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John Paul II Blasphemed God’s Words in Exodus 21:24
In our material we’ve documented that Antipope John Paul II deliberately blasphemed God and the truths of the faith. (See this video, for example: The Antichrist’s Distinguishing Mark). There’s another subtle example of his blasphemous program in his encyclical Dives In Misericordia. It concerns what God Himself legislated in Exodus 21.
Exodus 21:23-24: “But if there is harm, then you shall pay life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth…”
Concerning this law of God in Exodus 21:24, John Paul II states:
John Paul II, Dives In Misericordia (#12), Nov. 13, 1980: “Not in vain did Christ challenge His listeners, faithful to the doctrine of the Old Testament, for their attitude which was manifested in the words: ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ [Ex. 21:24] This was the form of distortion of justice at that time…”
John Paul II calls God’s word and His law (adhered to by those “faithful” to the Old Testament) a “distortion of justice at that time”! That is a horrible blasphemy. Even though Our Lord Jesus Christ elevated this precept in the New Testament, there was nothing unjust in what God commanded and legislated in the Old Testament. As St. John Chrysostom states in his commentary on Matthew 5:
Matthew 5:38-39- “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.”
St. John Chrysostom, Commentary on Matthew, 5:38-39: “Do you see that it was not of an eye that He was speaking before, when He made the law to pluck out the offending eye, but of him who by his friendship is harming us, and casting us into the gulf of destruction? For He who in this place uses so great strength of expression, and who, not even when another is plucking out your eye, permits you to strike out his; how should He have made it a law to strike out one's own? But if any one accuses the ancient law, because it commands such retaliation, he seems to me very unskillful in the wisdom that becomes a legislator, and ignorant of the virtue of opportunities, and the gain of condescension. For if he considered who were the hearers of these sayings, and how they were disposed, and when they received this code of laws, he will thoroughly admit the wisdom of the Lawgiver, and will see that it is one and the same, who made both those laws and these, and who wrote each of them exceeding profitably, and in its due season. Yes, for if at the beginning He had introduced these high and most weighty commandments, men would not have received either these, or the others; but now ordaining them severally in their due time, He has by the two corrected the whole world. And besides, He commanded this, not that we might strike out one another's eyes, but that we might keep our hands to ourselves. For the threat of suffering has effectually restrained our inclination to be doing.”
Thus, John Paul II’s statement that Exodus 21:23-24 (which was given by God) was a “distortion of justice at that time” is another example of how he deliberately blasphemed God in his antichrist writings.
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