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… I got into an argument with some Protestant heretics and we ended up talking about the “gift of tongues” and one Protestant showed me 1 Cor 14:2. I didn’t know how to answer it…
1 Cor. 14:2- “For one who speaks in a tongue speaks not to men but to God; for no one understands him, but he utters mysteries in the Spirit.”
Hello. We agree with St. Thomas’ explanation of the verse. In 1 Cor. 14:1 and following, St. Paul is teaching the Corinthians that they should not be desirous of the gift of tongues or languages just for the sake of speaking in that way, but rather insofar as it will edify others. Hence, he says in 1 Cor. 14:2: “For one who speaks in a tongue speaks not to men but to God; for no one understands him, but he utters mysteries in the Spirit.” The tongue or language mentioned there, which is spoken not to men but to God, is not an unintelligible babble language. Rather, it refers to an actual human language that’s not understood by those in the audience (but only by God, who of course knows all languages). As St. Thomas says, it’s like “when one might speak German to a Frenchman without an interpreter.” St. Paul’s point is that speaking in tongues for its own sake is not beneficial. It should be understood by others and edify them.
This is also why St. Paul says:
1 Corinithians 14:10-13- “There are doubtless many different languages in the world, and none is without meaning, but if I do not know the meaning of the language, I will be a foreigner to the speaker and the speaker a foreigner to me. So with yourselves, since you are eager for manifestations of the Spirit, strive to excel in building up the church. Therefore, one who speaks in a tongue should pray that he may interpret.”
St. Thomas Aquinas, Commentary on 1 Cor. 14:1-4- “In regard to the second it should be noted that because there were few in the early Church assigned to preaching faith of Christ throughout the world, the Lord enabled them to proclaim the word to more people by giving them the gift of tongues, by which they could all preach to all. Not that they spoke in one language and were understood by all, as some say, but that they spoke the languages of different nations and, indeed, of all. Hence the Apostle says: ‘I thank God that I speak in the languages of all of you,’ and in Acts (2:4) it says: ‘They began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.’ Furthermore, many received this gift from God in the early church. But the Corinthians, being inquisitive, were more desirous of this gift than the gift of prophecy. Therefore, when the Apostle mentions here about speaking in a tongue, he means an unknown language not interpreted; as when one might speak German to a Frenchman without an interpreter, he is speaking in a tongue. Hence, all speech not understood or explained, no matter what it is, is properly called speaking in a tongue.”
“Discretionary Judgment” False Argument
MHFM: Defenders of Antipope Francis distort things, make many mistakes, and promote false arguments. Some of those false arguments involve misrepresentations of the teaching of St. Robert Bellarmine and the Church on the matter of manifest heretics being unable to hold office in the Church. For example, they twist and misuse a statement St. Robert Bellarmine made about a “discretionary judgment” and what it means. We cover the matter (and refute their gross misrepresentation) in the Bellarmine section of this video:
Taylor Marshall’s Publicity Stunts & False Theology – Exposed
Extreme Dishonesty
The level of dishonesty that the Vatican II's antipope-splainers have is just nauseating. Now you can even see a bunch of them trying to explain how this "blessing" is good, instead of just recognizing the simple fact that Francis is a manifest heretic. Just imagine trying to defend sodomites blessing! But that's a simple conclusion of their obstinately considering Francis as a pope. Truly, heresy begets heresy.
Episcopal See Existed Despite (Physical) Possession By False Bishops
MHFM: This is an interesting quote from Pope St. Gregory VII about how the See and local church of Orléans continued to exist, despite being illicitly occupied by false bishops. In the same way, the Chair of St. Peter continues to exist today, even though it's legally and spiritually vacant but physically usurped by an antipope.
Pope St. Gregory VII, To Archbishops Richerius of Sens and Richard of Bourges, Oct. 6, 1077: “… we have already striven by many summonses and by many letters that the church of Orléans should be recalled to the original condition of its renown. But, as we believe the sins of the people thus deserving, its possession by false bishops has so prevailed that to this day we have been unable totally to eradicate the thorns of disorder. For with what great disobedience Rainerius, their so-called bishop, has armed himself against the authority of the Apostolic See and into what great disorder and into what great harm he has brought this church although we do not doubt that you know...”
Would Have Left
Honestly, I would have left the Catholic Church by now if it weren't for your astute and relevant explanations. I have left what you aptly named the Vatican II sect. Francis is a Protestant! He tries to make up his own interpretations of the Bible and Doctrine. I'd laugh if it weren't for the fact that he's merrily leading people to hell. God bless you and your apostolate.
Ann Eloise
The idea that they just want to “marry” and be left alone is a total farce. They want to impose their degeneracy onto all of society through media, the education system and ultimately the force of law.
What happened to them is astounding. They were banned from a farmers’ market for refusing to host same-sex ‘weddings’!
Pope Gregory IX Calling Eastern Schismatics To Conversion
Pope Gregory IX, Considerantes Olim, March 17, 1238: “Some time ago the Church of the Greeks was severed from obedience to its mother, the Apostolic See… no branch survives when it is detached from its root, nor can a member which is severed from the body retain life… there is no doubt that because it was founded upon blessed Peter, the prince of the apostles, any other church whatsoever which is organized outside this church or believes it is possible to be organized outside it, is certainly sundered from the life of the true faith and will fall into the death of heresy… And so for this very reason we have sent brothers Preachers and brothers Minor [Dominicans and Franciscans] fully trained in the divine law, to Vatatzes, the so-called Patriarch of Nicaea, urging the Greek clergy with paternal admonitions and entreaties, to rouse themselves from the sleep of death and, fleeing from the coming wrath, enlightened by the light of celestial splendor, reform themselves by rejoining the Catholic union.”
… I’ve learned so very much from your documentaries…
Charismatic “Christianity” Exposed
Excellent work!
What Millions Of Fake Christians Get Wrong About Ephesians
I appreciated these lessons and view them often so to be kept from deception.
“I bring you good tidings of great joy, that shall be to all the people: For, this day, is born to you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord, in the city of David… And suddenly there was with the angel a great multitude of the heavenly army, praising God, and saying: Glory to God in the highest; and on earth peace to men of good will.” (Luke 2:10-14)
“For a Child is born to us, and a son is given to us, and the government is upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called, Wonderful, Counsellor, God the Mighty, the Father of the World to come, the Prince of Peace.” (Isaias 9:6)
Pope St. Gregory VII On Asking God For Things
Pope St. Gregory VII, To Abbot Anselm of Bec, 1079: “‘Knock’, he says, ‘and it shall be opened to you. Ask and you shall receive.’ [Mt. 7:7] Knock in simplicity, ask in simplicity… The door is simple; the giver is simple. He desires to be asked for simple things and for things which may beseem Him. In this way it shall be opened, in this way you shall receive, in this way the prayer of righteous men shall be heard.”
Mark Goring Endorses Blessing ‘Gay Couples’
“Fr.” Mark Goring Is In A Diabolical Fog
This video is absolutely fantastic l am so glad l saw this video today and l sighed up to your channel.. l came across this video after l saw what this priest said about the last vatican document where he said the discretion of blessing gay couple was a fantastic document and the Vatican did wonderful! Again he is the confusion the does not help the faithful and l wished very much he could go live in the woods like he always say he would like and leave the Catholic Church alone!! Unbelievable him, his gangue and this… Francis!!! They are absolutely evil to me!!
Hello. We're glad you came across the video. Goring is a deceived heretic. Also, he is not a valid priest. These videos (among others) explain why the Vatican II Sect is not the Catholic Church and that Francis is not the pope.
We also recommend that Catholics, if they can, pray 15 decades of the Rosary each day and the Hail Mary frequently. This is an important spiritual video:
People Who Support Evil
Pope Gregory IX Against Helping The Saracens (Muslims)
This is a great quote from Pope Gregory IX. You could make the argument that it also applies to anyone aiding and abetting Israel, the corrupt Democratic Party... everyone who had a hand in pushing the virus hoax, and many more.
Pope Gregory IX Against Helping The Saracens (Muslims)
Pope Gregory IX, Rachel Suum Videns, Nov. 17, 1234: “… to be unwilling to confound malicious men is nothing other than to support them, nor does one who refrains from opposing a manifest evildoer lack the secret guilt of association… In addition, we renew the sentence of excommunication promulgated at the Fourth Lateran Council against those who deliver weapons, iron, and timber suitable for ships to the Saracens [Muslims], whoever fulfills the office of pilot in the piratical ships of Saracens [Muslims], or lends them any kind of counsel or aid in constructing war machines or anything else to the detriment of the Holy Land.”
Catholic Teaching
“Church Militant” Scandal/Michael Voris Resignation – Analysis
An excellent production and expose' of the many, years-long deceptions and heretical presentations by this organization; along with these points, as with all your videos, there is a wealth of true Catholic teachings to be had!...