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Exchange with a woman who is having a problem with the idea of sedevacantism
[While this woman was harping on her understanding of fidelity to the Chair of Peter, I sensed from what she was saying that she rejected Vatican II and many of the official teachings of her “Popes”. So, to illustrate her inconsistency, I asked her the following question]:
MF: MHFM: Your response was similar to what I expected. You cannot have it both ways. If you accept these Antipopes as true Popes you must accept their authoritative teaching. Otherwise, you reject Papal Infallibility. Vatican II was solemnly and infallibly promulgated by Paul VI if he was a true Pope. If Paul VI was a true Pope, it is a true ecumenical council to whose teaching you are bound. This has been proven in the following article and by the quotes below. Paul VI solemnly declared that Vatican II was to be "religiously observed" by all the faithful.Was Vatican II infallible?
EACH ONE OF THE 16 DOCUMENTS OF VATICAN II ENDS WITH THESE WORDS SHOWING PAUL VI’S SOLEMN APPROVAL: “EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THE THINGS SET FORTH IN THIS DECREE HAS WON THE CONSENT OF THE FATHERS. WE, TOO, BY THE APOSTOLIC AUTHORITY CONFERRED ON US BY CHRIST, JOIN WITH THE VENERABLE FATHERS IN APPROVING, DECREEING, AND ESTABLISHING THESE THINGS IN THE HOLY SPIRIT, AND WE DIRECT THAT WHAT HAS THUS BEEN ENACTED IN SYNOD BE PUBLISHED TO GOD’S GLORY... I, PAUL, BISHOP OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH.” Antipope Paul VI again declares that Vatican II is to be Religiously Observed But you reject Vatican II. Thus, you reject the authoritative teaching of your "Pope." You are proving our point that they are not true Popes. You are a sedevacantist without admitting it. But if you obstinately hold that they are true Popes – in the face of all the evidence – while you reject the teaching to which they bind you, you then reject the dogma of Papal Infallibility. You also mentioned that you absolutely reject the idea that non-Catholics can lawfully receive Communion and that Muslims and Catholics together worship the same God. But the Vatican II "Popes" have authoritatively taught that non-Catholics can receive Communion and that Muslims and Catholics together worship God. This was solemnly taught in Vatican II, the New Catechism promulgated by the “apostolic authority” of John Paul II, and in many encyclicals of the Vatican II Antipopes. There is no doubt that if the Vatican II “Popes” are true Popes the Catholic Church teaches that non-Catholics may lawfully receive Holy Communion. But this is impossible, since the Church has taught the opposite for 2000 years – and this is a matter inextricably bound up with Faith. Here is a table which illustrates what I’m talking about:Sign up for our free e-mail list to see future videos and articles.
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