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This section of our website (which is updated daily) contains some less formal – and short – e-mail exchanges that we’ve had which we feel may be of value to our readers.  We will include those portions of the exchanges we deem relevant and valuable.  We often add bolding and underlining which are not necessarily that of the other party.  This section also frequently includes, not only e-exchanges we have, but also our notes, updates and comments. Section containing some important recent posts. E-Exchange Archives.

Is America Mentioned In Bible Prophecy?

MHFM: Among many other things, this video covers facts about the history of our monastery and its members that we have not covered in any other video.

Should a Catholic pray with Protestants about simple things? No.

April 5, 2022


Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)

Would be me praying with my best friend (who is a protestant) about simple things like thanks giving before eating or for the salvation of certain people be heretic?



You should not pray with him.  We also assume that you've shared information with him and tried to convert him.

For if we see our brothers going wrong and are silent...

April 4, 2022

Pope St. Gregory VII, Sept. 3, 1075: “For if we see our brothers going wrong and are silent, if we see them going astray and do not endeavor by warning them to recall them to the path of righteousness, do not we ourselves also go wrong, and are we not justly judged to go astray?  For, indeed, he who neglects to correct faults, commits them.”

Man walking silently at night out in the street. (left)  Pope Saint Gregory VII portrait. (right)

MHFM videos on Eastern "Orthodoxy" helped a person from becoming one of them

April 3, 2022


… Thank you for your videos on the "Eastern Orthodox" as it stopped me from becoming one of them. May God continue to bless your work.



"Embalmers, funeral directors reveal that COVID-vaccinated bodies show 'unusual blood clots'"

… Creating this poison and forcing people to get injections is one sort of crime. Deliberately covering up the facts and ostracizing those who come forward with the truth is another sort of crime. Both are heinous.



Apocalypse Now In The Vatican

Thank you for this excellent documentary.


“When I was a Protestant”

Galatians, Papacy

Did St. Paul Really Rebuke St. Peter In Galatians 2?

That was very solid and enjoyable.  When I was a Protestant we were always taught to take Peter's flip flopping on the Gentile Question as proof that 'he was no Pope'.  Even then that interpretation did not sit well with me, as it made Peter an unsympathetic person generally. Thanks!

T Jones


"Embalmers, funeral directors reveal that COVID-vaccinated bodies show 'unusual blood clots'"

This is a crime against humanity.



… I have fallen in line with the Sedevacantist position, find it easily defendable…

Leev jr.


The V2 Sect also continues to deceive regarding the Third Secret of Fatima as they have for almost 60 years.

Eldon Trent


Greetings, Most Holy Family Monastery!

That's my first email to you, I discovered your site and videos about three months ago and I believe in the content that you post. I stopped going to the novus ordo mass…

Thank you!


“The internet is the medium through which (by the grace of God) MHFM preaches the true Catholic faith”

April 1, 2022


Does “Return To Tradition” (Anthony Stine) Buy Fake Views?

Dear Brothers, 

Thank you for exposing these frauds who think they can profit off the "Catholic religion" by… lying, while putting forth heretical and worthless presentations of "Catholicism".  In a way, these are the worst kinds of anti-evangelists - not only because they claim to be traditional Catholics when they are not, but also because such individuals could discourage people from looking elsewhere.  The internet is the medium through which (by the grace of God) MHFM preaches the true Catholic faith to people all over the world.  False traditionalists like Stine and Tradcat don't teach the Catholic faith or convert anyone.  All they actually do is give fodder to Protestants in their never-ending crusades against the true Catholic Church.

Lee Ann


Does “Return To Tradition” (Anthony Stine) Buy Fake Views?

Outstanding work brothers.

Joey B


Does “Return To Tradition” (Anthony Stine) Buy Fake Views?

Wow! Thorough. You… are the most consistent in your position…

Bill Anderson

“I don't know what to say after watching this. It all just fits too well.”


Apocalypse Now In The Vatican

I don't know what to say after watching this. It all just fits too well. I came to faith just two years ago… There have been many great jumps in my faith, in just a small amount of time, with this now being the next big jump. I truly want to live for Christ. I have come to see the fruits of VC2 being spoiled already. But now with this video it makes even more sense. Brethren, please pray for me, all I want is to be with the LORD. Greetings from Germany

My life for the Lord


The Whole Truth about the Consecration and Conversion of Russia and the Impostor Sr. Lucy

The observations are totally brilliant, and I believe, enlightened by the Holy Ghost, as a means to help the faithful to finally realize the whole truth about Fatima and end the confusion spread by the Vatican 2 sect. I am fully convinced that Russia was consecrated by Pope P. XII, that it was “late” and without all the bishops of the world, and that a “certain”, less profound “period of peace” was granted to the world, because they didn’t conform to our Lady’s requests. I fear the mockery that will occur, as a result of anti pope Francis’ fake consecration. Bergoglio is setting up Our Lady of Fatima for even more insult and blasphemy!...

Jane Dawson


Why America’s Freedoms Are Disappearing

Highly underrated video. Thank you…

Roman Hashon

“When Authentic Catholicism is starkly juxtaposed with cheap self-contradicting trash...”

March 31, 2022


Does “Return To Tradition” (Anthony Stine) Buy Fake Views?

… excellent work MHFM.



Does “Return To Tradition” (Anthony Stine) Buy Fake Views?

Once again, MHFM has proven itself the Gold Standard for truly traditional Catholic news and analysis. Accurate, honest, to the point…



Does “Return To Tradition” (Anthony Stine) Buy Fake Views?

Dear Brothers in Christ,

Thank you for this newest production. When Authentic Catholicism is starkly juxtaposed with cheap self-contradicting trash like that- it's the difference between day and night!  How awful to make oneself Satan's useful tool the way Anthony Stine has- may he reconsider his path after seeing your charitable denouncement.  May God keep you always through Holy Mother Mary!

Pax Christi! Ave Maria!



Does “Return To Tradition” (Anthony Stine) Buy Fake Views?

Thank you MHFM… Your dedication, research and presentations are amazing.

God Bless


Does “Return To Tradition” (Anthony Stine) Buy Fake Views?

“Thank you… [MHFM’s] righteous works are not in vain”

March 30, 2022

Former Calvinist

Documentary: Protestantism’s Big Justification Lie

Thank you… your righteous works are not in vain, you are reaching many with your Biblical truths, recently departed from the wicked calvinist doctrine, was so deceived, now very ashamed I ever embraced such, Lord forgive me. Your videos\testimonials have helped me so much. Carry on and thank you again…

Phil C


"Supreme Court Nominee Judge Jackson" laughs and says she doesn't know when life begins

Imagine not knowing whether someone is dead or just asleep and then deciding to throw his body into a woodchipper. This what the "I don't know when life begins" pro-abortion crowd is doing.  Of course, they are just evil liars who would use anything to justify their homicidal beliefs.  Life begins at conception.  If a bacteria is considered life, then how much more a human embryo?


California, Maryland

Pro-abortion California bill could legalize infanticide for months after birth, attorney warns

Evil to the extreme. And it's not just California. In Maryland (the state named after Mary, the mother of Jesus), Democrat Senator William Smith just proposed legislation that will allow a mother to kill her baby up to 28 days after birth if she decides she doesn't want it.


“I saw MHFM’s billboard in L.A. back in the day”

March 28, 2022


Thanks for all you've done to remind us what the Catholic Faith actually is.  I saw your billboard in L.A. back in the day... You answered many of the questions I wouldn't have known to ask.  May God have mercy on those who have kept Catholic Tradition alive.


For Too Long

Why Francis Can’t Be The Pope

I held off on calling Bergoglio an antipope for far too long, but anyone who's honest must come to the conclusion that he's a heretic…

Stephen T


Apocalypse Now In The Vatican

We are living in prophetic times...

Marcus DV

Their hope is in vain because they don’t understand that the consecration already happened

March 26, 2022

No Excuses

MHFM: Since Antipope Francis really tried to consecrate Russia and he even invited all the ‘bishops’ of the Counter Church to do it (with Antipope Benedict XVI also participating), there’s really no excuse that those who think he’s the pope can make as to why it did not work. However, they will come up with something. It’s another proof that he’s not the pope and that we at Most Holy Family Monastery are and have been correct. In fact, over the past few years God has given the people in the Counter Church many OBVIOUS signals that Francis is an apostate antipope and that the Vatican II Sect is the end-times Counter Church. However, as a result of bad will many refuse to wake up and embrace the truth. Instead, they continue to listen to false teachers and remain in the Vatican II Sect. Francis’ failed attempt to consecrate Russia is just another huge signal that he has no authority. It’s another example of the shock, wonder, and confusion (Apoc. 17) that followers of the end-times Counter Church are prophesied to experience. See our video: Apocalypse Now In The Vatican.

It’s also more evidence that we are correct. Pius XII indeed consecrated Russia. See: The Whole Truth about the Consecration and Conversion of Russia and the Impostor Sr. Lucy

Many people who have problems with Vatican II, but wrongly think that the post-Vatican II claimants to the Papacy are true popes, also pinned basically all their hopes for a ‘restoration’ on the consecration of Russia. Their hope is in vain because they don’t understand that the consecration already happened, that it was requested within a specific context (see our article on it), and that the Vatican II Sect is the fulfillment of end-times prophecy and the definitive punishment upon mankind. The prophecies about the Antichrist, the Beast, etc. are being fulfilled and have been fulfilled by the Vatican II Sect.

Papal Coronation (“Thus Passes”)

MHFM: During the papal coronation ceremony from 1409 into the 20th century, the newly elected pope would receive a torch of burning flax. The Master of Ceremonies would say: “Pater Sancte, sic transit gloria mundi” (“Holy Father, thus passes the glory of the world”), as a warning against materialism, vainglory and the transitory nature of the things of the world.

Franciscan martyrs and salvation

March 25, 2022

You may already be aware of this reference but I do not recall seeing it before on your website and thought it might be of interest if you had not before seen it. In the book Franciscans and the Protestant Revolution in England by Francis Borgia Steck, O.F.M., with an Imprimatur from the Archbishop of Chicago in 1920, several accounts are given of Franciscan martyrs in England.

In the account of Ven. William Ward, a priest and Franciscan tertiary, this exchange with his jailer is related: He gave a twenty shilling piece to the jailer, who on leaving said blandly: “Goodbye Mr. Ward. I hope we shall meet again in heaven.” “By no means,” replied the martyr, “unless you change your life and become a Catholic. This is the truth, in defence of which I am about to shed my blood.” In the account of the martyrdom of Ven. Francis Bel, O.F.M. a statement of the martyr is related where he is responding to some protestants who claimed they could not be certain of the truth of any religion:

“To call every religion doubtful is not the way to attract others to yours, but rather to confirm them in that Church’s doctrine to which Christ has promised infallibility. All your efforts are directed to this: while declaring all religions to be in error, you attempt to draw me from that which cannot err to that which must needs err, and thus you deprive me of what I possess and leave me nothing. In fine, you deal with my soul as you have dealt with my body, which you have robbed of all its clothes and have instead fitted out in rags. Rest assured, outside the Church there is no salvation: and I wish you all were like me, excepting my bonds.”

These examples speak particularly to the false idea that no salvation outside the Church only applies to Catholics who leave the Church, but that protestants raised in that religion are innocent by invincible ignorance. These two Franciscan martyrs suffered in the 1640s, a hundred years after the initial break with the Catholic Church and were speaking to persons who were raised protestant. In fact these protestants faced death if they converted to the True Faith, yet the Franciscan martyrs told them they were obliged to do so.

This is brought out clearly where Friar Bel points out that the anti-Catholic laws had been enacted long ago, but men raised under those laws were still obliged in conscience to oppose them. Clearly he did not believe God would allow any of good will to remain in ignorance or error…

“I cannot begin to describe how glad I am to have found your website”

March 24, 2022


I am based in Dublin, Ireland, and over the past year I have been discovering the catholic faith (although I was baptized… I was raised non-religiously, didn't attend mass, and wasn't taught the bible). I have recently discovered and I am in agreement with your positions on Vatican II, the invalidity of new mass etc. I have been saying daily rosaries… Thank you for all your help so far, I cannot begin to describe how glad I am to have found your website.

Much appreciation,



Post-Trent Catechism By St. Peter Canisius Contradicts “Baptism Of Desire”

Dear Brothers,

Thank you for the new video, Post-Trent Catechism By St. Peter Canisius Contradicts “Baptism Of Desire”. This is a great video for refuting 'baptism of desire' heretics. They love to quote non-infallible sources like saints and catechisms to try to prove their heresy. They try to fit basically any writing from a church man into the ordinary magisterium. But this video proves that there are plenty of non-infallible sources that are perfectly consistent with the infallible dogma that there is no salvation outside the traditional Catholic faith and water baptism. St. Peter Canisius' catechism crushes the idea that catechumens can be saved without water baptism.

God bless,
Chris White


Matt Schlapp (chairman of the "Conservative Union") says sodomites "with children" are a family - video

Thanks for publishing this... "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them." [Ephesians 5:11]

Truly diabolical how the body politic is anti-God and anti-Christian!



Matt Schlapp (chairman of the "Conservative Union") says sodomites "with children" are a family - video

Who needs liberals when you have "conservatives" such as this?


“Baptism of desire” is incompatible with the dogmatic decrees of the Church

March 23, 2022

After The Consecration

The Whole Truth about the Consecration and Conversion of Russia and the Impostor Sr. Lucy

After Pius XII consecrated Russia in 1952 just after it Stalin died in 1953 and millions were saved from his genocide.

John Roberts


Post-Trent Catechism By St. Peter Canisius Contradicts “Baptism Of Desire”

Cannot Deal With

“Baptism Of Desire” Debate

The pro BOD arguments simply cannot deal with the dogmatic decrees of the Church… virtually every single BOD advocate today actually believes that men can be saved with zero desire for Baptism, who are completely and utterly ignorant of the Gospel, and who commit mortal sins against the natural law and 10 Commandments…



“Pastor” Steven Anderson Exposed – Documentary

This video hit the nail on the head.



Lead Advisor For WEF's Klaus Schwab Argues Against The Bible And God's Commandments - video

What a wicked evil abomination.

Martin Francis


Catholic vs. “Orthodox” On The Transfiguration Light (Leo, Maximus)

Whoa!!! EO exposed!


“I witnessed another mock consecration in 1979”

March 21, 2022


Dear Brothers, with all the talk of the mock Consecration of Russia in recent days, I am reminded of the time when I witnessed another mock consecration in 1979.  It took place at the Mass celebrated by JP2 in Limerick during his visit to Ireland. During the consecration, he totally omitted to consecrate the Wine and the Water.  I was very close to the altar that day and immediately noticed the error.  When I mentioned it to a man standing next to me, he said that the pope must be skipping parts the Mass because he had arrived late.  I still thought that it was very strange for a pope to make such a grave error at the most important part of the Mass.  From what I know now, it all makes sense. Thank you for your teaching and may God bless you.


Galatians 6:7 and The “Consecration”

Dear Brothers,

One of the most memorable passages of sacred scripture is Galatians 6:7. We read: "Be not deceived, God is not mocked". This upcoming "consecration" by Bergoglio is nothing more than a sham which serves to mock the Blessed Mother, her Son and the Saints. This is what he and his henchmen have always done. There is nothing good whatsoever that will come from this and people in the Vatican II sect are hoping in vain. It's entirely possible that instead of nothing happening, this event is what could bring down the wrath of Almighty God and in His infinite justice, allow the situation in the Ukraine to escalate beyond control and usher in World War III. This would be the consummation of human history and the price paid for Bergoglio's mockery.

To the watchful eye, it's obvious that the warmongers in the west are waiting for their false flag to take things to the next level. They want a global conflict because it's a necessary step in order to complete the Great Reset. These freemasons in power who over centuries have plotted and carried out the deaths of hundreds of millions of people now wish to murder billions. The destruction they have unleashed on mankind is incalculable, they are the worst kind of evil.

People need to keep an eye on Ukraine and the developments in the run-up to and following the "consecration". If global war erupts in the near future, this will expose the Vatican II sect as a total abject failure to the entire world. Humiliation absolutely deserved…

Thank you for all you do,

Antipope Francis has no authority whatsoever to consecrate Russia

March 20, 2022

Antipope Francis

MHFM: Antipope Francis (who has no authority to consecrate Russia) announced his plan on 3/15, so why is he postponing it until 3/25?  It doesn't make sense for him to wait so long with the war underway.  Perhaps he hopes that the conflict will be almost over or will end at the time he does it.  We know that Russia and Ukraine have held negotiations on a Russian withdrawal from Ukraine.  Perhaps God will allow the Devil to arrange the Russian withdrawal from Ukraine to take place after Antipope Francis' "consecration".

Are you serious?

If the consecration works, will you stop being sedevacantist?

M Hayek


Are you serious?  First, the notorious heretic Antipope Francis has no authority whatsoever to consecrate Russia.  It’s infallibly certain that the apostate is not the pope. Second, if Antipope Francis preaches 100 more heresies, will you then stop being a non-sedevacantist?  Or how about if he rejects converting people/proselytism 100 more times?  Or how about if he says Luther was correct on justification five more times?  Or how about if he preaches complete religious indifferentism for the next three years, like he has for the past nine?  Or how about if he says that Protestants and the Eastern ‘Orthodox’ are in the Church of Christ 50 more times?  Or how about if he again preaches that people can deny their baptism, become apostates and be in the “communion of saints”?  The problem is that you have no faith.

Moreover, since you apparently (and wrongly) think that Antipope Francis is the pope, you are bound to hold that the notorious idolater and Antichrist John Paul II is a saint.  Well, that’s a rejection of God. Watch this and wake up:  Also, the FSSP, which you promote, is a heretical group.  Their ‘priests’ are a pack of compromising phonies who don’t have the Catholic faith.  They accept the false ecumenism of the Counter Church and the heresies of Vatican II.  Their externals will not profit them at all.  You should watch these videos for the truth and stop being so easily deceived:

“Numbers 11 reminds us why people reject Christ”

Hits the mark

Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)

Well, this hits the mark…


Numbers 11

Dear Brothers,

How fitting is the lesson from Numbers 11 for our times, when lust rules the day.  The world fell for the virus/vaccine hoax largely because people are concerned only for their bodily welfare - most are totally unconcerned about their souls.   Numbers 11 reminds us why people reject Christ and the true Church: Truth is always rejected by carnal men.  Their bad will even seems to give them an aversion to it.   

The protesting, apostate world long ago left Christ's Church, despised the true popes, and rejected Christ's authority to rule not only in the State but in their own lives as well.  They wanted "separation of Church and state" and God has allowed them to have what they wanted.  The end-times world is receiving from God exactly what it has long desired and accepted with respect to its false religions: leaders that lie.  And yet, people are baffled! They can't figure out why they have deceitful, degenerate and traitorous leaders everywhere in government (and in every department of life) as matters go from bad to worse…

Lee Ann

“I'm thankful for the existence of MHFM which brought everything to light!”

March 19, 2022

Had no idea

Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)

I had no idea about all that had been going on! I just simply believed everything as they came! All these long years I was in the dark. I suspected absolutely nothing and never did any due diligence on my own. Now, having presented what really happened... I'm thankful for the existence of MHFM which brought everything to light! I really am glad that there remains some remnant traditional catholics who took courage and initiative to expose the deeds of Vatican II's evil and darkness and expose the false vicegerents of Christ!



How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)

The video is exactly what I needed to hear!!

Kevin O’ Hanlon

The Consecration of Russia was done by Pope Pius XII in 1952

March 18, 2022

Consecration of Russia

MHFM: There has been a lot of talk about the Consecration of Russia recently.  For the truth about the issue, see this article: The Whole Truth about the Consecration and Conversion of Russia and the Impostor Sr. Lucy:

The same false traditionalists who told people that the notorious heretic Antipope Francis is a valid pope (and have been proven spectacularly wrong over and over again) are also giving false conclusions about the Consecration of Russia.  The truth is that the consecration was done by Pius XII in 1952.  Our article also responds in detail to common objections.

First Major Catechism Of The Catholic Church

MHFM: Our recent video is about St. Peter Canisius’ catechism and the baptism issue.  It contains some very important information.

Post-Trent Catechism By St. Peter Canisius Contradicts “Baptism Of Desire”

It’s also interesting to note that St. Peter Canisius’ Summa Doctrinae Christianae was the first catechism to really come into general use by the faithful.  So, the first catechism that was really used by the people affirms the true position on baptism without exception, while contradicting “baptism of desire” and specifically citing the key passages of Trent.  Interestingly, the oldest surviving papal decree (of Pope St. Siricius) also contradicts “baptism of desire”, as we showed in this video and article.  This decree of Siricius is one of the most prominent decrees in the early collections of papal decretals:

The Oldest Surviving Papal Decree Rejects “Baptism of Desire” - Pope St. Siricius

“I have learned so much from MHFM”

March 17, 2022


Post-Trent Catechism By St. Peter Canisius Contradicts “Baptism Of Desire”

Excellent material, as always. Thank you again. Also, one has to stop and think if someone WERE to want to join the Church and desired Baptism, God in His awesome providence and wonderful mercy would provide the means for that person to obtain baptism. The words of Our Lord Jesus Christ are crystal clear in Scripture, and certainly doesn’t allow any exceptions whatsoever. Again, thank you. I have learned so much from MHFM.


God’s Truth

Post-Trent Catechism By St. Peter Canisius Contradicts “Baptism Of Desire”

Great video…

Joey B


‘Born Again’ Refutes ‘Faith Alone’

This is truly a phenomenal study of this truly false professor.

Red W

God’s Truth

Post-Trent Catechism By St. Peter Canisius Contradicts “Baptism Of Desire”

Thank you for this outstanding new video.  God has not abandoned His Remnant Militant Church on earth even in these dark days but through the fine works of MHFM God's Truth shines forth…


The five required mysteries mentioned in a Catholic catechism

March 16, 2022

Five Mysteries

Post-Trent Catechism By St. Peter Canisius Contradicts “Baptism Of Desire”

What are the five required mysteries mentioned in the third catechism?



It lists the five as: 1) That there is one God; 2) the Trinity; 3) the Incarnation; 4) the Crucifixion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ; and 5) that God rewards good and punishes evil.  Many false traditionalist priests (who hold that souls can be saved in false religions, as the video mentions) only believe that people must know and believe #1 and #5.  They call that a ‘supernatural faith’ (although one cannot have a supernatural and justifying faith if one does not have the Catholic faith).  They heretically deny the defined dogma that the Christian/Catholic faith is necessary and that there is no other name under Heaven by which people must be saved (Acts 4:12).  The truth of Acts 4:12 (which they reject) has also been dogmatically taught by the Church.  It was proclaimed by many popes and the Council of Trent.

Pope St. Leo the Great, Letter 129: “… the Egyptians had from the beginning learned from the teaching of the most blessed Apostle Peter through his blessed disciple Mark, that which it is agreed the Romans have believed, that beside the Lord Jesus Christ ‘there is no other name given to men under heaven, in which they must be saved.’”

People who deny this truth (as the aforementioned priests and groups do) sever their relationship with God at the root.  They do not have a divine faith, but only a human ‘faith’.  That taints their entire spirituality, their worship of God, etc., as we’ve mentioned elsewhere.  When they believe in that way, although they might have many traditional externals, rituals, etc., they cannot please God.  That’s why these issues are so important.


Post-Trent Catechism By St. Peter Canisius Contradicts “Baptism Of Desire”

Thank you for this excellent presentation of the true teaching of the Church.

Rand Miller

SSPX priest upset someone removed a picture of Antipope Francis next to Lefebvre

March 15, 2022

SSPX, Picture of Antipope Francis

About a month ago, they [the SSPX] put up a picture of Anti-Pope Francis next to a pic of Archbishop Lefevbre when you walk into the chapel on the left side.  About a year ago I was talking with some of their group outside and asked the question, "since you guys recognize Francis as your pope, then why don't you put his picture up?"  The answer I got was, "if you did that somebody would probably take it down."

Funny thing is, they added the picture about a year later.  Then somebody did take it down.  A few weeks later, the priest said whoever removed that picture committed a sacrilege.  He likewise put a new one back up…



That’s interesting, but we don’t believe one should attend SSPX Masses.

Biden’s “Science Advisor”

Biden Science Advisor Defended Using Aborted Baby Parts In "Research" While "NIH Director"

This is someone who, by his own words, considers himself a “serious Christian.”  Some more interesting quotes and “beliefs” from him:

- rejects Intelligent design, believes in “theological evolution”
- believes that “Christianity can be reconciled with acceptance of evolution and science, especially through the idea that the Creator brought about his plan through the processes of evolution”
- says that there is no major differences in Christian denominations and that they are unimportant
- says that he is “uncomfortable” with the idea of abortion, but that no laws should change regarding abortion
- In 2009, Antipope Benedict XVI appointed Collins to the “Pontifical Academy of Sciences”

What a fool and a heretic. He is blinded by scientific consensus, it is obvious to any honest scientist that we were designed by a higher power, God.

Julian J

The Schismatics’ Sunday of ‘Orthodoxy’

March 13, 2022

MHFM: In various Eastern ‘Orthodox’ sects, today (March 13) is the ‘Sunday of Orthodoxy’, on which they foolishly read out anathemas against those who don’t believe in the Palamite nonsense with regard to ‘essence and energies’ and against those who reject their (false) view on the Transfiguration.  This video/article completely refutes their heretical view from saints they would claim to recognize (e.g. Eastern father St. Maximus the Confessor).  These facts constitute more clear proof that Eastern ‘Orthodoxy’ is false.

Catholic vs. “Orthodox” On The Transfiguration Light (Leo, Maximus)

St. Robert Bellarmine On ‘Forensic Justification’

March 12, 2022

‘Forensic Justification’

St. Robert Bellarmine, De Justificatione, Book 2, Chap. 9: “Even if ‘to justify’ were everywhere taken for ‘to pronounce just’, our adversaries [i.e. the Protestants] would still gain nothing.  For a wicked man cannot truly be justified, that is, be pronounced just, unless the One who pronounces him just simultaneously makes him just.”

Documentary: Protestantism’s Big Justification Lie


Dear Brothers,

It's hard to see how (without a miracle) nuclear war will be avoided - and the world isn't in any position to expect miracles… The deep state's treatment of Russia over the past decades (since the fall of the soviet union) -- and now the war in Ukraine -- have pushed things to a head.  

So many speak about being "free."  But the world was happy to reject God's order; it wanted to be "free" of the 'burden' of obedience to God's Church and to His dogmas and to His laws.  So now that the world is 'free' of God's truth, people can't figure out why in the world today there is no truth, no justice, no compassion.  They have questions but no answers; they can't figure out what's happening or why it's happening.  What's worse, most people remain impervious to truth even when someone tries to provide them with it.  They're spiritually dead…

Lee Ann


How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)

… Very inspiring thanks.


Counter Church

V2 Sect "Bishop" openly critical of forced vaccines & "gender ideology" is removed by Antipope Francis

Anyone showing even the slightest resistance to the counterfeit church is silenced. It's becoming more clear every day why Sister Lucy was replaced with an impostor…


Francis’ Agenda

V2 Sect "Bishop" openly critical of forced vaccines & "gender ideology" is removed by Antipope Francis

His agenda is of Satan and his actions reflect that. How long will false traditionalists continue to call this abomination "Pope"?


Pope Pius XII taught that the Earth is “billions” of years old - He was wrong

March 10, 2022


Dear MHFM,

Thank you very much for the truths presented on your website as it brought a profound change in my life…


Pius XII, Error on the Earth

MHFM: In a Nov. 22, 1951, address to the members of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Pope Pius XII repeatedly taught that the Earth is “billions” of years old. That’s completely wrong. It’s another example of why it’s crucial to distinguish between what popes teach with the full weight of the office and what they might say in other capacities. These videos are relevant to showing that the Earth is not billions of years old.

Pope Paul III, Lutherans

Pope Paul III, To The Clergy Of Cologne, Germany (16th cent.): “In the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ… we beg you to continue in your purpose and to use every possible precaution that Bucer and the Lutheran preachers, now roaring around you and seeking whom they may devour, may not gain a footing in your city and seduce the people.”


How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)

Thank you yet again for another fantastic video…



How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)

Thank you for making this video.


“‘Bishop’ Barron [interview] made me physically ill while listening to it”

March 9, 2022


Amazing Evidence For God

This is still the best of any Creationism movie out there…


“Bishop” Barron

Michael Matt, False Traditionalism & The Church In The End Times

Wow, that “interview” with “Bishop” Barron actually made me physically ill while listening to it.

Julian J

Peter and Paul

Did St. Paul Really Rebuke St. Peter In Galatians 2?

This is so well put together. I wasn't able to pick up everything in my late-night viewing, so I saved it for repeat viewings.

Cletus Enos

“Been searching for God for some time now and your videos are really full of wisdom”

March 7, 2022

Been Searching

Recently found your YouTube channel and website. Been searching for God for some time now and your videos are really full of wisdom. I do still have concerns about catholic doctrine, maybe someone could help, what is the deal with infant baptism? 

To add, I'm living in the UK and I can't find any catholic church a church around me (nottingham) that is still implementing the traditional values. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your work, may God bless you all and your work.

Kind regards
Ben Johnson 


Hello.  We're glad you found the material.  God definitely wants you to become a traditional Catholic.  You will find much biblical proof for Catholicism here. Infant baptism is biblical and apostolic.  The Bible teaches that whole households were baptized, and it would not say that if infants were excluded.  Baptism is necessary for all.  It's how all people (including children) are incorporated into Christ's covenant.  

The steps to convert to true Catholicism (when you are convinced on all the issues) are here. This is a catechism:  This is also an important file to read: Glossary. We also recommend that you pray the Hail Mary frequently.  That will give you important graces to see the truth and complete your conversion.  Eventually you should start to pray the Rosary each day.

Woke up

Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World

… your ‘covid 19’ video was excellent and woke so many people up.

William Vallespair


Babylon Has Fallen, Fallen

The light show’s green foliage reminds me of the hanging gardens of Babylon.


Wants to Convert

I agree with the catechism and everything you put forth I'm just wondering how is it possible to convert when I'm committed to never going to the church under vatican 2.



We’re glad to hear about the interest. The steps to convert to true Catholicism are here.  This is a catechism:  This is also an important file to read: Glossary of Terms. These are also important videos for a foundational understanding of the Church's necessity for salvation:

It's also important that you pray the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.  That will give you powerful graces to see the truth and do God's will.  How to pray the Rosary is on our website.  (We recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.)

Vatican II

Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)

Thank you for posting this information... You do very good work indeed.


Protestant after watching MHFM video: “this message hits me hard!”

March 6, 2022


How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)

Beautiful message brother I am protestant and this message hits me hard! It's time for me to take God a lot more serious and make a change and build my relationship with Christ.



We're glad you viewed the video.  In charity, Protestantism is not true Christianity.  You will find biblical proof for Catholicism here:  Our material also explains what's happening in Rome now. God wants you to become a traditional Catholic.  It's the one true faith, and it's necessary for salvation.


How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)

This is the most eye-opening video about sin I have ever seen.


“MHFM has helped me piece together the Grand Chessboard of events inside and outside the Church”

March 5, 2022


… MHFM has helped me piece together the Grand Chessboard of events inside and outside the Church… Most urgently, one must understand the all-important distinction between the true Catholic faith and the false Vatican II sect currently headed by globalist jackel and antipope, Bergoglio -- something UTTERLY LOST not only on protestants but also the laity and clergy of the V2 sect…

J. B.

John Paul II

Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)

"Saint" John Paul the second" - Therein lies the reason why most "catholics" will never catch on to the Truth. Their undying adherence to "pope" JP2 who charmed his followers with a friendly smile all while destroying the True Catholic Faith from within. His greatest act of manifest heresy at Assisi wherein he openly violated the very First Commandment of our Most High God is continually excused by vatican 2 "catholics" as an ecumenical milestone rather than a grievous mortal sin…

Pat L


The Antichrist’s Distinguishing Mark

There were a couple of things i didn't like about John Paul II, now I know how despicable he was.



Bill Gates recommends Australia-style martial law to “prevent the next pandemic”

They are increasingly bold in exposing their "true colors" - people who have fallen for this virus-hoax should now be able to see squarely (tho' easily before) what mankind is facing from the likes of Gates, et. al. He is often fond of that certain smirk when pleased at what havoc he hopes to produce…                    

