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Gregory XVI Calls The Statement Of Lateran IV On The Faithful “Solemn”
It’s interesting that in his document Summo Iugiter Studio, Pope Gregory XVI refers to the statement of the Fourth Lateran Council (“There is indeed one universal Church of the faithful, outside of which no one at all is saved”) as a “solemn act” in which dogma was proclaimed (Extant praeterea solemnes ipsius Ecclesiae actus quibus dogma item annunciatum est). Thus, the proclamation that there is no salvation at all outside the Church of the faithful is a solemn definition of the Church, according to Pope Gregory XVI.
Pope Gregory XVI, Summo Iugiter Studio (#5), May 27, 1832: “Moreover there are solemn acts [solemnes… actus] of the Church in which the same dogma has been proclaimed. Thus, in the decree on faith which Innocent III published with the synod of Lateran IV, these things are written: ‘There is indeed one universal Church of the faithful, outside of which no one at all is saved.’”
Well, it’s the teaching and tradition of the Church, as shown by the testimony of the fathers, liturgies, and councils, that the unbaptized (including catechumens) are not part of “the faithful”. St. Robert Bellarmine acknowledges this fact.
St. Robert Bellarmine, On Baptism, Chap. 8: “… Acts 2:41, it is said, ‘Those who received his word were baptized, and they were added on that day about three thousand souls.’ There, we said that to be baptized is nothing other than to enter the Church. This is why the Fathers, by a common consensus, distinguish catechumens from the faithful, and teach that the former are not yet within the Church because they lack Baptism, nor can they be called faithful. See Nazianzen (Orat. in Sanctum Lavacrum), Chrysostom (Hom. 24 in Joan.), Cyril (On John 12, 50), Augustine (Tr. in Joan. 4), the Council of Florence in its Instruction to the Armenians.”
These facts constitute further proof that no one is saved without the Sacrament of Baptism – a position proven by “solemn acts” in which dogma has been proclaimed.
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