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This section of our website (which is updated daily) contains some less formal – and short – e-mail exchanges that we’ve had which we feel may be of value to our readers.  We will include those portions of the exchanges we deem relevant and valuable.  We often add bolding and underlining which are not necessarily that of the other party.  This section also frequently includes, not only e-exchanges we have, but also our notes, updates and comments. Section containing some important recent posts.

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Aztec Pagan Ritual In “Catholic Church” During “Mass”

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No One Can Be Forgiven Without This – Catholic Teaching

St. John Vianney Rejected 'Invincible Ignorance'

February 20, 2017

While reading Saint John Vianney's sermon (the 2nd Sermon of the 3rd Sunday after the Epiphany)… I came upon several sentences that destroy Invincible Ignorance… I recall some bad will False Trads here in France, deluded, who tried to transform the Curé d'Ars into a despicable apostate like those weak individuals are.

FR = "Les chrétiens és souffriront en effet des tourments infiniment plus rigoureux que les infidèles. La raison en est que ces étrangers seront és en partie parce qu'ils n'ont jamais entendu parler de Jésus-Christ et de sa religion ; qu'ils ont vécu et qu'ils sont morts dans l'ignorance."

ENG = "Christians who are damned will suffer torments infinitely more rigorous than the infidels.  The reason is that these strangers will be damned because they never heard talking about Jesus Christ and his religion; that they lived and died in ignorance."

FR = " est donc bien juste, dis-je, que la justice de Dieu se fasse sentir plus rigoureusement sur eux que sur ces pauvres infidèles qui ont péché, en partie, sans connaître le mal qu'ils faisaient, et sans savoir celui qu'ils outrageaient, sans connaître la bonté et l'amour d'un Dieu pour ses créatures. Si les idolâtres, nous disent les saints, sont és pour avoir transgressé les lois de Dieu qu'ils ne connaissaient pas, des lois qu'ils n'ont pas connues (1), quelle sera donc la punition des chrétiens qui sentent si bien le mal qu'ils font, les devoirs qu'ils ont à remplir ?"

ENG = " is therefore really just, that God's justice shall be sent more rigorously on them [bad Christians who are damned] than on those poor infidels who sinned, in part, without knowing the evil they were doing, and without knowing he who they were offending... If the idolaters, the saints tell us, are damned because of having trespassed the laws of God that they didn't know, laws that were not recognized by them, what will be the punishment of Christians who really sense the evil they are doing, the duties they have to accomplish ?"...


Woman heard voice warning of 'Evil' in John Paul II

December 1, 2016

Dear Brothers,

I have just discovered your website, and your words ring true in my heart.

In 1999, Pope John Paul II came to my city.  I gathered with the crowds to see him pass by in his pope mobile near the Basilica. It seemed an historical day even though I was not Catholic.  I was really the last person in line before his procession ended.  As he came down the street and when he came in front of me, our eyes met.  Immediately I heard in my heart a voice that said "Evil".  I was horrified!  I thought surely the word must have been referencing me, certainly not the Pope! I shrunk backwards, and was distraught for weeks. My prayer since has been that God would reveal to me the meaning of that horrible experience. 

In the meantime my heart is being called to the Catholic Church (which has been so confusing to me after my experience).  I'm currently in RCIA with an eager heart to learn, but the classes lack real substantial education and enthusiasm.  Again I have assumed that the problem has been me and a wrong attitude.

Then I found your website! You have answered my question regarding the Pope, and perhaps even why RCIA seems so difficult as a post Vatican II church.

Your input would be so greatly appreciated. Should I try to find a Latin rite church instead? I think there are 1 or 2 in the city.  I truly believe I am to become Catholic but my journey has been discouraging.

Thank you for your time, I look forward to your answer… I have already viewed the justification video as well as the 3rd secret of Fatima.  Frightening and well done…



That's an interesting story.  We’re very glad that you came across the material and that you are looking at it.  You prayed to find the truth about that experience, and you found our material.  God led you to our website because it contains the truth about Antipope John Paul II and the traditional Catholic faith (the one true faith of Christ which is necessary for salvation).  Antipope John Paul II was indeed evil and much more, as the material covers (see below).  He was not a valid pope, but an antipope.  It's crucial to make that distinction.  The Catholic faith is the true faith, and it is necessary for salvation.  However, to be a true Catholic one must be a traditional Catholic.  The material explains exactly how to do that: Steps for those converting or coming from the Novus Ordo.

Before converting, one must be convinced on the issues.  You should not remain in RCIA.  RCIA is for initiation into the post-Vatican II sect, which is not the Catholic Church (even though it purports to be).  We are in the prophesied Great Apostasy, as our material covers in detail.  Also, you should not go to a 'Latin Rite' Church.  You should stay at home on Sundays, learn the faith and the true positions from the material.  The principles are covered in our 'where to receive sacraments' file.  When you are convinced, you should follow the steps to convert; and then we can help you with how to receive baptism, a valid confession, etc.

Also, it's very important to pray the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.  That will give you necessary graces to convert and embrace the truth.  Eventually people should be praying 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.  We hope you continue to look at the material, become fully convinced, and follow through with the conversion process.



Here are some important materials about Antipope John Paul II:

“Saint” John Paul II Exposed (video)

Babylon Has Fallen, Fallen!!  (video)

The Antichrist Revealed: The Beast that Was, and Is Not, Has Returned

“Saint” John Paul II’s Heresies (video)

John Paul II (manifest heretic who claimed to be pope 1978-2005) [section]

Fr. Bernard Welp Confirms The CMRI's Horrible Heresy: That Jews Who Reject Christ Can Be Saved

November 19, 2016

A reader named Mary recently corresponded with Fr. Bernard Welp of the CMRI.  She wrote:

I have talked with the priest in the following message about Baptism of Desire and gave him all of your excellent refutations on the subject which I fully support.  This was his reply to my request for him to hear my confession:

"You are always welcome to Mass and sacraments as long as you agree not to discuss baptism of desire issue with any lay person. God bless you. Fr Bernard Welp"

CMRI Mount St Michael Spokane, Washing

Mary asked if she should receive sacraments from him.  We informed her that she should not sacraments from him because he is asking her to not spread the Catholic faith.  She agreed.  (And of course no one may support their heretical group.)  To expose the priest's heretical perversity, we suggested that she ask him if he agrees with the statements below.  This question exposes heretics who attempt to hide their heterodox views on salvation.  Mary asked Fr. Bernard Welp this question: Do you agree with the following statements by Fr. Denis Fahey and Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre?


Fr. Denis Fahey, The Kingship of Christ and the Conversion of the Jewish Nation (1953), p. 52: “The Jews, as a nation, are objectively aiming at giving society a direction which is in complete opposition to the order God wants.  It is possible that a member of the Jewish Nation, who rejects Our Lord, may have the supernatural life which God wishes to see in every soul, and so be good with the goodness God wants, but objectively, the direction he is seeking to give to the world is opposed to God and to that life, and therefore is not good.  If a Jew who rejects our Lord is good in the way God demands, it is in spite of the movement in which he and his nation are engaged.”


Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, Against the Heresies, p. 216: “Evidently, certain distinctions must be made.  Souls can be saved in a religion other than the Catholic religion (Protestantism, Islam, Buddhism, etc.), but not by this religion.   There may be souls who, not knowing Our Lord, have by the grace of the good Lord, good interior dispositions, who submit to God…  But some of these persons make an act of love which implicitly is equivalent to baptism of desire.  It is uniquely by this means that they are able to be saved.”

To the question, do you agree with the statements made by Fr. Denis Fahey and Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, Fr. Bernard Welp of the CMRI responded on Nov. 16, 2016, by writing:

"Certainly.  As catholics we do not accept the false idea of universal salvation promoted at V II.  Souls cannot be saved outside the church but those who seek God receive baptism (thus become part of the church) of desire IF: 1- ignorance is invincible 2 they have supernatural faith 3 Supernatural charity.  I have answered your question..."

So, Welp readily confirms that he "certainly" agrees with the statement that a Jew who rejects Jesus Christ can be in the state of grace and that souls can be saved in false religions!   That is, of course, totally heretical.   It is another CLEAR confirmation that the CMRI (and the same is true of all 'traditionalist' priests who obstinately accept 'baptism of desire') are not Catholic.  They are utter heretics.  They don't profess the Catholic faith.  Here's what true Catholics (i.e. not the members or supporters of the heretical CMRI) firmly believe and profess on whether Jews, etc. can be saved.

Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, “Cantate Domino,” 1441, ex cathedra: “The Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and preaches that all those who are outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans but also Jews or heretics and schismatics, cannot share in eternal life and will go into the everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels, unless they are joined to the Church before the end of their lives; that the unity of the ecclesiastical body is of such importance that only for those who abide in it do the Church’s sacraments contribute to salvation and do fasts, almsgiving and other works of piety and practices of the Christian militia produce eternal rewards; and that nobody can be saved, no matter how much he has given away in alms and even if he has shed blood in the name of Christ, unless he has persevered in the bosom and unity of the Catholic Church.”

As any honest person can see, groups like the CMRI do not believe and profess what is written above, but rather the opposite.  They are not part of the Catholic Church.  The Catholic Church firmly believes, professes and teaches the opposite of the heretical CMRI.  It professes that all who die as Jews, pagans, etc. are lost.  That's why groups like the CMRI are a deception.  They don't have the apostolic faith, they don't profess the Catholic faith, and they teach others heresies.  They are on the road to Hell, and they lead others there.  The CMRI also promotes the sinful birth control practice of NFP, and they don't require their adherents to reject the Vatican II antipopes.  They are not part of the true Church.

It's also interesting that, after confirming his rejection of Catholic dogma and the necessity of the Lord Jesus Christ, the manifest heretic and disgraceful unbeliever Bernard Welp then lies, as all heretics do.  He says that he doesn't believe souls can be saved outside the Church - what a sick joke.

So, Welp believes that 1) a Jew who rejects Jesus Christ can be saved, but 2) a Jew who rejects Jesus Christ is not outside the Church.  Since all in the Church have the same faith (de fide definita - one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism), according to Welp Jews who reject Jesus Christ and adhere to Judaism have the same faith as Catholics who believe in Jesus Christ.   What a heretical travesty!  By the way, all of their nonsense on 'invincible ignorance', etc., which they bring up in a futile attempt to justify their condemned heresy and deceive their followers, is addressed and refuted in our book Outside the Catholic Church There is Absolutely No Salvation and related materials.


Council of Trent, Session 6, Chap. 3 on Justification: “So unless they were born again in Christ they never would be justified...”

When one considers the defined dogma that one must be "born again in Christ" to be justified and saved, one should immediately recognize why the position of Welp and the CMRI is heresy.  Since everyone must profess that it's necessary to be "born again in Christ" to even be justified, by holding that a Jew who rejects Christ can be justified, Welp holds that a person can be "born again in Christ" while rejecting Jesus Christ and being unbaptized!  His heresy is the equivalent of the heresy of anonymous Christianity.

Also notice that the manifest heretic Welp claims to believe that 'supernatural faith' is necessary for salvation.  As we pointed out in this article, The Revealing Heresies in Msgr. Van Noort’s Pre-Vatican II Dogmatic Theology Manual, heretics frequently try to obfuscate their denial of Catholic teaching on salvation by focusing on 'supernatural faith' and ignoring the defined dogma that one must have THE CATHOLIC FAITH to be saved.


Pope Paul III, Council of Trent, Sess. 5, On Original Sin: “… our Catholic faith, without which it is impossible to please God…”

Pope Pius IX, Vatican Council I, Session 2, Profession of Faith, 1870: “This true Catholic faith, outside of which none can be saved, which I now freely profess and truly hold…”

The Church doesn’t merely declare that one must be inside the Church and have supernatural faith to be saved.  It also declares that one must have the Catholic faith to be saved.  The two truths are inseparable, of course, but examining each aspect of this dogma becomes important when refuting heretics.  The supporters of BOD in our day ignore the dogma that one must have THE CATHOLIC FAITH to be saved simply because it’s impossible to twist their heretical view into language that comports with the dogma that no one is saved without the Catholic faith.  After all, how can one who is a ‘pagan’ (who doesn’t believe in Jesus Christ and the Trinity) also have the Catholic faith?  How can a pagan and a Catholic both be in the one Church? – the one Church, which, by definition, only has ONE FAITH AND ONE LORD?  It doesn’t make any sense.  So, the BOD heretics typically avoid the dogmatic pronouncements which declare that one must have the Catholic faith to be saved.

In short, their position on ‘supernatural’ faith denies the dogma that ‘Catholic’ faith is what’s absolutely necessary for salvation.   They thus depart from the revelation of Jesus Christ and the dogmatic teaching of the Catholic Church on salvation.  The Son of God became man in order to redeem the world and reveal the Catholic faith.  The heretics of the CMRI (and one could say the same about the heretics Sanborn, Cekada, etc.) reject the Church's dogmatic teaching that Jesus Christ is the only name under Heaven in which men must be saved.   They reject the Gospel.

John 8:24- "I told you that you would die in your sins, for unless you believe that I am he you will die in your sins.


John 17:3: “Now this is life everlasting, that they may know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.”

John 14:6: “Jesus saith to them: I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the Father, but by me.”

Pope Paul III, Sublimus Dei, May 29, 1537: “The sublime God so loved the human race that He created man in such wise that he might participate, not only in the good that other creatures enjoy, but endowed him with capacity to attain to the inaccessible and invisible Supreme Good and behold it face to face; and since man, according to the testimony of the sacred scriptures, has been created to enjoy eternal life and happiness, which none may obtain save through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, it is necessary that he should possess the nature and faculties enabling him to receive that faith; and that whoever is thus endowed should be capable of receiving that same faith.  Nor is it credible that any one should possess so little understanding as to desire the faith and yet be destitute of the most necessary faculty to enable him to receive it.  Hence Christ, who is the Truth itself, that has never failed and can never fail, said to the preachers of the faith whom He chose for that office ‘Go ye and teach all nations.’  He said all, without exception, for all are capable of receiving the doctrines of the faith…  By virtue of Our apostolic authority We define and declare by these present letters… that the said Indians and other peoples should be converted to the faith of Jesus Christ by preaching the word of God and by the example of good and holy living.”

Pope Pius VIII, Traditi humilitati (# 4), May 24, 1829: “Against these experienced sophists the people must be taught that the profession of the Catholic faith is uniquely true, as the apostle proclaims: one Lord, one faith, one baptism... Indeed, no other name than the name of Jesus is given to men by which they may be saved.  He who believes shall be saved; he who does not believe shall be condemned.”

Pope Leo XII, Ubi Primum (# 14), May 5, 1824: “It is impossible for the most true God, who is Truth itself, the best, the wisest Provider, and the Rewarder of good men, to approve all sects which profess false teachings that are often inconsistent with one another and contradictory, and to confer eternal rewards on their members… by divine faith we hold one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and that no other name under heaven is given to men except the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth in which we must be saved. This is why we profess that there is no salvation outside the Church.”

Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, Sess. 8, Nov. 22, 1439, ex cathedra: “Whoever wishes to be saved, needs above all to hold the Catholic faith; unless each one preserves this whole and inviolate, he will without a doubt perish in eternity.   But the Catholic faith is this, that we worship one God in the Trinity, and the Trinity in unity; neither confounding the persons, nor dividing the substance; for there is one person of the Father, another of the Son, another of the Holy Spirit, their glory is equal, their majesty coeternal… and in this Trinity there is nothing first or later, nothing greater or less, but all three persons are coeternal and coequal with one another, so that in every respect, as has already been said above, both unity in Trinity, and Trinity in unity must be worshipped.  Therefore let him who wishes to be saved, think thus concerning the Trinity. But it is necessary for eternal salvation that he faithfully believe also in the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ… the Son of God is God and man…This is the Catholic faith; unless each one believes this faithfully and firmly, he cannot be saved…”

The CMRI's false position on baptism and 'baptism of desire' is also totally refuted in our materials that deal with the baptism issue.  The CMRI rejects the Church's dogmatic teaching on the necessity of the Catholic faith and that all who die as Jews, etc. are lost.  They also reject the Church's dogmatic profession of faith on one baptism, John 3:5, that no one is saved without water baptism, etc.

Outside the Catholic Church There is Absolutely No Salvation (book)


Pope Eugene IV, The Council of Florence, Exultate Deo, Nov. 22, 1439: “Holy baptism, which is the gateway to the spiritual life, holds the first place among all the sacraments; through it we are made members of Christ and of the body of the Church.  And since death entered the universe through the first man, ‘unless we are born again of water and the Spirit, we cannot,’ as the Truth says, ‘enter into the kingdom of heaven’ [John 3:5].  The matter of this sacrament is real and natural water.”

Pope Paul III, The Council of Trent, Can. 5 on the Sacrament of Baptism, Sess. 7, 1547: “If anyone says that baptism [the sacrament] is optional, that is, not necessary for salvation: let him be anathema.”

Pope Clement V, The Council of Vienne, 1311-1312: “Besides, one baptism regenerating all who are baptized in Christ must be faithfully confessed by all just as ‘one God and one faith’ [Eph. 4:5], which celebrated in water in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit we believe to be the perfect remedy for salvation for both adults and children.”

Pope Clement V, The Council of Vienne, 1311-1312: “But since one is the universal Church, of regulars and seculars, of prelates and subjects, of exempt and non-exempt, outside of which absolutely (omnino) no one (nullus) is saved (salvatur), one is the Lord, one is the Faith and one is the baptism of all.”

Pope St. Siricius, Decree to Himerius, A.D. 385: “Therefore just as we say that the holy paschal observance is in no way to be diminished, we also say that to infants who will not yet be able to speak on account of their age or to those who in any necessity will need the holy stream of baptism, we wish succor to be brought with all celerity, lest it should tend to the perdition of our souls if the saving font be denied to those desiring it and every single one of them exiting this world lose both the Kingdom and life.  Whoever should fall into the peril of shipwreck, the incursion of an enemy, the uncertainty of a siege or the desperation of any bodily sickness, and should beg to be relieved by the unique help of faith, let them obtain the rewards of the much sought-after regeneration in the same moment of time in which they beg for it.  Let the previous error in this matter be enough; [but] now let all priests maintain the aforesaid rule, who do not want to be torn from the solidity of the apostolic rock upon which Christ constructed His universal Church.”

The CMRI (and all the priests in our day who obstinately adhere to 'baptism of desire') are not true Catholics, but heretics and false shepherds.   It's important for people to realize it.   The CMRI is led by the wicked apostate Mark Pivarunas, who holds the same heresies and teaches gross errors.  It was the faithlessness and false teaching of unbelievers like Pivarunas, Welp and the priests of the CMRI, in the years before Vatican II, which led to the Great Apostasy.

More On Demons and Dr. James White

October 21, 2016

[Below is a comment made by someone about our video: Born Again’ Refutes ‘Faith Alone’ & The Demonic Possession of James White, followed by our response.]

Subject: ‘Born Again’ Refutes ‘Faith Alone’ & The Demonic Possession of James White

You lost me at 23.35, when you claim Dr White is demon-possessed. Freezing a video frame the way you have can make anyone appear possessed. Look, I am a Catholic, a convert from the Episcopal Church, where I was a priest for 30 years. When I realized the error of 'sola fide', I began a 13 year search that ended in 'swimming the Tiber' four years ago. I appreciate the content of the few videos I've seen, but really, this seems to go too far. How do you KNOW that Dr White is possessed? You don't. He is deceived, yes. He is blind to the full-truth of the Gospel. But possessed? I honestly think you should cut the video at 23.00 and leave it at that. And honestly, in the spirit of Jesus, I think you should apologize to Dr White for this.

Westside Warrior

MHFM: We lost you when we got into the spiritual part of the video because you have no supernatural faith.  One doesn’t need to freeze the video to see that White is manifesting clear signs of demonic possession.  It’s visible at full speed.  We saw what was happening at full speed.  In our video we simply froze the clips (after playing them at full speed) to assist those who are less observant, less believing, etc.  Part of White’s face is flying back unnaturally in one direction, while the rest of his face is travelling in a completely different direction or remaining where it is.  It happens to him repeatedly, as our video shows.  Here's just one example of his demonic facial movements at full/normal speed.  Notice the upper-left side of his mouth.

That’s not normal.  It's a clear sign of a foreign (i.e. demonic) presence in him, to those with eyes to see.  The video covers a number of other examples.  Further, the faces White makes with his unnatural movements are demonic.

Additionally, White frequently gives the devil’s horns.  In one of the clips we showed in our video (at 24.03), White holds out a clear, unmistakable devil's horns hand-sign to his side in a prominent way for more than five full seconds, completely oblivious to what he’s doing.   You can watch it here:

James White giving the devil's horns sign for more than five full seconds

That’s the demon in him, displaying its dominance over the man.  That’s why White flashes the devil's horns not once or twice (in which case one might be able to say that his hands were caught in a bad position), but many times.  The devil is manifesting, very quickly, dominance over him.  Another good example where White’s hands are not simply caught in a bad position, but the Devil is definitely taking control of him to show a demonic presence/dominance right to the camera, comes at 23.46.  You can watch it here:


Your faithlessness is further revealed when you act like it’s absurd to think that one of the most anti-Catholic figures out there – who has attacked the Blessed Virgin Mary, the sacraments, the Papacy, etc. for decades – is possessed.  No, it would be absurd to think that he’s not possessed.  Have you ever read Ephesians 2:1-2?

Ephesians 2:1-2- “And you were dead in the trespasses and sins, in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who is now at work in the sons of disobedience.”

Evil spirits are at work in the sons of disobedience.  Is James White a son of disobedience?  Of course he is.  He is one of the most anti-Catholic figures in internet history.  Through his diabolical view that God predestines people to Hell and positively wills every single act of man that has ever occurred, White also promotes the demonic heresy that God is behind every lie, every sin, etc. in history.  That is an unspeakably wicked heresy.  It actually equates God with the devil.  White thus leads heretics who follow him not only into typical Protestant heresies, but into a demonic view that attributes to the Almighty what comes from the father of lies.

Ephesians 6:12- “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of the darkness of this age, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in high places.”

A viewer of our video also made an interesting observation.  The person noted:

In the second half of the video, when the camera is directly in front of James White, you can see what look like horns starting from his eyebrows and going up to the sides of his head.  You can see it the most when he's looking down.  I think it really illustrates who's really guiding him, the devil.”

Notice that what appear to be horns can be seen on his head, just as the Devil is depicted

Notice again the head, which appears to have horns extending on both sides

We agree with the viewer: in this particular video White’s forehead looks like it has horns.  We don’t believe that’s an accident.  In fact, we believe that this is another manifestation and outline of the demonic presence in White.  Here's how the devil is frequently depicted in art.

Demon Devil Horns

The devil is repeatedly depicted with horns

This might be scary or hard for some people who are lacking in faith to accept, but demons are real.  Moreover, one must consider all of the other signs of demonic possession White is displaying, as well as the demonic things he teaches, believes, and promotes.  Examples of how horns appear on his forehead (just like in the above images) are found at: 28.23, 28.26, 29.44, etc., and throughout the second half of the video, especially when he looks down.

Our video also showed (starting at 45.49) how White again flashes a clear devil’s horns sign precisely when speaking about the condemnation of the false professor!  Instead of seeing the spiritual signs and God’s providence in this, you think it’s all just a coincidence.  No, it’s the demon displaying its presence in him again, and it was compelled by God to do so precisely when the false professor was talking about how a false professor is condemned.  James White identifies himself as a professor, and he is a false professor of Christianity.

This is James White as he gives the devil's horns again (discussed at 45.49 of our video), at the very time he's speaking about the condemnation of the 'false professor'

The truth is that you had no true faith for 30 years as an Episcopal ‘priest’.  Your comments reveal that you still don’t have true faith.  (Have you even yet accepted the fact that you weren’t a valid priest?)  That’s why you can’t see the truth in these points about spiritual realities: you don't truly believe, and consequently you lack the insight that comes with faith.  You need to stop resisting the truth, pray for faith, and embrace the traditional Catholic faith.  Your comments suggest that you are part of the Vatican II sect, which is not the Catholic Church.  See our material on that matter.

It’s also interesting that White, who promotes the heresy of faith alone (or salvation by faith without charity), appears in front of clanging cymbals in the video we expose.

Notice that White is in front of clanging cymbals

We don’t believe it’s just a coincidence that in this particular video, which figures prominently into our video which refutes his heresy of faith alone and publicly denounces him as a demonic false teacher, White appears in front of clanging cymbals.  In 1 Cor. 13:1-2, St. Paul contradicts the heresy of faith alone by setting forth the apostolic truth that one must have faith and love to be saved.  In that context (of refuting faith alone) he describes a person who lacks love as a ‘clanging cymbal’.

1 Corinthians 13:1-2- “If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.  And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.”


Here are more videos that refute Protestantism and the teaching of James White.

This Is The Section Of Our Website That Proves Catholicism Biblically and Refutes Protestantism

Portugal, Sr. Lucia, Antipope John Paul II

August 14, 2016

Subject: Recent Visit To Portugal

Dear MHFM,

I recently traveled to Portugal, during my stay there I got to visit Fatima, which was fantastic, despite the Vatican II sect's hijacking of the Apparition Area. I visited the seers’ homes. I am sad to say that Antipope John Paul II has made his way into Sister Lucia's house. Pictures and stories about him are now hung on the walls. Also, where the heretics say their outdoor novus ordo "mass" there is a statue of Our Lady, with the bullet that nearly killed John Paul II inside of it, treating it as some sort of relic! While I was in Portugal, many wildfires started in other areas of Portugal. Interestingly, terrible wildfires have raged on the Island of Madeira. Your readers may remember, it was this area that the cloud formation formed a massive fist back in the Spring this year. I flew over the area going home at night, it literally looked like a vast sea of fire.

God Bless,


Beware Of Heretical Priests Who Take The Sedevacantist Position But Deny The Salvation Dogma

July 23, 2016

Poland, Heretical Sede Priests

Dear Brothers,

I am from Poland and I'm professing the traditional integral catholic faith. I'm watching your videos and I'm reading your articles very often and I'm promoting your great work here in Poland.

I have three questions for you in connection with receiving sacraments from one priest.

We have one traditionally ordained priest in Poland, who celebrates the traditional latin mass exclusively. After he graduated from the SSPX seminary he then was ordained by the SSPX bishop. He left the SSPX voluntarily because he is sedevacantist and he claims that it was very uncomfortable for him to be privately sedevacantist and act in a non-sedevacantist community, although he knew that the SSPX has a number of priests who are privately sedevacantists.

After he left the SSPX he - if I'm correct – received conditional baptism and conditional confirmation from sedevacantist bishop Olivarec. He was probably also conditionally ordained by this bishop.

This priest celebrates mass in his own apartment and has nothing to do with the SSPX anymore.

The problem is that I asked him in private conversation if he believes in baptism of desire, baptism of blood and salvation of non-catholics through invincible ignorance. Then he answered that he never examined those issues closer from theological standpoint but… also said that baptism of desire and salvation through invincible ignorance in exceptional cases because of Gods mercy also seems to be in accordance with catholic teaching.

… This priest cooperates with bishop Donald Sanborn, for example bishop Sanborn was his guest when he arrived from the US to eastern and central-eastern Europe.

I received communion from this priest twice in this year… Summarizing, he is a traditionally ordained priest who celebrates traditional latin mass and he is commonly known in Poland for his sedevacantist position but he privately claims (as far as I know - only privately) – although he said he never examined those issues closer – that BOD, BOB and salvation through invincible ignorance in exceptional cases are rather in conformity with Church's teaching.  I have questions for you in connection with this case:

1) Can I receive communion from this priest?

2) Am I allowed to be married by this priest?

3) Can I help him materially?

Please, answer me as fast as you can because this problem is crucial for my salvation and also for the salvation of many other Poles.

Yours sincerely, Daniel

MHFM: We’re glad that you are promoting the material.  The answer to your questions would be ‘no’ to all three.  The priest you mention is in heresy, and he’s associated with the imposing heretic Sanborn.  So, you should not receive Communion from him; no one should be married in front of him; and of course you should not help him materially at all.  (There are certain sacraments one may receive from certain undeclared heretics who claim to be Catholic, but one must not receive sacraments from a heretical priest who imposes his heresy upon you.  The principles on this matter are covered in our Where To Receive Sacraments file.)  Even though Sanborn holds some true positions, he is sadly a heretic and an imposing one.  To this day, Sanborn actually condemns adherence to the Church’s dogmatic teaching on water baptism – the position repeated in all papal encyclicals on the issue – as “mortally sinful”!  That is truly outrageous, heretical, and disgusting.  He is a total heretic who condemns the words and teaching of Jesus Christ, the popes, and the councils as “mortally sinful”.

Pope Eugene IV, The Council of Florence, “Exultate Deo,” Nov. 22, 1439:  “Holy baptism, which is the gateway to the spiritual life, holds the first place among all the sacraments; through it we are made members of Christ and of the body of the Church.  And since death entered the universe through the first man, ‘unless we are born again of water and the Spirit, we cannot,’ as the Truth says, ‘enter into the kingdom of heaven’ [John 3:5].  The matter of this sacrament is real and natural water.”

Pope Pius XII, Mystici Corporis Christi (# 22), June 29, 1943, addressed to the universal Church: “Actually only those are to be included as members of the Church who have received the laver of regeneration and profess the true faith…”

Notice that Pius XII officially teaches that if you have not received water baptism, you cannot be considered a member of the Catholic Church.  That’s the exact same doctrine that we find in the infallible teaching of the councils.  We see it repeated in the official teaching of the Magisterium after Trent and Vatican I.  We don’t find baptism of desire or blood.

Pope Pius XII Mediator Dei (#47), Nov. 20, 1947, addressed to the universal Church, referring to the Sacrament of Baptism: “… the washing of baptism distinguishes and separates all Christians [christianos omnes] from the rest whom this stream of atonement has not washed and who are not members of Christ…”

Pius XII specifically teaches that the Sacrament of Baptism distinguishes and separates all Christians (christianos omnes) from the rest.  It distinguishes the baptized from non-Christians in the same way that the priest is distinguished from the rest of the faithful by the reception of the Sacrament of Order.  According to the Magisterium, you cannot be a Christian without the Sacrament of Baptism; and only Christians are saved, as the Church dogmatically teaches.  Hence, the exact same doctrine that we find in the infallible teaching of the councils is repeated here, in the official teaching of the Magisterium after Trent and Vatican I.  We don’t find baptism of desire or blood.  This is the position that heretical sedevacantist priests not only reject, but call mortally sinful.

Pope Pius XI, Quas Primas (#15), Dec. 11, 1925, addressed to the universal Church, concerning entrance into the Kingdom of God: “Which Kingdom indeed is set forth in the Gospels as one into which men prepare to enter by doing penance but are unable to enter except through faith and baptismwhich, although it is an external rite, nevertheless signifies and effects an interior regeneration.”

Sanborn also adheres to the utterly modernist denial of the salvation dogma that was rampant in the years before Vatican II.  He is a modernist, but he doesn’t even realize it.  Heretics like Sanborn and the priest you mention actually profess the heresy that pagans, Jews, Muslims, etc. can be saved without the Catholic faith, if such pagans, Jews, Muslims, etc. believe that God exists and is a rewarder.   That is the opposite of the Church’s profession at the Council of Florence, etc.  People who cling to such a position are not real Catholics.  They would even apply their heresy to Jews, Muslims, etc. who reject Christ!  Sanborn told someone we know that a rabbi who rejects Christ can be saved.  In this video you can see the absolute proof and documentation that Sanborn and similar priests hold that pagans, idolaters, Jews, etc. can be saved without the Catholic faith.  They do not profess the Church’s teaching on salvation.  They are not real Catholics.

We hope that you can give some of the information we have published on the salvation issue to the priest you mentioned, so that he can look at it and hopefully change his position.

The truth is that almost all the priests, sedevacantist or otherwise, do not profess the Catholic faith on salvation.  Some people are deceived by those priests because they are ‘traditional’ in numerous ways and they reject Vatican II.  But that’s not good enough to be a Catholic.  To be a Catholic you can’t just be liturgically traditional, accept some teachings of the Church, and reject the Vatican II sect.  No, you must profess the Catholic faith whole and entire.  You must profess all of the dogmas of the faith, including the Church’s teaching on salvation.  (Sanborn also accepts and promotes the sinful birth control method of NFP.)

Since the aforementioned priests and groups do not adhere to the Church’s dogmatic teaching on salvation, they are, in a real way, comparable to the schismatic ‘Orthodox’.  The ‘Orthodox’ accept some elements of Catholic Tradition, but they don’t have the true faith because they dissent from various teachings of the Church.  Even though the priests you mentioned accept more elements of the Catholic faith, they are still not real Catholics, as they dissent from the Church's dogma, and God's revelation, on salvation.  They are actually a deception.  To be Catholic you must profess belief in all Catholic dogmas.  To dissent from even one destroys faith and one’s relationship with God.  In fact, almost 100% of the people who attend the chapels of such priests agree with or accept the heresy that Jews who reject Christ can be saved.  They don’t have the true faith, and they don’t please God.  They are fake ‘Catholics’.  In fact, we recently corresponded with another such heretic, who shares the position of the aforementioned priests.  She pretended to be a traditional Catholic and claimed to be a sedevacantist.  However, when asked about Fr. Denis Fahey’s heretical statement that Jews who reject Christ can be in the state of grace, she responded by arguing that it’s not contrary to the teaching of the Council of Florence!  Such a person is a liar, a heretic, and a false ‘Catholic’ devoid of the true faith of Jesus Christ.  A person like that cannot please God and is on the road to Hell.  That’s the case with the heretical priests you mention and those who cling to their positions.

That’s why this battle for the faith in the end-times is not just about rejecting the Vatican II sect, the end-times Counter Church, and an obvious apostate like Francis.  No, it’s also about the entire Catholic faith, and in a special way the Church’s dogmatic teaching on the necessity of the Catholic faith and Baptism.  The pathetic and wicked apostates of the CMRI are a prime example of how priests of the aforementioned groups have no faith.   They all believe that Jews, Muslims, etc., even those who reject Christ, can be saved.  They reject the Church's necessity and they are not remotely true believers, as the following information sent to us by a reader further illustrates.  Those who support or follow such unbelievers will be condemned.

Dear MHFM,

The email from Steven really touched my heart.  It’s sad when dying family members turn a deaf ear to the truth regarding the state of their souls.

It’s the same with my family.  Most are Protestant.  They refuse to believe there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church…

I once discussed this with a CMRI priest and to my utter shock he told me he does not evangelize outside of his church familyIf he encounters someone who is not Catholic he prays for them, but says nothing about the need to convert to the True Faith... As for Mother Teresa, two CMRI priests made known to me the need to pray for the repose of her soul.   Just plain bad will...

Your web-site has been a blessing.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us!.


Mother Teresa said that she loved all religions.  So, they believe that one can love idolatry, love the rejection of Christ, love false ecumenism, etc. and go to Heaven.  That’s diabolical.  Someone who believes that does not have a faith that can please God.  Since he doesn't believe that the Catholic faith is necessary, it's also not a surprise that the CMRI priest doesn't evangelize outside of his “church family”.  Their heresy corrupts everything about their spiritual lives.  The faithlessness of the aforementioned priests and groups is also reflected in the fact that many of them, if not almost all of them, don't believe we are in the last days, despite the overwhelming evidence and the significance of the current crisis.  Apparently they think we could have another 100 or 200 years of antipopes!  They are truly blind and faithless individuals.  Here are some important materials on the matter of the Church's teaching on salvation and Baptism, which is so frequently denied in these last days:

The Best Argument Against “Baptism of Desire” (article & video)

The Latin Text of the Oldest Surviving Papal Decree Rejects “Baptism of Desire” (article & video)

Outside The Catholic Church There Is Absolutely No Salvation (book)

Debate: Do ‘Baptism of Desire’ Traditionalist Priests Believe Souls Can Be Saved in False Religions? (video)

The Revealing Heresies in Msgr. Van Noort’s Pre-Vatican II Dogmatic Theology Manual (article)

Yes, the Apostasy Began Before Vatican II (article)


Pope Clement V, The Council of Vienne, 1311-1312: “Besides, only one baptism regenerating all who are baptized in Christ must be faithfully confessed by all just as ‘one God and one faith’ [Eph. 4:5], which celebrated in water in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit we believe to be the perfect remedy for salvation for both adults and children.”

Pope Eugene IV, The Council of Florence, “Exultate Deo,” Nov. 22, 1439: “Holy baptism, which is the gateway to the spiritual life, holds the first place among all the sacraments; through it we are made members of Christ and of the body of the Church. And since death entered the universe through the first man, ‘unless we are born again of water and the Spirit, we cannot,’ as the Truth says, ‘enter into the kingdom of heaven’ [John 3:5]. The matter of this sacrament is real and natural water.”

Pope Paul III, The Council of Trent, Can. 2 on the Sacrament of Baptism, Sess. 7, 1547: “Si quis dixerit, aquam veram et naturalem non esse de necessitate baptismi, atque ideo verba illa Domini nostri Iesu Christi: ‘Nisi quis renatus fuerit ex aqua et Spiritu Sancto’ [Io 3, 5] ad metaphoram aliquam detorserit: A.S.”

“If anyone should say that real and natural water is not necessary for baptism, and on that account should distort those words of Our Lord Jesus Christ: ‘Unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Spirit’ [John 3:5], into some metaphor: let him be anathema.”

Pope Paul III, The Council of Trent, Can. 5 on the Sacrament of Baptism, Sess. 7, 1547: “If anyone says that baptism [the sacrament] is optional, that is, not necessary for salvation: let him be anathema.”


Pope Paul III, Council of Trent, Sess. 5, On Original Sin: “… our Catholic faith, without which it is impossible to please God…”

Pope Pius IX, Vatican Council I, Session 2, Profession of Faith, 1870: “This true Catholic faith, outside of which none can be saved, which I now freely profess and truly hold…”

Pope Paul III, Sublimus Deus, May 29, 1537: “The sublime God so loved the human race that He created man in such wise that he might participate, not only in the good that other creatures enjoy, but endowed him with capacity to attain to the inaccessible and invisible Supreme Good and behold it face to face; and since man, according to the testimony of the sacred scriptures, has been created to enjoy eternal life and happiness, which none may obtain save through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, it is necessary that he should possess the nature and faculties enabling him to receive that faith; and that whoever is thus endowed should be capable of receiving that same faith. Nor is it credible that any one should possess so little understanding as to desire the faith and yet be destitute of the most necessary faculty to enable him to receive it. Hence Christ, who is the Truth itself, that has never failed and can never fail, said to the preachers of the faith whom He chose for that office 'Go ye and teach all nations.' He said all, without exception, for all are capable of receiving the doctrines of the faith…By virtue of Our apostolic authority We define and declare by these present letters… that the said Indians and other peoples should be converted to the faith of Jesus Christ by preaching the word of God and by the example of good and holy living.”

Council of Trent, Sess. 6, Chap. 3: “But though He died for all, yet all do not receive the benefit of His death, but those only to whom the merit of His passion is communicated; because as truly as men would not be born unjust, if they were not born through propagation of the seed of Adam, since by that propagation they contract through him, when they are conceived, injustice as their own, SO UNLESS THEY WERE BORN AGAIN IN CHRIST THEY WOULD NEVER BE JUSTIFIED, since by that new birth through the merit of His passion the grace by which they become just is bestowed upon them.”

Heretics who write on this matter often ignore the dogma that one must have THE CATHOLIC FAITH to be saved.  Remember, the Church doesn’t merely declare that one must be inside the Church to be saved.  It also declares that one must have the Catholic faith to be saved.  The two truths are inseparable, of course, but examining each aspect of this dogma becomes important when refuting heretics.  The supporters of BOD in our day ignore the dogma that one must have THE CATHOLIC FAITH to be saved simply because it’s impossible to twist their heretical view into language that comports with the dogma that no one is saved without the Catholic faith.  After all, how can one who is a ‘pagan’ (who doesn’t believe in Jesus Christ and the Trinity) also have the Catholic faith?  How can a pagan and a Catholic both be in the one Church? – the one Church, which, by definition, only has ONE FAITH AND ONE LORD?  It doesn’t make any sense.  So, the BOD heretics typically avoid the dogmatic pronouncements which declare that one must have the Catholic faith to be saved.  They also avoid the related dogma that one must be “born again in Christ” to be saved, for its absurd to argue that a person who is still a pagan or a Jew has been “born again in Christ”.  They thus prefer the language that one must merely have ‘supernatural faith’ to be saved.


On this point it’s very interesting to consider the comments of sedevacantist priests Anthony Cekada and Donald Sanborn.  In a theological discussion some months ago, they were asked whether an atheist can be saved.  The person who posed the question pointed out that their view on ‘baptism of desire’, ignorance, salvation, etc., according to some critics, requires them to believe that an atheist can be saved.  Sanborn, with Cekada agreeing, objected.  He asserted that an atheist cannot be saved because one must have ‘supernatural faith’ to be saved, and ‘supernatural faith’ absolutely requires, at the bare minimum, belief in God and that He’s a rewarder.  Sanborn emphasized that belief in those two dogmas (the existence of God and that He’s a rewarder) is what’s absolutely necessary for salvation, for without such belief an act of faith cannot be made.

So, according to them, the requirement to have ‘supernatural’ faith (a belief that God exists and that He is a rewarder) would exclude an atheist.  But notice what such an assertion reveals.  It reveals that their position does not exclude Jews, Muslims and many others from salvation: for Jews, Muslims and many other non-Catholics claim to believe that God exists and that He’s a rewarder.

In short, their position on ‘supernatural’ faith denies the dogma that ‘Catholic’ faith is what’s absolutely necessary for salvation.  They thus depart from the revelation of Jesus Christ and the dogmatic teaching of the Catholic Church on salvation.

The Son of God became man in order to redeem the world and reveal the Catholic faith.  The faith Jesus Christ came to reveal (the ‘Catholic’ or ‘universal’ Christian faith) is not merely a belief that 1) God exists and 2) that He’s a rewarder.  No, those truths were known in the Old Testament.  The Catholic faith, which the Lord Jesus Christ came to reveal, of course includes those truths (Hebrews 11:6).  But it also includes, in terms of its simplest components, a belief in Jesus Christ and the Holy Trinity.  If someone who wishes to be saved doesn’t know Jesus Christ and the Holy Trinity, he cannot have the Catholic faith.  That’s made clear in the dogmatic Athanasian Creed.

Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, Sess. 8, Nov. 22, 1439, ex cathedra: “Whoever wishes to be saved, needs above all to hold the Catholic faith; unless each one preserves this whole and inviolate, he will without a doubt perish in eternity.  But the Catholic faith is this, that we worship one God in the Trinity, and the Trinity in unity; neither confounding the persons, nor dividing the substance; for there is one person of the Father, another of the Son, another of the Holy Spirit, their glory is equal, their majesty coeternal…and in this Trinity there is nothing first or later, nothing greater or less, but all three persons are coeternal and coequal with one another, so that in every respect, as has already been said above, both unity in Trinity, and Trinity in unity must be worshipped.  Therefore let him who wishes to be saved, think thus concerning the Trinity.  But it is necessary for eternal salvation that he faithfully believe also in the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ…the Son of God is God and man…This is the Catholic faith; unless each one believes this faithfully and firmly, he cannot be saved…”

As we can see, the dogmatic teaching of the Church is not, as Sanborn, Cekada and countless other heretics teach, that one must simply believe that God exists and that He’s a rewarder.  No, a person who wishes to be saved must know Jesus Christ and believe in the Holy Trinity in order to have the Catholic faith and be saved.

John 17:3: “Now this is life everlasting, that they may know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.”

John 14:6: “Jesus saith to them: I am the way, and the truth, and the life.  No man cometh to the Father, but by me.”

Pope Paul III, Sublimus Dei, May 29, 1537: “The sublime God so loved the human race that He created man in such wise that he might participate, not only in the good that other creatures enjoy, but endowed him with capacity to attain to the inaccessible and invisible Supreme Good and behold it face to face; and since man, according to the testimony of the sacred scriptures, has been created to enjoy eternal life and happiness, which none may obtain save through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, it is necessary that he should possess the nature and faculties enabling him to receive that faith; and that whoever is thus endowed should be capable of receiving that same faith. Nor is it credible that any one should possess so little understanding as to desire the faith and yet be destitute of the most necessary faculty to enable him to receive it. Hence Christ, who is the Truth itself, that has never failed and can never fail, said to the preachers of the faith whom He chose for that office ‘Go ye and teach all nations.’ He said all, without exception, for all are capable of receiving the doctrines of the faith… By virtue of Our apostolic authority We define and declare by these present letters… that the said Indians and other peoples should be converted to the faith of Jesus Christ by preaching the word of God and by the example of good and holy living.”

They deny that dogma.  They are modernists.  (In fact, both of those men still actually condemn adherence to the Church’s dogmatic teaching, that no one can be saved without the Sacrament of Baptism, as “mortally sinful”.  That’s a further illustration of their heretical audacity.  The fact that the Catholic Church dogmatically teaches that no one is saved without rebirth of water and the Spirit in the Sacrament of Baptism is proven by the words of Jesus Christ, the Council of Florence, and numerous other things.)

The truth is that the Catholic faith (true, supernatural, saving faith in Jesus Christ and the Holy Trinity) is actually only received at Baptism, as the Church has always taught.  That’s how one is saved “through the faith.”  That’s why no one can be saved without Baptism.

Pope St. Damasus I, Council of Rome, 382, Canon 24:

Haec ergo est salus christianorum, ut credentes Trinitati, id est Patri et Fllio et Spiritui Sancto,(et) baptizati in ea, veram solam unam divinitatem et potentiam, maiestatem et substantiam eiusdem esse sine dubio credamus.

This then is the salvation of Christians, that believing in the Trinity, that is, in the Father, and in the Son, and in the Holy Spirit, and baptized in it, we believe without doubt that there is only one true divinity and power, majesty and substance of the same.” (Denz. 82)

Colossians 2:12- “… having been buried with him in baptismby which you were also raised with him through the faith [δι τς πίστεως]…”

Galatians 3:26-27- “For in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through the faith [διὰ τς πίστεως].  For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.”

Furthermore, in Van Noort's heretical book it is taught that a man could love God with “his whole heart”, and want to do everything required for salvation, and still be left in ignorance of Christ.  The notion that God would leave such a person in ignorance of Christ and the essential truths of the Catholic faith is contrary to the explicit teaching of Jesus Christ, as well as the position of the fathers and doctors of the Church:

John 10:14: “I am the good shepherd, and I know mine, and mine know me.”

John 10:16: “And other sheep I have, that are not of this fold: them also I must bringand they shall hear my voice, and there shall be one fold and one shepherd.”

John 18:37: “Everyone who is of the truth hears my voice.”

The Magisterium Is Free From Error

July 10, 2016

Bro. Peter Dimond

A supporter of the false traditionalist group, the Fraternity of St. Peter, recently wrote to us. His responses confirmed the sad fact that obstinate adherents of such groups don’t have the true faith. The man thinks that he believes in the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus while accepting Vatican II (which denies it) and even while professing that John Paul II is a ‘saint’. He is deceived. (This video explains and proves that by accepting the notorious idolater and proponent of false ecumenism John Paul II as a ‘saint’, while having a familiarity with his life, one actually worships false gods and denies the first commandment: We also found it interesting that in the exchanges the man referred to the notorious heretic Francis as ‘Bergoglio’. He prefers to distance himself from his apostate antipope when it’s convenient, even though he professes that Bergoglio is in the Church of Christ, has the true faith, and is the one to whom Catholics must submit.

His bad will was apparent throughout the exchanges. In the midst of those exchanges (among other problematic statements), the man expressed a heresy that is common among false traditionalists: that the Magisterium of the Church can become corrupted or can officially teach error. He wrote:

… In my assessment the Church has to clarify formally again and correct centuries of error on four points… Errors within all four of those domains not only have corrupted the magisterium of the Church but the entire natural order of the world…


His false position that the Magisterium can become corrupted or officially teach error is of course connected to his ongoing recognition of the false and corrupt Vatican II sect. Since he doesn’t accept Catholic teaching on the infallibility of the Magisterium and the Church’s freedom from error, he is comfortable with a pseudo-magisterium that consistently teaches heresy, false doctrine and leads people to Hell. In fact, the Vatican II sect’s false ‘magisterial’ teaching on matters such as ecclesiology and religious liberty has now spanned over 50 years. The Vatican II sect has set forth its false teaching repeatedly and consistently in various forms of official documents – ranging from encyclicals to ‘apostolic’ documents to an ‘ecumenical council’. Of course that’s impossible for the Catholic Church and for true popes. Indeed, the length of time that the Vatican II sect’s pseudo-magisterium has promulgated its false teaching is comparable to the span over which popes condemned religious liberty in papal encyclicals in the 19th century. If, according to the false traditionalists, popes can teach false doctrine in encyclicals for 50-plus years after Vatican II, why couldn’t the approximately 50-plus years of teaching against religious liberty in pre-Vatican II encyclicals also be false? It’s another illustration of the utter falsity of their position. In fact, if the Vatican II sect comes out with an official document addressed to the universal Church at this time, it’s likely that it will not only contain clear error but numerous blatant heresies (e.g. Amoris Laetitia and Evangelii Gaudium). That is a characteristic of a heretical sect, not the Catholic Church.

When someone actually believes and accepts the Catholic Church’s teaching that the Magisterium and the Church are free from error, that person will much more quickly recognize the true position: that the Vatican II sect is not the Catholic Church, and the Vatican II claimants to the Papacy are antipopes. Thus, understanding this teaching of the Church is very important. So, here are some quotes which set forth the Catholic Church’s teaching on the freedom of the Magisterium and the Catholic Church from error. True Catholics believe it; false traditionalists don’t.

Pope Pius XI, Divini Illius Magistri (#18), Dec. 31, 1929: “… God Himself made the Church a sharer in the divine magisterium and by His divine benefit unable to be mistaken.

LATIN: “… divini magisterii Ecclesiam fecit Deus ipse participem eamdemque divino eius beneficio falli nesciam.”

Pope Pius XI, Divini Illius Magistri (#16), Dec. 31, 1929: “To this magisterium Christ the Lord imparted immunity from error...”

LATIN: “Huic magisterio Christus Dominus erroris immunitatem impertivit...”

Pope Gregory XVI, Commissum Divinitus (# 4), May 17, 1835: “... the Church has, by its divine institution, the power of the magisterium to teach and define matters of faith and morals and to interpret the Holy Scriptures without danger of error.”

Pope Leo XIII, Caritatis Studium (#6) July 25, 1898: The Magisterium “could by no means commit itself to erroneous teaching.”

Pope Pius X, Editae Saepe (#8), May 26, 1910: “... only a miracle of that divine power could preserve the Church... from blemish in the holiness of Her doctrine...”

Pope Pius XI, Quas Primas (#22), Dec. 11, 1925: “... the perfect and perpetual immunity of the Church from error and heresy.”

Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum (# 9), June 29, 1896: “The practice of the Church has always been the same, and that with the consenting judgment [i.e. consensus] of the holy fathers who certainly were accustomed to hold as having no part of Catholic communion and as banished from the Church whoever had departed in even the least way from the doctrine proposed by the authentic magisterium.”

LATIN: "Idem semper Ecclesiae mos, idque sanctorum patrum consentiente iudicio: qui scilicet communionis catholicae expertem et ab Ecclesia extorrem habere consueverunt, quicumque a doctrina authentico magisterio proposita vel minimum discessisset.

Also, note here that the Church is infallible in its ‘authentic magisterium’. Pope Leo XIII declares that to deny teaching of the ‘authentic magisterium’ is to separate oneself from the Church. The position that the ‘authentic magisterium’ can contain error is common among false traditionalists. Even numerous sedevacantists, who follow the erroneous assertions of certain pre-Vatican II theologians, have adopted the inaccurate terminology that the ‘authentic magisterium’ constitutes teaching of the Roman Pontiff that can be mistaken. As we see above, no it does not. The authentic magisterium is the teaching authority of the Church which binds under pain of automatic expulsion from the society. It is therefore infallible. Some reply that this emphasis on the terms 'magisterium' and 'authentic magisterium' is just a matter of semantics, for everyone admits that not everything a Roman Pontiff says or teaches is infallible. No, it is not just a matter of semantics. Although it’s certainly true that not everything a Roman Pontiff utters or teaches is infallible or constitutes an actual/official teaching of the Magisterium, it’s very important to remain faithful to the Church’s language. When one remains faithful to the Church’s language that the Magisterium is free from error, one will naturally be driven to the truth and avoid many errors.

For example, if false traditionalist adherents of the Vatican II sect remained faithful to the Church’s language on the Magisterium, namely, that the Magisterium is free from error and that the authentic magisterium is infallible, it would be exceedingly difficult for them to even articulate a defense of their position. Just imagine how weak and inconsistent they’d appear when asserting that none of the Vatican II sect’s teaching on religious liberty, false ecumenism, etc. was ever promulgated by ‘the Magisterium’, even though it has been repeatedly propounded in official document after official document addressed to the universal Church, including in Vatican II, encyclicals, etc. Moreover, there are numerous quotes from the very authorities of the Vatican II sect which identify their own novel teaching as ‘magisterial’. Instead of dealing with that uncomfortable situation, the false traditionalists often decide to just run afoul of the Church’s language on the Magisterium, arguing that the Magisterium can teach error or even contradict itself. In this regard one thinks of the profession of faith published by the heretical and schismatic SSPX-MC, which boldly declared that the Catholic Church and the Vatican II sect have ‘two opposite Magisteria’ - in other words, that the Magisterium contradicts itself! This is of course heretical and schismatic nonsense. If the followers of such groups actually believed in, and remained faithful to, the Church’s language and teaching on the infallibility of the Magisterium (as shown above), they would quickly abandon their false and spiritually destructive position and reject the false traditionalist shepherds leading them into heresy.

These two videos also deal with this matter of the infallibility of the Magisterium and how it relates to refuting the position of false traditionalists and others in the Counter Church.

The Truth About The SSPX, The SSPX-MC, And Similar Groups (video)

Was Vatican II Infallible? (video)

Pope Gregory XVI, Mirari Vos (# 10), Aug. 15, 1832: “Therefore, it is obviously absurd and injurious to propose a certain ‘restoration and regeneration’ for her (the Church) as though necessary for her safety and growth, as if she could be considered subject to any failing health or dimming of mind or other misfortune.”

Pope Pius XI, Mortalium Animos (# 10), Jan. 6, 1928: “During the lapse of centuries, the mystical Spouse of Christ has never been contaminated, nor can she ever in the future be contaminated, as Cyprian bears witness: ‘The Bride of Christ cannot be made false to her Spouse: she is incorrupt and modest. She knows but one dwelling, she guards the sanctity of the nuptial chamber chastely and modestly.”

Pope Hadrian I, Second Council of Nicaea, 787: “… Christ our God, when He took for His Bride His Holy Catholic Church, having no blemish or wrinkle, promised he would guard her and assured his holy disciples saying, I am with you every day until the consummation of the world.”

Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, Session 9, March 23, 1440: “…the Spouse of Christ is uncontaminated and modest, knowing only one home, and she guards the sanctity of their marriage bed with chaste modesty.”

Pope St. Siricius, epistle (1) Directa ad decessorem, Feb. 10, 385: “And so He has wished the beauty of the Church, whose spouse He is, to radiate with the splendor of chastity, so that on the day of judgment, when He will have come again, He may be able to find her without spot or wrinkle [Eph. 5:27] as He instituted her through His apostle.”

The St. Benedict Medal Against The Devil (Testimonials)

May 6, 2016

st_benedict_medalDear Brothers, I read the e-exchange from Steve and wanted to share an experience with the medal of St. Benedict. Back in 2012, I gave a St. Benedict medal to my sister who was having a lot of trouble with her husband. His problems are the direct result of his deep seated contempt for God and years of indulgence in grave sin. Neither of them has embraced the faith although many attempts were made towards this end. Anyway, my sister put the medal on the microwave in her kitchen and forgot about it. It was that day that her husband went to retrieve something from the cabinet direction above where the medal sat. My sister later told me that he saw the medal and became very angry. He didn't touch it but yelled at her to get rid of it, that he didn't want it in the house. I don't know how much time passed but I presume it was very brief when I received a phone call from her. I could tell something was wrong. She asked me to come down right away to her place. I was certainly not expecting what happened next. There was blood all over the kitchen and on the floor in the living room and leading up the stairs. I've never seen my sister so frightened before. Apparently my brother-in-law had taken the large kitchen knife and slit the side of his neck near the throat. My first reaction was to pray to our Blessed Mother. I started praying the Hail Mary when at the same time I could hear an unnatural voice coming from upstairs. Brothers, the voice was not human. It was neither feminine nor masculine and certainly not the voice of my brother-in-law, who was crouched in front of the bedroom closet. At that point, my sister stood outside the bedroom and attempted to speak to him... the voice was threatening and extremely disturbing and my sister backed off. My focus was on praying the Hail Mary over and over again while getting my sister and her young children out of the house. 911 was called. All of this happened very quickly. Before I knew it, my brother-in-law appeared in the hallway. His appearance was unbelievably changed and he was speaking very blasphemous, filthy, perverted things - one of them directed at my young nephew who was not yet five years old. I remember very clearly his whole face seemed bloated and his head was larger than it normally is, his eyes had a black and threatening look to them - frenzied but frozen-like. His whole countenance was darkened. What disturbed me the most was the stiffness of his entire body and particularly his hands, which I don't think I can sufficiently describe. His hands were at his sides but they were turned abnormally and his fingers seemed frozen in an almost fist like position, but spread out. I have never seen anything like it. My brother-in-law was walking directly towards me, looking straight at me, and in that unnatural, demonic voice saying: "What are you? What are you?..." I went to open the door and he stepped in front... I kept silently invoking the Holy Mother of God, "Holy Mother of God, help me." I remember my sister opening the door from the outside and I got out very quickly... then he was kicking the door shut and pulling at it - as I said, all this happened very quickly. The police arrived and after sometime brought him out of the house and placed him in the ambulance. During this time I was in my sister's car praying the Hail Mary with the little ones. My sister never displayed any interest in the Catholic faith or spiritual things. That night she was praying. There is no doubt in my mind that my brother-in-law was manifesting a demonic spirit or spirits. My sister knew this because it was undeniable. I had seen her praying for the first time since we were very little children. Sadly, it was in the following days that my sister would become convinced through another sister and maybe others as well, that my brother-in-law was not possessed but that it was the side effect of medication. She had allowed herself to become convinced by others who had rejected God and had no idea what they were saying - they were not even present! Not once did anyone ask me what happened. In fact, no one mentioned anything to me concerning this. In fact, everyone continued on as if nothing happened (he continued to see a Novus Ordo therapist) but this tremendous wake-up call from God in permitting the demon to manifest itself was not without significance. Hell is real and the hatred that demons have for souls is indescribable. If God in His infinite mercy did not preserve us each moment of our lives, it's simply a fact that these totally depraved, evil spirits would shred us to pieces and pull our souls down to Hell where the demons are bound forever by the justice of God. How true it is that we must be grateful to God for His mercy towards us... and live the Catholic faith whole and inviolate. May a single day never pass without invoking the Blessed Virgin Mary. She protected us from harm.  She came to our aid and preserved us from destruction, both physical and spiritual. After reading Steve's email and recounting my own experience, I now have a better understanding and appreciation for the power of sacramentals - the St. Benedict medal and the Brown Scapular in particular - they are efficacious protections against evil spirits. Sincerely in Jesus through His most holy Mother Mary, Elisabeth
Brothers, This woman I know moved into a home with her husband. She said it sounds like stuff is falling over but nothing did... The people who lived there before her told her about the cat that runs up the stairs. She also videotaped and showed me an orb floating around her bathroom.  She said she woke up and saw an old lady in her room.  I gave her a St. Benedict medal to pin on the wall upstairs, and she said it’s so peaceful now and they can get some sleep.  No more crash, bangs, booms, spooky old ladies or freaky cats running around. She has your materials, books and DVD. Steve st_benedict
MHFM: It's also very important for people to pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.  How to Pray the Rosary [PDF]. THE HAIL MARY PRAYER Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.  Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.  Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.  Amen. Prayers to St. Benedict

‘Eucharistic Miracles’ in the New Mass? No.

December 13, 2015

... Greetings. I am a nineteen year old student from Sheffield, North England, studying at the University of Sheffield. I am a practicing Catholic, having begun my conversion from unbelief about two and a half years ago. I began watching your videos not so long after having begun my conversion, while I was still at a Novus Ordo church. I began by watching, if I remember correctly, the video comparing Benedict XVI and Alexander VI, and found it shocking. I moved onto your videos concerning salvation, and the errors of Vatican II and scandals of the Vatican II sect. Thank you for your work: I have found it most compelling and edifying.

I do have a few vexing questions I'd like to ask, though, before I would feel comfortable in fully accepting your positions...

[For example]: the invalidity of the Novus Ordo 'priesthood' and the invalidity of the New Mass. I would reject ordinations in the New Rite utterly if there weren't any apparent 'Eucharistic miracles', as there reportedly have been in a number of New Masses. We have the examples of Salt Lake and Buenos Aires. What would be the explanation for such happenings?

That's all I have for now. I hope you can find the time to respond.

God bless,

Joseph S. Clarke

MHFM: We’re glad that you came across the material.  People should be convinced of the positions we hold because they are based upon and proven by the teaching of the Church and the revelation of Jesus Christ.  If you sincerely pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently, and continue to look at the material, we believe you will become convinced of the positions.

To your question: With regard to so-called ‘Eucharist miracles’ at the New Mass, the answer is that there aren’t any.  The few that have been reported are definitely false signs and wonders of the Devil or simply false reports.  As an example of some of the false reports, a Novus Ordo publication stated:

Other recent reports of bleeding hosts have turned out to be false.  For instance, last May, several blogs showed a photograph of a bleeding host at St. Patrick Church in Rochelle, Ill.  At least one report even claimed the host had turned to flesh and blood.  The pastor, Father Johnson Lopez, confirmed to the Register that it was only bacteria.  “I truly believe in miracles, and an extraordinary miracle of the Eucharist would be a blessing for our community, but there was no miracle,” he said. (National Catholic Reporter)

Those that are not false reports are certainly false signs.  Sacred Scripture specifically warns us that such false signs and wonders will happen in the final days.  See 2 Thess. 2:9 and Matthew 24:24.

2 Thessalonians 2:9-12: “Whose coming is according to the working of Satan, in all power, and signs, and lying wonders, And in all seduction of iniquity to them that perish; because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.  Therefore God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying.  That all may be judged who have not believed the truth, but have consented to iniquity.”

Matthew 24:24-25: “Then if any man shall say to you: Lo here is Christ, or there, do not believe him.  For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect.  Behold I have told it to you, beforehandIf therefore they shall say to you: Behold He is in the desert, go ye not out: Behold He is in the closets, believe it not.

Moreover, our recent video on Magicians is very important to consider in this regard.  It proves that the Devil is capable of working major false signs.

The Devil can only do what God permits him to do, but God sometimes allows him to perform lying wonders to deceive people.  In fact, as the Magicians video shows, in many cases the signs worked by modern magicians are similar to those reported in the places you mention.  Satan can’t turn bread and wine into the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ, but he can make bread appear to bleed with regular blood as part of a false sign.  We also learn this from the story of the Exodus.

Exodus 7:19-22- “And Moses and Aaron did as the Lord had commanded: and lifting up the rod, he struck the water of the river before Pharao and his servants: and it was turned into blood.  And the fishes that were in the river died… And the magicians of the Egyptians with their enchantments did in like manner; and Pharao’s heart was hardened…”

That’s why one must always assess and judge these matters not by alleged signs and wonders, but by the teaching of Jesus Christ and His Church.  The teaching of the Magisterium must always be our guide.  It gives us the answer.  According to the Church’s teaching, the New Mass is certainly a false and invalid service because it lacks a valid form.  The New Rite of Ordination is also absolutely invalid based on Catholic teaching.  The evidence against both is overwhelming and irrefutable.  Moreover, the fruits of the New Mass are undeniably rotten and wicked.  Even without considering the dogmatic evidence against the validity of the New Mass, when one thinks of all its rotten fruits and of all the souls being led into sin there, does it make any sense that God would work a miracle at the New Mass?  No, it doesn’t.

God doesn’t work miracles to confirm people on a path to sin and Hell.  Rather, in this time of apostasy God has allowed the Devil, as a punishment for sin and unbelief, to work numerous false signs that mislead those who receive not the love of the truth.  Receiving not the love of the truth means resisting the true revelation of Jesus Christ and the teaching of the Magisterium.  It means not judging all things by that teaching and rule.  People who are not guided by the Magisterium are inclined to strange voices, to false doctrines, and to lying signs.  When they resist what God has revealed and His Church has taught, sometimes God will give them over, in a powerful way, to be convinced by (or subjected to) the aforementioned deceptions as a punishment for their dishonesty and unbelief.

Another example of lying signs would be the many false apparitions that have occurred all over the Vatican II sect (the end-times Counter Church) during this apocalyptic period.  Some of those false apparitions contain blatant heresies.  They have been used to defend or support absurd notions, such as that people who promote false ecumenism and idolatry are good and should be followed.  They are deceptions from Satan, just like any claim that there is a miracle in the New ‘Mass’.  The New Mass is a false and invalid service.  It is actually an abomination, and it must be avoided under pain of grave sin.

'Death Metal' crowd listened to 'Kiss the Devil' moments before being gunned down in Paris

November 16, 2015 reports:

These poignant photographs show jubilant fans at the Eagles Of Death Metal gig moments before they were massacred by... gunmen in Paris.

The pictures are clear enough to pick out individual faces in the crowd, some of whom were among the 89 victims slaughtered at the Bataclan Concert Hall on Friday night.

Some fans can been seen making the horn hand gesture that is popular within the heavy metal culture. Others are smiling for camera, raising their glasses or simply enjoying the music...



Dear Brothers,

The location with the highest numbers of casualties was the Bataclan Concert Hall where 89 people were killed. The people assembled at the concert were there to see a band called the Eagles of Death Metal. The song that the band was playing when the attack started is called "Kiss The Devil"... the lyrics are...:

Who'll love the Devil? Who'll song his song? Who will love the Devil and his song?

I'll love the Devil I'll sing his song I will love the Devil and his song

Who'll love the Devil? Who'll kiss his tongue? Who will kiss the Devil on his tongue?

I'll love the Devil I'll kiss his tongue I will kiss the Devil on his tongue

Who'll love the Devil? Who'll sing his song? I will love the Devil and his song

Who'll love the Devil? Who'll kiss his tongue? I will kiss the Devil on his tongue

Who'll love the Devil? Who'll sing his song? I will live the Devil and sing his song

As you can see, the lyrics of this song repeatedly say "I love the Devil" and many other disturbing and evil things.

God Bless, Erik

Quotes from St. Alphonsus Proving Sedevacantism, Refuting 'Invincible Ignorance'

August 15, 2015

The following are a few quotes which I wished to share... They are taken from a book by Saint Alphonsus de Liguori by the name of Verità della Fede, Truths of Faith. I found them interesting because of their contemporary relevance.

Saint Alphonsus condemned invincible ignorance as well as false religions and preached EENS

1. Introduzione: "... questi increduli moderni: e se mai taluno fosse rimasto abbagliato da' loro sofismi, apra gli occhi a riconoscere le verità della nostra Santa Fede, senza la quale non vi è speranza di salute."

1. Introduction: "... these modern incredulous: and if ever someone had remained blinded by their sophisms, that he open his eyes to recognise the truth of our Holy Faith, absent which there isn't hope of salvation."

2. Parte 2, Capitolo 1: "Ma perché, ... Iddio condannerà un infedele che ha ignorato invincibilmente il Vangelo? Si risponde che l'infedele si dannerà, non perché ha ignorato il Vangelo, ma per causa delle altre sue colpe. ... Il Cristiano fa bene, perché siegue una religione conforme a' dettami della natura e a' dogmi rivelati da Gesù Cristo; il Turco fa male, perché siegue una religione contraria alle leggi naturali ed alle verità rivelate, le quali perciò appunto sono dal Turco ignorate, perché non è vivuto secondo i lumi della natura. E quindi concludiamo che giustamente la religion Cristiana condanna la tolleranza delle altre religioni, ... "

2. Part 2, Chapter 1: "Yet why ... will God condemn an infidel who has invincibly ignored the Gospel? One responds that the infidel will himself, not because he ignored the Gospel, but due to his other faults. ... The Christian does well, because he follows a religion conformable with the dictates of nature and with the dogmas revealed by Jesus Christ; the Turk does bad, because he follows a religion contrary to the natural laws and the revealed truths, which are therefore indeed by the Turk ignored, because he has not lived according to the lights of nature. And thus we conclude that rightly the Christian religion condemns the tolerance of other religions, ... "

Saint Alphonsus confirmed sedevacantism

Parte 3, Capitolo 8: "... e se niuno degli Antipapi fosse stato vero, allora il Pontificato sarebbe finalmente vacato. ... se Dio permettesse che un Papa fosse notoriamente eretico e contumace, egli cesserebbe d'essere papa, e vacherebbe il Pontificato."

Part 3, Chapter 8: "... and if none of the Antipopes had been a true one, then the Pontificate would be finally vacated. ... if God permitted that a Pope were notoriously heretical and contumacious, he would cease to be Pope, and he would vacate the Pontificate."

Saint Alphonsus on Papal Infallibility

1. Parte 3, Capitolo 10: "Sono all'incontro infallibili, allorché parla, ... come dottore universale [2] della Chiesa [3], e definisce ex cathedra le controversie di Fede [1] o de' costumi, ... "

1. Part 3, Chapter 10: "They are on the contrary infallible, when he speaks, ... as the universal doctor [2] of the Church [3], and defines ex cathedra the controversies of Faith [1] and of customs, ... "

2. Parte 3, Capitolo 7: "... la prima sentenza, cioè che il Papa solo sia infallibile nelle sue definizioni ex cathedra, ... noi la teniamo per certa, ... "

2. Part 3, Chapter 7: "... the first sentence, that is that the Pope alone be infallible in his definitions ex cathedra, ... we hold as certain, ... "


I have sought this book in English but I fear that it is not available. This book is mighty, for it is a sound refutation of materialists, deists, heretics and schismatics... It deals with the false concept of evolution, Judaism, Mohammedanism, Protestantism and the Papacy. It was written in the mid-eighteenth century, when the venom of liberalism was beginning to circulate and spread amongst the faithful and eventually, alas, even the clergy, giving rise, as you wrote, to the great apostasy. The book in Italian can be found here:

Faithfully yours in Christ and Mary (today foremost),


Interesting Quotes in St. Alphonsus’ Book, The History of Heresies & Their Refutation

Yes, the Apostasy Began Before Vatican II

August 10, 2015

Dear Most Holy Family Monastery,

What is this... Charles... talking about? Did he even read the article?... I find his claim that he is able to discern true Catholic doctrine because he was "indoctrinated in the faith before the second Vatican Council" and "trained by priests and nuns" for 6 years - whatever that means - to be extremely arrogant...

But why I find this interesting is because he has the same attitude as every BOD ['baptism of desire'] and invincible ignorance supporter I have encountered: everything was perfectly fine in the Catholic Church before Vatican II - that is, there were no modernists or heretics - and then all of a sudden out of nowhere all of these heresies came into being in 1962, and virtually all of these Catholics, who were orthodox beforehand, suddenly apostatized. What complete nonsense.

In Mary, Curtis

Bro. Peter Dimond

Yes, the failure to recognize that the apostasy was well in place in the years before Vatican II is a major reason many cannot see the full truth, especially on the key doctrines of salvation and Baptism.  A belief in those truths is essential to a possession of actual, strong supernatural faith.  Such a faith is necessary to please God and see things as they are.  Certainly the false election of the Freemason Antipope John XXIII, and the revolutionary robber council (Vatican II), was the formal inauguration of a Counter Church.  However, the position that it’s safe to follow what was generally taught and believed in the 1940s or 1950s under Pius XII – a position of many BOD sedevacantists – is naïve and totally wrong.

Their position isn’t even logical.  For example, many of them admit that the bishops at Vatican II were modernist revolutionaries.  We even heard one obstinate BOD heretic (who is a sedevacantist) say that, in his view, most or all of the Vatican II bishops lost their offices before 1965.  Well, if they lost their offices before 1965, they of course became heretics at some point before 1965.  In most cases it would have been numerous years before Vatican II.

Even though an individual can become a heretic in a flash for rejecting Catholic teaching, to reach a point where most or all of the bishops were modernist revolutionaries at Vatican II (men who were willing to even praise false religions) would require a number of generations.  In fact, the most logical assessment is that it would take about 100 years (which is a few generations) to reach a point where bishops universally accepted false ecumenism, etc.  It would take that much time because the heresies that undermined and weakened belief in the necessity of Catholicism would first need to be adopted by a certain number of teachers (e.g. bishops or priests).  They would then need to circulate the heresy (or heresies) in seminaries, theological manuals, catechisms, etc.  This would be a gradual process.  The new false teaching (or teachings) would then have to be adopted by more bishops, parish priests, and laypeople.  That would take time.  The laypeople and priests who accepted and embraced the heresy would then need to pass them on to the children, who, after they grew up, would circulate the heresy to more people.

That’s how the process would have to play out.  It would therefore have required a number of generations for the apostasy in evidence at Vatican II to have become almost universal.  That means the apostasy really started to get rolling in a serious way around the mid-19th century.  Regrettably, Pius IX’s weak and fallible statements on salvation were a huge reason for that.  At that time, and largely as a result of his statements, people started to teach that non-Catholics can be saved by ‘ignorance,’ and it was gradually adopted by more and more priests.

By the time the 1930s and 1940s came around almost all the priests were holding serious heresies on salvation and were total modernists and heretics.  Most of them believed, for instance, that Jews who reject Christ can be saved (e.g. Fr. Denis Fahey).  (By the way, someone who believes that Jews who reject Christ can be saved has no faith.  That person cannot please God even if he offers or attends the traditional Mass every day of his life).  In fact, it’s interesting that numerous sedevacantists (who deny Catholic dogma on salvation) admit that the liturgical revolution began before Vatican IINumerous sedevacantist priests don’t even use the liturgical rites that were in place under Pius XII before Vatican II (e.g. the Holy Week changes).  That represents a serious contradiction in their position on the allegedly binding nature of other non-infallible, pre-Vatican II acts, by the way.  They consider the pre-Vatican II liturgical changes to be an example of the growing modernist revolution.  As a result, they reject them.  Well, if they can recognize that the liturgical rebellion was active in the decades before Vatican II, why can’t they see that the theological rebellion was also in place at that time?

To a degree they recognize that a significant theological problem existed under Pius XII, Pius XI, and even earlier popes.  However, they fail to identify the most important manifestations of that problem.  For instance, sedevacantist Bishop Donald Sanborn (with Cekada agreeing) stated that it was “the negligence of those three pontificates [Benedict XV, Pius XI, and Pius XII]” that caused Vatican II.  Such an admission confirms our central point on this matter: i.e. that heresies on salvation and Baptism were abounding in seminaries, theological manuals, etc. well before Vatican II.  However, the aforementioned BOD heretics are sadly blind to that aspect of the problem.  They believe (and even impose) the very modernist heresies on salvation that were taught in fallible sources during that period.  They don't recognize the necessity of strictly adhering to dogmatic definitions on salvation, rather than what was circulated in 'approved' theological manuals, etc. during the period of growing modernism before Vatican II.  They operate as if the teaching on salvation dominant in that period is a perfect reflection of what the Church always taught when, in fact, it was the most insidious form of the rising modernism and the real cause of Vatican II.

By following the false and heretical teaching on Baptism and salvation that was circulated by ‘approved’ priests and bishops in those years before Vatican II, they are actually following the modernist revolution.  Therefore, if you encounter sedevacantists who really push the teaching on salvation or Baptism in the theological manuals, catechisms, etc. put out in the decades before Vatican II (rather than the dogmatic definitions), know that those people are still misinformed or deceived, even though they recognize the problems with the post-Vatican II sect.  They don't have a true view of the faith and what has transpired.  If they simply accepted the proclamations of the dogmatic definitions on salvation and Baptism, they would receive the grace to see the situation as it is.  But so many are left in the dark for resisting the truth of Catholic dogma (i.e. faithlessness) and bad will.

Moreover, if people don’t understand that Pius XII was not a strong pope, but a terrible one who allowed modernism to flourish, they won’t have the correct view of the Church in our time.  Some of the aforementioned facts are why Popes Pius XI and Pius XII are certainly the first two of the seven kings prophesied in the Apocalypse.  Their actions in a number of ways (not just their failure to promptly consecrate Russia) enabled the new pagan Europe (the prophesied end-times Beast) to eventually rise.  There are numerous interesting new points we hope to cover on that matter as time permits.  They fit in precisely with (and further confirm) what’s covered in our videos on the Apocalypse.

The Latin Text of the Oldest Surviving Papal Decree Rejects “Baptism of Desire” (video)

The Revealing Heresies in Msgr. Van Noort’s Pre-Vatican II Dogmatic Theology Manual (article)

The Best Argument Against “Baptism of Desire” (video)

Outside the Catholic Church There is Absolutely No Salvation (book)

Wisconsin storm strikes and damages every house on the block except the one displaying a statue of Mary

July 14, 2015


A woman I know that lives in Columbus, WI, a small town just 15 min from me said her town looks like a war zone with lots of damage due to a storm that produced 90-110 mph winds there the other night.  She told me that the house next to her wasn’t even touched even though all the other houses on her block were.  I asked if her neighbor had a St. Mary statue in her yard, and she said yes…  Ha, there’s your answer.  She also said she’s going to get one too now.  I gave her some material and your website.


On the parallels between The Great Western Schism and The 1958 Conclave

July 11, 2015

Rafael Centeio

One of the parallels that MHFM points out between the Great Western Schism and the period after the death of Pius XII is that in both cases there is an antipope who took the name of John XXIII, who reigned from Rome and summoned a false council in the third year of his anti-pontificate.  The parallel is striking.  Perhaps you already noticed, but there are at least four other parallels between the two periods that in my opinion cannot be of coincidence:

1 - In both cases, the rejection of the validly-elected pope (Urban VI in the GWS and Cardinal Siri in the 1958 conclave) is the result of a conspiracy of a group of French cardinals.
Great Western Schism - «Were Urban now to succeed in creating an Italian majority in the Sacred College, the return of the Holy See to its dependence in France would be greatly deferred, if not indeed altogether prevented. [The King of France,] Charles V… secretly encouraged the Cardinals, promising them armed assistance… Confident in his powerful support, the thirteen Cardinals assembled at Anagni, on the 9th August 1378… declaring Urban's election to have been invalid…» (Ludwig von Pastor, The History of the Popes, Vol. I, Book I, p. 126-127)
1958 Conclave - «On the fourth ballot, according to FBI sources, Siri again obtained the necessary votes and was elected supreme pontiff. But the French cardinals annulled the results, claiming that the election would cause widespread riots and the assassination of several prominent bishops behind the Iron Curtain [Communist Soviet Union].» (Paul L. Williams, The Vatican Exposed, Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 2003, pp. 90-92. quoted in: The Cardinal Siri Election in Brief )
2 - In both cases there is confusion among the crowd about the election.
Great Western Schism - «Great confusion was occasioned by a misunderstanding which occurred after the election. The crowd forcibly broke into the Conclave…» (The History of the Popes, Vol. I, Book I, p. 118)
1958 Conclave - «The scene around the Vatican was one of incredible confusion(…) The crowd waited in agony of suspense.» (The Houston Post, October 27, 1958, Section 1, pages 1 & 7.; quoted in: The Cardinal Siri Election in Brief )
3 - In both cases there was a maneuver to appease the crowd.

Great Western Schism - «… the Cardinals, dreading to inform them [the crowd] of the election of Prignano [Urban VI]… persuaded the aged Cardinal Tibaldeschi to put on the Papal Insignia and allow the populace to greet him.» (The History of the Popes, Vol. I, Book I, p. 118-119)

1958 Conclave - «Clouds of smoke were caught in search lights trained on the Sistine Chapel chimney. ‘Bianco! Bianco!’ roared many in the crowd. ‘White, white.’ (…) Chigi...  told newsmen later he would arrange to have the cardinals informed of Sunday’s smoke confusion in the hope that something can be done to remedy the situation Monday.» (The Houston Post, October 27, 1958, Section 1, pages 1 & 7)

4 - In both cases, the world was later misinformed about the truth of the election:

Great Western Shism - «On the 20th September they informed the astonished world that the true Pope had been chosen in the person of Robert of Geneva, now Clement VII.» (The History of the Popes, p. 127)

1958 Conclave -  «… but something strange had occurred inside the Sistine Chapel which prevented the newly elected Pope from appearing, and which left the crowd – and the waiting world – confused and bewildered.  It was only two days later that Angelo Roncalli [John XXIII] was elected.» (MHFM — The Cardinal Siri Election in Brief )

I am almost sure that there are other parallels that could be identified, but the point is that, in my opinion, God allowed things to happen in such a way that the Great Western Schism would stand in history as a prefigurement of the Final Schism on the final days.  And as the fulfillment is always greater than the prefiguration, while the latter was the Western Schism, the former is an almost universal one.

Also, these parallels, if really intended by God, further show that the false resistance groups like the SSPX are deluded and dead wrong in considering the Vatican II line of antipopes as the legitimate popes, by reason of their failure to understand the situation in which we are living that stems from their bad will.  To be consistent, one must recognize that as in the Western Schism there was a line of antipopes, in the Final Schism there must be one also — and a worse one.  Their false resistance will never bring good fruit because it is not founded in truth.


Rafael Centeio

Pagan Europe: Demonic Lady Gaga Sings Blasphemous 'Imagine' Song To Open European Games

June 12, 2015

The anti-God agenda of the European Union movement has found another confirmation when today Lady Gaga sang the opening song to the new "European Games".

She sang "Imagine" by John Lennon, one of the most blasphemous songs ever written.  She sang "imagine there is no heaven," "imagine there is no hell," and when she sang "imagine there is no religion" she laughed. What does this God-mocking song have to do with sports?

The symbolism is stunning.

You can see it here: [short version] or here: [long version]

The European games are organized by the European Olympic Committees, which have their headquarters in Rome...

Thank you for all the work you do,


Update On Opening Ceremony Of The European Games: It Also Featured A Woman Riding On A Beast

Prophecy indeed corresponds to reality.

Of course, the Opening of the New European Games also featured a woman riding on a beast:

The full "woman on a beast" performance is here after 1:33:00:



Is the World about to End? (2nd Edition)

The Antichrist Revealed: The Beast that Was, and Is Not, Has Returned

“Saint” John Paul II Exposed

Antipope Francis Appoints Pro-Homosexual Activist And The Counter Church Expresses Apocalyptic Wonder

Help Most Holy Family Monastery Reach More People

January 7, 2015

Billboard, Outreach

I really appreciate the new DVDs. If you buy them in bulk it is so easy to evangelize. You can just set them on people's doorstep and pretty soon many more people have been exposed to the information. It is important for people to hand out those DVDs.

Sincerely, William

… thank you for sending me a copy of the new DVD.  I'm sure it will accomplish much good and I hope to purchase more copies to give away in the future.  The amount of effort your monastery puts out to spread the True Faith puts all of the other 'traditionalist' groups out there to shame.  What you have managed to accomplish in the way of evangelizing is more than these others have done COMBINED!  That's a fact, and it says a lot when you consider the size of groups such as the SSPX and the amount of funds they receive from their supporters.  And yet your monastery, though small in comparison, has been consistent in running ads, erecting billboards, distributing large amounts of material practically for free, creating videos on YouTube, etc.  It shows that your priorities are definitely in the right place while the false traditionalists seem to really care less about their fellow man, just as long as they have chapels, vestments, etc.  Of course, that's not a bad thing in itself, but when we live in times of such spiritual desolation of countless millions from the traditional Catholic faith, our main priority should be trying to truly convert people to it.  All else is secondary.  God bless you, Brothers.


Thanks for the interest.  Some people were very excited about the billboard we recently put up last summer in California (picture and description).  Well, we were able to purchase that billboard for more than an entire month for only $3,500.  That’s a tremendous deal when one considers that it’s on one of the most congested spots of one of the busiest highways in the country (the 405), where an estimated 723,000 people see the billboard each week.  That deal (or one that’s essentially equivalent) might be available to us in the future as well.  There are unsold remnant billboard spots available all over the country that can be purchased.  It was the first time we ever ran a billboard.  However, almost all of our outreach has been in other areas.  Over the last around nine years we have run numerous national TV ads, national radio ads, internet ads, and direct mailings.  Many people have found the true faith as a result of these and similar efforts.  (In fact, many of the people reading this probably found our material as a result of one of those things.)  We have also offered our material for extremely low prices so that people can easily give out free copies to others.  For example, there are approximately 380,000 copies of the Padre Pio book in circulation.  We only have about 20,000 copies left.  We will need to do another large run of those books soon.  We only have 5,000 copies left of the book on UFOs.  That’s another book we will need to reprint.

We also want to thank those few true Catholics who have zeal to distribute our information and contribute in the most critical mission to help save souls.  We continue (on a daily basis) to reach people with internet ads.  In fact, millions have come to our website from our internet ads alone.  We would like to run more national TV and radio ads, as well as billboards.  Unfortunately, due to the amount of funding we receive (if something doesn't change this year), we will have to focus our advertising outreach only to certain areas.  Therefore, the number of those who will find out about the crucial information we make available will be limited.  Many people who have discovered our material are happy and satisfied that they have seen the truth.  They like the information, but unfortunately they lack the zeal and the true charity to evangelize their family members, friends, people they run into, etc.  Many of them don't distribute free DVDs (the 9 in 1 DVD is recommended for distribution to random individuals), give out the website or help us financially so that we could give others the opportunity to come to the knowledge of the truth.  In other words, they use the information themselves but don't really do much or anything to help the cause.  They are hearers of the word, not doers of the word (James 1:22).  That's a primary reason that very few are saved (Matthew 7:13): i.e. they don’t really care about other people, but mainly about themselves.  (Also, as we've mentioned numerous times in the past, if people are supporting any of the other groups which unfortunately embrace false positions or teach heresies - which is basically all of them - they will lose their souls.)  So, we don't ask people who are struggling or in debt to help us, but people who have the financial ability and stability to do so.  But if something doesn’t change dramatically in the very near future, we may be shutting down one of our 24 hour answering services.  That's the answering service we have been using for our national TV and radio ads.   If that happens, all possible future national TV and radio ads will end.  And if that happens, we will most likely not be running any more billboards either.

Bro. Michael Dimond

Related: The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) to receive 40 million dollars for their heretical seminary project

Billboard we put up last summer in California

National TV AD we ran (which would be updated with a new 12-in-1 DVD we are working on if we ran it in the future)

1 Timothy 2:15 Confounds Protestants

November 17, 2014

Dear Brothers, I had a discussion which didn't end well with a protestant who happens to be my roommate for a period of 3 weeks. It concerned family planning. He holds that artificial family planning is not sinful. He also said that "it is sinful to give birth when you know you cannot take care of the child".  It’s obvious he failed to realize that it is God who opens and shuts the womb and that a woman shall be saved "THROUGH" child bearing, even when I tried to prove that from Scripture.  He lost complete trust in God and fails to realize the sinfulness of his position.  When I brought up 1 Tim. 2:15, his version (the King James version) read: "she shall be saved 'IN' child bearing" instead of "THROUGH" child bearing.  He argued that the verse teaches that a woman will be saved from death when giving birth if she perseveres in faith, love sanctification & sobriety (i.e. when IN is used).  I told him that it may be a mistranslation in his version.  I tried to give him example of some mistranslations in the KJV, like the one of John 3:36, but he wouldn't accept that because I could not provide the Greek version to prove that it is "THROUGH" not "IN".  That is why I need your help on this.  Looking forward to your response. May God bless your work.



Referring to “woman” (as mentioned in 1 Timothy 2:14), the Greek text for 1 Timothy 2:15 says “σωθήσεται” (she will be saved) “διά” (through/by means of) “τῆς τεκνογονίας” (the childbearing).  In this verse “διά” clearly means “through” or “by means of.”

1 Timothy 2:15- “Yet she [the woman] will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control.”

The Textus Receptus, the Greek text upon which the King James Bible was based, says the same.

1 Timothy 2:15, Textus Receptus: “σωθήσεται δ δι τς τεκνογονίας ἐὰν μείνωσιν ἐν πίστει καὶ ἀγάπῃ καὶ ἁγιασμῷ μετὰ σωφροσύνης.”

Therefore, the Greek text clearly says that the woman will be saved “through” or “by means of” childbearing. (By the way, the English translation of 1 Tim. 2:15 in the King James Bible, which has “saved in childbearing,” was not necessarily a mistranslation.  That’s because, as someone else pointed out, in the English used at the time the King James Bible was written, the preposition “in” had a wider application than it does in English today.  At that time, the preposition “in” was commonly used to mean “by” or “by means of.”  Regardless, the original Greek of 1 Timothy 2:15 says that “she will be saved through childbearing.”)

Obviously, this verse refutes Protestant theology in a number of ways.  Many Protestants even admit that it’s an extremely difficult verse for them to understand.  When confronted with 1 Tim. 2:15 in a debate, one Protestant did not even attempt to explain it.  He simply said that “it’s quite mysterious.”  Another well-known Protestant named William D. Mounce stated concerning the verse: “V 15 is certainly one of the strangest verses in the New Testament.”  (Pastoral Epistles, Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2000, 143.)

They find it troubling, mysterious, and strange simply because it completely contradicts their false theology.  First, by teaching that a woman must continue in faith and holiness to be saved, it clearly teaches that someone who has the faith (i.e. a justified Christian) could lose salvation.  That refutes the idea of once saved always saved.  Second, by teaching that a woman’s actions will be a factor in whether she attains salvation (and therefore whether she maintains justification), the verse refutes the idea of justification by faith alone.

The Bible teaches that women are saved through childbearing because, for most women, fulfilling their state of life as wives and mothers, in accordance with the true faith, is what they must do in order to be saved.  By fulfilling their state of life they will be saved – if they continue in [true] faith and love and holiness, with self-control.”  The verse also emphasizes the importance of being open to children – a powerful reminder of how God condemns all forms of birth control.  That vexes Protestants as well, for almost all modern Protestants accept or practice some form of birth control.  Protestants’ acceptance of birth control is another clear proof that they don’t have the true Christian faith.  Here are two videos which demonstrate how both the Bible and the Catholic Church forbid all forms of birth control under pain of mortal sin.

Birth Control is Condemned in the Bible (video)

Natural Family Planning: A Birth Control Deception (video)

Since the person with whom you are conversing seems to be inclined to King James Onlyism, he should definitely see this video.  It covers a number of very important matters relevant to the history of the King James Bible, Bible translations, and the text of Scripture.

Is the King James Bible Infallible? (video)

Here are some other relevant videos.

Protestants Err on “The Golden Chain of Redemption” (video)

The Key to John 3:16 – An important Video Refuting the Protestant Position on Justification (video)

Justification Debate with a Reformed Protestant  (video)

Can a Christian Lose Salvation? – 1 Corinthians (video)

Are Catholic Statues Idolatrous?

September 15, 2014

… I recently read some of the post in your website and I have started it when I found a video in YouTube entitled Is the World about to End? And after that I tried to read interesting topics on your site. By the way, I was raised as a Catholic when I was young but I am not sure what kind I belong to since I’ve read that there's a traditional and new one (I am not that familiar with all the technicalities, sorry about that). Again, I was raised as a Catholic but I’ve been missing church masses for some reasons. One of the reasons is the one I am about to tell you. Anyway, I have written this, and I've been meaning to ask this particular question to any Catholic member since it has been a looming over me for a very long time - is there any passage in the Bible that pertains to adoration (I'm not sure of the word I’ve use because I don't want to use the word worship) of religious images and sculptures. Do you have any video on it that clearly answers and explain this one?

Most of the Catholic churches I've been to in our country have this, on varying sizes and kinds.

I have this feeling inside me, that it is wrong, and most of the times it really creeps me out especially the big ones. It felt like believing in these man-made statues is like idolatry stated in Exodus. Many people go to them, kneel and pray for them, take care and dress them, and wipe their towels over them as if it would perform a miracle of some sorts. Most of the Catholics said it is mere representation of whom we pray for but (I would contest) Jesus did not bow his head to any statues just to pray to our Father or any man before him, so why do people need to do it now. It felt like this practice has been misleading us. Correct me if I am wrong to think of this matter.

My mother has few of these statues at home (Sto. Ninos, Mother Mary) and lately it bothers me… I hope you could clarify to me about your stand on religious images and statues, looking forward to it.

Thank you very much. God Bless.

Sincerely yours, Rheyan L

MHFM: We’re glad that you came across the material. No, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is completely Christian. However, Jesus Christ is not present in the Novus Ordo, as our material explains. Your problem on the issue arises because you are not convinced of Catholic teaching on the Eucharist. A properly consecrated Eucharist is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ. That’s very clear from the teaching of Jesus Christ and the Bible (see John chapter 6). It was held by the entire early Church. Therefore, the Eucharist should be adored. Your position is inconsistent with that truth of Christianity. You need to see our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church. It has a section on the overwhelming biblical proof for Catholic teaching on the Eucharist.

With regard to images and statues, your position is not correct.

First, what God forbids and condemns is the adoration of statues/images themselves, and the making of statues/images of idols and false gods.

Deuteronomy 5:8-9- “You shall not make to thyself a graven thing, nor the likeness of any things, that are in heaven above, or that are in the earth beneath, or that abide in the waters under the earth. You shall not adore them, and you shall not serve them.…”

Notice that God says: you shall not adore them or serve them. That’s the key. He forbids making statues or images to adore them or to adore idols, creatures, false gods, etc. But He does not forbid using religious statues or images in His true faith and religion. In fact, He commanded religious statues to be made for his temple and they are approved in numerous places in the Bible.

Exodus 25:18-19- “And you shalt make two cherubim of gold, of beaten work shalt you make them, in the two ends of the mercy seat. And make one cherub on the one end, and the other cherub on the other end: even of the mercy seat shall you make the cherubim on the two ends thereof.”

God specifically commands the making of two statues of cherubim. Cherubim are angels. This obviously refutes the idea that making statues or using religious images is forbidden. Such an idea is a total misrepresentation of the teaching of Sacred Scripture, which forbids them with reference to the idolatrous adoration of creatures, idols and false gods. Other passages in the Bible where we see references to God’s command to make statues for true religious purposes are: Exodus 26:1; 1 Kings 6 (3 Kings 6 in some versions); and 1 Kings 7:25-36 (3 Kings 7:25-36 in some versions).

We also find God commanding the use of an image to cure people – an image which, at first thought, some would find surprising. God commanded Moses to make an image of a serpent for the people to look upon and be healed.

Numbers 21:8- “And the Lord said unto Moses, make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looks upon it, shall live.”

Third, when Catholics honor an image, trust is not placed in the image itself. Rather, we honor the one represented by the image by means of the image.

Council of Trent, Sess. 25, Decree on Sacred Images: “Moreover, that the images of Christ, of the Virgin Mother of God, and of the other saints are to be placed and retained especially in the churches, and that due honor and veneration is to be given them; not, however, that any divinity or virtue is believed to be in them by reason of which they are to be venerated, or that something is to be asked of them, or that trust is to be placed in images, as was done of old by the Gentiles who placed their hope in idols; but because the honor which is shown them is referred to the prototypes which they represent, so that by means of the images which we kiss and before which we uncover the head and prostrate ourselves, we adore Christ and venerate the saints whose likeness they bear. That is what was defined by the decrees of the councils, especially of the Second Council of Nicaea, against the opponents of images.”

The Bible also teaches that even the relics of saintly people are venerated and can be miraculous. See Acts chapter 19:11-12 concerning the miraculous handkerchiefs of St. Paul, and 2 Kings 2:13-14 concerning the miraculous cloak of Elijah.

Acts 19:11-12- “And God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul: So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them.”

2 Kings 2:13-14- “He picked up the cloak that had fallen from Elijah and went back and stood on the bank of the Jordan.  Then he took the cloak that had fallen from him and struck the water with it… When he struck the water, it divided to the right and to the left, and he crossed over.”

So, the Catholic position on the proper use of religious images, statues and relics is not contrary to the Bible.  It is the truly biblical view.

Moreover, you mention that you were raised a ‘Catholic.’ You were actually raised in the Vatican II sect. That’s not the true Catholic Church. It doesn’t teach or represent the true Catholic faith. Its New Masses are invalid and the sect is empty. That’s a big reason why you and so many others were not inclined to be more interested in what it has to ‘offer.’ It’s crucial that you consult the material on our site, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day, and take the steps to embrace the traditional Catholic faith.

For more, see our book The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church, our Refuting Protestantism section and our future materials on these matters.

A Billboard We Put Up in California

August 7, 2014

This is a billboard we are currently running on one of the busiest highways in the country (Interstate 405).  It’s right outside Los Angeles, CA.  The billboard started on July 10, 2014.  It’s estimated that 723,000 people see the billboard each week.  Donations can help us put up more billboards across the country so that people find the truth.

Billboard California

Subject: Spotted

Dear Brothers,

I was driving down the 405/110 freeway in Los Angeles CA when I spotted a billboard with your web address. I so so pleased to see it. California is experiencing such demonic actions… The people need to know the truth. Thank you for your time.

GOD bless you and the work you do.

Maria Reed

Subject: I saw one of your signs off of the 405 Fwy in CA!

Dear Dimond Brothers –

I was very happy to see your signage. I hope people will go to your website. I think it was easily viewable from the Southbound 405.



Baby with fatal heart defect miraculously kept alive until Baptism

May 11, 2014

Dear Brothers:

My husband and I know and agree with the information you have provided and I want to thank you for making available the truths about what the Catholic Church really teaches and preaches, especially regarding Baptism.   Last fall, I became pregnant for the eleventh time, and shortly after discovering the pregnancy, I started bleeding heavily.  I thought I had lost the baby, but I was wrong.   I started offering our daily rosary for the intention that God would allow my child to live long enough to be born and baptized (knowing how important Baptism is).  Shortly afterwards, my bleeding and cramping went away and I thought that our new son was growing and developing normally.  Early in April, we found out that our baby had a fatal heart defect.  His heart became so enlarged that there was no room for his lungs to develop normally.   I renewed my request, this time invoking Jesus, Mary as well as Joseph, asking that God would allow my baby to be born alive so he would have a chance to be baptized.  Our prayers were answered this past weekend, with our newest son, Matthew George Roy being born on the morning of May 10.  My husband baptized him immediately, and right after the baptism, the nurse told me that his heart had just quit.  Looking at our son, knowing how bad his heart was and that he had virtually no lung tissue to breathe with, it was a miracle that he did not die before he was born.   Both the doctor and nurse told me that his heart was beating at the time of his baptism.   God kept him alive until he could be baptized, then He took him to heaven.  Please don't stop teaching and telling people the grave importance of water baptism, for if desire were sufficient to attain eternal life, God would have taken our son last winter.

Your videos and audios are a welcome change from the garbage one is normally exposed to on the radio, TV and computer.  I am looking forward to listening to your past and future videos and audios.

God bless you now and always. Brenda Roy

Antipope Francis falsely teaches that all are children of God

January 2, 2014

On Jan. 1 Francis urged people to accept each other’s differences and for enemies to recognize that they are brothers — a New Year’s Day service dedicated to world peace.  “We are all children of one heavenly father, we belong to the same human family and we share a common destiny,” Francis said, speaking from his studio window overlooking St. Peter’s Square, jammed with tens of thousands of faithful, tourists and Romans.  “This brings a responsibility for each to work so that the world becomes a community of brothers who respect each other, accept each other in one’s diversity, and take care of one another,” Francis said.



This is contrary to Catholic teaching.  Not all men are children of God.  Antipope Francis clearly doesn't have the first clue about Catholic teaching.  Two quotes suffice to prove the point.  More could be given.

Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum (# 16), June 29, 1896: “Let such as these take counsel with themselves, and realize that they can in no wise be counted among the children of God, unless they take Christ Jesus as their Brother, and at the same time the Church as their mother.”

Pope Leo XII, Ubi Primum (# 22), May 5, 1824: “In reference to these words St. Augustine says: ‘Whoever is without the Church will not be reckoned among the sons, and whoever does not want to have the Church as mother will not have God as father.’

While his assertion that all are children of God is not necessarily Antipope Francis' worst heresy, he does teach it repeatedly.  In doing so he creates the impression that God accepts all men and casts no one out from His blessings or salvation.  It implies universal salvation.

Response To A Sex Addict

August 30, 2013


[E-mail to MHFM]

Hello, this is both hard and embarrassing for me to write this. Since late 2007 I have been a sex addict. I know a lot of people might think this is funny, but it is nothing to laugh at. I have fornicated with a lot of women since 07 to this present day. I don't consider myself an evil person, actually I consider myself a good person that just happens to be suffering from this sex addiction. I thought of getting some therapy but I don't have the money to afford it. I hope you at the MHFM can give some advice on how to overcome this addiction.

MHFM: You use the term “addiction” with the implication that you are a victim who is not responsible for your activity.  No, your behavior is mortally sinful.  It’s a diabolical addiction – one which arises from your own choices and refusal of God’s grace.  In charity and in the interests of your salvation, we must inform you that you are not a good person, but a bad one.

However, there are a few simple remedies to your problem: First, avoid the occasions of your sin.  Take drastic measures in this regard, if necessary.  For example, if your fornication occurs at a particular place, stop going to that place at all costs.  Or if your computer is the genesis of your sin – it shouldn’t be, but if you are continually falling into mortal sin as a result of it – get rid of it.  That’s what Jesus means in Matthew 5:29-30, when He says:

“And if thy right eye scandalize thee, pluck it out and cast it from thee. For it is expedient for thee that one of thy members should perish, rather than that thy whole body be cast into hell. And if thy right hand scandalize thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is expedient for thee that one of thy members should perish, rather than that thy whole body be cast into hell.”

It’s not a surprise that Jesus makes these statements, about cutting things off, just one verse after saying, in Mt. 5:28: “But I say to you, that whosoever shall look on a woman to lust after her, hath already committed adultery with her in his heart.”  Obviously taking drastic measures to cut off sinful occasions has a particular application to people who fall into sexual sins.

For those who don’t know, the mortal sins that are sexual in nature, which place a person in a state of damnation, include, among other things, acts of fornication, the sexual acts which precede or lead up to fornication, adultery, masturbation, looking at pornography, giving full consent to impure thoughts, etc.  (See our series, Rejecting the Lust and Impurity of Hell, for more on this topic).

Second, you need to pray the Rosary each day.  Your problem is a spiritual one and will not be solved without prayer, the aid of God’s grace, and the proper spiritual remedies.  Praying to God and cultivating a devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Hail Mary and the Rosary is essential.  And, of course, if you don’t have the true Catholic faith, you need to convert to it.  (The steps to do so are on our website.)

Third, and this is very important, begin (by the grace of God) to exercise your will and fear God.  Though it might sound simple, this point actually cuts to the heart of your problem.  You need to simply determine or resolve, by God’s grace, that you are not going to commit the sin anymore.  In this regard, the following quote is relevant:

St. Alphonsus (1760): “If you neglect God’s call on this occasion, he may perhaps abandon you forever.  Resolve, then, resolve! ‘The devil,’ says St. Theresa, ‘is afraid of resolute souls.’  St. Bernard teaches that many souls are lost through want of fortitude.”

That is to say, souls lacking determination or courage or, you might say, a certain degree of toughness will not be saved.  Many people are lost because they are simply too weak, too compliant, too wimpy.  They acquiesce; they give in; they submit – whereas others say NO.  Mortal sinners engage in things which, if they simply exercised their will, they could reject without much difficulty.

When people do take the firm steps to reject sin or cut off mortally sinful occasions – while they might find it difficult at first, which is the time when God usually allows them to be most challenged – if they overcome the initial hurdle, after a very short period of time they realize that what they previously found difficult is not difficult at all.  They find the statement, “out of sight out of mind,” to be a true one and refreshing one.

For instance, in regard to being determined or resolved, truly you could stop going to the place where you commit the mortal sin, but you don’t want to.  Hence, you are on the road to damnation.  This lack of fortitude or determination is responsible for the damnation of many souls.  This truth, about the importance of possessing a certain measure of fortitude – the ability to simply say: no, I will not do this – not only has application to the spiritual life, but also to doctrinal matters and to teaching God’s truth.  For this reason, people who lack fortitude or toughness should not become priests or be engaged in teaching others the truths of God.  For when people who are unwilling, unable or uninclined to be combative, to refuse people, to offend people, and yes, to condemn people – when those individuals attempt to deal with or teach God’s truths, they will undoubtedly compromise those truths in order to please others.  In the same way, in the spiritual life, people who can’t say “no,” and take decisive action in this regard when required, will give in to mortal sin and be damned.

Ultimately, your willingness to commit clear mortal sins arises from your lack of humility: in your pride you don’t have the requisite respect for God’s laws and the necessary fear of the punishment He can and will mete out for such behavior.  You think God is a joke.  You think you can engage in activity He has specifically forbidden, turn others into little more than the object of your fleeting, empty pleasures, and then claim victimhood on top of it.

Galatians 6:7-8- “Be not deceived, God is not mocked. For what things a man shall sow, those also shall he reap. For he that soweth in his flesh, of the flesh also shall reap corruption. But he that soweth in the spirit, of the spirit shall reap life everlasting.”

Deuteronomy 32:35- “Revenge is mine, and I will repay them in due time, that their foot may slide: the day of destruction is at hand, and the time makes haste to come.”

We also often find that people like you, in a sad attempt to justify their sins, look to others to solve their problem.  Your inclination to look to others for the solution, rather than to yourself, i.e., to the simple means God has placed solely at your disposal, is similar to how people who fall into sins of impurity are often fixated on blaming their impurity on the immodesty of dress exhibited by others.  While grave immodesty of dress is clearly a sin, it’s no excuse for people to fall into impurity.  Giving full consent to impure thoughts or desires is a grave sin, regardless of what is put in front of a person.  People need to have, by the grace of God, the internal purity, force of will, and self-control that they do not give full consent to impurity even if they happen to be exposed to highly inappropriate things through no fault of their own.  For instance, many missionaries preached to natives who were naked or almost completely naked.  That was not an occasion or justification for falling into impurity, as they had, by God’s grace, the internal purity, self-control and desire for that which is natural and pure, to say no to lust and wickedness, both internally and externally.

In regard to your lack of humility being the root cause of your problem, the following quote is relevant:

St. Benedict (c. 520): “The first degree of humility, then, is that a man always have the fear of God before his eyes, shunning all forgetfulness and that he be ever mindful of all that God hath commanded, that he always considereth in his mind how those who despise God will burn in hell for their sins, and that life everlasting is prepared for those who fear God.”

The first degree of humility, which you lack at this time, involves the recognition and fear of God: that He will condemn you to burn in Hell for your sins.  “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom…” (Psalm 110:10).  It should motivate you to action in this regard.

So, the solution to your problem, along with God’s forgiveness – which should entail a valid sacramental confession once a person is prepared – is there for you if you take these simple steps.  But if you don’t, you should consider the following words:

St. Alphonsus on the damnation of the impure: “Continue, O fool, says St. Peter Damian (speaking to the unchaste), continue to gratify the flesh; for the day will come in which thy impurities will become as pitch in thy entrails, to increase and aggravate the torments of the flame which will burn thee in hell: 'The day will come, yea rather the night, when thy lust shall be turned into pitch, to feed in thy bowels the everlasting fire.’”

St. Thomas Aquinas Does Not Have To Be Followed In All Things

July 21, 2009

1917 Pio Benedictine Code of Canon Law Canon 1366 (2)  Professors shall treat studies in rational theology and philosophy and the instruction of students in these disciplines according to the system, teaching, and principles of the Angelic Doctor (St. Thomas Aquinas) and hold to them religiously.    


According to you St. Thomas is burning in hell. Clearly one would be in Grave error in two ways by obedience and condeming a Saint to hell,  to deny these facts one would be lying to yourself and to God. 

          In Charity.... jmak


You are so wrong. First, we don’t believe that St. Thomas was a heretic. We believe he was wrong. Many saints and doctors have been wrong, as our material proves. If you knew anything about Catholicism, you would know that. For you to say that we believe he was a heretic and is burning in Hell is a lie and a mortal sin.

Second, you are refuted by St. Thomas himself. Allow me to explain. You argue that the Church teaches that St. Thomas must be followed, and that St. Thomas teaches baptism of desire. Therefore, according to your argument, baptism of desire must be accepted. But you are quite wrong. St. Thomas teaches that he should NOT be followed if he contradicts something that the Church itself has taught.

St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Pt. II-II, Q. 10, A. 12: “The custom of the Church has very great authority and ought to be jealously observed in all things, since the very doctrine of Catholic doctors derives its authority from the Church. Hence we ought to abide by the authority of the Church rather than by that of an Augustine or a Jerome or of any doctor whatever.”

So, let’s apply your argument logically: we must follow St. Thomas, but St. Thomas says that we must not follow any doctor if he advances something which contradicts the authority of the Church. Therefore, by following St. Thomas, we find that we are not required to accept every opinion he held or everything he taught. This should be obvious, but this quote is important in proving the point and refuting heretics such as yourself. Since he contradicts statements of greater weight from the papal magisterium on the absolute necessity of water baptism, we are not required to follow St. Thomas in his flawed opinion concerning “baptism of desire.” Likewise, we are not required to follow his other opinions that might have contradicted teachings of greater weight. For example, St. Thomas also contradicted the Immaculate Conception, as we see here:

St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Pt. III, Q. 27, A. 2, Reply to Objection 2: “If the soul of the Blessed Virgin had never incurred the stain of original sin, this would be derogatory to the dignity of Christ, by reason of His being the universal Saviour of all. Consequently after Christ, who, as the universal Saviour of all, needed not to be saved, the purity of the Blessed Virgin holds the highest place.”

St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, Pt. III, Q. 27, A. 2, Reply to Objection 3. “Although the Church of Rome does not celebrate the Conception of the Blessed Virgin, yet it tolerates the custom of certain churches that do keep that feast, wherefore this is not to be entirely reprobated. Nevertheless the celebration of this feast does not give us to understand that she was holy in her conception. But since it is not known when she was sanctified, the feast of her Sanctification, rather than the feast of her Conception, is kept on the day of her conception.”

According to your heretical argument, these statements must be consistent with Catholic teaching. According to you, they are not only true but should be believed and taught to all! The truth, however, is that they were false during his time, and they are heretical now. They contradict the dogma of the Immaculate Conception. This is further proof that your argument is utterly false and that you corrupt Catholic principles.

Pope Benedict XIV, Apostolica (# 6), June 26, 1749: “The Church’s judgment is preferable to that of a Doctor renowned for his holiness and teaching.”

Pope Pius XII, Humani generis (# 21), Aug. 12, 1950: “This deposit of faith our Divine Redeemer has given for authentic interpretation not to each of the faithful, not even to theologians, but only to the Teaching Authority of the Church.’”

Pius XII And Heresy - Was He A Heretic?

Subject: Was Pius XII a heretic? Please help!

[I have been arguing with someone] Before I held your position, that he was a Pope, but now I am unsure and do not know what to say, this is what he wrote to me,

"No, a pope cannot teach heresy in his fallible documents! Why would you believe that unless you follow the Dimonds? So according to your position, as long as the pope does not intend to bind the faithful to his teachings, he can be a heretic! Why was John XXIII an antipope then? Answer me that one right now."

"I have another question for you, in addition to the John XXIII question.   If a pope does not lose office for teaching heresy in his fallible capacity, then do you not give lip service only to the dogma that heretics are outside the Church? Or do you assert that a heretic who is outside the Church can still be pope, so long as he doesn't try to bind all the faithful and invoke infallibility for his heresy? Finally, if what you say is true, then how many heresies can a pope teach in his fallible capacity? Can he teach one and still be pope? Seven? Seventy times seven?

"You and they both believe that a pope can teach heresy in his fallible capacity, essentially equating the dogma of infallibility with protecting a pope from uttering heresy while binding the whole Church.  It is so much more than that.  It means that whatever they utter ex cathedra is completely true, yet you and the Dimonds only give lip service to this reality, as most people do.  And as a result of this you believe that a pope can utter heresy in his fallible capacity, and that he would still be pope."

What are one to say to such questions. It just seems to be that Pius XII was a heretic, does it not? Please, if you could shed light on this for me would be much appreciated!
Thanks and God bless.


V. Veikko


His entire line of argumentation is a straw man – that is, attributing to another a position he doesn’t actually hold. We don’t believe that someone who is a heretic in his fallible capacity remains the pope. We don’t say that. Since they cannot refute the position, they must use straw-man argumentation. No heretic can remain the pope, even if he only teaches the heresy in his fallible capacity. (A true pope could never teach heresy in an infallible capacity, of course.)

The point is that there isn’t sufficient evidence to definitely conclude that Pius XII was a heretic, rather than someone who was a terribly weak pope who made doctrinal errors. That’s because the errors which Pius XII taught were not specific propositions which have been explicitly condemned by the Magisterium by name. Rather, they are proven to be false and incompatible with Catholic teaching by the positive dogmatic statements on related subjects. As a result, these errors become heresies once one puts together (or can be shown to be directly obstinate against) all of the positive dogmatic evidence which contradicts them. That doesn’t mean that someone doesn’t sin for promoting them and neglecting to more carefully consult Catholic teaching. It is simply to point out that there is a difference, from the standpoint of manifest heresy, between the promotion of such an error and the promotion of something that has been explicitly and notoriously condemned by name in a dogmatic decree (e.g., Justification by faith alone).

In fact, notice that in the following decree of the Council of Constance, there is a distinction between propositions that are offensive to Catholic teaching, etc. and those which are notoriously heretical. They are “notoriously heretical” because they have previously been condemned by the Magisterium by name, in a manner which should be obvious to all. This proves that notoriety is not simply reserved for how one promotes a falsehood, but also THE SPECIFIC FALSEHOOD ITSELF (i.e., how clearly and obviously has it been condemned by the Church). This coincides precisely with what we’ve said about certain undeclared heretical priests. We’ve pointed out (correctly) that how notorious they are is not only dependent upon how they promote something, but also dependent upon the content of the falsehood they embrace.

Council of Constance, Sess. 15, July 6, 1415, Sentence against John Huss: “This most holy Synod of Constance therefore declares and defines that the articles listed below, which have been found on examination, by many masters in sacred scripture, to be contained in his books and pamphlets written in his own hand, and which the same John Huss at a public hearing, before the fathers and prelates of this sacred council, has confessed to be contained in his books and pamphlets, are not Catholic and should not be taught to be such but rather many of them are erroneous, others scandalous, others offensive to the ears of the devout, many of them are rash and seditious, and some of them are notoriously heretical and have long ago been rejected and condemned by holy fathers and by general councils, and it strictly forbids them to be preached, taught or in any way approved.”


Hello Dimond Brothers,

I just had some questions regarding the recent post you made about "Pius XII and heresy": You say that "there isn’t sufficient evidence to definitely conclude that Pius XII was a heretic" when you yourself say in your book (Outside the Catholic Church there is absolutely no salvation) the following:

"Pius XII was by no means a staunch traditionalist. His reforms, omissions and failures paved the way for Vatican II. Just a few things that Pius XII did are:

- He promoted Annibale Bugnini, the author of the New Mass, and began the liturgical reform with his allowance of reforms in the Holy Week Rites. A good number of liturgical scholars think that the reforms of Holy Week were terrible. One example is the allowance of distribution of Holy Communion on Good Friday. The decree of the Holy Office under Pope Pius X On Frequent Communion cites Pope Innocent XI who condemned such a practice.

- He promoted men like Giovanni Montini (later Paul VI) and Angelo Roncalli (later John XXIII), without which promotions these men could never have had the influence or caused the immeasurable destruction that they did. - He said that theistic evolution could be taught in Catholic schools (Humani Generis, 1950), which is nothing short of ludicrous – and arguably heretical.

- He taught that birth control could be used by couples by means of the rhythm method (or Natural Family Planning), which is a frustration and a subordination of the primary purpose of the marriage act – conception.

- He allowed the persecution and subsequent excommunication of Father Leonard Feeney, whether through willful complicity or neglect, for doing what every Catholic priest should do: preach the Gospel, defend the faith and adhere to defined dogma

Now, if all of these things that you listed are not "sufficient evidence to conclude that Pius XII was a heretic", a man that you claim "paved the way for Vatican II", then what is? I even heard from someone that he was a Mason, along with Benedict XV (15) and Pius XI (haven't confirmed it yet). He also said in a speech that adults can be saved without the Sacrament of Baptism. Now to the real problems:

- It is a solemnly defined dogma that the Sacrament of Baptism is absolutely necessary for salvation, without exceptions, (Council of Trent, Florence, etc.) as you very well know - Pius XII said that adults can be saved without it - Heresy.

- You hold that NFP is infallibly condemned in Pius XI's infallible Encyclical Casti Connubbi - Pius XII explicitly taught NFP - Heresy. - He said that theistic evolution could be taught in Catholic schools, and also was on both sides regarding evolution - something you yourself say is heretical. Now, you then say "the errors which Pius XII taught were not specific propositions which have been explicitly condemned by the Magisterium by name. Rather, they are proven to be false and incompatible with Catholic teaching by the positive dogmatic statements on related subjects."

This is clearly false, and a specious lie. As mentioned above: - That the Sacrament of Baptism is necessary for salvation without exceptions, and that the ones who die without it can go to Heaven, the former has been dogmatically defined many times, and the latter has been dogmatically condemned by name as well - Pius XII taught that adults can be saved without the Sacrament of Baptism, which is heretical.

- You say that NFP was infallibly condemned in name by Pope Pius XI - Pius XII taught it, which is heretical. And you can't argue that Pius XII was "unfamiliar" or "unaware" of all these teachings, that's absurd, because Pius XII was a cleric: "If the delinquent making this claim be a cleric, his plea for mitigation must be dismissed, either as untrue, or else as indicating ignorance which is affected, or at least crass and supine…His ecclesiastical training in the seminary, with its moral and dogmatic theology, its ecclesiastical history, not to mention its canon law, all insure that the Church’s attitude towards heresy was imparted to him." (McDevitt, 48.)

And, seriously, are you really going to argue that, that adults can't be saved without the Sacrament of Baptism, "evolution", and NFP, have not been notoriously condemned??? I'm afraid you're again (you have done this before) guilty of raising the bar as to what constitues a heresy, what is heretical and when does a Pope lose his office, you do this when you don't want to accept the outcome. You gotta be honest here, something you yourself recommend. There was also another point I wanted to make: Pope Honorius I was condemned as a heretic for "supposedly" having held/supported the monophysite heresy; I have read that they weren't even sure if he was a heretic 100% or not (St. Francis de Sales certainly wasn't sure), or if he even held the heresy.

Now, if they condemned him for apparently having been a heretic, what would they say about Pius XII, who taught explicit and open heresy (among all the other things he did/didn't do)???

The way I see it, the same reasons why you would consider John XXIII as an antipope, you would also consider Pius XII, and perhaps Benedict XV (15) as well. But with all that said, I myself haven't decided to believe if Pius XII or Benedict XV (15) really were antipopes, but the evidence sure seems to suggest they were. How do you reply?


There are numerous errors in your very dishonest, illogical and inaccurate e-mail. Since people such as yourself have already been refuted in audios, etc., I’m not going to spend a lot of time with you. I will quickly refute your main errors, however. To your first lie:

>>>>"[quoting us] the errors which Pius XII taught were not specific propositions which have been explicitly condemned by the Magisterium by name. Rather, they are proven to be false and incompatible with Catholic teaching by the positive dogmatic statements on related subjects." [You write] This is clearly false, and a specious lie. >>>

No, it's not a lie. You are the heretical and contradictory liar, as I will show.  We are talking here about the idea of explicit baptism of desire. The theory of explicit baptism of desire is a horrible error. We have pointed this out more than anyone. This horrible error becomes a heresy once one sees all of the positive dogmatic evidence which contradicts it. However, this idea (i.e., explicit baptism of desire) hasn’t been condemned by name. Someone could be confused about the issue or hold it in good faith until all of the dogmatic evidence is pointed out to him and the objections raised in its favor are refuted. To obstinately express belief in it after that time is to demonstrate bad will and to depart from the faith. Therefore, explicit baptism of desire is proven to be incompatible with Catholic teaching by the positive evidence.  For you to say that it has been explicitly condemned by name is dishonest. So, what we’ve already written refutes you.

Moreover, you condemn yourself in your own e-mail.  That’s because if you really believe what you write, you would have to say that Pius XII was definitely a heretic and therefore an antipope.  Instead, you say that you don't know if he was a heretic:

You write<<<<But with all that said, I myself haven't decided to believe if Pius XII or Benedict XV (15) really were antipopes>>>

You are condemned by your own words. Your whole e-mail purports to show that he was a heretic. You thus prove yourself to be a contradictory liar. You aren’t even convinced that he was a heretic! That means that you don't really believe what you write.  Get out of here, you phony. Don’t act like you believe something that you don’t. Moreover, if anyone who affirms explicit baptism of desire even once is ipso facto to be considered a heretic, then that means you would have to say that St. Alphonsus and St. Robert were heretics. There is no way around that argument. They believed in explicit baptism of desire. They were dead wrong, of course; and to obstinately hold their erroneous position in the face of all the dogmatic evidence does show bad will. However, it is not ipso facto a proof of manifest heresy. If you don't admit that they and everyone who expresses belief in it even once is to be considered a heretic, then you condemn yourself again.  If you do, then you further prove yourself to be a non-Catholic; for in that case you must condemn the Catholic Church itself for canonizing those you deem to have been manifest heretics. By the way, have some courage and put your real full name.

To your next lie, you write:

>>>You say that NFP was infallibly condemned in name by Pope Pius XI - Pius XII taught it, which is heretical.>>>

We don’t say that Pius XI infallibly condemned it “in name.” He did not. We say that it’s proven to be incompatible with the infallible Catholic teaching on the primary purpose of the marriage act. Thus, you dishonestly misrepresent what we say. Please quote the passage where NFP is explicitly condemned by name. You cannot do so because it doesn’t exist. Rather, it’s proven to be wrong by the positive evidence, just as we said.

Regarding Pius XII and theistic evolution, we agree that it’s horrible, awful, atrocious. There are only two things which we believe save him from manifest heresy on this point (though not from mortal sin and grave error). Those are 1) the fact that it hasn’t been explicitly condemned in any dogmatic decree. It’s definitely false and certainly runs counter to the obvious teaching of Scripture and the whole history of Catholic thought. However, it is not proven to be heretical by virtue of a specific condemnation by a dogmatic decree. That holds significance for point #2.

2) The fact that Pius XII didn’t say that he believed in it. He said that it may be taught. Thus, one could arguably justify him from manifest heresy (though not from mortal sin and scandal) by arguing that, even though he personally didn’t believe in it, he labored under the false impression that he couldn’t forbid people to teach it if it hasn’t been condemned in a dogmatic decree. That’s the only thing that we believe saves him from manifest heresy on this point. In fact, if you read what he said about it, you can see in that very context that he forbids people from teaching only those things which he believes to have been clearly condemned by the teaching of dogmatic councils or by a specific statement of the papal magisterium.

To your next statement, which truly expresses your schismatic mentality, you write:

>>>I even heard from someone that he was a Mason, along with Benedict XV (15) and Pius XI (haven't confirmed it yet).>>>

We’ve heard many unflattering things about Pope Pius XII. But hearing things, and having clear proof for them, are two different things. Hearing things about someone doesn’t allow us to conclude that a true pope is an antipope. The fact that you argue that it does reveals that you have a schismatic – not a Catholic – way of operating. You also ask: what would he have to do? I could give many examples. If he clearly taught (more than once, so that we know it wasn’t an editorial error) that souls can be saved in non-Catholic religions, he would have to be considered a manifest heretic. But not only is that not the case, his official teaching in Mystici Corporis contradicts that heresy. It also contradicts any notion of salvation without the Sacrament of Baptism. One can effectively use it to disprove the baptism of desire crowd of apostates.

Pope Pius XII, Mystici Corporis (# 22), June 29, 1943:   “Actually only those are to be numbered among the members of the Church who have received the laver of regeneration and profess the true faith.”

Pope Pius XII, Mediator Dei (# 43), Nov. 20, 1947: “In the same way, actually that baptism is the distinctive mark of all Christians, and serves to differentiate them from those who have not been cleansed in this purifying stream and consequently are not members of Christ, the sacrament of holy orders sets the priest apart from the rest of the faithful who have not received this consecration.”

Pope Pius XII, Humani Generis (#27), 1950: “Some say they are not bound by the doctrine, explained in Our Encyclical Letter of a few years ago, and based on the sources of revelation, which teaches that the Mystical Body of Christ and the Roman Catholic Church are one and the same. Some reduce to a meaningless formula the necessity of belonging to the true Church in order to gain eternal salvation.”

With regard to Pius XII paving the way for Vatican II, that also doesn’t prove that he was without question a heretic. In his fallible capacity, a bad pope can attempt to hurt the Church. He can do this by omissions, bad reforms, and weak statements which don’t rise to the level of manifest heresy. That’s precisely why St. Robert Bellarmine speaks of a true pope who tries to destroy the Church. We quote this passage not because in itself it proves the true position; but rather because it lends further support to the correct Catholic understanding of this issue, which I have been articulating. Bellarmine is talking about a bad pope. He says that you may resist such a pope. In other words, there could be a true pope who tries to destroy the Church. He could do this in ways that don’t rise to the level of clear-cut manifest heresy.

St. Robert Bellarmine, De Romano Pontifice, Book II, Chap. 29: “Just as it is licit to resist the Pontiff who attacks the body, so also is it licit to resist him who attacks souls or destroys the civil order or above all, tries to destroy the Church. I say that it is licit to resist him by not doing what he orders and by impeding the execution of his will. It is not licit, however, to judge him, to punish him, or to depose him.”

But when speaking of a clear-cut manifest heretic, St. Robert clearly says that such a one ceases to be the pope.

St. Robert Bellarmine, De Romano Pontifice, chapter 30: “A pope who is a manifest heretic automatically (per se) ceases to be pope and head, just as he ceases automatically to be a Christian and a member of the Church. Wherefore, he can be judged and punished by the Church. This is the teaching of all the ancient Fathers who teach that manifest heretics immediately lose all jurisdiction.”

As an aside, countless false traditionalists cite the former passage but dishonestly do not cite the latter.

To your final error, you don’t understand the Honorius case. The councils which condemned him (e.g., Constantinople III) didn’t express any uncertainty. They didn’t condemn him because they believed he was “apparently” a heretic. Rather, they condemned him as an outright heretic because they believed he was an outright heretic. The confusion arose after the council – not within the actual statement of the council. In confirming the Third Council of Constantinople, Pope St. Leo II made a statement which some interpreted to mean that the condemnation of Honorius should only be accepted in the sense that he enabled heresy to flourish. However, that’s speculative. That’s why St. Francis De Sales was unsure whether Honorius was a heretic. The uncertainty concerning Honorius wasn’t expressed in the text of the council itself.

In conclusion, we have repeatedly discussed why a traditional Catholic must be aware of the fact that Pius XII was not a strong pope. He was probably about as close to heresy as a pope could be without being a clear-cut manifest heretic. One of the reasons that many “traditionalists” are deceived is that they think they can just follow everything that emanated, even in a fallible capacity, during the reign of Pope Pius XII. We believe that a future true pope would probably (and should) condemn him for his omissions, weak statements and reforms. However, as it stands and for the reasons expressed in this and the previous response, a Catholic does not have sufficient evidence to conclude that he was definitely a manifest heretic and therefore an antipope.

Works of the Law, and Romans 4

Dear Brother Dimond:

I introduced my biblically astute Protestant friend to your lesson on Justification. On your major point on Romans 3:28 on the law being a reference to the problem in Galatians, he noted that you have to take every verse in its context, as you, yourself said. He noted that you did not address Rm. 4:1-6 which is the context. Abraham was not dealing with the Jewish law problem in his time. I was without response. If you have any material on this please send it to me… If not could you suggest an answer I could give him with special emphasis on verses 4 and 5?

Yours in Christ,

David Tully


First, we would have to object to a description of a Protestant as biblically astute. Many Protestants have a knowledge of certain verses, the biblical languages, biblical history, etc; but they remain in the dark concerning the most important and the most obvious teachings of the Bible. That is, they are oblivious to the teaching of the Bible on salvation, Christ’s Church, etc. Since they remain oblivious to things that are so obviously taught in the Bible – things which constitute its core message, such as that works and deeds are a part of determining whether man has salvation – they really don’t understand the Bible at all.

Second, his assertion that the context was not taken into consideration when discussing Romans 3:28 is completely untrue. It’s typical of some Protestants who will sadly never be convinced, no matter how much evidence you give them. Romans 3 begins with a discussion about circumcision: a work of the Old Law. This point was specifically made in our book, The Bible Proves the Teachings of the Catholic Church. Hence, we can clearly see that the context is the works of the Old Law.

Romans 3:1- “What advantage then hath the Jew? Or what profit is there of circumcision?”

For the rest of the chapter St. Paul speaks in that context. Before I get to your question about Romans 4, I will say that it’s not only Romans 3:1 and Galatians 2 which corroborate our point about St. Paul’s meaning of “the works of the law.” It’s also demonstrated by Galatians 5 and Philippians 3.

Galatians 5:3-6- “For I testify again to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law. Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace. For we through the Spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith. For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love.”

We can see that when referring to “the law,” he’s talking about the Old Law, not all human deeds.

Philippians 3:5-9- “[I] Circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee; Concerning zeal, persecuting the church; touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless. But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ. Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ, and be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:”

Now, your friend brings up Abraham. He asks why St. Paul would mention Abraham if he was speaking of the Old Law. By asking this question, your friend leads us directly to another devastating refutation of his position.

(All of this is covered, by the way, in this article: Justification by Faith Alone and Eternal Security completely refuted by the Bible. Please go to the end and look at the section called: THE CASE OF ABRAHAM REFUTES PROTESTANT THEOLOGY – IT PROVES THAT JUSTIFICATION IS NOT A ONCE AND FOR ALL TIME ACT, BUT SOMETHING INCREASED AND MAINTAINED THROUGH OBEDIENCE… This section on Abraham was not in our book. That’s because it’s a more involved point and people really shouldn’t need it after all of the other evidence.)

St. Paul brings up Abraham in Romans 4, right after talking about how people are justified by faith apart from the works of the law (i.e., apart from the Old Law). He does this precisely to prove to these people that justification is not inextricably bound up with the Old Law, with circumcision, etc. St. Paul gives the example of how Abraham was justified by his faith in Genesis 15:6, which was before Abraham was circumcised in Genesis 17:

Romans 4:9-10- “Cometh this blessedness then upon the circumcision only, or upon the uncircumcision also? For we say that faith was reckoned to Abraham for righteousness [Gen. 15:6]. How was it then reckoned? when he was in circumcision, or in uncircumcision? Not in circumcision, but in uncircumcision.”

His point, therefore, is that if God can justify Abraham by faith before circumcision (as this example shows), then he can justify you, if you submit to the faith of Jesus and cast aside circumcision and the works of the (Old) Law. That’s the precise point he is making. That must be understood when one reads this chapter. His point is not that if you submit to Jesus and His faith, none of your human actions, deeds or sins will have anything to do with your justification! That is a gross perversion of his true meaning.

Thus, when Paul says the following in Romans 4:1-4…

Romans 4:1-4- “What shall we say then that Abraham our father, as pertaining to the flesh, hath found? For if Abraham were justified by works, he hath whereof to glory; but not before God. For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness. Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt.”

he is clearly speaking in the context of contrasting the Old Testament system of works with the power that God has to justify those who accept His faith outside of that system of Old Testament works. That is the precise subject and the context. He is not teaching that justification by faith in Christ is apart from all human actions and deeds.

But in James 2, the subject and the context are different. James 2 is concerned with teaching Christians that their faith in Christ is not enough. It’s about the Christian life and life in general, not about teaching people that the Old Testament system is not obligatory. One could truly say that in James 2 the subject is the same as the issue we’re talking about: the Protestant idea that man is justified by his faith in Jesus alone. And that idea is denounced as completely false. And that’s why in this chapter we read that Abraham was justified by works.

James 2:21-24- “Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar [Genesis 22:10]? Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect? And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God. Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only.”

So we can see how the Protestants have totally misunderstood these passages of Scripture. In doing so, they have constructed a false religion and a false Gospel which completely contradict the whole message of Scripture. There is much more on Abraham in that section of the file I referenced. It covers how Abraham was justified more than once, which also refutes Protestant theology.

“By claiming that all who acknowledged Paul VI as the pope were heretics, you condemn Padre Pio” – WRONG!

Failure to respond to this e-mail will imply an inability to sufficiently defend your position on these issues.

Dear Dimond Brothers,

By claiming that all who acknowledged Paul VI as the pope were heretics, you condemn Padre Pio.  Not only did Padre Pio accept Paul VI; he wrote a private letter to him applauding the latter’s defense of human life.  Moreover, since you do not believe that John XXIII was ever a valid pope, you cannot say that Paul VI was ever a valid pope either.  So, for Padre Pio to accept Paul VI as the pope at any time would have placed him outside the Church.

You also must necessarily, though indirectly, claim that Thomas Aquinas and Augustine, along with many of the other theologians and Doctors of the Church, were outside the Church for holding that the Baptisms of Desire and of Blood were legitimate substitutes for Water in invincible cases or in cases of martyrdom.  Moreover, you cannot compare Thomas Aquinas’ denial of, or rather ignorance of, the Immaculate Conception, with his acceptance of accidental substitutes for Water Baptism, on account of the fact that the Immaculate Conception was not declared a dogma until the 19th century, while the dogma of the necessity of Water Baptism, even as you claim, has always been held by the Church (seeing as it is related in Scripture itself).

In Christ, Ian


Basically everything you have written in your short e-mail is wrong. We do not say that everyone who believes that the Vatican II antipopes are true popes is ipso facto a heretic. We say that after a person becomes familiar with the heresies of the V-2 antipopes and doesn’t denounce them – and after one becomes familiar with the teaching on loss of papal office and continues to insist that they are popes – they become heretics. In addition, one who imbibes the Vatican II theology of ecumenism would become a heretic, even before he or she has seen any teaching on loss of office, etc. That’s because an acceptance of false religions is directly incompatible with true faith in Christ.

So, your first accusation is totally wrong and constitutes a misrepresentation of our position. It’s certainly the case that not everyone who considers the V-2 antipopes to be popes is ipso facto a heretic. That’s because it’s the duty of a Catholic to accept the man who purports to be the Bishop of Rome as the pope, until there is clear evidence of an invalid election or manifest heresy. Some radical schismatics have adopted the theologically absurd position that it’s impossible to be in the Church while recognizing an antipope (even if one hasn’t seen the heresies or the evidence to conclude otherwise), and this leads them into a whole range of ridiculous and outrageously schismatic errors.

Regarding the objection concerning St. Thomas, these are old and tired arguments that we have already refuted many times. If people spent the time reading our book on salvation, they would see that there is an entire section dedicated to this very objection. Outside the Catholic Church There is No Salvation and refuting baptism of desire – book, audio program, articles. It’s found in Section 17, “Other Objections.” To disprove that very objection, we give an analogous example from Pope John IV and Honorius. Moreover, it’s addressed in our debates on baptism of desire:

File of Recent Audio Debates on “Baptism of Desire”

It’s addressed in this second one and in the fourth one.

Debate on baptism of desire with sedevacantist Ken [1 hr. 46 min. audio – Jan. 2009]

Furthermore, that particular false objection (which you raise concerning doctors of the Church, etc.) is best addressed, and frankly demolished, in our article on Geocentrism and “Baptism of Desire.” In this article, we show that a doctor of the Church and popes have considered something heretical which in fact later popes did not even consider necessarily wrong. If that’s the case, then a doctor of the Church (e.g., St. Thomas, etc.) can be unaware of (or confused about) a Church teaching or a dogmatic definition which disproves a certain position.

Examining the Theological Status of Geocentrism and Heliocentrism and the Devastating Problems this creates for Baptism of Desire Arguments *very important article which demolishes popular baptism of desire arguments, contains a new quote from a pope on geocentrism and much more

This article clearly shows that doctors of the Church and popes can make mistakes on matters that are dogmatic (or which they think are dogmatic) without being heretics. To quote one paragraph from the article: “… if heliocentrism has not been infallibly condemned by the Holy See, then numerous popes (e.g., Paul V and Urban VIII) and a Doctor of the Church (St. Robert Bellarmine) acted like it had been and thus were unaware of the true theological status of this issue. If they could have been completely wrong about the true theological status of this controversial point [one about which accusations of heresy were being launched], then certainly St. Alphonsus and others could have been as well concerning the dogmatic status of the absolute necessity of water baptism. Thus, either way our point is proven.”

To put it another way, baptism of desire is a theological error which becomes a heresy when it is carefully matched up with the dogmatic definitions on salvation. This is analogous to the minutiae (finer points) of the Incarnation, etc., such as the dogma that Christ has two wills. This false idea is, strictly speaking, a heresy; but it would only be only an error for some until they see the specific Church teaching against the false position.

In conclusion, your objection demonstrates a superficial knowledge of Church history and the teaching of the Magisterium, as if a doctor of the Church is always perfectly aware of the theological status of every Catholic truth. It’s an objection that sounds good, but crumbles when more facts are brought forward. Your false objection is regurgitated by countless bad willed false traditionalists who consider themselves knowledgeable and Catholic (but actually aren’t), including priests, bloggers and forum hosters who love “baptism of desire.” They are completely wrong and their position is refuted by the aforementioned facts. It’s distressing that these people won’t more carefully look at the information; for just a few days ago one radical schismatic wrote to us demanding an answer to this very objection. We pointed out to him that we’ve already addressed the issue, and he (in his pride and bad will) refused to believe it. He was convinced it was such an original objection that we could not have addressed and refuted it before.

[P.S. Your other false statements about Padre Pio were addressed in our audio: Answering Objections Against Padre Pio (42 min. audio discussion)]

Pope Benedict XV on the Redemption

June 21, 2009

Some people are also claiming that this is proof of manifest heresy from Pope Benedict XV. What’s your response?

Pope Benedict XV, Ad Beatissimi Apostolorum, #1, 1914: “For the whole of mankind was freed from the slavery of sin by the shedding of the blood of Jesus Christ as their ransom, and there is no one who is excluded from the benefit of this Redemption

Pope Paul III, Council of Trent, Sess. 6, Ch. 3, 1547, ex cathedra: “But though He died for all, yet not all receive the benefit of His death, but only those whom the merit of His passion is imparted.


No, the radical schismatics are wrong again. First, we must again make it clear that we are talking about Pope Benedict XV (1914-1922), not Antipope Benedict XVI.

In the quote above, Pope Benedict XV definitely committed an error of articulation about the Redemption; for not all receive the benefits or merits of Christ’s death (as Trent defines). However, Pope Benedict XV’s statement is not teaching universal salvation; it’s not remotely comparable to John Paul II’s clear utterances of universal salvation; and it’s definitely not proof of manifest heresy. It’s simply an error which, if expressed obstinately and in direct defiance of the precise words of Trent, would be heresy. However, as it stands and considered in context, it’s simply an error of articulation and a demonstration of a less-than-perfect familiarity with the precise language of the Council of Trent.

Let’s begin by refuting the idea that Pope Benedict XV is teaching universal salvation in the citation above. If we look at the whole encyclical, we see that Pope Benedict XV makes it quite clear that he’s not teaching universal salvation; for in the very same document (and thus in the same extended context) he repeats the Athanasian Creed: that no man is saved without the Catholic faith.

Pope Benedict XV, Ad Beatissimi Apostolorum #24, Nov. 1, 1914: “Such is the nature of Catholicism that it does not admit of more or less, but must be held as a whole or as a whole rejected: “This is the Catholic faith, which unless a man believe faithfully and firmly; he cannot be saved” (Athanas. Creed). There is no need of adding any qualifying terms to the profession of Catholicism: it is quite enough for each one to proclaim “Christian is my name and Catholic my surname,” only let him endeavour to be in reality what he calls himself.”

In the very same encyclical, he clearly teaches that no one is saved without the Catholic faith. In John Paul II’s many utterances of universal salvation (or anywhere else for that matter), he never once said the equivalent.

So what is Pope Benedict XV saying when he declares that “the whole of mankind was freed from the slavery of sin by the shedding of the blood of Jesus Christ as their ransom”? The answer is that he is speaking of the propitiatory nature of the Redemption. It’s a dogma that Jesus Christ’s Redemption destroyed or atoned or satisfied or made up for man’s sins – the sins of every man of all time.

Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, “Cantate Domino” 1441, ex cathedra: “The Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes, and teaches that no one conceived of man and woman was ever freed of the domination of the Devil, except through the merit of the mediator between God and men, our Lord Jesus Christ; He who was conceived without sin, was born and died, THROUGH HIS DEATH ALONE LAID LOW THE ENEMY OF THE HUMAN RACE BY DESTROYING OUR SINS, and opened the entrance to the kingdom of heaven, which the first man by his own sin had lost with all succession…” (Denz. 711)

Jesus destroyed every man’s sins in terms of a propitiation or atonement, so that every sin that would be forgiven was already forgiven by Jesus Christ and what He did on the Cross.

Errors of Cornelius Jansen # 4: “It is Semipelagian to say that Christ died or shed His blood for all men without exception.” – Condemned as false and heretical by Pope Innocent X, Cum occasione, May 31, 1658

When a man believes, is baptized and justified, it’s the merit of Christ’s Passion that is imparted or applied to Him; for Christ made up for and destroyed the sins of every man on the Cross.

According to the radical schismatics, the Bible must have been teaching heresy when it taught:

1 Timothy 2:6- “ [Jesus Christ] Who gave himself a redemption for all, a testimony in due times.”

Moreover, St. John the Baptist and St. John the Apostle must have been teaching heresy (according to the aforementioned schismatics) when they declared:

John 1:29- “… Behold the Lamb of God, behold him who taketh away the sin of the world.”

Christ takes away the sin of the world – the whole world. He freed mankind from sin, but not all receive the benefits of that Redemption. To put it another way, the fruits of the Redemption are not individually realized or actualized in all men. Only those who are incorporated into Christ receive the merits of the Passion.

Pope Benedict XV was simply stating the first part of the truth, that Christ’s Redemption applied to all and thus made up for (in the sense of propitiation) the sins of the whole world. His statement that no one is excluded from the benefits of the Redemption is simply an erroneous and imperfect attempt at articulating the truth that no one was excluded from what Christ did in terms of a propitiation or atonement. Jesus Christ’s Redemption applied to the whole world.

Throughout history, the terminology that some Catholics (not the Church itself) have used in expressing the two aspects of the Redemption – 1, that Christ forgave all men’s sins in terms of propitiation; and 2, not all receive the application of this forgiveness – has often been confusing and contradictory. For example, the regional council below (which was not infallible) equated being redeemed with being justified. Hence, it taught that not all men were redeemed.

Council of Quiersy, 853, Chap. 4.- “Christ Jesus our Lord, as no man who is or has been or ever will be whose nature will not have been assumed in Him, so there is, has been, or will be no man, for whom He has not suffered– although not all will be saved by the mystery of His passion. But because all are not redeemed by the mystery of His passion, He does not regard the greatness and the fullness of the price, but He regards the part of the unfaithful ones and those not believing in faith those things which He has worked through love[ Gal. 5:6], because the drink of human safety, which has been prepared by our infirmity and by divine strength, has indeed in itself that it may be beneficial to all; but if it is not drunk, it does not heal. (Denz. 319)

This regional council correctly stated that there was no man for whom Christ did not suffer. However, since it defined Redemption as actually receiving justification, it stated that not all men were redeemed. The popes, on the other hand, didn’t define that being redeemed strictly meant receiving the merits of the Passion. To them, the Redemption referred to the propitiation (the atonement or appeasement) that Christ made on the Cross for the sins of every man. As a result, they taught that all men were redeemed because all men’s sins were included in the atonement of the Cross. At the same time, they made it clear that not all receive the individual application of those merits which were won by Christ unless they cooperate with grace. That distinction, that being redeemed doesn’t necessarily mean being justified, is why Pope Alexander VII refers to Christ as the Redeemer of the human race – i.e., of all men.

Pope Alexander VII, Sollicitudo omnium eccl., Dec. 8, 1661: “… Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of our human race…” (Denz. 1100)

So, in summary, Pope Benedict XV’s words (in #1 of Ad Beatissimi Apostolorum) are simply an inaccurate articulation of the truth about the Redemption. They are not formally heretical. He was attempting to express the truth, but did it inaccurately. People don’t really expect the popes to have every line of Trent memorized, do they? As we’ve shown many times, popes can say things that are erroneous when discussing theological matters without it constituting heresy.

Some people argue that Pope Benedict XV’s words are equivalent to the following heresy of Antipope John Paul II. They are quite wrong. Let’s take a look.

John Paul II, Homily, June 6, 1985: “The Eucharist is the sacrament of the covenant of the Body and Blood of Christ, of the covenant which is eternal. This is the covenant which embraces all. This Blood reaches all and saves all.”

This statement, unlike Pope Benedict XV’s erroneous statement on the universality of the Redemption, is definitely a heretical utterance of universal salvation. First, John Paul II specifically says that Christ’s Blood reaches and saves all. Salvation is almost always associated with actually being saved or justified, not the potential of being saved or justified. Furthermore, in the same context, John Paul II speaks of the New Covenant. In this very context, he declares that all are part of this covenant. He’s referring to the new (and everlasting) covenant, which Jesus mentioned when instituting the Eucharist in His blood (Mt. 26:28). This covenant is the Church; it represents actual union with Christ. This covenant does not embrace all, as dogmatic definitions on the very words of Christ’s blood (and the covenant it signifies) confirm.

In addition, John Paul II consistently taught that all men are saved. There are many examples of that in this file: The Heresies of John Paul II – a comprehensive presentation. Two such examples are given below. So his statement above, that the Blood of Christ saves all, etc., is perfectly in line with his other teaching. It doesn’t stand out in contrast – as is the case with Pope Benedict XV’s words – with some statement (in the very same document) that no man is saved without the Catholic faith.

John Paul II, General Audience, Dec. 27, 1978: “Jesus Christ is the Second Person of the Holy Trinity become man; and therefore in Jesus, human nature and therefore the whole of humanity is redeemed, saved, ennobled to the extent of participating in ‘divine life’ by means of Grace.”

John Paul II, Redemptor Hominis (# 13), March 4, 1979: “We are dealing with each man, for each one is included in the mystery of the Redemption and with each one Christ has united Himself forever through this mystery.”

John Paul II says that all men participate in “the divine life.” The “divine life” refers to the state of grace. That means that all men are justified. In the second quote, John Paul II says that Christ is united to every man “forever.” That clearly indicates that all are saved.

So, in wrongly concluding that Pope Benedict XV was teaching universal salvation and heresy by his imperfect articulation of the universality of the Redemption – and that he was therefore an antipope – the radical schismatics have come up with another schismatic error which further confirms that they are truly outside the Church.

Pope Benedict XV on the Unity of the Church

June 7, 2009

Hi, some people are saying that this quote of Pope Benedict XV is a heretical denial of the unity of the Church. They say it’s the same as the Vatican II ecclesiology and that it proves that Pope Benedict XV was a heretic and therefore and antipope. What’s your response?

Benedict XV, Pacem, Dei Munu Pulcherrimum, #21, May 23, 1920:  “We humbly implore the Holy Ghost the Paraclete that He may ‘graciously grant to the Church the gifts of unity and peace’ …”


First, we should make it clear that we’re talking here about Pope Benedict XV (who reigned from 1914-1922), not Antipope Benedict XVI.

The quote above is not proof of manifest heresy for several reasons. I will demonstrate this by a number of points. The primary reason is that there are two ways of considering the unity of the Church. This needs to be explained. 1) There is the external, core unity of the Church, by which all who have this unity of faith and sacraments are united in a single body. This unity is indivisible and unbreakable. It cannot be lacking.

However, there is also the internal unity or cohesion of the Church among the members who are within the core unity.

Allow me to draw an analogy which hopefully helps illustrate the point. After that, I will quote a father of the Church and a dogmatic council to confirm the point.

Imagine that a sphere represents the Church, and that all atoms within this sphere represent the Church members. The outer surface of the sphere (the circular edge) represents the external core unity of faith and sacraments in the Catholic Church. This is indivisible. All who violate the Catholic unity of faith and government separate themselves and are expelled completely from the sphere. They no longer reside within, but are now outside the sphere.

However, among the atoms within the sphere (i.e., the Church members), they can be closer to or farther apart from the other atoms (the other members) depending upon how closely united they are in judgment, will and motive. Hence, one could pray for unity or a greater unity among the atoms (or members) who are already within the core unity; so that they cease squabbling over unnecessary matters, so that they are more united in their spiritual pursuits, etc. For that reason, it can be legitimate speak of a need for greater unity in the Church only if one is doing so in the context of those Church members who are already within and not divided in faith. In fact, that’s exactly what we see in the case of St. Paul’s rebuke to the Corinthians in 1 Corinthians 1:10:

1 Corinthians 1:10- “Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no schisms among you; but that you be perfect in the same mind, and in the same judgment.

St. John Chrysostom explains that St. Paul was not talking about differences of faith that arose, but differences of judgment and sentiment:

St. John Chrysostom, Homily 3 on 1 Cor. 1:10- “There is also such a thing as harmony of opinions, where there is not yet harmony of sentiment; for instance, when having the same faith we are not joined together in love: for thus, in the opinions we are one, (for we think the same things,) but in sentiment not so. And such was the case at that time; this person choosing one, and that, another. For this reason he [St. Paul] saith that it is necessary to agree both in ‘mind’ and in ‘judgment.’ For it was not from any difference in faith that the schisms arose, but from the division of their judgment through human contentiousness.” (NPNF1, Vol. 12, p. 11.)

We see that the members within the unity could be lacking in a certain degree of unity among themselves, as St. Paul and St. John Chrysostom confirm. This can arise from a difference in judgment and sentiment. Now, if this difference in judgment and sentiment reaches a certain level, it can and does result in actual schism which separates one from the sphere (the Church); but there can be lesser divisions in judgment and sentiment that don’t separate one from the Church. A case in point is the Great Western Schism and St. Vincent Ferrer. People were divided in judgment and sentiment on the issue of who the lawful pastors were, but those who were not obstinate (e.g., St. Vincent) were still within the sphere (the Church). A definitive proof for the point I’m making comes from the Fifth Lateran Council.

This council makes it clear that everyone who denies the faith is outside the Church, and that the Church is one in faith. However, it also speaks of a need for unity in the Church in terms of a greater agreement among those who are within the essential unity.

Here are just two quotes from the Fifth Lateran Council which clearly teach and reaffirm the dogma that the Church is one, and that it is completely united in its essential core unity of faith and government.

Pope Leo X, Fifth Lateran Council, Session 11, 1512-1517, on the abrogation of the Pragmatic Sanction: “… the person who abandons the teaching of the Roman Pontiff cannot be within the Church…” (D.E.C., Vol. 1, p. 640.)

Pope Leo X, Fifth Lateran Council, Session 11, 1512-1517: “… the holy Church of God, which by divine providence we preside over and which is indeed one, preaches and worships one God and firmly and sincerely professes one faith.” (D.E.C., Vol. 1, p. 636.)

However, we see that the council also speaks of a need for unity among those within the core unity.

Pope Leo X, Fifth Lateran Council, Session 11, 1512-1517: “Recently, in order that the Church, our spouse, might be kept in a holy union and use might be made by Christ’s faithful of the sacred canons issued by the Roman Pontiffs and general councils…” (D.E.C., Vol. 1, p. 638.)

Here we see that it’s speaking of the internal unity of those who are already “Christ’s faithful.” This quote is very similar to the one cited above from Pope Benedict XV. Here’s another quote from the Fifth Lateran Council.

Pope Leo X, Fifth Lateran Council, Session 11, 1512-1517: “Fostering everywhere the peace and mutual love so much commended by our Redeemer, let them not rend the seamless robe of Christ and let them refrain from any scandalous detraction of bishops, prelates and other superiors and of their state of life.” (D.E.C., Vol. 1, p. 637.)

Once again we see the pope and the council clearly speaking of a need for unity in the Church in terms of a greater mutual love and peace among the members who already hold the core unity of faith.

This should clearly show that Pope Benedict XV’s statement is not proof that he was a manifest heretic. Those who are asserting this are completely wrong. This is not to suggest that Benedict XV was necessarily a good or strong pope, or that he shouldn’t have been more precise or careful in his words. It is simply to point out that his statement is not proof that he was a manifest heretic. His statement is not comparable to the heretical teaching of Vatican II on the need for the “restoration of Church unity” because Vatican II clearly and explicitly says this with reference to people who are divided in essential faith and government (Protestants, etc.). That is blatantly heretical. Vatican II is not talking about the internal cohesion of those within the unity of faith, but rather that the core external unity of the Church is lacking because some people don’t accept the full Catholic faith or the Roman Pontiff. That is totally different.

So, once again we see that the warped radical schismatics (who are wrong on the issue of receiving sacraments, etc.) have come up with another schismatic error to confirm that they are not Catholic but truly outside the Church. This argument that we have just refuted was also promoted by the clueless schismatic named Frank, whom we’ve refuted over and over again. They desire to throw the pre-Vatican II popes out of the Church because they think it helps them more consistently argue their false position on receiving sacraments. For they are unable to refute our argument that if you may not go to a less obvious undeclared heretic who is offering a traditional form of liturgy today, then one could not have lawfully gone to similar heretics before Vatican II. So if they argue that all the pre-Vatican II popes were antipopes, they think it makes it easier for them to defend their ridiculous position that there was basically nowhere to receive sacraments before Vatican II as well.

Quickly Proving that Islam is a False Religion

October 13, 2007


I think That you people dont know anything about Islam. All the muslims believe From Adam(a) to Hazrat Isa(a)(Jesus) as you believe.But we believe one thing more that Jesus is not a God. He was one of the Most Great Prophet of God . We believe in virgin Mary.We believe in every Prophet. God send them to our world to teach us about God. They are the messenger of only one God.God is one. God told us by the Holy Quran to believe in all of this.Last Prophet Hazrat Mohammad(S) teach us to believe on that. Jews dont believe Jesus, we believe. We dont crusified him, Jews did. We are not unbelievers ,we believe more than you. I am not requesting you to learn about Quran,Please  Learn your  real Holy Bible first and learn that properly, Than Learn the Holy  Quran. You can read the Book named "Bible Quran And Science" writer, Dr Moris  bukaily. Buy

A Muslim



Contrary to what you state, we do know something about Islam.  And we can demonstrate, in just one minute, why it’s a false religion.  The true religion (which is the Catholic religion) cannot have blatant illogic at the heart of its teaching.  Islam has blatant illogic at its heart.  Islam considers Jesus to be a prophet, but it denies that He was God.  Islam says that God had no Son and it repudiates the Trinity.

The illogic is this: Jesus said and indicated that He was God many times (e.g., John 8:58).  On this point one can also consult: Where does the Bible teach that Jesus is God?  If He was not God (as Islam says), then He was a false prophet for claiming to be God when He was not.  According to Islam, he would logically – and we say this for the sake of argument for those who, God forbid, might accept Islam as true – have to be considered a blasphemer and a false prophet.  He could not logically be considered a prophet.  That proves that Islam is a false religion and that it has an official teaching which is blatantly false and illogical.  It proves it without even getting into the other false teachings of Islam which demonstrate that it’s a false religion which was inspired by the enemy of mankind to lead souls astray.

Jesus Christ was God, and the Catholic religion is the one true religion.   You need to convert to it and be baptized for salvation.

Pope Eugene IV, Council of Basel, 1434: “… there is hope that very many from the abominable sect of Mahomet will be converted to the Catholic faith.”[1]

Pope Callixtus III: “I vow to… exalt the true Faith, and to extirpate the diabolical sect of the reprobate and faithless Mahomet [Islam] in the East.”[2]

[1] Decrees of the Ecumenical Councils, Sheed & Ward and Georgetown University Press, 1990, Vol. 1, p. 479.

[2] Von Pastor, History of the Popes, II, 346; quoted by Warren H. Carroll, A History of Christendom, Vol. 3 (The Glory of Christendom), Front Royal, VA: Christendom Press, p. 571.

Some more reaction to Bro. Michael’s May 5 appearance on Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell

May 9, 2007

Another Great Show, I sat up to 4am listening to the show with some people that are in the fake church and they were speechless...Im glad I recorded the show on audio tape.... Good Job


Marshall WI

I cannot remember when I have heard anyone in our Church that is so informed and prolific in the support of our beliefs. Br. Dimond is a gift from the Holy Spirit. Thank you for all you do.

Dear Brother Diamond:

Your apparence on the Art Bell Coast to Coast program and your answers to the call in participants was the greatest. This is why I had order your book.

Jim Vondras
Florissant, MO

I heard Brother Michael on Coast to Coast. Thank you so much. You were a
wonderful example of what St. Paul meant when he said "To every man an
answer,". I enjoyed every minute of it and I prayed for you through the
whole show.

May God Bless you and your work as he uses you to spread the Word.


Dear Brother:

What you are saying somehow rings true to me. I am a Catholic from birth, and am extremely knowledgeable regarding history and religion, and find your message quite interesting. I am very active in the Catholic community in Los Angeles, but live in horror as to what the local dioceses has done to the youths of our schools and churches… God bless you and keep you and give you strength to continue to spread your truth.

Francine V. Limon

Murrieta, California

Dear Brother Diamond: Last evening I listened to your discussion on Coast To Coast, with Art Bell. I was so impressed with your directness and courage, that I am compelled to send you this word of support. I agree totally with your position, and I intend to support you and your community as best as I can.


Brian Bastinelli

Your time on art bell was refreshing and stimulating.


Hello Brother Michael Dimond,

I heard you today on Coast to coast and was startled by your commentary. I went to your website and your video on various events such as the flood, was most clear and resonated with me…

Thank you.


Steve DeJoseph

I enjoyed Brother Dimond’s time on Coast to Coast.

Bobbie Luymes

Peers, AB


Dear Catholic Brothers and Sisters, I was very happy to have heard Br. Dimond last night on a late night talk show. I admired his ability to remain calm and forthright after the many questions and rudeness that he received from many callers.


Dear Brother Diamond,

I just finished listening to you on Coast-to-Coast AM and was very excited to hear you doing such a fantastic job of Catholic Apologetics to the callers in. I am proud to be Catholic when someone like you handled the callers’ objections and misconceptions of our Catholic faith very gracefully…

~Peter Vü
