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Dear Brother Dimond,
I hope you recall that we had an online conversation a few months ago about the topic "outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation." I… maintained that those who are invincibly ignorant of the Catholic religion have some hopes of acquiring salvation through the mercy of God; well, after reading your book online as well as various other documents, I have come to this conclusion: unless one dies a baptized Catholic in the state of grace, he shall suffer eternal damnation, no exceptions whatsoever, and to believe in this argument of "invincible ignorance" is to reject the Catholic Faith totally.
Thank you for enlightening me on this matter; please pray for me that my faith may grow.
God bless you and Mary keep you.
Adam Twardowski
That’s great to hear; yes, we will.
Dear Brother Dimond,
I hope you recall that we had an online conversation a few months ago about the topic "outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation." I… maintained that those who are invincibly ignorant of the Catholic religion have some hopes of acquiring salvation through the mercy of God; well, after reading your book online as well as various other documents, I have come to this conclusion: unless one dies a baptized Catholic in the state of grace, he shall suffer eternal damnation, no exceptions whatsoever, and to believe in this argument of "invincible ignorance" is to reject the Catholic Faith totally.
Thank you for enlightening me on this matter; please pray for me that my faith may grow.
God bless you and Mary keep you.
Adam Twardowski
Dear Brother Dimond,
I hope you recall that we had an online conversation a few months ago about the topic "outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation." I… maintained that those who are invincibly ignorant of the Catholic religion have some hopes of acquiring salvation through the mercy of God; well, after reading your book online as well as various other documents, I have come to this conclusion: unless one dies a baptized Catholic in the state of grace, he shall suffer eternal damnation, no exceptions whatsoever, and to believe in this argument of "invincible ignorance" is to reject the Catholic Faith totally.
Thank you for enlightening me on this matter; please pray for me that my faith may grow.
God bless you and Mary keep you.
Adam Twardowski
Many people argue that the teachings of Vatican II don’t contradict Catholic dogma in any way. They strenuously assert that the Vatican II religion is in perfect continuity with the unchanging Catholic religion. Some people call these individuals (who defend everything in Vatican II and the post-conciliar apostasy) neo-Catholics; we call them neo-apostates, since they attempt to explain away everything from kissing the Koran to allowing idol-worshippers to take over and pray to false gods at Assisi. But one of the most interesting and clear ways of proving that the Vatican II sect is not the Catholic Church is simply by looking at what its members believe at the local level. The amount of stories from individuals who have actually been discouraged from becoming Catholic by members of the Novus Ordo Church, including Bishops, Vatican officials and RCIA teachers, seem almost endless; but if you ever want to be stirred to a holy indignation against the Vatican II apostasy, or if you ever want proof of what an abominable outrage the Vatican II sect is, or if you ever want to be convinced that it is a matter of heaven or hell to completely reject this false, non-Catholic sect falsely posing as the Catholic Church, then just call some Novus Ordo churches and ask them: “Do you accept the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation? Is Islam a false religion? Is Judaism a false religion?”
The responses that you will get will astound you and will confirm for you, if you are sincere, that the religion of these individuals (the Vatican II religion) is not the Catholic religion. It will confirm for you, if you are sincere, that the entire Vatican II sect is apostate, since these individuals are simply putting into practice what is taught and exemplified by Vatican II concerning non-Christian religions. Further, it will confirm for you, if you are sincere, that it is abominable that individuals such as the false traditionalists (Catholic Family News, The Remnant, etc.) will obstinately affirm that such apostates exist inside the Catholic Church.
In that vein, I was paging through the St. Anthony Messenger the other day and came across an article entitled Islam: What Every Catholic Should Know by Mary Margaret Funk, “O.S.B.” (St. Anthony Messenger is one of the more prominent publications of the Vatican II sect.) So here was an article by a supposed Benedictine Nun on Islam. What did she say?
Mary Margaret Funk, “O.S.B.,” Islam: What Catholics Should Know, p. 36, St. Anthony Messenger, August, 2005: “Unlike Christians, who believe that Jesus was the Son of God and an indivisible part of God, Muslims believe that the Holy Prophet Mohammed (570-632) was a man and that he followed Adam, Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, and Jesus as the last of the great prophets to receive divine revelation.”
While referring to Mohammed as “the Holy Prophet,” Mary Margaret didn’t think it necessary to mention to her “Catholic” readership that Mohammed was a false prophet and the originator of a false religion. She continues:
Mary Margaret Funk, “O.S.B.,” Islam: What Catholics Should Know, St. Anthony Messenger, August, 2005, p. 36: “Mohammed tested the authenticity of his revelations with prayer and fasting. It was two years before he went public with his profound religious experience.”
The impression that any reasonable reader of this article gets is that Mary Margaret holds that Mohammed’s false revelations were authentic or could be authentic (utter apostasy).
Mary Margaret Funk, “O.S.B.,” Islam: What Catholics Should Know, St. Anthony Messenger, August, 2005, p. 38: “I am struck by the absolute grasp of and reverence for the Quran communicated by the Muslims. The name Allah, after all, is simply the Arabic word for God, the one God of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.”
Here we see that Mary Margaret bases her effusive praise for the false religion of Islam on the false teaching of Vatican II that Jews, Christians and Muslims supposedly worship the same God. We see this very clearly illustrated in the next quote:
Mary Margaret Funk, “O.S.B.,” Islam: What Catholics Should Know, St. Anthony Messenger, August, 2005, p. 39: “When I was present for the Muslim salat, I felt as though I was at home with my nuns in Beech Grove, Indiana. It was the same God, the same praise and the same bended knee.”
This is utter apostasy and pure religious indifferentism. But it is all based precisely on the teaching of Vatican II on Muslims:
Vatican II document, Nostra aetate # 3: “The Church also looks upon Muslims with respect. They worship the one God living and subsistent, merciful and mighty, creator of heaven and earth, who has spoken to humanity and to whose decrees, even the hidden ones, they seek to submit themselves whole-heartedly, just as Abraham, to whom the Islamic faith readily relates itself, submitted to God… Hence they have regard for the moral life and worship God in prayer, almsgiving and fasting.
[mhfmvid id="BQKRELvZ9xg" quality="mqdefault" title="Vatican II Debate – Dimond vs. Sungenis – on Nostra Aetate #3 and the Muslims (Transcript)" url=""]
Mary Margaret Funk continues:
Mary Margaret Funk, “O.S.B.,” Islam: What Catholics Should Know, St. Anthony Messenger, August, 2005, p. 39: “My community of 82 nuns carries me when my devotion is tepid and my inclination is capricious. I see that same zeal among my Muslim friends. The stopping for prayer is the norm allowing us to be God-conscious during the in-between times and to help God-consciousness become pervasive. What then happens is that we return to ritual prayer thankful for this felt presence of God.”
Mary Margaret Funk is a member of Our Lady of Grace Monastery in Beech Grove, IN. She is not a member of the Catholic Church. She is a Christ-rejecter and an apostate who believes in salvation outside the Church and that false religions are not false. She is the former prioress of her large religious community, and she is the executive director of Monastic Interreligious Dialogue. But she is simply following the teaching of Vatican II and post-conciliar ecumenism.
How many stories such as this could be duplicated? They could be duplicated without end, in every diocese under Antipope Benedict XVI and every single religious community in communion with him. Have Mary Margaret Funk and millions of others misunderstood the teaching of Vatican II? No, she has understood perfectly that Vatican II teaches that Muslims worship God truly in prayer, almsgiving and fasting. Have Mary Margaret Funk and millions of others misunderstood the meaning of John Paul II’s attending of the Mosque, the Assisi event, the Buddhist Temple, the Lutheran Church and the Synagogue? No, they have understood quite well that such actions are a validation of those false religions. It is because they have followed the official teaching of Vatican II that they have come to apostasy as a result.
So, the neo-apostates (not “neo-Catholics”) need to stop mocking God. Please cease telling us that Vatican II didn’t teach religious indifferentism or validate false religions. And the false traditionalists need to stop mocking God and telling us that the multitude of apostates just like Sister Mary Funk (which includes Antipope Benedict XVI) are part of the Catholic Church.
Dear Brother Dimond,
I hope you recall that we had an online conversation a few months ago about the topic "outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation." I… maintained that those who are invincibly ignorant of the Catholic religion have some hopes of acquiring salvation through the mercy of God; well, after reading your book online as well as various other documents, I have come to this conclusion: unless one dies a baptized Catholic in the state of grace, he shall suffer eternal damnation, no exceptions whatsoever, and to believe in this argument of "invincible ignorance" is to reject the Catholic Faith totally.
Thank you for enlightening me on this matter; please pray for me that my faith may grow.
God bless you and Mary keep you.
Adam Twardowski
Yes, we were aware of this. His heretical teaching that even Jews who reject Our Lord can be in the state of grace is covered in section 34 of our book Outside the Catholic Church There is Absolutely No Salvation.
Fr. Denis Fahey, The Kingship of Christ and the Conversion of the Jewish Nation (1953), p. 52: “The Jews, as a nation, are objectively aiming at giving society a direction which is in complete opposition to the order God wants. It is possible that a member of the Jewish Nation, who rejects Our Lord, may have the supernatural life which God wishes to see in every soul, and so be good with the goodness God wants, but objectively, the direction he is seeking to give to the world is opposed to God and to that life, and therefore is not good. If a Jew who rejects our Lord is good in the way God demands, it is in spite of the movement in which he and his nation are engaged.”This is a denial of the fundamental truth of the Gospel (that it is necessary to believe in Christ for salvation) and a mockery of the dogma Outside the Church there is No Salvation. Fr. Fahey was (unfortunately) a complete heretic. It should also be kept in mind is that almost all “traditionalist” priests, such as Bishop McKenna, the CMRI, etc. agree with this or won’t condemn it as heretical. If a person will not say that this statement is heretical then he is a heretic. This is why the complete apostate Bishop McKenna wrote to us when we asked him about this and fully agreed with it:
Bishop McKenna to MHFM: “Fr. Fahey in these words is in fact recognizing Baptism of Desire. I repeat them, emphasizing what you ignorantly overlook, with (in parentheses) his implications: “The Jews, as a nation, are objectively aiming at giving society a direction which is in complete opposition to the order God wants. It is possible that (subjectively) a member of the Jewish Nation, who (objectively) rejects Our Lord, may (subjectively) have the supernatural life which God wishes to see in every soul (Sanctifying Grace), and so be good with the goodness God wants, but objectively, the direction he is seeking to give to the world is opposed to God and to that life, and therefore is not (objectively) good. If a Jew who rejects our Lord is (subjectively) good in the way God demands (and therefore, by Baptism of Desire, in the State of Grace), it is in spite of the movement in which (objectively) he and his nation are engaged.’ I could not agree more with what Fr. Fahey says…”To assert that one can attain salvation while rejecting Jesus Christ is to say that one can attain salvation while rejecting salvation itself. It is one of the worst heresies that one could utter. These people are not even remotely Christian.
“And he said to them [the Jews]: You are from beneath, I am from above. You are of this world, I am not of this world. Therefore, I said to you, that you shall die in your sins: for if you believe not that I am he, you shall die in your sin.” (John 8:23-24) “Amen, Amen, I say to you: he that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up another way, the same is a thief and a robber… I am the door.” (John 10:1, 9) “Jesus saith to them: I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6) “And when he [the Paraclete] is come, he will convince the world of sin, and of justice, and of judgment. Of sin indeed: because they have not believed in me.” (John 15:8-9) “For this was I born, and for this came I into the world, that I should give testimony to the truth: every one who is of the truth, heareth my voice.” (John 18:37) Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, Sess. 8, Nov. 22, 1439, ex cathedra: “Whoever wishes to be saved, needs above all to hold the Catholic faith; unless each one preserves this whole and inviolate, he will without a doubt perish in eternity.– But the Catholic faith is this, that we worship one God in the Trinity, and the Trinity in unity... Therefore let him who wishes to be saved, think thus concerning the Trinity. “But it is necessary for eternal salvation that he faithfully believe also in the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ...the Son of God is God and man...– This is the Catholic faith; unless each one believes this faithfully and firmly, he cannot be saved.” 1 John 5:11-12: “And this is the testimony, that God hath given to us eternal life. And this life is in his Son. He that hath the Son, hath life. He that hath not the Son, hath not life.”The fact of the matter is that most “traditionalists” who defend “baptism of desire” actually agree with Fr. Fahey (or won’t condemn his statement as heretical) and reject the fundamental truth of the Gospel – and attempt to justify the entire thing with “baptism of desire.” So, while they are defending “baptism of desire,” they are blinded to the fact that, in the eyes of Our Lord, they aren’t even Christians.
Dear Brother Dimond,
I hope you recall that we had an online conversation a few months ago about the topic "outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation." I… maintained that those who are invincibly ignorant of the Catholic religion have some hopes of acquiring salvation through the mercy of God; well, after reading your book online as well as various other documents, I have come to this conclusion: unless one dies a baptized Catholic in the state of grace, he shall suffer eternal damnation, no exceptions whatsoever, and to believe in this argument of "invincible ignorance" is to reject the Catholic Faith totally.
Thank you for enlightening me on this matter; please pray for me that my faith may grow.
God bless you and Mary keep you.
Adam Twardowski
Grant, this is simply nonsense. It sounds like you’ve been reading the lying books of the SSPX on baptism of desire, which assert the same falsehood.
Fr. Jean-Marc Rulleau (SSPX), Baptism of Desire, p. 63: “This baptism of desire makes up for the want of sacramental baptism… The existence of this mode of salvation is a truth taught by the Magisterium of the Church and held from the first centuries by all the Fathers. No Catholic theologian has contested it.” Fr. Francois Laisney (SSPX), Is Feeneyism Catholic?, p. 79, on Baptism of desire: “It is not only the common teaching, but unanimous teaching; it is not only since the early part of this millennium, but rather from the beginning of the Church…”These are grievous lies and mortally sinful misrepresentations of Tradition. To give just one example (a detailed discussion of the teaching of the fathers on this point is found in the book Outside the Catholic Church There is Absolutely No Salvation), here is St. Gregory Nazianz clearly rejecting that which you claimed “every Pope, Doctor and Saint without exception” believed:
St. Gregory Nazianz, 381 AD: “Of those who fail to be baptized some are utterly animal and bestial, according to whether they are foolish or wicked. This, I think, they must add to their other sins, that they have no reverence for this gift, but regard it as any other gift, to be accepted if given them, or neglected if not given them. Others know and honor the gift; but they delay, some out of carelessness, some because of insatiable desire. Still others are not able to receive it, perhaps because of infancy, or some perfectly involuntary circumstance which prevents them from receiving the gift, even if they desire it… “Ifyou were able to judge a man who intends to commit murder, solely by his intention and without any act of murder, then you could likewise reckon as baptized one who desired Baptism, without having received Baptism. But, since you cannot do the former, how can you do the latter? I cannot see it. If you prefer, we will put it like this: if in your opinion desire has equal power with actual Baptism, then make the same judgment in regard to glory. You will then be satisfied to long for glory, as if that longing itself were glory. Do you suffer any damage by not attaining the actual glory, as long as you have a desire for it?”So much for the claim that “the fathers are unanimous” and that every Saint and Doctor favored baptism of desire. Do you wish to retract your statement? When the priests of the SSPX, and individuals such as yourself, assert such they are stating exactly the opposite of the truth. In fact, it is true that the entire early Church, including St. Augustine (the one who was on both sides of the issue at times) rejected the idea that catechumens could be saved by a desire for water baptism; but the dishonest defenders of baptism of desire won’t tell you that. In your e-mail you also claimed that St. John Chrysostom believed that baptism of blood replaced water baptism. Another individual e-mailed us as about this as well.
St. John Chrysostom, Panegyric on St. Lucian, 4th Century AD: “Do not be surprised that I call martyrdom a Baptism; for here too the Spirit comes in great haste and there is a taking away of sins and a wonderful and marvelous cleansing of the soul; and just as those being baptized are washed in water, so too those being martyred are washed in their own blood.”What you and many others fail to realize is that St. John is here describing the martyrdom of a priest St. Lucian, a person already baptized. He is not saying that martyrdom replaces baptism. St. John Damascene describes it the same way:
St. John Damascene: “These things were well understood by our holy and inspired fathers --- thus they strove, after Holy Baptism, to keep... spotless and undefiled. Whence some of them also thought fit to receive another Baptism: I mean that which is by blood and martyrdom.”But how many people have quoted the above from St. John Chrysostom and declared that he is teaching that people can be saved without baptism, when he is clearly not? How many defenders of baptism of desire have misled people on this single point? I’ve seen it in many articles and e-mails of those defending baptism of desire. This is just one example of many that can be found in the avalanche of lies, distortions and misrepresentations that baptism of desire proponents pile up in defending this false teaching – this tradition of man that has never been taught by the Magisterium of the Church. I must also reiterate that almost 100% of these people who defend baptism of desire don’t even believe that one needs to desire baptism or believe in Christ for salvation. I specifically asked you about this, Grant, and you didn’t answer the question in your response, probably because you also hold the same heresy as the SSPX, SSPV, and CMRI. Since almost 100% of those who claim to believe in “baptism of desire” don’t even hold that one needs the desire for baptism or faith in Christ for salvation, I’m going to coin a new phrase to describe this position. These people hold: BAPTISM WITHOUT WATER, DESIRE OR BLOOD. This would apply to the SSPX, SSPV, CMRI, etc., etc., etc. They don’t believe in baptism of desire as taught by certain Saints (a definite error). No, they believe in baptism without water, desire or blood; they believe in baptism by Judaism, Hinduism and Islam.
Archbishop Lefebvre, Against the Heresies, page 216: “Evidently, certain distinctions must be made. Souls can be saved in a religion other than the Catholic religion (Protestantism, Islam, Buddhism, etc.), but not by this religion.”The Catholic Church, however, only believes in one baptism OF WATER, not three: of desire, water and blood.
Pope Clement V, Council of Vienne, 1311-1312, ex cathedra: “Besides, one baptism which regenerates all who are baptized in Christ must be faithfully confessed by all just as ‘one God and one faith’ [Eph. 4:5], which celebrated in water in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit we believe to be commonly the perfect remedy for salvation for adults as for children.”Here Pope Clement V defines as a dogma that ONE BAPTISM must be faithfully confessed by all, which is celebrated in water. This statement is infallible and dogmatic. This means that all Catholics must profess one baptism of water, not three baptisms: of water, blood and desire. To confess “three baptisms,” and not one, is to contradict defined Catholic dogma. [Note: this person included a whole series of arguments covering many pages in his e-mail, all of which are refuted in detail in the book: Outside the Catholic Church There is Absolutely No Salvation. ]
Dear Brother Dimond,
I hope you recall that we had an online conversation a few months ago about the topic "outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation." I… maintained that those who are invincibly ignorant of the Catholic religion have some hopes of acquiring salvation through the mercy of God; well, after reading your book online as well as various other documents, I have come to this conclusion: unless one dies a baptized Catholic in the state of grace, he shall suffer eternal damnation, no exceptions whatsoever, and to believe in this argument of "invincible ignorance" is to reject the Catholic Faith totally.
Thank you for enlightening me on this matter; please pray for me that my faith may grow.
God bless you and Mary keep you.
Adam Twardowski
Thanks for the information. We will share this with our readers. One of the master-strokes of the devil in these days has been to move shady and scandalous figures into the traditionalist clergy to attempt to disgrace the true Faith – so that people of weak Faith will get disenchanted and either run back to the Novus Ordo apostasy or give up altogether. One can think of many of similar heretics whom the devil is using.