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This section of our website (which is updated daily) contains some less formal – and short – e-mail exchanges that we’ve had which we feel may be of value to our readers. We will include those portions of the exchanges we deem relevant and valuable. We often add bolding and underlining which are not necessarily that of the other party. This section also frequently includes, not only e-exchanges we have, but also our notes, updates and comments. Section containing some important recent posts. E-Exchange Archives.
Is America Mentioned In Bible Prophecy?
MHFM: Among many other things, this video covers facts about the history of our monastery and its members that we have not covered in any other video.
Encyclicals on Baptism
MHFM: So many supporters of “baptism of desire” (brainwashed by misinformation) wrongly think that the papal encyclicals teach/support “baptism of desire”, when they actually contradict it by affirming that no one can be in the Church or be saved without water baptism.
Pope Pius XI, Quas Primas (#15), Dec. 11, 1925, addressed to the universal Church, concerning entrance into the Kingdom of God: “Which Kingdom indeed is set forth in the Gospels as one into which men prepare to enter by doing penance but are unable to enter except through faith and baptism, which, although it is an external rite, nevertheless signifies and effects an interior regeneration.”
Pope Pius XII, Mystici Corporis Christi (# 22), June 29, 1943, addressed to the universal Church: “Actually only those are to be included as members of the Church who have received the laver of regeneration and profess the true faith…”
Pope Pius XII, Mediator Dei (#43), Nov. 20, 1947, addressed to the universal Church, referring to the Sacrament of Baptism: “… the washing of baptism distinguishes and separates all Christians [christianos omnes] from the rest whom this stream of atonement has not washed and who are not members of Christ…”
Hey Most Holy Family Monastery!
I am convinced that it's the great apostasy and that the chair of Peter is vacant and has been since John 23. I live near edmonton alberta…
Important Topic
Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman
Excellent debate on an important topic…
Hello. I appreciate all of your informative videos, they have been a blessing to me. I understand your message on vatican II and post vatican II being heretical…
Glad to Find
Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman
Finally some [people] I can get behind, glad to find your channel and site.
Looking into
Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman
I watched the entire debate…it was very informative…
Suzanne Love
Looking into
Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman
Incredible debate… (although it was more of a complete takedown of the heretic as well as V2). I have seen many comments… saying they will be looking into sedevacantism because of how well Brother Peter performed! God Bless MHFM!
Julian J
Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman
Historical Debate! Praises and thanks to God for the successful debate….
Jose Rex Atinan
Away From
Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman
Thanks brothers. Your teachings kept me away from the Novus Ordo…
J Thomson
Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman
Amazing debate…
Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman
… Very refreshing to hear the true Catholic faith.
Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman
Incredible debate...
Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman
Jose Daniel Cabrera Pena
Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman
You have performed a scholarly, most convincing rebuttal to this challenger. You could see him fumbling as the debate went on when he was confronted with the truth.
J. Domen
Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman
Bro. Peter did a great job winning the debate. Sedevacantism was shown to be the true position.
Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman
Awesome debate. Cassman's entire argument collapsed. His contradictory position was exposed. Bro. Dimond knocked it out the ball park! Thank you God. Thank you MHFM.
Michael S.
Sedevacantism Debate: Are John XXIII Through Francis True Popes? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs Jeff Cassman
Dear Brothers,
I do believe an explosion may have gone off in the novus ordo world. What a wonderful and informative debate, and it was good to actually watch the participants debating. I believe any good willed person could see that Bro. Peter won the debate. But equally important, it was also very clear to see to whom the true Catholic faith really matters, and who it was that had real charity for his neighbor. At times, when Cassman was asked a simple question - and saw that a truthful answer would support Brother Peter's position - he would not answer directly, perhaps hoping that his viewers might not notice. But I think they did notice… I thank you for this important debate…
Lee Ann
Pope Leo XIII, Adiutricem (#16), Sept. 5, 1895: “And remembering that her only begotten Son prayed so earnestly to His heavenly Father for the closest union among the nations whom He has called by the one Baptism to the one inheritance of salvation bought for an infinite price…”
Pope Leo XIII, Nobilissima Gallorum Gens (#3), Feb. 8, 1884: “… it is of the highest importance that the offspring of Christian marriages should be thoroughly instructed in the precepts of religion; and that the various studies by which youth is fitted for the world should be joined with that of religion. To divorce these is to wish that youth should be neutral as regards its duties to God; a system of education in itself fallacious, and particularly fatal in tender years, for it opens the door to atheism, and closes it on religion. Christian parents must, therefore, be careful that their children receive religious instruction as soon as they are capable of understanding it; and that nothing may, in the schools they attend, blemish their faith or their morals.”
Dear Brothers,
… When I first converted, I used to be baffled by bad will - but now I realize it's a simple fact of life. Most people do not seek what is true. They will hear and accept only what is pleasing to them, and they will reject whatever they do not like. People reject the true Catholic faith because they don't like it, although they are never honest with themselves about this. As they see it, it's too strict, too harsh, makes them squirm. Meanwhile, the Vatican 2 "religion" is easy to follow and they enjoy all the sins that it allows. The false religion of the Vatican 2 sect makes no demands on anyone, makes everyone feel comfortable, and practically guarantees salvation for all. So, although they are struggling to find some way to deal with Francis and the embarrassment he causes them, obstinate adherents of the Vatican 2 sect continue to spread their poison even at this late hour. They have no clue that their party's almost over.
Lee Ann
The Ferguson Riots are connected to the selection of the first openly “gay” NFL player
Wow! This video is so ahead of its time, considering now there's these people calling themselves MAPS "minor attracted persons" who often organize drag shows and other degenerative events which only recently began to include children!
“Bishop” Stowe And Francis Officially Endorse “LGBT” Activity!
… Rome has lost the faith and become the seat of the anti-Christ.
Converted from
Sir, I think you just converted me from considering Orthodoxy…
Pius IX on Socialism, Communism, and Protestantism
Pope Pius IX, Nostis et Nobiscum (#6), Dec. 8, 1849: “… the goal of this most iniquitous plot is to drive people to overthrow the entire order of human affairs and to draw them over to the wicked theories of this Socialism and Communism, by confusing them with perverted teachings. But these enemies realize that they cannot hope for any agreement with the Catholic Church, which allows neither tampering with truths proposed by faith, nor adding any new human fictions to them. This is why they try to draw the Italian people over to Protestantism, which in their deceit they repeatedly declare to be only another form of the same true religion of Christ…”
How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)
I really needed this.
New Video Posted
“Bishop” Stowe And Francis Officially Endorse “LGBT” Activity!
“Bishop” Stowe And Francis Officially Endorse “LGBT” Activity!
… They are deranged by Satan's lies. In the name of love and tolerance they preach doctrines of demons.
“Health Departments”
Various state "health" departments are purchasing pornographic materials for children - 31 sec video
Parents must realize that this is a fact occurring in the govt educational system and take their children out - "yesterday"! Where there is a will, God will give a way. These evil [people] are losing their own souls and are quite determined to take many with them to Hell. "But he that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea." (Matthew 18:6)
From getting
Doctors Explain Why “Covid-19” And The “Delta Variant” Don’t Exist
I gotta hand it to MHFM...they saved me from getting the Vaxx and inspired me to learn more about how COVID is a hoax and the jab is a scam.
Eagle Scout
“My Diocese”
“Bishop” Stowe And Francis Officially Endorse “LGBT” Activity!
This is my Diocese. Please pray for us.
Katie Lockwood
One must not go to the New Mass. Also, it's crucial to recognize that he's not a legitimate bishop. He's a member of the Vatican II Sect. The Vatican II Sect that Antipope Francis leads is NOT the Catholic Church. It is the prophesied end-times Counter Church (the Whore of Babylon). The current situation in Rome was predicted, as our material explains. The true Catholic Church still exists. People need to be traditional Catholics. Our material explains how to be a traditional Catholic. We also recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.
“Bishop” Stowe And Francis Officially Endorse “LGBT” Activity!
… these are end times for sure.
Rafael Torres
Joe Scarborough, Abortion
Joe Scarborough is a protestant heretic, he has no concept of true Christianity (i.e Catholicism). Abortion was condemned by the early Church as The Didache (The Lord's Teaching Through the Twelve Apostles to the Nations) and the Epistle of Barnabas show us:
Didache 2:2: " shall not murder a child by abortion nor kill that which is begotten."
Epistle of Barnabas 19: "... You shall not slay the child by procuring abortion; nor, again, shall you destroy it after it is born..."
They obviously came to this conclusion by the teachings of Jesus Christ through the Apostles (Sacred Tradition) and Sacred Scriptures condemnation of murder.
Lex Orandi
Exodus 20:5- “You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me…”
St. Robert Bellarmine, On Purgatory, Book 2, Chap. 15: “… No man will be punished for the fault of another, unless he is a participant of the same fault, either by consent or imitation. Concerning such matters, Exodus 20 says God punishes the sins of the fathers on the sons into the third and fourth generation. That is understood when the sons imitate the parents, as Jerome expounds (in cap. 18 on Ezekiel), Augustine (on Psalm 108), Chrysostom (Hom. 29 in Genesis)…”
Trains, Quitting
Possible railroad strike could be a death blow to America's economy? - video
I'm a huge train geek and one my close friends used to work for BNSF railway, they let trains just sit around for months, no one wants to work, people quitting en masse, etc.
“Pastor” Steven Anderson Exposed – Documentary
Excellent video.
David Soto
Interested in Becoming Catholic
Hello I’m interested in becoming catholic I was baptized as orthodox I’m from Georgia the country my family wasn’t religious so naturally I didn’t know faith but these past few years I became interested through internet…
Mary: Mother Of God & Ark Of The New Covenant – Absolute Proof!
Thanks…!!! You hit the nail on the head…
Chuck Langworthy
End Times
“Bishop” Stowe And Francis Officially Endorse “LGBT” Activity!
End times.
Not a Bishop
“Bishop” Stowe And Francis Officially Endorse “LGBT” Activity!
That is no bishop.
Jay Ess
Applauding Heresy
“Bishop” Stowe And Francis Officially Endorse “LGBT” Activity!
I don't know how to describe the anger I feel, this goes directly against Christ's teachings… Why are people applauding this heresy!!
Europe Abandoned
Muslim Refugee Acquitted In French Rape Case Due To "Different Cultural Norms"
The flooding with muhammadan refugees is God's punishment for europe since they… embraced evils like… contraception/abortion (and also because they discarded the true faith).
The Situation
“Bishop” Stowe And Francis Officially Endorse “LGBT” Activity!
At least they are not members of the true Catholic faith. It’s sad they scandalize those that aren’t informed of the situation. The anti-church may wear and occupy sacred and holy structures and vestments but the true faith lives on and thrives amongst those that have been blessed by God to join the Body of Christ.
Joshua Miller
“Bishop” Stowe And Francis Officially Endorse “LGBT” Activity!
Wow!!! Anti-scriptural and horrible!!
Shannon Harrison
“Bishop” Stowe And Francis Officially Endorse “LGBT” Activity!
Evil "Bishop" is unwilling to recognize that GOD HIMSELF has clearly condemned homosexuality from the beginning, and into the future.
Malcolm Kirk
UK Police Prepare For “Breakdown In Public Order” Caused By Cost Of Living Crisis
The tyrants of this world crave unrest as they serve Satan who waits to snatch souls for his fiery kingdom beneath our feet.
“Bishop” Stowe And Francis Officially Endorse “LGBT” Activity!
This is shocking.
End Times
“Bishop” Stowe And Francis Officially Endorse “LGBT” Activity!
… this is the end times.
Shannan Higuera
“Bishop” Stowe And Francis Officially Endorse “LGBT” Activity!
Thank you… hopefully this opens people’s eyes some more.
‘Orthodox’ Nonsense
God’s Eternity & Immutability – Denied By Eastern “Orthodox” Speakers
Orthodox sound like Kabbalists when they talk this nonsense.
Ruben Keyz
Persistence in Sin
Pelosi Banned From “Communion” – The Truth You Won’t Hear Elsewhere
… Francis gives another false teaching when he speaks of “Communion is for the sick’ for those who rebelliously persist in mortal sin. The Physician cannot assist a patient who persists in injuring themselves - and abortionists and those who promote sodomy cannot be in communion with Christ as long as they persist in sin. The Father could not assist the prodigal son when he chose to live in sin - it was only when the prodigal son chose to return home that the Father could help him. The Bergoglian idea... is heresy - and mocks the blood of the Martyrs…
Fear of the Lord
Documentary: Protestantism’s Big Justification Lie
I am close to finishing this video, and I feel as if I am just now understanding what the "fear of the Lord" is. I felt fear run down my spine as I understood how narrow the gate truly is, and how far I've been my whole life…
Mary’s Sinlessness: A Biblical Documentary
Interesting and really good talk…
Demons and Sin
St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, Pt. I, Q. 63, A. 2: “… it is wholly through envy that they [demons] take pleasure in all sorts of human sins, insofar as these are hindrances to man’s good.”
Watched and Read
I’ve watched and read a substantial portion of your material over the last year or so. I reject… BoD/BoB and fully accept the salvation dogma that outside the church there is no salvation. I also reject NFP as a form of contraception and it’s quite obviously sinful…
God Bless You,
Man’s Intellectual Light
St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, Pt. I, Q. 84, A. 5: “For the intellectual light itself which is in us, is nothing else than a participated likeness of the uncreated light.”
Mother Angelica, EENS
The Deception of Mother Angelica & EWTN
Great video Brothers. I cannot believe this woman claimed to be Catholic and claimed what she did in that clip that it was a “heresy” to teach and believe outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation…
Oregon H
New Video Posted
The Dark Meaning of John Paul I’s “Beatification”
Liberals, Delusional
Wow. Liberals are so out of touch with reality. Delusional.
Francis, Death Penalty
Yet, this creature says/does nothing to eradicate infanticide via abortion. Truly wicked.
Bergoglio & a Novus Ordo Priest
God bless you MHFM
Long ago I argued with a Novus ordo priest about Bergoglio proclaiming no faith in God is needed for salvation, invocation of Pachamamas, proclaiming… Lutherans have the true faith of Christ, 100% annulments granted and a long etc. His reply: "you look for the hair in the soup", as if I am talking of irrelevant minute things, while the man they take as pope is openly invoking circles of spirits and the 4 winds... the memory of it is still haunting me 3 years later... When I showed him proof of 100% annulments being granted in many dioceses, he said: "sure at least some nullity must exist"... instead of "some validity must exist", also felt incredibly ridiculous and humiliating as an answer...
… still feeling the same disgust as the first day…
Thank you
Jose Daniel Cabrera Peña
The Dark Meaning of John Paul I’s “Beatification”
… Amazing video…
Kyle S
The Dark Meaning of John Paul I’s “Beatification”
Outstanding work. Wow!!!
The Dark Meaning of John Paul I’s “Beatification”
Great video. Thanks for your hard work… Every single video you guys put out is substantial as well as extraordinarily helpful.
Pope St. Pius X, Pieni L’animo (#12), July 28, 1906: “Likewise, all terms smacking of an unhealthy novelty in Catholic publications are condemnable, such as those deriding the piety of the faithful, or pointing out a new orientation of the Christian life, new directions of the Church, new aspirations of the modern soul, a new social vocation of the clergy, or a new Christian civilization.”
Antipope John Paul II, Ecclesia Dei (#5, b), July 2, 1988: “Indeed, the extent and depth of the teaching of the Second Vatican Council call for a renewed commitment to deeper study in order to reveal clearly the Council's continuity with Tradition, especially in points of doctrine which, perhaps because they are new, have not yet been well understood by some sections of the Church.”
MHFM: Biden's recent speech is another striking example of what we covered in our video America’s Fall To Communism – Documentary. Washington, D.C. has been taken over by communists, and the communists are trying to implement the revolution across the country. But there are pockets of resistance which they are trying to extirpate.
Battle for the Soul
Fake news network CNN changes communist blood red background color behind Biden to pink - video
This is very revealing. In CNN's own words, they call this speech "Battle for the soul of the nation," while fake president Biden stands before what looks like a portal to hell. Consider also that Francis calls Biden "a good Catholic"...
… The obvious historical significance of Catholicism shapes all of human history. Christianity is the light of the world. Light that was shown and given to us by the real Almighty God.
Victor Solis
Jews, Protestants
The same Judaizer spirit in Paul's day is back and even stronger now among Protestant heretics.
Protestantism, Justification
Documentary: Protestantism’s Big Justification Lie
This is a course in of itself. You cannot watch it without taking notes, stopping and pondering, and repeatedly watching to realize the depth of content.
Al Yu
Redemptor Hominis
The Antchrist’s Distinguishing Mark
I counted 226 times the word 'Man' is cited in the Encyclical Redemptor Hominis.
Loja KG
Ecumenical Service During Vatican II
MHFM: On Dec. 4, 1965, just before the close of Vatican II, Antipope Paul VI held an ecumenical Liturgy of the Word service. Antipope Paul VI presided over the service at St. Paul’s Outside The Walls. During the service, members of non-Catholic sects actively participated. This confirmed that Vatican II was a revolutionary false council with a false ecclesiology, and it was a bold step into heretical false ecumenism.
New Video Posted
John 3:5 Defined As A Dogma At Trent, Theologian Admits
MHFM: Among other things, this video covers an interesting and important admission made by a pre-Vatican II theologian concerning the Church's dogmatic teaching on baptism. This is another example of how we can prove our position not only from the dogmatic texts, encyclicals, etc., but also from admissions and statements by pre-Vatican II theologians.
Jews, Israel
Jews Are Not Israel Or The Chosen People
Dennis Maher
Apocalypse Now In The Vatican – Portuguese
MHFM: Our video Apocalypse Now In The Vatican has been published in Portuguese:
Other Languages – Francis’ Apostasy
MHFM: Our video Francis Participates In Prayer To Evil Spirits has been published in French, Spanish, Italian and Indonesian. This is a link to the French version:
François participe à la prière aux mauvais esprits
We have also recently published new videos in other languages as well.
Archaeologists, St. Peter
Archaeologists In Galilee Unearth Ancient Discovery Linked To Apostle Peter
This is fantastic, what a great find!
Doctrine, Counter Church
Francis names 20 “cardinals” including McElroy who gives “Communion” to abortion supporters
At the end of the clip, the reporter in Rome states that antipope Francis's actions have led to more diversity and inclusion and the future of the counter church will be less "doctrinaire". So here it is on national television that Catholic dogma will be ignored and instead the focus of the Vatican 2 sect will be to embrace LGBT and pro-abortion individuals and consequently their demonic ideologies. This is what the Whore of Babylon looks like.
Francis names 20 “cardinals” including McElroy who gives “Communion” to abortion supporters
That McElroy guy is one sick demented wretch. The Vatican II sect is continuing full speed ahead to its destruction...
Kieran S.
Sharyl Attkisson Shares Shocking Story Of FBI Targeting Her Family - 42 second must-see video
It’s pretty scary the power these demons hold. To try and ruin someone’s life it’s unbelievable the lengths they will go.
"Bishop" McElroy reportedly approved "Catholic charities" partnering with gay adoption agency
Based on the revelations that MHFM made about "Bishop" McElroy's support of sexual abominations, it is ironic that he appears as a spokesperson in a training video for prospective hires named "Protecting God's Children" that is used by the "Archdiocese" of Detroit.
Catholic Church cannot bring harm
Pope Leo XIII, Caritatis (#10), March 19, 1894: “… the Catholic Church is so constituted as never to bring forth anything at all harmful to peoples and to states, but only benefits, even in temporal matters.”
Can one make this statement about the Vatican II Sect? No.
Reason and Freedom
Pope Leo XIII, Libertas (#6), June 20, 1888: “… man is by nature rational. When, therefore, he acts according to reason, he acts of himself and according to his free will; and this is liberty. Whereas, when he sins, he acts in opposition to reason, is moved by another, and is the victim of foreign misapprehensions. Therefore, `Whosoever commits sin is the slave of sin’ (John 8:34). Even the heathen philosophers clearly recognized this truth, especially they who held that the wise man alone is free; and by the term ‘wise man’ was meant, as is well known, the man trained to live in accordance with his nature, that is, in justice and virtue.”
Leaving Dispensational Theology
John 3:5 Defined As A Dogma At Trent, Theologian Admits
I just ordered a catholic bible for the first time after being KJV only. I am leaving dispensational theology which is Zionist… After prayer I have finally been given the truth, The Holy Catholic Church is the one true apostolic Church, and True Christians (Catholics) are the chosen people and Israel of God. Blessings and Salutations MHFM… your videos are wonderful and packed with loads of information.
Video converted him
The Amazing And Miraculous Image Of Our Lady Of Guadalupe
It was this video that converted me to catholicism actually.
Francis, Paganism
Francis Participates In Prayer To Evil Spirits
How many Catholics were martyred because they wouldn’t offer a pinch of incense to the Ancient Greek and Roman pagan gods?
Robert Weidner
Novak Djokovic Withdraws From U.S. Open After "Vaccine Rules" Keep Him Out Of America
... I came across a social media post with a picture of one of the tennis courts at the US "Open," in which you can see Moderna promoted as one of the event sponsors.
Leo XIII on Religious Liberty as Freemasonic
Pope Leo XIII, Humanum Genus (#22-24), April 20, 1884: “It is held also that the State should be without God; that in the various forms of religion there is no reason why one should have precedence of another; and that they are all to occupy the same place. That these doctrines are equally acceptable to the Freemasons, and that they would wish to constitute States according to this example and model, is too well known to require proof… Their chief dogmas are so greatly and manifestly at variance with reason that nothing can be more perverse.”
Creation and Miracles – Condensed Version
Caleb Kaverman
Pope Leo XIII, D’all’alto (#9), Oct. 15, 1890: “… the chief instrument employed by our enemies [i.e. Freemasons, etc.] is the press, which in great part receives from them its inspiration and support, it is important that Catholics should oppose the evil press by a press that is good, for the defence of truth, out of love for religion, and to uphold the rights of the Church.”
Vatican II vs. EENS
MHFM: So many of the heresies in Vatican II amount to a rejection the dogma Outside The Church There Is No Salvation. The rejection of that truth was the key to the Great Apostasy.
… Thank you for all your efforts to spread and defend the Faith
Eye-Opening, Mother Angelica
The Deception of Mother Angelica & EWTN
This is really eye opening…
Moobler Thomson
Transfiguration, Helped
Catholic vs. “Orthodox” On The Transfiguration Light (Leo, Maximus)
I really didn’t know the whole of this. You have no idea how much this has helped me. Y’all are in my prayers and thank you so much from the depths of my heart.
Vatican II, Jews
As always you take it to a new and higher level of knowledge. We are blessed for being able to witness the TRUTH of our faith, not the deceit of Vatican II. THANK YOU!
Chuck Langworthy
"Priest in fraud charges spent thousands on porn websites"
Elvis sold his soul too... Even the main singer of Led Zeppelin owned the house of Allister Crowley.
Rotten Fruits
"Priest in fraud charges spent thousands on porn websites"
Though not surprising that this happens in the Vatican II sect, it still is saddening. This "priest" is one of the many rotten fruits of modern... society in general.
In our days, you wouldn't be able to tell a lot of female college students from prostitutes, because most of them dress alike...
"Walmart Is Expanding Abortion Access For Its Employees" - 47 second video
This is the result of the SCOTUS decision to push the abortion ruling to the States. I was in a local CVS drugstore recently and I noticed a huge increase of advertisements for "birth control" pills at the pharmacy desk.
Music Industry
The 'Music' Industry, under the leadership of satan, seeks to distract people from God, the Blessed Virgin, Prayer etc. and keep them enslaved to pop, rock, rap etc.
The Trinity
Never before did I understand the concept of trinity to this extent!!! Thank you!