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Beware Of Heretical Priests Who Take The Sedevacantist Position But Deny The Salvation Dogma
MHFM: We’re glad that you are promoting the material. The answer to your questions would be ‘no’ to all three. The priest you mention is in heresy, and he’s associated with the imposing heretic Sanborn. So, you should not receive Communion from him; no one should be married in front of him; and of course you should not help him materially at all. (There are certain sacraments one may receive from certain undeclared heretics who claim to be Catholic, but one must not receive sacraments from a heretical priest who imposes his heresy upon you. The principles on this matter are covered in our Where To Receive Sacraments file.) Even though Sanborn holds some true positions, he is sadly a heretic and an imposing one. To this day, Sanborn actually condemns adherence to the Church’s dogmatic teaching on water baptism – the position repeated in all papal encyclicals on the issue – as “mortally sinful”! That is truly outrageous, heretical, and disgusting. He is a total heretic who condemns the words and teaching of Jesus Christ, the popes, and the councils as “mortally sinful”.
Notice that Pius XII officially teaches that if you have not received water baptism, you cannot be considered a member of the Catholic Church. That’s the exact same doctrine that we find in the infallible teaching of the councils. We see it repeated in the official teaching of the Magisterium after Trent and Vatican I. We don’t find baptism of desire or blood.
Pius XII specifically teaches that the Sacrament of Baptism distinguishes and separates all Christians (christianos omnes) from the rest. It distinguishes the baptized from non-Christians in the same way that the priest is distinguished from the rest of the faithful by the reception of the Sacrament of Order. According to the Magisterium, you cannot be a Christian without the Sacrament of Baptism; and only Christians are saved, as the Church dogmatically teaches. Hence, the exact same doctrine that we find in the infallible teaching of the councils is repeated here, in the official teaching of the Magisterium after Trent and Vatican I. We don’t find baptism of desire or blood. This is the position that heretical sedevacantist priests not only reject, but call mortally sinful.
Sanborn also adheres to the utterly modernist denial of the salvation dogma that was rampant in the years before Vatican II. He is a modernist, but he doesn’t even realize it. Heretics like Sanborn and the priest you mention actually profess the heresy that pagans, Jews, Muslims, etc. can be saved without the Catholic faith, if such pagans, Jews, Muslims, etc. believe that God exists and is a rewarder. That is the opposite of the Church’s profession at the Council of Florence, etc. People who cling to such a position are not real Catholics. They would even apply their heresy to Jews, Muslims, etc. who reject Christ! Sanborn told someone we know that a rabbi who rejects Christ can be saved. In this video you can see the absolute proof and documentation that Sanborn and similar priests hold that pagans, idolaters, Jews, etc. can be saved without the Catholic faith. They do not profess the Church’s teaching on salvation. They are not real Catholics.
We hope that you can give some of the information we have published on the salvation issue to the priest you mentioned, so that he can look at it and hopefully change his position.
The truth is that almost all the priests, sedevacantist or otherwise, do not profess the Catholic faith on salvation. Some people are deceived by those priests because they are ‘traditional’ in numerous ways and they reject Vatican II. But that’s not good enough to be a Catholic. To be a Catholic you can’t just be liturgically traditional, accept some teachings of the Church, and reject the Vatican II sect. No, you must profess the Catholic faith whole and entire. You must profess all of the dogmas of the faith, including the Church’s teaching on salvation. (Sanborn also accepts and promotes the sinful birth control method of NFP.)
Since the aforementioned priests and groups do not adhere to the Church’s dogmatic teaching on salvation, they are, in a real way, comparable to the schismatic ‘Orthodox’. The ‘Orthodox’ accept some elements of Catholic Tradition, but they don’t have the true faith because they dissent from various teachings of the Church. Even though the priests you mentioned accept more elements of the Catholic faith, they are still not real Catholics, as they dissent from the Church's dogma, and God's revelation, on salvation. They are actually a deception. To be Catholic you must profess belief in all Catholic dogmas. To dissent from even one destroys faith and one’s relationship with God. In fact, almost 100% of the people who attend the chapels of such priests agree with or accept the heresy that Jews who reject Christ can be saved. They don’t have the true faith, and they don’t please God. They are fake ‘Catholics’. In fact, we recently corresponded with another such heretic, who shares the position of the aforementioned priests. She pretended to be a traditional Catholic and claimed to be a sedevacantist. However, when asked about Fr. Denis Fahey’s heretical statement that Jews who reject Christ can be in the state of grace, she responded by arguing that it’s not contrary to the teaching of the Council of Florence! Such a person is a liar, a heretic, and a false ‘Catholic’ devoid of the true faith of Jesus Christ. A person like that cannot please God and is on the road to Hell. That’s the case with the heretical priests you mention and those who cling to their positions.
That’s why this battle for the faith in the end-times is not just about rejecting the Vatican II sect, the end-times Counter Church, and an obvious apostate like Francis. No, it’s also about the entire Catholic faith, and in a special way the Church’s dogmatic teaching on the necessity of the Catholic faith and Baptism. The pathetic and wicked apostates of the CMRI are a prime example of how priests of the aforementioned groups have no faith. They all believe that Jews, Muslims, etc., even those who reject Christ, can be saved. They reject the Church's necessity and they are not remotely true believers, as the following information sent to us by a reader further illustrates. Those who support or follow such unbelievers will be condemned.
Mother Teresa said that she loved all religions. So, they believe that one can love idolatry, love the rejection of Christ, love false ecumenism, etc. and go to Heaven. That’s diabolical. Someone who believes that does not have a faith that can please God. Since he doesn't believe that the Catholic faith is necessary, it's also not a surprise that the CMRI priest doesn't evangelize outside of his “church family”. Their heresy corrupts everything about their spiritual lives. The faithlessness of the aforementioned priests and groups is also reflected in the fact that many of them, if not almost all of them, don't believe we are in the last days, despite the overwhelming evidence and the significance of the current crisis. Apparently they think we could have another 100 or 200 years of antipopes! They are truly blind and faithless individuals. Here are some important materials on the matter of the Church's teaching on salvation and Baptism, which is so frequently denied in these last days:
The Best Argument Against “Baptism of Desire” (article & video)
The Latin Text of the Oldest Surviving Papal Decree Rejects “Baptism of Desire” (article & video)
Outside The Catholic Church There Is Absolutely No Salvation (book)
Debate: Do ‘Baptism of Desire’ Traditionalist Priests Believe Souls Can Be Saved in False Religions? (video)
The Revealing Heresies in Msgr. Van Noort’s Pre-Vatican II Dogmatic Theology Manual (article)
Yes, the Apostasy Began Before Vatican II (article)
Heretics who write on this matter often ignore the dogma that one must have THE CATHOLIC FAITH to be saved. Remember, the Church doesn’t merely declare that one must be inside the Church to be saved. It also declares that one must have the Catholic faith to be saved. The two truths are inseparable, of course, but examining each aspect of this dogma becomes important when refuting heretics. The supporters of BOD in our day ignore the dogma that one must have THE CATHOLIC FAITH to be saved simply because it’s impossible to twist their heretical view into language that comports with the dogma that no one is saved without the Catholic faith. After all, how can one who is a ‘pagan’ (who doesn’t believe in Jesus Christ and the Trinity) also have the Catholic faith? How can a pagan and a Catholic both be in the one Church? – the one Church, which, by definition, only has ONE FAITH AND ONE LORD? It doesn’t make any sense. So, the BOD heretics typically avoid the dogmatic pronouncements which declare that one must have the Catholic faith to be saved. They also avoid the related dogma that one must be “born again in Christ” to be saved, for it’s absurd to argue that a person who is still a pagan or a Jew has been “born again in Christ”. They thus prefer the language that one must merely have ‘supernatural faith’ to be saved.
On this point it’s very interesting to consider the comments of sedevacantist priests Anthony Cekada and Donald Sanborn. In a theological discussion some months ago, they were asked whether an atheist can be saved. The person who posed the question pointed out that their view on ‘baptism of desire’, ignorance, salvation, etc., according to some critics, requires them to believe that an atheist can be saved. Sanborn, with Cekada agreeing, objected. He asserted that an atheist cannot be saved because one must have ‘supernatural faith’ to be saved, and ‘supernatural faith’ absolutely requires, at the bare minimum, belief in God and that He’s a rewarder. Sanborn emphasized that belief in those two dogmas (the existence of God and that He’s a rewarder) is what’s absolutely necessary for salvation, for without such belief an act of faith cannot be made.
So, according to them, the requirement to have ‘supernatural’ faith (a belief that God exists and that He is a rewarder) would exclude an atheist. But notice what such an assertion reveals. It reveals that their position does not exclude Jews, Muslims and many others from salvation: for Jews, Muslims and many other non-Catholics claim to believe that God exists and that He’s a rewarder.
In short, their position on ‘supernatural’ faith denies the dogma that ‘Catholic’ faith is what’s absolutely necessary for salvation. They thus depart from the revelation of Jesus Christ and the dogmatic teaching of the Catholic Church on salvation.
The Son of God became man in order to redeem the world and reveal the Catholic faith. The faith Jesus Christ came to reveal (the ‘Catholic’ or ‘universal’ Christian faith) is not merely a belief that 1) God exists and 2) that He’s a rewarder. No, those truths were known in the Old Testament. The Catholic faith, which the Lord Jesus Christ came to reveal, of course includes those truths (Hebrews 11:6). But it also includes, in terms of its simplest components, a belief in Jesus Christ and the Holy Trinity. If someone who wishes to be saved doesn’t know Jesus Christ and the Holy Trinity, he cannot have the Catholic faith. That’s made clear in the dogmatic Athanasian Creed.
As we can see, the dogmatic teaching of the Church is not, as Sanborn, Cekada and countless other heretics teach, that one must simply believe that God exists and that He’s a rewarder. No, a person who wishes to be saved must know Jesus Christ and believe in the Holy Trinity in order to have the Catholic faith and be saved.
They deny that dogma. They are modernists. (In fact, both of those men still actually condemn adherence to the Church’s dogmatic teaching, that no one can be saved without the Sacrament of Baptism, as “mortally sinful”. That’s a further illustration of their heretical audacity. The fact that the Catholic Church dogmatically teaches that no one is saved without rebirth of water and the Spirit in the Sacrament of Baptism is proven by the words of Jesus Christ, the Council of Florence, and numerous other things.)
The truth is that the Catholic faith (true, supernatural, saving faith in Jesus Christ and the Holy Trinity) is actually only received at Baptism, as the Church has always taught. That’s how one is saved “through the faith.” That’s why no one can be saved without Baptism.
Furthermore, in Van Noort's heretical book it is taught that a man could love God with “his whole heart”, and want to do everything required for salvation, and still be left in ignorance of Christ. The notion that God would leave such a person in ignorance of Christ and the essential truths of the Catholic faith is contrary to the explicit teaching of Jesus Christ, as well as the position of the fathers and doctors of the Church:
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