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St. Irenaeus Contra Faith Alone
MHFM: St. Irenaeus, an important early Church father, wrote about AD 180. His writings are filled with statements that contradict the false gospel of faith alone and once saved always saved. Below is just one example. After quoting Galatians 5 and 1 Corinthians 6, he states:
St. Irenaeus, Against Heresies, Book V, Chap. 10: “He [St. Paul] shows in the clearest manner through what things it is that man goes to destruction, if he has continued to live after the flesh…”
It’s astounding that so many people embrace the heresies of faith alone and Protestantism when those ideas are not only patently opposed to the clear teaching of Scripture but also the obvious witness of the early Christian fathers.
My mind is blown. I really respect your work…
No Conviction
Cameron Bertuzzi Proves Bro. Peter Dimond Correct
Yes, this proves you correct. There is no real fear of God in these people and also no strong conviction about the inerrancy of Scripture and the magisterial teaching of the Church. They need to go to your website and learn, learn, learn, and become Catholic. As you say the root of the problem is the denial of the authentic salvation doctrine of the Church by almost all "traditionalists" and by those they continue to call their pope and hierarchy.
… One thing I am struggling with is the whole baptism of desire problem. Intellectually, your arguments make sense to me. But what is making me hesitant to fully accept it is that I was seemingly condemned by the Holy Office pre V2. I don’t remember that being addressed in the video I watched, can you explain this to me?...
This video/article covers the alleged Holy Office Letter: The Holy Office - Is It Infallible? (Geocentrism & Fr. Feeney)
In short, Holy Office acts/decisions that are approved in common form are not infallible. That's explained in the aforementioned article/video. Suprema Haec Sacra (the letter written against Feeney, dated Aug. 8, 1949) was not only a supposed 'common form' act (demonstrating that it was not infallibly promulgated), but it wasn't even officially promulgated. It was never published in the Acts of the Apostolic See. Therefore, it was actually a private, fallible, modernist document written by a 'cardinal' that served as a heretical basis for post-Vatican II heresies. Yet it's erroneously treated by many people as a dogmatic proclamation that overrides the actual dogmatic definitions. It's absurd.
This playlist of videos thoroughly covers the salvation and baptism issues:
True Conversion
Cameron Bertuzzi Proves Bro. Peter Dimond Correct
Dear Brothers,
In addition to proving how utterly disgraceful the Vatican 2 Sect is, your important videos on Bertuzzi also reminds us… that the people who accept the Vatican 2 Sect and its anti-popes do not understand what a true conversion is. Although it's the greatest of miracles, conversion is meaningless to them. They do not know that when a person truly converts, he changes. He becomes a new person, and the old man is left behind, as Sacred Scripture repeatedly warns us he must be. A person's beliefs change; his understanding of the world, of himself and of others change. Above all, his view of God changes, and he now clearly comprehends the importance of the true religion and the reality of the last things…
Lee Ann
Faustina & The Divine Mercy Deception
Dear Brothers,
Thank you for the great new video, Faustina and the Divine Mercy Deception. This video gives a critical insight into the dark and twisted heart of the Vatican II sect and the Antichrist. From the pride that the Devil nurtured in Faustina, to the substitution of devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Rosary, to the fake and horrifyingly dangerous 'indulgence' of 'Divine Mercy Sunday,' evil managed 'sneak in the back door' to deceive multitudes. This is a critical video…
God bless,
Chris White
Post-Trent Catechism By St. Peter Canisius Contradicts “Baptism Of Desire”
MHFM: Today is the feast of St. Peter Canisius, a doctor of the Church who attended the Council of Trent as a theologian. We have a very important video/article on St. Peter Canisius’ catechism. His catechism was published after key sessions of the Council of Trent. This is a must-see video/article. This video/article is extremely significant because it constitutes further powerful support for our position on baptism and it debunks common arguments made by John 3:5 mockers. John 3:5 mockers typically misrepresent the Church's teaching and the Tradition on the salvation and baptism issues. St. Peter Canisius’ catechism was the first major catechism in Church history, and it was approved by various popes. His catechism contradicts the idea of ‘baptism of desire’ by citing passages from early Church fathers which specifically taught that unbaptized catechumens (no matter how much progress they make) cannot be forgiven or saved without water baptism. In the same section on baptism, he specifically cites key passages of Trent, including the passage that John 3:5 mockers misunderstand (i.e. Sess. 6, Chap. 4), to teach that no adult is saved without baptism! His work was a providential defense and expression of the true faith. His catechism also contradicts the heresy that people who die ignorant of the faith or in false religions can be saved.
True Liberty
Tucker Carlson Out At Fox News – An Alarming Sign For America
Your other video, "Why America’s Freedoms Are Disappearing" (similar in topic to this video) has another beautiful commentary near the end of that video (9:06 - 10:00) which I believe many people in our day would benefit from hearing... "True liberty is not to do whatever you want. But to live in accord with right reason, your nature, and God's law. That's how one is truly free."
Andrew K.
Tucker Carlson Out At Fox News – An Alarming Sign For America
"But who, does not see and clearly perceive that human society, when set loose from the bonds of religion and true justice, can have, in truth, no other end than the purpose of obtaining and amassing wealth, and that (society under such circumstances) follows no other law in its actions, except the unchastened desire of ministering to its own pleasure and interests?" - Pope Pius IX, Quanta Cura
Tucker Carlson Out At Fox News – An Alarming Sign For America
Insightful commentary as always. Tucker was a huge moneymaker for Fox News, yet he was let go. We have to ask why. This was an agenda-driven dismissal. As Bro. Peter shared, all voices of reason are being canceled. When a corporation fires its leading moneymaker, we should ask who gave the order. I believe it came from higher up the globalist hierarchy than Rupert Murdoch.
“Divine Mercy” Video Temporarily Removed From YouTube
I watched your video on your website after I heard it was taken down. The video was extremely compelling…
Tucker out at Fox News
MHFM: Tucker Carlson’s exit from Fox News is another alarming sign for the state of the country and the world. He was the most prominent – and perhaps the only – figure on mainstream television powerfully exposing the facts about the communization of America. The globalists and those in the Deep State also surely want him out at Fox in advance of the upcoming election and the probable false flag events they will stage or carry out and then blame on conservatives.
America’s Fall To Communism – Documentary
The Real History Of “Orthodoxy”
Wonderful history I’ve long sought but no one could tell me! Thank you, brothers!
Been Watching
I have been watching your material and slowly making my way through your videos and your position resonates with me. I live in New Zealand and was baptized a catholic as a baby… I am convinced of your case that the current leadership in Rome is in apostasy…
God Bless
Matthew Brook
Pope St. Gregory VII, Summer 1076: “… God whose wrath when He begins to judge is as stern as His patience is abundant.”
St. Irenaeus, Against Heresies, Book IV, Chap. 14, AD 180: “In the beginning, therefore, did God form Adam, not as if He stood in need of man, but that He might have someone upon whom to confer His benefits… for this reason does God demand service from men, in order that, since He is good and merciful, He may benefit those who continue in His service.”
Islamized UK: For The First Time, Streets Of London Are Decorated For Ramadan
Belgium isn't much better: "This Good Friday, Muslims celebrated the breaking of the Ramadan fast in the St Jozef Church in Gent, Belgium. The former Catholic neo-Gothic church was consecrated in 1883. It has been owned by the city since March 2019. The current mayor of Ghent is Mathias De Clercq who is a member of the Open VLD party, which promotes the oligarchic system, homosexualism, abortion, and mass-immigration." (EN News)
Dominik Geis
Cameron Bertuzzi Proves Bro. Peter Dimond Correct
A very important video to watch. Yes indeed, the word "disgrace" could hardly be a better description, not only of Bertuzzi's actions, but by his unwitting V2 collaborators who just drink it all up. After expressing an intent to join Catholicism, then receiving money from "Catholics" (and a collection basket very likely also contains widows' mites), Bertuzzi withholds due honor from God by refusing to actually "profess" the Catholic Faith. The gesture is outrageous, but outrage now characterizes everything transpiring within the V2 sect. Almost daily a new wonder, astonishment, or sacrilegious abomination rears its ugly head, but the masses are desensitized to such an extent that they continue to send contributions, despairing of any better option. Mercifully, it's not too late for them to return to the straight and narrow path, and exchange the string of disgraceful scandals for Sanctifying Grace. They should redirect donations to Most Holy Family Monastery, pray the Holy Rosary, and quickly read "Mortalium Animos" to rediscover the true meaning of Christian "unity."
J. Balderston
New Video Posted
Cameron Bertuzzi Proves Bro. Peter Dimond Correct
Dear Brothers,
I've just watched your video on Abraham: Faith, Providence and Prefigurement.... really, really excellent! It is providence indeed that I should get to watch it too. It clarifies and puts into words what I was kind of beginning to think regarding the doctrine of absolutely no salvation outside the Church and the fewness of the saved, how hard it is to believe, and yet faith surely demands this of us in all humility and trusting obedience.
I'm so glad I have started to watch all your videos. They make more and more sense to me and confirm the things I always deeply held, things my dad had passed on to me of the old faith, but which seemed to be ignored by everyone. I'm glad I had the courage to stop my children and I attending Mass this Easter because I doubt the validity. It was scary and sad, but now I feel like a weight of hypocrisy and confusion has been removed from my life. In the rosary and the Angelus I stay close to Mother Mary each day and the Sacred Heart of Our Lord, and I ask St. Mary Magdalen to pray for me…
Thank you,
Carrie Jones in England
Paganism Is Endorsed
Islamized UK: For The First Time, Streets Of London Are Decorated For Ramadan
Shocking how paganism is endorsed in the EU.
Lex Orandi Lex Credendi