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This section of our website (which is updated daily) contains some less formal – and short – e-mail exchanges that we’ve had which we feel may be of value to our readers. We will include those portions of the exchanges we deem relevant and valuable. We often add bolding and underlining which are not necessarily that of the other party. This section also frequently includes, not only e-exchanges we have, but also our notes, updates and comments. Section containing some important recent posts. E-Exchange Archives.
Mississippi man partially paralyzed, unable to talk after J&J "vaccine" - 1 minute video
They can't even sue.
Had been
Michael Matt, False Traditionalism & The Church In The End Times
So many things revealed. Awesome video. I had been watching Baron, Matt etc... but I'll think now to believe in everything they utter.
Arul John
Blown Away
What Millions Of Fake Christians Get Wrong About Ephesians
I'm blown away. Now I know why (I'm a Protestant) I don't adhere to a lot of Protestant teaching. I've always thought scripture is clear. Rev 3:5 suggests very literally that the saved can be made unsaved, needless to say, I'm always shut down but it's clear. The name has to be in the book to blot it out. Thank you so much for this thorough obliteration of the impossibility of falling from grace. God bless.
Matthew Wilke
You need to become a traditional Catholic. See more biblical proof for Catholicism here: Our material explains how to convert and what's happening in Rome now.
Baptism, Siricius
Documentary: Protestantism's Big Justification Lie
This was beautiful, learned a lot. It’s true, devil doesn’t like the truth, it wants to twist it. Thank you so much for making videos like this.
God Bless Most Holy Family Monastery. Spending one week with your material and the truth has done much more to help me understand our Lord than perhaps anything prior in life. Sincerely, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Matthew L
This is ghastly! Can we not see the illogic, irrational words and nonsense he is spewing out? I have the suspicion that... yes, Stalin-style, and all of his material wealth and fame crushed if he refuses to continue these "orders". His odd expression also reflects: brainwashed.
Still don’t get
People are testing positive for "COVID" despite the fact they received the "vaccine" - video
They still don’t get that it’s a hoax.
New gospel
This new gospel is a different gospel. This teaching of the Novus Ordo sect of non-proselytism goes against the Great Commission of the Church, to preach the good news to all creation; "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation." (Mark 16:15)
Rodney Ford
The state cannot dictate what religion its people follow.
Does the state have the duty to recognize Christ the King and the laws of God? Yes. Does it have the duty to outlaw evils such as abortion? Yes. Likewise, it should give a special status to the true religion (i.e. traditional Catholicism).
Pope Pius X: “That the State must be separated from the Church is a thesis absolutely false, a most pernicious error... Hence the Roman Pontiffs have never ceased, as circumstances required, to refute and condemn the doctrine of the separation of Church and State.” (Vehementer Nos #3, Feb. 11, 1906)
Hello, I’ve been watching your videos lately and I couldn’t help but resonate with them. I was raised in a Baptist Church that unfortunately taught faith alone. I was also baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. I grew disillusioned due to most of the people my age claiming to be saved yet smoking weed doing fornication etc. The Deacons would just excuse it as “struggling with sin”… At First I was drawn to Steve Anderson but quit watching him after awhile. YouTube then recommended me one of your videos and that’s how I found out about you guys. My question is what process due I need to complete for salvation? Is my Baptism legit? I’m sorry for the long post but I thought it would help to get a little background. Thank you for your channel and all that you do God bless.
Becoming aware
Hi MHFM, I recently reverted after 20 years astray and am now becoming aware of the great apostasy. I live in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada…
Thank you,
Christopher H
The Real History Of "Orthodoxy"
Amazing video MHFM.
Catholic convert
Cleared up
The Real History Of "Orthodoxy"
Thank you this video cleared up a lot of confusion in my life. God bless.
The Real History Of "Orthodoxy"
Thank you brothers for this outstanding documentary. Now we know the real truth about Orthodoxy.
The Real History Of "Orthodoxy"
Another parade of undeniable truth to undeniable truth held together with… research, logic and reason!
Your videos have helped me realize that Francis is not the Pope and Sedevacantism is correct…
The Real History Of "Orthodoxy"
… Very powerful and moving…
The Real History Of "Orthodoxy"
I once considered becoming Orthodox, but your videos conclusively prove that the Catholic Church is the only Church that Jesus established. Thank you.
The Real History Of "Orthodoxy"
The times that I’ve almost despaired in my Catholic faith and start to look to the schismatic churches, Most Holy Family Monastery shepherds me back in. This proves God really does care and is giving me graces. Thank you for refuting the Eastern schismatics once again. You’ve done so much for us who do want to stay faithful, as well as evangelizing the others into traditional Catholicism.
We're glad that you like the material and that you did not become schismatic. However, we must say that the false religion of the schismatics should not be such a temptation for you. People should be firm in their faith, and if you are that influenced by the schismatics to possibly become one then you should not view their material at all. Avoid them and block them on social media. Also, a primary reason that so many lose faith or can't believe to begin with is that they are looking for approval from men rather than from God. This is such an important point. On that matter, see this video:
When you embrace the truth (especially today), you will be hated and mocked (Mt. 10:22). Just as we see the mob sweeping the country into lawlessness, we see mobs on social media and the internet sweeping people into heresy as people lose sight of what God thinks and what is really true and just. Instead, they get caught up in who is popular or has momentum or in what the crowd is saying. There are very few today who are truly and sincerely looking for approval from God (Mt. 7:14).
Must want
MHFM: No matter how powerful an argument is, the person who hears it must want the truth. If the person doesn’t want the truth, he will convince himself that any response to it is good, even when it’s not.
Zechariah 1:3- “Return to me, says the Lord of hosts, and I will return to you…”
The Real History Of "Orthodoxy"
Great video.
This hit me right in the gut.
I am a greek-orthodox and I live in Switzerland. I would like to convert to Catholicism... Don't know what are the options here... Could you please support me on this? Do you have any contacts in Switzerland? Thank you.
Claudia P
The Real History Of "Orthodoxy"
Thank you MHFM for this awesome video. God bless.
Melissa Mac
Rapper Dies After Getting Vaccine
Dear MHFM,
So I hear the rapper, DMX is the next famous person to die after taking the covid hoax jab.
After finding
Dear Brothers:
I hope that all of you at the Most Holy Family Monastery are doing well and that you had a blessed Lenten season and Easter.
I am currently in my final year at a private Catholic high school in New York. The flagrant modernism and lukewarm state of the school brought me to one of my lowest points as a member of the Roman Catholic Church.
After finding your videos, I am happy to say that my faith has completely turned around for the better...
I have been able to deepen my faith and my knowledge of Church history and theology and have exposed your message to many of my friends, all of whom are now firm believers in the traditionalist cause. We have even formed a club centered around the protection of traditional values and the condemnation of modernism and other forms of heresy.
In short, I'd like to thank you profusely for exposing me and so many others to the Truth. I pray that you will reach many others in the coming years and for the conversion of what are now so many lost souls.
A. R.
So many
MHFM: This is so applicable to our time: so many heretics to refute.
St. Ambrose (382): “There are not enough hours in the day for me to recite even the names of all the various sects of heretics.”
MHFM: Russian and Greek 'Orthodox' sects aren't supposed to commune with one another, since their sects have split. But do the followers of those sects actually observe that or are they Eastern 'Orthodox' recognize and resist? Their ecclesiology is stupid.
I am a 57 year old man, I live in Sydney, Australia. I was baptised and raised in the Greek Orthodox Church. However, after years of study and thought, I have come to believe that the Catholic Church is the true Church. I also believe that Francis is a false Pope and a heretic… I will need to enter the Church via a valid conditional baptism. I see this described in the MHFM website. I ask you kindly if among your many followers worldwide, you are aware of any in Sydney Australia, who would be able to assist me with this. I would be very thankful. Let me know if you are able to help me in this way or with any other advice about getting a conditional baptism. With kindest regards
Grew up
I grew up in a household where my family is largely Romanian Pentecostals who deny the doctrine of the Holy Trinity. I obviously don't agree with this view anymore… I've also read the Glossary and I agree with everything I've read… I really am grateful for you guys, sincerely.
God bless you.
A Reason
MHFM: One reason that there’s been so little opposition to the revolutionary and false teachings of Vatican II is that people at ‘Catholic’ universities/institutions have a financial/professional interest (jobs, degrees, etc.) in upholding the new religion and convincing themselves that Vatican II is compatible with Tradition, when it’s not. They’re not serving God first.
John Paul II Taught That The Gospel Is To Believe In Yourself
This is outrageous! Thank you…!...
Laurie Ann Rodriguez
Yes, it is outrageous. It’s also remarkable how many false traditionalists and adherents of the Counter Church, in their blindness, either don’t care about what he taught or refuse to accept the irrefutable evidence.
John Paul II Taught That The Gospel Is To Believe In Yourself
Again, another excellent video. Thank you very much for your work…
Homo Silens
Watch People Get Arrested For Not Wearing A Mask
Dark times indeed.
Watch People Get Arrested For Not Wearing A Mask
First it’s for not wearing a mask, then it will be for not being vaccinated...
To convert
Hello, my name is Daniel and I live in Portland, Oregon. I've read the Penny catechism and have watched a lot of your videos. I think I'm fully convinced of the Catholic faith and wish to convert…
Thomistic Basics (Act & Potency) Refute A Heretic On The Incarnation
Glad that I watched this video, it gives an excellent explanation…
The Best Argument Against "Baptism of Desire"
A lot of excellent information! A lot of interesting information!
Reggie Johnson
My name is Grant and I am 25 years old, located in Nova Scotia, Canada… I have been led to your material and have been learning about the Catholic faith and working towards conversion (from atheism)…
Documentary: Protestantism's Big Justification Lie
The last thirty minutes really drove home the point…
Rachel G
The secret in essence is an indictment against V2 reforms…
David Stanton
The Shroud of Turin - Proof of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ - video
MHFM: This is a very important video to see.
MHFM: Viganò is the ‘gift that keeps on giving’ to false traditionalists who want to be distracted from the apostasy of the antipopes of the Whore of Babylon and convince themselves that there is life in the Vatican II Counter Church when there isn’t. How many videos can these people do on Viganò?!
Divine Simplicity
MHFM: Concerning the dogma of divine simplicity, pre-Vatican II theologian Cardinal Johann Baptist Franzelin stated:
Cardinal Franzelin, De Deo Uno Secundum Naturam, Thesis 27, 1870: “From the few things which we have described, it is established how certain the whole profession of Christian antiquity was that nothing should be said concerning God that could bear the suspicion of composition, and just how solemn and indispensable the holy doctors took this dogma of divine simplicity to be.”
Palamite Eastern “Orthodoxy” fails this test.
Ron DeSantis vows to fight conspirators "vaccine passport" plan - 30 second video
We’re fortunate to have a great governor here in Florida. He is the antithesis of Communist New York governor Cuomo.
He does many good things but he's horrible on the matter of Jews and Israel. Basically the only 'conservatives' who get into positions of power are those who are willing to pledge full allegiance to Israel.
John Paul II Taught That Every Man Is The Messiah
I didn't learn the real truth about the heretic, John Paul II, until I started watching your videos. Thank you!
The way the Vatican 2 sect has capitulated and allied with the evil, communist NWO regarding the covid hoax is another proof that it is not the Catholic Church. This woman should take this experience as a blessing from God that she was thrown out of the demonic new mass. Apocalypse 18:4 "Go out from her, my people; that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues."
Greetings MHFM!
I want to first mention that your videos have been very inspirational to me and have convinced me that traditional Catholicism is the one true faith. I'm still in the conversion process…
Thanks, and God bless your ministry!
Athanasius, Filioque
St. Athanasius: “… the Spirit, in turn, receives from the Son; ‘He will take from what is mine’, he says, ‘and declare it to you’ (John 16:14)… Therefore, since the Spirit has the same relation of nature and order with respect to the Son that the Son has with respect to the Father, how can the one who calls the Spirit a creature escape the necessity of thinking the same about the Son?” (First Epistle to Serapion #21)
MHFM: This is an example of St. Athanasius clearly teaching the concept of the Filioque: St. Athanasius & John 16 Prove The Filioque.
Man claiming to be a woman recently "confirmed" as the "assistant sec of health" - video
He couldn’t even address Rand Paul’s question on whether or not he would continue to endorse genital mutilation. He is clearly filled with the demonic.
Julian Szymoniak
This person’s “confirmation” is a striking example of how sick society has become.
And they said this kind of thing only happens in Communist China. As MHFM has pointed out in its stunning documentary "America's Fall to Communism," the socio-economic depravity of Communist China and America are practically indistinguishable. Americans have allowed this to happen by their silent acceptance and in some cases, outright promotion of sexual sins and the loss of personal liberties...
Greetings… Brothers,
… I'd like to get baptized in due time… Thank you so much for your time...
With kindest Regards,
The US Constitution and Bill of Rights does not exist any longer… America as we knew it before does not exist...
Exactly Why Joe Biden Is Not A Catholic
May God bless you and this channel. Thank you for always teaching the Truth.
Bobbi W
John 17:14- “I have given them your word, and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.”
… I needed to hear this. Seriously, you have no idea.
The Bible Teaches That Few Are Saved
You certainly don’t hear many preaching that today.
Jeff Lonigro
Ravi Zacharias Sex Scandal Shocks Protestant World (Catholic Analysis)
Thank you for your video.
… Thank you for your apostolate. Without you I would still be one of the “wondering” ones in V2.
May God bless you,
St. Basil (4th century): “… our life has been slandered; and our faith in God has been slandered; for I realize that the slanderer inflicts injury on three persons at once: he injures him whom he calumniates, those with whom he has conversation, and himself.” (Letter 204)
Thomistic Basics (Act & Potency) Refute A Heretic On The Incarnation
Great video... Thank God for your… apostolate.
Krispy Kreme customers get free donuts for a year with proof of COVID hoax jab - 28 second video
Methods of rewards usually used on children...
Benedikt Kern
Pope St. Martin I, Letter To Constans II, 649: “… the conviction of the holy fathers that in the teaching about God and the divine that which falls slightly short is no slight matter.”
… My name is Victor Enrique Solis. I’ve been watching your videos since last fall and it answers so many questions. Thanks to your monastery I feel more convicted than ever to be the best Catholic I can become…
Great Proof Texts For Sedevacantism Show That Francis Is Not The Pope
I think I may join the sedevacantist position, and try to bring as many as I can with me.
"Cambridge, Mass. Passes Measure To Recognize Domestic Partnerships Of More Than 2 People"
I have people all the time dispute with me when I have said that sodomy/homosexuality legitimized by the culture will lead to other sins mentioned in this article: same sex/polyamourous lifestyles, child abuse, abortion, transgender aberration…
Greetings Most Holy Family Monastery,
Through your works I have found a passion towards the Church. I am a student of History in the University of Amsterdam…
Jeroen (Jerome)
New England
"Cambridge, Mass. Passes Measure To Recognize Domestic Partnerships Of More Than 2 People"
MHFM: Shortly before Vatican II (in the 1940s and 1950s), the modernists in New England were very much opposed to Fr. Leonard Feeney preaching that people need to become Catholic to be saved. They persecuted him for it. Now look at the state of New England and the country just a few generations later.
Newchurch is anti-Christ.
John Collorafi
MHFM: This is a major reason that many people have so little interest in God’s truth and what’s most important.
1 Cor. 2:14- “But the sensual man does not perceive these things that are of the Spirit of God; for it is foolishness to him, and he cannot understand, because it is spiritually examined.”
Pope Martin
Pope St. Martin I, Lateran Synod, 649: “… the devil, who always hastens to perform his own works through ‘the sons of disobedience.’”
Pope St. Martin I, Lateran Synod, 649: “… there is no common ground between the heretics and the holy fathers, but that ‘as far as the East is from the West’, so far are the impious heretics in word and thought from the men who speak of God.”
Watching, Holy Communion
Dear Brothers,
I have been watching some of your videos and find them to be very motivational…
Thank You… I found the page on your website steps to convert and I have one question, is Holy Communion required for me to get to heaven? That is if it's not possible for me to receive it.
We’re glad to hear about the interest. This video deals with that matter: Baptism (John 3:5) Vs. The Eucharist (John 6:53) In Regard To Necessity
It takes great courage to take on a great tsunami of evil. l was in Dublin a few days before the "right " to murder the unborn was passed by way of referendum l watched two elderly men handing out prolife pamphlets and it was clear to me that they were afraid for their safety. The opposition side were dressed in many cases as clowns replete with balloons and party whistles. The presence of evil in Dublin on that day shook me to the core l will never forget the raw contempt the toward the life of the unborn… There is no future for a country that abandons its children to be butchered. Thank you for your uncompromising work. The individual in the Vatican is an abomination l refuse to listen to a word he says. l have learned much from you down the years. Perhaps you might say a prayer for me… Once again thank for your courage and integrity.
Yours Sean
St. Theodore
MHFM: St. Theodore the Studite (d. 826), Byzantine monk, is another saint recognized by the Eastern ‘Orthodox’ who debunks their false religion. He clearly believed in a papal primacy of jurisdiction.
St. Theodore the Studite: “Since it is to the great Peter that Christ our God gave the keys of the kingdom of heaven along with the dignity of chief shepherd, it is to Peter, that is, his successor, that it is necessary to refer every novelty which is made in the Catholic Church by those who turn aside from the truth.”
I've been watching your videos recently and they're very informative. I wanted to know; I was not raised Christian, but… I was baptised later in life. I was baptised by a… unitarian, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to be specific because at the time I believed in Arian Christianity. I've had many major reconsiderations and I believe now that the catholic church may be the true faith, but what I want to know is this: do I need to be baptised again in a catholic church? I'm still new to all of this, so I genuinely don't know at all.
Hello. We’re glad you are looking at the material. When you are convinced on all the issues, you would need to be baptized. We recommend that you pray the Hail Mary frequently for the grace to embrace the truth and do God’s will. (We recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.)
Thomistic Basics (Act & Potency) Refute A Heretic On The Incarnation
Wonderful video... Thank you for… rebuking heresies.
'Born Again' Refutes 'Faith Alone'
Great video…
Nigel Meta
MHFM: One of the marks of the true Church, including the true remnant Catholic Church in our day, is holiness. One of the marks of the Vatican II Sect (the end-times Counter Church) is unholiness.
I'm at loss for words. I feel as if I can only shake my head. This is abominable.
A Miles
MHFM: There’s so much overwhelming and stunning evidence that the V2 Sect (and more) directly fulfills prophecy about the end-times Beast and Whore. Yet there are scoffers, as it is written: “scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing, following their own desires” (2 Peter 3:3). Apocalypse Now In The Vatican
This video has so much information and that information is so important…
MHFM: These young Eastern ‘Orthodox’ heretics are so foolish. Some of them have rejected Catholicism, they claim, in part due to the false ecumenism of the Vatican II Sect. Yet then they submit to Eastern ‘Orthodox’ bishops who engage in similar false ecumenism. They are blind rebels against God – period.
"Bishop" is ashamed of "Church" condemnation of sodomy and has praised those who engage in sodomy
Whore of Babylon, the Vatican II sect, is rotting even more...
Unam Sanctam UK
"Journalist Proclaims She Would 'Love To Die' From The AstraZeneca Vaccine If It Helps Others"
Brainwashed fool.
Thomistic Basics (Act & Potency) Refute A Heretic On The Incarnation
Brothers, thank you for leading the way, excellent...the more I become grounded in Catholic teachings the clearer your presentations become to me.
Casimir Grochowski
One would hope after the governor in TX removed the mask mandate people would stop this craziness. Businesses like Home Depot have written the masks into their dress code. So have some schools. Sadly it doesn’t look that much different here after the mandate was lifted. As long as the business makes it their own rule, because you are on their private property...the masks continue.
I’m grateful the town we live in doesn’t really enforce it, but they sure go with it, people seem to love their masks, matching their outfits even! What kind of “pandemic” is this!!
… With regard to Aztec worship in schools, I can remember seeing about 10 years ago, a public school book on myths which included a story of the Virgin of Guadalupe. Of course, the story was not only presented as a myth but was totally distorted. Just enough of the facts were left to ensure that if a child were later to hear the real story of Guadalupe, he would "recognize" it as the childhood myth and immediately dismiss it as such. (Same way false religions are passed on by Jews, heretics and others to their children). But the true popes have warned against heresies and public schools, and Our Lady has crushed the head of the Serpent. Yet, thanks to the bad will and apostasy of men, almost no one is interested in these things any more - and all the world has become the House Once Swept.
Lee Ann
Not Catholic
MHFM: They aren’t Catholic.
"Church Militant" Once Again Calls Apostate John Paul II A "Saint" - video
I watch your videos... and I like how you analyze things and formulate arguments to strengthen the Catholic Faith and Doctrine…
Joseph Oneto
Thomistic Basics (Act & Potency) Refute A Heretic On The Incarnation
Amazing - what a refutation!...
Peter Joy
Thomistic Basics (Act & Potency) Refute A Heretic On The Incarnation
Great information…
Thomistic Basics (Act & Potency) Refute A Heretic On The Incarnation
Great teaching on Aquinas re act vs potency !!! Learned something new today...
Anthony Tan
Thomistic Basics (Act & Potency) Refute A Heretic On The Incarnation
Excellent video. Antipope John Paul II publicly denied Jesus Christ on several occasions. Anyone who defends that heretic, is a heretic as well.
Thomistic Basics (Act & Potency) Refute A Heretic On The Incarnation
… excellent video.