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Did The Bible Predict 70 Years Without A Pope?
This was a very beautiful and informative video. Thank God for MHFM Apostolate…
M. Antonio
Did The Bible Predict 70 Years Without A Pope?
Dear MHFM,
This video is a Gem. While watching it yesterday, I cannot express how emotionally happy I felt. God is truly using you to fulfill his promise to Saint Benedict… Thank you for the amazing effort put into this great work. God bless you all.
Philip M.
Did The Bible Predict 70 Years Without A Pope?
Dear Brothers,
This video is a must-see for every person… Thank you for this masterpiece.
Lee Ann
How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)
This video contains such awesome information… Thank you for producing it and sharing it for free.
May God keep you!
Did The Bible Predict 70 Years Without A Pope?
Excellent work MHFM. This video is a great resource for evangelizing…
Did The Bible Predict 70 Years Without A Pope?
… This is quite frightening…
Rafaelle Lauture
Did The Bible Predict 70 Years Without A Pope?
Awesome and outstanding video…
Did The Bible Predict 70 Years Without A Pope?
Great video!...
Rebecca Olinger
Did The Bible Predict 70 Years Without A Pope?
Amazing analysis…
Did The Bible Predict 70 Years Without A Pope?
Magnificent. This is clearly inspired by the Holy Ghost. MHFM is without a doubt St Benedict’s Monastery that was promised to last until the endtimes and convert many. This brought me to tears.
Did The Bible Predict 70 Years Without A Pope?
Thank you for this. Your channel has been instrumental to my conversion to the truth.
Croatia, Found The Videos
Dear, M.H.F.M., my name is Ivan and I am from Croatia… Thank you Brothers and MHFM for helping me so far with your videos. If I had not found your content, I would remain in the heresy of faith alone (which I started to believe from watching Kent Hovind and Steven Anderson, in which they had talks against the Vatican 2, which I at the time believed to be true Catholicism), and I would have tried to commit suicide (thankfully you said in your videos that people who take their lives go to hell). Thank you for all the good work you do…
Act Like
Alex Jones & Stew Peters Promote A False Gospel After Dr. Zelenko’s Death
Many of these conservative Novus Ordo act like supporting communism was the only heresy and abortion and gender ideology were the only sins. No wonder they believe "orthodox" Jews can "rest in peace".
Alex Jones & Stew Peters Promote A False Gospel After Dr. Zelenko’s Death
False-christianity often uses "judeo-christianity" as its label… Salvation by being a decent person - alone is very false salvation teaching. No amount of decency will substitute the Christ, His Church, His Baptism and His Commandments.
Alex Jones & Stew Peters Promote A False Gospel After Dr. Zelenko’s Death
I totally agree with your latest video concerning the late Dr. Zev, Alex Jones, and Stu Peters. The doctor is in hell and the other two will wind up there if they don't drop their heretical protestant viewpoints. I have attached a [message] of what passes for "mass" in Chicago these days. Beyond outrageous. Thanks for what you do.
False Religion
Alex Jones & Stew Peters Promote A False Gospel After Dr. Zelenko’s Death
False religion is almost everywhere. These are surely the very last days. St Benedict pray for us.
Proof for God
That's magnificent proof of Almighty God…
Mashraf Habashy
Documentary: Protestantism’s Big Justification Lie
… This is incredible that Protestants believe this heresy!...
The Amazing And Miraculous Image Of Our Lady Of Guadalupe
One of the best and informative videos produced may many come and learn.
Tunie Braeux
Alex Jones & Stew Peters Promote A False Gospel After Dr. Zelenko’s Death
Spot on, Thank you!...
Didn’t Know
Alex Jones & Stew Peters Promote A False Gospel After Dr. Zelenko’s Death
Wow I didn’t know that !!
Edward Molano
Jan. 6, Ray Epps
Ray Epps: The "Trump supporter" who told people to go into the Capitol is a federal agent? - video
January 6th was an inside job... Why isn't this man in the DC gulag?
K. Solo
“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists
This channel is amazing. Very very profound and thoughtful analyzations and enlightening perspectives. I watched the “Big lie of Protestantism”… Just crazy to think about the facts surrounding Luther…
Bellarmine on St. Peter at the Council of Jerusalem
St. Robert Bellarmine, On Councils, Book 1, Chap. 19: “[The primacy of the popes at councils] is proven from the Apostolic Council, in Acts 15, in which Jerome affirms Peter to have presided in a letter to Augustine, which is 11 among the letters of Augustine. Likewise from that [council] it is gathered that Peter rises first, speaks first, defines the matter first, and all, as Jerome said, followed his position.”
For more on St. Peter’s primacy at the Acts 15 Council, see these videos:
Did St. Paul Really Rebuke St. Peter In Galatians 2?
Pope Pius IX Did Not Teach Salvation Outside The Church
AS PIUS IX SAID, "IT IS UNLAWFUL to inquire” about whether there is any kind of baptism other than water Baptism. Jesus makes it clear that UNBELIEF in His Words CONDEMNS, and it is the only alternative to Faith/Baptism, i.e. there are only 2 choices.
Matthew Wilk
Simply amazing.
Arul John Bosco
Dear Brothers of the holy family monastery, I have heard the word of Christ and I have decided to convert to traditional Catholicism, but if the church in Rome is heretical and un-catholic, where should I get baptized? Thank you for spreading the truth of Christ through all your videos and God bless you.
Kind regards,
We’re glad you are looking at the material. It's crucial to distinguish between the true Church of Rome and the Counter Church occupying Rome now. The steps to convert to true Catholicism are here:
Pope Pius IX Did Not Teach Salvation Outside The Church
Dear Brothers,
I don't have the words to describe the excellence of your video in its content, its presentation, and its impact. It made me stand back and think about where we are today. For some sixty years, there have been no true reigning popes. The world has been deceived by a demonic Counterfeit "Catholic" Church - with its Antichrist, its apostate antipopes and its fake magisterium removing the true Mass and denying every dogma of the true faith. What passes for "Christianity" (even in the minds of people believing themselves to be "Catholic") is an amalgamation of thousands of man-made heretical sects, all believing different things or nothing at all. I guess getting the world to accept the heresy that the Catholic faith is not necessary for salvation was (and still is) the easiest way to bring to damnation those who might otherwise be interested in eternal life. After all, it so effectively tricked the Protestants and the Orthodox - and still does.
To make matters worse, there's the multitude of eager beavers accepting heresies and promoting them - and, in fact, building their blogs, books and other deceptive enterprises upon them… But their lie, too, is exposed because - thanks to MHFM -… people can completely understand and appreciate the true Catholic faith…
Some newcomers to the faith may not be aware that in "The Life of St. Benedict" written by St. Gregory the Great (and reprinted today by Tan Publishers), we read that St. Benedict was told that "his Order will continue to the end of the world. And that it will, at the End of the World, in the final battle, render great services to the holy Church and confirm many in the Faith."…
Lee Ann
Salvatore Cordileone ("Archbishop of San Francisco") pushes for gun control - 25 second video
… I am thankful MHFM exposes these heretics and always finds the truth.
Cordileone is a very blind apostate. Thus, it’s not a surprise that he would push the globalists’ agenda. It’s obvious that he seeks the approval of men rather than God. That was evident in his comments about how “respectful” Pelosi has been to him in public (covered in the video below). That’s what he’s mainly concerned about: being considered a significant figure who has the “respect” of “important” people. This video also exposes Cordileone's heresies and wickedness (such as his false ecumenism): Pro-Abortion Francis Receives Pelosi After Roe v. Wade Overturned
New Video Posted
I’m 17(1/2) years old I’ve been watching your videos since I was 15 and agree with you guys on every dogmatic position and doctrine. I was born and raised in the Vatican 2 sect but since I converted watching your videos on YouTube and content on MHFM website over a year and a half ago I’ve completely disassociated from the Vatican 2 and I completely condemn them and all of their abominations… I live in Hollister California… I seek the kingdom of God eternal salvation. May God bless you.
Pro-‘LGBT’ Sect
Francis and the Vatican II Sect promote sodomy and "transgenderism" - video
When it comes to looking for evidence of the ties between the Vatican II sect and the "LGBTQ" movement, this latest action is about as "in your face" as it gets. To me, the world is moving ever faster toward the end of days as the Vatican II sect doesn't even try to hide or explain away the evidence of its leadership and members' support of sexual abominations.
To Find
Pope Pius IX Did Not Teach Salvation Outside The Church
It was the Novus Ordo that drove me out of the Catholic Church, and into Protestantism, and it was MHFM that helped me find the Traditional Catholic Church, the Immaculate Bride of Christ. Thank you brothers and God bless.
Claims to be Catholic
He claims to be Catholic too? Like Biden and Pelosi? What a joke.
Pope Pius IX Did Not Teach Salvation Outside The Church
Excellent video! Thank you for bringing Catholic clarity
Anthony Petrozzelli
Lacks the Marks
Pro-Abortion Francis Receives Pelosi After Roe v. Wade Overturned
The Vatican 2 Sect lacks at the very least three marks of the true Church. No unity, no holiness and no apostolicity. The members of the Vatican 2 Sect totally contradict each other on the most basic questions, the Vatican 2 Sect is pro-abortion, pro-sodomy and pro-idol worship, and the Vatican 2 Sect uses the invalid Anglican style rite of ordination which had been promulgated by Antipope Paul VI. Those who profess communion with the Vatican 2 Sect implicate themselves in idolatry, blasphemy and heresy. It's truly a sect of the devil.
Yes, and the only reason the Vatican II Sect has a quasi-universality, while clearly lacking the other three marks of the Church, is that it has taken control of the Church’s physical structures worldwide (in accord with prophecy about the Beast and the Whore of Babylon).
Body and Blood
Pro-Abortion Francis Receives Pelosi After Roe v. Wade Overturned
Though it's not the true Church nor Body and Blood of Christ Jesus, they are judged accordingly.
1 Corinthians 11:27 & 29. Therefore whosoever shall eat this bread, or drink the chalice of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and of the blood of the Lord. For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh judgment to himself, not discerning the body of the Lord.
Thomas Miles
New Video Posted
Pro-Abortion Francis Receives Pelosi After Roe v. Wade Overturned
Must be rescued
How Is One Saved “By The Name Of Jesus Christ”? (Acts 4:12)
Dear Brothers,
Thank you for your awesome new video and the truth about original sin that almost no one thinks about any more: that we are born children of wrath and must be rescued from that state by holy baptism.
Your video not only proves that baptism is irrefutably necessary for salvation. It also head-lines the fact that the Vatican 2 Sect is not (and cannot be) the Catholic Church. As everyone knows, the very mission Christ gave His One true Church was to teach all nations and to baptize them; that's why the Catholic Church had missionaries (and missionaries who were often martyred). However, the anti-mission of the Counterfeit Church is to deceive all nations and ensure that as many people as possible remain in the clutches of Satan, rendering our Lord's Sacrifice meaningless. It is striking to see the false conservatives and false traditionalists line up one after another like the stooges they are, striving to "prove" (in any and every manner possible) that baptism and the Catholic faith are not really necessary for salvation. They are recommending that people should ignore what Scripture and the Catholic Church teach - including the words of our Lord Himself. Christ worked for the salvation of souls; these anti-Christs oppose the salvation of souls and work to ensure their damnation. Great video.
Lee Ann
How Is One Saved “By The Name Of Jesus Christ”? (Acts 4:12)
Simply Beautiful. I hope all heretics see this awesome video…
BB Martin
Came Out
How Is One Saved “By The Name Of Jesus Christ”? (Acts 4:12)
Great video! Your videos have helped me much in my walk with Christ. I came out of the heresy of protestantism because of these videos. Keep up the good work.
Cameron Christian
How Is One Saved “By The Name Of Jesus Christ”? (Acts 4:12)
Inspiring, and spot on.
Semyon B
Also Proves
How Is One Saved “By The Name Of Jesus Christ”? (Acts 4:12)
Great video. That also proves that Jesus Christ is God since Psalm 54:1 says: “Save me O God by thy name”.
Servus D
Mortician makes shocking discovery of rubber-band like objects inside the “vaccinated”
As horrific as those creatures are, it makes you think how much more frightening and vile the demons in hell must be. Thank you for this hard dose of reality.
Mortician makes shocking discovery of rubber-band like objects inside the “vaccinated”
Thank you for keeping us informed… This just keeps getting worse than I could have imagined.
Mortician makes shocking discovery of rubber-band like objects inside the “vaccinated”
Thank you for bringing my attention to this… I had no idea. Glad I didn't get the shot. Unfortunately for most of the people I know, they did what they were told and got it.
Vienna, Counter Church
“Cardinal” Schönborn & The Counter Church In Vienna, Austria
… Great work.
Javier Palos
Debate: Can Non-Catholics Be Saved? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs. Pinesap
Thank you for this… debate so necessary during these dark times…! As St. Leonard of Port Maurice stated clearly... Our Lord gives every possible means for a person to be saved...
You stated clearly what needed to be said. God bless you!
In Jesus and Mary,
Elena DiMaria
Debate: Can Non-Catholics Be Saved? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs. Pinesap
Dear Brothers,
It's interesting how Pinesap complained about Brother Peter's commitment to precision and accuracy when examining the documents of the Church, especially her infallible and dogmatic statements. What an astounding admission! Pinesap not only wants to promote the lie of "invincible ignorance" - he thinks everyone should be as ignorant as possible. Objective truth means nothing to him; what's important, he says, are 'nuances,' No wonder he denies that Christ is the Light of the world. Pinesap is what St. Paul warned of in 2 Cor. 11:3: “But I fear lest, as the serpent seduced Eve by his subtlety, so your minds should be corrupted, and fall from the simplicity that is in Christ.” Pinesap uses the same lie Satan used: 'No, Eve, God didn't mean what he said. You've got to look for nuances."
In so many ways, this is a very useful debate for people to listen to. In addition to demonstrating the tactics heretics use to the detriment of themselves and others, it also illustrates why heretics are excluded from the Kingdom of God on earth and, unless they convert, from the Kingdom of God in heaven. Heretics worship a false god. As someone has pointed out, Pinesap denies Divine Providence. Pinesap thinks God does not know who will love and obey Him, and who will not - and that God must wait until people live out their lives on earth to find out. And then, Pinesap tells us, God will make it right by saving those persons just n the nick of time - at their death or even after their death - just prior to their falling into hell. I wonder if Pinesap thinks God might even apologize to such people for the mistake Pinesap is actually accusing God of having made: depriving these good people of the true faith while they lived on earth? Imagining that he can make his disgusting heretical position more palatable, Pinesap assures us (repeatedly) that the number of those person is very, very small. God doesn't miss that many.
Hope Pinesap has enough good will to realize that, through this debate, God has given him a golden opportunity to recognize the hideousness of his positions, repent of them, and convert to the true Catholic faith - while there is still time to do so.
Lee Ann
The true Catholic position
Debate: Can Non-Catholics Be Saved? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs. Pinesap
Thank you, Brother Peter, for exposing the contradictions, errors, and mistranslations from Magisterial documents involved in Pinesap’s heretical and indefensible position that non-Catholics can be saved. Debates of this kind really show the nonsensical and fragile basis of the baptism of desire position, because once its falsehoods are dismantled one by one, as is done here, the true Catholic position is the only one that makes sense and is consistent and holds up to scrutiny. In order to defend his position Pinesap had to fall back on vague and condemned arguments of heretics such as "nuances" or pretending to agree with the true position in some areas but then immediately contradicting it… the heretic Pinesap is exposed by his own admissions and floundering around to try to reconcile the many contradictions and flaws in his case.
God bless you
Debate: Can Non-Catholics Be Saved? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs. Pinesap
Bro. Peter asked a great question to ask people like Pinesap: Can someone be a Catholic/have the Catholic faith while practicing a false religion such as Judaism or Islam? Pinesap has to say yes if he wants to keep his position consistent. But he doesn't want to just say "yes" clearly and without obfuscation because it's so obviously absurd. This is what BOD leads to - believing someone can be Catholic "in their heart" while simultaneously sitting in a synagogue praying for the coming of the "messiah" and expressing belief in the Talmud which teaches that Jesus Christ is a false prophet boiling in excrement in sheol. It's absolutely absurd and Pinesap needs many prayers so he can convert to Catholicism.
Divine Providence
Debate: Can Non-Catholics Be Saved? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs. Pinesap
"Invincible ignorance" heretics don't believe in Divine Providence.
H Cong
Debate: Can Non-Catholics Be Saved? – Bro. Peter Dimond vs. Pinesap
At the end pinesap knew he was caught in a contradiction. Still he wouldn't accept the infallible dogmatic truth, that before Anyone dies they Must Become Catholic!
BB Martin
Firearms vs. “Vaccines” & An Age Of Lies
Dear Brothers,
According to 'official government data', 454 people were killed with rifles in the year 2020. According to 'official govt. data', over 20,000 people were killed by the "vaccine" in 2021. But 'the government' wants to outlaw firearms, while continuing to force people (including children) to take "vaccines" through government mandates. And yet - with all the lies, all the contradictions, all the smiling coroners, all the evidence - people still can't figure out that they are being scammed. What a punishment for a world that chooses to believe that God will save men who reject Him and His truth! The revolt against God was prophesied, but such truth-despising persons cannot comprehend even the meaning of apostasy from God (much less its significance) because their unbiblical notions like 'once saved always saved', "invincible ignorance" and "God is all mercy"- in their heretical minds - render even the idea of apostasy impossible! Thus, in this and in so many ways, they deny the words of Our Lord, the consistent teaching of His Church, and the teaching of Sacred Scripture. The Age of Apostasy is the Age of Lies, and when all is said and done, the Counterfeit Vatican 2 Sect with its false religion will have been the greatest hoax of all.
The world has anti-governments, in league with one another and with Satan, for the same reason it has anti-popes and a counterfeit "Church." The apostasy was the climax of history; world enslavement is the "denouement" or final outcome of events - just as heaven or hell for all eternity will be the consequences for those who, while on earth, were willing to hear and obey God - and those who weren't. World communism is an image of hell. I have to remind myself of this every time I glance at a "conservative" secular news site - because I always end up feeling very disgusted. These half-truthers (usually fake Christians) reporting on world events are the equivalent of the false traditionalists reporting on the apostasy and filth of the Vatican 2 Sect. None of them ever reach the correct conclusions. Today's quote by St. Athanasius says it all. Thank you for posting it and for providing us with the full truth every step of the way.
Lee Ann
"And the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it."
Thank you for all of your work. It makes my heart so glad every time a new person finds your website and is introduced to the truth. Please continue to spread the Truth about Vatican II, false traditionalism, and modern heresies.
May the Holy Ghost continue to enlighten you and strengthen you this holy Pentecost. And may Our Lady, the most Holy Mother of God, continue to protect you and pray for you. Amen.
Mary T.
Uvalde Nonsense
MHFM: The Uvalde story is such a load of nonsense that even MSNBC is calling out the blatant contradictions. You know it's really bad if that's happening. For example: “First officials said that multiple officers engaged with the gunman outside the school. Then they couldn’t even confirm that there was a single officer there.” And there's more.
How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)
… What a blessing this video is. Every Catholic needs to watch it… How easy it is to forget the Word of God and the wisdom of His saints when we are immersed in this busy modern world…
Pax V
The Anti-Church
The “Temple Of God” In Prophecy Refers To A Catholic Structure
Confusion sourced in the Anti-church currently occupying the Vatican is deliberate. Again, and again they will lie that "the Old Covenant has never been revoked", and will call erroneously religious Jews "older brothers in Faith", and will claim that if they will continue in denial of the Christ Jesus till the end of their life - they shall not die in their sins, contrary to clear words of Jesus (John 8: 24) and reflecting lie of the Snake (Genesis 3: 4) contrary to clear word of God. This is why many members of the Anti-church still believe that the Temple of the God relates to a rebuilt Jewish temple in Jerusalem.
Vatican II
Vatican II Is A New Religion (Visual Proof)
Outstanding video brothers. Thank you.
The Best Argument Against "Baptism of Desire"
One of the most common objections I hear when I tell people the truth on the necessity of water baptism is "God isn't bound by the Sacraments, He can save whoever He wants." If this were true, then how do we know men don't become priests by their own desire? Or get married "by desire" without actually receiving the sacrament of Matrimony? Isn't that what people who are fornicating and shacking up say? "We're basically married, we just haven't gone through the ceremony yet. We're just as committed as anyone who has had the ceremony." Why doesn't their "commitment" and "desire for marriage" constitute real marriage? And if "God isn't bound by the Sacraments" and can do whatever He wants, how could we know that God wasn't making them married simply by their desire? Or making men priests by desire? It's such an absurd statement, and it shows that they don't believe that God has actually revealed who is saved and HOW they are saved. It's all just a big mystery for BOD advocates which allows them to affirm and deny anything they wish about Catholic teaching.
Pro-“LGBT” Sect
Pro-sodomite "Bishop" Robert McElroy promoted to "Cardinal" by Antipope Francis - 28 second video
The writing is on the wall. Just one more incident showcasing how unequivocally pro-lgbt this latest antipope really is.
Private investigator shows that the "Buffalo mass shooting" was a hoax - must-see video
The P.I. really did a critical analysis of this event (showing gaping holes in reality), one we will never see on any msm outlet ...thank you MHFM, for getting it out to us; we never know how long this kind of research will be around to view.
Video Posted
Pelosi Banned From “Communion” – The Truth You Won’t Hear Elsewhere
Pro-“LGBT” “Cardinals”
“Bishop” McElroy & The Counter Church In San Diego
He's now named a "cardinal". So now the Whore of Babylon has at least 5 notoriously pro-LGBT American "cardinals": Tobin (NJ), Dolan (NY), Gregory (WA), Cupich (IL), and McElroy (CA).
Private investigator shows that the "Buffalo mass shooting" was a hoax - must-see video
… Hollywood can do a much better job of faking it. No one can trust the lying media. There have been over 100 of these hoax shootings. God will judge these liars, eventually.
Dennis Gannon
Protestantism, Ephesians
What Millions Of Fake Christians Get Wrong About Ephesians
So glad I escaped Protestantism.
Taylor J
Pelosi Banned From “Communion” – The Truth You Won’t Hear Elsewhere
Excellent video… I wanted to share a very interesting tweet regarding this situation. Someone tweeted about this story saying they would be Catholic if the church showed this much strength. This tweet received hundreds of likes. It made me sad to think how many people are put off due to the V2 sect weakness and indecisiveness.
Julian J
Former Atheist
Former atheist here. I returned to Catholicism and your videos strengthen my learning and desire to expand knowledge and understanding. Thank you.
Jose Velazquez
Pelosi Banned From “Communion” – The Truth You Won’t Hear Elsewhere
… you hit the nail on the head with your analysis…
Elle M
Vatican II
“Cardinal” Dolan & The Counter Church In New York City (NYC)
… the fruits of Vatican ll…
Thomas Logue
Uvalde “Shooting”
MHFM: Concerning the girl who is supposedly their own daughter, they say: “We don’t know the grade, but we know the age…” What a hoax.
Wilton Gregory, DC
"Cardinal" Wilton Gregory of DC says no one will be refused "Communion" - 34 second video
There is no unity of faith or discipline in the Vatican 2 sect. If you don't like what's being served in one place, you can get something completely different somewhere else. This story reminds me of the schismatic eastern "orthodox" who heretically believe all the bishops in the world are equal. If there were a true pope, Pelosi would have been excommunicated a long time ago but the Whore of Babylon, led by the layman Wilton Gregory in Washington DC, allows evil to flourish…
Catholic Evangelizer
… Your material has helped me learn about Catholic religion and history far better than the Vatican II Catechism I grew up with... the Vatican II sect is false.
Pelosi Banned From “Communion” – The Truth You Won’t Hear Elsewhere
Great video. It should humble the V2 apologists who thought this proved something in favor of their sect.
Pelosi Banned From “Communion” – The Truth You Won’t Hear Elsewhere
This is an excellent video brothers. Sadly here in northern Ireland fake priests continually remain silent ove the mass of politicians here advocating the exact wicked practices of Pelosi.
Vincent VanWyk
Pelosi Banned From “Communion” – The Truth You Won’t Hear Elsewhere
Thank you for what you do to show and defend the one true faith! So many more would be lost without you in these evil times.
F Krog
Amazing Video – “Magicians”
“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists – The Last Version
Amazing video! If anything, people are underestimating how many people are demonized - have demons attached to them that are heavily influencing them and circumstances in their lives and making them attracted to others who are demonized as well, especially performers, but even certain tiktokkers, youtubers and instagrammers. And of course, politicians and elite leaders.
Pelosi Banned From “Communion” – The Truth You Won’t Hear Elsewhere
Disgusting behavior, it turns my stomach to think how selfish these people are. Novus Ordo is made up of weak worldly [people] who care not for God's law, nor the sanctity of life. I thank God I was given the opportunity to convert. Crisp video, excellent.
Sean Kivlehan
V2 ‘Hierarchy’
Pelosi Banned From “Communion” – The Truth You Won’t Hear Elsewhere
The fact that the V2 "hierarchy" refuses to publicly excommunicate any of these horrible public figures makes them complicit in their promotion of evils such as abortion. It's a horrible situation throughout the whole world that countless apostates are allowed to call themselves "Catholic" and by their scandalous actions they bring dishonour upon the name of Christ's most holy Church which is without blemish, and which they are aliens to.
Pelosi Banned From “Communion” – The Truth You Won’t Hear Elsewhere
Outstanding video…
Joey B
Pelosi Banned From “Communion” – The Truth You Won’t Hear Elsewhere
This degrading V2 sect [is] not remotely Catholic, and so obvious in light of Catholic Tradition! Thanks again, and again MHFM for bringing to light the abominable inconsistencies of the Vatican II sect!
This demonstrates two things that people of good will and of faith comprehend without much thought: 1) Most people… are weak-willed and easily intimidated into silence or, in this case, of recanting their position; and 2) The Left and the "LBGTQ" cabal know this and use it to their advantage.
… A headline today reminded me of this: "New Research Shows “Harvesting Blood & Body Parts of the Young” Could Help Achieve Immortality”. It shows us how truly pathetic (and possessed) is the geriatric crowd of "globalists" who are holding their breath, as they hope against hope that "science" will find the key to immortality while they are still alive. Recall how (in the Australia video) Bill Gates gulped and swallowed nervously when he was asked a question regarding what he thinks he will see accomplished by "science" before he dies. He did not want to admit that he is hoping that he will not die, but will live forever. "No, you shall not die the death." (Gen. 3:4) Same old trick. Same old lie…
Lee Ann
It is amazing how sin has become so commonplace in American society that people consider acts of abortion, immodest dress, drunkeness, fornication and more to be both sane and normal, and any attempt to curtail those sins to be evil.
President of “German bishops”
"President of German bishops" admits he wants to revise the teachings of the Catholic Church
Though his saying is heretical, it's in line with Lumen Gentium 8, “... the Church... always in need of being purified... and renewal”, which of course has been condemned by Pope Gregory XVI in Mirari Vos. This just goes to show that you cannot follow Vatican II and be a Catholic.
“Cardinal” Dolan & The Counter Church In New York City (NYC)
… great video exposing the blatant evil of Tim... Dolan.
“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists – The Last Version
MHFM: We have a new video. It's the last version of our video: “Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists, but it will not be posted on YouTube. It's available at the link below for free right now. There are new things in this last version, including a clear refutation of those who believe that all levitating magicians have a device that enables them to levitate. This video is worth watching and we really believe that this will be the last version of this video.
This is a short video that describes our new video.
Thank you for your selfless dedication to reveal the truths about the Catholic faith, the meaning of the beast in the Book of Revelation, and the dogma that outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation. I have learned a lot from your videos…
Thank you and God bless...
“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists – The Last Version
Those who dishonestly deny the evidence that this is præternatural magic, as it is proved to be in Brother Michael Dimond's videos, are allowing the devil to deceive them. Though those of goodwill and sincerity will accept the facts laid out in this video.
After watching this one can understand why God sends people to hell forever.
This just goes to show that they really can do something for Americans by securing our border but they don’t want to.
Dear Brothers,
In his opening remarks on Monday, Tucker Carlson described the demonic "protests" of the pro-aborts.
Carlson showed the demonstrators at certain justices' homes, the attacks on a counseling center, etc. But when he spoke about their attacks on churches, he specifically showed the pro-aborts attacking things Catholic (or what people believe to be Catholic) - such as the "Mass", the tabernacle, the "Eucharist", the Rosary, etc. And he even pointed out that the first group of people to be killed by the Soviets were the priests. Carlson concluded that these attacks are not just about Roe v. Wade, but that they are attacks against "Christianity" itself.
But did it ever occur to Carlson (or any of his viewers) that what the pro-aborts are attacking are essentially the same things the Protestants attack (and have been attacking) ever since Martin Luther began his revolt against Christ? Non-Catholics and pro-aborts are bedfellows, because (regardless of how he does it) the devil always moves his followers to hate the things he hates. And if anyone doubts this, they should read some true histories about the Protestant destruction of Catholic monasteries and churches and tabernacles. Or they could just listen to the snide remarks and venomous tirades non-Catholics of all persuasions make against the true Catholic faith. If they did so in good will, they would come to realize that the end-times world is against Christianity (and has a counterfeit "Catholic" Church in Rome) because almost all the world has rejected Christ and the only true Christian faith.
Lee Ann
Bishop Daniel Dolan Dies Suddenly – Six Months After He Said This
Dear Brothers in Christ,
Thank you for this newest informative video. “Religious leaders” who teach that their “lord” in a “mysterious way” leads masses of obstinately ignorant people to “heaven” by keeping them on the road of disobedience/destruction reveal their lord & master for who he is -Satan…
Lord deliver us from all self love, and fill us with holy obedience to Your Most Adorable Will for your judgments are just!
His Heresy
Bishop Daniel Dolan Dies Suddenly – Six Months After He Said This
This is an important video. His heresy was very sad. He was correct about Vatican II, and sedevacantism, and the Mass … Yet all of that was a total waste for him. The level of bad will and the obstinacy from him against the Salvation Dogma were horrible. He even openly attacked the Dimonds and all those who professed this dogma. I am so thankful for the works produced by — and the outreach of —[MHFM]. I am grateful to be a Catholic and to know the Catholic Faith.
David Phillips
Bishop Daniel Dolan Dies Suddenly – Six Months After He Said This
Now he is "arguing" with demons and the Devil.
Alysson Gabriel
Bishop Daniel Dolan Dies Suddenly – Six Months After He Said This
He sadly got what he wanted. "Better to argue with demons than with Dimonds" = "better the turkish turban than the Papal tiara".
Salvation Area
Bishop Daniel Dolan Dies Suddenly – Six Months After He Said This
He was a modernist in the salvation area. But traditional in liturgy. That's how they deceive people with externals. Dogmas and faith are more important.
Mark Vasquez
"The Diocese of Detroit" will not perform any "ordinations" this year - 36 second video
While everyone who follows the end-times counter-church may think that the lack of "ordinations" in the "Archdiocese" of Detroit is a terrible tragedy (including the fake traditionalist mouthpieces of "Church Militant"), I am happy that no new fake "priests" have been added to the dwindling ranks of the Vatican II sect. Such charlatans are... actually harmful to one's spiritual health to the point of loss of salvation.
Michael Matt, False Traditionalism & The Church In The End Times
The presentation of what's happening by MHFM is awesome. It's clear and revealing. Thank God for your monastery.
Larry Graysmith
TY for all your work to teach the Catechism and also you expose the evil…
Charles Gomes
How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)
Wow, this video is amazing. I've rewatched this video a couple of times already, and every time I rewatch it, I pick up something new. I need to internalize a lot of the things said in this video.
Man confronts teacher who reportedly made his grandson wear a dress - 1 minute video
Teachers are out of control... At this point, every parent should be aware of the danger of sending their kids to school.
Godlessness leads to Communism
Dear Brothers,
… when people lose their faith in God, then God will leave them to face the music as a punishment for their sins, and this is exactly what happened in New Zealand…
God bless,
The Sad Truth
Taylor Marshall’s Errors, Contradictions, And Deception
I am glad that MHFM put out a video on TM. I am confident many who watch it will come to the sad truth about his obstinacy in rejecting the truth. I hope this man will listen to your criticisms and admonishments, and learn and convert… It is as if he thinks he can have one foot in Catholicism and one foot in the lying, heretical sect of Rome… He is being kept away from the true Faith because he hasn’t the moral courage to separate himself and his family from the notoriously heretical and apostate Rome, including all their dioceses, schools and affiliates. He buries my comments that quote the MHFM material…
Jane Dawson
Deep Content
Taylor Marshall’s Errors, Contradictions, And Deception
Have to listen to this a few more times. Very deep content.
How To Avoid Sin (Overcome Yourself)
This is a wonderful aid. Thank you.
Patrice Rubin
Benedict XVI
Outstanding analysis MHFM. It’s sad that there are Traditional Catholics who still consider the manifest heretic Joseph Ratzinger, to be the Pope. God bless brothers.
False Traditionalists
Taylor Marshall’s Errors, Contradictions, And Deception
Excellent video MHFM. I'd really like to see Dr. Taylor Marshall debate you, but false-Traditionalists like him and Michael Voris will never agree to that because they know would be exposed…