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The resurrection of the dead is a Christian belief
The Vision of Hell, shown by The Blessed Virgin Mary to the Fatima Children, 1917: She “showed them a sea of fire; and plunged in this fire the demons and the souls, as if they were red-hot coals, transparent and black or bronze-colored, carried by the flames which issued from it with clouds of smoke, falling on all sides as sparks fall in great conflagrations – without weight or equilibrium, among shrieks and groans of sorrow and despair which horrify and cause to shudder with fear.”
St. Cyril of Jerusalem (350): “A great precept and teaching of the Holy Catholic Church, therefore, is belief in the resurrection of the dead – great and most necessary, but contradicted by many… Greeks contradict it, Samaritans disbelieve it, heretics mutilate it.”
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