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Comments by MHFM

“Extremely conservative bishop” Joseph Strickland is not Catholic

March 25, 2023

Joseph Strickland is considered to be "extremely conservative" among "bishops" of the Vatican II Sect. Yet, he endorses everything Benedict XVI wrote! That once again demonstrates how far even "conservative bishops" in the Vatican II Sect are from the Catholic faith. Benedict XVI was a notorious heretic and an antipope, as proven here:

Pope Gregory XVI On Rebirth Of Water And The Spirit

March 23, 2023

Gregory XVI On Rebirth Of Water And The Spirit

MHFM: In this quote Pope Gregory XVI refers to the cathedral in which he was baptized. He calls it a “temple”, and he says that having been reborn to God through water and the Spirit was the “greatest benefit of all”.

Pope Gregory XVI, Quo Grati, July 6, 1831: “For it is with an especially sweet and delightful remembrance that there comes before Our mind that most eminent temple in which, reborn to God through water and the Holy Spirit, We received the greatest benefit of all from divine liberality.”

Blind Supporters of Israel

"Pastors" Say "Christians" Must Vote For Politicians Who Stand For Israel - 1 minute video

They and their followers are all blind. Israeli lawmakers just introduced a bill that would criminalize saying the name Jesus, either verbal or in print, essentially outlawing the New Testament. Offenders would get jail time. Yet these fools believe we should support that.



I have been watching your videos and am intrigued. What must I do to be saved?...

James Williams

John Paul II was guilty of all the idolatry committed at Assisi

March 20, 2023

Assisi And Active Participation

MHFM: In the following statement at the 1986 Assisi World Day Of Prayer For Peace, Antipope John Paul II repeatedly mentions that he invited the various religious leaders to come to Assisi in order to pray and worship.  To invite people to engage in idolatry (and to host the event) constitutes active participation in the idolatrous worship.  Thus, John Paul II was guilty of all the idolatry committed at Assisi.

John Paul II, Address To The Religious Leaders At Assisi, Oct. 27, 1986: “Let me begin by thanking you from the bottom of my heart, for the openness and good will with which you have accepted my invitation to pray at Assisi… The coming together of so many religious leaders to pray is in itself an invitation today to the world to become aware that there exists another dimension of peace and another way of promoting it which is not a result of negotiations, political compromises or economic bargainings.  It is the result of prayer, which, in the diversity of religions, expresses a relationship with a supreme power that surpasses our human capacities alone… I wish to express again my gratitude to you for having come to Assisi to pray… let us dispose our hearts for prayer in true internal silence.  Let us make this Day an anticipation of a peaceful world.”

We discuss more about active participation in false worship here: Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof).  We discuss the apocalyptic significance of the Assisi event here: The Antichrist Conquers In This Sign.

Would Have Been An Atheist

No Latin Mass Or Prayers For Dead Non-Catholics – Papal Teaching

I would've still been a miserable and wretched atheist if it wasn't for your ministry. Thank you for introducing me to Our Lady and her Rosary…



Incredible material Brothers! While I have not completed my first order of materials, reading what I have I truly desire more. I am a Traditional Catholic, I believe in Apostolic Catholicism, primitive Christianity, and I can see myself rejecting the teachings of Vatican II.

God Bless You for making these materials affordable.

Ave Maria!


St. Patrick On One Baptism

March 17, 2023

There is a strong emphasis on baptism in the life of St. Patrick.  In this passage he indicates that no adult is saved without baptism when speaking about the newly-baptized converts who had been slain by the soldiers of Coroticus.  He teaches that his labors to make sure these people left the world baptized were not in vain (but necessary).

St. Patrick, Letter to the Soldiers of Coroticus, 5th century: “The day after the newly baptized, anointed with chrism, in white garments (had been slain) – the fragrance was still on their foreheads when they were butchered and slaughtered... I sent a letter...
   Perhaps they do not believe that we have received one and the same baptism, or have one and the same God as Father.  For them it is a disgrace that we are Irish.  Have ye not, as is written, one God?... I grieve for you, I grieve, my dearly beloved.  But again, I rejoice within myself.  I have not labored for nothing, and my journeying abroad has not been in vain.  And if this horrible, unspeakable crime did happen – thanks be to God, you have left the world and have gone to Paradise as baptized faithful.”

St. Patrick on Prayer

St. Patrick, Confession, 5th century: “And my spirit was moved so that in a single day I would say as many as a hundred prayers, and almost as many in the night, and even when I was staying in the woods and on the mountains; and I used to get up for prayer before daylight, through snow, through frost, through rain, and I felt no harm, and there was no sloth in me…”

When John Hus Was Burned At The Stake

March 9, 2023

When Hus Was Burned At The Stake

MHFM: When John Hus (a terrible and pertinacious heretic) was burned at the stake during the Council of Constance, on July 6, 1415, he prayed for his enemies. This is another good example of how apparent external acts of ‘piety’ mean nothing (and amount to insincere and phony acts) when they are separated from a commitment to the true faith and the revelation of God.

Committed To Spiritual Fornication

"Bishop Wants Rome's Approval For Pagan Novus Ordo"

The Vatican II sect is committed to spiritual fornication and religious indifferentism... God willing, some will wake up in time to come out of the V2 sect in time.


The Bones Of John Wycliffe Were Burned

March 8, 2023

Wycliffe’s Bones

MHFM: During the eighth session of the Council of Constance, on May 4, 1415, the writings of the heretic John Wycliffe were publicly condemned and ordered to be burned.  His bones were also dug up from consecrated ground and burned.

Worse Than Luther

“Saint” Paul VI’s Heresies

A heresiarch worse than Luther.


Message To Eastern ‘Orthodox’ Apostate

March 6, 2023

Significant Actions

Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)

It's unbelievable! And most people either do not know or do not realize the significance of it, but once seeing it, how can you not?

Wendy S


… you have really well researched content…

Jordan Paron

Message To Eastern ‘Orthodox’ Apostate

This was a brief message we sent to an arrogant and obstinate Eastern ‘Orthodox’ heretic.

MHFM: You are, one must say in the interest of your salvation, an apostate fool. Your religion is false. You have no faith. The only reason you have gravitated toward Eastern 'Orthodoxy' is that you are a rebel against God and you could not stand against the world. You reject the known truth, and you are headed for Hell without any doubt. Your Palamite false doctrine of God is so stupid and anti-Christian that it's about as bad as Calvinism (although in a very different way). Uncreated things don't begin to exist. Learn Christianity 101. And yes, it was definitely Palamas' position that 'uncreated energies' have a beginning. He even doubled down on that nonsense when he was corrected about it. The material we have put out thoroughly refutes Eastern 'Orthodoxy' and proves Catholicism to anyone of good will. The Papacy is also true, and you reject what Christ instituted on that matter. Your bad will is profound. You are following a mob of rebels to Hell.

“Bishop” Thomas Paprocki and Joint Worship with Lutherans

March 2, 2023

Certain conservative members of the Vatican II Sect are hailing “Bishop” Thomas Paprocki (of Springfield, Illinois) for stating that it’s possible for bishops and others to excommunicate themselves automatically for heresy.  Paprocki implied that “Cardinal” McElroy might have fallen into automatic condemnation because of his endorsement of the “LGBT” agenda and related heresies.  Well, the truth is that while Paprocki might be mildly criticizing some of the most radical heretics in the Vatican II Counter Church on moral issues, he fully accepts false ecumenism and the heresies of the Vatican II Sect.  He thus denies the Catholic faith.  For example, in 2017 Paprocki was a presider during an ecumenical prayer service that included Lutherans and “Catholics” in St. Agnes Church in Springfield, Illinois.  The heretical gathering was based on, among other things, the heretical joint declaration with the Lutherans on justification.

“A landmark ecumenical document issued by Catholics and Lutherans in 2015 highlighted a string of agreements between the two churches while urging deeper connections at local levels.  Sunday's prayer service at St. Agnes Catholic Church in Springfield, bringing together the leaders from the Springfield Catholic Diocese and the Evangelical Church in America's Central/Southern Illinois Synod, on the heels of the commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Protestant Reformation, does just that.  ‘(The service) is a desire to recognize progress in Catholic-Lutheran relations,’ said ELCA Bishop S. John Roth, who will join Catholic Bishop Thomas John Paprocki in leading the service… The style of Sunday's service will have a pronounced ecumenical feel to it, including prayer, hymns and music in the Taize tradition, which is meditative and reflective.  In the past, several local Catholic, Lutheran (ELCA), Presbyterian (USA) and United Methodist churches have held Taize services.” (Steven Spearie, “Prayer service to bring together Catholics, Lutherans”, The State Journal Register, Nov. 17, 2017)

Paprocki’s endorsement of (and participation in) false ecumenism demonstrates once again that even the “most conservative” leaders in the Vatican II Sect are not Catholic.  Our video Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof) shows why joint prayer services with non-Catholics are mortally sinful and an expression of heresy.  They have always been condemned by the Catholic Church.  We also have a video that documents the astounding apostasy of McElroy: “Cardinal” McElroy & The Counter Church In San Diego.

Have Become Convinced

Dear Brothers…

I have watched all your videos multiple times, read through your books, and have prayed the rosary. Thanks to you, as well as God, I have become convinced of the sedevacantist position, including rejection of “BOD” and NFP… Thank you for all the work you do. 


Gregory XVI Calls The Statement Of Lateran IV On The Faithful “Solemn”

February 26, 2023

It’s interesting that in his document Summo Iugiter Studio, Pope Gregory XVI refers to the statement of the Fourth Lateran Council (“There is indeed one universal Church of the faithful, outside of which no one at all is saved”) as a “solemn act” in which dogma was proclaimed (Extant praeterea solemnes ipsius Ecclesiae actus quibus dogma item annunciatum est).  Thus, the proclamation that there is no salvation at all outside the Church of the faithful is a solemn definition of the Church, according to Pope Gregory XVI.

Pope Gregory XVI, Summo Iugiter Studio (#5), May 27, 1832: “Moreover there are solemn acts [solemnes… actus] of the Church in which the same dogma has been proclaimed.  Thus, in the decree on faith which Innocent III published with the synod of Lateran IV, these things are written: ‘There is indeed one universal Church of the faithful, outside of which no one at all is saved.’”

Well, it’s the teaching and tradition of the Church, as shown by the testimony of the fathers, liturgies, and councils, that the unbaptized (including catechumens) are not part of “the faithful”.  St. Robert Bellarmine acknowledges this fact.

St. Robert Bellarmine, On Baptism, Chap. 8: “… Acts 2:41, it is said, ‘Those who received his word were baptized, and they were added on that day about three thousand souls.’  There, we said that to be baptized is nothing other than to enter the Church.  This is why the Fathers, by a common consensus, distinguish catechumens from the faithful, and teach that the former are not yet within the Church because they lack Baptism, nor can they be called faithful. See Nazianzen (Orat. in Sanctum Lavacrum), Chrysostom (Hom. 24 in Joan.), Cyril (On John 12, 50), Augustine (Tr. in Joan. 4), the Council of Florence in its Instruction to the Armenians.”

These facts constitute further proof that no one is saved without the Sacrament of Baptism – a position proven by “solemn acts” in which dogma has been proclaimed.

Pope St. Gregory VII On Christ's Kingship

February 18, 2023

Vatican II’s heretical teaching on religious liberty was an attack on Christ’s kingship over peoples and nations.

Pope Pius XI, Quas Primas (#19-20), Dec. 11, 1925: “When once men recognize, both in private and in public life, that Christ is King, society will at last receive the great blessings of real liberty, well-ordered discipline, peace and harmony… Oh, what happiness would be Ours if all men, individuals, families, and nations, would but let themselves be governed by Christ!”

Here’s a quote from a true pope, St. Gregory VII, acknowledging the duty of kings to use their power in defense and support of the Church and the public reign of Christ as king.

Pope St. Gregory VII, To King Henry IV of Germany, Dec. 7, 1074: “… know that you hold royal power duly, if you bow down the height of your dominion to Christ the king of kings to bring about the restoration and the defense of His own churches, and if you think over with trembling words when He says, ‘I love those who love me’ [Proverbs 8:17], and, ‘To those who give honor to me I give honor, but those who despise me will be without a name’ [1 Sam. 2:30].”

John Paul II Blasphemed God’s Words in Exodus 21:24

February 16, 2023

In our material we’ve documented that Antipope John Paul II deliberately blasphemed God and the truths of the faith.  (See this video, for example: The Antichrist’s Distinguishing Mark).  There’s another subtle example of his blasphemous program in his encyclical Dives In Misericordia.  It concerns what God Himself legislated in Exodus 21.

Exodus 21:23-24: “But if there is harm, then you shall pay life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth…”

Concerning this law of God in Exodus 21:24, John Paul II states:

John Paul II, Dives In Misericordia (#12), Nov. 13, 1980: “Not in vain did Christ challenge His listeners, faithful to the doctrine of the Old Testament, for their attitude which was manifested in the words: ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ [Ex. 21:24]  This was the form of distortion of justice at that time…”

John Paul II calls God’s word and His law (adhered to by those “faithful” to the Old Testament) a “distortion of justice at that time”!  That is a horrible blasphemy.  Even though Our Lord Jesus Christ elevated this precept in the New Testament, there was nothing unjust in what God commanded and legislated in the Old Testament.  As St. John Chrysostom states in his commentary on Matthew 5:

Matthew 5:38-39- “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’  But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil.  But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.” 

St. John Chrysostom, Commentary on Matthew, 5:38-39: “Do you see that it was not of an eye that He was speaking before, when He made the law to pluck out the offending eye, but of him who by his friendship is harming us, and casting us into the gulf of destruction?  For He who in this place uses so great strength of expression, and who, not even when another is plucking out your eye, permits you to strike out his; how should He have made it a law to strike out one's own?  But if any one accuses the ancient law, because it commands such retaliation, he seems to me very unskillful in the wisdom that becomes a legislator, and ignorant of the virtue of opportunities, and the gain of condescension.  For if he considered who were the hearers of these sayings, and how they were disposed, and when they received this code of laws, he will thoroughly admit the wisdom of the Lawgiver, and will see that it is one and the same, who made both those laws and these, and who wrote each of them exceeding profitably, and in its due season.  Yes, for if at the beginning He had introduced these high and most weighty commandments, men would not have received either these, or the others; but now ordaining them severally in their due time, He has by the two corrected the whole world.  And besides, He commanded this, not that we might strike out one another's eyes, but that we might keep our hands to ourselves.  For the threat of suffering has effectually restrained our inclination to be doing.”

Thus, John Paul II’s statement that Exodus 21:23-24 (which was given by God) was a “distortion of justice at that time” is another example of how he deliberately blasphemed God in his antichrist writings.

Jeremiah 18:9 Contra ‘Eternal Security’

February 9, 2023

This is another verse in the Old Testament that’s obviously contrary to the idea of eternal security or once saved always saved. God’s blessing (and the salvation He offers) is conditioned upon obedience.

Jeremiah 18:9- “And if at any time I declare concerning a nation or a kingdom that I will build and plant it, and if it does evil in my sight, not listening to my voice, then I will relent of the good that I had intended to do to it.”

Visibility, Baptism and Sedevacantism

February 8, 2023

It’s interesting to hear so many heretics raise objections to the true sedevacantist position based on ‘visibility’.  Those objections are false, and they have been refuted many times.  But it’s noteworthy that the first and most essential aspect of what makes the Church visible is that it’s a body and it has ‘members’.  Just like the members of a human body (e.g. a person’s arms) are visible, the Church is visible because those in it are ‘members’ of the mystical body.  As Leo XIII taught, the Church is visible precisely because it is a body.

Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum (#3), June 29, 1896: “For this reason the Church is so often called in Holy Writ a body, and even the body of Christ – ‘Now you are the body of Christ’ (I Cor. xii., 27) – and precisely because it is a body is the Church visible…”

But you cannot become a member of the body of the Church (and thus you cannot become part of the visible Church) without having received the Sacrament of Baptism, as even those who deny the necessity of baptism typically admit.

Pope Boniface VIII, Unam Sanctam, Nov. 18, 1302: “… the one mystical body …  And in this, ‘one Lord, one faith, one baptism (Eph. 4:5).  Certainly Noe had one ark at the time of the flood, prefiguring one Church… outside which we read that all living things on the earth were destroyed which body he called the ‘Only one’ namely, the Church, because of the unity of the spouse, the faiththe sacraments, and the charity of the Church.”

Pope Eugene IV, The Council of Florence, “Exultate Deo,” Nov. 22, 1439: Holy baptism, which is the gateway to the spiritual life, holds the first place among all the sacraments; through it we are made members of Christ and of the body of the Church.  And since death entered the universe through the first man, ‘unless we are born again of water and the Spirit, we cannot,’ as the Truth says, ‘enter into the kingdom of heaven’ [John 3:5].  The matter of this sacrament is real and natural water.”

Well, almost every person who rejects the sedevacantist position based on ‘visibility’ simultaneously holds that people can be in the visible Church without becoming a member of the Church through the Sacrament of Baptism.  They thus deny a fundamental aspect of Catholic teaching on visibility while making false arguments for the Counter Church based on visibility.  It’s another example of how their position and arguments are self-refuting and without merit.  This playlist of important videos covers the Church’s teaching on the necessity of baptism for salvation, and it refutes objections:

Francis Participates In Ecumenical Prayer Service In South Sudan

February 6, 2023

MHFM: On Feb. 4, 2023, Antipope Francis participated in an ecumenical prayer service in South Sudan. The prayer service included the Anglican “Archbishop” of Canterbury, Justin Welby, as well as the Moderator of the Protestant “Church of Scotland”. As we’ve documented, the Vatican II antipopes do this regularly. It’s a public mortal sin and an expression of heresy, as we covered in detail in this video: Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)

Francis not only participated in the prayer service, but (as he so often does) he endorsed non-Catholic worship and prayer with his words. For example, in the context of the joint prayer service, he stated: “Prayer gives us the strength to go forward, to overcome our fears, to glimpse, even in the darkness, the salvation that God is even now preparing” (Vatican News, “Pope at Ecumenical Prayer in South Sudan: Those who unleash war betray God,” Feb. 4, 2023). That is to endorse non-Catholic worship, and it’s a manifestation of heresy. Besides all of his other heresies, Francis’ repeated participation in non-Catholic worship by itself proves that he’s not the pope.

The Opposite Of The Bible

Martin Luther vs. St. Paul in Romans 6

Protestants in many ways teach literally word-for-word the opposite of the Bible, so it's amazing how they've managed to delude themselves into thinking that their beliefs are biblical. They put so much emphasis on the authority of sacred scripture and many of them study it their entire lives but they fail to understand many of its basic and fundamental doctrines.



Amazing Evidence For God

Incredible, thank you.

Mr. Grmn

Martin Luther vs. St. Paul in Romans 6

February 5, 2023

MHFM: In 1521 Martin Luther made his notorious statement, “Be a sinner and sin boldly”, when writing to Philip Melanchthon about grace. The statement was obviously diabolically inspired, but it’s noteworthy how specifically it contradicts St. Paul’s words in Romans 6. Luther was truly preaching an anti-Gospel.

Martin Luther to Philip Melanchthon, Aug. 1, 1521: “If you are a preacher of grace, then preach a true and not a fictitious grace; if grace is true, you must bear a true and not a fictitious sin. God does not save people who are only fictitious sinners. Be a sinner and sin boldly, but believe and rejoice in Christ even more boldly, for he is victorious over sin, death, and the world. As long as we are in this world we have to sin.”

Romans 6:15-19- “What then? Are we to sin because we are not under law but under grace? By no means! Do you not know that if you present yourselves to anyone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to righteousness?... For just as you once presented your members as slaves to impurity and to lawlessness leading to more lawlessness, so now present your members as slaves to righteousness leading to sanctification.” 

Pope Julius On Detesting Heresy

February 3, 2023

Were they ashamed?

MHFM: This verse fittingly applies to the modern world’s celebration of homosexual abominations.

Jeremiah 6:15- “Were they ashamed when they committed abomination? No, they were not at all ashamed; they did not know how to blush. Therefore they shall fall among those who fall; at the time that I punish them, they shall be overthrown, says the Lord.”

Pope Julius On Detesting Heresy

Pope Julius I, To The Bishops Assembled At Antioch, AD 340: “… I think it right to remind you that, rather than give credence to such heresy [i.e. the Arian heresy], everyone should detest it as foreign to sound teaching.”

America’s Freedoms

Why America’s Freedoms Are Disappearing

Truth and wisdom in this video.


Francis Responds To James Martin

February 2, 2023

MHFM: Following Antipope Francis’ recent outrageous and heretical comments to the AP, in which he declared that laws against homosexuality are “unjust” and must be eliminated (Francis Contradicts God And St. Pius V On Homosexuality Laws), the pro-“LGBT” apostate “Fr.” James Martin sent Francis some questions.  Francis promptly responded to Martin, which is another example of where Francis’ priorities lie.  In the response Francis explicitly stated that with regard to whether homosexual activity is even a sin, “one must also consider the circumstances, which may decrease or eliminate fault.” (Vatican News, “Pope sends letter to Fr. James Martin on homosexuality and sin”, Jan. 28, 2023)

So, according to the apostate Antipope Francis, some people can engage in homosexuality activity and have no fault or sin!  That’s of course blatantly heretical, for homosexual acts are intrinsically evil and always gravely sinful.

Acts 17 is another chapter that contradicts Calvinism

January 31, 2023

Acts 17 Contra Calvinism

MHFM: Acts 17 is another chapter that contradicts Calvinism (which denies free will). We read that the Bereans were more eager to receive the word, and therefore that many of them believed. It’s astounding that Calvinists can read so many passages which prove the existence of free will and still believe in their unbiblical heresies.

Acts 17:10-12- “The brothers immediately sent Paul and Silas away by night to Berea, and when they arrived they went into the Jewish synagogue. Now these Judeans were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so. Many of them therefore believed, with not a few Greek women of high standing as well as men.”

Have come to the true faith

Dear MHFM, I have come to the true faith accepting the true church and knowing Vatican II as the anti-church, and knowing only baptized may be saved… I live in Texas and the apostasy is so great… You have done great works… thank you for bringing to this world ruled by evil, the greater glory of God for those that seek it.




Report: mRNA vaccines are being injected into livestock

This is scary…

Horse Sense

Not A Christian

Benedict XVI: Was He A Real Pope?

According to his fruits, Benedict was no Christian, and the chair was empty during his time. You are right in pointing out the Vatican 2 sect, is not the Christian Church.

Dennis Gannon


Benedict XVI: Was He A Real Pope?

Another Catholic gem from MHFM. Thank you for your great research and… presentations.


Pope Benedict XIV also approved the Synod of Zamość

January 22, 2023

Pope Benedict XIV also approved the Synod of Zamość

MHFM: It’s also interesting to note that the 1720 Uniate Synod of Zamość or Zamoscia (which condemned Eastern ‘Orthodox’ Gregory Palamas) was also mentioned five times in a positive fashion by Pope Benedict XIV in his 1755 encyclical Allatae Sunt concerning the observance of the Greek Rites. Here’s one such reference:

Pope Benedict XIV, Allatae Sunt (#29), July 26, 1755: “It was decreed at the Synod of Zamoscia, which was studied by the Congregation of the Council as well as by the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith…”

This is significant because segments of the Vatican II Sect consider the notorious heretic Gregory Palamas to be a saint. We cover the issue here: Greek "Orthodox" Gregory Palamas Is Not A Saint & He Was Condemned Before Vatican II.

No Christian burial to those who died in crime

January 7, 2023

Those who died in crime

MHFM: The 11th century councils of Rouen and Nimes decreed that those who died in crime were not to be given Christian burial.

Manifest Heresy

Michael Lofton’s Changes Of Religion, Cluelessness About Manifest Heresy & Support Of James White

Thank you… for exposing the heretics and heresies that are rampant today. Your explanation on manifest heresy is spot on. The internet has so many hacks that spew heresies and misinformation, and unfortunately, people listen to them as if they are the authority. Keep up the good work!

Anthony Petrozzelli

New Video Posted

Michael Lofton’s Changes Of Religion, Cluelessness About Manifest Heresy & Support Of James White

James Martin is a sick abomination

January 3, 2023

Spain, Inquisition

Catholic Inquisition Myths Busted

Thank you… for exposing the truth. Actually, many Catholics have accepted the Protestant inspired Black Legend of Spain. It is precisely because Spain was such an ardent proponent of the Catholic faith and the Counter-Reformation that Spain was attacked.

Valentin R. Dominguez

James Martin Is Sick

"Father" James Martin promotes "Drag Queens" - He promotes Drag as a form of ministry - 36 sec video

MHFM: James Martin is a sick abomination, and the fact that Antipope Francis personally approves him reveals quite a bit about the Vatican II Sect.


Hello, I've been watching your videos, and seem to be convinced on the issues presented such as the necessity of water baptism, and the rejection of the Vatican II counterchurch, and outside the church there is no salvation. Just recently I stopped praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, and I am just starting to pray the full 15 decade Dominican Rosary. This is my progress.

I was baptized protestant as an infant, grew up protestant…

Jeffrey F


Hello, my name is Javier Alejandro Palos Pérez, I'm from Mexico…

I just want to thank you so much for all the effort and love you put into your videos, it's an amazing job and clearly you do it out of charity, God Bless MHFM…

On The Charismatic Gifts, Cornelius

December 17, 2022

Charismatic Gifts, Cornelius

MHFM: This is an interesting quote from St. Robert Bellarmine. It further confirms what’s covered in our video and article on Cornelius – namely, that the charismatic graces (e.g. the gift of languages mentioned in the Book of Acts), which are also called gratiae gratis datae or graces freely given, can be present in a person who is not in the state of grace.

St. Robert Bellarmine, De Gratia Et Libero Arbitrio, Book 2, Chap. 13: “By the name of talents those gratiae gratis datae [charisms or graces freely given] are understood, which are common to the elect and the reprobate, such as the grace of healing, the gift of languages, the interpretation of speech...”

Cornelius, The Gift Of Languages & The Necessity Of Baptism


Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)

I have watched many of your videos and I believe what you say is the truth. Thank you.

Sandra Elam

According to non-sedevacantists, people in Paris should be subject to this heretical “archbishop”

December 14, 2022

Coming to the true Catholic faith

After watching your videos and coming to the true Catholic faith, and following the steps taken, I had my confession heard by a priest ordained in the traditional rite…


Counter Church in Paris

"Archbishop" Ulrich of Paris openly supports sodomy - he says we must respect sodomitic activity - video

MHFM: The Vatican II Sect’s “Archbishop” in Paris openly calls for changing Church teaching on homosexual acts. According to non-sedevacantists, that manifest heretic professes the true faith and people in Paris should be subject to him. It’s another illustration of the falsity of their position.


“Exorcist Priest” Vincent Lampert – Demonic Activity And His Heretical Beliefs

Shocking. I can't believe I never heard him say these things before. Thank you for this!


Protestantism on Justification

Documentary: Protestantism’s Big Justification Lie

This is brilliant, thorough, devastating critique of the protestantism understanding of justification…



Cameron Bertuzzi Did Not Convert To Catholicism

Bertuzzi sounds like the perfect V2 "Catholic".

Donato Iacovino


Cameron Bertuzzi Did Not Convert To Catholicism

I was utterly flabbergasted when I was watching Cameron detail his difficulties deciding between universalism and annihilationism - of all things!...

Joshua R

The current deeply corrupt, lawless, and perverted state of the country

December 9, 2022

Griner Outrage

Biden picks "married" lesbian Griner to be freed - Griner said national anthem shouldn't be played in U.S.

MHFM: The 'government' employing its power and influence to give special benefits to a notorious pervert (who is also anti-American), while a Marine gets left behind, epitomizes the current deeply corrupt, lawless, and perverted state of the country. What an outrage. It was also done to appease the perverted left-wing mob that dominates the media and the culture.

False Cardinal, NYC

“Cardinal” Dolan & The Counter Church In New York City (NYC)

Wow and they call him a cardinal, what a complete disgrace.


Directly Opposed

“Cardinal” Cupich & The Counter Church In Chicago

… Cupich is directly opposed to the true Catholic faith…

Kevin and Pamela Smith

False Message

“Exorcist Priest” Vincent Lampert – Demonic Activity And His Heretical Beliefs

So his message is very clear, he is saying "Jesus doesn't matter"…


Complete Modernist

“Exorcist Priest” Vincent Lampert – Demonic Activity And His Heretical Beliefs

Wow this guy is a complete modernist. “Have you spoken with your rabbi”.


A major reason God has allowed America to fall

November 16, 2022

The Senate, Gay ‘Marriage’

MHFM: 12 Republican senators just voted with the Democrats to advance legislation that would require the recognition of same-sex ‘marriages’ nationwide.  This is an abomination and an attack on God’s law and Christianity.  If this is passed into ‘law’, it will be used in an attempt to eradicate opposition to gay ‘marriage’ among private businesses and perhaps religious institutions across the country.  The repudiation of basic morality, which this legislation reflects, is a major reason that God has allowed America to fall.

America’s Fall To Communism – Documentary

Vote & Prayers For The Upcoming Election

November 7, 2022

Vote & Prayers For The Upcoming Election

MHFM: Although there has been widespread vote rigging in the past, we do think that traditional Catholics should try to vote.

Some recommended prayers for the upcoming election:

Jesus, please help our country. Jesus, please help our state.

Jesus, please stop vote fraud/theft, sodomy, pornography, adultery, cohabitation, ‘transgenderism’, etc. Jesus, please remove the communists.

Cowards and John 3:5 Mockers

MHFM: We recently wrote to two aggressive “anti-Feeneyite” priests and mentioned a debate. We were immediately blocked. They are cowards who deny the necessity of the Catholic faith and spread lies to a duped audience. Their claims wouldn’t hold up in a debate. They are John 3:5 mockers.

But this important information only comes out via a leaked e-mail

Explosion of Stillbirths

Leaked Hospital Email Reveals Explosion Of Stillbirths Following "Covid Vaccine" Rollout - 1 min video

MHFM: But this important information only comes out via a leaked e-mail, which again exposes the agenda to suppress the truth.

John 3:20: "For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed."

Six Items

Mother Teresa, Indifferentism

Why Mother Teresa Was Not A Saint

A modernist, who believed the lie of religious indifference.

Rodney Ford

Bible, Papacy

Did The Bible Predict 70 Years Without A Pope?

Thank you for making this video.

Nolan Henden

Two important passages from Pope Pius IX

November 4, 2022

Two important passages from Pius IX

MHFM: As covered in our video/article on Pius IX (Pope Pius IX Did Not Teach Salvation Outside The Church), the following two passages are valuable weapons to use when refuting salvation heretics.

Pope Pius IX, Quanto Conficiamur, Aug. 10, 1863: “Again it is necessary to recall and censure a most grave error, in which some Catholics miserably dwell, who suppose that men living in error and as aliens from the true faith and from Catholic unity are able to attain eternal life.  Which indeed is particularly opposed to Catholic doctrine.”

This first passage proves (again) that it’s contrary to Catholic teaching to believe (as many people and false traditionalist priests in our day do) that the unbaptized or certain Jews, Muslims, etc. can be saved without the Catholic faith. The unbaptized and those who belong to false religions are obviously separated from the Church’s unity and therefore cannot be saved (unless they convert). The Church is a unity of faith and sacraments: one Lord, one faith, one baptism.

Pope Pius IX, Allocution Singulari Quadam, Dec. 9, 1854: “… let us hold most firmly that, in accordance with Catholic teaching, there is ‘one God, one faith, one baptism’ [Eph. 4:5]; it is unlawful to proceed further in inquiry.” 

The second passage proves that Catholics are forbidden to profess anything besides the one baptism of divine revelation, which is of course the Sacrament of Baptism (Council of Vienne, etc.) According to Pius IX, to hold anything beyond that is nefas – which means criminal or against the divine law. There aren’t ‘three baptisms’, and ‘baptism of desire’ is not the teaching of the Catholic Church.  

Leave Protestant ‘churches’

Documentary: Protestantism’s Big Justification Lie

This is incredible and I am desperate to explain this to my family so they may be convinced of it and leave their protestant "churches".

S Warben

When Denmark had a Catholic king

October 30, 2022

When Denmark had a Catholic king

MHFM: This is what Pope St. Gregory VII told the King of Denmark, when that country had a Catholic king.

Pope St. Gregory VII to King Harold Hein of Denmark, Oct. 15, 1079: “… we congratulate you that, although placed at the furthest ends of the earth, you nevertheless vigilantly seek to find out the things that are known to belong to the observance of the Christian religion, and, because recognizing the holy Roman church to be your mother and that of all men, you desire for yourself and ask for her instructions… For your excellency ought to bear in mind that the more he stands out above and rules over the many, the more he is able by his example either to turn his subjects (which heaven forbid!) towards what is worse, or even to provoke the slothful to wise counsel. It is also needful for your prudence to reflect how perishable and how fleeting are the joys of earthly life, which, even if life is thought to last long, cannot, however, remain secure when often many misfortunes arise unexpectedly. Hence it is right above all to take heed that you should constantly direct your footsteps and set the desire of your mind toward the things that know no passing away and cannot fail those who possess them.”

He promoted boosters

Tim Gough, 55-year-old radio host, suddenly dies from heart attack on air during show - 48 second video

Tim tweeted last year encouraging people to take their booster shots…



Hello… I first want to thank you for all of the time you put into your videos…

Rich Gonzalez

All were under the cloud and all passed through the water

October 28, 2022

All were under the cloud and all passed through the water

MHFM: In 1 Cor. 10 St. Paul states that all were under the cloud and all passed through the sea, a reference to the crossing of the Red Sea (Exodus 14).

1 Cor. 10:1-2- “For I do not want you to be unaware, brothers, that our fathers were all under the cloud, and all passed through the sea, and all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea…”

The crossing of the Red Sea was of course a real and miraculous event which prefigured the crossing from spiritual bondage and death to spiritual life and salvation through the Sacrament of Baptism. Note that both aspects (i.e. water and the Spirit) were present in the prefigurement (the Red Sea crossing), just as they are absolutely necessary for New Testament justification. The miraculous pillar of cloud represented the Holy Spirit. The crossing through the water represented the water of baptism.

John 3:5: “Amen, amen, I say to you: unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God.”

John 3:5 Defined As A Dogma At Trent, Theologian Admits

Scales falling

Why Mother Teresa Was Not A Saint

… The scales are finally falling from my eyes!

F Obaro

Have Accepted

I have accepted the Sedevacantist position… Your channel and website have enlightened me to a great degree… Thank you for all you do!

