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What Catholics can and should do in the present apostasy
First, if you’re not a Catholic, you need to become a traditional Catholic as soon as possible, since there is no salvation outside the one Church Christ has established. The information in this book shows that the Devil’s assault in the final days is on the one Church established by Christ; it is the Devil’s attempt to establish a counterfeit of the true Church. This counterfeit Church has reduced the true Catholic Church to a remnant in the last days. Non-Catholics should contact us for more information about how to convert; the profession of faith for converts to the Catholic Faith is given below.
Where to go to Mass or Confession?
This is probably the most frequent question that we receive and it is the hardest to answer. This is because there is hardly a solid Catholic priest to be found in the entire country today. We offer some guidelines here, and our opinion. Obviously, no Catholic may attend the New Mass under any circumstances. No Catholic may receive sacraments from a “priest” ordained in the new rite of ordination of Paul VI.
Attending Mass on Sunday and Holy Days is the Church’s law, which is only obligatory if the Church provides you with a true traditional Mass and a truly Catholic priest within a reasonable distance. Many Catholics throughout history were in situations where they had no Mass to attend or no Mass which was offered by an acceptable priest. They were thus forced to stay home. Hence, it’s not a sin to stay home on Sundays and sanctify the day by praying your Rosary if there is no acceptable traditional Mass option in your area, which is the case for many Catholics today in this time of the Great Apostasy. Those who only have a New Mass in their area would therefore have to stay home on Sundays. Contact us for more information on this question about possible traditional Mass locations, and consult our website (
If a person has committed mortal sin and needs to go to Confession, he can go to a Novus Ordo priest who was ordained in the Traditional Rite of Ordination (before 1968) as long as the priest says “I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.” This can be done if a person needs to go to Confession.
Profession of Faith for New Converts and People Leaving the Novus Ordo (the New Mass)
If you are a convert, make the Council of Trent’s Profession of Faith for converts.
Profession of Catholic Faith for Converts
Promulgated solemnly by Pope Pius IV and the Council of Trent
If there is a specific sect to which you belonged, add at the end that you also reject that heretical sect. If you are a person who has been involved in the Vatican II/Novus Ordo apostasy, you should also make that same profession of Faith from the Council of Trent. If there were particular dogmas that you denied (such as Outside the Church There is No Salvation), then add at the end of the Profession that you reject anything contrary to that particular dogma. The convert would then need to make a Confession to a validly ordained priest (see New Rite of Ordination section) mentioning all mortal sins that he or she has committed, including belonging to and/or spreading and supporting a non-Catholic sect.
People leaving the Novus Ordo also need to make a Confession (to a validly ordained priest, see New Rite of Ordination section) that they attended a non-Catholic service and for however long they attended. If they participated in other things at the Novus Ordo (e.g. were a lay-minister, dressed immodestly, etc.) or accepted false ecumenism or denied some other dogma, these things should also be mentioned in Confession. This must be done before receiving Communion at the Traditional Mass (if there is an acceptable one for you to attend in your area).
Baptism and Conditional Baptism: The form of baptism is: “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.”
If there is some doubt about the validity of your baptism, the conditional form of baptism is: “If you are baptized, I do not baptize you again, but if you are not yet baptized [pour water on the head, making sure it touches the skin] I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” Since there are barely any true Catholic priests in the whole country, you can have a Catholic friend perform a conditional baptism, and you can baptize your own children.
Also, please contact us if you need a summary of the Catholic Catechism.
For those who are Catholic, devotion to Our Lady and the Hail Mary are essential. Catholics must come to learn and understand the power of devotion to Our Lady and the Hail Mary. This will give them the spiritual armor to ward off the attacks of the Devil, and the light to see the truth of what’s really going on.
Regarding the Holy Rosary, Sister Lucia told Father Fuentes in a famous 1957 interview:
We recommend that Catholics pray the entire 15-decade Rosary each day, if possible. One set of mysteries at three different times in the day is the recommendation of St. Louis De Montfort as a good way to get that accomplished. Frankly, many Catholics who are home most of the day are not getting this accomplished, when they easily could. They are missing out on tremendous graces and the opportunity to help save other souls by their prayers.
We also urge all Catholics to obtain and read the following books. If one reads and meditates upon the four last things (Death, Judgment, Heaven and Hell), one will most likely avoid sin. He will avoid the occasions of sin and live a good life. We consider the following books to be essential for a proper spiritual formation; we believe that one will gain more from reading them than many other books.
-True Devotion to Mary by St. Louis De Montfort
-The Secret of the Rosary by St. Louis De Montfort
-Preparation for Death by St. Alphonsus (abridged version)
-Our Lady of Fatima by William Thomas Walsh (get to know and live the message Our Lady delivered at Fatima)
[1] Denzinger, The Sources of Catholic Dogma, B. Herder Book Co., Thirtieth Edition, 1957, no. 696.
[2] St. Louis De Montfort, The Secret of the Rosary, Rockford, IL: Tan Books, 1999, p. 45.
[3] St. Louis De Montfort, True Devotion to Mary, Bay Shore, NY: The Montfort Fathers, 1946, p. 188.
[4] St. Louis De Montfort, True Devotion to Mary, p. 167.
[5] St. Louis De Montfort, True Devotion to Mary, p. 26.
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