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The Steps to Convert to the Traditional Catholic Faith; The Steps for those leaving the New Mass; and Conditional Catholic Baptism
The steps one must take to convert to the traditional Catholic Faith are actually simple. They are slightly different, however, depending upon whether one has or has not received baptism. Please consult this file carefully.
If you haven’t received baptism, the steps to convert to the Traditional Catholic Faith are as follows:
1) Know and believe the basic catechism (i.e. the basic teachings) of the traditional Catholic Faith. You can find a catechism online for free here:
(We also sell such a catechism for $5.00 at our ONLINE STORE.) One should also immediately begin to pray the Rosary each day. If you don’t know how, consult the How to Pray the Rosary section of our website.
2) Hold belief in all the traditional dogmas of the Church and the correct Catholic positions against the post-Vatican II sect (covered in detail in our material), including, for example, the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation (without exception), the Trinity, the Incarnation, the Papacy, Papal Infallibility, the necessity of water baptism, etc.
3) After you know the basic catechism (which shouldn’t take very long), and are confident that you assent to all the traditional teachings of the Catholic Church, receive baptism. There is no reason to delay this (see Acts 8:36-37) if you have completed steps 1 and 2. Normally this would be done by a Catholic priest at your local Catholic church. Since we are in the Great Apostasy, and there are almost zero fully Traditional Catholic priests around, a layperson is probably the one who should do it for you. The Council of Florence (see below) declared that anyone can validly administer baptism. Thus, if you have a strong Catholic friend or, in case you don’t, if you have a non-Catholic family member or friend who could perform the baptism reliably with the proper intention, then that person can administer baptism for you using the form given below. Confession is not necessary for a person who has never received baptism, since baptism removes original sin and all actual sins. After baptism, however, one should get into the habit of going to confession to a traditional priest ordained in the traditional rite of ordination at least once a month. And one must go if he or she commits a mortal sin after baptism, which hopefully will not occur. Concerning where to go to confession, take note of the points below.
4) Make the profession of faith for converts from the Council of Trent, which is below. If there is a specific sect to which you belonged, add at the end that you also reject that heretical sect.
The Council of Trent’s Profession of Faith for Converts
For those who have received baptism, it is slightly different:
1) Know and believe the basic catechism (i.e. the basic teachings) of the traditional Catholic Faith. (We sell such a catechism for $5.00 at our ONLINE STORE.) One should also immediately begin to pray the Rosary each day. If you don’t know how, consult the How to Pray the Rosary section of our website.
2) Hold belief in all the traditional dogmas of the Church and the correct Catholic positions against the post-Vatican II sect (covered in detail in our material), including, for example, the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation (without exception) and the necessity of water baptism.
3) Make the profession of faith for converts from the Council of Trent, which is above. If there is a specific sect to which you belonged, add at the end that you also reject that heretical sect.
4) You must make a general confession to a priest ordained in the traditional rite of ordination after taking the previous 3 steps. As far as where to do this, consult this file: Where to go to Mass or confession today? This is a confession in which one mentions all mortal sins committed after baptism, including adherence to any sects or false religions or having spread a false sect or false religion. The “priests” ordained in the New Rite of Ordination are invalid, so any mortal sins confessed to such “priests” must be confessed again to a valid priest. You can also contact us for a priest in your area who can hear your confession. An Eastern Rite priest at an Eastern Rite church (not “Orthodox”) is often a good option for confession. These churches are commonly listed as “Byzantine Catholic” or “Ukrainian Catholic” in the phone book under “Catholic churches.” If you confirm that the priest at one of these churches was ordained in the Eastern Rite, that would be an option at least for confession since that priest was validly ordained in a traditional rite of ordination. However, as explained in the above file, you cannot financially support the chapel or the priest because of his acceptance of Vatican II and the post-Vatican II antipopes. If you cannot find any other valid priest to hear your confession, you can go to a Novus Ordo priest who was ordained in the Traditional Rite of Ordination (before 1968) as long as the priest says “I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.”
For those who aren’t sure whether they are baptized, the order is:
1) Know and believe the basic catechism (i.e. the basic teachings) of the traditional Catholic Faith. (We sell such a catechism for $5.00 at our ONLINE STORE.) One should also immediately begin to pray the Rosary each day. If you don’t know how, consult the How to Pray the Rosary section of our website.
2) Hold belief in all the traditional dogmas of the Church and the correct Catholic positions against the post-Vatican II sect (covered in detail in our material), including, for example, the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation (without exception) and the necessity of water baptism.
3) Make the profession of faith for converts from the Council of Trent, which is above. If there is a specific sect to which you belonged, add at the end that you also reject that heretical sect.
4) Have someone perform a conditional baptism using the conditional form of baptism given below. If there is any doubt about your baptism, this should be done.
How To Perform A Baptism & A Conditional Baptism (file)
We generally recommend a conditional baptism for people leaving the Vatican II 'Church' or coming from Protestantism.
5) After your conditional baptism, make a general confession mentioning all mortal sins committed after your first possibly valid baptism. People leaving the New Mass or adherence to the Vatican II Counter Church also need to make a confession (to a validly ordained priest, see above) that they attended a non-Catholic service and for however long they attended. Regarding where to make that confession, please consult our file: Where to go to Mass or confession today? If they participated in other things at the New Mass (e.g. were a lay-minister, dressed immodestly, etc.) or accepted false ecumenism or denied some other dogma, these things should also be mentioned in confession. The “priests” ordained in the New Rite of Ordination are invalid, so any mortal sins confessed to such “priests” must be confessed again to a valid priest. This must be done before receiving Communion at the Traditional Mass (if there is an acceptable one for you to attend in your area). Those leaving the New Mass and adherence to the Vatican II false Church should also make that same profession of faith from the Council of Trent. Baptism and Conditional Baptism: The form of baptism is: “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” If there is some doubt about the validity of your baptism, the conditional form of baptism is: “If you are baptized, I do not baptize you again, but if you are not yet baptized [pour water on the head, making sure it touches the skin] I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” Since there are barely any true Catholic priests in the whole country, you can have a Catholic friend perform a conditional baptism, and you can administer baptism to your own children.
How to perform a Catholic Baptism Make sure you have enough to pour it as you say the words, and pour it upon the forehead of the person as you pronounce the words distinctly and attentively. You can pour the water three times (as explained below).
Note: you can pour the water in the form of the cross on the person’s head, although this is not necessary. Also, it’s not absolutely necessary that you pour it three times, if it is poured and strikes the forehead as the baptismal form is pronounced. Doing it in the fashion described above, however, is what’s in the Roman Ritual.
Before receiving a sacrament, one must reach the point where one is committed never to attend the New Mass again, rejects the Vatican II sect and its antipopes as non-Catholic, believes in Outside the Church There is No Salvation without exception (no “baptism of desire,” no salvation for those “invincibly ignorant” of the Catholic faith), rejects NFP, won’t support any heretical priests, etc. People should also read this file: Where To Receive Sacraments.
When convinced, people should also make the traditional profession of faith from the Council of Trent, which can be accessed from the aforementioned file. Further, it should be understood that the priests who were ordained in The New Rite of Ordination [PDF File] were not validly ordained. Since “priests” ordained in the New Rite of Ordination are invalid, any mortal sins confessed to such “priests” must be confessed again to a valid priest once a person is prepared for confession.
It's important to realize the situation today (during the Great Apostasy). It is one in which basically all the churches are either heretical Vatican II churches or 'traditionalist' churches where the priest is heretical in some way. Thus, there aren't any churches that are fully Catholic, where one can join, regard the priest as Catholic and support the church. There are options for receiving the sacrament of confession today (which is obviously crucial), but almost no options for receiving Communion. That’s explained in this file: Where To Receive Sacraments.
We can help a person with more specifics on this matter once he or she is convinced on all the issues.
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