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This section of our website (which is updated daily) contains some less formal – and short – e-mail exchanges that we’ve had which we feel may be of value to our readers.  We will include those portions of the exchanges we deem relevant and valuable.  We often add bolding and underlining which are not necessarily that of the other party.  This section also frequently includes, not only e-exchanges we have, but also our notes, updates and comments. Section containing some important recent posts.

New Video Posted

Aztec Pagan Ritual In “Catholic Church” During “Mass”

Video Posted

No One Can Be Forgiven Without This – Catholic Teaching

"The refutations against Dyer that you guys pointed out were so well researched"

October 16, 2023


The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict – What They Don’t Want You To Know!

Great video…


What happened At A Novus Ordo Church

“Bishop” Stowe And Francis Officially Endorse “LGBT” Activity!

… One of my last visits to the false church, included a closing ceremony to Our Lady of Mount Carmel Novena, where a proud lesbian couple went up arm in arm and proudly committed blasphemy, knowing they were scandalizing everyone and proudly did so…



Jay Dyer Exposed & Palamism Refuted

This is really solid theology and philosophical underpinnings as properly presented through Catholic understanding. The refutations against Dyer that you guys pointed out were so well researched and cited showing the house of cards that he lives in. The best I have witnessed thus far. Thank you!


Pope Pius X On The State Of Israel

October 14, 2023

How is a true Catholic to treat/think of the satanic (and it truly is utterly satanic and opposed to the Will of God) "State of Isra(h)el"

Shortly before his death in 1904, Theodor Herzl, the founder of Zionism, was granted an audience with Pope Pius X in Rome. He came right to the point: The Jewish people, scattered across Europe, dreamed of a national home in the Holy Land of Palestine, Herzl said. Could they count on the Vatican's support?

The pope, dispensing with pleasantries, spoke plainly. "The Jews have not recognized our Lord, therefore we cannot recognize the Jewish people," said the Holy Father, according to Herzl's diary account of the meeting. "And so if you come to Palestine and settle your people there, we will be ready with churches and priests to baptize all of you."

God bless MHFM,
V. from Croatia

Wars Are A Punishment

October 13, 2023

Wars Are A Punishment

MHFM: On the anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun (Oct. 13), and in consideration of what’s happening in the Middle East, it’s appropriate to consider this statement from Jacinta of Fatima:

“Wars,” remarked Jacinta of Fatima, “are nothing but punishments for the sins of the world.” (William Thomas Walsh, Our Lady of Fatima, p. 178.)

The scandals were at their peak during the reign of Antipope John Paul II

Vatican II Sect Scandals & The Apocalypse

Apocalypse Now In The Vatican

How do the child abuse scandals fit into this. They strike me as being severe evidence of moral degradation in the church hierarchy.

Mr Ramble


It’s interesting that the scandals were at their peak during the reign of Antipope John Paul II. That corresponds to his special role in the fulfillment of end-times prophecies. He was also the person who, with diabolical inspiration, chose so many of the fake bishops who are notorious for their heresies and/or scandals. It's also important to recognize that the 'hierarchs' of the Vatican II Sect are not hierarchs of the Catholic Church. They represent the end-times Counter Church.



I heard Shapiro say last night that "no one loves their children on earth as much as Jewish mothers." (paraphrase) I turned it off immediately......R.I.N.O. radio is all on the side of genocide since this new war started.


What is the difference between Perfect vs. Imperfect Contrition?

October 11, 2023

Perfect vs. Imperfect Contrition

… For many years, I have had the understanding that only perfect contrition satisfies for the forgiveness of mortal sins in confession, whereas, imperfect contrition (fear of the loss of Heaven and the pains of Hell} only satisfies for venial sins, but leaves the soul open to the potential grace to achieve perfect contrition in the future.  Am I mistaken?... 


Hello, you are mistaken.  Perfect contrition (i.e. sorrow for having offended God) is only necessary to be restored to the state of grace if one cannot receive sacramental absolution.  Imperfect contrition (i.e. sorrow arising from the fear of Hell and God’s punishment), which includes the firm purpose to avoid the sin in the future, is sufficient to be forgiven in confession.

Council of Trent, Sess. 14, Chap. 4, on the Sacrament of Penance: “As to imperfect contrition, which is called attrition, since it commonly arises either from the consideration of the heinousness of sin or from the fear of hell and of punishment, the council declares that if it renounces the desire to sin and hopes for pardon, it not only does not make one a hypocrite and a greater sinner, but is even a gift of God and an impulse of the Holy Ghost, not indeed as already dwelling in the penitent, but only moving him, with which assistance the penitent prepares a way for himself unto justice. And though without the sacrament of penance it cannot per se lead the sinner to justification, it does, however, dispose him to obtain the grace of God in the sacrament of penance. For, struck salutarily by this fear, the Ninivites, moved by the dreadful preaching of Jonas, did penance and obtained mercy from the Lord.”

Came To Know Traditional Catholicism

Hello MHFM,

I am someone who came to know traditional Catholicism by the grace of God and with the help of your materials… Thank you,



Amazing Evidence For God – Scientific Evidence For God

The amount of scientific evidence for our God in this video is amazing, and yet, the atheists and evolutionist will still deny our creator…

I. I.

Would not have known

Jesus’ Descent Into Hell & The Baptism Of The Good Thief

Thank you for this very insightful video...! I could never have known about any this if it's not because of this video...


On The Remnant During The Arian Crisis

October 10, 2023

On The Remnant During The Arian Crisis

MHFM: In this passage St. Gregory of Nyssa recounts how far the Arian heresy spread during the fourth century, when the emperor demanded the rejection of homoousios (consubstantial, defined by Nicea). If heresy spread so widely back then, and the faithful were reduced to a remnant, how much more extensive will the apostasy be during the Great Apostasy before the end of the world? We are seeing it now.

St. Gregory of Nyssa, Against Eunomius, Book 1, Chap. 12: “What spot, where there are churches, did not that disaster reach? What nation remained unreached by these heretical commands? Who of the illustrious in any Church was not driven from the scene of his labours? What people escaped their despiteful treatment? It reached all Syria, and Mesopotamia up to the frontier, Phœnicia, Palestine, Arabia, Egypt, the Libyan tribes to the boundaries of the civilized world; and all nearer home, Pontus, Cilicia, Lycia, Lydia, Pisidia, Pamphylia, Caria, the Hellespont, the islands up to the Propontis itself; the coasts of Thrace, as far as Thrace extends, and the bordering nations as far as the Danube. Which of these countries retained its former look, unless any were already possessed with the evil? The people of Cappadocia alone felt not these afflictions of the Church, because our mighty champion [Basil] saved them in their trial.”


Jews Are Not Israel Or The Chosen People

The truth here in this video is extremely relevant with current events happening right now because many… have been deceived on this issue. Great video to be sharing!


Largest Aircraft Carrier Sent To Israel

October 9, 2023

Life Radically Changed

Hello, I have been a new watcher of your videos for about a month now. I have been protestant for most of my life, but left that around the start of the "pandemic"(2020)… A lot of changes in my life have happened. I started praying a novena with the intercession of Padre Pio and Our Lady. And 2 days in, my life radically changed…

I ordered a number of books from your shop, and am eager to receive them to learn even more. I will also have a rosary of my own today, so I can start learning and reciting the rosary each day. I will pray the 15 decades as you suggested. Thank you… Devotion to Our Lady affects me deeply... I know she prays for me and comforts me, and I know our Lord will not refuse her prayers…


After Jewish Outcry

"US county scraps ‘American Christian Heritage Month’ after local Jewish outcry"

Wow... Not shocking that Saint John called them the synagogue of Satan. Sodomy and degeneracy, they fund, but every trace of Christianity they try to snuff out.


Largest Aircraft Carrier Sent To Israel

MHFM: The largest aircraft carrier in the world, the USS Gerald Ford, has been sent to Israel, along with other warships and fighter jets. It’s “nothing less than the best” for Israel when Israel complains about its problems.


… Just recently, I came across your channel and I have been enlightened by many things… Thank you so much!



Judas Lost The Faith Before His Betrayal

October 7, 2023

St. Robert Bellarmine, De Iustificatione, Book 1, Chap. 15: “Judas was one of those who, having heard the word of the Lord that His flesh should be eaten, was scandalized; and he began in his heart to withdraw from the Lord through unbelief. For which reason he was subsequently induced even to betray Him. For he never would have betrayed Him if he had believed Him to be the true God. Therefore Judas actually lost the faith, and from infidelity came to betrayal.”


Faith is precious, and the consequences of its loss are dark and horrible.

Is heresy only formal “when the Church recognizes it”? No.

October 5, 2023

Formal Heresy

Some people say that heresy is only formal “when the Church recognizes it”.


It's not true that something is only considered formal heresy "when the Church recognizes it." A person is considered a notorious (and thus formal) heretic when 1) the heretical teaching is public and 2) the imputable/sinful character of the act is publicly known. Francis has fulfilled both. People can become notorious heretics without any declaration or official Church recognition, as the teaching of Pope Martin V (and others) proves. Moreover, certain positions are so notorious (e.g. it's illicit to convince people of the faith; permission for same-sex 'blessings'; etc.) that public adherence to them by itself constitutes notorious (and thus formal) heresy. We discuss these matters here: Great Proof Texts For Sedevacantism Show That Francis Is Not The Pope. According to Catholic principles, based on what he publicly preaches, teaches and does, Francis is definitely a manifest heretic and cannot be considered to have membership or authority coram ecclesia (in the sight of the Church).

No Authority To Recognize Francis

Breaking: Francis Says “Yes” To Same-Sex “Blessings” In Response To “Cardinals”

Dear Brothers, 

Brother Peter made a really good point about how so many deceivers try to avoid the truth (and discourage others from seeing it) by claiming they don't have 'authority.'  Yes, we might ask such individuals: who gave you the authority to ignore the teachings of every pope from St. Peter to Pope Pius XII?  Those popes certainly didn't give you any such authority, because they were adamant that the dogmatic teachings of the Church can never change and that to be a Catholic, one must be subject to those popes and accept their dogmatic pronouncements.  In addition (we might also ask) who gave you the "authority" to align yourselves with individuals or "churches" that reject papal teaching, and who gave you the authority to defend and even support them?  Certainly, the aforementioned popes never gave you any such authority; on the contrary, they condemned such actions!...   

Lee Ann 

Video Posted

Breaking: Francis Says “Yes” To Same-Sex “Blessings” In Response To “Cardinals”

Taylor Marshall Misquotes Bellarmine Again

October 4, 2023

Revealing Discovery

Proven! Newspapers promoted 6 million Jews in danger of death 18 years before Hitler - must-see video

Revealing discovery.


Taylor Marshall Misquotes Bellarmine Again!

MHFM: In our July 29, 2023, video about Taylor Marshall (Taylor Marshall’s Publicity Stunts & False Theology – Exposed), we refuted (among other things) a blatant mistranslation of St. Robert Bellarmine that Marshall and others use. In the process they mislead people. We thought that, after our video came out, Marshall would at least stop using the blatantly false translation of Bellarmine. But no, in a video published on Oct. 2, 2023 (over two months after our video was published), Marshall again uses the blatant mistranslation of Bellarmine and misleads people! It’s outrageous.  It's another striking example of the astounding blindness under which false traditionalists and heretics like Marshall labor.

Video on Faustina

Faustina & The Divine Mercy Deception

Excellent video!!! Her words are so blasphemous ! She must have been either severely delusional… or completely possessed.



Breaking: Francis Says “Yes” To Same-Sex “Blessings” In Response To “Cardinals”

Since Bergoglio has as his father the devil, its logical and makes sense that he would put his demonic "seal of approval" on the kinds of [ mortal] sins that cause ppl to lose their souls for all eternity in hell…


"Antipope Francis is simply following the same exact method but at a quicker pace"

October 3, 2023


Breaking: Francis Says “Yes” To Same-Sex “Blessings” In Response To “Cardinals”

Wow, this is shocking!


No Excuse

Breaking: Francis Says “Yes” To Same-Sex “Blessings” In Response To “Cardinals”

… God is allowing Francis to spew these things to open the eyes of those who continue to obstinately consider him the pope or a Catholic so that there will be no excuse for them on judgment day.


Same Method

Breaking: Francis Says “Yes” To Same-Sex “Blessings” In Response To “Cardinals”

Note well how secular politics in the West handled this issue over the past few decades. First they said let us decriminalize it. Later they allowed for “unions” but not marriages. Then they permitted “marriage” and finally we now have hate speech laws against anyone who voices opposition. Antipope Francis is simply following the same exact method but at a quicker pace. In January of 2023, he said it should be globally decriminalized; that it is not a crime. Now (October 2023) he grants that unions can be blessed, but it isn’t a marriage. Don’t get me wrong, the first step is already dangerous and antipope Francis has already crossed the line into heresy, but by going in small steps they attempt to “slowly boil the frog” and make it easier for Vatican II apologists to defend by saying such ridiculous things like, “Oh he said it isn’t a crime, not it isn’t a sin” or “blessings for couples is not the same as the sacrament of matrimony” and so forth. Then all of sudden the Vatican II adherents will wake up and find themselves in a religion that… openly approves of sodomy… and they will wonder how did they get to this point.



Breaking: Francis Says “Yes” To Same-Sex “Blessings” In Response To “Cardinals”

The V2 Novus Ordo Sect = the Anti-Church of the End Times.


Pope Benedict XIV vs. Francis On Converting The ‘Orthodox’

September 30, 2023

MHFM: In this encyclical Pope Benedict XIV referred to the great efforts popes made to convert Eastern schismatics.

Pope Benedict XIV, Allatae Sunt (#5), July 26, 1755: “Certainly, that man would have to be declared utterly inexperienced in ecclesiastical history who did not know of the mighty efforts of the Roman Pontiffs to bring the Orientals into unity since the fatal schism of Photius; he laid hold of the See of Constantinople when the lawful Patriarch St. Ignatius was forcefully ejected in the time of Pope St. Nicholas I [AD 858].”

The Vatican II antipopes of course do (and teach) exactly the opposite. Not only do they not tell the Eastern schismatics they need to convert, but they openly condemn efforts to convert them. Here’s just one example from Francis (out of many). Francis denies the Papacy and more in New Joint Declaration with Schismatic Kirill

Now I Can Become A True Catholic; Superb Videos

Now I Can Become A True Catholic

Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)

Such a well done, convincing video! Thanks so very much. I converted from the Episcopal Church (USA). At the time I left they had a woman Bishop, and notoriously permitted abortion (when necessary... when is THAT?) There were also other reasons. I knew I had done well leaving that church and joining the one true church. I had no idea the Vatican Sect was so polluted! Not until now. I am so thankful for these teachings. Now, finally, I have the opportunity to become a true Catholic! Thanks be to God! And thanks to all who made this instructive video and the others in this series also! Anne Eloise M.

Anne Eloise M.

Superb Videos

Great Proof Texts For Sedevacantism Show That Francis Is Not The Pope

This teaching is pure dynamite! I will have to listen 2 or 3 more times so I can talk about it! That will be a labor of love! I have interested a friend, a woman, in these teachings. She doesn't like Francis (and I was so happy to hear that). I am with you all, in all you said. I am now studying these superb videos! God bless you Brothers…

Anne Eloise M.

Any Deviation From The Exact Truth Of The Faith Is Of The Devil

September 29, 2023

Any Deviation From The Exact Truth Of The Faith Is Of The Devil

St. Gregory of Nyssa, Against Eunomius, Book 2, Chap. 1: “In the Faith, then, which was delivered by God to the Apostles we admit neither subtraction, nor alteration, nor addition, knowing assuredly that he who presumes to pervert the Divine utterance by dishonest quibbling, the same is of his father the devil, who leaves the words of truth and speaks of his own, becoming the father of a lie. [John 8:44] For whatsoever is said otherwise than in exact accord with the truth is assuredly false and not true.”

Favorite Explanation Of The Crusades

What Were The Crusades, And Were They Justified?

This is my favorite explanation of the crusades. You did a great job focusing on the highlights and keeping it interesting. This makes me want to learn more!


Changes to the Nicene Creed (325 to 381)

September 28, 2023

… The Nicene creed says the spirit proceeds from the father.  Any addition to that [could be unlawful]...



The Nicene Creed was modified (before the Filioque was added to it) at the Second Ecumenical Council – a council the Eastern 'Orthodox' claim to accept. It was modified (with additions and omissions) in 381 at the First Council of Constantinople. A series of statements about the Holy Spirit were added, including the very clause “who proceeds from the Father” (τὸ ἐκ τοῦ πατρὸς ἐκπορευόμενον). Some of the other changes made to the 325 Nicene Creed (at the 381 First Council of Constantinople) include:

- The words “of Heaven and of Earth” (οὐρανοῦ καὶ γῆς) were added.

- The words “before all the ages” (πρὸ πάντων τῶν αἰώνων) were added.

- The words “that is, from the essence of the Father” (τουτέστιν ἐκ τῆς ουσίας τοῦ πατρός) were omitted.

- The canon/anathema at the end of the Creed was omitted.

- The section on the Holy Spirit was enlarged from five words to twenty-eight words with these additions: “… the Lord and Giver of life, who proceeds from the Father, who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified, who spoke by the prophets…”

- Statements about baptism, the forgiveness of sins, and the resurrection were added, including: “… one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church; we acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins; we look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come.  Amen.

Even in the 381 expanded version of the Creed (known as the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed) the term homoousios (ὁμοούσιος – consubstantial) is not used in reference to the Holy Spirit, even though that is of course the true position.  The Creed does not explicitly call the Holy Spirit ‘God’.  Rather, it teaches the divinity of the Holy Spirit in other ways, by stating that He is ‘life-giving’, ‘co-worshipped and glorified’, etc.

First Council of Constantinople

With regard to the Council of Chalcedon’s statement that it is unlawful to “deliver a different symbol [creed]”, that was a disciplinary decree that sought to forbid other unapproved symbols from being used to convert people.  It did not stop later councils – including the very next council, the Second Council of Constantinople in 553 – from promulgating dogmatic canons that served as rules of faith that must be accepted by new converts and everyone else.

Council of Chalcedon, 5th session, 451: “These things, therefore, having been expressed by us with the greatest accuracy and attention, the holy Ecumenical Synod defines that no one shall be suffered to bring forward a different faith (heteran pistin), nor to write, nor to put together, nor to excogitate, nor to teach it to others.  But such as dare either to put together another faith, or to bring forward or to teach or to deliver a different creed (heteron sumbolon) to as wish to be converted to the knowledge of the truth, from the Gentiles, or Jews or any heresy whatever, if they be Bishops or clerics let them be deposed, the Bishops from the Episcopate, and the clerics from the clergy; but if they be monks or laics: let them be anathematized.”

The Church, through a pope (who wields the supreme authority over the Church from Christ), has the authority to add a true statement to the Creed for the defense of the faith or for further clarification of a point.  Hence, there’s no merit to the argument that the Church could not add the words ‘and the Son’ to the Creed for a defense and assertion of the true doctrine.  Thus, the Council of Florence under Pope Eugene IV correctly declared:

Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, “Laetentur coeli”, July 6, 1439: “We define in addition that the explanation of those words ‘Filioque’ for the sake of declaring the truth and also because of imminent necessity has been lawfully and reasonably added to the Creed…”

The lawfulness of adding the Filioque to the Creed was acknowledged by representatives from all five Patriarchal sees at the Council of Florence, as well as by the Metropolitan of Russia and a large Greek delegation that included people who at one time had been opposed to the Filioque.  After the debates and presentations at Florence, they came to accept the Filioque and the lawfulness of its inclusion in the Creed.

Video Posted

A Big Problem For “Orthodoxy”: St. Gregory Of Nyssa & The Filioque

MHFM: This is a must-see video for those interested in the Catholic faith, apologetics, and defending the faith in these times.

The despicable state of America's "officials" in government

September 27, 2023

Despicable State

What the controlled news media orgs never told you about the "Maricopa County election results"

Wow. This is heart wrenching, and casts a real light and focus on the despicable state of America's "officials" in government—and the thirst for justice for many.


Held John Paul II In High Esteem – Not Anymore

September 26, 2023

Held John Paul II In High Esteem – Not Anymore

The Temple Of God & The Antichrist Located! (Trent Horn Rebutted)

This is stunning Brother Dimond! Thank you so very much! I held John Paul II in such high esteem. Not anymore.. I spent bit of time saddened. But facts are facts. Thank you for this enlightenment! God bless you!


Paul VI, Manifest Heretic

“Saint” Paul VI’s Heresies

Very well detailed documentary. Watching it again after 3 years.


Church Law On Burial

On Suicides & Catechumens (The Council of Braga – Translated)

Excellent video…


It’s Monstrous To Think There’s A ‘Before’ Or ‘After’ In God

September 25, 2023

Started To Believe

I am 16 years old… I watched almost every video of yours many times over and very recently started to believe in traditional catholicism and that we are in the endtimes… I live… Slovenia… I also thank you for your works in spreading the truth and saving souls from vatican II, false churches, atheism and other false religions. God bless you…

It’s Monstrous To Think There’s A ‘Before’ Or ‘After’ In God

MHFM: This is an interesting quote from St. Gregory of Nyssa, in which he condemns the notion that any ‘before’ or ‘after’ exists in God. He considers the position that God has a beginning to be ‘monstrous’. The same truth is of course repeated by many fathers. Nevertheless, his statement is worth noting because many Eastern ‘Orthodox’ actually hold (the monstrous heresy) that in God there are certain ‘uncreated energies’ that have a beginning.

St. Gregory of Nyssa, Against Eunomius, Book 1, Chap. 26: “The Divine nature is a stranger to these special marks in the creation: It leaves beneath itself the sections of time, the 'before' and the 'after,' and the ideas of space: in fact 'higher' cannot properly be said of it at all. Every conception about that uncreated Power is a sublime principle, and involves the idea of what is proper in the highest degree.… the everlastingness of the Son is included, along with the idea of His [eternal] birth, in the Father’s ungeneracy; and that, if any interval were to be imagined dividing the two, that same interval would fix a beginning for the life of the Almighty; a monstrous supposition.”

“I was agnostic/spiritualist but this video... led me to the truth of Christ”

September 24, 2023

Before Watching

The Amazing And Miraculous Image Of Our Lady Of Guadalupe

Before watching this video in 2016 I was not a Christian, I was agnostic/spiritualist but this video convicted me of my sin, led me to the truth of Christ because this proved that the bible is real!... Thank you for this video!!!



We’re glad that you saw the video. If you have not already done so, it’s crucial that you embrace the traditional Catholic faith, as our material explains.

Comments on New Video exposing Eastern “Orthodoxy”

September 22, 2023


A Big Problem For "Orthodoxy": St. Gregory Of Nyssa & The Filioque

Great video… Another nail in the coffin for the "Orthodox."



A Big Problem For "Orthodoxy": St. Gregory Of Nyssa & The Filioque

God bless you… Excellent video!...



A Big Problem For "Orthodoxy": St. Gregory Of Nyssa & The Filioque

Great work...



A Big Problem For "Orthodoxy": St. Gregory Of Nyssa & The Filioque

Thank you very much for this new video Stéphane (from France).

MHFM “showed me the Catholic truth. Thank you so much”

September 21, 2023

Content, Catholic Truth

The Real History Of “Orthodoxy”

Thank you guys for your amazing content. I almost converted to the apostate schismatics but... you showed me the Catholic truth. Thank you so much.


“Considering fully adopting [Sedevacantism] as Brother Dimond lays it out”

September 20, 2023

Considering Fully Adopting

“Fr.” James Altman Says Bergoglio Is Not The Pope – Reaction

Been juggling the sedevacante position for a while now, often thought of sedes as authentic Catholics regardless because I see the truth they stand behind and I agree, but now considering fully adopting said position mostly as Brother Dimond lays it out due to his success in debate. The Apocalypse is also very telling and hard to ignore…


Their Allegiance To Satan’s Agenda

"Christian Church" holds "Drag Sunday" to bless satanic "Sisters Of Perpetual Indulgence" - video

MHFM: Their ceremony was essentially a profession of allegiance to the agenda of Satan.


Bellarmine: When Grave Sinners Say The Our Father

Thank you for this sobering quote...


Revealing Heresy From V2 Sect “Carmelites”

September 19, 2023

V2 Sect "Carmelites": "They [people] don't have to be Catholic, as long as they believe, they will find peace"

MHFM: This is the ultimate result of denying the dogma Outside The Church There Is No Salvation. It’s a striking example of the Vatican II Sect’s indifferentism, which is connected to its false ecumenism and the teaching of Vatican II. The outrageous statement by the heretical nun is very similar to what Mother Angelica said. It’s also an example of how people can have traditional externals but it won’t profit them at all if they deny the faith.

“Your videos helped me wake up completely”

September 18, 2023

Helped Me Wake Up Completely

“Fr.” James Altman Says Bergoglio Is Not The Pope – Reaction

Your videos helped me wake up completely. Terrible times we live in!



Apocalypse Now In The Vatican

This is great! Thank you.

Joseph Mills

Bellarmine: When Grave Sinners Say The Our Father

September 17, 2023

St. Robert Bellarmine, De Bonis Operibus In Particulari, Chap. 6: “… they who voluntarily persist in mortal sin deceptively say: Our Father Who Art In Heaven. For when they invoke the Father, they invoke not God but the Devil… For the Devil is not Heaven but in Hell. Concerning such prayer that Proverb (28:9) is rightly understood: [If one turns away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer is an abomination.] And that statement of the man born blind (John 9:31): We know that God does not hear sinners.”

When she found MHFM’s videos, it “made all the sense in the world to convert”

September 16, 2023

Made Sense To Convert

Thank you… for everything you are doing. I was a protestant and took my "faith" very seriously. When I found your videos and learned true church history it was made all the sense in the world to convert. Learning more and more about the one true Catholic church is the greatest joy and comfort, especially in these times…


A True Warning

Can A Christian Lose Salvation? – 1 Corinthians

Another thing about 1 Cor 6:9 is that the heretics will say you will not commit these sins if you are "saved". But that contradicts their teachings that it is impossible to keep the commandments. Also, it would be totally inept of God to inspire a warning about something that cannot happen.



Taylor Marshall’s Publicity Stunts & False Theology – Exposed

Fantastic video! Great coverage…


Video Posted

“Fr.” James Altman Says Bergoglio Is Not The Pope - Reaction

Bellarmine: How Faith Is Distinct From Charity

September 15, 2023

St. Robert Bellarmine, De Iustificatione, Book 1, Chap. 15: “… faith is said to beget charity because it disposes and inclines him (who believes) to love Him in whom he believes. However, the disposition and inclination does not compel, but rather leaves a man free so that he may love if he wishes and not love if he does not wish.”

What Happened When I Was Travelling

September 13, 2023

What Happened When I Was Travelling

I wanted to share with people what happened to me when I was on a long car trip and stopped at the Travelodge:

When I was traveling, I stopped at a hotel for the night. After I checked in, I offered the hotel clerk the main DVD, and once he saw it he had a surprised look on his face and he started shaking. He said "you're not going to believe this." He then proceeded to tell me that about a year ago, a man who checked into his hotel gave him a statue of "God praying" and the man told the clerk the importance of believing in the Christian faith. The clerk later tried contacting the man only to find that his phone number was not in service and the address that he put down leads to a vacant lot. The clerk said he was convinced that it was an angel that spoke with and gave him the statue. The clerk then turned to me and said "and look, you're staying in the same room that he's staying in. I didn't assign you this room. The computer automatically assigns it." I marveled at God's providence and he seemed to take what I had to say very seriously at that point. I told him to check out the website on the DVD for more information. Please pray for his conversion. His name is Brian.


This New Religion

“Fr.” James Altman Says Bergoglio Is Not The Pope – Reaction

It’s becoming clearer to more people now than ever before that this new religion spawned by Vatican II–inaugurated by John XXIII, built up by Paul VI, lived out by John Paul II, polished by Benedict XVI, and now fully unveiled for what it was meant to be by Bergoglio–is the Great Apostasy.

S Hern

“Hey... I have decided to convert from Methodist to Catholic”

September 12, 2023

Makes Sense

Apocalypse Now In The Vatican

This really makes sense out of the whole situation and clarifies Revelation.


From Methodist To Catholic

Hey, after researching Catholicism I have decided to convert from Methodist to Catholic... I wanted to ask not only what my steps should be to fully convert from Methodist to Catholic…

Graham Faulkner 

The Only True Position

Hello! My name is Kristen Hair. First off, thank you for your content. My husband and I "converted" to what we thought was the Catholic faith back in 2021 after attending a Novus Ordo RCIA. We have since rejected the Novus Ordo and discovered, in large part due your videos and articles, that Sedevacantism is the only true position to hold…

Francis Honored Demonic Artist

“Fr.” James Altman Says Bergoglio Is Not The Pope – Reaction

Bergolio met with the artist who did "piss c I s t" I can't even write it out correctly it's so vile and evil.



Yes, and he gave him a thumbs up. It's another example of how under the Vatican II Sect (the prophesied Whore of Babylon - the end-times Counter Church), Babylon (Rome) has become the habitation of every unclean spirit (Apocalypse 18:2). We cover that in our videos.

What Has Happened

Thank you very much for your faithful instructions and explanations of what's happened in the Church through the past 70 years. I've been listening to you for about twelve years now, and am grateful to God and to you for all your materials…

Shannon Law

"Embracing Traditional Catholicism is a process" that requires one to let things go

September 11, 2023


“Fr.” James Altman Says Bergoglio Is Not The Pope – Reaction

Just discovered your content... Thank you for educating me on things I have misunderstood.


Benedict XVI and the Lutherans

“Fr.” James Altman Says Bergoglio Is Not The Pope – Reaction

What? Benedict did what with the Lutherans??? I did not know that. Thanks for the information.


Failed To See

“Fr.” James Altman Says Bergoglio Is Not The Pope – Reaction

Altman has correctly diagnosed a symptom but has yet failed to see the cancer that has been growing for 60 years. I pray now that the scales have fallen from his eyes, he will see clearly the heresies of Benedict, JPII et al. Embracing Traditional Catholicism is a process requiring a lot of lettings go, such as forsaking the uncritical admiration of Mother Teresa, which I struggled with until the incontrovertible evidence in your materials forced me to embrace truth.

G. P.


“Fr.” James Altman Says Bergoglio Is Not The Pope – Reaction

I shared this excellent video with my family members.



Hello…  I have seen majority of your materials and find them very convincing and true…



“Fr.” James Altman Says Bergoglio Is Not The Pope – Reaction

Thank you… you are teaching The Truth, unlike this Altman person, who seems to be putting a portion of truth in with a swamp full of lies… Satan continues his deception. Many of those still in novus ordo pews will hear this guy and think he's faithful. Wrong! I pray they find your channel and website and listen to your excellent instruction and explanation of what has happened over the past 70 years.

