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This section of our website (which is updated daily) contains some less formal – and short – e-mail exchanges that we’ve had which we feel may be of value to our readers. We will include those portions of the exchanges we deem relevant and valuable. We often add bolding and underlining which are not necessarily that of the other party. This section also frequently includes, not only e-exchanges we have, but also our notes, updates and comments. Section containing some important recent posts.
New Video Posted
Aztec Pagan Ritual In “Catholic Church” During “Mass”
Video Posted
How Is One Saved “By The Name Of Jesus Christ”? (Acts 4:12)
Simply Beautiful. I hope all heretics see this awesome video…
BB Martin
Came Out
How Is One Saved “By The Name Of Jesus Christ”? (Acts 4:12)
Great video! Your videos have helped me much in my walk with Christ. I came out of the heresy of protestantism because of these videos. Keep up the good work.
Cameron Christian
How Is One Saved “By The Name Of Jesus Christ”? (Acts 4:12)
Inspiring, and spot on.
Semyon B
Also Proves
How Is One Saved “By The Name Of Jesus Christ”? (Acts 4:12)
Great video. That also proves that Jesus Christ is God since Psalm 54:1 says: “Save me O God by thy name”.
Servus D
Humility, Pope St. Gregory the Great
Pope St. Gregory I: “For a man is made similar to the apostate angel when he disdains to be similar to men. Thus after possessing the merit of humility, Saul at the summit of power was inflated with the swelling of pride. He was indeed preferred through humility, but was indeed made reprobate through pride, as the Lord bears witness when he says: ‘Was it not when you were little in your own eyes that I set you as head of the tribes of Israel?’ And a little further below: ‘Now in a marvelous manner when he seemed little before himself he was great before the Lord, but indeed when he seemed great before himself he was little before the Lord.’” (quoted by Pope St. Gregory VII, March 15, 1081)
What all these Vatican 2 Bishops are approving is leading to more people experimenting with these various abominations which will lead them to hell. That proves, to any clear-minded thinking person who uses logic, that the Vatican 2 abomination it's not the real Catholic Church. God says in the Bible that He is God and He changes not… people can't think clearly…
Federal judge orders Michigan GOP gov. candidate Ryan Kelley to turn in guns
Totally politically driven persecution.
How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)
Amazing. Praise the Lord. This is the only channel I've found teaching the real truth revealed by God.
Mortician makes shocking discovery of rubber-band like objects inside the “vaccinated”
As horrific as those creatures are, it makes you think how much more frightening and vile the demons in hell must be. Thank you for this hard dose of reality.
Mortician makes shocking discovery of rubber-band like objects inside the “vaccinated”
Thank you for keeping us informed… This just keeps getting worse than I could have imagined.
Mortician makes shocking discovery of rubber-band like objects inside the “vaccinated”
Thank you for bringing my attention to this… I had no idea. Glad I didn't get the shot. Unfortunately for most of the people I know, they did what they were told and got it.
Vienna, Counter Church
“Cardinal” Schönborn & The Counter Church In Vienna, Austria
… Great work.
Javier Palos
Warren H. Carroll
Why Historian Warren H. Carroll Was Not A Catholic
I remember watching your video “Why Historian Warren H. Carroll was not a Catholic” several years ago.
Today, I came across this YouTube video, where the speaker is honoring Carroll while standing over Carroll’s grave and examining Carroll’s tombstone. Although I perhaps should not be shocked, particularly in light of the things you revealed in your video, I am still surprised to learn that Carroll - a learned historian with nearly unmatched knowledge on events from every century in Church history - has a quote from the antichrist, antipope JP2, on his tombstone rather than a quote from one of the many saints he wrote about in his volumes on the Church’s 2,000 year history. Is this not mind-boggling?!
Melvin Lewis
New Rite of Ordination
Pelosi Banned From “Communion” – The Truth You Won’t Hear Elsewhere
Thank you for making this video! Would you guys be able to make a video detailing all the ways the vatican II rite of "ordination" is invalid? I want to explain to my family how the priests are not validly ordained.
Hello. We do have videos and an article on that matter. It's a very important issue, and one that's often overlooked or not given enough attention. Below is a link to the article and the relevant videos:
Mortician - New Video
Mortician makes shocking discovery of rubber-band like objects inside the “vaccinated”
Sodom and Gomorrah
Proof of the location and destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah
Thank you MHFM for posting a link to this crucial and must-watch documentary during sodomite abomination month. The historical significance chronicled in the video should be a warning to everyone who lives, supports, or even is apathetic toward the unspeakable evil that embodies the "LGBTQ+" scourge of our time.
"Monsignor" caught hooking up with men hundreds of times on the sodomite site GRINDR gets "parish"
… the anchor… announces the pervert, fake monsignor is "being awarded a parish"… You would think that constantly reporting on heresy and sexual abominations going on from every level of the hierarchy in basically every "diocese" would wake these people up to the fact they're in the whore of Babylon where evil is awarded...
Catholic Evangelizer
Abominations in LA and Rome
"U.S Embassy to the Vatican" flies a "gay pride flag" - 1 minute video
Los Angeles where I live recently had their "Pride March." The most disgusting images of all were the mothers; mothers with… perversion dripping from their faces and forcing their toddler children against their will to watch the spectacle. The children look naturally repelled by such perversion, while their mothers laugh with glee.
The social media account of the “Holy See” also posted the image, demonstrating again that the Vatican II Sect endorses “LGBT” abominations.
Jay Dyer Exposed & Palamism Refuted
Wow, marvelous exposé. I literally can't believe the "Orthodox" follow this antichrist.
Taylor Marshall’s Errors, Contradictions, And Deception
What a great video.
Images, Constantinople IV
Fourth Council of Constantinople (869-870), Sess. 8, The Roman Legates: “To all the heretics anathema!... To those who knowingly communicate with those who insult and dishonor the venerable images, anathema! To those who say it was someone other than Christ our God who rescued us from idols, anathema! To those who dare to say that the Catholic Church ever accepted idols, anathema!”
New Video - Debate
Debate: Can Non-Catholics Be Saved? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs. Pinesap
Been Watching
My name is Mark and by the grace of God I've been thinking more rationally about my beliefs and positions as a Vatican II "Catholic."… I've been watching your videos… and sedevacantism is the only possible answer to the crisis in the Church...
Doctrine & Spirituality
Dear Holy Family Monastery,
Your Doctrine and Spirituality entries are something I look for nearly every day and for a long time I've wanted to email to thank you for such a boon to my day - never do they disappoint in the uplifting and edifying effect on my soul.
Beautiful St. Ansgar, always with the love for his flock, pray for us! The virtue-building Profession of Faith under Pope Paschal II stimulating us to hold fast to the truths which our Mother Church has provided us with during our sojourn, and warfare, on earth.
Eastern Father, Papacy
Eastern “Orthodoxy” Debunked On St. Peter’s Authority By St. John Of Damascus
… these videos are a blessing with true knowledge of the Catholic faith.
Ivan Vasquez
Pelosi Banned From “Communion” – The Truth You Won’t Hear Elsewhere
We are in the end times…
Matias Silva Quiroz
“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists – The Last Version
Quality content! Thank you! I use these videos to teach my friends, family, and children. I can’t tell you how much we appreciate your hard work…
James Greenier
On The Transfer from Judaism and the Temple to the Church
Pope St. Leo the Great, Sermon 59, 5th century: “For by this transference the propitiation of the spotless Lamb and the fulfilment of all mysteries passed from the circumcision to the uncircumcision, from the sons according to the flesh to the sons according to the spirit: since as the Apostle says, ‘Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us’, Who offering Himself to the Father a new and true sacrifice of reconciliation, was crucified not in the temple, whose worship was now at an end, and not within the confines of the city which for its sin was doomed to be destroyed, but outside, ‘without the camp’, that, on the cessation of the old symbolic victims, a new Victim might be placed on a new altar, and the cross of Christ might be the altar not of the temple but of the world.”
Debate: Can Non-Catholics Be Saved?
Thanks for your videos. Your channel… has helped me understand better and return to the Catholic faith.
Michael Trevors
Hardly Any Good Bishops In Gregory VII’s Time
Pope St. Gregory VII, Jan. 22, 1075: “Again, when with the mind’s eye I see the regions of the west or north or south, I scarcely find bishops who are lawful in respect to their succession and life, and who rule the Christian people from love of Christ and not from secular ambition.”
Obvious, Dogmatic Definition
Debate: Can Non-Catholics Be Saved? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs. Pinesap
All of Pinesap’s arguments were soundly refuted. But it is so obvious how dishonest these BOD heretics are. Especially when it came to cross-examination. Of particular note was how he flatly rejected the Eugen IVs infallible definition what "all those who are outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans" cannot be saved, unless they are joined to the Church before the end of their lives" and said that, they are saved despite that fact"! Yeah, despite the fact that this is an infallible definition they can be saved according to the heretic...
Thank you Most Holy Family Monastery!
Always have courage and keep up the good fight. I look forward to sharing these books with my family. Your work is a light an almost impenetrable darkness.
God bless,
Unity in Faith
St. John Eudes (17th century): “Heretics not only differ from the Church in faith, but they also differ among themselves, a proof that they have not the one true faith, which is one. The Holy Catholic Church has never suffered, and will never suffer, a difference in faith in regard to any article… You should be most desirous to preserve the faith in all its purity, since without it, it is impossible to do anything that merits Heaven.” (Man’s Contract With God In Baptism)
40-year-old father of six who is running for governor of Michigan arrested by the FBI - 33 sec video
Arrest your opponents. This is a textbook tactic of tyrannical despots…
Pope St. Gregory VII on the princes of his time
Pope St. Gregory VII, Jan. 2, 1079: “… we grieve that there is scarcely any good prince to be found… as for princes who fear and love God, scarcely any are to be found in the entire West.”
“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists
Best channel on YouTube. Your videos are beyond amazing. Thank you…
Kyle S
Debate: Can Non-Catholics Be Saved? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs. Pinesap
Dear MHFM,
I listened to your debate with Pinesap. Anybody of good will can, with God's grace, clearly see where Catholic truth is. Pinesap's constant efforts to force his reading into vague texts while simultaneously attempting to circumvent very clear ones is highly reminiscent of the tactics of those of the modernists who still attempt to pretend that the Vatican II sect does not contradict the Magisterium of the true popes…
Colleges, Universities
These colleges, universities, are anything but educational but only serve to destroy souls by a multitude of means; all wickedness running loose…
A Circus
"Catholics" beg apostate "Cardinal" Cupich to clean up the following "New Mass" abominations - video
Such buffoonery. Truly a mad circus. But the most pathetic part is the lay people asking the foxes and wolves to take good care of the chickens and lambs. They really deserve each other.
Debate: Can Non-Catholics Be Saved? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs. Pinesap
… Dimond is the clear winner here. On the matter of the ignorant having hope of salvation, it's clear, from the context, that it refers to a temporal hope (rather than hope in the eschaton). Further… Dimond clearly demonstrated that the various statements regarding the ignorant not being held culpable for their ignorance does not imply/mean that they will be saved because of/in spite their ignorance. Rather, they will be held accountable for the numerous/myriad of other mortal sins that they accumulate throughout their lives. Mortal sins that are not forgiven/cleared because atonement does not apply to them (due to their lack of faith in Christ).
Debate: Can Non-Catholics Be Saved? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs. Pinesap
In this debate, one cannot fail to see how dishonest these bod/invincible ignorant heretics are. So they can believe God can save an individual by implicit desire of baptism in a somewhat extraordinary way, yet refuse to acknowledge and believe that such extraordinary ways that God can save such people means he will bring them a preacher even by miraculous means. We see God doing this to Cornelius, and Philip was miraculously taken to the Ethiopian Eunuch. In both cases they received baptism shortly after that extraordinary encounter. Nothing can be clearer.
Philip Monday
MHFM: Concerning the various Protestant heresies on justification, which held (for instance) that a truly justified believer can never lose faith or justification or would necessarily recover faith and be saved before death, St. Robert Bellarmine says:
St. Robert Bellarmine, De Iustificatione, Book 3, Chap. 14: “… the testimonies of Scripture are so numerous and so clear [in contradicting this], that it’s astounding an error of this kind was able to fall into the minds of men.”
Debate: Can Non-Catholics Be Saved? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs. Pinesap
Thank you for this… debate so necessary during these dark times…! As St. Leonard of Port Maurice stated clearly... Our Lord gives every possible means for a person to be saved...
You stated clearly what needed to be said. God bless you!
In Jesus and Mary,
Elena DiMaria
Debate: Can Non-Catholics Be Saved? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs. Pinesap
Dear Brothers,
It's interesting how Pinesap complained about Brother Peter's commitment to precision and accuracy when examining the documents of the Church, especially her infallible and dogmatic statements. What an astounding admission! Pinesap not only wants to promote the lie of "invincible ignorance" - he thinks everyone should be as ignorant as possible. Objective truth means nothing to him; what's important, he says, are 'nuances,' No wonder he denies that Christ is the Light of the world. Pinesap is what St. Paul warned of in 2 Cor. 11:3: “But I fear lest, as the serpent seduced Eve by his subtlety, so your minds should be corrupted, and fall from the simplicity that is in Christ.” Pinesap uses the same lie Satan used: 'No, Eve, God didn't mean what he said. You've got to look for nuances."
In so many ways, this is a very useful debate for people to listen to. In addition to demonstrating the tactics heretics use to the detriment of themselves and others, it also illustrates why heretics are excluded from the Kingdom of God on earth and, unless they convert, from the Kingdom of God in heaven. Heretics worship a false god. As someone has pointed out, Pinesap denies Divine Providence. Pinesap thinks God does not know who will love and obey Him, and who will not - and that God must wait until people live out their lives on earth to find out. And then, Pinesap tells us, God will make it right by saving those persons just n the nick of time - at their death or even after their death - just prior to their falling into hell. I wonder if Pinesap thinks God might even apologize to such people for the mistake Pinesap is actually accusing God of having made: depriving these good people of the true faith while they lived on earth? Imagining that he can make his disgusting heretical position more palatable, Pinesap assures us (repeatedly) that the number of those person is very, very small. God doesn't miss that many.
Hope Pinesap has enough good will to realize that, through this debate, God has given him a golden opportunity to recognize the hideousness of his positions, repent of them, and convert to the true Catholic faith - while there is still time to do so.
Lee Ann
The true Catholic position
Debate: Can Non-Catholics Be Saved? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs. Pinesap
Thank you, Brother Peter, for exposing the contradictions, errors, and mistranslations from Magisterial documents involved in Pinesap’s heretical and indefensible position that non-Catholics can be saved. Debates of this kind really show the nonsensical and fragile basis of the baptism of desire position, because once its falsehoods are dismantled one by one, as is done here, the true Catholic position is the only one that makes sense and is consistent and holds up to scrutiny. In order to defend his position Pinesap had to fall back on vague and condemned arguments of heretics such as "nuances" or pretending to agree with the true position in some areas but then immediately contradicting it… the heretic Pinesap is exposed by his own admissions and floundering around to try to reconcile the many contradictions and flaws in his case.
God bless you
Debate: Can Non-Catholics Be Saved? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs. Pinesap
Bro. Peter asked a great question to ask people like Pinesap: Can someone be a Catholic/have the Catholic faith while practicing a false religion such as Judaism or Islam? Pinesap has to say yes if he wants to keep his position consistent. But he doesn't want to just say "yes" clearly and without obfuscation because it's so obviously absurd. This is what BOD leads to - believing someone can be Catholic "in their heart" while simultaneously sitting in a synagogue praying for the coming of the "messiah" and expressing belief in the Talmud which teaches that Jesus Christ is a false prophet boiling in excrement in sheol. It's absolutely absurd and Pinesap needs many prayers so he can convert to Catholicism.
Divine Providence
Debate: Can Non-Catholics Be Saved? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs. Pinesap
"Invincible ignorance" heretics don't believe in Divine Providence.
H Cong
Debate: Can Non-Catholics Be Saved? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs. Pinesap
At the end pinesap knew he was caught in a contradiction. Still he wouldn't accept the infallible dogmatic truth, that before Anyone dies they Must Become Catholic!
BB Martin
New Sedevacantist
Hello from Iowa. I am a new sedevacantist. I became convinced after checking out the material on your website and reading the canons and catechism from the Council of Trent. And praying the 15 decade Rosary. (Most days)
Thank you for researching so extensively and presenting the facts with such clarity and not putting your own opinions or emotions into it. It was very helpful. I also recently put in an order for the “Outside the Church there is no salvation” and the Padre Pio book. You only charged me $10.00 for the two and you included extra dvds and pamphlets…
Havilah Pennington
No Faith
Debate: Can Non-Catholics Be Saved? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs. Pinesap
If Pinesap didn't "get taken out of his situation".....of being a heretic with no Faith....during this debate, it doesn't seem likely he ever will be... "yeah, you got it".... "gotcha".... And not getting "taken out of his situation" were repeated countless times and oddly Pinesap sounds like a crisis actor repeating lines he's trained to say while he's attempting to "confront" the one true Church. "Here's the problem" Pinesap: you're not a Catholic. God bless MHFM.
The Magisterium
Debate: Can Non-Catholics Be Saved? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs. Pinesap
Great work, Bro. Peter. You proved that these heretics don't have the Magisterium, tradition, or logic on their side. Pinesap should be embarrassed, but pride blinds.
Debate: Can Non-Catholics Be Saved? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs. Pinesap
Thank you for this presentation. Highly beneficial.
Debate: Can Non-Catholics Be Saved? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs. Pinesap
Pinesap's main arguments… were completely refuted. I hope he swallows his pride and becomes a Catholic.
Pope Nicholas on Perseverance in the Truth
Pope Nicholas I, To The Clergy Of Constantinople, 9th century: “… it was of no benefit for them to have started on the right path and then failed to persevere in it, ‘for it is the one who perseveres to the end who is saved’ [Mt. 10:22]. For what will it profit someone to give support to the truth at first and after a while to depart from the path of the truth as a result of malleability or fear or any other failing?”
… I want to thank you brothers for helping me through this difficult time in my life with the profound email advice you gave me, along with your website, books, and inspiring videos that you produce. They have brought much closer to Christ our Lord, and have changed my life for the better… Thank you dear brothers for helping me to find the Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ… God bless MHFM, defenders of the True Christian Faith.
Full Control
Once the elites take the guns away, they have full control on the population.
Aidan Fromann
Documentary: Protestantism’s Big Justification Lie
I am impressed by the amount of scholarship evident in the vaticancatholic videos…
Richard Luczak
Firearms vs. “Vaccines” & An Age Of Lies
Dear Brothers,
According to 'official government data', 454 people were killed with rifles in the year 2020. According to 'official govt. data', over 20,000 people were killed by the "vaccine" in 2021. But 'the government' wants to outlaw firearms, while continuing to force people (including children) to take "vaccines" through government mandates. And yet - with all the lies, all the contradictions, all the smiling coroners, all the evidence - people still can't figure out that they are being scammed. What a punishment for a world that chooses to believe that God will save men who reject Him and His truth! The revolt against God was prophesied, but such truth-despising persons cannot comprehend even the meaning of apostasy from God (much less its significance) because their unbiblical notions like 'once saved always saved', "invincible ignorance" and "God is all mercy"- in their heretical minds - render even the idea of apostasy impossible! Thus, in this and in so many ways, they deny the words of Our Lord, the consistent teaching of His Church, and the teaching of Sacred Scripture. The Age of Apostasy is the Age of Lies, and when all is said and done, the Counterfeit Vatican 2 Sect with its false religion will have been the greatest hoax of all.
The world has anti-governments, in league with one another and with Satan, for the same reason it has anti-popes and a counterfeit "Church." The apostasy was the climax of history; world enslavement is the "denouement" or final outcome of events - just as heaven or hell for all eternity will be the consequences for those who, while on earth, were willing to hear and obey God - and those who weren't. World communism is an image of hell. I have to remind myself of this every time I glance at a "conservative" secular news site - because I always end up feeling very disgusted. These half-truthers (usually fake Christians) reporting on world events are the equivalent of the false traditionalists reporting on the apostasy and filth of the Vatican 2 Sect. None of them ever reach the correct conclusions. Today's quote by St. Athanasius says it all. Thank you for posting it and for providing us with the full truth every step of the way.
Lee Ann
"And the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it."
Thank you for all of your work. It makes my heart so glad every time a new person finds your website and is introduced to the truth. Please continue to spread the Truth about Vatican II, false traditionalism, and modern heresies.
May the Holy Ghost continue to enlighten you and strengthen you this holy Pentecost. And may Our Lady, the most Holy Mother of God, continue to protect you and pray for you. Amen.
Mary T.
Uvalde Nonsense
MHFM: The Uvalde story is such a load of nonsense that even MSNBC is calling out the blatant contradictions. You know it's really bad if that's happening. For example: “First officials said that multiple officers engaged with the gunman outside the school. Then they couldn’t even confirm that there was a single officer there.” And there's more.
How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)
… What a blessing this video is. Every Catholic needs to watch it… How easy it is to forget the Word of God and the wisdom of His saints when we are immersed in this busy modern world…
Pax V
Yes, but
The Truth About The SSPX, The SSPX-MC, And Similar Groups
Yes but unfortunately, today, the Catholic Church is being led by an Apostate, one who gives the eucharist to non-Catholics, practicing homosexuals, and those who have and supports abortions.
Jerome Taylor
Francis is an antipope. He doesn't lead the Catholic Church, as our material explains. Heretics cannot be valid popes. The Vatican II Sect is not the Catholic Church but the prophesied, end-times Counter Church, as our material explains.
Pelosi Banned From “Communion” – The Truth You Won’t Hear Elsewhere
Very thought-provoking video…
Bert Rodgers
MHFM: A long time ago we said that unless people wake up to the fake shooting hoaxes, they will just run more and more drills to accomplish their nefarious agenda. At this point someone has to be blind to not recognize that almost all of the alleged “mass shootings” are fake and that the conspirators are constantly running such operations/drills to deceive the public and remove gun rights. It’s another form of the darkness that God has allowed to descend upon America because the country has for the most part rejected the light of Christ.
John 8:12- “Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.’”
The Anti-Church
The “Temple Of God” In Prophecy Refers To A Catholic Structure
Confusion sourced in the Anti-church currently occupying the Vatican is deliberate. Again, and again they will lie that "the Old Covenant has never been revoked", and will call erroneously religious Jews "older brothers in Faith", and will claim that if they will continue in denial of the Christ Jesus till the end of their life - they shall not die in their sins, contrary to clear words of Jesus (John 8: 24) and reflecting lie of the Snake (Genesis 3: 4) contrary to clear word of God. This is why many members of the Anti-church still believe that the Temple of the God relates to a rebuilt Jewish temple in Jerusalem.
Vatican II
Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)
Outstanding video brothers. Thank you.
The Best Argument Against "Baptism of Desire"
One of the most common objections I hear when I tell people the truth on the necessity of water baptism is "God isn't bound by the Sacraments, He can save whoever He wants." If this were true, then how do we know men don't become priests by their own desire? Or get married "by desire" without actually receiving the sacrament of Matrimony? Isn't that what people who are fornicating and shacking up say? "We're basically married, we just haven't gone through the ceremony yet. We're just as committed as anyone who has had the ceremony." Why doesn't their "commitment" and "desire for marriage" constitute real marriage? And if "God isn't bound by the Sacraments" and can do whatever He wants, how could we know that God wasn't making them married simply by their desire? Or making men priests by desire? It's such an absurd statement, and it shows that they don't believe that God has actually revealed who is saved and HOW they are saved. It's all just a big mystery for BOD advocates which allows them to affirm and deny anything they wish about Catholic teaching.
Pro-“LGBT” Sect
Pro-sodomite "Bishop" Robert McElroy promoted to "Cardinal" by Antipope Francis - 28 second video
The writing is on the wall. Just one more incident showcasing how unequivocally pro-lgbt this latest antipope really is.
Temple of God
The Fourth Council of Constantinople (the eighth ecumenical council - 869-870) was held in the church of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople. It’s interesting that in the acts of the council the famous church in which the assembly gathered is called a “temple”. The word used in Greek is ναός. In Latin it is templum. This is just more evidence that when Scripture tells us (2 Thess. 2:4) that the man of sin sits in “the temple of God” (using the same Greek word ναός), that describes a prominent Catholic building/church that is taken over by the Antichrist during the Great Apostasy. It does not refer to a rebuilt Jewish temple, which would not be the temple of God at all. The prophecy actually refers to St. Peter’s Basilica (see the videos below) – the most prominent church in the world and in the fullest sense “the temple of God”. According to the Catholic Church’s usage, Christian churches are temples of God. During the Great Apostasy a Counter Church takes possession of the Church’s physical structures and reduces the true Catholic Church to a remnant. That is what the Vatican II apostasy represents.
For information about how the prophecies concerning the temple of God have been fulfilled during the Vatican II apostasy, see these videos:
John Paul II’s Heresies
“Saint” John Paul II’s Heresies
I listened to the "saint" John Paul II's Heresies… It is an impressive video. I can't even imagine the amount of work that went into its production… I am dismayed about how the recent Popes have mixed up the message of the catholic faith. How can so many people in the Church be in error?... I didn't care for mother Angelica all that much but how could she have not hammered these points, especially with a monastery of priests to support her?...
Rick Luczak Bay City, Michigan
We’re glad that you are looking at the material. It’s important to recognize, as the video covers, that John Paul II and the other post-Vatican II claimants to the Papacy were not true popes but antipopes. Also, this video is about Mother Angelica:
Private investigator shows that the "Buffalo mass shooting" was a hoax - must-see video
The P.I. really did a critical analysis of this event (showing gaping holes in reality), one we will never see on any msm outlet ...thank you MHFM, for getting it out to us; we never know how long this kind of research will be around to view.
Video Posted
Pelosi Banned From “Communion” – The Truth You Won’t Hear Elsewhere
Pro-“LGBT” “Cardinals”
“Bishop” McElroy & The Counter Church In San Diego
He's now named a "cardinal". So now the Whore of Babylon has at least 5 notoriously pro-LGBT American "cardinals": Tobin (NJ), Dolan (NY), Gregory (WA), Cupich (IL), and McElroy (CA).
Private investigator shows that the "Buffalo mass shooting" was a hoax - must-see video
… Hollywood can do a much better job of faking it. No one can trust the lying media. There have been over 100 of these hoax shootings. God will judge these liars, eventually.
Dennis Gannon
Protestantism, Ephesians
What Millions Of Fake Christians Get Wrong About Ephesians
So glad I escaped Protestantism.
Taylor J
Must-See Video
Private investigator shows that the "Buffalo mass shooting" was a hoax - must-see video
MHFM: This is a must-see video if you want to know what’s happening in the country. It’s definitely worth the time. It demonstrates the supposed “mass shooting” in Buffalo was a staged hoax. The same is true of almost every other so-called mass shooting.
Broke Down
How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)
I broke down and wept about half way through the video as my mind was flooded with conviction for my sin and confusion about which church is the true church. I was raised Catholic, became agnostic, then, Protestant, and now am in a sort of Limbo of belief because everyone claims THEY know the truth and EVERYONE ELSE is a heretic and is going to hell. My greatest fear is Jesus telling me that He never knew me and being cast into hell. Please pray for my understanding and clarity. I want nothing more than to truly know God and worship Him the way that He intends and to also be used to reach my loved ones and save them with the truth of God as well.
Douglas D.
The true Church is the traditional Catholic Church. God wants you to embrace the traditional Catholic faith. Our material explains how to do that. You will find biblical proof for Catholicism here: Our material also explains what's happening in Rome now.
You should also start to pray the Hail Mary frequently. That will give you important graces to see the truth and do God's will. We recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.
Wants to become a traditional Catholic
I hope you are doing well. I wanted to reach out to you… because I have been watching many of your videos and I have made the decision in that I want to become a proper traditional catholic…
-Pranit Singh
Subject: Francis names apostate McElroy of San Diego a “cardinal”
God is so very kind, and merciful! What more could God do, to show people of Goodwill in the Novus Ordo, that this sect is a counter Church, which they must now leave…
Guy W
Same Storyline
Uvalde teacher “killed” looks like “Sandy Hook teacher”
Her storyline is exactly the same too: heroic teacher shielded her students from armed killer.
Hadn’t grasped
“An Enormous Sin” To Deny Outside The Catholic Church There Is No Salvation
I… watched this video… I believe everything it says, I just hadn't grasped what clear and powerful message it has in proof against the false traditionalist heresies. It also shows how no non-Catholic is of good will unless he or she looks for the truth and converts, and how so-called Catholics who think people in other religions can be saved have no supernatural faith or charity. One has to really want the truth to understand…
MHFM: Antipope Francis has named “Bishop” Robert McElroy of San Diego a “cardinal”. This video exposes the astounding heresies of the very pro-“LGBT” apostate McElroy. Francis’ decision is more proof that the Vatican II Sect is the Whore of Babylon (the end-times Counter Church).
Eva Mireles, the teacher supposedly killed in the recent Uvalde, Texas, “shooting” (pictured on the left) looks remarkably similar to Victoria Soto, a “teacher” who was supposedly killed at Sandy Hook (pictured on the right).
This story is actually really sad because it shows how stupid the general public is. We have seen crisis actors laugh and botch their lines in the past but this emotionless woman has basically put in no effort to memorizing basic facts about "the daughter" who is supposed to have been killed. The people running these psyops and false flags know they can do a lousy job and most people will be convinced regardless of the facts since they're of bad will and don't love the truth.
The reporter... had to say the girl was in third grade; NBC News and Independent also reported that this girl Annabell is in the third grade. But when you go on the Uvalde website and look up Arnulfo Reyes, who this woman said is the daughter's teacher, it has him listed as a fourth grade teacher.
Catholic Evangelizer
It's also noteworthy that the woman says: "We don't know the grade". So, she knows that neither one of the "parents" knows the current grade of their "daughter". She then rattles off the name of the "teacher", which you would not expect her to know considering that she didn't even know the girl's grade. One can only conclude that she memorized certain things about the story but failed to memorize others.
Other Reasons
Other than fuel for a gun grab, do you think there are other reasons for these various shooting hoaxes? I'm wondering if part of the plan is to keep people in a constant state of brainwashing through lies. A con man knows that if he can get a mark to believe a small lie then that same mark will more easily accept a bigger lie.
I'm wondering if by feeding the populace constant lies, the hoax pushers hope to make them swallow bigger and bigger lies. Come to think of it, the counterfeit church is like that too. By getting people to accept small lies, they can more easily push the bigger lies of an invalid new mass and their antipopes.
The move to outlaw most or all guns is obviously at the top of their agenda. However, they also intend to use such hoaxes to completely abolish the first amendment: e.g. by pressuring companies to remove from social media (and even from basic services such as banking, etc.) those who spread a conservative message. Hence, they often claim that the perpetrator was influenced by what he saw or read on social media. They are very dedicated to take over America - i.e. to transform it into a helpless tool of the globalists - by these means.
Hello MHFM,
I saw a bulletin posted in my local coffee shop which was asking if members of the public had experienced unexplained paranormal activity in their homes. I went to the coffee shop this morning and almost all the info cards were taken. For context, I was there about a day or two ago and only two info cards were taken but in a matter of days, almost all of the info cards were taken.
There seems to be a dramatic increase in paranormal activity.
Pelosi Banned From “Communion” – The Truth You Won’t Hear Elsewhere
Excellent video… I wanted to share a very interesting tweet regarding this situation. Someone tweeted about this story saying they would be Catholic if the church showed this much strength. This tweet received hundreds of likes. It made me sad to think how many people are put off due to the V2 sect weakness and indecisiveness.
Julian J
Former Atheist
Former atheist here. I returned to Catholicism and your videos strengthen my learning and desire to expand knowledge and understanding. Thank you.
Jose Velazquez
Pelosi Banned From “Communion” – The Truth You Won’t Hear Elsewhere
… you hit the nail on the head with your analysis…
Elle M
Vatican II
“Cardinal” Dolan & The Counter Church In New York City (NYC)
… the fruits of Vatican ll…
Thomas Logue
Uvalde “Shooting”
MHFM: Concerning the girl who is supposedly their own daughter, they say: “We don’t know the grade, but we know the age…” What a hoax.
Wilton Gregory, DC
"Cardinal" Wilton Gregory of DC says no one will be refused "Communion" - 34 second video
There is no unity of faith or discipline in the Vatican 2 sect. If you don't like what's being served in one place, you can get something completely different somewhere else. This story reminds me of the schismatic eastern "orthodox" who heretically believe all the bishops in the world are equal. If there were a true pope, Pelosi would have been excommunicated a long time ago but the Whore of Babylon, led by the layman Wilton Gregory in Washington DC, allows evil to flourish…
Catholic Evangelizer
… Your material has helped me learn about Catholic religion and history far better than the Vatican II Catechism I grew up with... the Vatican II sect is false.