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Comments by MHFM

The Satanic Aztec Culture

February 22, 2006

Did you know that the Aztec culture in Mexico in the 15th and 16th centuries, which the Catholic conquistadors physically overthrew – and which the appearance of Our Lady of Guadalupe spiritually crushed – was arguably the wickedest culture in human history?

The satanic Aztec culture (more…)

The amazing way that God created water

February 19, 2006

Unlike most liquids, water freezes from the top down.  If it did not act in this unusual way, all life on earth would eventually die:

Streams, rivers, lakes, and oceans freeze from the top down, because water reaches its maximum density at 39°F—seven degrees above its normal freezing point. As cold air further lowers the water’s temperature, water defies the behavior of most liquids and expands. This less dense water “floats” on top of the denser water. Eventually, it freezes into ice, which is even less dense.

We are fortunate that water behaves in this unusual way. If water continued to contract as it became colder and froze, as most substances do, ice would sink. Bodies of water would freeze from the bottom up. Surface water would quickly freeze, then sink. During the summer, the overlying liquid water would insulate the ice and delay its melting. Each winter more ice would collect at the bottom. This would first occur at polar latitudes, but over the years would spread toward the equator as surface ice reflected more of the Sun’s rays back into space, cooling the earth. Sea life would eventually cease. Evaporation and rain would diminish, turning the land into a cold, lifeless desert.” (Walt Brown, Ph.D., In the Beginning – Compelling evidence for Creation and the Flood, p. 186, note 124.)

The stupidity of evolution

February 13, 2006

In this section of our website, from time to time we will be posting quotes or comments on topics that we feel our readers may find interesting or beneficial.  We particularly like the topic of Creationism, so here is an interesting quote about how Altruism destroys evolution:

“11. Altruism- Many animals, including humans, will endanger or even sacrifice their lives to save another – sometimes the life of another species.  Natural selection, which evolutionists say explains all individual characteristics, should rapidly eliminate altruistic ‘individuals.’  How could risky behavior that benefits only another ever be inherited, because its possession tends to prevent the altruistic ‘individual’ from passing on its genes for altruism?  If evolution were correct, selfish behavior should have completely eliminated unselfish behavior.  Furthermore, cheating and aggressiveness should have ‘weeded out’ cooperation.  Altruism contradicts evolution.” (Walt Brown, Ph.D., In the Beginning – Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood, p. 7.)

Opining on the SSPX’s possible “reconciliation” with the Vatican II sect

January 28, 2006

After viewing the activities of Bishop Fellay of the SSPX, it is our considered opinion that, in addition to the fact that the man has no real Faith, a major force driving him into full reconciliation with the Vatican II sect is his vanityWe believe that he wants to go down in history as the one who “ended the schism,” and we believe this is why he is really pushing for this reconciliation.  Fellay’s tenure as Superior General of the SSPX comes to an end this year, so his only chance of getting the lion’s share of the credit for “ending the schism” will most certainly be gone by the end of the year. 

That is why he seems to be pushing for this reconciliation at all costs.  In fact, Fellay even seems to be weakening on his insistence that the Traditional Mass be made available to all:

Bishop Fellay, a recent article:” we don’t want to be a catholic group aside. We don’t ask for the old mass just for us, but for all. But maybe we have to go through this transitory status.” 

Notice, he now seems to be saying that he wants the Traditional Mass available to all, but that they may “have to go through this transitory status” anyway, as if he would reconcile even without the full permission for every priest to celebrate the Traditional Mass.


Francisco’s vision of a demon

December 15, 2005

Our readers may find it interesting to know that Francisco had a vision of a demon on top of a rock – one separate from the July 13, 1917 vision.  Here is Lucy’s account:

 “One day we were looking for a place called the Pedreira, and as the sheep passed by, we climbed from one rock to another, trying to make our voice echo from the bottom of these great ravines.  Francisco, as usual, retired to the hollow of a rock.  After a long pause, we heard him crying, calling on Our Lady and invoking her

     “We were very disturbed, thinking something had happened to him.  We began to look for him, saying: ‘Where are you?’  ‘Here!  Here!’  But it still took us a little while to reach where he was.  We found him, finally, trembling with fear, still on his knees, very much shaken and incapable of getting up.  ‘What’s the matter with you?  What happened?’  In a voice half suffocated with fear, he told us: ‘One of those great big beasts from hell was just here, breathing fire.’” (quoted in The Whole Truth About Fatima, Vol. 2, pp. 41-42)

Some comments on Msgr. Fenton’s book, The Catholic Church and Salvation

December 7, 2005

As noted in some of our recent e-exchanges, some of our readers were interested in comments on Msgr. Fenton’s 1958 book The Catholic Church and Salvation.  One baptism of desire defender who wrote to us called it a “masterful” treatment of the dogma.  Well, we just got our hands on a copy of this book.  I’ve only had a chance to read a few pages so far, but here is what Fenton (in truth, a pernicious heretic who corrupted and denied the dogma) says in the introduction to his book:


More on Ferrara and the Ecumenism of the Return

September 5, 2005

Another website which linked to our article concerning: Benedict XVI rejects the “ecumenism of the return” – and Chris Ferrara omits to mention it, has issued a retraction of sorts stating that Chris Ferrara may not have deliberately omitted this astounding heresy from his article.  To avoid any confusion, we want to make it very clear that WE ISSUE NO RETRACTION WHATSOEVER, since no retraction is necessary. 


The apostasy of Vatican II confirmed at the local level – an interesting article from a “Benedictine” Nun

August 14, 2005

Many people argue that the teachings of Vatican II don’t contradict Catholic dogma in any way.  They strenuously assert that the Vatican II religion is in perfect continuity with the unchanging Catholic religion.  Some people call these individuals (who defend everything in Vatican II and the post-conciliar apostasy) neo-Catholics; we call them neo-apostates, since they attempt to explain away everything from kissing the Koran to allowing idol-worshippers to take over and pray to false gods at Assisi.  But one of the most interesting and clear ways of proving that the Vatican II sect is not the Catholic Church is simply by looking at what its members believe at the local level.  The amount of stories from individuals who have actually been discouraged from becoming Catholic by members of the Novus Ordo Church, including Bishops, Vatican officials and RCIA teachers, seem almost endless; but if you ever want to be stirred to a holy indignation against the Vatican II apostasy, or if you ever want proof of what an abominable outrage the Vatican II sect is, or if you ever want to be convinced that it is a matter of heaven or hell to completely reject this false, non-Catholic sect falsely posing as the Catholic Church, then just call some Novus Ordo churches and ask them: “Do you accept the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation?  Is Islam a false religion?  Is Judaism a false religion?” 


Dr. Drolesky and the Apostasy of the Vatican II sect

June 18, 2004

In a May 8 article called “The Consecration Has Been Done?,” Dr. Thomas Drolesky discusses the recent statement by the Executive Secretary of the Russian Conference of Catholic Bishops Igor Kovalevsky.  Kovalevsky, as documented in our Heresy of the Week Achive for 5/14/04, stated that the “Holy See” has officially instructed that the Orthodox are not to be converted to Catholicism.  Dr. Drolesky, who writes for Catholic Family News and The Remnant, admits that this is apostasy.

