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Where does it mention the Rosary in the Bible?
[Note: this e-mail was sent by Protestant in response to the following quote of the day we had. It was basically a challenge; it seems that she was a bit concerned about it.]
Besides the meditations on the mysteries of Christ and Our Lady (all of which are indicated in Scripture), the Rosary is comprised essentially of two prayers, the Our Father and the Hail Mary. Both come from the Bible. The Our Father is given to us by Our Lord in Scripture (Matthew 6; Luke 11), and the main part of the Hail Mary is found in Luke Chapter 1. The Hail Mary is as follows: HAIL MARY FULL OF GRACE, THE LORD IS WITH THEE, BLESSED ART THOU AMONG WOMEN AND BLESSED IS THE FRUIT OF THY WOMB JESUS, HOLY MARY MOTHER OF GOD PRAY FOR US SINNERS NOW AND AT THE HOUR OF OUR DEATH.
Protestants fail to understand the significance of Mary because they don’t understand Jesus. They fail to understand the significance of the following truth about Jesus. One may say, what is Mary doing in a discussion of this magnitude? Therein lies her dignity, her power with God, and why God wishes us to have devotion to her. Catholics perceive and say “wow” at Mary’s role in the above, while Protestants remain blind to it and often attack it. They fail to understand how her soul “doth magnify the Lord” (Luke 1:47) because they don’t understand who she is who gives birth to the Son of God in His humanity. They fail to perceive the ramifications of this inscrutable truth. The Hail Mary, which begins in Luke 1:28 (the Angelic Salutation), is so significant precisely because it represents the Incarnation – the act by which the Son of God became man. As St. Louis De Montfort puts it, the Angelic Salutation (the Hail Mary) “has saved the world,” because by it (God becoming man in Mary’s womb) man had a chance to be saved. The Hail Mary, and Catholics’ petitions throughout history to the Mother of God, are prophesied by Our Lady herself in Luke 1:48: “…for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.” The Catholic commentary on this verse puts it well:Recent Content