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The lies about “baptism of desire” continue, and coining a new phrase
Grant, this is simply nonsense. It sounds like you’ve been reading the lying books of the SSPX on baptism of desire, which assert the same falsehood.
These are grievous lies and mortally sinful misrepresentations of Tradition. To give just one example (a detailed discussion of the teaching of the fathers on this point is found in the book Outside the Catholic Church There is Absolutely No Salvation), here is St. Gregory Nazianz clearly rejecting that which you claimed “every Pope, Doctor and Saint without exception” believed: So much for the claim that “the fathers are unanimous” and that every Saint and Doctor favored baptism of desire. Do you wish to retract your statement? When the priests of the SSPX, and individuals such as yourself, assert such they are stating exactly the opposite of the truth. In fact, it is true that the entire early Church, including St. Augustine (the one who was on both sides of the issue at times) rejected the idea that catechumens could be saved by a desire for water baptism; but the dishonest defenders of baptism of desire won’t tell you that. In your e-mail you also claimed that St. John Chrysostom believed that baptism of blood replaced water baptism. Another individual e-mailed us as about this as well. What you and many others fail to realize is that St. John is here describing the martyrdom of a priest St. Lucian, a person already baptized. He is not saying that martyrdom replaces baptism. St. John Damascene describes it the same way: But how many people have quoted the above from St. John Chrysostom and declared that he is teaching that people can be saved without baptism, when he is clearly not? How many defenders of baptism of desire have misled people on this single point? I’ve seen it in many articles and e-mails of those defending baptism of desire. This is just one example of many that can be found in the avalanche of lies, distortions and misrepresentations that baptism of desire proponents pile up in defending this false teaching – this tradition of man that has never been taught by the Magisterium of the Church. I must also reiterate that almost 100% of these people who defend baptism of desire don’t even believe that one needs to desire baptism or believe in Christ for salvation. I specifically asked you about this, Grant, and you didn’t answer the question in your response, probably because you also hold the same heresy as the SSPX, SSPV, and CMRI. Since almost 100% of those who claim to believe in “baptism of desire” don’t even hold that one needs the desire for baptism or faith in Christ for salvation, I’m going to coin a new phrase to describe this position. These people hold: BAPTISM WITHOUT WATER, DESIRE OR BLOOD. This would apply to the SSPX, SSPV, CMRI, etc., etc., etc. They don’t believe in baptism of desire as taught by certain Saints (a definite error). No, they believe in baptism without water, desire or blood; they believe in baptism by Judaism, Hinduism and Islam. The Catholic Church, however, only believes in one baptism OF WATER, not three: of desire, water and blood. Here Pope Clement V defines as a dogma that ONE BAPTISM must be faithfully confessed by all, which is celebrated in water. This statement is infallible and dogmatic. This means that all Catholics must profess one baptism of water, not three baptisms: of water, blood and desire. To confess “three baptisms,” and not one, is to contradict defined Catholic dogma. [Note: this person included a whole series of arguments covering many pages in his e-mail, all of which are refuted in detail in the book: Outside the Catholic Church There is Absolutely No Salvation. ]Sign up for our free e-mail list to see future videos and articles.
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