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Fr. Moderator affirms that John Paul II may be Saintly
Heresy of the Week, Week of 2/04/05
By Bro. Peter Dimond
For more see: Heresies of the Week Relating to “Traditional” Issues and Persons
Some of you are familiar with “Fr. Moderator,” who is a well-known “traditionalist.” He denounces the Vatican II sect as a false church but defends that the hierarchy of this sect is still the Catholic hierarchy. He also holds that the apostate John Paul II is the Pope, even though he admits that his “Church” (the Vatican II/Conciliar Church) is a non-Catholic sect. Fr. Moderator was recently asked about miracles relating to John XXIII; his response is astoundingly evil.
Comment: This is Satanic.
“Woe to you that call evil good, and good evil: that put darkness for light, and light for darkness…” (Isaias 5:20)
To say that John Paul II may be saintly (after being aware of what he believes and has done) is like saying that Anton LaVey (the author of the Satanic Bible) may have been saintly. Only a person with absolutely no Faith, who is totally blinded by the devil and in mortal sin, would ever assert that John Paul II may be saintly after being aware of what he has done. This is such an abomination that it cries to heaven. And Fr. Moderator is fully aware of what John Paul II has done.
Fr. Moderator is a man who has clearly been used by Satan to misdirect traditional-minded Catholics. I say again: anyone who believes that John Paul II may be saintly, if they are aware of his apostate actions, is a complete heretic and an apostate. Anyone who says that JP2 can pray with all religions and allow them to worship false gods in “Catholic” churches (Assisi I and II); declare that we should not convert heretics and schismatics; agree with the Lutherans on Justification; endorse Judaism; kiss the Koran; ask for the protection of the false religion of Islam; consistently teach that false religions are of the Holy Ghost and “great”; give donations to heretical sects; teach that non-Catholics can receive Holy Communion; preside over wicked, pagan inculturation ceremonies with women who are sometimes topless; praise Luther and Calvin; and preside over the non-Catholic sect which is the Conciliar Church, just to name a few, and be saintly, is Satanic.
In other words, those who submit to God – and are saintly – do the things of God; while those who reject Christ and deny His truth are wicked and are striving against God. Those who are saintly do not perform wicked acts; they do not reject the Catholic Faith and endorse Satanic religions. Notice that Fr. Moderator, like a serpent, tries to justify his abomination by preying upon people’s ignorance. He brings up St. Augustine who was a great sinner, yet worked miracles. Does anyone not see how stupid he thinks people are? St. Augustine was a great sinner before he converted to the Catholic Faith and changed his life! The miracles attributed to his intercession were due to his saintly life after his conversion. Fr. Moderator is saying that John Paul II, while committing incessant acts of idolatry, sacrilege and apostasy, may be saintly! Fr. Moderator, stop deceiving Catholics you non-Catholic apostate.
Fr. Moderator also shows that he has no Faith – and is a complete and utter schismatic – when he rejects the “Canonizations” of the man he deems to be Pope. He teaches that the Catholic Church has defected. Notice what he says:
This is formal heresy and schism. 1) He teaches that the Church needs restoration.
We’ve conversed with many traditional Catholics who have said the same thing (the Church needs “restoration”). Many of these people were not necessarily heretics, even though they used this improper and imprecise wording, because they did not really believe that the Catholic Church has erred and they rejected the idea that a Pope could err when canonizing a Saint. They were guilty of imprecise wording. But, in Fr. Moderator’s case, he holds that the Catholic Church has officially erred and needs restoration, because he holds that the “Pope” of the Catholic Church can now give us non-Saints.
2) Thus, Fr. Moderator denies Papal Infallibility (which is exercised when a Pope canonizes a Saint); and he denies the indefectibility of the Church and of the Apostolic See.
3) Fr. Moderator also judges the Apostolic See, by denouncing as false the official actions of what he deems to be the Apostolic See (e.g., the “Canonizations” of John Paul II). He is again condemned.
This means that the solemn actions emanating from the Papal Office (the Apostolic See), such as Canonizations of Saints, cannot be questioned or denied.
For more see: Heresies of the Week Relating to “Traditional” Issues and Persons
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