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Fake science
Trudeau: "Certificates of vaccination" to be "expected" for travel - 1 minute video
Contrary to this apostate's assertion that the decisions surrounding the implementation of "vaccine passports" will be "based on science," his measures so far have all been based on the fake science found in the globalist agenda of depopulation, resulting in the enslavement of the remaining citizens of his country.
MHFM: At this stage of the Great Apostasy we are seeing a swarm of false teachers like locusts polluting the internet: confusing, distracting, wasting people’s time. Countless heretics do videos/live streams, etc. when they aren’t called to do so. Many of them have recently or repeatedly changed their religion.
Dear Brothers,
I have watched many of your videos and sedevacantism makes sense to me... Frankly, this realization about sedevacantism has been very disconcerting... but thank you very much for publishing the truth and God bless you all!
Elaine K
Henry VIII
MHFM: Prior to plunging England into a perpetual state of Protestantism and heresy, King Henry VIII didn’t even have a doctrinal disagreement with the Catholic Church. No, he did it just in an attempt to ‘justify’ his adultery. It’s a striking example of how disastrous pride and lust can be.
Hello there,
My name is Paula, I live in Ontario, Canada and I’ve been watching a lot of your content on YouTube. (Great channel btw)…would you please let me know who I should contact regarding sacraments and advice on how to become a traditional catholic?
Thank you
… I'm so glad that I stumbled upon your channel on YouTube (I have checked out the website too). I just watched your video on JP II's heresies. Very eye-opening. I also saw your video on the third secret of Fatima, among others…
Frank Aceto
Hello Brothers-
Here in the city where the show trial concluded the novus ordo Archdiocese is busy telling "catholics" to pray for the recent "victims" of the police. They're having additional "masses" to offer prayers for BLM and related groups and individuals but there is no mention of including prayers for officer Chauvin, officer Potter, or other officers.
None of these 'victims' were in the Church. They have serious criminal records and were resisting arrest (itself a crime) at the time of death. The Archdiocese is clearly saying that those outside the Church, including those committing criminal acts and serious sin at the time of death should be prayed for…
Not only is their theology heretical but it's clear that they routinely side with lawlessness against law & order…
Put out
John 9:22- “… the Jews had already agreed that if anyone should confess Jesus to be Christ, he was to be put out of the synagogue…”
MHFM: In a similar way, if anyone professes the true Catholic faith, he will not be able to maintain a position within the ‘diocesan’ structure, which has been taken over by the Vatican II Sect.
MHFM: This is a picture of Most Holy Family Monastery today, April 22. Where we live (in Fillmore, NY) winter-type weather typically lasts about six months of the year, although in early April there were about two weeks of very nice and warm weather.
Blown Away
What Millions Of Fake Christians Get Wrong About Ephesians
I'm blown away. Now I know why (I'm a Protestant) I don't adhere to a lot of Protestant teaching. I've always thought scripture is clear. Rev 3:5 suggests very literally that the saved can be made unsaved, needless to say, I'm always shut down but it's clear. The name has to be in the book to blot it out. Thank you so much for this thorough obliteration of the impossibility of falling from grace. God bless.
Matthew Wilke
You need to become a traditional Catholic. See more biblical proof for Catholicism here: Our material explains how to convert and what's happening in Rome now.
Baptism, Siricius
Must want
MHFM: No matter how powerful an argument is, the person who hears it must want the truth. If the person doesn’t want the truth, he will convince himself that any response to it is good, even when it’s not.
Zechariah 1:3- “Return to me, says the Lord of hosts, and I will return to you…”
The Real History Of "Orthodoxy"
Great video.
This hit me right in the gut.
Rapper Dies After Getting Vaccine
Dear MHFM,
So I hear the rapper, DMX is the next famous person to die after taking the covid hoax jab.
After finding
Dear Brothers:
I hope that all of you at the Most Holy Family Monastery are doing well and that you had a blessed Lenten season and Easter.
I am currently in my final year at a private Catholic high school in New York. The flagrant modernism and lukewarm state of the school brought me to one of my lowest points as a member of the Roman Catholic Church.
After finding your videos, I am happy to say that my faith has completely turned around for the better...
I have been able to deepen my faith and my knowledge of Church history and theology and have exposed your message to many of my friends, all of whom are now firm believers in the traditionalist cause. We have even formed a club centered around the protection of traditional values and the condemnation of modernism and other forms of heresy.
In short, I'd like to thank you profusely for exposing me and so many others to the Truth. I pray that you will reach many others in the coming years and for the conversion of what are now so many lost souls.
A. R.
So many
MHFM: This is so applicable to our time: so many heretics to refute.
St. Ambrose (382): “There are not enough hours in the day for me to recite even the names of all the various sects of heretics.”
MHFM: Russian and Greek 'Orthodox' sects aren't supposed to commune with one another, since their sects have split. But do the followers of those sects actually observe that or are they Eastern 'Orthodox' recognize and resist? Their ecclesiology is stupid.
I am a 57 year old man, I live in Sydney, Australia. I was baptised and raised in the Greek Orthodox Church. However, after years of study and thought, I have come to believe that the Catholic Church is the true Church. I also believe that Francis is a false Pope and a heretic… I will need to enter the Church via a valid conditional baptism. I see this described in the MHFM website. I ask you kindly if among your many followers worldwide, you are aware of any in Sydney Australia, who would be able to assist me with this. I would be very thankful. Let me know if you are able to help me in this way or with any other advice about getting a conditional baptism. With kindest regards
Grew up
I grew up in a household where my family is largely Romanian Pentecostals who deny the doctrine of the Holy Trinity. I obviously don't agree with this view anymore… I've also read the Glossary and I agree with everything I've read… I really am grateful for you guys, sincerely.
God bless you.
A Reason
MHFM: One reason that there’s been so little opposition to the revolutionary and false teachings of Vatican II is that people at ‘Catholic’ universities/institutions have a financial/professional interest (jobs, degrees, etc.) in upholding the new religion and convincing themselves that Vatican II is compatible with Tradition, when it’s not. They’re not serving God first.
John Paul II Taught That The Gospel Is To Believe In Yourself
This is outrageous! Thank you…!...
Laurie Ann Rodriguez
Yes, it is outrageous. It’s also remarkable how many false traditionalists and adherents of the Counter Church, in their blindness, either don’t care about what he taught or refuse to accept the irrefutable evidence.
John Paul II Taught That The Gospel Is To Believe In Yourself
Again, another excellent video. Thank you very much for your work…
Homo Silens
MHFM: Viganò is the ‘gift that keeps on giving’ to false traditionalists who want to be distracted from the apostasy of the antipopes of the Whore of Babylon and convince themselves that there is life in the Vatican II Counter Church when there isn’t. How many videos can these people do on Viganò?!
Divine Simplicity
MHFM: Concerning the dogma of divine simplicity, pre-Vatican II theologian Cardinal Johann Baptist Franzelin stated:
Cardinal Franzelin, De Deo Uno Secundum Naturam, Thesis 27, 1870: “From the few things which we have described, it is established how certain the whole profession of Christian antiquity was that nothing should be said concerning God that could bear the suspicion of composition, and just how solemn and indispensable the holy doctors took this dogma of divine simplicity to be.”
Palamite Eastern “Orthodoxy” fails this test.
Pope St. Martin I, Letter To Constans II, 649: “… the conviction of the holy fathers that in the teaching about God and the divine that which falls slightly short is no slight matter.”
… My name is Victor Enrique Solis. I’ve been watching your videos since last fall and it answers so many questions. Thanks to your monastery I feel more convicted than ever to be the best Catholic I can become…
Great Proof Texts For Sedevacantism Show That Francis Is Not The Pope
I think I may join the sedevacantist position, and try to bring as many as I can with me.
"Cambridge, Mass. Passes Measure To Recognize Domestic Partnerships Of More Than 2 People"
I have people all the time dispute with me when I have said that sodomy/homosexuality legitimized by the culture will lead to other sins mentioned in this article: same sex/polyamourous lifestyles, child abuse, abortion, transgender aberration…
Greetings Most Holy Family Monastery,
Through your works I have found a passion towards the Church. I am a student of History in the University of Amsterdam…
Jeroen (Jerome)
New England
"Cambridge, Mass. Passes Measure To Recognize Domestic Partnerships Of More Than 2 People"
MHFM: Shortly before Vatican II (in the 1940s and 1950s), the modernists in New England were very much opposed to Fr. Leonard Feeney preaching that people need to become Catholic to be saved. They persecuted him for it. Now look at the state of New England and the country just a few generations later.
Newchurch is anti-Christ.
John Collorafi
MHFM: This is a major reason that many people have so little interest in God’s truth and what’s most important.
1 Cor. 2:14- “But the sensual man does not perceive these things that are of the Spirit of God; for it is foolishness to him, and he cannot understand, because it is spiritually examined.”
Pope Martin
Pope St. Martin I, Lateran Synod, 649: “… the devil, who always hastens to perform his own works through ‘the sons of disobedience.’”
Pope St. Martin I, Lateran Synod, 649: “… there is no common ground between the heretics and the holy fathers, but that ‘as far as the East is from the West’, so far are the impious heretics in word and thought from the men who speak of God.”
Watching, Holy Communion
Dear Brothers,
I have been watching some of your videos and find them to be very motivational…
Thank You… I found the page on your website steps to convert and I have one question, is Holy Communion required for me to get to heaven? That is if it's not possible for me to receive it.
We’re glad to hear about the interest. This video deals with that matter: Baptism (John 3:5) Vs. The Eucharist (John 6:53) In Regard To Necessity
St. Theodore
MHFM: St. Theodore the Studite (d. 826), Byzantine monk, is another saint recognized by the Eastern ‘Orthodox’ who debunks their false religion. He clearly believed in a papal primacy of jurisdiction.
St. Theodore the Studite: “Since it is to the great Peter that Christ our God gave the keys of the kingdom of heaven along with the dignity of chief shepherd, it is to Peter, that is, his successor, that it is necessary to refer every novelty which is made in the Catholic Church by those who turn aside from the truth.”
I've been watching your videos recently and they're very informative. I wanted to know; I was not raised Christian, but… I was baptised later in life. I was baptised by a… unitarian, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to be specific because at the time I believed in Arian Christianity. I've had many major reconsiderations and I believe now that the catholic church may be the true faith, but what I want to know is this: do I need to be baptised again in a catholic church? I'm still new to all of this, so I genuinely don't know at all.
Hello. We’re glad you are looking at the material. When you are convinced on all the issues, you would need to be baptized. We recommend that you pray the Hail Mary frequently for the grace to embrace the truth and do God’s will. (We recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently.)
Thomistic Basics (Act & Potency) Refute A Heretic On The Incarnation
Wonderful video... Thank you for… rebuking heresies.
'Born Again' Refutes 'Faith Alone'
Great video…
Nigel Meta
MHFM: One of the marks of the true Church, including the true remnant Catholic Church in our day, is holiness. One of the marks of the Vatican II Sect (the end-times Counter Church) is unholiness.
I'm at loss for words. I feel as if I can only shake my head. This is abominable.
A Miles
MHFM: There’s so much overwhelming and stunning evidence that the V2 Sect (and more) directly fulfills prophecy about the end-times Beast and Whore. Yet there are scoffers, as it is written: “scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing, following their own desires” (2 Peter 3:3). Apocalypse Now In The Vatican
This video has so much information and that information is so important…
MHFM: These young Eastern ‘Orthodox’ heretics are so foolish. Some of them have rejected Catholicism, they claim, in part due to the false ecumenism of the Vatican II Sect. Yet then they submit to Eastern ‘Orthodox’ bishops who engage in similar false ecumenism. They are blind rebels against God – period.
"Bishop" is ashamed of "Church" condemnation of sodomy and has praised those who engage in sodomy
Whore of Babylon, the Vatican II sect, is rotting even more...
Unam Sanctam UK
St. Athanasius: “… the phrases ‘once was not,’ and ‘before it came to be,’ and ‘when,’ and the like, belong to things originate and creatures, which come out of nothing.”
Palamite Eastern ‘Orthodox’ NON-CHRISTIANS: “… while all the energies of God are uncreated, not all are without beginning.”
God’s Eternity & Immutability – Denied By Eastern “Orthodox” Speakers
This is horrifying…
Thank you brothers! I truly feel that God has led me to discovering your videos. I was losing faith in the fake modern post Vatican II Catholic Church that I have attended. Unfortunately living in modern day Sodom (NYC) probably contributes to that. The “priests” here would homily about how Donald Trump is evil, how we should embrace the message of climate change and other evil things preached by antipope Francis. I actually walked out of church when I heard this being preached. And this was not only at one parish, but rather many.
I have watched your videos and am very excited when I see an upload. I am convinced you are correct on all the issues.
Best Regards,
"Gov" Greg Abbott moves to eliminate all speech Jews/Israel don't like - video
MHFM: Abbott is a wicked traitor who does basically whatever Israel or the Jews want him to do.
MHFM: This is another example of how the fake ‘hierarchy’ of the Vatican II Sect (lacking the true faith and grace) is a tool of Satan that blindly and willingly implements the plans of communists to the full extent.
John Paul II Taught That Man Is The Life
MHFM: The New Testament associates ‘wonder’ (thauma) with the reaction to false apostles posing as apostles of Christ (2 Cor. 11:13-14; Apoc. 17:6). People ‘wonder’ at the end-times Beast and the Whore (Apoc. 17) precisely because the Beast is preaching the doctrine of the Antichrist under the appearance of the Church (i.e. a Counter Church). In other words, the Beast is preaching that man is Christ, that man is divine, a counterfeit Gospel, etc. but it is doing it UNDER THE APPEARANCE OF CATHOLICISM. So, what this video and our other videos about John Paul II and the Counter Church expose is precisely what the prophecy about the end-times Beast is about. It's the fulfillment of the prophecy. Also see Apocalypse Now In The Vatican.
Pope St. Pius X, E Supremi Apostolatus, Oct. 4, 1903: “While, on the other hand, and this according to the same apostle is the distinguishing mark of Antichrist, man has with infinite temerity put himself in the place of God."
Xavier Becerra is a hypocrite... He claims to believe that "Black Lives Matter", however he refuses to protect unborn black people in their mother's womb and women who are pregnant with black babies who die from "botched" surgical abortions and abortion pills.
Simon Turac
The Bible
MHFM: This video completely refutes James White and other Protestants on the meaning of ἀρραβὼν in Eph. 1:14. It also discusses key misconceptions that millions of Protestants have about salvation, justification, how God saves, etc.
MHFM: Many Protestants and false traditionalists who deny the necessity of water baptism for salvation don't understand the significance of the NT's teaching that forgiveness comes "in the name of the Lord" and how it connects with baptism. This video covers it and more.
Hello MHFM,
I have been watching your videos for a few months now and have been convinced with all your arguments (new mass is invalid, NFP is sinful birth control, etc) for a while… thank you for all the truth you share on your website and youtube channel.
Veronica Janos
Chrysostom, Baptism
Dear MHFM,
This is an interesting quote from St. Chrysostom's 3rd Homily on the Acts of the Apostles:
"Do you not see what a number of qualifications the Bishop must have? . . . To pass over everything else: if one soul depart unbaptized, does not this subvert all his own [the bishop's] prospect of salvation? The loss of one soul carries with it a penalty which no language can represent. For if the salvation of that soul was of such value, that the Son of God became man, and suffered so much, think how sore a punishment must the losing of it bring!"
Clearly, St. John Chysostom did not believe that catechumens could be saved without the sacrament of baptism.
Christopher SooHoo
Isaiah 66:2 – “All these things my hand has made, and so all these things came to be, declares the Lord. But this is the one to whom I will look: he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word.”
If the pope is the head leader of all, what do I make of his acceptance of gays? When it clearly says in the Bible that a man will not lie with another man and a woman will not lie with another woman? He has been in favor of ‘civil unions’ for years. Please help, this is a contradiction against the Bible.
Danielle V
Francis is not a pope but an apostate antipope. This is explained in our material. The current situation in Rome was prophesied. See this video, among others on our site: God wants you to become a traditional Catholic. It's the one true faith necessary for salvation. Our material explains how to do that.
Michael Matt, Protestant
MHFM: On Rush Limbaugh: Michael Matt and the Remnant said ‘RIP’ and he ‘fought the good fight’ (from 2 Tim. 4:7 about faithfulness to Christ). According to them you can accept ‘faith alone’, get ‘married’ four times, etc. and go to Heaven. They are essentially Protestant at this point.
Remnant Comment: “Thanks for everything, Rush! You fought the good fight. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul rest in peace.”
MHFM: In the first 11 days since we published America’s Fall To Communism (not posted on YouTube), the various uploaded versions of the video have received over 20,000 views. Thanks for sharing. When sharing, we recommend this version on as it offers the best audio and video quality: America’s Fall To Communism (2021) – Documentary.
Palamas Not A Saint - Article
Greek "Orthodox" Gregory Palamas Is Not A Saint & He Was Condemned Before Vatican II
MHFM: We have posted this in article form. (It was previously addressed in a video.) The Vatican II Sect considers Eastern ‘Orthodox’ Gregory Palamas to be a saint, but true Catholics and theologians before Vatican II rightly denounced him as a heretic. These important facts expose Eastern ‘Orthodox’ theology and refute modernists and phony apologists who try to reconcile Palamism with Catholicism.
Dear MHFM,
Today I received my conditional baptism... God bless you for everything that you have done in order for me to get here. You have been the most helpful in my conversion to the true, traditional Catholic faith.
Thank you.
Nate M.
Ravi Zacharias
My name is Patrick Creeden and I was wondering if [you] could do a video on the current sex scandal unfolding under Ravi Zacharias and [the] coverup. Thank you.
America’s Fall To Communism (2021) – Documentary
I really enjoy your videos and have been watching this channel for over 2 years now…
Austin Erickson
MHFM: These are good, short prayers:
Jesus, I love you, save souls.
Jesus and Mary, I love you, save souls.
Special privileges now being granted to "LGBTQ" businesses in cities across America - video
MHFM: This is disgusting and outrageous. It's not about 'equal rights' for those perverts. It's about 'special rights'.
Meanwhile, in many places, people are being thrown into jail for trying to work, attempting to keep their business open, or refusing to wear masks. Pretty soon, people will be unable to travel, attend classes or even attend their workplaces unless they have a certificate of vaccination. As well as their masks, of course... This is justice, from a world sunk deep into wickedness.
To Speak
Antipope Francis to speak at pro-"LGBT" LA "Religious Education" Conference - video
… Although some wake up, the others having rejected so much remain obstinately on the road to damnation…
Unam Sanctam SK
Deeds and Words
Antipope Francis to speak at pro-"LGBT" LA "Religious Education" Conference - video
MHFM: Heresy is manifested by deeds, as well as by words.
Antipope Francis to speak at pro-"LGBT" LA "Religious Education" Conference - video
... John Paul II lulled the youth into a false sense of security and people mistook Benedict as a conservative. But Francis is even more blatant with heresy than his predecessors. And only a naive person would not notice this...
Julian Szymoniak
Will deny
"Archdiocese" will deny "sacraments" to those coming to "mass" after capacity is reached - video
MHFM: They will deny 'sacraments' to those who don't follow the communist Covid hoax rules, but they won't deny 'sacraments' to those who support abortion or deny Catholic teaching in other ways. That tells you quite a bit about the Vatican II Sect (a.k.a. the Whore of Babylon).
Satanist group commissions 40 foot "Abortion Saves Lives" billboard in Texas
Their billboard lies - as the father of lies - because it's a witless contradiction. It translates to: "Child killing saves lives!"…
America’s Fall To Communism (2021) – Documentary
Dear Brothers,
Thank you for the excellent new video, America's Fall to Communism. This video is a profound summation of why America has fallen into the hands of communists. The sins of so many people have reaped a devastating and tragic reward. Hopefully many more will turn to the true God and find the true faith as a result of this horrifying chastisement.
God bless,
Mr & Mrs White
St. Peter, False Traditionalists
MHFM: False teacher Taylor Marshall once again pushes the erroneous position that St. Paul rebuked St. Peter. False traditionalists do this in a futile attempt to justify their false position on Vatican II and the Vatican II antipopes. We refute that claim about St. Peter here:
Marshall of course also recognizes the notorious heretic Francis as a Catholic, which is directly contrary to Catholic teaching.
Great Proof Texts For Sedevacantism Show Francis Is Not The Pope
On Nov. 19, 2020, EWTN interviewed Elan Carr, U.S. "Special Envoy to monitor and combat anti-Semitism". In essence Carr and those like him represent the effort to squash, and eventually outlaw, the preaching of Christian truth and all criticism of Israel and Jews. Anything that stands in opposition to the domination plan of Israel and the Jews is falsely labelled "hate speech".
The weapon they wield in this war against truth and against Christians/Catholics is the charge of "anti-Semitism", which they have redefined to mean anything that reveals the truth about Jews and Israel. Indeed, on the official government website for the "office of the special envoy", they define "anti-Semitism" to include:
- Belief that Jews or Israel have exaggerated or invented the “Holocaust” (a belief that is based on abundant evidence). However, according to the same people it's perfectly acceptable to deny the historical fact of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
- Claiming that Jews killed Jesus (1 Thess. 2:15).
- Accusing Jews in America of having an allegiance to Israel that supersedes their allegiance to the U.S (which is true in many cases).
- Believing that there is a Jewish conspiracy or that Jews control the media, government, economy or other institutions… and more.
All of that is "anti-Semitic", according to Elan Carr and the "office for combatting anti-Semitism". In their view, anyone who speaks out against the Jewish/Israel agenda for domination is "anti-Semitic" and must be combatted or censored. Their efforts represent, in effect, a takeover of this country's institutions by Israel through influence and power. They have already largely succeeded because so few people are willing to stand up for the truth. Indeed, Israel (a foreign country) and its allies in this country are now largely regulating what Americans can say within our own country. For example, the pro-Jewish ADL and the "Southern Poverty Law Center" have directed social media companies to silence or limit the reach of various groups that promote what they consider to be "extremist content". People should push back against this propaganda and this wicked, anti-Christian agenda.
Basically this "office" represents an attempt to give Jews and Israel a special and protected status within America. They are treated as a superior or royal class that must not be criticized. Also, in this interview Carr might come across as mild-mannered and friendly. Don't be deceived. He will be quite "friendly" as long as they allow him to spew his propaganda and aggressively push his agenda. Dominate with a smile, so to speak.
Although the falsity and wickedness of this agenda is apparent, the Novus Ordo organization EWTN pumps its audience with the propaganda of Carr and those like him. It's another example of how they are, in fact, an anti-Christ organization and part of the Whore of Babylon, the Vatican II Sect.
Also note that during the interview Carr subtly mentions some of their priorities and goals. They include: "sufficient resources" for supposed Jewish security needs (so that Jewish organizations will receive special handouts and significant funding for their agenda); "hate crimes" laws (so that they can eventually criminalize those who preach Christianity and disagree with them); the "internet" (so that they can further censor those who oppose them, similar to how opposition to Israel or Jewish propaganda is basically never heard on national television).
By pushing this anti-Christian message to its 'Catholic' audience, EWTN reveals again that they are useful idiots of Satan and devoid of grace. Indeed, they basically swallow and regurgitate whatever is promoted by the mainstream media (including all the propaganda about the Covid hoax). Listening to them report on such matters is basically no different from listening to CNN or ABC.
By the way, lest anyone tries to misrepresent us, we reject all forms of racism and we are not anti-Semitic.
St. Athanasius: “For thus, the former Jews also, denying the Word, and saying, ‘We have no king but Caesar’, were forthwith stripped of all they had, and forfeited the light of the Lamp, the odor of ointment, knowledge of prophecy, and the Truth itself; till now they understand nothing, but are walking as in darkness.” (First Discourse Against The Arians, Chap. 3, c. AD 360)
"FAUCI - Southern Italian: metonymic occupational name for a sickle maker or someone who used a sickle, from Sicilian fauci ‘sickle’." (taken from:
A "grim reaper" is depicted as carrying a sickle. Fauci purports to be an expert on "pandemics" and "epidemics". His advocacy of extended lockdowns and stay-at-home policies works against the U.S.A. His policies have tremendously damaged the U.S. economy and health care system. They have caused tremendous suffering. They will also result in deaths (including perhaps suicides, homicides, etc.) connected to homelessness, stress, poverty, civil unrest, lack of proper hygiene and nutrition, and lack of proper medical care for certain things.
We don't believe it's just a coincidence that a key figure in the "coronavirus" taskforce, who has been instrumental in locking down this country, collapsing the economy, and turning it into a police state, bears a last name that means "sickle".
Fauci's policies hurt America and help Red Communist China.
"It seemed unfathomable that such an insignificant play could sideline someone who has quietly kept going and going, never missing time and also never getting the ironman credit other quarterbacks have earned." -- @Kat_Terrell on Drew Brees' injury
— The Athletic (@TheAthleticNOLA) September 16, 2019
#BREAKING: Drew Brees to have thumb surgery, out for 6 weeks @AdamSchefter reports.
— WWL-TV (@WWLTV) September 16, 2019
If the Saints decide to put Drew Brees on IR for the thumb surgery that is required, he would be unable to practice for six weeks and would to miss eight games. Saints also could not place him on IR and bring him back when ready.
— Adam Schefter (@AdamSchefter) September 16, 2019