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Francis Endorsed “LGBT” Relationships In Disney Documentary
Woman who says she’s “non-binary”: Do you know what a non-binary person is?
Antipope Francis Responds "YES" while nodding his head.
Woman who says she’s “non-binary”: You do? I'm glad [says with a big smile]. Well, in case anyone doesn't know, a non-binary person is someone who is neither a man nor a woman or at least not totally [Francis is shown nodding his head in agreement] but not always as there are people who are, like, fluid. My name is Celia. I'm a non-binary person and I'm also a Christian. Sometimes, it's kind of hard for me to carry both in life. And I've been meaning to ask you if you see some space inside the Church for trans people, non-binary people, or LGBT people in general?
Antipope Francis: Every person is a child of God, everyone. God doesn't reject anyone. God is a father. And I don't have the right to kick anybody out of the Church. My duty is to always welcome. The Church cannot close its doors on anybody. Anybody.
Woman who says she’s “non-binary”: What's your opinion on church people or priests, who promote hate and use the Bible to support hate speech? [Francis’ facial expression changes to show a large grin.] They read the Gospels, like, "I'm not excluding you. It says so in the Bible." I get sick and tired of saying that wasn't Jesus' message.
Antipope Francis: Those people are infiltrators. [Woman who says she’s "non-binary" laughs.] They are infiltrators who use the Church for their personal passions, for their personal narrowness. It's one of the corruptions of the Church. Those narrow-minded ideologies. Deep down all those people have an internal drama, a drama of very great internal incoherence. They condemn others because they can't atone for their own faults. In general, people who condemn are inconsistent. There's something within them. They feel liberated by condemning others, when they should bow their heads and look at their own guilt. But the day the Church loses its universality (the blind, the deaf, the disabled, the good, the bad, everybody), it will stop being a Church. Everybody has a place.
Feminist Woman: I have a similar question. I consider myself a feminist within my church and I participate, do you think I'd be a better Christian if I weren't a feminist?
Antipope Francis: Look, feminist has its roots in an adjective, and I'm interested in nouns. We have fallen into an adjective culture. We make everything relative through adjectives and pile them up. Adjectives are not baptized, nouns are, people are. And I believe in people.
Antipope Francis says that it's “good” and “normal” for a “non-binary” person to use Tinder (a “dating” app) to find her female “partner”
Woman who says she’s “non-binary”: [Tinder] It's an app, a cell phone app to meet people and like to form a relationship. It is mostly used for sexual relationships, but in some cases it's useful to meet people. Actually, that's how I met my partner. I uploaded some pictures and said what I was like and what I liked. Then, she and I connected and that's how we met.
[A man then asks Francis what he thinks about what she just said about Tinder.]
Muslim man: What do you think about what she said about Tinder?
Antipope Francis: I don't know. Yes, it's good that people meet each other. It's normal.
As we can see above, in the April 5, 2023, documentary with Disney, Francis was talking to a “non-binary” person (who is actually a woman). She asked him if ‘LGBT’ people have a place in the Church. Francis responded by saying that every person is a child of God. That’s false. Francis also said that he has no right to kick anybody out of the Church. That’s heretical. A true pope has the power to excommunicate people for various things. Francis’ ecclesiology is manifestly heretical, and it’s more proof that he’s not the pope but an antipope.
Then the woman asked Francis about people who use the Bible to exclude people like her. Francis responded by condemning those people as infiltrators who have the problem. So, according to the apostate Antipope Francis, the problem is not the sexually deviant and immoral and those who promote an anti-Christian or anti-biblical morality. The problem, rather, according to him, is with the Catholics who adhere to biblical teaching and reject such sins and heretics who promote them.
Then the woman explains to Francis that Tinder is an app for meeting people, and that these encounters usually involve sexual relationships. The woman says that she met her partner, a female, with this app. Thus, she’s involved in a same-sex relationship, and she says that directly to Francis. A man then asks Francis what he thinks about what she said concerning Tinder (which included her reference to her same-sex relationship and how people use the app to facilitate fornication.)
Francis responds by saying: “Yes, it’s good that people meet each other. It's normal.”
So, Francis was directly asked about what the woman said, which included her ‘non-binary’ status and her same-sex relationship. And he characterized it as good. That’s an endorsement of same-sex relationships by Antipope Francis. He would have to tell her that such relationships are wrong. To tell her that what she is doing is good and normal is to endorse that activity. We know that Francis endorses heresy on that matter based on people he promotes and approves, such as James Martin, but this is irrefutable proof right from his own heretical mouth.
Francis is not the Pope, and it’s contrary to Catholic teaching to obstinately profess communion with such a man. Francis is an apostate antipope, and the Vatican II Sect is not the Catholic Church. It’s the prophesied end-times Counter Church, as our material explains.
Antipope Francis also "said in an interview with the Spanish-language publication Vida Nueva given before he arrived in Lisbon this week for World Youth Day", that transsexuals "are the children of God"[1]. But heretics and grave sinners are children of the Devil, as St. Robert Bellarmine and others correctly taught:
St. Robert Bellarmine, De Iustificatione, Book 3, Chap. 9: “For not only many sinners among Catholics, but also heretics, say to God: ‘Our Father who art in Heaven'. Nevertheless, they are not truly sons of God. And to the Jews saying [in John 8]: ‘We have one Father, God,’ Christ said: ‘You are of your father, the Devil.’”[2]
[1] ANSA. "Transsexuals are children of God - pope". August 4, 2023.
[2] - Bellarmine: Not All Are Sons of God. May 6, 2023.
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