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EWTN Hosts "Anti-Semitism" Czar To Push Israel, Jewish Domination Agenda
On Nov. 19, 2020, EWTN interviewed Elan Carr, U.S. "Special Envoy to monitor and combat anti-Semitism". In essence Carr and those like him represent the effort to squash, and eventually outlaw, the preaching of Christian truth and all criticism of Israel and Jews. Anything that stands in opposition to the domination plan of Israel and the Jews is falsely labelled "hate speech".
The weapon they wield in this war against truth and against Christians/Catholics is the charge of "anti-Semitism", which they have redefined to mean anything that reveals the truth about Jews and Israel. Indeed, on the official government website for the "office of the special envoy", they define "anti-Semitism" to include:
All of that is "anti-Semitic", according to Elan Carr and the "office for combatting anti-Semitism". In their view, anyone who speaks out against the Jewish/Israel agenda for domination is "anti-Semitic" and must be combatted or censored. Their efforts represent, in effect, a takeover of this country's institutions by Israel through influence and power. They have already largely succeeded because so few people are willing to stand up for the truth. Indeed, Israel (a foreign country) and its allies in this country are now largely regulating what Americans can say within our own country. For example, the pro-Jewish ADL and the "Southern Poverty Law Center" have directed social media companies to silence or limit the reach of various groups that promote what they consider to be "extremist content". People should push back against this propaganda and this wicked, anti-Christian agenda.
Basically this "office" represents an attempt to give Jews and Israel a special and protected status within America. They are treated as a superior or royal class that must not be criticized. Also, in this interview Carr might come across as mild-mannered and friendly. Don't be deceived. He will be quite "friendly" as long as they allow him to spew his propaganda and aggressively push his agenda. Dominate with a smile, so to speak.
Although the falsity and wickedness of this agenda is apparent, the Novus Ordo organization EWTN pumps its audience with the propaganda of Carr and those like him. It's another example of how they are, in fact, an anti-Christ organization and part of the Whore of Babylon, the Vatican II Sect.
Also note that during the interview Carr subtly mentions some of their priorities and goals. They include: "sufficient resources" for supposed Jewish security needs (so that Jewish organizations will receive special handouts and significant funding for their agenda); "hate crimes" laws (so that they can eventually criminalize those who preach Christianity and disagree with them); the "internet" (so that they can further censor those who oppose them, similar to how opposition to Israel or Jewish propaganda is basically never heard on national television).
By pushing this anti-Christian message to its 'Catholic' audience, EWTN reveals again that they are useful idiots of Satan and devoid of grace. Indeed, they basically swallow and regurgitate whatever is promoted by the mainstream media (including all the propaganda about the Covid hoax). Listening to them report on such matters is basically no different from listening to CNN or ABC.
By the way, lest anyone tries to misrepresent us, we reject all forms of racism and we are not anti-Semitic.
St. Athanasius: “For thus, the former Jews also, denying the Word, and saying, ‘We have no king but Caesar’, were forthwith stripped of all they had, and forfeited the light of the Lamp, the odor of ointment, knowledge of prophecy, and the Truth itself; till now they understand nothing, but are walking as in darkness.” (First Discourse Against The Arians, Chap. 3, c. AD 360)
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