, CA
Mr. Williams, we don't have the time to answer you at length now; however, we will say that the Bible itself doesn't even teach that it is the only infallible source of truth.
2 Thessalonians 2:14-15 "Therefore, brethren, stand fast; and hold the traditions which you have learned, whether by word, or by our epistle."As we can see, the Bible itself teaches that there is an oral tradition which must be heeded as well as the written word (Scripture). This refutes the Protestant heresy of "sola scriptura" (Scripture Alone). As the only true Christian Church, the Catholic Church has always taught that there are two sources of Christ's revelation, Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition - in contradistinction to the man-made Protestant religions which teach, in direct contradiction of Scripture, that only Scripture must be heeded and not Tradition or the Church (Matthew 18:17, etc.). (more…)
Hello. I was listening to Brother Michael on"Coast to Coast am" last night and wanted very much to
ask a question. Brother said that the church proseletyzes for the purpose of saving souls. That this
is a charitable thing to do. All well and good. However, what is the take on the Catholic Church using a heavy handed approach to converting indigenous peoples to the catholic faith - especially when it involves cruel means to do so. Is this charitable? I am thinking mostly of converting the Indians of Latin America. There was unconscionable brutality and coersion used - torture and killings. Yet out of this came the spreading of the faith throughout South America. Please comment.
Thank you.
Marilyn Carlson
The Catholic Church teaches that all who die as non-Catholics will not be saved, but it also teaches that no one should be forced to embrace baptism, since belief is a free act of the will.
Pope Leo XIII, Immortale Dei (#36), Nov. 1, 1885: “And, in fact, the Church is wont to take earnest heed that no one shall be forced to embrace the Catholic faith against his will, for, as St. Augustine wisely reminds us, ‘Man cannot believe otherwise than of his own will.’”
Dear Brothers in Christ,
Can anyone tell me for a certainy, whether or not Padre Pio of Pietrelcino ever said the Novus Ordo Mass? Also, what date in 1968 was the Novus Ordo universally required of priests?...Padre Pio having died in September '68.Thank you for your reply,
Thank you for your question. Padre Pio died on September 23, 1968. The New Mass wasn’t promulgated until April 3, 1969. Padre Pio didn’t celebrate the New Mass. (more…)
Dear Most Family Monastery,
I enjoy your articles on the Catholic faith. I was born and raised in the v-2 catholic church. One year ago my husband and I were blessed with suddenly understanding the truth of the true Catholic Church. We attend Latin Mass in our area that has nothing to do with the V2 church. However by the comments you have in your articles I sense some problem you must see with the CMRI order. Which is the traditional order that we have available to us in our area. Can you inform me if there is a problem that I am not aware of. The CMRI order have been so life giving and keep to the traditions of the Catholic Church. I feel I am confused. Please respond.
With you in prayer.
Nan Kopina
We know it can be somewhat overwhelming for people who are first discovering traditional Catholicism to then hear that the priests who introduced them to such truth – the traditional Mass, the rejection of Vatican II, etc. – are themselves denying aspects of the Faith. It’s an unfortunate situation, but it’s true. It’s part of the spiritual test that God has allowed this world to go through. People must have a strong faith anchored to Him, the Church itself and her authoritative teachings, or else they will be swept away in desolation and confusion upon discovering that so many of those they thought were traditional are, in fact, heretical. (more…)