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This section of our website (which is updated daily) contains some less formal – and short – e-mail exchanges that we’ve had which we feel may be of value to our readers.  We will include those portions of the exchanges we deem relevant and valuable.  We often add bolding and underlining which are not necessarily that of the other party.  This section also frequently includes, not only e-exchanges we have, but also our notes, updates and comments. Section containing some important recent posts. E-Exchange Archives.

No One Can Be Forgiven Without This – Catholic Teaching

“One of the best refutations of many general protestant ideas that I’ve ever heard”

September 4, 2021


I used your book to help bring a Jack Chick Fundamentalist" to the Traditional Catholic faith…

Frank Perella


“Pastor” Steven Anderson Exposed – Documentary

Excellent video! Not only a refutation of Steven Anderson, but more importantly this is one of the best refutations of many general protestant ideas that I’ve ever heard.

Ryan R.

“I want to get baptized but I don’t know anyone here in Austria, Vienna”

September 3, 2021

Vienna, Austria


I accepted all the correct catholic positions. I reject BoD,BoB, never attend new mass, reject Vatican2, reject all the antipopes.

I want to get baptized but I don't know anyone here in Austria, Vienna who is willing to baptise me…

Best wishes and God bless you


If there is a traditional Catholic in the area of Vienna, Austria, who would like to help with this baptism, please e-mail us at


"Australian Police Violate Lockdown Rules To Host LGBT Office Party"

As always, abominations are given privileges and primacy in this wicked world. It's the same as when the lawless "peaceful protestors" were given license to Burn, Loot and Murder despite the supposed deadly virus narrative.


“At every presidential election, the media put the hoax right in peoples’ faces”

September 2, 2021


Doctors Explain Why “Covid-19” And The “Delta Variant” Don’t Exist – Must-See Video

Dear Brothers,

Not only was MHFM the first organization to call covid a hoax, but MHFM is also the only organization to have called out the US voting system for the hoax that it, too, is - ten years ago.

At every presidential election, the media put the hoax right in peoples' faces, by immediately announcing the election winners before any of the actual votes are counted.  (Not sure if they slipped up with Trump first time, although it must be admitted that Trump with all of his "advisors" did not substantially hinder their communist agenda.)  What is especially striking to me about your video is that in it you pointed out (in a very prophetic sort of way) that the reason the media don't at least wait until they get some votes before announcing the winner (in order to try to hide what they're doing) is that they wanted people to be conditioned into believing that the news media know all things.   What a punishment for a world that loves false shepherds and false gods.  And refuses the truth that MHFM so clearly and so charitably offers.

Lee Ann

New Must-See Video on ‘Covid’

Doctors Explain Why “Covid-19” And The “Delta Variant” Don’t Exist – Must-See Video

MHFM: This MUST-SEE video is a striking vindication of what we stated about ‘Covid’ before perhaps any other organization. Lab scientist and noted natural health proponent Mike Adams has (to his credit) changed his position on ‘Covid’. He originally believed it was a real disease based on a real virus but now, after trying to order certified materials for it, he realizes that it’s a hoax and that the ‘virus’ doesn’t exist and has never been isolated. Adams interviews two doctors who cover the truth about this massive ‘Covid’ hoax. People need to understand these facts. Those who tell you that ‘Covid’ exists or that people ‘have it’ are spreading propaganda and contradicting a true scientific analysis.

“My coworker showed me [MHFM] when I started to look back into Christianity more”

September 1, 2021

To be baptized


I thank you two for all the videos you have made. My coworker showed me you guys when I started to look back into Christianity more so the one true faith of Catholicism… I am unbaptized and wish to be baptized in the faith… Thanks and God bless –

Justin H.


Dear MHFM,

I really appreciate your quotes of the day, and they sometimes have a personal significance to what's going on in my life right now…

Thank you,

Michael R.

But will

Vatican II Sect "priest" from Chicago will deny you "sacraments" if you don't wear a mask - 36 second video

The Vatican II Sect will not refuse their "communion" to abortionists, adulterers, or Sodomite pushers, but will stubbornly refuse the unmasked.

Simon Turac

“You make the truth so plain to see… Thank you MHFM!”

August 30, 2021


Amazing Evidence For God

How awesome is our God... I Thank God I stumbled into your channel and website.

Vicky Santiago


The Antichrist Conquers In This Sign

This video was an absolute joy to watch. Very clear, well explained, plenty of evidence. You make the truth so plain to see… Thank you MHFM!

Darren O’Neill


Amazing Evidence For God

Awesome video. “What came first, the blood or the heart that pumps the blood?”. And I’m not exaggerating but that quote alone changed my life because I do believe that there is 100% a creator now. Thank you.

Anthony Gruner


Ravi Zacharias Sex Scandal Shocks Protestant World (Catholic Analysis)

The Lord gave you great wisdom indeed. I saw a few of your videos. You always say the harsh truth rather than a sweet lie. Keep being Firm in these Dark Times. I believe True Catholicism is the only way to Christ. Thank you for guiding us. God Bless you.

Mt Med

St. Peter Canisius On Christians Who Commit Sins Of Impurity

August 29, 2021


St. Peter Canisius (16th century): “It is a shocking thing that Christians are not marvelously ashamed, who pollute themselves with filthy lust in the sight of God and His angels, whereas they have consecrated in Baptism their bodies and members as pure temples to the Holy Ghost, and to Christ our Lord.”


“Remember this and stand firm, recall it to mind, you transgressors, remember the former things of old; for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done…” (Isaiah 46:8-10)

“Your website has some amazing resources”

August 27, 2021



… Thank you for your… great ministry which has been a great blessing to our family and to the whole world!

Jessi Becker


I came to learn about the sedevacantist position from your videos… Your website has some amazing resources.. I will study what you've recommended. I agree with all the issues I have seen…



Why So Many Can't Believe

Excellent points here.



The 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic Hoax

God Bless… You are a Light in This Darkness and This Video Was a Confirmation to Me About What I Should Do. Blessings and Keep Up What You Are Doing!!!

Lourdes Vilar


The 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic Hoax

Death rate flat 2018 through 2020. No appreciable change (raw number decreased 2019 v 2020). CDC Numbers.



Great Proof Texts For Sedevacantism

Awesome and clarifying. Thank you so much!

William Ridenour


“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists – Final Edition

Reminds me of Exodus chapter 7… pharaohs magicians… Demons behind this also. Great video, thank you.

Mr N


Vatican II's Jewish Heresy

Eye-opening stuff.


“Your content brought me away from Non Denominational”

August 25, 2021

New Mandates

“New York Governor Kathy Hochul says she'll institute a mask mandate for students and require school staff to be vaccinated against Covid or tested.” (Bloomberg)

MHFM: As we thought might be the case, it looks like the leftist media simultaneously ganged up on Cuomo to pressure him out because (as horrible as he is) the conspirators wanted someone even more aggressive in implementing the Covid Hoax tyranny! Now that’s a scary thought.


I am 17 and discovered your content in 2019. Your content brought me away from Non Denominational and has been my Main source of Knowledge for the Truth… I consistently rewatch your content to refresh myself and often watch ''Death and Journey into hell'' when I go to sleep to remind myself of what’s at stake.

Aden Hickman


Doctor shows how the “COVID-19 vaccine” damages vital organs in the body – see the shocking evidence

Absolutely wonderful presentation!!! Thank you! I’m 90! I refuse all their “shots!!!”…


They didn't build a single cemetery in 2020!

August 24, 2021


The 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic Hoax

MHFM: Among other things covered in this important video, she mentions that they didn't build a single cemetery in 2020. They also spent less money on burial in 2020 than in 2019. Why? The answer is that "Covid" is a hoax, but vaccine injuries and deaths are very real.


Viganò Says Francis Is A “Non-Catholic Pope” (Analysis)

Thank you for this Truth Bomb.



Hello, I am currently looking into sedevacantism…

Thank you brothers. May God bless you.



Amazing Evidence For God

Great documentary!

Flavio Gomez

“Discovering your site is proof that Christ wants to help us who truly need him”

August 23, 2021

Came upon the site

Dear Brothers,

A few years ago I came upon your site. I was depressed, lonely, & angry. My life has been a complete failure filled with sin and immorality. Deep down I knew I was doing evil by my mortal sins of pornography and masturbation. I was raised in an eastern catholic household and I was always interested in the Church. I would always go to church groups and was well versed in the bible more than the other kids. My parents never went to mass, only on Christmas and Easter. Even though we didn't go to mass every week I still really believed in God.

In high school I became completely immoral and forgot God. Ever since 2015-16 I realized that the world was going completely insane and that it was completely degenerate. I was desperate to find answers about life. I have spent the last 6 years trying to find the meaning of how I should live life and how others should live life.

One day, when I was extremely depressed, I found one of your videos on youtube about heretics like Martin Luther. I was confused about the different religions and had shamefully listened to those heretics known as protestants. You guys gave a great video on the subject. This had led me to your site.

I started praying the rosary as listed on your site and over 3 years it has helped me. I have constantly, however, fallen back into my sinful life over and over.

This past year with the COVID hoax has made me come full circle. I finally gave a good confession at my eastern catholic church. This past month, I started to pray the Rosary 6 times a day and on Thursday go to confession and the blessed sacrament. I've never felt happier in such a long time. I haven't had sexual thoughts and I haven't felt the need to sin. I feel unashamed of our true church.

I have been getting attacked by family members and others for professing the true catholic doctrines presented on your website. I'm called old fashioned and have been called lots of names etc. It's become so clear to my mind like natural wisdom that Catholic Doctrine is truth and that a sinful life clouds the mind from truth.

When I watch your videos, it makes me truly believe. It's become so clear to me how demons attack when they are being kicked out. They keep trying to put bad thoughts in my head at times but I have become stronger when praying the rosary.

One time I was in sleep paralysis and I felt like a demon was on top of me. I screamed Jesus name and I heard the most disgusting scream ever leave. My body was completely free from the paralysis. It became clear to me that these devils were extremely real and was also confirmed by your video on magicians.

When I was younger, the masses I attended at my school never attracted or made me believe more. I had to find videos like yours to truly feel interested and inspired. I no longer have fear for life. I no longer have anger. I no longer have resentment for my parents or my family. I no longer feel sexual lust and perversion. I feel ashamed for the evil life I have lived, but I'm thankful for the site you have made and the true traditional doctrines you profess on your site.

You have been helping souls like mine and discovering your site is proof that Christ wants to help us who truly need him. You have also inspired me to try and help others towards salvation and eternal life. I will try my best to lead them to your site. Thank you again and God bless you, brothers.

“I've been watching your videos for a few months... I am a Christian from Lebanon…”

August 22, 2021

Convinced, Lebanon

Hi. I've been watching your videos for a few months now and I am fully convinced of the sedevacantist position. That holds that all claimants to the papacy after Pius 12 are all antipopes. I am a Christian from Lebanon…


Australian man sentenced

“A 29-year-old man has been sentenced to a maximum of eight months in prison over his involvement in organising an unauthorised protest, as well as multiple breaches of the Public Health Order.” (NSW Police Force)

Australia is now officially a fascist country.


“Thank God for Most Holy Family Monastery to shed light on these false traditionalists”

August 20, 2021


Canyon of Despair, Hope, and Meaning

I just watched your “Canyon of Despair, Hope, and Meaning” from 11 years ago and it was excellent. Well done!

S. Hinnah


Viganò Says Francis Is A “Non-Catholic Pope” (Analysis)

Excellent presentation.

John Gurzo


Viganò Says Francis Is A “Non-Catholic Pope” (Analysis)

Well done! Very informative, and enlightening.

Semyon Budyonny


Viganò Says Francis Is A “Non-Catholic Pope” (Analysis)

Thank the Lord for this channel truly amazing.

L. O’Hara


Viganò Says Francis Is A “Non-Catholic Pope” (Analysis)

Excellent video! The viewpoint of the recognize-and-resist "anything but sedevacantism" "Catholics" is absolutely baffling. Thank God for Most Holy Family Monastery to shed light on these false traditionalists that continue to deceive many who are a little push away from leaving the Vatican II sect.



Viganò Says Francis Is A “Non-Catholic Pope” (Analysis)

Well done.

Vladimir Daninic

New Zealand goes into full lockdown over a single “Covid case”

August 19, 2021

Dear Brothers,

This is ridiculous! Our Socialist/Communist Prime Minister, Comrade Jacinda Ardern has just put N.Z. into Lockdown over one suspected Covid case, one week for Auckland and 3 days for the rest of the country.

God bless,

“You have at least the right to bear arms... But here in Germany, we're almost helpless”

August 18, 2021

Germany, Sodomites

France: "6 Month prison sentence if you are caught inside any of these places without the pass..."

You have at least the right to bear arms. That's why the DemoncRats want to take them away. But here in Germany, we're almost helpless. The Sodomites were allowed to walk unmasked with no social distancing and were praised for their degeneracy. One week later police brutally beat up covid-hoax protesters. One person died.

Dominik Geis

“I have only very recently embraced the sedevacantist position...”

August 17, 2021


I have only very recently embraced the sedevacantist position...

My prolife work is mainly as a 40 Days for Life leader and I organize a group throughout the year that goes to Planned Parenthood once a week. Our work is mainly being a public presence outside with signs, offering help to those who ask for it and praying. I personally haven't been able to be out there often the last several months. I've also been so devastated and disappointed by the "prolife" volunteers who have taken the abortion tainted injections, one of them even died. I agree with your assessment that being around them has weakened me spiritually as I feel like an outsider. They are all so "obedient" to Francis...

Thank you for your time.

Sincerely - Lynda

“The See of St. Peter in Rome enjoys universal jurisdiction over the entire ‘flock of Christ’”

August 16, 2021


St. Gregory Nazianzen Refutes “Orthodoxy” On The Papacy

Excellent presentation of the unequivocal testimony of St Gregory Nazianzen… that the See of St Peter in Rome enjoys universal jurisdiction over the entire "flock of Christ," which is the Church universal.

Solanus Hartig

“No one who dared to oppose his own Creator has escaped divine retribution”


St. Gregory Nazianzen: “Many are the paths deviating from the straight and established road, all of which lead to the depths of destruction.”


Council of Ephesus, AD 431: “No one who dared to oppose his own Creator has escaped divine retribution, but immediately, in so far as human eyes could see, he was punished in part, since the more complete punishment due to him is reserved for the time of Judgment.”

“What was once the Eldest Daughter of the Church...”


"Compulsory vaccinations" began in EU with "order" by Macron (French whore of the "COVID" conspirators)

What was once the Eldest Daughter of the Church now has become the Eldest Daughter of the Whore of Babylon. And not surprising that it has also become the temporal sword of the Beast, that initiates this demonic measure.


“They damage the souls of all who put their trust in the failed healthcare system”

August 15, 2021


Is NCH (Naples Community Hospital) “doctor” laughing or crying as she "warns" about "the Delta variant"?

God forced this liar to be exposed on camera. May she have the grace to be converted to the true Catholic faith, repent of her sins, and use the time God has given her to recant her false statements in the public forum. Her lies damage more than her own soul; they damage the souls of all who put their trust in the failed healthcare system.



The Antichrist’s Distinguishing Mark

Mind blowing. Thanks MHFM.


Earthquakes in Haiti and then Alaska

August 14, 2021


MHFM: A massive 7.2 earthquake struck Haiti about 30 minutes after a 7.0 earthquake hit Alaska.

The 500th anniversary of the Fall of The Aztec Empire to Hernan Cortes

August 13, 2021

Aztec Empire

Cortes’ Amazing Conquest Of The Aztec Empire

Dear MHFM,

Thank you so much for your material and for spreading the truth in these dark days…

Today, August 13th, marks the 500th anniversary of the fall of Tenochtitlan to Hernan Cortes and the Spanish. After seeing your videos on the Spanish conquest of the Aztecs, I read Carroll's book on Our Lady of Guadalupe and was appalled at how horrible the Aztec society was. As a Mexican-American, it made me even more thankful for God having allowed the Spanish to conquer and for Our Lady to appear and allow Christianity to replace such a diabolical cult of devils. It is a sad comment that the current President of Mexico wants to remember those horrors and asks the Spanish government to apologize for the conquest. It is a reminder of how wicked the world is and I wanted to share that…

Thank you and my God bless you,

Wicked with the Wicked

Immaculate Conception

Mary’s Sinlessness: A Biblical Documentary

Incredible video. There is absolutely no doubt about it, Mary was immaculately conceived…

Darren O’Neill

Wicked with the Wicked

St. Gregory Nazianzen: “… the wicked are very quick to gang up with the wicked… The proof is this: my closest friends who had recently shown me respect, now scorned me.”

“Scriptural writers say that Jacob's Ladder represents Christ, the Way to Heaven”

August 11, 2021


Texas court awards young boy to mom who wants to "turn him into a girl" - 31 second video

What an abomination.

Christin Nicoles Davies


Dear Brothers,

Scriptural writers say that Jacob's Ladder represents Christ, the Way to Heaven.  And perhaps because it signifies Our Lord, the ladder also seems to represent just about every aspect of man's life on earth.  A ladder must be begun with the first step.  And if you skipped that step - you'd never be able to climb up.  And so it is for the life of man - everything's like a ladder, where the first step is necessary… The first step/ascent of the will is…:man must acknowledge a truth about God which he knows to be true.  That nothing exists without a Maker.  That Christ is the only Savior of the world… That Christ founded only one Church.  That Christ gave the Keys to Peter and Peter only… once a person is willing to bend his own will and assent to what he knows is true - God gives him grace to reach the next steps in the process, providing for that man baptism and all he needs for salvation.  And (as all true Catholics know) the climb, in fact, becomes a delight.   (If man should fall, God will usually (at least for a time) accept his repentance as his "first" small step once again.)  But sadly, most people refuse to ever take that first step (whatever it may be for them) - because of pride or some other attachment to sin.  They may sometimes go through the motions, but they never actually even begin their ascent to Heaven - that first step up - but instead remain attached to the earth.  All because they obstinately refused to acknowledge some fact about God or the faith that they knew to be true.  

Lee Ann

“I was born and raised a Mormon & served a mission for the LDS church... I want to convert and get baptized in the true catholic church”

Was Mormon, wants to convert

Dear brothers. I hope this email finds you well. I was born and raised a mormon and I served a mission for the LDS church a year and a half ago which was cut off early due to " Covid". The events of this past year and 1/2 have really opened my eyes to the true evil in this world and also opened my eyes to the truth about Mormonism to which I no longer believe.  A dear online friend of mine a true catholic has sent me your videos from your YouTube channel and I find your content compelling.  I want to convert and get baptized in the true catholic church but with the apostasy in the Vatican II church I don't know how I would go about doing. I worry a lot about my own salvation and I know it is only in the true catholic faith that salvation is found.  I hope you all are well and God bless.



St. Gregory Nazianzen Refutes “Orthodoxy” On The Papacy

I always learn so much from your videos and articles. They’re so crucial for finding True Christianity in this great apostasy. God bless brothers.

Joey B


St. Gregory Nazianzen Refutes “Orthodoxy” On The Papacy

My Christian Faith has been strengthened from watching this powerful video. Thank you.

Gloria Patri


St. Gregory Nazianzen Refutes “Orthodoxy” On The Papacy

I love this Christian channel. It's a blessing from God.

J. Rossi

The Covid hoax lies are back at even a higher level...

August 10, 2021

Covid Hoax

MHFM: The Covid hoax lies are back at even a higher level, entrapping only the gullible/ignorant at this point. Again they claim that almost anyone who is sick has ‘Covid’ (even though they never isolated the 'virus'). Horrible lies, but there are many real injuries and deaths from the vaccines.


Francis Attacks The Latin Mass – The Big Picture

Just discovered the channel. Very good. Godspeed

Cooper Chauvin


The Antichrist’s Distinguishing Mark

Excellent Video.

Ivan Steven Mewenkang

“Germany is already planning to only allow jabbed people...”

August 8, 2021


Francis Attacks The Latin Mass – The Big Picture

Just discovered the channel. Very good. Godspeed

Cooper Chauvin


The Antichrist’s Distinguishing Mark

Excellent Video.

Ivan Steven Mewenkang

Comment, Rosary

thank you

praying the rosary helped me overcome my lust (something islam couldnt do) im glad that im catholic now

i hope vatican 2 collapses


Man warns that the conspiracy will attempt to force everyone to take their "vaccine" - 55 second video

Germany is already planning to only allow jabbed people entrance into grocery stores and super markets for autumn. Others would have to pay high fees to get tested for entry. Tyranny.

Dominik Geis

“Your work brought me to the traditional Catholic faith... you have awakened my wife and I”

August 7, 2021


Man warns that the conspiracy will attempt to force everyone to take their "vaccine" - 55 second video

In my city they have restricted entering pagan clubs and restaurants to the 'vaccinated'. It won't take long before they restrict people's freedom to go to a grocery store or simply renew their driver's license…

Lucas Guelfi


Hi, First I would like to thank you for all of your videos. Your work brought me to the traditional Catholic faith and really got me thinking about the gradual weakening of the EENS dogma and its implications. Thank you for this, you have awakened my wife and I and we are expecting a child. God willing we will give the child water baptism and be raising the child in the traditional Catholic faith. Please pray for us...

God help us,

The SSPX have externals, buildings, etc. They don't have the true faith.

August 6, 2021


Francis Attacks The Latin Mass – The Big Picture

STOP!... I BELONG TO SSPX! WE ARE NOT IN SCISIM!! That's where you need to get some correction I'm not going to hell

Margaret Mary Young


The position of the SSPX is schismatic. They remain perpetually independent of the 'hierarchy' and 'pope' they recognize. They reject the solemn 'canonizations' of their 'popes'. They reject formal teachings of what they consider to be an ecumenical council. That's schismatic. They are a sect. They also deny Catholic teaching on salvation. You must not embrace their positions or support them. See our video about them: They also consider notorious heretics (such as Antipope Francis and his apostate 'bishops') to be in the Church, which is contrary to Catholic teaching. They have externals, buildings, etc. They don't have the true faith. In charity we say that you won't be saved if you continue to follow or support them.


Francis Attacks The Latin Mass – The Big Picture

The FSSP is all we have in Dallas. Everything else is the false VII liturgy. What are we to do if the FSSP is not really traditional?



The FSSP is not truly traditional, and you must not go there. There are options for confession, and we can help you with those when you are convinced on all the issues. We also recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.


Francis Attacks The Latin Mass – The Big Picture

Awesome video brothers. Thank God for the blessed works of MHFM in these end times.

