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Response To Heretic Who Brings Up Baptized Infants In Attempt To Defend Vatican II's Heresy
... you mention that adults who are baptised into Protestant or Eatsern Orthodox sects receive valid baptisms but are not united to the Mystical Body because their heresy is an impediment to the reception of sacramental grace. Notice how you mention adults though. It's because you know full well that babies who are validly baptised into false sects do receive sanctyfing grace and union with Christ and are to be considered Catholic. That's because babies are incapable of heresy, so there's no impediment on their part. But what you don't mention in ANY of your videos is the distinction between formal and material heresy and formal and material schism. How convenient of you. This is where the fatal flaw in your position lies and where many of the things you teach around baptism and ecclesiology crumble which is why you NEVER mention those distinctions. EVER. The fact that babies baptised into false sects become members of the Mystical Body despite never having stepped foot in a Catholic Church or ever having come into contact with a Catholic, proves that the Church is both visible and invisible, physical and metaphysical and is wider and larger 8n scope than just the visible institution. But you make it sound like it's impossible to be a true member of the Church unless you are formally united to it by stepping into one of the tangible brick and mortar buildings owned by the visible heirarchical Church. You also like to quote Mystici Corporus about how only those who profess the true faith are members of the Church. Well if babies or adolescents that are baptised into false sects can become members of the Chuch without professing the true faith, then so can adults. That's because a robust knowledge of Catholcism and all of its theological nuances isn't required for salvation. At a minimum you need to believe that God exists and is a rewarder of those who seek him. That's St. Paul in Hebrews and what the Church told the Jesuit missionaries who were trying to convert the Native Americans. So adults who convert to Protestantism or Eastern Orthodoxy without understanding the theological and historical differences between the different communions but believe that God exists, is a rewarder of those who seek Him, that Christ is the Messiah, that He died on the cross for our sins etc do recieve grace and union with Christ because any errors that they may hold are usually in good faith and are accidental, not something they hold on purpose with bad will and malicious intent to defy the Catholic Church, so they would only be guilty of material heresy, not formal heresy, and thus would be united to the Church since it's the formal kind that offends God and severs one from the Mystical Body. God isn't going to hold a theology quiz and prevent people from entering heaven who lack an in-depth understanding of advanced theological concepts or make honest mistakes because they don't know any better or lack the mental capacity and reading comprehension skills to understand scripture and arrive innocnetly at false conclusions which happen to be (materially) heretical. That's idiotic nonsense. God is infinite in His perfections and immutable in His divinity, so His permanent disposition towards us is one of love. He's not in the business of condemning people for making honest mistakes or transgressing Church laws that they don't even know exist. He's not like our unjust secular authorities who say that ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it and doesn't absolve you of guilt. Ignorance does absolve you in God's eyes, for you can only be guilty for doing something that you know to be wrong. Full knowledge and consent are 2 of the conditions for a sin to be mortal, and not all Protestants or Eastern Orthodox know that they are in error and many of them think they are doing the right thing and that it's Catholics who are the ones in error. Once shown the truth, many of them actually end up converting, which proves that it's not bad will on their part, just a lack of understanding. Also, Vatican II was held at a time before the whole born-again evangelical and charismatic movements took off which is when the idea of accepting Jesus into your heart and saying the sinners prayer was gkw yoi got saved became a common belief. Most Protestants at the time of Vatican II were still baptised as babies and were thus members of the Church, provided they didn't sink into formal heresy in theie adult ears.
Ashley Brewer
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