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Some of Benedict XVI’s Heretical Statements on the Jews during his trip to America
By Bro. Michael Dimond, O.S.B.
Read more of Benedict XVI’s Recent Heresies
Benedict XVI esteems and praises the Jews for celebrating their false religion. Benedict XVI speaks of “Catholics” and Jews “common hope centered on God.” Therefore, according to Benedict XVI, the practice of Judaism is “centered on God.” So much for Jesus Christ, according to the apostate Benedict XVI. Benedict XVI states that “as we [Jews and “Catholics”] await the fulfillment of God’s promises.” Benedict also says: “It is with joy that I come here [the synagogue], just a few hours before the celebration of your Pesah, to express my respect and esteem for the Jewish community...” Benedict also assures the Jews of his “closeness at this time as you prepare to celebrate”[Judaism!]. These speeches again demonstrate Benedict XVI’s apostasy. Anyone who thinks that Benedict XVI doesn’t esteem Judaism and Jews who reject Jesus Christ is simply a liar.
Pope Benedict XIV reiterated this dogma in his encyclical Ex Quo Primum.
Benedict XVI’s Recent Heresies
The Heresies of Benedict XVI file
[1] L’ Osservatore Romano, April 23, 2008, p. 11.
[2] L’ Osservatore Romano, April 23, 2008, p. 11.
[3] L’ Osservatore Romano, April 23, 2008, p. 14.
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