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Schismatics Cannot Bless People – Constantinople IV
Fourth Council of Constantinople (869-870), Sess. 7: “How therefore Gregory [of Syracuse – a schismatic], who was canonically and synodically deposed and anathematized, would be able to promote or bless anyone, no reasoning can show.”
On many occasions the Vatican II antipopes have given ‘joint blessings’ with schismatics and heretics, as covered here:
Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)
Now Traditional Catholics
My wife and I are traditional Catholics, thanks to your ministry. You have changed our lives. We have watched a majority of your videos and listen to your debates…
Kevin Downey
Had Been Considering Eastern ‘Orthodoxy’
A Big Problem For "Orthodoxy": St. Gregory Of Nyssa & The Filioque
Hey, lapsed Catholic here. I have been considering converting to Eastern Orthodoxy or some other form of Eastern Christianity but after watching this, I must say, I think I believe in Filioque!...
Profound Impact
Hello, my name is Bryan and I've been enjoying your extensive video catalog for the better part of a year or two now. I do feel compelled to thank you for the work you guys are doing. And personally thank you for reminding me in my life that there is NO salvation outside the Catholic church. Your material has had a profound impact on me, I was honestly blown away at how much it made sense…
Bryan Springer
Remarkable Story
Dog found shot in head with mouth duct-taped, rescued from Washington woods - video
MHFM: This is a remarkable story with a nice and happy ending.
Good Thief
No Baptism, No Salvation – Pope St. Leo The Great
Can someone explain the thief on the cross since he was not baptized?
The evidence supports that he was baptized. You should view this video: Jesus’ Descent Into Hell & The Baptism Of The Good Thief
Ex-Lutheran, Happy To Be A Traditional Catholic
Benedict XVI Prays With Female Lutheran “Bishop”
As an ex-Lutheran, I have never heard of a Lutheran "Bishop" before. Wonder if she is the first? Lol. Happy to be a traditional Catholic these days, thank you very much for your work.
Ana Von Bunners
Francis: “Transgenders” Can Be Baptized!
If they had been talking about repentant transsexuals there would have been no need to ask the question in the first place for it is well known Church teaching that a repentant sinner can seek baptism.
Marty Frank
That’s exactly right.
Expert On Gas
Fred Leuchter, expert on gas execution tech explains why "The Holocaust" story is a lie - video
The evidence for the "holocaust" being a hoax is overwhelming and completely undeniable.
Aidan F.
Thank you and God bless you Brothers… You have rescued many, many souls, including mine…
Joseph Boyat
1 Chronicles 28 and Acts 15
The best explanation of the Biblical basis for the papacy I have ever heard. And the typology? between 1 Chronicles 28 and [Acts 15] is something I have never heard. Thank you.
Blessed That I Found
Francis: “Transgenders” Can Be Baptized!
I’m so blessed I found your videos. I was content in attending the counter mass, aka, the new mass and thanked God I came across your videos…. I keep sharing your videos to my family and friends. But, sad to say, some of them are still going to the new mass.
Benedict XVI and Francis
Benedict XVI: Was He A Real Pope?
If you thought Pope Benedict was a heretic... he was a church father compared to Pope Francis.
No, you are incorrect. Benedict XVI was one of the worst heretics in Church history. You should actually watch this video and this one as well: He was also an antipope.
Extreme Blasphemy
Francis: “Transgenders” Can Be Baptized!
Thank you. This is an extreme blasphemy (in my opinion). Baptism signifies being reborn. Often times, "transsexuals" would claim they were born in the wrong body. Okaying their baptism would mean endorsing a notion that they could be "reborn", not as a child of God but as another gender, in the laver of regeneration, a perversion of the holy sacrament. Also [that other individual quoted in the video], wow, what a demonic individual he is; he could spout all that infernal gaslighting nonsense with a straight face.
Tools of Satan
Francis: “Transgenders” Can Be Baptized!
Excellent job refuting these "useful tools of Satan". Please continue the good work of refuting these heretics…
Francis: “Transgenders” Can Be Baptized!
Great update and synopsis of the true Catholic position on this issue…
J. Balderston
… this is incredibly fascinating and I enjoyed this video…
Eye-Opening, Interested In Conversion
Dear Brother Dimond, thank you for this eye-opening video. I wish to share my situation and ask for advice. I haven't been baptized Roman Catholic as a child, even though most people in my country are. I wandered through different philosophies and religions and the path led me to Christianity in the end. I started reading the Bible and reading and listening to Catholic sources. A friend invited me to a Seventh day Adventist church which I come to every now and then, even though I know of their origin and don't agree with some of their basic views, they are a kind bunch of believers in their own thing. Weeks ago I joined the catechumenate so I could be baptized at Easter time, but the program and church belongs of course to the RCC. I don't know what to do, which Catechism to read if not the RCC's one and where to get baptized, as all my friends and family are either of different faith, non-baptized, SDA or RC. Should i go ahead with the Catechumenate and get baptized here? I want to be saved and I'm studying the faith and Bible a lot, I kindly ask for your advice.
Warmly, Timon
Hello. No, you should not convert through 'RCIA', which is for conversion to the Vatican II Sect. Our website has the steps to convert to the true Catholic faith. You can also call here and someone should be able to speak with you. But it's crucial that you look over the material and become convinced on all the issues. Also, you should stop attending the Seventh-Day Adventist church. It’s also crucial to recognize that the Vatican II Sect operating under Antipope Francis is not the Catholic Church. It’s the prophesied, end-times Counter Church.
Fully Embraced The True Position: Sedevacantism
Most Holy Family Monastery,
I pray you're well. My name is Benedict, but most people call me Thomas. I'm 19 years old; a year ago, I reverted to what I thought was the Catholic faith. Luckily, God brought me out of the Vatican II church quickly. Around three months ago, I made the leap to the SSPX and a week ago I finally embraced the true Catholic position: sedevacantism…
Didn’t Start With Bergoglio
“Bishop” Strickland Deceived By John Paul II
How these deceived people can criticize Francis for doing the exact same things his Antipope predecessors did and not realize it is beyond me. If you think the problem began in March of 2013 with Bergoglio, you are dead wrong.
True Faith
Thank you so much I’m so happy I found your channel and I thank God that I came onto the true faith.
Gavin Ortlund & Trent Horn Are Both Wrong About Cornelius & Baptism
Video really well done and theologically detailed…
Tommaso Giri
John 6:40 and Baptism
Gavin Ortlund & Trent Horn Are Both Wrong About Cornelius & Baptism
John 6:40 [40] For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who looks on the Son and believes in him should have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.” No regenerating water baptism here. Are you saying Jesus forgot?
1. The necessity of baptism and baptismal regeneration were mentioned by Jesus, as recorded in the very same Gospel just a few chapters earlier (i.e. John 3:5). 2. In the New Testament, “believing in Jesus” and entering the faith of Christ are connected with baptism. Baptism is how one becomes one of the faithful. For example:
Galatians 3:26-27- “For in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through the faith [διὰ τῆς πίστεως]. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.”
Colossians 2:12 “… having been buried with him in baptism, by which you were also raised with him through the faith [διὰ τῆς πίστεως]…”
Baptism is the instrument through which a person receives regeneration, first justification, and justifying faith. That’s why only the baptized were called “the faithful” in the early Church. Thus, Jesus' reference in John 6:40 to those who believe in Him presupposes baptism. In addition to this video on which you commented, see this playlist of videos for more on the necessity of baptism:
Errors Of Heretics
Gavin Ortlund & Trent Horn Are Both Wrong About Cornelius & Baptism
Another stunning exposure of the lies and deceptions from heretics - even from one who considers himself a "Catholic" when, in fact, he is a member of the Vatican II Sect, the prophesied end-times counter-church…
New Video Posted
Gavin Ortlund & Trent Horn Are Both Wrong About Cornelius & Baptism
MHFM: This video covers important points throughout, including a very significant quote from an early father that we have not shared before, and an explanation of the major flaw in Protestant salvation doctrine. Thus, we encourage people to watch the entire video.
Been Listening
Hello Brothers,
Laudetur Jesus Christus! I have been listening to many hours of your content on YouTube, and it has been very edifying for me to learn what the Church always taught and how to understand the situation we have now, the end times. Thank you for your work…
Nathan Neuman
EU a ‘parody’ of USSR – Hungarian PM
Dear Brothers,
It is interesting how Orban (and others like him) are able to recognize the similarity between the EU and the Soviet Union, although it's sad that they can't recognize the full significance of what is happening and why. In order to truly understand, one must be a traditional Catholic.
The 1956 Hungarian uprising was indeed tragic, because citizens of Hungary (including students, mothers and even little children), having had their full of the Godless tyranny, bravely went out to fight the Soviets in their tanks -- a sight which even shamed many officials into changing sides and fighting with the people. But even though it seemed for a while that the Hungarian citizens would succeed (there was even a brief hiatus in the fighting), the uprising failed anyway. The uprising failed because the United States betrayed Hungary. The US quickly made it known to the Soviets that it would not be assisting Catholic Hungary in its fight for freedom. Emboldened by this signal, the Soviets proceeded to slaughter the Hungarian citizens. The Godless, anti-Christ Deep State in America has been in control for a long time (especially since the beginning of the 20th Century) and has been using the country's resources to destroy once-Catholic nations (including Mexico) in order to implement worldwide communism (which it calls 'socialism').
What's really most tragic of all, is that the fake Christian citizens of this nation (including the apostate 'Catholics') have facilitated (and continue to facilitate) this Luciferian agenda, because -- having rejected the true Catholic faith -- these 'workers of iniquity' cannot distinguish between Friend and foe, between Christ and Belial.
Lee Ann
Gavin Ortlund & Trent Horn Are Both Wrong About Cornelius & Baptism
Great video…
Divinely Revealed Truth
Gavin Ortlund & Trent Horn Are Both Wrong About Cornelius & Baptism
Heretics boldly interpreting holy writ without bothering to acknowledge its original authority, i.e., the Church. Thanks MHFM for another important distinction between divinely revealed truth and human fabrications.
Bergoglio On Proselytism
Bergoglio Defenders Debunked On Francis & Proselytism
Thanks for another great video. Whenever I bring up Bergoglio's position on proselytism, my Novus Ordo friends are quick to tell me that he is only referring to being forceful or coercive in how we evangelize... It's a common misconception but this video refutes it thoroughly and succinctly. Hopefully everyone who watches this understands what the antipope really means by proselytism: trying to get others to become a Catholic. But the truth is Bergoglio wants just the opposite; he doesn't want anyone to become a Catholic!
Bellarmine On The Two Natures Of Christ - Unconfused
MHFM: The Second Person of the Trinity, Our Lord Jesus Christ, was truly born, suffered and died, but in His humanity. He did not do so in the divine nature. The two natures are not mixed or confused.
St. Robert Bellarmine, De Christo, Book 3, Chap. 3: “… those natures are not confused, nor is the divinity converted into humanity… For all of Scripture declares God to be immortal and incorruptible [Mal. 3:6; etc.]… it is gathered from the things stated [in Scripture] that the divinity was not born, did not suffer, and did not die, as the third error alleged; for He who is immutable and immortal cannot be born in time or in any manner die according to that on account of which He is immortal and immutable; but also [it is gathered] because the Scriptures, when they teach that in time Christ was born, suffered and died, add: according to the flesh [Rom. 1:3; 9:5; 1 Peter 3:18; 4:1]. By that statement they clearly indicate that Christ was not born, did not suffer, and did not die according to the divinity.”
Biden Wants
Sheer wicked madness.
They Deny The King
What About The Land God Promised To Abraham?
Very precise! Indeed, it's a grave crime to believe that the people that deny the King (Jesus) can be participants in His reign and inherit its peace.
Fine Presentation
The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict – What They Don’t Want You To Know!
The finest video presentation I have ever seen on the situation.
The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict – What They Don’t Want You To Know!
This is excellent. A truthful presentation... that you will never hear on the Zionist media.
The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern “Orthodoxy”
This is the most beautiful breakdown of the Trinity. Silenced all the confusion. Glory to God.
The quality content you guys pump out consistently is inspiring. Thanks for everything…
Joe Mulhern
How is a true Catholic to treat/think of the satanic (and it truly is utterly satanic and opposed to the Will of God) "State of Isra(h)el"
Shortly before his death in 1904, Theodor Herzl, the founder of Zionism, was granted an audience with Pope Pius X in Rome. He came right to the point: The Jewish people, scattered across Europe, dreamed of a national home in the Holy Land of Palestine, Herzl said. Could they count on the Vatican's support?
The pope, dispensing with pleasantries, spoke plainly. "The Jews have not recognized our Lord, therefore we cannot recognize the Jewish people," said the Holy Father, according to Herzl's diary account of the meeting. "And so if you come to Palestine and settle your people there, we will be ready with churches and priests to baptize all of you."
God bless MHFM,
V. from Croatia
Vatican II Sect Scandals & The Apocalypse
How do the child abuse scandals fit into this. They strike me as being severe evidence of moral degradation in the church hierarchy.
Mr Ramble
It’s interesting that the scandals were at their peak during the reign of Antipope John Paul II. That corresponds to his special role in the fulfillment of end-times prophecies. He was also the person who, with diabolical inspiration, chose so many of the fake bishops who are notorious for their heresies and/or scandals. It's also important to recognize that the 'hierarchs' of the Vatican II Sect are not hierarchs of the Catholic Church. They represent the end-times Counter Church.
I heard Shapiro say last night that "no one loves their children on earth as much as Jewish mothers." (paraphrase) I turned it off immediately......R.I.N.O. radio is all on the side of genocide since this new war started.
Life Radically Changed
Hello, I have been a new watcher of your videos for about a month now. I have been protestant for most of my life, but left that around the start of the "pandemic"(2020)… A lot of changes in my life have happened. I started praying a novena with the intercession of Padre Pio and Our Lady. And 2 days in, my life radically changed…
I ordered a number of books from your shop, and am eager to receive them to learn even more. I will also have a rosary of my own today, so I can start learning and reciting the rosary each day. I will pray the 15 decades as you suggested. Thank you… Devotion to Our Lady affects me deeply... I know she prays for me and comforts me, and I know our Lord will not refuse her prayers…
After Jewish Outcry
"US county scraps ‘American Christian Heritage Month’ after local Jewish outcry"
Wow... Not shocking that Saint John called them the synagogue of Satan. Sodomy and degeneracy, they fund, but every trace of Christianity they try to snuff out.
Largest Aircraft Carrier Sent To Israel
MHFM: The largest aircraft carrier in the world, the USS Gerald Ford, has been sent to Israel, along with other warships and fighter jets. It’s “nothing less than the best” for Israel when Israel complains about its problems.
… Just recently, I came across your channel and I have been enlightened by many things… Thank you so much!
Revealing Discovery
Revealing discovery.
Taylor Marshall Misquotes Bellarmine Again!
MHFM: In our July 29, 2023, video about Taylor Marshall (Taylor Marshall’s Publicity Stunts & False Theology – Exposed), we refuted (among other things) a blatant mistranslation of St. Robert Bellarmine that Marshall and others use. In the process they mislead people. We thought that, after our video came out, Marshall would at least stop using the blatantly false translation of Bellarmine. But no, in a video published on Oct. 2, 2023 (over two months after our video was published), Marshall again uses the blatant mistranslation of Bellarmine and misleads people! It’s outrageous. It's another striking example of the astounding blindness under which false traditionalists and heretics like Marshall labor.
Video on Faustina
Faustina & The Divine Mercy Deception
Excellent video!!! Her words are so blasphemous ! She must have been either severely delusional… or completely possessed.
Breaking: Francis Says “Yes” To Same-Sex “Blessings” In Response To “Cardinals”
Since Bergoglio has as his father the devil, its logical and makes sense that he would put his demonic "seal of approval" on the kinds of [ mortal] sins that cause ppl to lose their souls for all eternity in hell…
Breaking: Francis Says “Yes” To Same-Sex “Blessings” In Response To “Cardinals”
Wow, this is shocking!
No Excuse
Breaking: Francis Says “Yes” To Same-Sex “Blessings” In Response To “Cardinals”
… God is allowing Francis to spew these things to open the eyes of those who continue to obstinately consider him the pope or a Catholic so that there will be no excuse for them on judgment day.
Same Method
Breaking: Francis Says “Yes” To Same-Sex “Blessings” In Response To “Cardinals”
Note well how secular politics in the West handled this issue over the past few decades. First they said let us decriminalize it. Later they allowed for “unions” but not marriages. Then they permitted “marriage” and finally we now have hate speech laws against anyone who voices opposition. Antipope Francis is simply following the same exact method but at a quicker pace. In January of 2023, he said it should be globally decriminalized; that it is not a crime. Now (October 2023) he grants that unions can be blessed, but it isn’t a marriage. Don’t get me wrong, the first step is already dangerous and antipope Francis has already crossed the line into heresy, but by going in small steps they attempt to “slowly boil the frog” and make it easier for Vatican II apologists to defend by saying such ridiculous things like, “Oh he said it isn’t a crime, not it isn’t a sin” or “blessings for couples is not the same as the sacrament of matrimony” and so forth. Then all of sudden the Vatican II adherents will wake up and find themselves in a religion that… openly approves of sodomy… and they will wonder how did they get to this point.
Breaking: Francis Says “Yes” To Same-Sex “Blessings” In Response To “Cardinals”
The V2 Novus Ordo Sect = the Anti-Church of the End Times.
Now I Can Become A True Catholic
Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)
Such a well done, convincing video! Thanks so very much. I converted from the Episcopal Church (USA). At the time I left they had a woman Bishop, and notoriously permitted abortion (when necessary... when is THAT?) There were also other reasons. I knew I had done well leaving that church and joining the one true church. I had no idea the Vatican Sect was so polluted! Not until now. I am so thankful for these teachings. Now, finally, I have the opportunity to become a true Catholic! Thanks be to God! And thanks to all who made this instructive video and the others in this series also! Anne Eloise M.
Anne Eloise M.
Superb Videos
Great Proof Texts For Sedevacantism Show That Francis Is Not The Pope
This teaching is pure dynamite! I will have to listen 2 or 3 more times so I can talk about it! That will be a labor of love! I have interested a friend, a woman, in these teachings. She doesn't like Francis (and I was so happy to hear that). I am with you all, in all you said. I am now studying these superb videos! God bless you Brothers…
Anne Eloise M.
Despicable State
What the controlled news media orgs never told you about the "Maricopa County election results"
Wow. This is heart wrenching, and casts a real light and focus on the despicable state of America's "officials" in government—and the thirst for justice for many.
Held John Paul II In High Esteem – Not Anymore
The Temple Of God & The Antichrist Located! (Trent Horn Rebutted)
This is stunning Brother Dimond! Thank you so very much! I held John Paul II in such high esteem. Not anymore.. I spent bit of time saddened. But facts are facts. Thank you for this enlightenment! God bless you!
Paul VI, Manifest Heretic
Very well detailed documentary. Watching it again after 3 years.
Church Law On Burial
On Suicides & Catechumens (The Council of Braga – Translated)
Excellent video…
Helped Me Wake Up Completely
“Fr.” James Altman Says Bergoglio Is Not The Pope – Reaction
Your videos helped me wake up completely. Terrible times we live in!
This is great! Thank you.
Joseph Mills
Makes Sense
This really makes sense out of the whole situation and clarifies Revelation.
From Methodist To Catholic
Hey, after researching Catholicism I have decided to convert from Methodist to Catholic... I wanted to ask not only what my steps should be to fully convert from Methodist to Catholic…
Graham Faulkner
The Only True Position
Hello! My name is Kristen Hair. First off, thank you for your content. My husband and I "converted" to what we thought was the Catholic faith back in 2021 after attending a Novus Ordo RCIA. We have since rejected the Novus Ordo and discovered, in large part due your videos and articles, that Sedevacantism is the only true position to hold…
Francis Honored Demonic Artist
“Fr.” James Altman Says Bergoglio Is Not The Pope – Reaction
Bergolio met with the artist who did "piss c I s t" I can't even write it out correctly it's so vile and evil.
Yes, and he gave him a thumbs up. It's another example of how under the Vatican II Sect (the prophesied Whore of Babylon - the end-times Counter Church), Babylon (Rome) has become the habitation of every unclean spirit (Apocalypse 18:2). We cover that in our videos.
What Has Happened
Thank you very much for your faithful instructions and explanations of what's happened in the Church through the past 70 years. I've been listening to you for about twelve years now, and am grateful to God and to you for all your materials…
Shannon Law
“Fr.” James Altman Says Bergoglio Is Not The Pope – Reaction
Just discovered your content... Thank you for educating me on things I have misunderstood.
Benedict XVI and the Lutherans
“Fr.” James Altman Says Bergoglio Is Not The Pope – Reaction
What? Benedict did what with the Lutherans??? I did not know that. Thanks for the information.
Failed To See
“Fr.” James Altman Says Bergoglio Is Not The Pope – Reaction
Altman has correctly diagnosed a symptom but has yet failed to see the cancer that has been growing for 60 years. I pray now that the scales have fallen from his eyes, he will see clearly the heresies of Benedict, JPII et al. Embracing Traditional Catholicism is a process requiring a lot of lettings go, such as forsaking the uncritical admiration of Mother Teresa, which I struggled with until the incontrovertible evidence in your materials forced me to embrace truth.
G. P.
“Fr.” James Altman Says Bergoglio Is Not The Pope – Reaction
I shared this excellent video with my family members.
Hello… I have seen majority of your materials and find them very convincing and true…
“Fr.” James Altman Says Bergoglio Is Not The Pope – Reaction
Thank you… you are teaching The Truth, unlike this Altman person, who seems to be putting a portion of truth in with a swamp full of lies… Satan continues his deception. Many of those still in novus ordo pews will hear this guy and think he's faithful. Wrong! I pray they find your channel and website and listen to your excellent instruction and explanation of what has happened over the past 70 years.
“Fr.” James Altman Says Bergoglio Is Not The Pope – Reaction
Your presentation is clear, rational and authentic catholic. Thanks to God we have you in these dark, sick and utterly perverse times!
“Fr.” James Altman Says Bergoglio Is Not The Pope – Reaction
Thank God for Most Holy Family Monastery! And thank God I found you!
Reaction Video
“Fr.” James Altman Says Bergoglio Is Not The Pope – Reaction
Thank you for this reaction video…
The Official Story
NYC Allows Mosques To Broadcast ‘Call To Prayer’ Without A Permit
The "official story" of 9/11 blames Muslims for the attack, but now NYC is allowing this?
Real Catholic Faith
Trent Horn Refuted By Bro. Peter Dimond On The Catholic Church
Great video, thank you for defending the real Catholic Faith.
Faustina & The Divine Mercy Deception - French and Italian
MHFM: Our video Faustina & The Divine Mercy Deception has been published in French and Italian.
Mother Teresa Celebrated By The Vatican II Counter Church
MHFM: On September 5 the Vatican II Sect celebrated the feast of Mother Teresa. This video exposes her truly astounding apostasy and religious indifferentism. The fact that the Vatican II Sect honors her as a saint (when she clearly was not even Catholic) is more proof that it’s not the Catholic Church.
On Suicides & Catechumens (The Council of Braga – Translated)
Excellent video… Thank you MHFM for your consistency in showing us the truth.
Video Posted
On Suicides & Catechumens (The Council of Braga – Translated)
Convinced Of The Catholic Faith
Hello I have come across your guys videos on YouTube and would like to know where must I go to receive a valid baptism for myself, wife, and 1 1/2 year old daughter? I have watched not all but many of your guys vids and I have been convinced the catholic faith is the true faith. I currently live in Burbank California.
On Suicides & Catechumens (The Council of Braga – Translated)
Thank you. This video is particularly helpful to me. Anyone seeing this post, please say an Ave for my children and me, as their father; my husband, wasn't a Catholic and committed suicide. It's not the easiest row to hoe.
Narrow Path
On Suicides & Catechumens (The Council of Braga – Translated)
I really appreciate your material as an Irish Catholic striving to stay on the narrow path. God bless MHFM and thank you.
Richard McCarthy
Acts 15 & 1 Chronicles 28
A masterclass in scripture analysis, this definitely needs more attention.
Jesus’ Descent Into Hell & The Baptism Of The Good Thief
These videos are a treasure…
Eastern “Orthodoxy” Exposed: Their Heretical Doctrine Of God
Amazing work, your level of research into this is impressive. God bless.
Girl on school bus dies while waving to friends as head collides with pole - 24 second video
This is scary. You never know when your time is up, so it is best to be prepared to die at all times.
Bellarmine: Christ Died For All But The Effect Is Conditionally Applied
St. Robert Bellarmine, De Iustificatione, Book 1, Chap. 11: “There is no general promise, which testifies that the death of Christ will apply its effect to all without any condition on their part. But all things are conditional which pertain to the efficacy [of the death of Christ], since they require faith and sacraments.”
Recent Convert
Hello I am a recent convert to Sedevacantism. I saw the debate on Pints with Aquinas…
Eyes Opened On John Paul II
First of all I would like to thank you for all your work, you have really shaken my conscience on many points. At one time I was even a Protestant, then I converted to conservative Catholicism (close to traditionalism), but later through your videos I opened my eyes even more (especially on John Paul II and Francis, wolves in sheep’s clothing).
Oh, english is not my first language, sorry. And I’m Samuel… Italian…
Taylor Marshall’s Publicity Stunts & False Theology – Exposed
Amazing Video…
Largely Forgotten
Truly appalling. And even worse when we consider that it takes such a wicked, demon-possessed slave of hell to state the largely forgotten truth that there is indeed evil. So many people nowadays waste their lives under the delusion that there is no definitive good, as well as no real evil. According to the evil society we live in, her only fault was simply a matter of bad timing. Just a few months (weeks?) a little too late.
Many of the evildoers, feeling shocked by her actions as they shed their crocodile tears, are nothing more than huge hypocrites, if they happen to be in favor of abortion.
V2 Sect & The Deep State
Wow... The V2 "hierarchy" is... depraved... This actually reminds me of how often the popes in the 19th century (Leo XIII, Pius IX) emphasized that the union between the Church and the State is a union that bears many desirable fruits, even in secular matters. Well, the same cannot be said about the union between the V2 "Church" and the (Deep) State, a union that, by all evidence, bears the most rotten fruits.
When they become so debauched, when their arguably most powerful "bishops" accept "LGBT" & murder of the youngest members of the society, one can't expect them to be loyal to their country/in secular matters such as immigration, just like the Jews whose perfidious values they cherish so dearly.
What Vatican II Said About Protestants & “Orthodox” – Heresy Refuted In 5 Minutes
Thank you!! Another great video…