Recent Featured Videos and Articles | Eastern “Orthodoxy” Refuted | How To Avoid Sin | The Antichrist Identified! | What Fake Christians Get Wrong About Ephesians | Why So Many Can't Believe | “Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists | Amazing Evidence For God | News Links |
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Gone from
MHFM: Here’s a comment that a person named Dave Cullen made about the ‘Covid’ hoax and the situation in Canada:
“It appears we’ve gone from two weeks to flatten the curve to, we’ll deactivate your access to your bank accounts and trample on you with a horse.”
Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World
Excellent summary. Great documentary…
Pavel Faigl
North Bay
UN planes discovered in North Bay, Ontario - 22 second video
I live an hour and a half away from North Bay. There's been foreign soldiers frequenting the business where I work. No wonder the "officers" beating the protesters don't speak English/ French or have badge numbers! They're not even from our country!
Protestant wants to convert
Hi, I've watched some of your videos and they make great sense. I am a 60 year old protestant but I know the Holy Spirit is leading me to enter into Jesus' One True Catholic Church. I'm at a bit of a loss though in how to go about this…
Kind regards,
Kaye Lane
[We responded and provided the steps to convert.]
Grave Injustice
What a grave injustice...
Holy Spirit
I ran into someone on social media who claims that the Holy Ghost is not "God."… I know he's wrong, but I'm asking for your advice on how I can respond…
These videos deal with the issue:
University Students Protest Against Mask Mandate Being Dropped - 28 second video
Brainwashed morons.
New Video
Eastern “Orthodoxy” Debunked On St. Peter’s Authority By St. John Of Damascus
MHFM: This video contains additional powerful information to refute Eastern “Orthodoxy”. It examines the teaching of the last of the Greek fathers, St. John of Damascus. Please share this video as well.
Eastern “Orthodoxy” Debunked On St. Peter’s Authority By St. John Of Damascus
Great, short, informative and powerful video not only against the fake Orthodox, but also against protestant rebels. To follow the Catholic Church (not the fake church of Francis that usurped our buildings) is indeed the will of Our Most Holy God.
Need To See
I really needed to see this, thank you so much…
Parker Dunne
Clear Refutation
The Best Argument Against "Baptism of Desire"
I am very impressed with this clear and thorough refutation of a… false doctrine which is also so very popular…
Paul Kiernan
Thank you for the great content that you provide…
Eastern “Orthodoxy” Debunked On St. Peter’s Authority By St. John Of Damascus
Love is the answer. Nothing else.
True charity/love cannot exist without the true faith.
Pope Pius XI, Mortalium Animos (#9), Jan. 6, 1928: “Everyone knows that John himself, the Apostle of love, who seems to reveal in his Gospel the secrets of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and who never ceased to impress on the memories of his followers the new commandment ‘Love one another,’ altogether forbade any intercourse with those who professed a mutilated and corrupt version of Christ's teaching: ‘If any man come to you and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into the house nor say to him: God speed you.’ For which reason, since charity is based on a complete and sincere faith, the disciples of Christ must be united principally by the bond of one faith.”
Dear Brothers…
Thank you for sharing your faith with me along with the world and showing me through our Lord Jesus Christ the way to salvation…
Bruno Gilson
In this great apostasy, historical accounts such as this are very encouraging and inspiring. Thank you brothers and God bless your apostolate.
They cheered him
Trudeau "empowers" banks (without a court order) to suspend or freeze accounts of protesters - video
... there were abominable human beings on the streets cheering for him a few years ago because he promoted sodomy, etc. This fact alone simply shows humans are choosing to be controlled and directed by the Devil. So many today are "celebrating" the fact they are going to Hell, this is an insanity. It shows that because of Original Sin, most people are of bad will and they don't want to repent. They do not seek to convert and pray to God help them against bad human tendencies.
Lucas G.
Eyes Opened
These videos have really opened my eyes. I want to thank you brothers for all that you are doing for the Lord Jesus…
Waseem Hermiz
Eastern “Orthodoxy” Debunked On St. Peter’s Authority By St. John Of Damascus
… thank you for showing the true light in a world so full of darkness.
Eastern “Orthodoxy” Debunked On St. Peter’s Authority By St. John Of Damascus
Great video, very useful for apologetics…
The Real History Of "Orthodoxy"
Gil Garza
Was Praying
Padre Pio: “Satan” Would “Come To Rule A False Church”
I was praying and praying to know if I must attend the new Mass. I'm a late convert, for 2 years I've known that God is real, but only now I see the Novus Ordo Mass may not be real. I have no latin Mass in my city.
God wanted you to see the material. It contains the truth and explains what's happening. No, you must not go to the New Mass. We encourage you to look over more of our videos and the material on our website. When you are convinced on the issues, we can help you with where to go to confession. (We also recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.)
JP2’s Teachings
The Antichrist’s Distinguishing Mark
… Horrifying how far this was promoted by the Apostate/Anti-Christ - but what a great boon/blessing to us to have MHFM lay it out clearly!! Thank you.
L. Antoinette Anderson
Papacy, Moses
Eastern “Orthodoxy” Debunked On St. Peter’s Authority By St. John Of Damascus
Thanks for this wonderful new video proving the papacy is True and established by Almighty God in His Mercy and Goodness to help save humans from hell.
The analogy of the rebellious Israelites throwing off/ rejecting the authority Moses rightly had over them as given by God was coming into mind as the video progressed, then covered, that subject. Basically those rebels against Moses were just ungrateful. Why weren't they thinking how grateful they should be to GOD for sending them a True leader/ ruler? It could have been jealousy as Joseph of Egypt's eleven brothers were jealous of him and the position of authority/ responsibility Jacob had placed Joseph in over them. Also as the Scribes Pharisees and "priests" of Jesus' day were madly jealous of Jesus.
In essence all these rebels against The Most High are saying to God: "Not THY WILL, but my will, be done".... Isn't this also " man in the place of God"?... It's precisely the exact opposite of what the Blessed Virgin Mary said at the Annunciation Fiat, and what Jesus said to His Father in Gethsemane. Isn't that what the devil said to God, too? And what the serpent induced Eve, then through her fall, Adam to say to God, in the garden of Eden? It's the same thing those mealy-mouthed "Orthodox" liars are saying now and hopefully your video will help wake them and others up about this very crucial issue of salvation from hell.
Ultimately it's an issue of pride and pride comes before the fall as the rebels against Moses literally fell straight down into hell.
Our Lady of Lourdes, and Saint Bernadette Soubirous, pray for us!... Thank you very much for all your powerful… works…
Anne K.
Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World
Hello Brothers… your Australia video. It is super…
Mary Ann Benedetto
Eastern “Orthodoxy” Debunked On St. Peter’s Authority By St. John Of Damascus
Great video. Very helpful and clear cut to those discerning. Thank you!
Levi Bell
A Time
Eastern “Orthodoxy” Debunked On St. Peter’s Authority By St. John Of Damascus
There was a time when I considered becoming Orthodox, because I had become so discouraged by the Novus Ordo, but by the Grace of God, I found MHFM, and I learned that Traditional Catholicism is True Christianity, and not Orthodoxy. Thank you Merciful God in Heaven.
Joey B
Eastern “Orthodoxy” Debunked On St. Peter’s Authority By St. John Of Damascus
Very informative and important information!
… in the current situation with the Covid hoax, my mom and brother want to get vaccinated. They don’t listen to anything I say about the hoax. They believe what CNN tells them every day… It’s not easy for me dealing with them. There is no unity.
The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern "Orthodoxy"
… excellent material…
Wow: a 3 month reprieve from quarantine for those foolish enough to take a double dose of the poison... No matter how much the MSM tries to suppress the evidence that these injections are a killer cocktail, the truth will eventually come out. Instead of hoping for "herd immunity," people should unite for "herd rejection."
America’s Fall To Communism (2021) – Documentary
Wow, absolutely powerful commentary… I always knew there was a spiritual dimension to these events. And your video inspires me, even more, to… ask for God's mercy…
Joseph Boyat
Canyon Lake, TX
Brothers, good morning
I have been following your work since 2013. It changed my life. As I found out about your website just after discovering about the events in Fátima, I always believed that Our Lady guided me to you…
Today I watched your video about the United States being dominated by communism… God bless you.
America’s Fall To Communism (2021) – Documentary
Dear Brothers in Christ,
Thank you for this masterpiece of truth! … your work has been an incredible source of true knowledge, consolation, and truth. How merciful and generous of God to manifest His truth to those who aren’t busy gnashing their teeth and stopping their ears against it.
May God keep you always! Pax Christi! Ave Maria!
America’s Fall To Communism (2021) – Documentary
Dear MHFM,
Thank-you for the latest video on America's Fall to Communism. A very truthful and sad story of events that have occurred over the recent years...
God Bless your work,
Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World
Dear Brothers,
Thank you for making the great new video, Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World. The evidence in this video for the Covid hoax is so abundant and overwhelming that only someone who is a total liar could deny the truth that the entire pandemic is a diabolically orchestrated attempt to enslave and destroy the majority of mankind. You left no stone unturned. If for some strange reason someone still hasn't dialed in to the reality of the hoax, this video is by far the best place to bring them up to speed. And for those who are already aware, this video is by far the most thorough summary of the conspiracy. The ending is brilliant too. This is an exceptionally useful tool for evangelizing. Great work!
God bless,
Chris White
Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World
Thank you so much for putting together one of the best compilation videos on this satanic war against humanity.
Regards, Rykel (Singapore)
Woman arrested at border for human trafficking shows clear signs of demonic possession - 57 sec vid
She looks possessed. Growling like an animal.
It's a striking example of the level of evil involved in human trafficking.
Hello Brothers… Thank you wouldn't be enough to express my gratitude. Yet for now I say thank you from the bottom of my heart for opening my eyes and heart to the truth… I see the sinful errors in the Novus Ordo… I will be spreading your videos… and praying for all at Most Holy Family Monastery…
Sincerely Kevin Hermiz
Global Deception
Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World
Dear Bro. Michael Dimond & Bro. Jerome Torres,
Thank you so very much for posting the new video Australia Enslaved & The Plan For The World. I have been trying to catch up with the global deception behind COVID since August 2021 and this video is just what I needed!
Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World
… This is, to put it mildly, an incredible and unprecedented video which people definitely need to see…
David Phillips
Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World
Dear Brothers in Christ,
Thank you for producing and freely sharing your newest masterpiece expose…
Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World
Dear Brothers,
What a history of the apostate world in the last days! There is nothing like this anywhere else. It would certainly provide a total detox for imbibers of fake news. But even more than that, it has a profound effect on anyone who watches it, because it conveys the breathtaking, unspeakable magnitude of evil. And that is something that's very hard to do… Another priceless gem from MHFM! Thank you…
Lee Ann
John Paul II
“Saint” John Paul II’s Heresies
This is truth. I was big on JP2 until found True Catholic Faith! I reject V2 and Novus Ordo All its lies, Modernism, Ecumenism, Heresy.
Jason Burdette
The Plans
Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World
This is truly a magnum opus regarding the end-times hoax through which the world's people are experiencing. Nowhere else other than in this documentary has all of the evidence been compiled in one place that exposes the diabolical plans of the globalist elite. People of good will must watch and share this video...
While we are seeing promising signs of the common people awakening around the world, and while these are hopeful signs that the prayers of the just are being heard, we must continue to pray to our Blessed Mother to intercede on our behalf. As our Blessed Mother exhorted the seers of Fatima in 1917, people must pray the Holy Rosary every day...
Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World
Watched earlier today. Excellent video. Very well put together.
Catholic Kiwi
Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World
The full length video is excellent. It's very well detailed. Thank you brothers for getting the truth out. God bless.
Joey B
Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World
It's insane what's happening in Australia…
Larry Graysmith
Australia Enslaved And The Plan For The World
I've watched the whole thing; it was beautifully pieced together and edited to show the whole picture step by step…
Antonio Eligius
Figure out
[A few in the] Modern Vatican 2 church are finally speaking out about the covid hoax and government… It only took about two years for most people to figure this stuff out whereas I knew after the first two weeks when I went to Most Holy Family Monastery website. But that being said there are still many people who don't have a clue…
The Council Of Trent Did Not Teach "Baptism Of Desire"
… The video you did on Trent not teaching baptism of desire was great…
”Priest” Falls Into
“Priest” Falls Into Grave While Leading Funeral
This is a powerful video…
Bible Study
Did St. Paul Really Rebuke St. Peter In Galatians 2?
This is what true Bible study is, what a great job. Protestants seeing this have to be astonished and hopefully converted.
BB Martin
Francis tells parents to not condemn their children for having "different sexual orientations"
One can just marvel at this deplorable sight... By now, even atheists and people from different faiths can see that his sect goes counter what the Catholic Church has defined.
Was Awarded
He is surely burning in Hell now.
Convert from ‘Orthodoxy’, Netherlands
First of all: thank you very much for all your work! I really appreciate all the information that is to be found on Youtube as well as your website. I have some questions for you, concerning my personal faith and what my next move should be.
As a child I was raised as a Roman Catholic; was baptized shortly after birth in 1975… I eventually went through the process of withdrawing from the Church… A few years back however, I came to believe in Jesus Christ again... and in 2018 got 'baptized' into protestantism, in a baptist 'church'. Then I started learning more about the Christian Faith, and decided that the truth was not to be found there. So I left for Eastern Orthodoxy, was a catechumen until just a few weeks ago, when I realized, thanks to the information you two brought about, that the sedevacantism position is the right one to take in this matter… I live in the Netherlands…
Thank you very much in advance! Hope to hear from you soon.
In Christ,
Nicole Hartog
Novus Ordo
Francis tells parents to not condemn their children for having "different sexual orientations"
The Novus Ordo seems to be following the Episcopalians.
Ian Gwynne
Well done!… am so thankful for this video…
Meri Bikoto
New Convert
New Protestant to Catholic convert... Been watching your videos and you do a great job explaining things in a clear and concise manner.
Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)
Mike and Anne Kraft
Francis, “Sexual Orientations”
Francis tells parents to not condemn their children for having "different sexual orientations"
"Biden admin" sending out 500 million new "Covid RAT kits" & 400 million new n95 masks - 1 min video
Suffocating America at taxpayers’ expense!
Astounding Responses
People are willing to sign petition to arrest "climate change deniers" - video
MHFM: We don’t agree with what Mark Dice does (i.e. pretending to favor lies in order to elicit revealing responses), but these responses are astounding. It’s another example of how those who are without Christ walk in darkness (John 8:12; 1 John 5:19). The people featured in this video are like spiritual zombies: they don’t care about truth; they don’t have a dedication to God; and they are willing to put their name to something absurd (and even reveal details about themselves) simply to avoid displeasing a stranger. It’s another example of what’s covered in Why So Many Can't Believe.
People are willing to sign petition to arrest "climate change deniers" - video
People are really willing to see their fellow man arrested over this hoax. It is a testament to the wickedness of the world....
Trinity, Filioque
The Trinity & The Filioque: Catholicism Refutes Eastern “Orthodoxy”
When it come to exposing Orthodox church you are the best.
Peter Watson
“Magicians” Admit They Sold Their Souls
Your videos are amazing.
Kyle S
I want to just say how extremely impressed I am with your videos. They are eye opening and incredibly thorough…
Finland, Bible
Woman faces up to 2 years in jail for linking to passage from the Bible that condemns sodomy - video
... The feeling while watching this is again, apocalyptic... the ungodly attacking God and His Word.
Had No Idea
Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)
May God Bless you. I had no idea how deep this cancer went.
Preservation, Guadalupe
The Amazing And Miraculous Image Of Our Lady Of Guadalupe
This preservation reminds me of the incorruptible bodies of the Saints and the Assumption. It reflects the subject in this way.
Canadian Kids
It's sad and sickening: such brutish, demonic indoctrination of children—by the blind, maniacal parent(s). Sancta Maria, ora pro nobis.
Biden Says Francis Told Him He’s “A Good Catholic” (Analysis)
When Francis came to US and gave a speech in front of congress he uttered not one word about abortion, and we are the world's biggest offender.
Must-See New Video
Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)
MHFM: This is a new video. It exposes a heresy in Vatican II that is the most visible representation of the new Vatican II religion. This is a must-see video. It’s important for people to watch the entire video to understand the relevant principles and facts.
Benedict XVI
Thank you Brothers for your research and so much hard work!...
Susan Kersh
The New Mass
Why the New Mass and New Rite of Ordination are Invalid
My eyes well up with bitter tears whenever I rewatch this video... it's just so sad, even though God is still here and he's allowed this to happen, I cannot help but feel anger towards those who made this happen. To mock something so wonderful and joyous such as the Holy Mass.. I can only clench my fists and say "how could they???" We've been robbed of something so amazing!!
Francis Attacks The Latin Mass – The Big Picture
Truly shocking. God Bless.
… Thank you! This is very informative.
Victor Solis
Tobin, NJ
“Cardinal” Tobin & The Counter Church In Newark, New Jersey
Tobin is NOT Catholic…
Robert Epperly
Kyle Rittenhouse & The Hand Of God
Great content.
Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)
This video in particular while watching convicted me…
Got Jabbed
Double jabbed 13-year-old dies from "unexplainable" cardiac arrest - 40 second video
My daughter's in-laws both got jabbed and the mother had a first-time seizure while driving and totaled her SUV. She is no longer able to drive until she is 'proven to be, okay.'
EU ‘Bishops’, ‘Vaccine’
MHFM: The spiritual component of the end-times Beast toes the line imposed by the secular component.
Thanks for all your great work. The booklet the Bible proves the teaching of the Catholic Church is fantastic and has strengthened my faith.
Colleen Urban
Purple and Scarlet, Whore
Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)
In your video, you state in the photo that the Vatican II sect is the whole of babylon, referring to the colors of scarlet and purple. Yet, the cardinals were granted the privilege of wearing the red hat by Innocent IV (1243–54) in 1244 or 1245; it has since become their symbol. Also. besides the cardinals wearing scarlet in the 1200's, the bishops wore purple before Vatican II was implemented.
Brian Scheidler
You are failing to see the point. Yes, true cardinals wore scarlet and bishops wore purple before Vatican II. The Whore of Babylon is clothed in the colors of the TRUE Church but is actually a fraud, a counterfeit. It has some of the Church's EXTERNALS but preaches a false religion. Also, see this video for the overwhelming evidence that the Vatican II Sect fulfills prophecy about the Whore of Babylon and the end-times Beast: Apocalypse Now In The Vatican.
This is irrefutable proof for papacy. Thanks MHFM.
Larry Graysmith
These people are in denial.
FBI, Truly Appalling
MHFM: The injustice/corruption is truly appalling.
What Millions Of Fake Christians Get Wrong About Ephesians
I lived too blindly for too long.
Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)
… Truly shocking!
Cindy Machado
John Paul II, False Apparitions
Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)
If Pope John Paul was so bad, why did our Holy Mother appear with Pope John Paul at her side to a seer?
Lyn Brown
Those were false apparitions. They were some of the false signs and wonders mentioned in 2 Thess. 2 that accompany the coming of the Antichrist. We explain that here: Also, John Paul II was not a valid pope but an apostate antipope.
Italy, Workplaces
"Italy Considering Completely Banning Unvaccinated From Workplaces"
“ expansion of the pass would nudge more people towards vaccination.”
It's not a "nudge" it is extortion.
Held Captive By The Devil
MHFM: 2 Timothy 2 tells us that those who “resist the truth” are held captive at the Devil’s will.
2 Timothy 2:25-26- “With modesty admonishing them that resist the truth: if peradventure God may give them repentance to know the truth, and they may recover themselves from the snares of the devil, by whom they are held captive at his will.”
This is just sad…
SSPX Makes No Sense
It makes absolutely no sense for the Society of St. Pius X to tell those in their group that the Vatican II Church is in error and not to attend its services yet maintain that those they consider heretics are still within the true Catholic Church. If they had any common sense and ethics, they would leave the Vatican II Church...
Harriet Harlow
Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)
Thank you so much for this video…
Anastasius Rostami
Thank you for presenting the truth of the situation we find ourselves in today. Out of all the Traditional Catholic organizations I believe you are the only one presenting the God honest facts.
Jesse Scott
Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)
Your work on this piece is excellent, not just for the content…
‘Pope Joan’ Myth
… can u explain about how can the Church keep female pope known as Joan?...
Lissy Joseph
There wasn't a 'Pope Joan'. It's a myth. You need to be a traditional Catholic, as our material explains.
Became Convinced
Dear MHFM,
Thank you for your work in defending and propagating the true Catholic faith.
I've watched the videos in the vaticancatholic channel and I became convinced of the absolute necessity of the Sacrament of Baptism for salvation together with the profession of true Catholic faith and living a righteous life.
… I live in Metro Manila, Philippines and the "churches" here believe in the antipopes and deny the salvation dogma…
Thanks for all the info you make easy to find and understand…
Gregory Roy
Thank you for your outstanding work and scholarship!
Lourdes Cosio
Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)
The evidence presented in this video is undeniable. May this… video open the eyes of many in the Novus Ordo…
Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)
Awesome video! Thank you for exposing the heresies of the apostate Novus Ordo, which is not Catholic.
J. Rossi
So Much
Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)
Mind-boggling! So, so, so much evil emanating from the VII Sect!...
Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)
Great video. It's a blessing from God that so many are finding real Catholicism, thanks to the Holy Spirit working through your inspiring Apostolate.
Joe L
Regarding YouTube
Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)
I just want to let you know that I have been unsubscribed from your channel twice since I first started following you. I have also noticed that I cannot send links to your website in comments on any other youtube videos. My comments get instantly deleted after I post them. I understand that you are already aware of your current shadow-ban on the platform, but I thought I’d still notify you anyways. Thanks for your amazing work.
Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)
Great video and excellent summary of one of the key heresies of our day.
Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)
It really can't be more obvious. Rome has lost the faith!!! Perfect video for confronting Vatican 2 believers.
BB Martin
Sheep without a Shepherd
Pope Pius XI, Ad Catholici Sacerdotii (#52), Dec. 20, 1935: “Our Lord saw the multitudes ‘lying like sheep that have no shepherd.’ Such multitudes are to be seen today not only in the far distant lands of the missions, but also, alas! in countries which have been Christian for centuries.”
Goats, Facemasks
Goats traversing the countryside are wearing "Covid-19" face masks - 1 minute video
MHFM: This is truly horrible and outrageous.
Thank you brothers. Your… monastery has really strengthened my Christian Faith, and I share your videos and articles whenever I can…
Public Heretics
Michael Matt, False Traditionalism & The Church In The End Times
I knew Matt was a sniveling man who appears to fly the Traditional flag but I did not know what a typical Novus Ordo heretic he actually is. Teresa of Calcutta and JPII were terrible, PUBLIC heretics who promoted not Jesus Christ, but their own perverse cults of personality…
Margaret Boyle
Trudeau, Tyrant
Trudeau is using the textbook Communist response to its rejection: labeling the adversary in an attempt to divide the people against one another. What an evil tyrant he has become.
Dear Brothers…
It has already been four years since my first encounter with your website and youtube channel and I cannot thank you enough for the help and confidence you have given me in the truth of our Catholic faith through your articles and videos. I cannot thank God enough for having put you on my path. I was baptized by an invalidly ordained "priest" in the Novus ordo Counter Church and raised in it until I was sixteen years old, when on youtube I came across your video entitled Satanic Illuminati Fashion Show Held In Anglican "Church" In 2017. I was so shocked by what I saw in that video, it completely demoralized me and I just cried the whole day. I never believed that Anglicans are true Christians and my reaction was not such because I doubted any blasphemy could ever occur in this schismatic "Church". I had that reaction because I believed nothing like that could ever happen in the Catholic Church! I guess I was distracted and did not pay full attention, because I had read the title wrong and thought that the blasphemous satanic show happened in a Catholic church.
I believe that God showed His mercy on me in that moment, because had I read the title correctly I would probably never have watched the video nor inquired further and discovered your website; I would probably still claim part in the Vatican II sect thinking it was the Catholic Church, not knowing how to properly pray the Rosary, not knowing what to be Catholic actually means and more - much more than in my ignorance I am able to understand, but firmly believe nonetheless.
That was the start of a journey of (re)discovering my faith… thanks to God's grace by praying and constantly exposing myself willfully to good catholic books (such as St. Alphonsus' Preparation for death, St. Louis de Montfort's True devotion to Mary and others), to your articles and videos, by accepting and firmly believing everything the Church teaches, I have committed to completely sever myself from any and all membership to the blasphemous Vatican II sect and never to attend their "new mass" again, to really know the Catholic faith and what I believe in to hopefully help others come to the faith… I hope you continue with your great work of evangelization: it is truly a blessing from God!
Irena Valerija
New Videos
I really enjoy your new videos and can't wait to distribute them…
John Bedarfas
‘Catholic University of America’
"Catholic" University of America displays painting of George Floyd as Jesus - video
This is the "CUA", that Pope Leo XIII hoped in his 1889 bull Magni Nobis to benefit "the propagation of sound doctrine and in the protection of Catholic piety", which now benefits the propagation of sodomy and the protection of Marxist blasphemy. Unbelievable.
Christmas ‘Mass’
A look at "Archbishop" Eamon Martin's Christmas Midnight "Mass" - 41 second video
Cupich's Chicago Christmas Eve "Mass" even worse: Looks Satanic. Priest sounds like a shouting Baptist and makes up his own liturgy...
Justice Veracity
One Day
49-Year-Old NY Times editor dies of heart attack one day after getting "Covid booster shot" - video
Catholicism, Friend
Hello my name is Ivan. I want to convert to Catholicism. A friend recommended me to your website… thank you.
The Last Inca Emperor – Converted To Christianity
This is a very inspiring video. Thank you brothers. God bless.
Joe L
Evil woman
Woman slaps old man on flight for not wearing a mask - video
She's yelling at the man because she's that paranoid about the supposed virus transmission. Meanwhile, her own mask is down, she fails to keep distance, makes physical contact with him and spits at him.... You really can't make this stuff up.
Also, the man was apparently eating so he wasn't even in violation of the airline's (ridiculous) mask rules.
John Paul I
“Francis to beatify ‘smiling pope’ John Paul I in September 2022”
What an apocalyptic moment! Once he "canonizes" John Paul I, all the dead Roman kings would be officially "deified."
MHFM: Related: Apocalypse Now In The Vatican
Protestant Theology
Documentary: Protestantism’s Big Justification Lie
Wow. You just utterly destroyed all of the theology that's been given to me my entire life. Certain aspects always made me uneasy and these teachers would just hammer it over and over. Wow. I'm honestly terrified, but excited to press on towards the truth.
Happy Christmas to you all. Saying thank you doesn't convey the deep felt appreciation I have for all you have done. It is God who "worketh in you both to will and to accomplish". He willed it in me and accomplished it through MHFM. God bless you all.
Came Across
Kyle Rittenhouse & The Hand Of God
I’m very glad that I came across this channel. You do an excellent job of explaining these events happening in America and across the world with how they coincide with God’s Divine Providence and Biblical teachings. God bless all of you for spreading the truth!
P Vitt
Incredible how Protestants denounce the true faith of Christ as "paganism" and "idolatry" when many of them worship a people and a religion which blasphemes Jesus Christ.
Even from a purely secular point of view it's utterly moronic that they would support a state which has time and time against stabbed the US in the back. Whether it be the spying, lobbying, USS Liberty, Dancing Israelis, false intel about WMDs, etc. It's illogical and unreasonable because they are moved by the religious zeal of false doctrines.