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What about the Catechism of Pius X and Shawn M.?
I’m not very familiar with the specifics of the writings of the two men you mentioned, but I am familiar with their general positions. They give an all-out defense of the Vatican II apostasy, including defending the Assisi abomination, all the Vatican II documents, etc. People such as this are extremely evil and utterly blinded spiritually; in fact, words cannot describe how evil they are. They defend the rejection of Christ and the most evil thing in the world – the Vatican II apostasy – and they try to convince people that it is fine. If a person cannot even see that the Assisi abomination/John Paul II’s ecumenism is apostasy, then he is totally of bad will and I don’t know what one could say to convince him of the truth. We have focused more of our attention on the group of people who at least can see that the ecumenism, Assisi, etc. is contrary to the teaching of the Church. People should really not read writings by people like Shawn M. unless it is to expose him. Reading his garbage is truly like listening to Lucifer speak. I know one person who was a sedevacantist who continually read the “defenses” of ecumenism, etc. by Shawn M. and others. After listening to Shawn M.’s evil garbage for long enough, the devil moved in and the Sedevacantist began to imbibe the garbage and his whole Faith was destroyed. Now, this person actually has no problem with Assisi and is a full-fledged defender of the Vatican II apostasy. It was all because, in his bad will, he opened his mind up to Satan through entertaining the responses of Satan’s useful idiots, the apostate Shawn M. and others. One other lady who was a traditionalist and home-schooled her children began to read Shawn M.’s writings. She is now back in the Novus Ordo, and her children go to public school. Lucifer can thank his dupe, Shawn M., for that one. But, if we get time, it may be something we will address more in detail in the future. Regarding the Catechism of Pius X, below I will copy the section from our book Outside the Catholic Church There is Absolutely No Salvation which addresses this issue. In short, what is taught in the Catechism of Pius X is blatantly heretical. Though there is no proof that it came from the pen of Pius X, it doesn’t make a difference. The Catechism taught that there is salvation “outside” the Catholic Church. This is a word-for-word denial of the dogma; and it is proof that the apostasy from this dogma began before Vatican II, through heretical texts with imprimaturs. These heretical texts denying the salvation dogma before Vatican II were key to the Great Apostasy. Anyone who obstinately promotes the heretical teaching of this Catechism on this issue shows that he rejects the dogma and believes in salvation “outside” the Church.
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