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A Question on Mass Attendance from a traditionalist
Sue, unfortunately all of the CMRI priests believe that members of false religions can be united to the Church and saved without actual possession of the Catholic Faith. So, you cannot financially support any of them under pain of mortal sin. They also defend the sinful birth control practice of Natural Family Planning. But if the priest is not notorious and imposing about these issues at the particular chapel you attend, then we are of the opinion that you could continue to go and receive the sacraments as long as you don’t support them in any way. For more on this issue consult the section of our website Where To Receive Sacraments. We’re very glad to hear about your return to the true Catholic Faith, and your having been able to recognize the phoniness and Protestantism of the Vatican II sect. Keep praying the Rosary and holding the Faith without compromise and things will work out for you.
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