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November 2023

St. Thomas On Friendship With An Evil Person

November 30, 2023

St. Thomas On Friendship With An Evil Person

St. Thomas Aquinas, Commentary On Nicomachean Ethics, Book 9, Chap. 3: “We have indicated that like makes friends with like; thus it is impossible to maintain friendship with an evil person without becoming somewhat like him in evil.”

What Darkness

What darkness the world must be in since it seems like nearly everyone is in mortal sin. Jesus takes our salvation very seriously and His death on the cross proved that, but the love of God persists in our lives everyday through things we take for granted, like the sunrise and sunset, and a beautiful blue sky or crisp mountain air that invigorates our minds and souls to look up to Him in thanks. He waits with strong patience for the world to convert to the Catholic Faith. It’s terribly sad to think of the losses Our dear Lord endures…


The Realities Behind Vatican II

An important letter on our apostolate and some of our plans for the near future

Dear Brothers,

I'm grateful for your ministry as it helped me… to understand the realities behind Vatican II and the counterfeit church. I spread links to your material everywhere I can and promote your ministry often… May God watch over and bless all of the devoted Brothers…

Joseph Boyat

Pope Hadrian I On The Gifts And Importance Of Baptism

November 29, 2023

Pope Hadrian I On The Gifts And Importance Of Baptism

Pope Hadrian I, To All The Bishops In Spain (Codex Epistolaris Carolinus 97), c. 785 or c. 787: “For [through baptism] they are not only free but also holy, not only holy but also justified, not only justified, but also sons, not only sons but also heirs, not only heirs but also brothers of Christ, not only brothers of Christ but also coheirs, not only coheirs but also members, not only members but also a temple, not only a temple but also instruments of the Spirit. Blessed be God…! Do you see what are the gifts of baptism? Many suppose that the heavenly grace consists simply in the forgiveness of sins; but we have counted ten honors. This is why we baptize infants… See, our most beloved, how the eastern fathers taught that adoption is a gift of charisms made to all of us who were born in sins and reborn in baptism…
     And later on in the same sermon [Pope St. Leo taught]: ‘We must follow the way which, as the Lord Himself testified, He Himself is [Jn. 14:6], who… counselled us with sacrament and example so that He might by the former [i.e. the Sacrament of Baptism] lead those called by adoption to salvation and by the latter train us for labor.’”

Since Learning

An important letter on our apostolate and some of our plans for the near future

I am happy to tell MHFM and all others that their material is the best regarding the defense and promulgation of the true Catholic faith. Since learning from their material as well as beginning to research myself of saints and popes alike, I've been converted and have a fervent zeal to bring others to this holy faith. Praise God. May our Blessed Mother and Father in Heaven inspire our hearts to seek the truth, and increase our faith, hope, and charity. God bless MHFM

Ethan Brown


Faustina & The Divine Mercy Deception

Thank you for explaining this. God bless you.

Nolan Henden


An important letter on our apostolate and some of our plans for the near future

Your work, and the information that you have provided for concerned Catholics, is invaluable. Thank you MHFM.

Ralph Curtis

An important letter on our apostolate and some of our plans for the near future

November 28, 2023

Photo of MHFM's grounds in October 2023

I wanted to give our supporters an update on our apostolate and some of our plans for the near future.  We hope to print a first run of the Padre Pio book in Spanish next year.  We also might need to reprint the English version of the Padre Pio book soon.  Currently, we only have approximately 44,000 copies left. There are approximately 456,000 copies in circulation.

Over the past 30 years (among all “conservative Catholic” organizations in the world), we are probably in the top seven in terms of the total amount of Catholic materials distributed.  We also believe that, during that time, we have distributed more Catholic VHS tapes and DVDs than any other “Catholic” organization in the world (with the possible exception of the Vatican).  We also have the largest sedevacantist outreach in history by far, and our material has (by God’s grace) convinced the most people of the true position concerning the current state of the Church.

We have YouTube channels in 10 different languages with over 354,000 subscribers and over 106 million video views.  Over 14.9 million people have visited our English website since 2012.

Most Holy Family Monastery Website Unique Visits Graph - Dimond Brothers

We’re currently working on a video series on the Charismatic movement.  The first video in that series will be released in the next week or two, God willing.  Working on these new video projects takes up a considerable amount of our time.  The fact is that our videos, websites, and materials are the most important information available to help people see the truth and save their souls.

By the grace of God, we continue to reach many new people, and many conversions continue to occur.  However, the conspirators in control of the top social media companies have attempted to stifle our reach through various forms of sophisticated censorship and shadow-banning.  That has been damaging to our effort to reach much larger numbers of new people on the internet.  That’s how the Devil and his minions operate: they make it more difficult for people to find and access the most important and valuable content.  Their goal was to have control of a few websites, which most people would visit, so that eventually they could control who gets promoted and who does not.  In this way they attempt to limit the reach of content they don’t like, and they promote content they want you to see.

As Elon Musk just recently said, echoing the ADL: “freedom of speech, not reach”.  There may only be a small window of time before these demonic conspirators take even more drastic measures to prevent “unapproved” content from being viewed.  Hence, it’s imperative for those of good will to tell people about our website or share our videos.  Another way to reach new people is to give people a free DVD, a small book or a flyer.  Your efforts can help save souls.  If you want to contribute to our monastery and our projects, you can click this link to donate.

Sincerely in Jesus Christ,

Bro. Michael Dimond, O.S.B.
Superior, Most Holy Family Monastery

Pagan vs. Christian Images (Nicea II)

November 27, 2023

Pagan vs. Christian Images (Nicea II)

The Acts of the Second Council of Nicea 787, Sess. 4: “For just as the Israelites in Babylon had musical instruments, lyres and the like, as the Babylonians also did – the former serving the glory of God and the latter the cult of the demons – let us view pagan and Christian images in the same way, because they use them for the worship of the devil and we for the glory and remembrance of God.”

This Situation Shows

This situation with Strickland also shows a total bankruptcy of [those] who say that "cardinals and bishops ought to convey a council to depose him", Francis, whom they wrongly consider their pope. Not only heretical and denying dogma that first see is judged by no one, but such attempts would be suppressed immediately by their "pope", and everyone removed in swift fashion like "Bp." Strickland. The only way is to say, he (Bergoglio) has left the Church, because he is a heretic, and therefore cannot rule in the Church: he is apostate antipope. The moment you "give him" the supreme authority, a heretic (such as Francis), he would of course suppress all opposition and "use" that "authority" against all dissentions. That is why it is absurd to imagine a heretic can rule in the Church, and wheel the supreme authority, and that you are obliged to be subject to him. Only sedevacantism makes sense and is correct, logical and dogmatic solution in current crisis. He as a heretic and is not holding keys of the Church.


Unfailing Faith

The Keys of St. Peter and his Unfailing Faith

Hello, Brothers. This was an excellent article, but I have one quick question.


The Catholic Encyclopedia, “Heresy,” 1914, Vol. 7, p. 261: “The pope himself, if notoriously guilty of heresy, would cease to be pope because he would cease to be a member of the Church.”

So is the Never Failing Faith simply referring to Papal Infallibility in the cases mentioned in the definition above? Sorry if this question is wasting your time, just trying to clarify and make sure. Thank you!



Yes, that is correct.


"Pope Francis dines with transgender women for Vatican luncheon"

Contrast these disgraceful actions with the record of an actual Catholic, Pope St. Pius V, who was accused of trying to turn Rome into a monastery because he wouldn’t compromise Christian morality when he ordered that sexually immoral people be imprisoned or exiled from the city. That’s the difference between a holy & pious Catholic and a faithless & profane impostor.


On A Par

"Pope Francis dines with transgender women for Vatican luncheon"

This is on a par with Francis inviting the "artist" behind the Crucifix submerged in urine photograph to the Vatican and flashing him a thumbs up and a smile. He's obviously a wicked antipope, not remotely Catholic, who seems to delight in flaunting just how far he can go in thumbing his nose at the Church, while still being recognized by over a billion braindead people as a legitimate pope.


Needs To

Amazing Evidence For God – Scientific Evidence For God

… Anyone who’s not watched this yet needs to!


"Those in the novus ordo need to wake up before it’s too late!"

November 25, 2023

Video Posted

“Bishop” Strickland Removed By Francis - What You Need To Know

MHFM: This video covers a number of important matters, including an important analysis of a heresy in the second half of the video.

False Trads

“Bishop” Strickland Removed By Francis – What You Need To Know

False trads: "Yes, the wolf has bloody fangs for devouring sheep but go back to him for he is the shepherd. Do you not see that he stands at the gate and has the robes of the shepherd?" Excellent video.


Cannot Be Conservative

“Bishop” Strickland Removed By Francis – What You Need To Know

Frank Pavone, James Altman and now Joseph Strickland all prove that you cannot be even slightly conservative without upsetting the apostates in this “hierarchy”. Those in the novus ordo need to wake up before it’s too late!

Deus Vult

Sold Out

“Bishop” Strickland Removed By Francis – What You Need To Know

Most recognize and resisters have by know completely sold out to the Vatican II sect… the neo SSPX is now almost completely reconciled with the center right wing of the Vatican II sect… I wonder if one reason why many false traditionalists can't come to the conclusion that the new rite of ordination and episcopal consecration are invalid simply because that would mean that their favorite false heroes like Burke, Muller, Schneider and Strickland are not valid priests or bishops. I nevertheless hope that Strickland comes to the true positions, realizes that his ordination and consecration are invalid and he is not a successor of the Apostles... Almost every revolution has had its moderate and radical wing. The Vatican II sect has moderates like Burke, Sarah, Schneider, etc. and liberals like James Martin. The Russians had the moderate Menshevik and the radical Bolshevik faction. The French Revolution had the moderate Girondin and the radical Jacobin faction…


“Among so many degenerates, Francis is, by far, the worst”

November 24, 2023


“Bishop” Strickland Removed By Francis – What You Need To Know

Thank you very much for producing this video… It was a fantastic refutation of false traditionalism. The falsely conservative members of the 'Vatican' II Counterchurch should take this video seriously because people's salvation depends upon these important matters of the Faith.



“Bishop” Strickland Removed By Francis – What You Need To Know

Great video!...

Robert Pina

No Concern

"Pope Francis dines with transgender women for Vatican luncheon"

So typical of this disgraceful, tragical sad clown Francis. Ensuring that people have their bellies full. And nothing more. No concern whatsoever for the Salvation of Souls. No surprise at this point. A most depraved distortion of "Feed my sheep." Among so many degenerates, Francis is, by far, the worst. His diabolical sect operates just like a transvestite. It can try to mimic, to dress like what it wishes to emulate, to modify its exterior appearance in order to deceive, but it can never truly alter its own core. Essence trumps appearances. Always! At the end of the day, nothing but a deplorable deception from Hell... it is no... coincidence, that so many of these individuals engage in prostitution. It was the moment when physical whoredom and deception met its spiritual counterpart.


Michael Voris Resigns

November 21, 2023

Michael Voris Resigns

MHFM: Michael Voris, the heretical leader of ‘Church Militant’, was forced to resign from the organization he founded as a result of a breach in their morality clause. We will probably have more comments on this matter, God willing. This is a video we posted about him in 2016. The analysis has proven to be correct. (We do, of course, hope for his conversion to the true Catholic faith).

Church Militant TV’s Michael Voris Reveals His Dark Past

We also posted our video The Michael Voris Deception 12 years ago today (Nov. 22), back in 2011. So, the first day on which 'Church Militant' is functioning without its founder (i.e. today, Nov. 22, 2023) is the anniversary of the date on which we published our first video about him.

Defense Of The Papacy

The Bible Proves The Papacy

Thank you for this video! This is the best defense of the papacy I've seen on YouTube…

Salve Regina


The Jan 6 "insurrection" was "so bad" it included a pat on the back and a handshake from cop - video

There's a new word for this out there...

Fedsurrection ;-)

God bless,

V. from Croatia

