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The Vatican II sect promotes idolatry by its general worship of man, by its particular worship of man in the New Mass, and by its acceptance of idolatrous religions
We’ve already covered in great detail the Vatican II sect’s acceptance of idolatrous religions. We must now look at how man has replaced God in the New Mass, and how this is reflected in the seminaries.
Lex Orandi, lex credendi – The Novus Ordo Law of Prayer corresponds to the Novus Ordo Law of Belief: that Man is God
Lex Orandi, lex credendi is a principle in Catholic teaching. It simply means that the manner in which the Church prays or worships reflects what the Church believes. This is so true that when the Protestant heretics split from the Church they most effectively indoctrinated people with the Protestant heresies (denying the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, denying the Mass as sacrifice, etc.) by changing the Mass in ways which reflected their new beliefs (e.g., treating the Eucharist like an ordinary piece of bread, removing references to sacrifice, etc.)
We see the same thing in the Novus Ordo Missae (the New Mass). Let’s focus briefly on how the Novus Ordo law of prayer reflects the post-Vatican II teaching (enunciated by John Paul II) that man is God. Even Michael Davies, the late defender of the validity of the New Mass, clearly recognized that the worship of the New Mass is the Cult of Man.
The turning around of the altar, and its replacement by a table which faces man, replaces the cult of God with the cult of man.
Notice this important point: the meaning of the New Mass is in the assembly, according to the Vatican II sect, because its creed is that the assembly – man – is now Christ.
This replacement of God with man in the (New) Mass is also inculcated in the official Vatican II document on the liturgy (Sacrosanctum Concilium).
Regarding this teaching, Michael Davies commented:
Thus, Vatican II officially teaches that attention in the Mass must be on man rather than on God.
That’s why we hear about every kind of abomination at the New Mass, including Clown Masses, Kiddie Masses, Polka Masses, etc., etc., etc., etc., which are all directed toward making the worship conform to the assembly – conforming to man, who is really the object of its worship.
Body Surfing at the New Mass
Michael Davies, Pope Paul’s New Mass, p. 170: “…the most evident characteristic of the new liturgy is that it is the Cult of Man rather than the Cult of God. The last thing it intends to convey is that we are in but not of the world; the last thing it intends is that we should be drawn out of our ordinary lives. The leitmotiv of contemporary writing on the [new] liturgy is that the congregation must be made to feel at home during Mass and this is best done by insuring that that the liturgy reflects its particular milieu… This is particularly true in the case of children… the Directory on Children’s Masses…”[7]
This worship of man in the New Mass was strikingly captured in an April 3, 1978 exposé by The Boston Globe.
A Clown Mass that took place in Boston on April 2, 1978
Here is the Eucharistic prayer from this Novus Ordo Clown “Mass,” which was celebrated by Fr. Joachim Lally:
In this Eucharistic prayer from the Novus Ordo Clown Mass, we see the blatant teaching that man is Christ. The prayer stated that “we might be the living and breathing and moving Body and Blood of Jesus Christ…”! This is the doctrine of Antichrist, the dissolving of Jesus into everyone (1 John 4:2-3). This religion of man as Christ is also inculcated in a ruling laid down on how Novus Ordo “Communion” must not be distributed.
Notice: the official statement of the Novus Ordo bishops says that a priest must not say “Receive the Body of Christ” or “This is the Body of Christ” when distributing Communion, but rather “the Body of Christ” in order to emphasize that the “Body of Christ” is present in the community! This is the worship of man!
This idolatry is reflected in the Novus Ordo seminaries. At many of these seminaries, devotion to what they think is the Blessed Sacrament [remember, the Real Presence of Christ is not present in the New Mass, as we’ve covered] is actually discouraged because it fails to recognize the presence of Christ in everyone!
Some of those who even kneel for what they deem to be the Blessed Sacrament are rebuked for their “outdated” understanding of the Real Presence of Christ, i.e., “failing” to “understand” that Christ is present in everyone! This is the doctrine of Antichrist, fully imbibed by the Vatican II sect. And we know this from first-hand experience. Many years ago one of us visited a Novus Ordo seminary in the Philadelphia area. The New “Mass” was ridiculously irreverent and featured seminarians strumming their guitars at what was more like a folk concert than a Mass. When one of us complained to a seminary authority that the antics at “Mass” were not reverent to Christ who is present in the Blessed Sacrament (which one of us mistakenly thought at the time, not knowing about the invalidity of the New Mass), the seminary authority actually replied, “But what about Christ who is present in each person?”
Notice how the Devil subtly insinuates the worship of man under the false pretext of a concern for others. Hiding evil under the cloak of a false charity or a phony “love” has always been one of the Devil’s most effective means of spreading heresy and lies.
These people fail to realize that Pope Pius XII expressly condemned confusing the Mystical Body of Christ (the members of the Church) with the actual Body and Person of Jesus Christ.
We will conclude this section with the following mind-boggling story of what occurred in St. Mark’s Novus Ordo Minor Seminary. This story takes this doctrine of man as Christ to its full conclusion. It shows us how this doctrine of the assembly as Christ rules in the New Church. It illustrates how the Vatican II sect, the New Mass and the Novus Ordo seminaries are unspeakably demonic.
The worship of man (the assembly) as Christ in the New Mass had so fully consumed this apostate Novus Ordo “priest” that he worshipped the clay pot, just as he worships the assembly of people in the New Mass. And this is precisely what the Novus Ordo/Vatican II religion of John Paul II is all about. It’s why the Assisi interreligious apostasy has been fully embraced by the Vatican II clergy, whereby all religious leaders, including Christ-deniers, are accepted. They are invited and accepted because (according to the false Vatican II religion) their dignity as men is more important than the fact that they reject Christ.
So, idolatry exists on three fronts in the Vatican II religion: 1) the worship of an invalidly consecrated piece of bread in the New Mass, since the form of consecration in the New Mass doesn’t suffice for validity (as we’ve shown); 2) the worship of man by conforming the service to the assembly, rather than to God, by the turning around of the altar and many other things; and 3) the elevation of man’s dignity above the teaching of Christ by accepting men’s false religions, despite the fact that they contradict the teaching of Christ.
This worship of man is a main reason why the Novus Ordo “priesthood” is a cesspool of abominations, homosexuality and unspeakable perversion. As we’ve seen, a study of the missionaries reveals that where idolatry is common (such as in mission territories fully under Satan’s yoke), homosexuality is common. The idolatry of the New Mass is a major factor in the massive perversion of the Novus Ordo “priests.”
Obviously, these facts should show us once again why the Novus Ordo Mass can never be attended for any reason under pain of grave sin.
[1] Michael Davies, Pope Paul’s New Mass, Kansas City, MO: Angelus Press, p. 141.
[2] Michael Davies, Pope Paul’s New Mass, p. 149.
[3] Michael Davies, Pope Paul’s New Mass, p. 141.
[4] L’Osservatore Romano (the Vatican’s Newspaper), Nov. 2, 1978, p. 1.
[5] Walter M. Abbott, The Documents of Vatican II, The America Press, 1966, p. 144.
[6] Michael Davies, Pope Paul’s New Mass, pp. 142-143.
[7] Michael Davies, Pope Paul’s New Mass, p. 170.
[8] Michael Davies, Pope Paul’s New Mass, pp. 197-198.
[9] Michael Davies, Pope Paul’s New Mass, p. 340.
[10] Michael Rose, Goodbye, Good Men, Washington, D.C.: Regnery Publishing, Inc., 2002, p. 121.
[11] Michael Rose, Goodbye, Good Men, p. 121.
[12] The Papal Encyclicals, by Claudia Carlen, Raleigh: The Pierian Press, 1990, Vol. 4 (1939-1958), p. 54.
[13] Michael Rose, Goodbye, Good Men, p. 166.
[14] The Papal Encyclicals, Vol. 3 (1903-1939), p. 6.
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