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I have a question which you may have answered or addressed somewhere else so I apologize if it is a repeat.
What is your opinion based on church teachings, regarding the baptism of infants into the Vatican II sect? Specifically, if these babies were to die what are we to think about their eternity? They are being baptized into an anti-christ church using a changed sacrament which I assume makes it invalid. They are innocent babies, but without baptism am I right in saying they cannot go to heaven? Are they "marked” somehow by Satan as his since they are baptized into his church? I was just pondering this. This is a long question--sorry.
I really respect and appreciate all of the information/research you are making available. Your take on this would be much appreciated. It is a tragedy that innocent kids are being brought into that false church. It breaks my heart.
Thank you so much,
Rene, the Church teaches that anyone can baptize, provided he uses the matter and form and intends to do what the Church does - i.e., pronounce the words and pour the water. So, as long as water is used, and the infant child of Novus Ordo parents is baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, the baptism would be valid and those infants would therefore be validly baptized into the Catholic Church and would go to heaven if they died in infancy, just like the baptized infants of Protestant families who die in infancy would also go straight to heaven. The baptized infants who have Protestant or Novus Ordo parents don't become heretics until they knowingly embrace the Protestant or Novus Ordo heresy.
Pope Innocent IV, Council of Lyons I, 1254: "Moreover, if anyone without repentance dies in mortal sin, without a doubt he is tortured forever by the flames of eternal hell. But the souls of children after the cleansing of baptism, and of adults also who depart in charity and who are bound neither by sin nor unto any satisfaction for sin itself, at once pass quickly to their eternal fatherland." (Denz. 457)Being below the age of reason, it is not possible for baptized infants to be heretics. So, as long as they are below the age of reason, they are members of the Catholic Church, despite belonging to a heretical family.
I have a question which you may have answered or addressed somewhere else so I apologize if it is a repeat.
What is your opinion based on church teachings, regarding the baptism of infants into the Vatican II sect? Specifically, if these babies were to die what are we to think about their eternity? They are being baptized into an anti-christ church using a changed sacrament which I assume makes it invalid. They are innocent babies, but without baptism am I right in saying they cannot go to heaven? Are they "marked” somehow by Satan as his since they are baptized into his church? I was just pondering this. This is a long question--sorry.
I really respect and appreciate all of the information/research you are making available. Your take on this would be much appreciated. It is a tragedy that innocent kids are being brought into that false church. It breaks my heart.
Thank you so much,
Sorry, but that is not what the Church teaches. The Catholic Church doesn't teach that all who are saved are saved "through" or "by” the Catholic Church. It teaches that no one is saved outside the Catholic Church, that no one is saved without the Catholic Faith, and that no one is saved in a non-Catholic religion. You obstinately reject this dogma and therefore are not a Catholic. Your problem is not with us, but with the dogmatic teaching of the Catholic Church on salvation which you cannot accept.
Pope Gregory XVI, Mirari Vos (# 13), Aug. 15, 1832: “With the admonition of the apostle, that ‘there is one God, one faith, one baptism’ (Eph. 4:5), may those fear who contrive the notion that the safe harbor of salvation is open to persons of any religion whatever. They should consider the testimony of Christ Himself that ‘those who are not with Christ are against Him,’ (Lk. 11:23) and that they disperse unhappily who do not gather with Him. Therefore, ‘without a doubt, they will perish forever, unless they hold the Catholic faith whole and inviolate (Athanasian Creed).” Pope Gregory XVI, Summo Iugiter Studio (# 2), May 27, 1832: “Finally some of these misguided people attempt to persuade themselves and others that men are not saved only in the Catholic religion, but that even heretics may attain eternal life.” Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, “Cantate Domino,” 1441, ex cathedra: “The Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and preaches that all those who are outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans but also Jews or heretics and schismatics, cannot share in eternal life and will go into the everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels, unless they are joined to the Church before the end of their lives; that the unity of this ecclesiastical body is of such importance that only those who abide in it do the Church’s sacraments contribute to salvation and do fasts, almsgiving and other works of piety and practices of the Christian militia productive of eternal rewards; and that nobody can be saved, no matter how much he has given away in alms and even if he has shed blood in the name of Christ, unless he has persevered in the bosom and unity of the Catholic Church.” Pope Pius IX, Vatican Council I, Session 2, Profession of Faith, 1870, ex cathedra: “This true Catholic faith, outside of which none can be saved, which I now freely profess and truly hold…”-Bro. Peter Dimond [Notice again how this heretic’s concern for baptism of desire is not because he believes that catechumens, that is, those who desire baptism, can be saved. Not at all. He wants baptism of desire to be true so badly because he can’t accept the Church’s dogma that all who die as non-Catholics are lost. He believes that souls can be saved in “false religions.” This is just another example which corroborates what I stated in the book, that for 99% of those who believe in baptism of desire, it means salvation for non-Catholics/salvation outside the Church.]
I have a question which you may have answered or addressed somewhere else so I apologize if it is a repeat.
What is your opinion based on church teachings, regarding the baptism of infants into the Vatican II sect? Specifically, if these babies were to die what are we to think about their eternity? They are being baptized into an anti-christ church using a changed sacrament which I assume makes it invalid. They are innocent babies, but without baptism am I right in saying they cannot go to heaven? Are they "marked” somehow by Satan as his since they are baptized into his church? I was just pondering this. This is a long question--sorry.
I really respect and appreciate all of the information/research you are making available. Your take on this would be much appreciated. It is a tragedy that innocent kids are being brought into that false church. It breaks my heart.
Thank you so much,
Tommy, the meaning of Jesus about the necessity to be born again is found in John 3:5. He says, "Unless a man is born again of water and the Holy Ghost he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God." This refers to water baptism. It means that no one can enter heaven without water baptism.
But getting baptized is not the only thing one must do to be saved. One must belong to the one Church Christ established (the Catholic Church), for he who refuses to hear the Church is like the heathen and publican (Matthew 18:17). We can tell you in more detail what you must do to belong to this Church if you contact us.
To be saved one must also die in the state of grace (free from all grave sin). That can only be accomplished by a Catholic who has a strong prayer life, including devotion to the Mother of God, who avoids the near occasions of sin, who makes saving his soul the number 1 priority, etc.
We have a seven video or dvd special which you can get for $15.00 which includes a very important video on this subject, called Death and the Journey into Hell. [Update: you can get this video program with 13 other programs on 1 DVD for $5.00 (price includes shipping). Click here for more information].
Jesus also taught the necessity of confessing sins to a priest (John 20:23), as well as many other things. All grave sins that one has committed must be confessed to a validly ordained Catholic priest. One must accept the fullness of the Faith Christ established (the Catholic Faith) if one is going to be saved. We look forward to hearing from you.
I have a question which you may have answered or addressed somewhere else so I apologize if it is a repeat.
What is your opinion based on church teachings, regarding the baptism of infants into the Vatican II sect? Specifically, if these babies were to die what are we to think about their eternity? They are being baptized into an anti-christ church using a changed sacrament which I assume makes it invalid. They are innocent babies, but without baptism am I right in saying they cannot go to heaven? Are they "marked” somehow by Satan as his since they are baptized into his church? I was just pondering this. This is a long question--sorry.
I really respect and appreciate all of the information/research you are making available. Your take on this would be much appreciated. It is a tragedy that innocent kids are being brought into that false church. It breaks my heart.
Thank you so much,
Regarding the book Fatima in Twilight, the description of the events of Fatima were very well written and very interesting, as well as many of the facts dealing with the spread of Communism. I found those parts of the book to be very good. But many of the author’s conclusions about Sister Lucia, John Paul II, etc. are false and dangerous. For instance, the author unhesitatingly accepts this “Sister Lucia” as the real one, when anyone who saw the 2000 “Beatification” ceremonies of Jacinta and Francisco by Antipope John Paul II (as we did), could see for himself that this “Sister Lucia” must be an imposter, for she is fully in favor of John Paul II and the version of the Third Secret released by John Paul II. When “Cardinal” Sodano announced at the “Beatification” ceremony that the Third Secret deals with the assassination attempt against John Paul II, this “Sister Lucia” was waving enthusiastically with approval, confirming without a doubt that she agrees! Thus, it is a fact, clear to anyone who saw this, that this “Sister Lucia” agrees with the Vatican that the Third Secret speaks of the assassination attempt against John Paul II. Anyone who denies this, such as basically all of the false traditionalists, is either mistaken or a liar. And this fact (her behavior at the 2000 “Beatifications” of Jacinta and Francisco) blows away the entire Nicholas Gruner myth, which is very deceptive and misleading – that this imposter is actually the real “Sister Lucia” and that she really holds that the Consecration of Russia has not been done, but that she just isn’t allowed to speak. In fact, in Fatima in Twilight, the author acknowledges “Sister Lucia’s” exuberant approval of John Paul II and the Vatican’s version of the “Third Secret” at the 2000 “Beatifications.
Mark Fellows, Fatima in Twilight, p. 327: “In fact, her [Sister Lucia’s] exuberance at Fatima in 2000 was almost disquieting. Surely the cause of her radiance, and her new graciousness towards John Paul, was her happiness over the beatification of her two cousins. Yet she remained exuberant even in the face of Cardinal Sodano’s version of the Third Secret, going so far as to make large, awkward gestures to the crowd.”Behold the death-blow to the false traditionalist explanation of Fatima! Mr. Fellows admits that “Sister Lucia’s” gestures at Fatima confirming the Vatican’s version of the third secret were “almost disquieting.” No, they were quite disquieting! They can’t explain this one away. They can’t explain away “Sister Lucia’s” clear, undeniable approval of the Vatican’s version of the Third Secret, because it was clear for all to see. Mr. Fellows doesn’t seem to realize that this undeniable fact renders all of their efforts, page after page, to prove that Sister Lucia doesn’t really hold the Vatican line on Fatima worthless and false. They are just wasting their time and misleading their readers. They should just tell their readers the truth: that there is no way that this “Sister Lucia” can be the real one. But this would raise questions about John Paul II himself which I don’t think they want to get into. This is where people show whether or not they are truly devoted to Fatima. They can talk and talk and talk, but if they can’t tell people the truth simply because they fear that the people would think it is too radical – the truth that any logical, honest person who saw this event can identify – namely, that this “Sister Lucia” clearly endorses the Vatican’s line on Fatima – they show themselves to be not devoted to Fatima, but, in fact, phonies. The proof is in one’s actions, whether he will tell the truth about Fatima, no matter how shocking, disturbing or upsetting it may be to people. Further, the reason that this “Sister Lucia” isn’t allowed to speak freely is because the Vatican knows that she would be caught in lies and contradictions and exposed for the imposter that she is. It is not because she would confirm the Nicholas Gruner line on Fatima. The 2000 “Beatification” ceremony drives a big stake into that false and very misleading Fatima deception, which accepts this “Sister Lucia” as the real one and the Third Secret released by the Vatican as “part” of the Third Secret. There are many notes and thoughts that we had about this book, which perhaps we can expand upon more at a later date. But one example of the problems occurs with regard to Antipope John XXIII. On page 180, the author says:
“Pope John was the Pope who single-handedly rehabilitated Communism, discredited Fatima, and used deceitful methods to bury the Third Secret…In light of Fatima, he was the Pope of the Apostasy.”Yet, on page 161, the author says: “None of this speculation – and that is what it is – is intended to disparage Pope John. That he was a goodhearted man is beyond dispute.” Okay, so one can single-handedly rehabilitate Communism, discredit the Message of Fatima, bury the Third Secret, be the “Pope” of the Apostasy, and have a good heart? This is simply the same kind of mélange [mixture] of truth with error, so characteristic of Nicholas Gruner and those who advance a similar position on Fatima and the post-conciliar apostasy. They bring out many interesting truths, and they mix them in with all kinds of false conclusions about the evil men who are foisting this apostasy upon us. The book also proves again that John Paul II is a total apostate and an enemy of Fatima, by giving many facts and instances to prove this. For example, on page 307, Fellows quotes a letter written to the editor of a magazine by a man named Elichar Alesne. Alesne can see that John Paul II has lied to the world about Fatima. He writes:
“And it is because I have the courage to state the truth that I speak. And I affirm, before God who will judge me, that never has any Pope, until our own day, uttered so great a lie as that of His Holiness John Paul II concerning the Third Secret of Fatima.”This man is absolutely correct, and hopefully he will come to realize the truth that John Paul II is not the Pope, but a non-Catholic apostate. But why don’t you hear this from the mouths of the false traditionalists? Why do them blame Sodano, Ratzinger, et al. and not the real enemy of Fatima – Antipope John Paul II. It is because it is easy to attack the others and accuse them of lying, but it is not as popular for them to tell the blatantly obvious truth, that Elichar Alesne can see so clearly, that John Paul II is lying to the entire world about Fatima. Fatima in Twilight is also filled with proof that John Paul II is a wicked apostate, a Communist supporter, an adherent of universal salvation and that all religions are true, etc. Yet, after quoting something conservative that John Paul II said at the May 2000 “Beatifications, ” the author makes a statement such as this:
Fatima in Twilight, p. 274: “How easy it is to love the Holy Father when he feeds the faithful with solid spiritual food.”This is what I call a puke page, because it really makes one want to puke.
I have a question which you may have answered or addressed somewhere else so I apologize if it is a repeat.
What is your opinion based on church teachings, regarding the baptism of infants into the Vatican II sect? Specifically, if these babies were to die what are we to think about their eternity? They are being baptized into an anti-christ church using a changed sacrament which I assume makes it invalid. They are innocent babies, but without baptism am I right in saying they cannot go to heaven? Are they "marked” somehow by Satan as his since they are baptized into his church? I was just pondering this. This is a long question--sorry.
I really respect and appreciate all of the information/research you are making available. Your take on this would be much appreciated. It is a tragedy that innocent kids are being brought into that false church. It breaks my heart.
Thank you so much,
In a May 8 article called “The Consecration Has Been Done?,” Dr. Thomas Drolesky discusses the recent statement by the Executive Secretary of the Russian Conference of Catholic Bishops Igor Kovalevsky. Kovalevsky, as documented in our Heresy of the Week Achive for 5/14/04, stated that the “Holy See” has officially instructed that the Orthodox are not to be converted to Catholicism. Dr. Drolesky, who writes for Catholic Family News and The Remnant, admits that this is apostasy.
Dr. Drolesky, The Consecration Has Been Done, May 9: “Let's be brutally frank: to assert that the Catholic Church is not interested in the conversion of souls from Orthodoxy to Catholicism is to assert a belief that is alien to Catholic truth and representative of the sort of syncretist, pan-Christianity specifically condemned by Pope Pius XI in Mortalium Animos in 1928…. Please tell me how not seeking the conversion of Russia to the Catholic Faith is not apostasy… the statement of the executive secretary of the Catholic bishops' conference in Russia proves that the Vatican has no interest--and I mean no interest--in the conversion of Russia whatsoever.” (
That’s right, Dr. Drolesky, it is apostasy! So why do you continue to hold communion with and recognize these apostates as Catholics? Why do you continue to say that Catholics should join up with these apostates? In admitting that the above is apostasy, you have been more honest than your cohorts at The Remnant and Catholic Family News, who deny that this is apostasy, but if you obstinately remain in communion with these men then you too are an apostate. So please, Dr. Drolesky, for your own soul and the Catholic Faith, acknowledge that John Paul II and his Bishops who hold that we should not convert the Eastern Orthodox are apostates who are outside the Catholic Church and with whom no one can hold communion. Acknowledge that the men who teach such things cannot be the representatives of the Catholic Church. Anyone who denies this or holds communion with men who say that Russia should not be converted to Catholicism simply denies Our Lord and the Papacy.
I have a question which you may have answered or addressed somewhere else so I apologize if it is a repeat.
What is your opinion based on church teachings, regarding the baptism of infants into the Vatican II sect? Specifically, if these babies were to die what are we to think about their eternity? They are being baptized into an anti-christ church using a changed sacrament which I assume makes it invalid. They are innocent babies, but without baptism am I right in saying they cannot go to heaven? Are they "marked” somehow by Satan as his since they are baptized into his church? I was just pondering this. This is a long question--sorry.
I really respect and appreciate all of the information/research you are making available. Your take on this would be much appreciated. It is a tragedy that innocent kids are being brought into that false church. It breaks my heart.
Thank you so much,
P., you are referring to Fr. Feeney, not Fr. Feynan. I actually just finished a new book that is 300 pages on this topic. It is now available for $8.00. It covers the issue in-depth, and all aspects of the Fr. Feeney case in-depth. You should get it and read it; it answers your questions in this regard. [update: book online here] Sincerely, Bro. Peter Dimond, O.S.B.
Brother Peter, Yikes! 300 pages? I found it difficult to read the 4-page bulletin! Just for now, in a two-liner, would you mind telling me if you consider the condemnation not to apply to your case because of differences between your position and Fr. Feeney's? Or not to apply in the first place to Fr. Feeney or anyone else because it wouldn't have been an infallible act of magisterium? I understand that if I want to know the reasons for your opinion that I would have to refer to your in-depth study or perhaps to future bulletins that might summarize it. Thanks for adding me to your email list. If you don't mind, I will likely have more questions for you; hopefully, they won't be so involved or require such a lengthy reply! Regards and may God bless you, P.B.
Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, “Cantate Domino,” 1441, ex cathedra: “The Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and preaches that all those who are outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans but also Jews or heretics and schismatics, cannot share in eternal life and will go into the everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels, unless they are joined to the Church before the end of their lives; that the unity of this ecclesiastical body is of such importance that only those who abide in it do the Church’s sacraments contribute to salvation and do fasts, almsgiving and other works of piety and practices of the Christian militia productive of eternal rewards; and that nobody can be saved, no matter how much he has given away in alms and even if he has shed blood in the name of Christ, unless he has persevered in the bosom and unity of the Catholic Church.”Sincerely, Bro. Peter Dimond, O.S.B. [P. B. did not respond to this question. I hope that it wasn’t because he does not believe in this dogma, but that may be the case. Perhaps he just wanted to use the little that he had heard about the Fr. Feeney case to justify his belief in salvation outside the Church. I hope not, but that is almost always the case with “traditionalists” who bring up the issue. We post this exchange without the man’s full name only to show people how people use their own perverted and inaccurate idea of what the Fr. Feeney case was about to justify their denial of this dogma. This man didn’t even know Fr. Feeney’s name, but was presumably using it to justify his belief which was at odds with Catholic dogma.]
I have a question which you may have answered or addressed somewhere else so I apologize if it is a repeat.
What is your opinion based on church teachings, regarding the baptism of infants into the Vatican II sect? Specifically, if these babies were to die what are we to think about their eternity? They are being baptized into an anti-christ church using a changed sacrament which I assume makes it invalid. They are innocent babies, but without baptism am I right in saying they cannot go to heaven? Are they "marked” somehow by Satan as his since they are baptized into his church? I was just pondering this. This is a long question--sorry.
I really respect and appreciate all of the information/research you are making available. Your take on this would be much appreciated. It is a tragedy that innocent kids are being brought into that false church. It breaks my heart.
Thank you so much,
I’m not aware of any Popes who condemned it because it is a new phenomenon. But it is not traditional, it is ecumenical (involvement with Protestants and the Novus Ordo), so it must be rejected on that basis alone. Further, it involves things to which Catholics should naturally hold an aversion and recognize as not being Catholic and evil – e.g., speaking in gibberish, some even barking like dogs, and some even oinking like pigs. If your daughter is convinced of the Church’s traditional teaching on Outside the Church There is NO Salvation (please get our new book on this topic), and if she denounces all heretics, as well as the heresies of the Vatican II, John Paul II, etc., then she will naturally see that the Pentecostal movement is incompatible with the Traditional Catholic Faith.