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Pope Pius VI (1775): “the dangerous times foretold by the Apostle Paul have clearly arrived”
St. Ambrose (385): “The Egyptian people were plunged into the Red Sea, but the Hebrew people went over. Moses passed through; but Pharao was cast down headlong [into the waters], because the heavier weight of his sins plunged him downwards. In the same way do sacrileges cast down headlong into the lake of burning fire those who fling their proud insults in the face of God.”
Pope Pius VI (1775): “For in recent days, the dangerous times foretold by the Apostle Paul have clearly arrived, when there will be ‘men who love themselves, who are lifted up, proud, blasphemous, traitors, lovers of pleasure instead of God, men who are always learning but never arriving at the knowledge of the truth, possessing indeed the appearance of piety but denying its power, corrupt in mind, reprobate about the faith.’”
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