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Quotes of the Day

By nature parents have a right to the training of their children

September 16, 2023


“One afternoon Lucia brought some other girls, schoolmates.  When they had gone, Francisco looked seriously at her and said: ‘Don’t walk with them, because you can learn to commit sins.’ ‘But they leave school when I do’ (Lucia replied).  ‘When you leave, spend a little while at the feet of the hidden Jesus, and then come home alone.’” (William Thomas Walsh, Our Lady of Fatima, p. 164.)


Pope Pius XI: “By nature parents have a right to the training of their children, but with this added duty that the education and instruction of the child be in accord with the end for which by God’s blessing it was begotten.  Therefore it is the duty of parents to make every effort to prevent any invasion of their rights in this matter, and to make absolutely sure that the education of their children remain under their own control in keeping with their Christian duty, and above all refuse to send them to those schools in which there is danger of imbibing the deadly poison of impiety.” (Rappresentanti in terra #35, Dec. 31, 1929)

The Faith which was delivered by God to the Apostles

September 15, 2023


St. Basil, Letter 146: “In every deed and every word hold before your eyes the judgment of Christ, so that every individual action, being referred to that exact and awful examination may bring you glory in the day of retribution…”


St. Gregory of Nyssa, Against Eunomius, Book 2, Chap. 1: “In the Faith then which was delivered by God to the Apostles we admit neither subtraction, nor alteration, nor addition, knowing assuredly that he who presumes to pervert the Divine utterance by dishonest quibbling, the same is of his father the devil, who leaves the words of truth and speaks of his own, becoming the father of a lie.  For whatsoever is said otherwise than in exact accord with the truth is assuredly false and not true.”

God is not a liar

September 14, 2023


Proverbs 8:13- “The fear of the Lord is hatred of evil.  Pride and arrogance and the way of evil and perverted speech I hate.”


“God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent; Has He said, and will He not do it? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?” (Numbers 23:19)

The Catholic faith is uniquely true, as the apostle proclaims: one Lord, one faith, one baptism

September 13, 2023


“And a certain man said to him: Lord, are they few that are saved?  But he said to them: Strive to enter by the narrow gate: for many, I say to you, shall seek to enter, and shall not be able.” (Luke 13:23-24)


Pope Pius VIII: “Against these experienced sophists the people must be taught that the profession of the Catholic faith is uniquely true, as the apostle proclaims: one Lord, one faith, one baptism.  Jerome used to say it this way: he who eats the Lamb outside this house will perish as did those during the flood who were not with Noah in the ark.  Indeed, no other name than the name of Jesus is given to men, by which they may be saved.  He who believes shall be saved; he who does not believe shall be condemned.” (Traditi humilitati #4, May 24, 1829)

“It is necessary to pray a great deal to save souls from Hell”

September 11, 2023


Jacinta: “‘Francisco!  Francisco, are you going to pray with me?  It is necessary to pray a great deal to save souls from Hell.  So many are going there!  So many!’ And they said the prayer again together, for those who said no prayers.” (William Thomas Walsh, Our Lady of Fatima, p. 90.)


Pope St. Celestine: “If anyone dares to say that Christ was a God-bearing man and not rather God in truth, being by nature one Son, even as ‘the Word became flesh,’ and is made partaker of flesh and blood precisely like us, let him be anathema.” (Council of Ephesus, 431, Can. 5, Against Nestorius)

Many chief men also believed in Jesus: but because of the Pharisees, they did not confess it

September 10, 2023


“However, many of the chief men also believed in Him: but because of the Pharisees, they did not confess it, that they might not be cast out of the synagogue.  For they loved the glory of men, more than the glory of God.” (John 12:42-43)


“And a certain man said to him: Lord, are they few that are saved?  But he said to them: Strive to enter by the narrow gate: for many, I say to you, shall seek to enter, and shall not be able.” (Luke 13:23-24)

St. Paul lists the mortal sins that lead to Hell

September 9, 2023


St. John Eudes (17th century): “Is it not a deplorable truth, that many who fill the highest offices, and occupations the most holy, lose the merit of all their actions in failing to perform them with that purity of heart and intention which is necessary?”


“Know you not that the unjust shall not possess the kingdom of God?  Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor the effeminate, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor railers, nor extortioners, shall possess the kingdom of God.” (1 Cor. 6:9-10)

God sits upon the globe of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as locusts

September 8, 2023


St. Basil: “For how is a man the better for having his belly filled yesterday, if his natural hunger fails to find its proper satisfaction in food today?  In the same way the soul gains nothing by yesterday’s virtue unless it be followed by the right conduct of today.  For it is said I shall judge you as I shall find you.” (Letter 42, 4th century)


Isaiah 40:12-13,21-22-“Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, and weighed the heavens with his palm?  Who has poised with three fingers the bulk of the earth, and weighed the mountains in scales, and the hills in a balance?  Who has forwarded the spirit of the Lord?  Or who has been his counsellor, and hath taught him?... Do you not know?  Has it not been heard?  Has it not been told you from the beginning?  Have you not understood the foundations of the earth?  It is he that sits upon the globe of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as locusts: he that stretches out the heavens as nothing, and spreads them out as a tent to dwell in.”

When Jesus Christ returns, all will rise again with their bodies

September 6, 2023


Saint Bede: “The door of the heavenly kingdom is open to all; but the quality of men’s merits will admit one man and reject another.  How wretched must it be for a man to be shut from the glory of the saints and to be consigned with the devil to eternal flames!”


Pope Eugene IV: “It is also necessary for salvation to believe faithfully the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ.  The right faith, therefore, is that we believe and confess that our Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, is God and man… At His coming all shall rise again with their bodies, and shall give an account of their own deeds.  Those who have done good shall go into eternal life, but those who have done evil shall go into eternal fire.” (Council of Florence, Athanasian Creed)

The soul’s deadly foes do not like prayer in solitude

September 5, 2023


St. Basil, Letter 2, 4th Century: “Now solitude is of the greatest use… For just as animals are more easily controlled when they are stroked... the soul’s deadly foes, are better brought under the control of reason, after being calmed by inaction, and where there is no continuous stimulation. Let there then be such a place as ours, separate from interactions with men, that the tenor of our exercises be not interrupted from without.”


Pope Benedict XIV, Quod Provinciale, Aug. 1, 1754: “The Provincial Council of your province of Albania… decreed most solemnly in its third canon, among other matters, as you know, that Turkish or Mohammedan names should not be given either to children or adults in baptism… This should not be hard for any one of you, venerable brothers, for none of the schismatics and heretics has been rash enough to take a Mohammedan name, and unless your justice abounds more than theirs, you shall not enter the kingdom of God.” (Quod Provinciale #1, Aug. 1, 1754)

Heretics bring strange fire to the altar of God by their strange droctine

September 2, 2023


When the Philistines captured the ark of God: “And the Philistines took the ark of God, and brought it into the temple of Dagon [their idol], and set it by Dagon.  And when the Azotians arose early the next day, behold Dagon lay upon his face on the ground before the ark of the Lord: and they took Dagon, and set him again in his place.  And the next day again, when they rose in the morning, they found Dagon lying upon his face on the earth before the ark of the Lord: and the head of Dagon, and both the palms of his hands, were cut off upon the threshold.” (1 Kings 5:2-4)


St. Irenaeus, Against Heresies, c. 185: “And the heretics, indeed, who bring strange fire to the altar of God – namely, strange doctrines – shall be burned up by the fire from heaven, as were Nadab and Abiud.  But such as rise in opposition to the truth, and exhort others against the Church of God, [shall] remain among those in hell, being swallowed up by an earthquake, even as those who were with Core, Dathan, and Abiron.”

Naturally good acts are not sufficient for salvation

September 1, 2023


St. Basil, De Spiritu Sancto: “There is no lack in these days of captious listeners and questioners; but to find a character desirous of information, and seeking the truth as a remedy for ignorance, is very difficult.  Just as in the hunter’s snare, or in the soldier’s ambush, the trick is generally ingeniously concealed, so it is with the inquiries of the majority of the questioners who advance arguments, not so much with the view of getting any good out of them, as in order that, in the event of their failing to elicit answers which chime in with their own desires, they may seem to have fair ground for controversy.”


Pope Pius X: “As a matter of fact, however, merely naturally good acts are only a counterfeit of virtue since they are neither permanent nor sufficient for salvation.” (Editae Saepe # 28, May 26, 1910)

Man's days pass away like a shadow

August 30, 2023


St. Augustine, Against Julian, Book 5, Chap. 1, AD 422: “… man is like to vanity and his days pass away like a shadow…”


Pope St. Leo the Great, Letter 105, May 22, 452: “… giving thanks to the Merciful and Almighty God that He has suffered none save those who loved darkness rather than light to be defrauded of the gospel-truth.”

The Catholic faith is necessary for attaining salvation - Dogma


St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, I-II, Q. 88, A. 5, Reply 1: “With regard to drunkenness we reply that it is a mortal sin by reason of its genus; for, that a man, without necessity, and through the mere lust of wine, makes himself unable to use his reason, whereby he is directed to God and avoids committing many sins, is expressly contrary to virtue.”


Pope Pius IX: “In particular, ensure that the faithful are deeply and thoroughly convinced of the truth of the doctrine that the Catholic faith is necessary for attaining salvation.” (Nostis et Nobiscum # 10, Dec. 8, 1849)

In Hell, the impurities of sinners will become as pitch in their entrails

August 29, 2023


St. Alphonsus on the damnation of the impure: “Continue, O fool, says St. Peter Damian (speaking to the unchaste), continue to gratify the flesh; for the day will come in which thy impurities will become as pitch in thy entrails, to increase and aggravate the torments of the flame which will burn thee in hell: ‘The day will come, yea rather the night, when thy lust shall be turned into pitch, to feed in thy bowels the everlasting fire.’”


Pope St. Leo the Great, Letter 15, July 21, 447: “Besides this one consubstantial, eternal, and unchangeable Godhead of the Most High Trinity there is nothing in all creation which, in its origin, is not created out of nothing.”

The Catholic Church expels all those who hold beliefs on any point of doctrine different from her own

August 27, 2023


St. Alphonsus: “All the reprobate have been damned in consequence of their neglect of prayer; had they prayed they should not be lost; and all the saints have become saints by prayer; had they neglected prayer, they would not have become saints.  We must live in the persuasion, St. John Chrysostom says, that to neglect prayer, and to lose the grace of God, are one and the same thing.”


Pope Leo XIII: “The Church, founded on these principles and mindful of her office, has done nothing with greater zeal and endeavor than she has displayed in guarding the integrity of the faith.  Hence she regarded as rebels and expelled from the ranks of her children all who held beliefs on any point of doctrine different from her own.” (Satis Cognitum # 9, June 29, 1896)

Thousands of Christians daily yield to this temptation


St. John Eudes (17th century): “In order to ensnare us, the Devil gives sin a captivating appearance, that he might the more easily cause us to commit it.  It was thus he seduced our first parents: by promising them the knowledge of good and evil.  He even dared to tempt our Lord Himself in the same manner; offering Him all the possessions of the earth if He would only commit one sin.  We find that in all his attempts to draw us into sin, he invariably holds out a hope of some temporal advantage.  Thousands of Christians daily yield to this temptation, and lose the eternal happiness of the other life to enjoy the false pleasures of this world.”


Pope St. Leo the Great: “But that this may be properly observed and guarded, the integrity of the Catholic faith must first of all be preserved, and, because in all cases ‘narrow’ and steep ‘is the way that leadeth unto life,’ there must be no deviation from its track, either to the right hand or to the left.” (Letter 85, June 9, 451)

A Catholic Pope Said: The heretics have disseminated pestilential books everywhere

August 26, 2023


Padre Pio on the devil beating him with iron weapons: “The ogre [the devil] won’t admit defeat.  He has appeared in almost every form.  For the past few days he has paid me visits along with some of his satellites armed with clubs and iron weapons and, what is worse, in their own form as devils.” (Letter to Padre Agostino, Jan. 18, 1912)


Pope Pius VIII: “The heretics have disseminated pestilential books everywhere, by which the teachings of the impious spread, much as a cancer.  To counteract this most deadly pest, spare no labor.” (Traditi Humilitati # 9, May 24, 1829)

Our God is the Personal God, supernatural, omnipotent, infinitely perfect

August 24, 2023


“During the reign of [King] Achaz the people of Juda were visited with a terrible calamity.  That unhappy king had sacrificed his own children to the idol Moloch, one of the chief gods of the Gentiles.  He had closed the gates of the Temple, and broken the sacred vessels.  The Lord therefore delivered him into the hands of the king of Syria, who slew in one day a hundred and twenty thousand men of Juda, while two hundred thousand women and children were carried into captivity.” (2 Paralip. 29-32 - Bishop Frederick Justus Knecht, A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture, p. 314.)


Pope Pius XI: “Our God is the Personal God, supernatural, omnipotent, infinitely perfect, one in the Trinity of Persons, tri-personal in the unity of divine essence, the Creator of all existence.  Lord, King and ultimate Consummator of the history of the world, who will not, and cannot, tolerate a rival God by His side.” (Mit Brennender Sorge #9, March 14, 1937)

Christ sent Paul to turn people from the power of Satan to God


Acts 26:15-18 – “And I said: Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord answered: ‘I am Jesus whom you are persecuting.  But rise and stand upon your feet, for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to appoint you as a servant and witness to the things in which you have seen me and to those in which I will appear to you, delivering you from your people and from the Gentiles—to whom I am sending you to open their eyes, so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive remission of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by the faith that is in me.’”


Pope Pius X (1904): “Men even go so far as to impugn the arguments for the existence of God, denying with unparalleled audacity and against the first principles of reason the invincible force of the proof which from the effects ascends to their cause, that is God, and to the notion of His infinite attributes.  ‘For the invisible things of him, from the creation of the world, are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made: his eternal power and divinity’ (Rom. 1:20).” (Iucunda sane #15)

The Catholic Church condemns the education of youth without regard for God

August 23, 2023


2 Chronicles 12:5- “Then Shemaiah the prophet came to Rehoboam and to the princes of Judah, who had gathered at Jerusalem because of Shishak, and said to them: Thus says the Lord, ‘You abandoned me, so I have abandoned you to the hand of Shishak.’”


Pope Leo XIII (1886): “Everyone knows how inimical to virtue these times are and how the Church is attacked.  We have much to fear amid such dangers, lest a shaken faith languish even where it has taken strong and deep roots.  It is enough to recall rationalism and naturalism, those deadly sources of evil whose teachings are everywhere freely distributed.  We must then add the many allurements of corruption: the opposition to or open defection from the Church by public officials, the bold obstinacy of secret societies, here and there a curriculum for the education of youth without regard for God.” (Quod multum #3)

The Devil has heretics in his service whom he has led astray from the Catholic faith

August 21, 2023


St. Basil (4th century): “… our life has been slandered; and our faith in God has been slandered; for I realize that the slanderer inflicts injury on three persons at once: he injures him whom he calumniates, those with whom he has conversation, and himself.” (Letter 204)


Pope St. Leo the Great, Sermon 16, 5th century: “But at all these acts of godliness, dearly-beloved, which commend us more and more to God, there is no doubt that our enemy, who is so eager and so skilled in harming us, is aroused with keener stings of hatred, that under a false profession of the Christian name he may corrupt those whom he is not allowed to attack with open and bloody persecutions, and for this work he has heretics in his service whom he has led astray from the Catholic faith, subjected to himself, and forced under divers errors to serve in his camp.”

How demons attack, discourage and frighten St. Antony of the Desert

August 20, 2023


“So, after making many attempts” to attack, discourage and frighten St. Antony of the Desert, “they [the demons] gnashed their teeth at him… And the Lord in this also forgot not Antony’s wrestling, but came to his defense.  For looking up, Antony saw as it were the roof opening and a beam of light coming down to him.  And the demons suddenly disappeared, and the soreness of his body ceased at once, and the building was again sound.” (St. Antony of the Desert, p. 14.)


St. Athanasius, 4th century: “First of all believe that God is one, who created all things and fitted them together, and made all things to be out of that which is not” (On the Incarnation, 3, 1)

“The sound of which was more distinct than all other sounds”

August 19, 2023


Vision of St. Ansgar (9th century): “When then I had been brought by the men whom I mentioned into the presence of this unending light, where the majesty of almighty God was revealed to me without need for anyone to explain, and when they and I had offered our united adoration, a most sweet voice, the sound of which was more distinct than all other sounds, and which seemed to me to fill the whole world, came to me from the same divine majesty…” (Life of Ansgar, p. 10)


Job 11:7-10- “… God… He is higher than heaven, and what wilt thou do?  He is deeper than hell, and how wilt thou know?  The measure of him is longer than the earth, and broader than the sea.”

There is no common ground between the heretics and the holy fathers

August 17, 2023


Pope St. Martin I, Lateran Synod, 649: “… the devil, who always hastens to perform his own works through ‘the sons of disobedience.’”


Pope St. Martin I, Lateran Synod, 649: “… there is no common ground between the heretics and the holy fathers, but that ‘as far as the East is from the West’, so far are the impious heretics in word and thought from the men who speak of God.”

St. Peter Claver told this to the new converts in South America

August 16, 2023


As a youth, the future apostle of Brazil, Padre Jose de Anchieta [16th cent.], was happy and well liked.  “Jose nevertheless was frequently sad and melancholy.  In his restless moods he sought solitude for prayer and meditation: his soul yearned for something more than ordinary piety, knowledge and affection.  When that spirit seized him, he would leave his arduous studies and walk along the banks of the Mondego, finding in its beauty release to contemplate the tragedy of human weakness.  After one of these excursions of hungry searching, Jose entered the Cathedral of Coimbra.  As he knelt in the deep, shadowy silence before the image of the Virgin, he suddenly found the peace and joy for which he yearned.  The vague longing that had disturbed and at times consumed him now took shape as a desire to dedicate his life to the service of God…” (Helen G. Dominian, Apostle of Brazil, p. 6)


While converting heathen slaves in South America, St. Peter Claver (1580-1654) instructed them that they ought to ask “pardon for the sins of their past heathen life, especially for idolatry, lust and drunkenness.” (Fr. Angel Valtierra, Peter Claver – Saint of the Slaves, 1960, p. 127)

The State must defend the Catholic Church against the heretics

August 15, 2023


Ecclesiasticus 28:22- “Many have fallen by the edge of the sword, but not so many as have perished by their own tongue.”


Pope St. Leo the Great: “Defend the Church in unshaken peace against the heretics, that your empire also may be defended by Christ’s right hand.” (Letter 44, Oct. 13, 449, to Emperor Theodosius II)

St. Paul: Avoid those who dissent from the Christian doctrine

August 13, 2023


Proverbs 15:8- “The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord…”


Romans 16:17-18 “Now I beseech you, brethren, to mark them who make dissensions and offences contrary to the doctrine which you have learned, and avoid them. For they that are such, serve not Christ our Lord, but their own belly; and by pleasing speeches and good words, seduce the hearts of the innocent.”

The Devil is the apostate angel

August 12, 2023


St. Irenaeus, Against Heresies, Book 5, Chap. 24, c. AD 180: “The Devil, however, as he is the apostate angel, can only go to this length, as he did at the beginning, [namely] to deceive and lead astray the mind of man into disobeying the commandments of God, and gradually to darken the hearts of those who would endeavor to serve him...”


Pope Benedict XIV, Nuper ad nos, March 16, 1743, Profession of Faith: “This faith of the Catholic Church, without which no one can be saved, and which of my own accord I now profess and truly hold…”

Speaking boldly the truth against notorious heretics

August 11, 2023


There is, says the Holy Ghost, one that humbleth himself wickedly, and his interior is full of deceit (Ecclus. 19:23).  There are some who humble themselves... through a motive of being esteemed humble and of being praised for their humility.  But, according to St. Bernard, to seek praise from voluntary humiliations is not humility, but the destruction of humility, for it changes humility into an object of pride.” (St. Alphonsus)


St. Gregory of Nyssa, Letter To Peter, 4th century: “… it would be a most shameful lack of spirit, when our foes make no concealment of their blasphemy, not to be bold in our statement of the truth.”
