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What does a canonization of a saint mean? Who produces saints?
-Some new, quick and very important points from Pope Pius XI on saints, which are quite devastating to the heretical Vatican II sect – and quite relevant to refuting (in advance) the position of false traditionalists on upcoming “canonizations”-
By Bro. Peter Dimond, O.S.B.
Video: The Antichrist Revealed: The Beast that Was, and Is Not, Has Returned (39 minutes)
Article published on: 09/15/06 In reading Pope Pius XI’s encyclical Rappresentanti in terra (1929) I recently came across a quote which struck me. Pope Pius XI declares that the Catholic Church ALONE produces saints. I immediately thought of John Paul II’s heresy in Ut Unum Sint. Remember, John Paul II says in Ut Unum Sint (when referring to non-Catholic “Churches”) that saints come from all the “Churches”! Notice how directly the two contradict each other!THE SAME ENCYCLICAL TEACHES US THAT CANONIZED SAINTS ARE NOT MERELY IN HEAVEN, BUT THEY ARE ALSO MODELS OF DEDICATION TO GOD AND THE CATHOLIC FAITH
In our material we’ve pointed out that, among the many proofs that the Vatican II sect is not the Catholic Church, there is the fact that it has “canonized” (and will continue to “canonize”) individuals who are not worthy of canonization. We have covered the fact that canonizations are infallible (see appendix). Therefore, the man who “canonizes” someone like Josemaria Escriva (who accepted ecumenism and the New Mass) or Mother Teresa or John Paul II (who both promoted false religions) could not be a true pope. But some among the false traditionalists, especially among groups such as the SSPX, etc. – who espouse an independent but not sedevacantist position vis-à-vis the New Church – attempt to explain it away. They say that all a canonization means is that a person is in Heaven, nothing more. They argue that Mother Teresa and John Paul II could be canonized by a true pope because they may have converted at the very end, and therefore could be in Heaven. This is ridiculous, of course, since there is no evidence that Mother Teresa or John Paul II repudiated their horrible and well-documented teachings and actions of apostasy. But mark my words: this is how the false traditionalist will attempt to schismatically explain away the fact that Benedict XVI will “canonize” the public heretics Mother Teresa and John Paul II. So it’s important to refute this heretical excuse in advance. Notice, the Catholic Church teaches that saints are not merely in Heaven, but they have been, are, and ever will be “perfect models” for every class of person! They are perfect models because their lives (after their conversions, in the case of converts) provide something we can emulate and, in so doing, attain the ultimate end: Heaven. But a person who exhibited the worst kind of rejection of Jesus Christ and the Catholic Faith (as John Paul II and Mother Teresa did), even if that person were to privately abjure all of the heresy at the very end and be forgiven (something that would be an extremely rare and extraordinary grace), would never be and could never be canonized for the veneration of the whole Church. That’s because that person’s life is not a model for how to get to Heaven and dedicate oneself to God and the Catholic Faith, but on how to go to Hell and reject Christ. There must be something in the saint’s life – even among those who have converted from a life of sin, such as St. Augustine – that testifies to and provides the Church with a model of extraordinary virtue and dedication to the Catholic Faith. In the case of John Paul II and Mother Teresa, of course, we are dealing with two of the worst heretics in Church history who gave no evidence whatsoever before their deaths that they converted from their apostasy. Yet, the way for the “canonization” of these individuals is being paved in the New Church. The point is that any sect which would “canonize” such individuals – thereby declaring solemnly that they are in Heaven and that their lives provide models of extraordinary dedication to God and the Catholic Faith – proves by that very fact that it is a non-Catholic sect and that the man proclaiming such a “canonization” is not a true pope. It’s a deathblow to the claims of the Vatican II antipopes, as well as to the position of the false traditionalists who obstinately accept them as valid popes. So, we’re pointing this out now. Saints are not only in Heaven; they are also models of extraordinary dedication to God and the Faith. If Benedict XVI “canonizes” Mother Teresa or John Paul II, which he will, that will be absolute proof (on top of all the rest) that he is not the pope. It will be a “canonization” of apostasy by the New Church. The false traditionalists have been refuted in advance, and if (after this occurs) they come up with some schismatic excuse to attempt to maintain their false position of allegiance to the non-Catholic antipope, they will simply be piling up damnation on themselves and increasing the severity of the torments which await them in Hell if they continue on their Faith-rejecting path.APPENDIX:
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