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Wiccan "Priestess" Delivers "Prayer" for Iowa House of Representatives reports: “Blessed Be, Aho, and Amen,” aren’t the words members of the Iowa House of Representatives are accustomed to hear at the closing of the invocation marking the House’s opening ceremonies, but that’s just what happened yesterday when a Wiccan priestess delivered the prayer. "We call this morning to God, Goddess, Universe, that which is greater than ourselves to be here with us today,” said Deborah Maynard, who delivered the first prayer by a Wiccan in the assembly. “By the Earth that is in our bones and centers us, may all here remember our roots and those whom we are here to represent….. We call this morning to Spirit, which is ever present, to help us respect the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part. Be with this legislative body and guide them to seek justice, equity and compassion in the work that is before them today.” A number of Christian lawmakers didn’t attend the opening ceremony to protest the priestess’ historic invocation."... MHFM Comment: Wicca is evil, of course. The fact that this is now occurring in the Iowa House of Representatives is another byproduct of the demonic takeover of almost the entire United States.
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