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Yes, Magicians Publicly Perform Spiritual Feats With Demonic Assistance
Yes, Magicians Publicly Perform Spiritual Feats With Demonic Assistance
St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, Pt. I, Q. 110, A. 4, Reply to Obj. 2: “So when the demons do anything of their own natural power, these things are called miracles not in an absolute sense, but in reference to ourselves. In this way the magicians work miracles through the demons; and these are said to be done by private contracts…”
St. John Eudes, Man's Contract With God In Baptism, 17th century: “… those who hold communication with him [i.e. the Devil]; such as sorcerers, magicians, or those who cure diseases, extinguish fires, and do other similar acts by his operation.”
Our three-hour documentary on magicians provides abundant evidence that many top magicians do things that are preternatural and require the assistance of evil spirits. Of course, as our video acknowledged, that’s not to say that every alleged ‘magic trick’ is spiritual. There are obviously tricks performed by deception and sleight-of-hand. But the top magicians regularly do MANY things (i.e. thousands of things) that require the assistance of evil spirits. Many people can recognize this obvious fact when they see the evidence. However, some people (including some who claim to be Catholic) simply cannot accept this, and they aggressively attack the idea. That’s because they have no supernatural faith whatsoever, and they cannot believe that such a thing could actually be happening in public in front of people. Yes, it is. Many of those people think they are wise and clever, and that those who claim magicians are doing anything with the assistance of evil spirits are fools. It’s just the opposite. Those people are utterly blind fools who cannot perceive basic reality and are duped by the stupid, non-explanations that a few people post online (which attempt to explain how certain things are performed naturally but actually don’t explain it when you carefully scrutinize the supposed explanations). What those people also ignore or don’t know is that saints throughout history recognized that demonic magicians perform such feats with the assistance of spirits. This video shares a few quotes on that matter: Catholic Saints Against Magicians. The fact that magicians can do this is also of course mentioned in the Book of Exodus. Why wouldn’t it be happening today, when the Devil is more active than in any other period of history?
“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists – The Last Version
“Catholic Saints Against Magicians
Convinced Of The Catholic Faith
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