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"And Jesus said, 'Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.' And they cast lots to divide his garments." (Luke 23:34)
Did Jesus pray for all who crucified Him while He was on the Cross? The answer is no, according to St. Thomas Aquinas. Since Christ’s prayers were absolutely efficacious, being perfectly conformed to God's will, He only prayed for those in the world who would accept Him and were predestined to eternal life.
St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, Pt. 3, Q. 21, A. 4, Whether Christ’s Prayer Was Always Heard: “Objection 2. Further, He [Christ] prayed that the sin of those who crucified Him might be forgiven, as is related (Luke 23:34). Yet not all were pardoned this sin, since the Jews were punished on account thereof. Therefore it seems that not every prayer of His was heard… I answer that, according to the will of reason, Christ willed nothing but what He knew God to will. Wherefore every absolute will of Christ, even human, was fulfilled, because it was in conformity with God; and consequently His every prayer was fulfilled. For in this respect also is it that other men's prayers are fulfilled, in that their will is in conformity with God, according to Romans 8:27… Reply to Objection 2: Our Lord did not pray for all those who crucified Him, as neither did He for all those who would believe in Him; but for those only who were predestinated to obtain eternal life through Him. Wherefore the reply to the third objection is also manifest.”
The Errors of Peter Abelard, Condemned by Innocent II, July 16, 1140, #10: “That they have not sinned who being ignorant have crucified Christ, and that whatever is done through ignorance must not be considered sin.” - Condemned.
St. John Chrysostom, On Luke 23:34: “But He [Jesus] says, Forgive them, if they should repent. For He is gracious to the penitent, if they are willing after so great wickedness to wash away their guilt by faith.”
MHFM: St. Robert Bellarmine correctly taught, based on the words of Scripture, that Judas was damned.
St. Robert Bellarmine, De Iustificatione, Book 3, Chap. 14: “But it is firmly established that Judas was reprobate and damned, both from the passage where he is called ‘the son of perdition’ [John 17:12] and from Matthew 26, where the Lord says concerning Judas: ‘It would be better for that man if he had not been born.’”
However, the heretics Antipope Francis and Antipope Benedict XVI taught that Judas might have been saved.
Francis, Jan. 19, 2018: “None of us can say that a person has not gone to heaven. I will tell you something that might surprise you: we cannot even say it about Judas.”
Benedict XVI, Oct. 18, 2006: “This poses two questions when it comes to explaining what happened [with Judas]. The first consists in asking ourselves how it was possible that Jesus chose this man and trusted him. In fact, though Judas is the group's administrator (cf. John 12:6b; 13:29a), in reality he is also called "thief" (John 12:6a). The mystery of the choice is even greater, as Jesus utters a very severe judgment on him: "Woe to that man by whom the son of man is betrayed!" (Matthew 26:24). This mystery is even more profound if one thinks of his eternal fate, knowing that Judas ‘repented and brought back the 30 pieces of silver to the chief priests and the elders, saying 'I have sinned in betraying innocent blood'’ (Matthew 27:3-4). Though he departed afterward to hang himself (cf. Matthew 27:5), it is not for us to judge his gesture, putting ourselves in God's place, who is infinitely merciful and just.”
MHFM: In John 7:52, we read that the Pharisees tried to undermine the credibility of Our Lord and His miracles by claiming that no prophet rises from Galilee.
John 7:52- “They replied, ‘Are you from Galilee too? Search and see that no prophet arises from Galilee.’”
Not only were they wrong about Jesus, of course, but their claim is refuted by the example of the Old Testament prophet Jonah. In 2 Kings 14:25 (4 Kings 14:25 in the Douay-Rheims), the prophet Jonah is described as from Gath-hepher, which was a town of Zebulun in Lower Galilee.
Squatters & The Planned Destruction Of America
How The "Law" Protects Squatters - Deep State strategy to kick Americans out of their homes - video
MHFM: This is truly insane. It’s connected to the planned destruction/collapse/transformation of America.
Pope Leo XIII, Rerum Novarum (#4), May 15, 1891: “… the socialists… are striving to do away with private property, and contend that individual possessions should become the common property of all, to be administered by the State or by municipal bodies.”
Pope Leo XIII, Rerum Novarum (#38), May 15, 1891: “… there is the duty of safeguarding private property by legal enactment and protection. Most of all it is essential, where the passion of greed is so strong, to keep the populace within the line of duty; for, if all may justly strive to better their condition, neither justice nor the common good allows any individual to seize upon that which belongs to another, or, under the futile and shallow pretext of equality, to lay violent hands on other people's possessions.”
A Giraffe’s Heart Refutes Evolution
The Bombardier Beetle and the Giraffe disprove the theory of evolution - video
MHFM: Belief in the stupidity and myth of evolution is one of the big problems in the Vatican II Counter Church.
Wake Up Call
Man Shot & Saw Hell – Shocking Must-See Video
… this is a much needed wake up call…
Tony Guillen
Ezekiel 8: Miraculous Transportation & Vision
MHFM: Ezekiel chapter 8 records that the prophet experienced a miraculous transportation, similar to what happened to various Catholic saints. He was taken by his hair and brought from Babylon into Jerusalem in order to miraculously see the abominations committed there.
Ezekiel 8:2-3- “Then I looked, and behold, a form that had the appearance of a man. Below what appeared to be his waist was fire, and above his waist was something like the appearance of brightness, like gleaming metal. He put out the form of a hand and took me by a lock of my head, and the Spirit lifted me up between earth and heaven and brought me in visions of God to Jerusalem, to the entrance of the gateway of the inner court that faces north, where was the seat of the image of jealousy, which provokes to jealousy.”