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This section of our website (which is updated daily) contains some less formal – and short – e-mail exchanges that we’ve had which we feel may be of value to our readers. We will include those portions of the exchanges we deem relevant and valuable. We often add bolding and underlining which are not necessarily that of the other party. This section also frequently includes, not only e-exchanges we have, but also our notes, updates and comments. Section containing some important recent posts.
New Video Posted
Aztec Pagan Ritual In “Catholic Church” During “Mass”
Video Posted
Temple of God and Good Thief
The last two videos: Jesus' Descent into Hell....and the Temple of God & the Antichrist.... I mean I was stunned… wow. And then these apostates and heretics who sadly call themselves Catholics and even apologists have the audacity to teach anyone on the topic of the visibility of the Church. Well, since the True Church/the Catholic Church is primarily a union of Faith which pertains to spiritual things you would need the eyes of Faith/Truth in order to clearly see it.
May God bless MHFM,
V. from Croatia
Powerful Video
The Temple Of God & The Antichrist Located! (Trent Horn Rebutted)
Dear Brothers,
Thank you for this extremely powerful and persuasive video. On one level, it is certainly a quick refutation of the lies of Trent Horn, but actually it is so much more. It gives much thought-provoking insight into truths like the Incarnation, the Antichrist, the Apostasy, etc… God makes things very simple and straightforward: if a person isn't willing to accept the authority and teachings of the true Popes - with whom He entrusted the deposit of faith - then they won't hold the true Christian/Catholic faith or even be able to comprehend it. Obstinate heretics like Trent Horn prove this, day in and day out. It seems Horn can't recognize the Antichrist because Horn (like all heretics) is likewise enamored with the Luciferian doctrine of man in the place of God. God bless MHFM for teaching us the true Catholic faith.
Lee Ann
True Catholic Church
The Temple Of God & The Antichrist Located! (Trent Horn Rebutted)
I am a Catholic this is well done. I have learned a lot. I have never heard such defense of the real Catholic Church. Truth is a sword.
Peter Coleman
The Temple Of God & The Antichrist Located! (Trent Horn Rebutted)
… I was just blown away by your video on the "Temple" etc. I'm learning more about my Faith from you than I ever have from anyone else. Thank you. God bless you.
The Temple Of God & The Antichrist Located! (Trent Horn Rebutted)
Another wonderful oration of the truth. No one of good will can deny the clearly presented evidence shown in this video… False teachers like Horn lead the blind to disaster…
J Knight
A Must-See
The Temple Of God & The Antichrist Located! (Trent Horn Rebutted)
This video delivers a knock-out punch to many deadly errors. It is definitely "must-see" for Catholics…
J. Balderston
The Temple Of God & The Antichrist Located! (Trent Horn Rebutted)
Your evidence is always unassailable.
The Temple Of God & The Antichrist Located! (Trent Horn Rebutted)
Thank you for the enlightenment that so many people truly need in their lives. You’ve guided me to correct my errors…
Ethan Brown
The Temple Of God & The Antichrist Located! (Trent Horn Rebutted)
Game Over Horn of Satan. Thanks…
Jose Antonio
God Allowed Him To Become Aware
Hello, MHFM.
My name is John... I’m 24 and live in… Pennsylvania. Without expounding unnecessarily, I was raised a ‘cradle “Catholic”’ and went to “Catholic” grade school and high school. I felt throughout my life but eventually realized fully just how devoid the Vatican II sect was of Truth through your videos posted on YouTube and greatly appreciate that God has allowed me to become aware of them and honestly am uncertain why I should have come to this knowledge… Thank you, MHFM, please pray for me…
Video Posted
Jesus’ Descent Into Hell & The Baptism Of The Good Thief
MHFM: This video contains many important new points. We encourage people to watch the video all the way through. It covers evidence for the resurrection and baptism of all the Old Testament righteous persons, it discusses the 144,000 mentioned in the Book of Revelation, and much more.
How Protestants Falsely Defined Hope, According To Bellarmine
St. Robert Bellarmine, De Iustificatione, Book 3, Chap. 11: “A twofold certitude in hope can be considered. One, on the part of the will; the other, on the part of the intellect. On the part of the will, the certitude of hope is a firm adhesion of the will to the thing hoped for… even if on the part of the intellect man is not certain that he will attain that thing. Indeed, it seems that hope not only does not require but also cannot bear absolute certitude on the part of the intellect. For that which we certainly know we shall have, we do not hope for, but we absolutely expect… Therefore, the heretics of our time, who require absolute certitude on the part of the intellect, leave no place for hope properly stated.
But although (as we said) hope does not require absolute certitude on the part of the intellect, it nevertheless has a twofold certitude even on the part of the intellect. The first arises primarily from the foundation of hope, which is the promise of God. For we are certain that God cannot be deceived. And if indeed nothing were required for justification or salvation except the promise of God, we would also have concerning these things absolute and infallible certitude. Nevertheless, since other things are required, concerning which we are not as certain, hope does not expel all fear… The other certitude of hope on the part of the intellect arises from charity, and for this reason it is applicable only to just men.”
Paprocki’s False Ecumenism
“Bishop” Thomas Paprocki and Joint Worship with Lutherans
What was "false" about the ecumenical dialogues?
Participation in non-Catholic worship is condemned by the Church. You should watch this video or read this article for details on the matter: Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof).
Liberal Liar Was Caught
MHFM: This is interesting and revealing. It's outrageous that pathological liars like Miller are in possession of power.
Mexico has returned to paganism
Cortes’ Amazing Conquest Of The Aztec Empire
It is sad that Mexico has returned to paganism. Especially with that awful “Saint” death.
Feast Of Sts. Peter And Paul
Did St. Paul Really Rebuke St. Peter In Galatians 2?
This is a masterpiece, it’s a travesty it only has 31K views!!!
Joseph N
John Paul II And All The Heretics At Assisi Prayed With “One Voice”
MHFM: Here Antipope John Paul II officially taught that he and all the heretics at Assisi in 1986 prayed with “one voice to the Lord”. That’s another official endorsement (on his part) of the heresy that it’s lawful to participate in non-Catholic worship. We discuss that heresy in detail in this video: Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof).
John Paul II, Ut Unum Sint (#76), May 25, 1995: “In 1986, at Assisi, during the World Day of Prayer for Peace, Christians of the various Churches and Ecclesial Communities prayed with one voice to the Lord of history for peace in the world.”
Needed This
Jesus’ Descent Into Hell & The Baptism Of The Good Thief
Perfect timing. Needed this one… Thank you.
Sodom 2.0
Sodom and Gomorrah 2.0...
Martin Francis
MHFM: This quote from St. Robert Bellarmine is another example of why Jesus told people that cutting off occasions of sin is the key to avoiding sin.
St. Robert Bellarmine, De Gratia Et Libero Arbitrio, Book 4, Chap. 10: “… in every matter the mode of desiring corresponds to the mode of knowing; for desire follows knowledge, nor is it possible that someone desires an unknown thing.”
Another way to put it is: “Out of sight, out of mind.”
MHFM: This is another clear and a powerful example of a pope judging/condemning a false religion and an unbeliever.
Pope Callixtus III (1455): “Ego Calixtus Papa Tertius, promitto & voveo sanctissimae Trinitati, Patri & filio & spiritui sancto, Dei genitrici semper virgini, sanctis Apostolis Petro et Paulo, totique Curiae coelesti, quod etiam ad effusionem sanguinis proprii, si opus fuerit, dabo operam, & adhibebo omnimodam diligentiam, quantum potero, iuxta consilium venerabilium fratrum meorum, pro recuperatione civitatis Constantinopolitanae, quae heu peccatis hominum exigentibus, nostris temporibus occupata & eversa est, per Iesu Christi Crucifixi Salvatoris nostri inimicum, filium Diaboli, Machometum & Turcarum Dominum. Pro liberatione deinde captivorum Christianorum, necnon ad exaltationem fidei Orthodoxae, ad exterminationem Diabolicae sectae reprobi perfidique Machometi, in partibus Orientalibus, ubi maxime lumen fidei occubuit.”
Pope Callixtus III (1455): “I, Pope Calixtus III, promise and vow to the Most Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, to the Ever-Virgin Mother of God, to Saints Peter and Paul, and to the whole heavenly court: that even to the shedding of my own blood, if it should be necessary, I will give effort and employ every kind of diligence, as far as I shall be able, according to the counsel of my venerable brethren, for the recovery of the city of Constantinople, which (alas) in punishment for the sins of men, in our times has been occupied and overthrown by the enemy of Jesus Christ our Crucified Savior, Mahomet [II], the son of the Devil and leader of the Turks. Next, [I promise to give effort] for the liberation of the captive Christians, and also for the exaltation of the orthodox faith and for the extermination of the diabolical sect of the reprobate and faithless Mahomet [Islam] in the Eastern regions, where especially the light of the faith has gone out.”
The Failure Of Eastern ‘Orthodoxy’
The Real History Of “Orthodoxy”
Constantinople fell on the day of Pentecost and their church became a mosque. Eastern mysticism is a heretical sect and a political tool of the Empire/State. The Latin Church also known as the Church of Rome (The Historical Church) founded the New World (Americas and Australia) and colonized both north and south America fulfilling the eternal promises God gave to the children of Israel…
Jews Are Not Israel Or The Chosen People
Uncompromising truth, as always! Many Catholics have fallen sway to the 19th century Protestant notion of Dispensationalism that elevates Jews and teaches they are special players in End Time events. This has fueled the "Christian Zionism" of our day. I once said I believed Christians were the new Israel of God, and was told I hold to the error of "replacement theology." No, just biblical and Church teaching. So much error to combat, and I appreciate Bro. Dimond for charging boldly into the battle.
G Ryecroft
On Manifest Heresy
Sanborn And Others Are Totally Wrong On Manifest Heresy – New Evidence From Pope Martin V
Excellent video…
I live in the Philippines, and this is shocking to me. The Philippines is usually a country in Asia that has the largest population of "Catholics". But now it's fallen, the majority are false Catholics.
Glenn Raya
MHFM: It’s interesting that Gregory Palamas, who became one of the most important theological writers for the Eastern ‘Orthodox’ sects, was condemned even in schismatic Constantinople from the years 1341 to 1347. The opposition to Palamas’ revolutionary and heretical doctrine even among the Greek schismatic leadership led to his imprisonment for a number of years. However, after the political situation changed and a new ‘patriarch’ was installed Palamas was ‘elevated’ to bishop. We refute Palamas’ heretical doctrine of God here:
Consecration Of Russia Question
In your one of your videos you say that pope pius XII consecrated russia to the immaculate heart in 1952, and that was sufficient. In 1957 Fr Fuentes interview, sr Lucy says that Russia will be the instrument chosen by God to chastise the world if we do not bring about the conversion of that poor nation, but that is 5 years after the Pius XII consecration. Am I missing something? Please help me to understand this. Thank you for your time, Ron.
Have you read our article on this? The statement to Fuentes does not contradict the fact that Pius XII's consecration was the fulfillment. Sr. Lucia was repeating things that Our Lady had previously told her. Also, Sr. Lucia did not always know if something fulfilled Heaven's request. In 1947, when asked by William Thomas Walsh about Pope Pius XII’s 1942 consecration of the world, Sr. Lucy didn’t even know if it was sufficient. This was before the specific consecration of Russia in 1952.
William Thomas Walsh, Our Lady of Fatima, p. 222: “After my return from Portugal I wrote several questions which His Excellency the Bishop of Leiria was good enough to send to Sister Dores [Sr. Lucy]. Her answers, written February 17, 1947, reached me just too late for the first edition of this book… Q. Is it your opinion that the Pope and the Bishops will consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary only after the laity have done their duty, in Rosaries, sacrifices, first Saturday Communions, etc.? A. [Sr. Lucy] The Holy Father has already consecrated Russia, including it in the consecration of the world, but it has not been done in the form indicated by Our Lady: I do not know whether Our Lady accepts it, done in this way, as complying with her promises. Prayer and sacrifice are always the means necessary to draw down the graces and blessings of God.”
Further, the 'conversion' of Russia came to full fruition after the 1957 interview with the dramatic transformation of Russia. Our Lady’s words on the consecration of Russia were firmly set within the context of changing/transforming Russia from the specified persecutions of “war… hunger… of the Church.” That's what 'conversion' meant in the context of the message given.
St. Athanasius, 2nd Discourse Against The Arians, Chap. 16: “And all the visible creation was made in six days: in the first, the light which He called day; in the second the firmament; in the third, gathering together the waters, He bared the dry land, and brought out the various fruits that are in it… but each of the things made according to its kind exists and remains in its own essence, as it was made. For as to the separate stars or the great lights, not this appeared first, and that second, but in one day and by the same command, they were all called into being. And such was the original formation of the quadrupeds, and of birds, and fishes, and cattle, and plants; thus too has the race made after God’s Image come to be, namely men.”
Became Convinced
This was my first video from MHFM, it was shortly before I was "confirmed" in the Novus Ordo almost 10 years ago (I was 15 at the time). Shortly after I was "confirmed", I became convinced of the sedevacantist position and left the Novus Ordo to became a traditional Catholic. I was attending a folk group that would play acoustic guitars during "Mass". Even though the group was much more conservative, I noticed several heresies such as the music teacher replacing Yahweh with Lord in one of the songs so as to not offend Jews. I also remember one of the kids asking if the teacher was anti-gay and while I don't remember her response I don't recall her having any conviction against it. My knowledge of Catholicism at this time was practically non-existent and I was slowly starting to convert.
St. Augustine, Against Julian, Book 2, Chap. 9: “… men are born subject to the vitiated origin which is contracted from the first man, and therefore go to damnation unless they are reborn in Christ… He [Blessed Ambrose] said that none is acquitted of sin but one whose every sin is forgiven in baptism.”
Dodgers Suffer Worst Home Loss Ever
This past Saturday, the Los Angeles Dodgers honored an anti-Catholic organization prior to the game. The Dodgers then proceeded to suffer their worst home loss in team history. Coincidence? I do not believe so. “God will not be mocked.” (Galatians 6:7)
Melvin Lewis
20mph Speed Limit
20mph speed limits imposed in London because of "climate change" - 1 minute video
20mph speed limit? That's crazy! That's about 33kph! That's second gear, usually. And in the name of pollution? What are they thinking?...
Sudden Deaths In Italy
A few days ago I go out and find in large letters: 5 sudden deaths in the province of Bergamo. The same day as Silvio Berlusconi died. A... man who always said hello to my parents went to sleep after eating pizza and never woke up. He was only 51 years old. In the same period the wife of Romano Prodi a well-known Italian politician responsible for Italy's entry into the euro witnessed the sudden death of his wife during a walk together.
Andrea Sulla
Serious Sins
How Many Serious Sins Do Protestants Think A “True Believer” Can Commit?
Soooo helpful! Thank you.
Paulina White
New Video Posted
Francis Calls Pro-Homosexual Activism “Good” In New Handwritten Letter!
New Video Posted
Dark And Perverted Schools
As a teacher, I can say firsthand that many kids today do not know how to use basic punctuation or to start sentences with a capital letter. Across the country, in nearly every state, math and reading scores are down, the lowest in about 30 years. So what's going on in our schools? Well now we know that America's children are being indoctrinated into LGBT abominations instead of learning important things like how to spell or add numbers.
Also, in the second video, it looks like one of the kids on the left is already possessed as he's shaking and has his head tilted back with his mouth wide open. The devil is in these schools. Parents need to pull their children out immediately.
Catholic Evangelizer
Sickening. It's inconceivable that the parents of those white kids don't know what's going on… Their knowledge but failure to do anything equals consent, which then makes them compliant.
St. Robert Bellarmine, De Iustificatione, Book 5, Chap. 3: “When Scripture says, God will render to everyone according to his works, all agree that eternal death will be rendered to evil men according to their works. Why, therefore, do they not also all agree that eternal life will be rendered to good men according to their works?”
Romans 2:6-8 “He will render to each one according to his works: to those who by patience in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality, he will give eternal life; but for those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, there will be wrath and fury.”
Jesus’ Descent Into Hell & The Baptism Of The Good Thief
I’ve learned more in these videos than I ever did at any “catholic” school I attended.
Deus Vult
"Catholic Church" to host "Gay Pride Event" - 23 second video
The church in Spencer, MA was struck by lightning and quite literally torn in half and burned to the ground after welcoming the gay pride parade. Still people will not see the truth. God will not be mocked.
Lee Ann
Jesus’ Descent Into Hell & The Baptism Of The Good Thief
You have the best enlightening content for professing the truth. Thank you for your content.
Ethan Brown
False Traditionalism
Francis Calls Pro-Homosexual Activism “Good” In New Handwritten Letter!
Another nail in the coffin for false “traditionalism”.
Salvation Dogmas
Francis Calls Pro-Homosexual Activism “Good” In New Handwritten Letter!
… They [false traditionalists] do not realize that the denial of the solemnly defined salvation dogmas of the Church is the "crack through which the smoke of Satan entered the sanctuary." Lefebvre didn't realize this, as is clearly shown by his statements found in his books on salvation in other religions…
St. Augustine On Animals Before The Fall
St. Augustine, Against Julian, Book 1, Chap. 6: “… before sin entered [the world], all beasts were subject to man, and the fact that now they harm men is a punishment for the first sin.”
Old Testament
Jesus’ Descent Into Hell & The Baptism Of The Good Thief
Excellent presentation bringing in Old Testament prophecy and expectations to new covenant baptism.. I don’t think I have ever seen or read a more insightful commentary.. well done.
Pat Weesner
Living Water
Jesus’ Descent Into Hell & The Baptism Of The Good Thief
This is an amazing video, I would also argue that after John 3:5 Necessity of the sacramental Baptism for salvation in John chapter 4 is illuminated further during an encounter with Samaritan woman. Jesus [will] give living water to those who would know God's gift, and would know who He is.
Maciej C
Descent Into Hell
Jesus’ Descent Into Hell & The Baptism Of The Good Thief
Dear Brothers,
Thank-you for the recent video "Jesus' Descent Into Hell & The Baptism of the Good Thief". A video of profound proportion that clears up the time before and after Jesus' Crucifixion…
God bless,
Tom Miles
Addressed So Many Questions
Jesus’ Descent Into Hell & The Baptism Of The Good Thief
Amazing! This addressed so many questions I have had for so long, particularly about Jesus descending into hell. I get it. Thank you!
Big Blow To John 3:5 Mockers
Jesus’ Descent Into Hell & The Baptism Of The Good Thief
Dear Brothers,
I watched your video Jesus' Descent into Hell & Baptism of the Good Thief. Excellent video, to the very end. I liked in particular, the reference to the explanation of the number 144000 mentioned in the Apocalypse. The video is a big blow to all John 3:5 mockers… At this moment I like to thank you for all the interesting material posted on your YouTube channel. I have watched practically about 80 per cent of these videos. Many of which I have saved for future viewing… I have also forwarded and am still forwarding many of your video links to my contacts.
Thank you so much for all the material. God bless you.
Yours sincerely
Heretics And the Public Arena
St. Irenaeus On Heretics Sent Forth By Satan
Dear Brothers,
"Heretics are sent forth by Satan" - a fact we should always keep in mind now that what passes in the public arena as "Christianity" is almost always heresy. Of course, heretics do at times attempt to push back… against what even they recognize as great evils, but they forget that one can't be with Him and against Him, and that in the end, such persons will be surprised to learn that they were never His friends but workers of iniquity.
They may proclaim "Jesus is Lord" - but in their words and actions, they prove that they do not believe He is Lord. To them, He has no authority over individuals and nations, and no authority (or power) to establish and guide His Church till the end of time, in any manner that He sees fit. By whatever name they go -- Protestant, Orthodox, or even "Catholic" -- heretics are the most deadly disease-carriers and recruiters for Hell. They promote the pandemic of the un-catechized while they use their intellects to justify sin (i.e. the sins they like) and to create lies about the Bible, about the Church, and and about the world. And they do this every bit as much as do Jews, Muslims and other pagans.
Which, of course, is the reason why the Counterfeit Vatican 2 "Church" welcomes and praises all false religions. Whereas the true Catholic Church was founded by God to help souls make it to heaven, the Vatican 2 Sect was founded by the Ape of God to facilitate (and especially to celebrate) the damnation of souls who despise God and His truth. That's why at the V2 Sect, it's always a party! And that's also why it stands in the very place where the True Government of the World (the Catholic Church) once prominently stood, and into whom all the nations of the world once did flow. Well, they're flowing again, but this time to Hell. What a just punishment for an apostate world!
Lee Ann
Jesus’ Descent Into Hell & The Baptism Of The Good Thief
These top quality presentations are absolutely invaluable. They are a true blessing for those who wish to gain a deeper understanding of the faith. Thank you for all of your hard work and scholarship.
J Knight
Jesus’ Descent Into Hell & The Baptism Of The Good Thief
Congratulations… on such an interesting, informative and well researched video!
Jesus’ Descent Into Hell & The Baptism Of The Good Thief
… thank you for another excellent video. This was very informative on a very important topic.
St. Augustine Contra Calvinism On Free Will
MHFM: Some Calvinists think they have a kind of historical link with St. Augustine. But St. Augustine, of course, was not a Calvinist. Here’s a passage in which St. Augustine clearly affirms free will (contrary to Calvinism).
St. Augustine, Against Julian, Book 1, Chap. 9, AD 422: “For if you say that the root of evil arose from the free will of a good nature created by God (which the Catholic truth teaches), he [i.e. a Manichaean] will very easily overcome you with those words of your own in which you say: ‘The root of evil cannot be located in a gift of God,’ since free will is without doubt a gift of God.”
St. Irenaeus On Heretics Sent Forth By Satan
St. Irenaeus, Against Heresies, Book 1, Chap. 25, AD 180: “They [i.e. certain Gnostics] practice also magical arts and incantations; philters, also, and love-potions; and have recourse to familiar spirits, dream-sending demons, and other abominations, declaring that they possess power to rule over... this world... These men, even as the heathens, have been sent forth by Satan to bring dishonor upon the Church, so that, in one way or another, men hearing the things which they speak, and imagining that we all are such as they, may turn away their ears from the preaching of the truth; or, again, seeing the things they practice, may speak evil of us all, who have in fact no fellowship with them, either in doctrine or in morals, or in our daily conduct. But they lead a licentious life, and, to conceal their impious doctrines, they abuse the name [of Christ], as a means of hiding their wickedness; so that their condemnation is just, when they receive from God a recompense suited to their works.”
Wow, thanks.
S and T
Sin’s Effects
How Many Serious Sins Do Protestants Think A “True Believer” Can Commit?
Another great video. The seriousness of committing sin and the ripple effect sins have on society, is something forgotten, ignored and totally underestimated… and especially in the Vatican II sect. Sexual sinners have a particular place in hell…
The University Of Notre Dame’s Disgrace
It's hard to put into words just how far America and the world has fallen.
Islam, John Paul II, and Marriage
Dear MHFM,
Perhaps we can better appreciate the malice of John Paul II's prayer for St. John the Baptist to protect Islam when we consider that St. John the Baptist was killed for his defence of marriage. Islam, on the other hand, is notorious for its violations against marriage. It not only allows a man to have multiple wives, but also allows divorce and remarriage.
Christopher SooHoo
Refuting Reformed Theology
I am in need of help in refuting reformed theology in particular Calvinism and Presbyterianism. I have a family member who was once Catholic but left for the “Orthodox” Presbyterian Church and I am trying to reconvert him. If you could refute the five points of Calvinism (TULIP) and prove how demonstrably false and unbiblical there form of predestination is I would greatly appreciate it…
Jacob Robinson
These videos, among others on our site, refuted Reformed Theology.
Documentary: Protestantism’s Big Justification Lie
How Many Serious Sins Do Protestants Think A “True Believer” Can Commit?
What Millions Of Fake Christians Get Wrong About Ephesians
Justification Debate - (Catholic) vs. (Reformed Protestant)
Discovered and it makes sense
… I just discovered your channel and website recently, thank you so much, so many things make more sense to me. I had turned sedevacantist, just didn’t know it…
Noah and Faith
St. John Chrysostom, Homily 25 On Genesis: “So whenever God does something, dearly beloved, don’t insist on inquiring with your human reasoning into whatever he has done: it surpasses our understanding, and the human mind could not succeed in measuring up to it or grasping the secret of what has been created by him. Hence, after hearing what God has so directed, we ought to believe and obey what is said by Him… Great was this just man’s virtue [i.e. Noah’s] and the depths of his faith. Faith, you see, was responsible for the building of the ark, for his putting up with his quarters without resentment, tolerating the hardships of existence with animals and all the wild beasts. One this account blessed Paul called him to mind…”
MP3 of Peter and Paul Video
Did St. Paul Really Rebuke St. Peter In Galatians 2?
Is there any way to get an mp3 version of this?
Yes. You can now download the audio from the link above.
Excluding From Communion
MHFM: This is just one of many examples in which a real pope excluded grave sinners from Holy Communion (something that the Vatican II antipopes don’t do).
Pope St. Gregory VII, To Bishop Isembert II, Sept. 10: 1074: “But as for those through whom you have performed so great an offense, whether laymen or clerics, we exclude them by apostolic authority from the Body and Blood of Christ and from every sacred ministration, until you yourself come to make satisfaction…”
Clear Presentation On Justification
Documentary: Protestantism’s Big Justification Lie
Excellent presentation. The best, most thorough and clearest I have ever seen. Thank you.
New Video Posted
“Exorcist Priest” Vincent Lampert – Demonic Activity And His Heretical Beliefs
This gave me chills.
Blew his mind
Wow… this blew my mind…
Ryan A.
Faustina’s Farce
Faustina & The Divine Mercy Deception
The more times I watch this video the more her writings are unbelievable. She was not right. If not for this video this would not have been exposed for the farce it obviously is.
Protestantism’s Lies
How Many Serious Sins Do Protestants Think A “True Believer” Can Commit?
Excellent video. Martin Luther, founded Protestantism upon several lies…
Seamus Weber
Catholic Cathedral
Not surprised to see this. The entire bombing campaign, against both Germany and Japan, were about targeting civilians to "demoralize". The Brits had the honesty to call them "Terror Bombings", not that they were ashamed of it, just what they called it. When they dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima (the most Catholic city in Japan) they used the steeple of a Catholic cathedral as the targeted drop point.
Bill M