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November 2024

“One Baptism” In Ephesians 4 Signifies Unity, Not Number Of Times Received

November 29, 2024

Ephesians 4 - One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism

While it’s true that the Sacrament of Baptism (since it confers an indelible mark) can only be received one time, it’s important to note that the “one baptism” in Ephesians 4:5 refers to a unity in the sacramental baptism received by all Christians (i.e. the same kind of baptism), not to the number of times that baptism can be received. That’s proven by the fact that in the passage St. Paul refers to “one Lord” and “one faith”, yet a person who has fallen away from the one Lord and the one faith could repent and receive the Lord and the faith for a second time. Hence, in Ephesians 4:5 the “one Lord” and the “one faith” do not refer to the number of times the Lord or the faith can be received, but to the fact that all in the Body of Christ have the very same Lord and the same faith. Likewise, the statement that all in the Church have one baptism means that all in the Church have the same sacramental baptism (which is celebrated in water – Ephesians 5:26), which contradicts the idea that people can be in the Church without the Sacrament of Baptism. The many references to Ephesians 4:5 in magisterial documents that deal with the unity of the Church also prove that the “one baptism” in Ephesians 4:5 refers to a unity in the kind of baptism received. For example:

Pope Pius VI, Inscrutabile (# 8), Dec. 25, 1775: “… We exhort and advise you to be all of one mind and in harmony as you strive for the same object, just as the Church has one faith, one baptism, and one spirit.”

Pope Leo XII, Ubi Primum (# 14), May 5, 1824: “It is impossible for the most true God, who is Truth itself, the best, the wisest Provider, and the Rewarder of good men, to approve all sects which profess false teachings which are often inconsistent with one another and contradictory, and to confer eternal rewards on their members... by divine faith we hold one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and that no other name under heaven is given to men except the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth in which we must be saved.  This is why we profess that there is no salvation outside the Church.”

Documentary About The Redeemer

Is Mary The “Co-Redemptrix”? – A Catholic Analysis

Thank you very much for sharing this Brilliant Documentary. God bless.

Darren Carrie

Truth About John Paul II

The Temple Of God & The Antichrist Located!

Thank you for giving me the truth about John Paul ll being an anti-pope and anti-christ…


The Traditional Faith

“Bishop” Strickland Removed By Francis – What You Need To Know

I agree with everything you have presented here. I have never heard you say anything regarding the Faith that I do not 100% agree with. That is the Faith as it was taught to me as a child in the 1950s. My teachers were older, unmarried women who had been teaching in Catholic School since my father went to school there. Many were born before 1900. They said the same things that you say. My first grade teacher said that unless you were Baptized a Catholic, you could not enter heaven. This was after Father Feeney's [“excommunication”]; but apparently, she supported Father Feeney in his stand, which was the traditional teaching, on the necessity for water Baptism for salvation, although many were led astray at that point. I appreciate that you are so well informed… and that you consistently tell the Truths of the Faith.


Typical Argument

Typical argument with a John 3:5 mocker goes (essentially) like this: they demand that you answer, in precise detail, 15 objections for ‘BOD’. You do. (See this: Playlist On Salvation & Baptism.) You then ask them one question. They refuse to answer or ignore it and demand that you answer 10 more objections.

Demonic Hatred

Man gets attacked inside store because he was wearing a "Palestine" shirt - video

This is horrible behavior against this young Palestinian American couple.


Pope Pius IX Implicitly Condemned “Baptism Of Desire”

November 27, 2024

Demonic Hatred

Man gets attacked inside store because he was wearing a "Palestine" shirt - video

This is horrible behavior against this young Palestinian American couple.


Fired By Target For Wearing “Trust In Jesus” Nametag

Target employee fired for not following dress code - video

I'm glad I boycotted Target since May '23: the pro-LGBT/transgender line for little children…


Pope Pius IX Implicitly Condemned “Baptism Of Desire”

In his Allocution Singulari Quadam, Dec. 9, 1854, Pope Pius IX implicitly condemned “baptism of desire” when he stated the following in the context of discussing the dogma Outside The Church There Is No Salvation.

Pope Pius IX, Allocution Singulari Quadam, Dec. 9, 1854: “For, in truth, when released from these corporeal chains ‘we shall see God as He is’ [1 John 3:2], we shall understand perfectly by how close and beautiful a bond divine mercy and justice are united; but, as long as we are on earth, weighed down by this mortal mass which blunts the soul, let us hold most firmly that, in accordance with Catholic teaching, there is ‘one God, one faith, one baptism’ [Eph. 4:5]; it is unlawful [nefas] to proceed further in inquiry.”

The word “nefas” means “unlawful, criminal or wicked”.

In regard to questions about whether someone can be saved outside the Church, Pope Pius IX teaches that it’s “unlawful, criminal or wicked” (nefas) to profess anything other than the one Lord, the one faith and the one baptism of divine revelation.  That “one baptism” is celebrated in water, as the Council of Vienne dogmatically declared.

Pope Clement V, Council of Vienne, 1311-1312- “Moreover, one sole baptism regenerating all baptized in Christ – just as ‘one God and one faith’ – is to be faithfully confessed by all, which, celebrated in water in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, we believe to be the perfect remedy for salvation for both adults and children.”  

They Continue To Misquote Trent

It’s remarkable how many John 3:5 mockers continue to use the false “except through” mistranslation of the Council of Trent, Sess. 6, Chap. 4. They commit mortal sin by doing so after they’ve been informed that it’s a false translation. They also deny what the Council of Trent declares in that very passage, namely, that no one gets to Heaven without being born again of “water and the Holy Spirit”. This video covers the matter: The Most Misunderstood Catholic Decree – Council Of Trent, Sess. 6, Chap. 4


The Bible Proves The Papacy

Marvellous work!


“Latin” Mass Banned In Tyler, Texas

November 26, 2024

The statement below was posted by a member of the Vatican II Sect, lamenting the loss of the “Traditional Latin Mass” in Tyler, Texas. (We put “Traditional Latin Mass” in quotation marks because the new rite of ordination is not valid.) The “Latin Mass” has been banned by their fake bishop, with celebrations officially ending on Nov. 30, 2024.

“Last TLM [Traditional Latin Mass] at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Tyler, TX. We have no bishop and... the TLM is taken from us. They won’t even allow us to celebrate the TLM at the Cathedral’s Chapel. So much hate from the hierarchy!” – JMJ777

Frankly, it’s what they deserve for obstinately clinging to a false hierarchy and apostate antipopes. It’s futile to attempt to be Catholic within a fake Church (i.e. the Vatican II Sect). With regard to Tyler, Texas, this video is relevant: “Bishop” Strickland Removed By Francis – What You Need To Know.

St. Ephrem On Prayer & Free Will

November 24, 2024

St. Ephrem, Commentary On Tatian’s Diatessaron #22: “… prayer can ask all kinds of requests, and the divinity can bestow all kinds of gifts, but free will can either receive or spurn all these things.”

Convinced They Cannot Be True Popes

… I am convinced that these so called recent cannot be true popes, that they've brought judgment unto themselves by manifesting heresies… I am from… Brazil…

Thank you,

Old Testament Practices Pointed To Jesus As The Lamb Of God

November 24, 2024

Dear Brothers,

… After the fall of man, every person who ever lived was still obliged to worship and obey the true God (even though they didn't always do so).  When the time came for God to fulfill His promise to send mankind a Redeemer, He established the Hebrew religion to prepare them to recognize and accept the Messiah.  The only object of the Hebrew religion was Jesus Christ and His one true Church.  The OT faithful were well aware that their worship and religious practices were figures pointing to the Messiah who was to come, and that one day these practices would end, to be replaced by the eternal realities they pointed to.  That's why, some seven hundred years after the first Passover (when the Jews had fled from Egypt and were instructed by God to sacrifice the lamb), the great OT Prophet Isaiah would cry out: "Send forth, O Lord, the lamb, the ruler of the earth from Petra of the dessert to the mount of the daughter of Sion (Isaiah 16:1-5)."  Historians tell us that by the time of Christ, the lamb was being sacrificed in the Temple twice each day.  Jesus is the Lamb of God, and everybody knows it.

As we watch true prophecy unfolding, we are reminded that when a person rejects the true Catholic faith, he also unwittingly rejects Sacred Scripture; there is only one God and only one divinely-revealed religion.  If a person accepts a false gospel, he cannot correctly understand biblical prophecy.  But what's also very striking... is that only the followers of MHFM are able to understand end-time events in their true light.  Thank you, St. Benedict, for your Order which, in this final battle, has indeed rendered great services to the holy Church and confirmed many in the Faith.

Lee Ann

Pope Alexander VII Condemns Adhering To A Theological Opinion Just Because It Wasn’t Condemned

November 22, 2024

Many people who deny the necessity of faith in Jesus Christ and Catholicism for salvation attempt to justify their heretical opinion by appealing to certain liberal pre-Vatican II theologians – some from hundreds of years ago – whose writings or persons were not specifically condemned. They think that adherence to such writings is justified since those writings or persons were not condemned. However, by clinging to such writings in the face of the dogmatic teaching that establishes the absolute necessity of faith in Jesus Christ and Catholicism, they fall into the following condemned error.

Decree of the Holy Office under Pope Alexander VII, Sept. 24, 1665, Condemning Errors: “27. If a book is published by a younger or modern person, its opinion ought to be considered probable, as long as it is not established that it has been rejected by the Apostolic See as improbable.” – Condemned

As we can see, just because some opinion or writing has not been specifically condemned, one cannot necessarily hold it as “probable” (i.e. as a plausible opinion), if the Church’s magisterial teaching clearly contradicts it. Many John 3:5 mockers and heretics fall into this condemned proposition when they ignore the teaching of the Magisterium on salvation and obstinately cling to the false teaching of certain theologians who, for example, heretically taught that souls can be saved in non-Christian religions.

Biden, Dominated By Evil, Gives Award To Planned Parenthood President

Biden gives "Medal of Freedom" to supporter of baby-killing, saying she: "carved an inspiring legacy"

Joe Biden proves again that he’s dominated by evil. He actually gave an award to the notorious supporter of abortion (and former Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards). His choice of words was also noteworthy. Planned Parenthood butchers and in essence “carves up” babies. Hence, the Devil in Biden praised Richards for having “carved an inspiring legacy”. What an outrage. Richards has an aggressive form of brain cancer. That suggests that soon she will die and, barring an extraordinary conversion, she will be in Hell forever receiving a just and mind-boggling punishment for her unspeakable evils.

Would Be Spiritually Lost Without MHFM’s Preaching

Biden gives "Medal of Freedom" to supporter of baby-killing, saying she: "carved an inspiring legacy"

… thank you so much for so courageously speaking the truth. I would literally and spiritually be lost without the preaching of the gospel MHFM does. I'll be forever grateful. I came across your material in Dec 2022 with the debate with Jeff Cassman. I had been in Novus Ordo, Charismatic and NO, then SSPX.


Eyes Have Been Opened; They Don’t Care About The Faith

November 21, 2024

Eyes Have Been Opened

Charismatic “Christianity” Exposed

My eyes have been opened. This spirit is the kundalini spirit. God took me away from this…

Louise Kord

They Don’t Care About The Faith

Faith Is More Precious Than Gold

It’s very sobering to read this after seeing so many novus ordo lost souls drowning in their own ego, posting evermore non catholic Novus ordo opinions and nonsense. These folks care nothing for the soul saving faith but only the fruits and remaining externals…

Jordan P

